Newsletter 2021-2022 Volume 10.3

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"The difference between the novice and the master is that the master has failed more times than the novice has tried." -- Ansatsu Kyoushitsu

Hello everyone!! Hope you've had a wonderful May :) June is here, and APs are finally over, so take this time to kick off the summer by relaxing! I know for sure that now that school is slowing down and the weather is getting nicer, I'll be going out a lot more. Speaking of going out, we've just heard from our LTG that the first in person event will be happening in July. Hopefully many more will follow suit. In the mean time, keep going strong with our virtual events. Even though we're entering summer, Bronx Science Key Club will be as active as ever :)) Yours in Service, Laura Pong '22

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Loretta Eng '22

William Wu '22

Shiya Lin '23



Stephen Ogunbiyi '22


Laura Pong '22









HE NRY Y U '23




















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LOOKING BA 5/1: Parasite Movie Night Members watched Parasite and raised money for Think Chinatown!

5/2: Handmade Greeting Cards Members wrote greeting cards to isolated NYC elders!

5/4: Color a Smile Members created colorful drawings to send to elders!

5/8: Create Bookmarks Members helped local students learn by creating bookmarks!

5/9: Create Flashcards Members helped teachers and students by making flashcards!

5/14: D11 March for Babies Members ran and walked with D11 to donate to March of Dimes!


ACKWARDS 5/14 - 5/15: LTC Members attended our district's annual Leadership Training Conference!

5/15: Die Cut Shapes Members created die cut shapes to help teachers make learning more interactive!

5/16: Sew Protective Face Masks Members made masks to protect the staff and volunteers and Classroom Central!

5/18: Write Notes of Encouragement Members wrote notes of encouragement to students and teachers!

5/23: Words of Thanks Members wrote letters to those effected by COVID!

5/29: Be My Eyes Members helped people with low vision with everyday tasks!


On the first day of May, I attended the Parasite Movie Fundraiser to raise money for ThinkChinatown, a non-profit organization that supports China town! I had already seen the movie, but given this opportunity, I wanted to rewatch the movie for the details in the film and how it told the story, not through just the acting, but through the symbolisms in the background. Overall, it was a wonderful experience because I very much preferred the way the movie was presented. Over a zoom call, it might seem less interactive when watching a movie, but having the chat window open and making comments as my favorite scenes played was, honestly, much better than a physical theater. Getting to see people’s reactions in chat during the suspenseful parts was very enjoyable, and getting to see the expert cinematography of the movie again made the experience all the more better. I was able to joke around with some of those there and I was able to bond with them through the sad or suspenseful parts of the story. After the movie was over and we were able to unmute, talking about the events of the movie made the experience seem more like a real theater; it had the vibes of the excited buzz after you exit the dark movie theater with your friends! From this experience, I’m definitely looking forward to other fundraisers, I suggest whoever reads this article to do so as well! :) -- Any Chen '23


The “Movie Night Fundraiser” was so much fun! It was the first fundraiser of this service year, and it was really cool seeing people from other schools there-- I even convinced a friend from my middle school to attend! The chat was fun to keep up with, and the movie itself, “Parasite”, was such a cinematic masterpiece. Despite everyone mentioning the awards it won, I don’t think I ever expected the turns that the movie took. I’m usually not good with thriller movies, and while I did have trouble walking around my house for a few days afterwards, I’d definitely say the experience was worth it! The juxtaposition between the wealthy and the poor was amazing to watch, and all of the characters were so unique. Nothing ever seemed cliche, repeated, or dull in this movie, and it was both hilarious and unsettling at the same time. I feel like there’s no way I can describe how beautifully directed this movie was, but it definitely makes me excited for future fundraisers to come!! I’m especially excited to see what future movie fundraisers will be like, especially since watching a movie with friends through Zoom isn’t the same as watching with an audience in a movie theater. -- Shiya Lin '23


I enjoyed working on the “Handmade Greeting Cards” event because even though I tend to avoid the events I have to send through mail, I still decided to give this one a chance. While I only made eight cards, I put a lot of effort into those eight and wrote a paragraph inside each of them. It took me a while to get all of them done, since I chose to line the insides as well, so I just made a simple cover for all of them and mailed it out like that. Some of the cards I made were about people’s birthdays, and I made sure to mention Mother’s Day in all of them since it was coming up in a week. I feel like we often forget that elderly people had mothers too, because they’re the oldest generation in our lives right now. I hope that everyone who received my letters got to spend some time with their family-- whether in person or digitally-- or were at least able to reflect on some good memories! -- Shiya Lin '23


Color A Smile is a nonprofit organization that distributes cheerful drawings to senior citizens, our troops overseas, and anyone in need of a smile. To participate, you can go to the Color A Smile website and print out some pages from the variety of coloring pages they have, or you could choose to draw your own artwork using their page prompts. Then, you just color the artworks and make it as colorful as possible! I’ve always found coloring to be really satisfying and calming, so participating in this event was a great way for me to destress! I used lots of bright colors so the artworks really brighten my day! I enjoyed this soothing experience and I hope these colorful pages made someone smile :)) --Ena Lu '24


