Newsletter 2017-2018 Volume 6.1

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KEY CLUB April 2017 / Issue 1 / Vol 6


April Edition

The Kiwi


Message from the Editor Hi Bronx Science Key Club! After countless years of service, Key Club is entering yet another service year. A service year that not only embraces caring and inclusiveness, but a service year that sparks inspiration amongst the new generation of Key Clubbers. As Key Clubbers, we leave a unique mark on the people within our neighborhoods. We’re able to make crucial decisions that allow us to make a real difference in the world we live in today. We’re able to lift the darkness that communities may fall under and shed light into a more hopeful future. Throughout our membership experience in Key Club, we’re able to draw light even in the darkest times by becoming society's servant leaders of tomorrow. In this issue of The Kiwi, you will be able to witness what Bronx Science Key Club is all about - Leadership, Service, and Character. As a club, learn how we're able to incite a burning passion of service inside the hearts of others by attending March for Babies, raising funds to give every baby a chance against infections and prematurity. Learn how we're able to build character and create a stronger connection between generations of individuals at walks like Vision Walk! Finally, learn how we're able to lead others for not just the sake of unity but for the world and planet Earth as we take initiative on Earth Day. As we enter the upcoming service year, we'll serve our communities like we’ve never served them before, we’ll lead our fellow Key Clubbers to new heights, and we’ll have the courage to do it all. Because in the end, it’s not what we do to make the future bright that matters, but the difference we make in this world that’s significant. Yours in Service, Fahad Nabi



02 Message from the Editor 03 The KIWI Table of Contents 04 Social Media Platforms 05 Presenting the 2017-2018 Key Club Board



11 Club Updates/Reminders 12 Upcoming Events 13 NY Leadership Training Conference

17 Earth Day Week



19 Service Spotlights 32 Messages from the Divisional Board 35 Messages from the New York District Key Club Board 39 Members of the Month



THE KIWI is published at 75 W 205th St, Bronx, NY 10468 to promote the objectives of Key Club International, a high school organization incorporated not for profit under the laws of the State of Indiana. THE KIWI is published monthly digitally. For questions or concerns, please contact the Editor Fahad Nabi at









Michele Chen

Fahad Nabi

President Junior

Webmaster & Bulletin Editor Sophomore

Megan Ngo

Dante Schulz

Peter Alegre

Treasurer Sophomore

Vice President Junior

Secretary Sophomore


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As Key Clubbers, we do all that we can to help our communities. Whether it's helping the homeless at a soup kitchen, children at festival, or the fight against diseases at walks, we try to help everyone. My goal this service year is to make sure you know how much your work is appreciated and to educate you as much as I can about the world and the both the positive and negative impact humans have on it. I want to bring awareness about all the negative that is taking place in the world, but also remind you that there are millions of people who are working to fix the problem. I want to give you ideas on how you can make an even bigger difference than you are already. I am so excited for this new service year and I hope you are too!

PRESIDENT 2017-18'



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Hi guys! I'm so glad to be your new Vice President for this upcoming service year. As your Vice President, I hope to make the committees in our club more active. The committees do a lot of the background work that often isn't given proper recognition. As Vice President, I hope to make the committees actual committees where they have members led by their co-heads with assignments. Let's have a great service year everyone and keep this club the best it can be!




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Hi Bronx Science Key Club! I'm going to be your club secretary for this service year. As secretary, I manage all the paperwork for our club including points. During my service year, I would like to be efficient and organized in completing my responsibilities, while also being able to get to know all of the members in our club. Also, Key club gives people an opportunity to change the world, and changing the world starts with one person. I hope to inspire a love of service, caring, and community to our club this upcoming service year.

SECRETARY 2017-18'



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Hey guys, it's your humble Treasurer speaking. Key Club is way beyond the sum of its parts. It's the members, the good intentions, and the passion that pushes this club forward. This service year I wish for our club to go beyond the goals we set for ourselves!. I look forward to all of our events this service year, because I know our members will make the most of them and strive to make a difference. I hope our fundraisers will attract more than just the members of our club, but everyone in the community to contribute to our goal. Most of all I'm excited for members next year to realize what an amazing family Key Club really is.

