Newsletter 2022-2023 Volume 11.3

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June 2022 VOLUME 11.3

“Today is the oldest you’ve ever been, and the youngest you’ll ever be again.” -Eleanor Roosevelt

True or False Hey all! Quick True or False Question!

Octopuses have 3 hearts and 9 brains. If you want to know the answer, read this newsletter to the end! ;)

Table of contents Editor's Note


Board '22-'23


Committee CoHeads '22-'23


Service Progress


June Events Recap


Camp Science Club Fair




Answer to the True or False


Editor's Note Hey guys!!<3 I hope you guys are having an amazing break! I arrived in Korea a few hours ago and it’s currently 3 am here :D I am struggling to fall asleep because of the time difference:,,,) Anyways, last month was the start of the regents week and our summer vacation, but that didn’t mean Key Club would have no more fun events or fundraisers. 😼 Since many of us now have more time to go to the events, I could see some faces that I couldn’t see much at the past events. My favorite event last month was the NYSoM Once Upon a Time event because I got to interview plenty of members there! If you want to hear about our members’ live experience at the event, make sure to read this newsletter :D Also, if you want to see some pictures from the Camp Science Club Fair, they are in my newsletter as well! We got to introduce our club to a lot of incoming freshmen that day. .:D Just a reminder, stay tuned for our July Newsletter to see the pictures from water wars (for example...the board and coheads getting pied 🙀) and hear about our members’ experience there! Also, once again, Key Club will be active over the summer, so make sure to check Shiya’s weekly emails. Look forward to our amusement park fundraiser, summer meetings, and more!<3 I am excited about my vacation in Korea, but at the same time, I am sad that I will miss a lot of our events in July.:( So you guys should attend them for me and tell me how they were through the articles.:)) Ok now, go read my newsletter.;) Enjoy!<33 Warmest Regards, Jeongwon Lee '23 Webmaster/Bulletin Editor

Board '22-'23 Shiya Lin '23

Mandy Lim '23


VICE PRESIDENT Chrissy Jung '24

Melody Jiang '24


TREASURER Jeongwon Lee '23


Committee Co-Heads '22-'23 PROJECTS

Darien Lu '25

Jessica Lin '25


Malika Toregeldiyeva '25

Emily Xia '24


Eric Leem '25

Emily Zheng '25

Committee Co-Heads '22-'23 PUBLIC RELATIONS

Sumaya Suma '24

Stacy Qu '25


Junjin Tan '24

Emily Guan '25


Ena Lu '24

Kevin Fu '25

Service Update GOAL:

11,000 HOURS

3080 HOURS

Fundraising Update GOAL:


$1534 RAISED

June Events! 6/4/22: 9 Million Reasons Evangel Food Pantry 6/4/22: MOCA - Dragon Boat Family Festival 6/5/22: Lotus’ Drums Along the Hudson 6/11/22: 2022 Liver Life Walk NYC 6/18/22: Team Wellfare - East Harlem 6/19/22: JAPAN Fes 6/19/22: Passport to Taiwan 6/25/22: NYSoM Once Upon a Time 6/26/22: Eggrolls, Egg Creams, and Empanadas Street Festival Due 6/27/22: Karmafy - Right to Play

9 MIllion Evangel Fo


On 6/4 I attended the 9 Million Reasons Evangel Food Pantry Event. For this event, we were a small group of volunteers since the MOCA Event was happening right after. When we arrived at the Food Pantry, there were a bunch of different snacks and drinks that we were free to take. I remember when I tried to stick my straw into the kool-aid-like drink, my straw ended up passing through the drink so I had to get another one. Two big jobs that we had included packing bread and sorting kale. I really enjoyed packing the bread. It smelled super nice and was a super satisfying job. We all worked together and made a relay train, somewhat. We were also allowed to eat some of the bagel/bread after! After that job we worked on sorting kale. We plucked out the yellow leaves and kept the fresh leaves. This event allowed me to grow closer with friends and get to know other members! After we finished working our shift, we were provided with lunch. The chef made us a lot of food with fresh ingredients and it tasted super good! The warm meal after sorting out the cold kale was super fulfilling. I would totally recommend other members to come to this event. :)) - Ena Lu '24