I participated in the Classroom Central’s Create Bookmarks, and this event was really fun and simple! While I was thinking of what bookmarks to make, I figured origami would be the easiest and quickest, along being functional bookmarks. I haven’t done origami in so long, and this was such a relaxing activity to do while watching videos and procrastinating. I was also able to find other instructions for different styles of bookmarks as well, and they were simple to follow. It was great knowing that I can chill by making these bookmarks while some else is able to use these while they read! I look forward to participating in more events like these :DDD -- Linh Luu '23



I made 50 bookmarks to donate to students who can’t afford basic school supplies. This event was not only meaningful but also very enjoyable for me because I love crafting. :D For the first two sets of the bookmarks, I drew cute doodles on black paper and cut them into rectangular pieces, then put strings on the top. For the next set, I crocheted bookmarks with little flowers on the top, which was really enjoyable because I recently got into crocheting. :D I also made pompom bookmarks by using leftover yarns and made tassel bookmarks by using embroidery floss and paper clips. Even though this took me a lot of time and effort, I was happy that something that I did as my hobby could help the kids in poverty get the supplies they need. This was such a fun and meaningful experience because I could help the kids in our community by doing something that I enjoy. :) -- Jeongwon Lee '23


The “Create Bookmarks” event was actually one of my favorite events this year! It might seem strange that making bookmarks would be so much fun, but participating in it made me realize how easy it was to just make cards and origami throughout the day. I used to have a watercolor bookmark business in middle school, and while I didn’t paint anything for these bookmarks, it was still nice to think back on those memories as I folded origami bookmarks for this event. Since I was able to do this event almost everywhere-- during class, meetings, while watching edpuzzles, anime, and more-- it also inspired me to participate in a lot of the other events this month! -- Shiya Lin '23


On May 8th I participated in the Create Bookmarks event. This event called for key clubbers to create bookmarks to support local teachers and students. We were allowed to look at suggested designs or be creative and make our own. I was really excited to participate in this event because it sounded like fun- and it was! I put on some music in the background and proceeded to spend hours making 50 bookmarks. I took inspiration from some designs but also got creative and made up my own. In the end, I made five sets each with its own theme. The first set I created has a botanical and floral theme. The second set I made is my personal favorite and is space-themed. The third set I created is pretty simple and allowed students to write what books they’ve read on the bookmark. The fourth set’s theme is animals. This set is a bit more different than the others because it has a different style. The last set is filled with different types of fruits. I had a lot of fun with this event and I hope the students enjoy the bookmarks! -- Melody Jiang ‘24




March for Babies was a really fun event for me to do because it encouraged me to get outside and be active, and I think the event really helped provide that incentive for me. The leaderboard aspect of the Charity Miles app was one of my favorite aspects of the event as I frequently found myself looking on the leaderboard to see how many miles I had completed compared to everybody else, yet at the same time it wasn’t competitive as all of us were working on the same team for the same cause. Before I was introduced to this event, I had no idea that, especially during the pandemic, that it would be so easy to do something good while simply tracking steps that I was already taking every day anyways. I remember telling many of my friends about it too, and so I highly encourage everyone to participate in the next Charity Miles event! -- Finley Heesch '23

5/11/21 17

LTC was just a wonderful event. I loved every part of it. I was able to meet new people, learn new things and have fun. LTC was the leadership training conference. Participants attended workshops, listened to keynote speakers, and experience new things. One of my favorite part of LTC was listening to the keynote speaker. I found the keynote speaker, Mario I think, who talked about the wrong choices he made as a child especially interesting. Listening to his story really made me glad I grew up in a good environment and that I had people to turn to. Normally I get bored by speakers but Mario really captured my attention. I was listening to every word he said and just really enjoyed his talk. Overall, LTC was a wonderful experience. I met lots of new people, had so much fun, and learned so much. I would definitely go again if given the chance. :) -- Henry Yu '23


LTC was such a great experience! The website was really well made, and it felt so surreal when I was interacting with the chat, cheering on my club, others in D11, and listening to the music playing the entire time. Playfair was super relaxing and fun, and I attended three workshops in total: Club Secretaries, Motivation Nation, Key Club in the Summer. I think my favorite workshop was definitely the "Key Club in the Summer" workshop because Summer's right around the corner, and I got to learn so many new ways of keeping up with member engagement there. Everyone was incredibly friendly, and it really made me excited for the Summer activities we'll be planning! The Keynote Speaker was also so inspiring!! I listened to him talk during Fall Rally as well, but something about his speech at LTC just hit me so much deeper than before. I felt like I could relate to a lot of his struggles, and the way he related to us as students was incredible. I was tearing up a bit when he talked about the kids he reached out to and how so many of them were dejected and lost in life like he was in high school. I think that listening to him talk about how much he has changed made me more hopeful in what's to come :)) Overall, I was able to get to know so many other Key Clubbers at LTC while knowing that my friends were with me too. Throughout the workshops and Keynote Speaker, I witnessed many freshmen this year stepping out of their comfort zone and making friends. They spoke up at workshops, encouraged others, and all said that the entire experience was so fun and motivating. I'm so grateful that LTC wasn’t canceled this year so that we could all have an experience like this, and I’m so excited to see what LTC will be like next year!! -- Shiya Lin '23