TREASURER 2017-18'



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As Key Clubbers, we're engaged in this mission of public service to better our communities. We learn from each other and use what we learn to pave a better pathway to our future. This is what public service is all about - Courage, Sincerity, and Integrity. As we progress into the service year, I'll be right by your side as a member and as your Webmaster & Bulletin Editor, keeping you updated with what goes on in our club. A community without service, leadership, and courage crumbles, but a society with the potential to build off of these domains is able to truly prosper. And so, as every day passes I hope to see each and every one of you changing the world one bit at a time through public service and faith in our community!



June 8th Camp Science Freshmen Orientation Submit to the NYDKC Newsletter! Sign up for a Committee! Follow us on Social Media! Submit May Articles and Photos Check out our Fundraising & Service Hour Goals on the Website! Attend Divisionals with Us: Make Friends from other Schools in Division 11!



06/03/17: Figment NYC: Love Yourself Project 06/03/17-06/04/17: World Ocean Festival 06/04/17: Drums Along the Hudson 06/10/17: TriState MG Walk 06/11/17: Bookstore Cafe Outdoor Street Fair 06/12-13/17: Celebration of Heroes, Heart, and Hope Gala 06/18/17: Egg Rolls, Egg Creams, and Empanadas Festival




March 31st- April 2nd Leadership Training Conference Albany, NY


Over the course of 69 years, the Key Club Leadership Training Conference has gathered key clubbers from all over New York to not only celebrate all of our hard work but to guide us to being even better key clubbers. During the weekend, there were many workshops that key clubbers went to. Some of these workshops include learning the jobs of secretaries, how to fundraise and donate with little cost, and ideas to help us all start the new service year. Many motivational speakers also came and we attended many award ceremonies as well as elected new officers for the upcoming year. I felt so happy attending this event. LTC has really motivated me and shown me what it truly means to be a key clubber. I learned just how much or really how big this key club is. I met so many different people around New York and it really surprises me how many other schools are also involved in helping others. At the conference, we also had an event called “playfair” the friday we got to the Desmond Hotel. Hundreds of people were all in this big room and I got to meet so many different people through this. The optimism in the room was soaring. I will never forget this conference. Not only was I able to meet so many people, I was able to get closer to so many people in the Bronx Science Key Club as well. I barely knew anyone going there but coming out, we were as close as ever. One thing I will never forget is how happy I felt. The experience was so memorable and everything was fun. From dance parties to late night prank calling, I’ve done it all during this event. Pinkey Lam






EARTH DAY INITIATIVE! Earth Day Initiative wasn’t what I expected since I thought we would be planting things or cleaning up. However when I got there all we got was a huge stack of flyers. I remember how after everyone met up and when we headed to the event, we passed Panera Bread. Some members needed to use the bathroom, after we were done, there was no one in sight. So we spent quite some time look for the actual event, and finally when we found it, we just got handed a whole stack of flyers. When we, or at least I, first received the flyers, I felt very awkward that I was going to have to approach strangers- I was intimidated. We broke into groups of 2-3 and started, at first it was super weird since most people would turn me down. After a while though, it seems that we were immune to being rejected. :) It was definitely an interesting experience and one that I wouldn’t have went through without being part of the Bronx Science Key Club! Annie Wang

Earth Day requires you to be able to initiate and open up to strangers and advertise. I remember how I approached the majority of the strangers. I initiate by complimenting them: “Out of all the flowers here, you’re the most elegant.” Following that, I continued by saying that the Earth Day event on the following Tuesday is a day where we appreciate the nature and our world, and that the most elegant flower should definitely be recognized and appreciated, referring to them. Now that I think about, it is really cheesy and embarrassing, but it definitely worked out, yay. Aaron Wu April 16th, 2017: Union Square, New York Cause: Raising Awareness for our environment and how we can take action to better our planet!