Reasons ood Pantry



Dragon Bo Fest

6/4 As someone who wants to possibly work with children in the future, I really enjoyed helping all of the kids at this event! I was originally placed in charge of the boatmaking station at the museum, and my job was to guide the children and parents who stopped by on how to make a paddleboat out of popsicle sticks. It was honestly more fun (and chaotic) than I expected, and it was really cute watching how carefully yet messily the kids made their boats! Everyone was so creative with their designs, and my favorite part was being able to lead them to the water for them to actually test out their boats!! The museum also hosted a bunch of other crafts, and I had lots of fun making zong zi designs out of clay! - Shiya Lin '23


oat Family tival


Lotus’ Dru the Hu Drum along the Hudson was an event along the Hudson river, obviously. It was located in upper Manhattan where you can peak over the stream and see the Bronx. I was late for quite a while due to sickness. When I got there, I saw many tents set up and many people walking around. There were performances and drum sounds from the main stage. People gathered down the stage. I was lost in the tents. My project captain Jessica retrieved me back to the volunteer tent. The staff provided us with some pizza slices and even chicken rolls. Our role was simple. We sent out some pamphlets with the performance schedule to people walking around. Because the work was not heavy, we were able to watch the enthusiastic dances and get distracted by the vibrant handmade products in the tents. There were some volunteers from Stuyvesant. Because we didn’t know them, the silence lasted a long time. You can sense the awkwardness in the air. When the first person decided to talk to the other school, even the staff lady exclaimed “oh finally, I thought you are not gonna talk to each other.” A lady called us to lend a hand to carry some drinks to her tent, we were actually thrilled that we are no longer useless. We then carried the drinks to her tent. And then the volunteer hours ended. - Yiwen Xu '25

ums Along udson


Liver Life Walk NYC 6/11/22 Even though I had to wake up at 6 AM on a Saturday, I am really happy I went to this event! Firstly, the people at the registration desk gave us free volunteer Liver Life Walk T-Shirts. Although only two people came from Bronx Science Key Club, the two of us got to meet Red Cross volunteers from Stuyvesant and work with them. I met a really nice person who worked with us the entire event. We were situated at the prop stand, encouraging people to take photos. We also took some photos for groups of people! Other volunteers got pom-poms and got to cheer on the people walking. All in all, it was a delightful experience volunteering today and meeting new people. - Malika Toregeldiyeva '25

Team Wellfare East Harlem


Team Wellfare was a generally smaller event that required us to help out in distributing boxes of snacks and flyers. We first helped out in unloading the boxes from a truck to the area for distribution. We were able to finish rather quickly as we all worked together as an efficient team! After a bit we were given flyers to give out amongst the two housing complexes that could apply for a Wellfare box. It was really fun just giving out flyers to any passersby and running around with other key club members trying to put them up as fast as possible. Through this event I made many new friends and grew closer to everyone that attended. Only a small group attended but it was one of the most memorable events. We left the event with new friends, a great experience, and even free tote bags! - Shawna Khuu '25

Japan Festival 6/19/22 On 6/19/22, I went to Japan Fes with 2 of my friends and it was a fun experience! We were tasked to set up tents and go around asking people to fill out surveys for the organization we were volunteering for. My friends and I had a lot of fun even though we had to stand around for hours and be stuck in the middle of a bunch of people. Although it was grueling work, there were a lot of different things you could do like helping behind the tent, walking around with surveys, and helping customers in an orderly fashion. It was an amazing experience to see so many people enjoy Japanese cuisine and bring their families to enjoy the event together. Another really cool thing was that volunteers could get discounts from the vendors, and my friends and I got free mochi cookies! It was pretty nice getting discounted food for our work. This event is really fun and I would definitely recommend other Key Clubbers to go since it’s always fun to volunteer with friends! -Danielle Lee '23

Passport to Taiwan 6/19/22 Passport to Taiwan was a super cool event! (Though I was dragged by Shiya,) I had so much fun making bubble tea at the Coco tent. I met so many new people, like graduates from our school (who were actually getting paid unlike us volunteers,) and key clubbers from other schools. We measured syrup, poured milk into cups, and sealed them shut using the machine. My favorite part of this event was making my own specialty drink for FREE! Strawberry syrup, boba, and milk were the perfect combo to quench my thirst after hours of standing. I would definitely recommend this event to everyone, because when else would you get the chance to be a bobarista?! - Hannah Kim '23

NYSoM Once Upon a Time Hey guys! Member interviews are back :)) I went to this event on the HOTTEST day(I was dying) and interviewed some of the members who attended! Let's see what they said. :D

Ena Lu '24 Q. What was your job at the event? - I served iced tea to people. I went to the market to buy ice. It reminded me of Luke because the first time we met, we went to get ice together. Did anything funny happen? - I went to buy sunscreen with Chrissy and I sprayed myself 5 times, but Chrissy told me I still got tanned. Also, George(a guy from Brooklyn Tech Key Club) showed up in a dog costume. There was someone in a minion costume and it was chubby and short and was moving like a jellyfish. What was your favorite NYSoM event so far? - The gift wrapping event! I liked it because it was in a building, so it was chill. It was satisfying to wrap gifts too.