Earlier in May, I attended the New York District Leadership Training Conference with numerous other Bronx Science Key Club members, and, even though it was virtual and not in-person, it was an excellent experience. We participated in multiple extremely fun activities, such as Playfair, where we were able to meet many new people and play a variety of games. We also went to three enriching workshops of our choice. I decided to attend the “Importance of the K-Family,” “How to Stand Out and Get Into your Dream College,” and “Applying to College – An Expert’s Guide” workshops. From the first workshop, I learned a lot more about the many different branches that make up the Kiwanis Family, and how they all work together. From the last two workshops, I learned more about the college admissions process and what colleges look for in a strong applicant. Along with the excellent speeches from the keynote speakers, Sergio Argueta (for S.T.R.O.N.G Youth, Inc.) and Seth Maxwell (for the Thirst Project), this conference greatly increased my enthusiasm and respect towards Key Club and the Kiwanis Family, and I am truly happy to be a part of it. -- Adam Sultan '23



I volunteered for the Die Cut Shapes event on 5/15, where Key Clubbers created packs of 32 shapes to send to teachers and students. The shapes that I created included circles, squares, triangles, moons, hearts, arrows, stars, and thought/speech bubbles. Being able to trace and cut out these shapes was a relaxing experience for me. Furthermore, knowing that these packs were being sent to those in need reminded me how grateful I am for the teachers. Many schools are unable to afford school supplies, often leaving teachers to pay large amounts for their own class supplies. And especially during this time, teachers are facing many additional struggles, leaving them even more stressed and fatigued. I hope that these shapes not only will help save teachers time and money, but that they will also be reminded that they are not alone. -- Abigail Choi '24


For this event, I sewed protective face masks for teachers and those in classrooms who are in need of an extra protective layer. I used cotton fabric sheets that I had and stretchy bands to make the masks. I went really slowly for the first few masks but I soon got the hang of it with my mom teaching me! I had a lot of fun making these masks and I hope that they’ll come in handy for people who need them! -- Rebecca Xie '23


For this event, I wrote and decorated cards for teachers and students in need of a little extra encouragement. While thinking of what to write, I thought about what teachers and students would want to hear if they were ever discouraged! I also made little decorations to put on the notes and used different colored markers to make the notes more eyecatching. I hope these notes would make someone’s day just a little better! -- Rebecca Xie '23


Words of Thanks gave me an opportunity to show my empathy towards those who struggled to go about their lives with COVID-19! Each of us were able to hand write, email, or type messages to express our gratitude and support, making this event easy to do right from home. Thinking back to our conditions a year ago compared to today, we’re finally able to slowly return to our normal lives with the help of healthcare workers from all over the world, just one of the reasons why they deserve so much recognition for what they do. A key theme that Key Club has taught me over the past two years I’ve been in this club is that a little kindness goes a long way, and sending my own “words of thanks” allowed me to remind the people who fight for us each day that we’re rooting for them. Writing these words of encouragement made me as happy as I hope it made the recipients! -- Chloe Yip ‘23


The “Be My Eyes” event was an event that I really looked forward to because it meant that I could interact with people like we would usually do in Key Club. For this event, volunteers essentially received phone calls at random times of the day where someone who’s visually impaired would ask us for help with a certain task-- whether that meant reading when an item expired or describing a picture to them. It was the first event during this virtual school year where I actually saw the direct result of my volunteering, so that was pretty exciting. While I didn’t get as many phone calls as I would have liked, it was still pretty fun talking to others and helping them out with their everyday tasks. This event made me realize how much of a privilege being able to see is, because those with visual impairments aren’t even able to see the people they talk to or check if their food is safe to eat. -- Shiya Lin '23



LOOKING F 6/5: Create Dry Erase Boards Members will make dry erase boards to help students practice handwriting!

6/6: Assemble STEM Kit Supplies Members will assemble kits to help students and teachers for their hands-on lessons!

6/12: Letters to Strangers Members will write to strangers to strengthen our communities!

6/13: Decorate Lunch Bags Members will decorate lunch bags for Meals on Wheels!

6/19: BeanBeanBean Members will answer questions to help donate to food banks all over the US!

6/20: Missing Maps Members will create accessible map data to help humanitarian organizations with their work!


FORWARDS 6/26: Charity Miles Members will run and walk to donate to UNICEF!

6/27: Ecosia Members will use the Ecosia search engine to help plant trees!


Sign our petition sets!

Made by our lovely PR CoHeads Melody Jiang '24 and Rebecca Xie '23 30

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1. Events Doc 2. Board Suggestions 3. Article/ Photo Submission Form 4. Points and Hours 5. Point and Hours Corrections



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