Brooklyn's Gowanus Canal Conservancy CLEAN AND GREEN PARK CLEANUP

Brooklyn's Gowanus Canal Conservancy is a nonprofit organization that works to clean up and develop Brooklyn's Gowanus Canal into a park with beauty and elegance. In this volunteer event, Key Clubbers actively worked with rakes, shovels, wheelbarrows, trash bags, gloves, and more to clean up the park to the best of their abilities. In my experience, the Clean and Green Park Cleanup had allowed me to truly connect with the environment around me. At the same time, I was able to make friends with kids from other high schools and talk about how important our parks and environment are to the next generation.





April 2nd, 2017 Gowanus Canal, Brooklyn NY Cause: Cleaning up NYC Parks & Canals for a better New York City


EASTER Â The 5th Annual

After managing the


egg race, I was

Eggstravaganza is

reassigned to the

an event hosted by

popcorn and

NYSoM, where

lemonade stand

children and their

with some other

parents come to celebrate the day

15th April

, 201


of Easter. I was assigned to be part of the activity zone, where I was responsible for handling the egg race. Each children were assigned to a lane,

volunteers. The stands were crazy as the line was

me -inco w o l by ing aster Help E : e e t s ra Cau celeb unning a n e r &r child t g up n i t t r Hun se e g n e Scav YC m, N e l r a H

really long, however, it was still really enjoyable as I learned how to make popcorn. From this perspective, I can really see everyone,

holding an egg on

including the adults,

a spoon, and they

having a great time

were to race to the

and enjoying the

end and back. The

spirits of Easter.

winner gets a really

This event was a

big egg, but those

great experience

who did not win

for me as it really

also get an egg,

brought me closer

although not as big, it’s still an egg. At the end, everyone's a winner.

to kids, as I really don’t interact them that much in other events.

Aaron Wu



April 8th, 2017 Cause: Raising Funds TO END PANCREATIC CANCER Prospect Park, Brooklyn NY

Purple Stride NYC I had attended Purple Stride with several other volunteers on April 8th. There were walkers and signs at our post, so we walked inside the park towards the tents. We initially got lost but had found ourselves together at the volunteer tent. We received volunteer t-shirts and were told to help around the check-in area where food and activities were present. We walked around and got free popcorn, tattoos, and other goods. After walking around, we found a tent that needed help. Prizes were inside large garbage bags and had to be given out to the people who had won the raffle. Whenever a person came up, we along with volunteers from Midwood High School had to locate the specific bag corresponding to that raffle number. Eventually, almost all thAlee prizes were given to the walkers. After that we had packed up the tables to be stacked. Peter Alegre


Every year, the Foundation Fighting Blindness hosts VisionWalk in multiple cities across America to help find to prevent retinal blindness and find a cure for it. Seeing people raising $3,000, $6,000, and even $10,000 trying to benefit this organization astounded me because there was just so much of Key Club represented within these people, including our core values, which include caring. These model citizens were inspirations in their communities, setting strides and paving way for people to follow in their footsteps. As VisionWalk grows larger and larger every year, it’s amazing to see how the people change from year to year. One thing I -

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remember distinctly is how we had a surplus of bananas at the end of the walk, and ended up in weird poses with them, including the iconic banana squad, and banana phone poses, with Kimberly Nee of LaGuardia High School Key Club. In the end though, I definitely feel that VisionWalk was a unique event in that it’s one of the only walks in the world where we will have guide dogs and visually impaired people walking, and not caring about their surroundings, and not worrying about bumping into anything, but living in the moment and knowing how the event would be dedicated to their research, and improving their lives. Chevy Chen

April 8th, 2017 Cause: Raising money to fund research for macular degeneration, retinitis pigments (Blindness) Flushing Corona Park, NY




April 22nd, 2017 Cause: Raising money to provide seniors with the services and supports they need Manhattan, NY


STUDENT CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION: EARTH DAY APRIL 22ND, 2017 I MORNINGSIDE PARK, NEW YORK "Don’t have a lot of time to set aside for service right now? No problem! SCA organizes single-day conservation service projects all over the country, all year long. Check here for weekend service events, alumni gatherings, training workshops, and more. Whether you’re an alum who wants to stay connected, a prospective member looking to learn more, or simply a volunteer seeking opportunities to give back to your community, SCA has you covered. See what we’re doing in your backyard and get involved!" - SCA

GET INVOLVED JOIN THE MOVEMENT Earth Day isn't just one day. Earth Day is everyday. For generations to come, our Earth serves as the ultimate home for every single person. With every boy or girl born and a person leaving this world, there's one fundamental home common to us all.