Noah Jouvert '25 Q. What was your job at the event? - I hid dog toys for the scavenger hunt. I also helped give out flyers. Did anything funny happen? - Many kids who came up to us didn't understand English, so we had to use the Spanish skills we learned at school. Our Spanish teachers must be proud of us. What was your favorite NYSoM event so far? - I haven't been to any other NYSoM event. I went to the Christmas one, but I was kicked out due to COVID restrictions. But I would go to more NYSoM events in the future because I like volunteering.

Landin Huang '25 Q. What was your job at the event? - I help out with the scavenger hunt. compiling the papers up. Did anything funny happen? - Some people didn't understand the rules of the game. Also, some people just grabbed one piece of paper when they needed like 7 different pieces. What was your favorite NYSoM event so far? - Same as Noah. I was kicked out of the Christmas event. But that day, Kevin, Noah, and I hung out instead and it was so much fun. :)

Kevin Fu '25 Q. What was your job at the event? - I also helped out with the scavenger hunts and gave out flyers. Did anything funny happen? - When Owen was serving the iced tea, he spilled it all over me. What was your favorite NYSoM event so far? - My favorite was the Halloween one. It was my first ever Key Club event.:)

Eric Leem '25 Q. What was your job at the event? - I was assigned the star track rocket building station. Did anything funny happen? - I saw a minion and Spongebob.(people in costumes) They were fat and there were big. They were very inflated. What was your favorite NYSoM event so far? - My favorite was the Halloween one because we were inside the building.

Eggrolls, Egg Creams, and Empanadas Street Festival 6/26/22 At this event, I was assigned to help hand out and serve egg rolls and pickles at a food stand! It was super cool being able to interact with all the different buyers and learn how to serve them food! This event was memorable because it contained many people from various backgrounds and allowed sellers to express themself by sharing their cultures. I remember seeing a large variety of things being sold, such as traditional sugar paintings, cultural foods, tribal masks/helmets, and more! I would recommend this event because as volunteers we also got a free hat and t-shirt plus it was a really fun experience trying all the different foods :)! - Junjin Tan '24

Karmafy Right to Play


I had to highlight these people because omg. Look at how many points they earned. I seriously do not know how y'all did this much. LOL Good job everyone!

Tiffany Chen '25

Abigail Choi '24

Angel Dong '25

Mandy Lim '23

Vincent Li '23

Camp Science Club Fair 6/28/22

On the day of Camp Science, our coheads, members, and the board spread words about Key Club to incoming freshmen! Here are some pictures from that day :D

Shout out to everyone who came to help us! :))

Announcements /Reminders Check Out Upcoming Events! 7/9/22: Birch Family Services 5K 7/15/22: Volunteering at FABSCRAP BKLYN 7/23/22 - 7/24/22: NYC Triathlon 2022 7/27/22: Park Cleanup at Bensonhurst Park Due 7/28/22: Smithsonian Transcribing Center 7/30/22 - 7/31/22: Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival

Click on bucky to see more events on our events doc!

Sign the Petition Set! Petition Set #4: Supporting Women Rights Gender discrimination manifests itself in a variety of ways. Many women are not treated the same as men in the workforce. Discrimination is also present in the choices women make about their own bodies. To support these women, you can sign petitions regarding abortions, their health, and their safety. It's important to prioritize the rights of women because gender equality is essential for economic prosperity and we can achieve this by providing women with human rights. - Public Relations Coheads, Stacy Qu '25 and Sumaya Suma '24 Click on the poster to sign the petitions!

Petition Set #3: Tackling Domestic Violence and Abuse Domestic violence is a societal issue that affects a variety of social groups and has ramifications for both individuals and society. Domestic violence can also create long-term effects on an individual's mental health like depression and anxiety. Raising awareness about domestic abuse is vital because it allows us to fight for change and honor survivors. By signing petitions which you truly support, you will be taking action to protect your friends, family and your community. - Public Relations Coheads, Stacy Qu '25 and Sumaya Suma '24 Click on the poster to sign the petitions!

Check our Website! You can check all the upcoming events, fundraisers, and even petition sets on the main page of our website! (Click the bucky on the right) Also, if you want to learn more about what our club does, you can go to "About Us"! Link:

KEY CLUB WILL STILL BE ACTIVE OVER THE SUMMER!! Make sure to check our weekly emails to see the updates!:) Look forward to our Amusement Park Fundraiser, Summer Meeting, and more!

Answer to the True or False Quiz

True The answer was TRUE! Octopuses have 3 hearts: two hearts that pump blood to the gills and a larger heart that circulates blood to the rest of the body. Octopuses have 9 brains: one central brain and a small brain in each of their eight arms.


Thanks for reading and see you next month! THE KIWI: June 2022 VOLUME 11.2

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