This is planet Earth. So, this Earth Day, Get Involved! Go plant a tree, create a garden, water your plants, clean up your parks - because in the ends it's our home we're cleaning up.

WHAT CAN YOU DO TO GET INVOLVED? From watering your lawn to volunteering at SCA events, you can bring your concern to life by getting involved in the movement uniting our public lands. This past year, Key Clubbers from Bronx Science, volunteered at a multitude of SCA events. By picking up branches and cleaning up the park - together - we can change the world around us. So go out! Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty, pick up any trash you see, create service projects with your friends, and most importantly have fun because when this is over - our journey to transform the world won't be. Fahad Nabi


April 29th, 2017 Cause: Raising money for HIV/AIDS Research Metropolitan Pavilion, NYC

 Design On

Helping New Yorkers With HIV & AIDS

At Design on a Dime, We helped set up everything and informed the customers about how to buy the furniture. We also helped tear down the walls of rooms that are empty. Aaron Wu


A Dime

Join us in 2018 as we celebrate New York, amazing design, and raise funds to end AIDS and homelessness.



The March for Babies walk was a walk for raising awareness for premature babies. In addition, funding for research was done through the walk. I started out by buying balloons with my friends for $0.50 each. I unfortunately didn’t bring enough money to donate, but I did manage to find two quarters for the balloons. During the walk, it was hard to stay behind for the other Bronx Science Key Clubbers since my friends and I were talking the whole time. Time really flew by as we had long and interesting conversations. Eventually after the end of the walk, we took a divisional picture which included me meeting multiple students from other schools. It was really nice for me to meet other people that was interested in involving themselves in the same events and club that I did. This was a totally new experience for me since I usually find it hard to become friends with someone out of my school, and I really enjoyed it. I really can’t wait for another event where I can meet the individuals again and become more closer to them! Victoria Jung


April 30th, 2017 Cause: Raising funds for babies born prematurely NYC


April 23rd, 2017 Staten Island, NY

Cause: Raising funds for ADA

Tour De Staten Island AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION What did you do?

How was your experience?

I went to the Tour de Staten Island event which was held on the beautiful Staten Island. It was a bike tour in which the bikers got to bike around Staten Island in the morning to take in the scenery and have a nice time. We then set to work by lifting several police blockades into a warehouse, which would later serve as a parking lot for bikes.

The fair was very fun, mainly because of the free stuff they gave out. After lifting the blockades, some of us went to the end of the block to cheer and direct riders to the finish. It was very fun cheering with my friends and hi-fiving the riders. I was then told to help out with the bike parking and I did so by handing out tickets to bikers with a code on them. When they came back for their bikes, I took the code and brought the bike to the biker. This was an experience that I won’t be forgetting anytime soon, because of the fun memories and the bonding with other members in the event.

"Fun memories and bonding with other members..."


Kevin Chan

April 9th, 2017 Flushing Corona Park, NY


The Walk For Kids Growth was my first event in 2017 and after making so many friends the past couple months of school, I decided to come to this event with my friends. I was expecting just a walk, but there were tents where other volunteers had mini games and there was music in the front with dancers. I learned more about the cause of this walk from the host of the event. The lady speaking helped me realize that there are many babies that are born prematurely which could affect their whole life and development. I had fun hanging out with my friends and making new friends. I wasn’t ready to meet kids from other schools yet due to my long hiatus from a key club event. While having fun with everyone that came, I left the event knowing more about the unfortunate situations other individuals have and are forced to live with. I realized that I am lucky to not be in that situation, and since I’m not experiencing it, I should show my support for this cause. Victoria Jung

A MARCH TO RAISE AWARENESS FOR CHILDHOOD DISORDERS At the 5th Annual Walk for Kids Growth, we helped set up, run, and clean up the walk at Flushing Corona Park. From juggling balls to tossing, I helped run many booths and met amazing children who had irresistible smiles on their faces. Seeing these smiles on these children truly brightened up my day and made me realize that we only have so much time on this planet that we ought to spend our days happy like they're our last. Fahad Nabi

The 5th Annual Walk for Kid’s Growth is a march to raise awareness for the growth in childhood disorders and the importance of early treatment and diagnosis. This event takes place in Flushing Corona Park. This event was more warm and more people attended this event. I was sent to manage the activity tent, where I was in charge of games such as throwing balls for tic tac toe, and throwing sacs. If the children win, they are awarded with lollipops. Since I was in charge of this, personally I did not get to walk the actually march, but it was still fun. After the people went walking, we had a lot of free time, so I spent it by visiting other tents. I got a lot of free stuff such as a wristband and a hat. It was really fascinating, seeing everyone I know attending the event and participating in this walk for awareness. Unfortunately, I had to leave early but I hope everyone had an amazing time at the event, and felt just how I felt. Aaron Wu


Brooklyn 5K, 10K, & 15K Race Helping The Foundation For Letters Raise Funds To Provide School Supplies for Low-Income Schools

Even though this event was really early, it was still very fun. Before the race starts, I was sent to set up fences and the finish line. When it starts, other volunteers and I were assigned to roles based on different races, As the horrible cheerer I am, I asked to be in charge of the water station, where I keep the runners hydrated with water and hydrolytes. The only problem is that I was with complete strangers who all knew each other, leaving me alone, and communicating and working with strangers is not really my forte.

"It resulted with me finding new friends, from Brooklyn Tech’s HOPE club and Midwood’s Key Club." Not only did I get to meet a lot of people from other clubs, this also allowed me to communicate with my own club, as I was the project captain of this event. Meeting people from other clubs gave me confident to talk to some of the people that I’ve never talked to around me. After the races, we were sent back to the beginning, where we hung out, while the runners were celebrating the event results. Aaron Wu


Your Divisional Board



Your Divisional Board Hello Bronx Science! My name is Eric Zhao and I am your Lieutenant Governor for the 2017-2018 Service Year. As Lieutenant Governor, I will be helping the different clubs in Division 11 prosper by giving advice as well as information from the District. I just wanted to say hello and thank all of you for being a part of Bronx Science Key Club. Bronx Science has always been such a strong school in Division 11 and I know that it will be the same this year with all of you outstanding members. Your current president Michele is great and she will take Bronx Science to new heights. BUT, remember, it’s not the board that defines the club, it's the members! Keep up the good work and keep on volunteering!

Hey Bronx Science Key Club! I'll be your executive assistant and head of the events committee this service year! You guys are my home club which means that you will see me the most. Feel free to ask me any questions you have about the division. I hope to work closely with the board this service year to make the division and or club better as a whole! As well as I would like to introduce new types of events we have never seen before in he committee. Heres to a great service year and happy key clubbing

Hey Bronx Science Key Club! My name is Brian Lee and I am your Divisional Webmaster for this year. My primary goal is to make the website a dynamic source of information. In other words, my hopes is that the website will easily adapt to new events/situations that arise within Key Club and will easily and efficiently disseminate new information to Key Clubbers. Look forward to a new website that I'll unveil by the June Divisional!



Your Divisional Board

My name is Spencer and I am your divisional secretary for this service year. My job is to help Peter fill out paperwork and to ensure that Bronx Science is on track to get the perfect paperwork award at LTC. In addition, I help the divisional board with important decisions that impact all 7 schools in D11. My goal is to not only meet the requirements of being a divisional secretary, but also to connect with each and every one of you. Key Club is only as good as the people you work with and support. I truly hope that all of you expand your horizons and meet people from all over the district. Remember that you are as important as the officers around you. You guys are what make Key Club compassionate and caring. I could not do my job without your support, so I am eternally grateful. Please take this service year to go out of your comfort zone and to help your community with zeal and commitment.

My name is Flora Lei and I am currently a sophomore. Within these two years, I learned to express my talent and to take risks. I've always had a crafty part in me and I am glad that I could portray it through Key Club. In my freshman year, I was one of the coheads for Scrapbook because I believed that I could contribute to our club by means of design and artistic skill. I also learned to take risks and escape my comfort zone when I decided that I would become more involved with Key Club on a divisional level. I am currently the Social Media Head for Division 11. My role is to keep the division updated through medias about past events, future events, divisional fundraisers, as well as promote interclub relations with the help of the Social Media Committee. I still have a long way to go before senior year, but I know for sure that Key Club is where I can grow to be a better version of myself.

My job for the 2017-2018 year is to update you guys with monthly newsletters that would inform you about the fun events we had and to hopefully encourage you to join! I sincerely hope that you guys would read the articles, for it will bring back lovely memories and you can dwell in its reminiscence. I am an Instrumental Junior at LaGuardia High School. I like reading psychology, Young Adult and manga books, which is why I want to be the Editor. I am thoroughly excited that I have the chance to provide you guys with monthly newsletters, and I cannot wait to collaborate with everyone!


Your District Board



Your District Board Hello Bronx Science! It's Fahad here! Gavin Li is our District Lieutenant Governor for the 2017-2018 Service Year. As Lieutenant Governor, Gavin has so much in mind for the next service year. As he's been Lieutenant Governor for Division 8 in the past, he has the crucial experience in what it takes to serve as an LTG. Gavin is excited that he'll be able to serve as your next LTG as he has his eyes on creating a district fundraising directory, digitalizing awards, and releasing videos about the district board including any updates, reminders, and more. With sliced bread being Gavin's best friend, he has never failed to inspire others and hopes for all the best this next service year.

Hey Bronx Science Key Club! My name is Josephine Leung, and I am honored to serve the mighty New York District as an executive assistant. I joined Key Club in November of my freshmen year and since then, I’ve developed a love for service. But it wasn’t until my sophomore year that I attended my first fall rally where I truly found the courage to engage and the heart to serve. It has been a privilege serving as the president of division 9’s Midwood Key Club where we held a successful movie fundraiser together! I’m extremely excited to see all that you will accomplish this service year. As executive assistant, I will be assisting all the Lieutenant Governors in planning their fall rally as well as plan next year’s leadership training conference. Currently, I am planning the divisional training conference with Lieutenant Governor Eric and I hope to see all of you there! If you have any questions or just need a friend, feel free to contact me at As always, happy key clubbing!



Your District Board Hey Key Clubbers, My name is Natalie D’Onofrio and I am your 2017-18 New York District Secretary. My duties as district secretary extend to each Key Club in New York by keeping track of service hours, contact information and providing information about everything Key Club related. Outside of my requirements, I assist the Lieutenant Governors, Presidents and Secretaries by informing them when due dates are coming up, important forms to fill out and motivating them to be the best Key Clubber possible. At this point in the service year, I am noticing a specific trend with this school: the Key Club of the Bronx High School of Science is absolutely amazing! This club is consistently goes above and beyond what is expected, in regards to service hours, fundraising, public outreach and form submission. I implore you to continue working hard and changing the world through service! The main focus of my campaign, for those of you that were at Leadership Training Conference and remember, was empowering every member I come into contact with. Key Club is only able to make such an impact on the world because of its outstanding membership. Members are what drives Key Club, and when members stop believing that they are “only a member”, they will understand their worth. For Key Clubbers who are not on the board, you are the people who are changing the world and I insist that you continue serving when your Key Club Journey ends!

Your District Webmaster is Dante Gil-Marin!

Hey there Key Clubbers! My name is Sherry Yu and I am your newly appointed District Executive Assistant of Internal Functions for the 2017-2018 service year. Throughout the year, I will work with committees on setting goals and trying my best to help if there are any questions. I will also remind LTGs about Bi-Monthlies and Board Reports. Key Club has become such a big part of my of life ever since I joined and I hope that you guys will come to love it as much as I do. Please feel free to message me for any questions or just introduce yourself to me because I would love to get to know you guys! I hope that you guys will be able to get out of your comfort zone and have fun volunteering at events! Enjoy your Key Club experience to the fullest this year!!



Your District Board Hello Bronx Science Key Club! My name is Chevy Chen, and I'm honored to both be a member of our Key Club, as well as serve as your District Treasurer for the 2017-2018 service year. My role as the District Treasurer basically involves overseeing all funds raised within New York District and report them back to the District Board so we can stay informed on how much we’ve raised as a district, assist in the collection of dues (both international and district), as well as being indirectly responsible for all club treasurers. Like many, I was drawn into Key Club because of its service aspect. I never dreamt it would ever be larger than a single club in school. I made friends quickly that year, and realized that there were also groups of people that joined Key Club as friends, and would only go to service events if their friends went. My advice is, even if your friends don’t go, you should go anyway. Making these friends allows you to truly experience the scope of what Key Club offers to the individual high schooler, and that is the ability to bond with the culmination of a passion for service. Basically, go to events for the service, and don’t withhold yourself for any reason at all. Experience all Key Club truly has to offer, and delight in what you can take from it.

Hey Key Clubbers, Hi, everyone! I’m Clara Lee, and I’ll be serving as your District Editor for the 2017-2018 service year. I am so honored to have been appointed to this position and I can’t wait to meet more of you as the year progresses. I know that this will be a fantastic year of service for us all, and I hope to serve you well and work with as many of you as time allows. This past service year, I served as Division 11’s Historian. As Historian, I helped immediate past LTG Kalvin Chi with the creation and distribution of the divisional newsletters. We worked collaboratively to ensure that, each and every month, an informative and visually-appealing newsletter was released to the general division. My passion for what I did as Historian, as well as the great pleasure I derived from working on a larger level, are what initially inspired me to apply for the position of District Editor. This year, I plan on forging close bonds with every Historian and offering them personal feedback/advice on their newsletters. I encourage all of you to contribute to the district newsletter. While this seem like a daunting task, I cannot stress enough how important your input and experiences are to the quality of any newsletter, and especially the district newsletter. Please send to me whatever you contribute to your divisional and club newsletters, regardless of when you wrote the articles or when the event you wrote about occurred. The newsletter exists for you and it also relies on you. What is a newsletter without the experiences and advice of passionate, dedicated Key Club members? Your words have the power to inspire and teach other members. Let’s make this service year the best yet!

Your District Webmaster is Dante Gil-Marin from Division 16!


From being shy to being audacious, Aaron has shown us how much Key Club can truly transform a person's life FAHAD NABI 39



"Kind, Caring, Amazing"


Aaron has shown in many ways why he should stand out as member of the month, and has exceeded the expectation of what it means to be a Key Clubber. Not only does he attend as many events as he can, but he also makes other people that are new to Key Club feel welcome. Even though he can be shy sometimes, Aaron has a selfless, kind personality that burns like an eternal flame. He is just simply a friendly person to be around and never afraid to meet new people. In general, Aaron has what it takes to be the ideal Key Clubber!


Wesley Mui




Kevin exemplifies not only dedication, but also passion with a smile on his face everyday MEGAN NGO 41



"Warm, Loving, Kind"


Ever since I've met Kevin, my perception of him has vastly changed. From being this timid and shy freshman, Kevin has grown into an amazing kind-hearted human being who doesn't fail to make the people around him happy. Whether it be through small talks or simply that beautiful smile on his face, Kevin brightens up everybody's day at service events and in school. He has gone above and beyond the call of service and has shown us what impact Key Club can have on a person in such a short period of time!


Fahad Nabi




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