2013-2014 Newsletter: Volume 2.1

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Volume 2 Issue 1

In this issue! New board induction ……. 2 Welcoming Address ……… 3 LTC Recap! ………………… 4 Recent Club Events ……… 5-8 Division 11 Pandas ………... 9 Key Club Quiz…………… ....10 Member Spotlight ………… 11 Credits! ……………………... 12

HAPPY KEY CLUB NEW YEAR! A Day for Tears, but Hopes for the Future

Farewell 2013, Hello 2014

By Katie Xue, Editor

Raina Wong, Dedicated Member

As the end of successful Key Club Service year approached, many felt apprehensive at the thought of the end. However, it is said that only towards the end can something new begin. On Wednesday April 3, 2013, the final meeting of the 2012-2013 Board and the inauguration of the 2013-2014 Board was held. The meeting started off with Outstanding Immediate Past President Amanda Tam giving a brief overview of her experience at the Leadership Training Conference (LTC) in Albany, NY. She also had the awards that our club won passed around the clubroom. This year, we had won 9 awards and had many receivers of the Distinguished Key Clubber Awards. The amount of cheering at LTC when we received the awards could only express a fraction of how proud our club was and how efficiently it was led by the 2012-2013 Board. The inauguration of the new board was led by the Immediate Past Editor/Webmaster Jessica Chan. While she did not particularly want to be the first to give her farewell speech, she recounted her experiences in her Key Club Career and encouraged key clubbers to be happy and to know that the Key Club experience will not end. Like Jessica, the Immediate Past Treasurer Roman Mondal gave an encouragement speech. He had even brought with him his first Key Club memorabilia that he had kept over the years. He emphasized the importance of role models and ended off with wishing the new board to be as much as a role model as his role models were and as much he hopes he was. Unfortunately, Distinguished Immediate Past Secretary Lawrence Chen could not attend the meeting. He had his speech read aloud by his successor and later created a video of himself giving a speech. While his speech was the shortest, it was bittersweet setting the perfect conditions for Outstanding Immediate Past Vice-President Jaehwi Kwon’s speech to unleash the floodworks. Although Jae’s speech was not carefully prepared, it was his true feelings that made everyone tear up. With that, Amanda wiped away her tears and came back up to the stand to give her last address as club president. Surprisingly at the end her speech, many were not in tears but were left the inspired words to continue doing good deeds. The induction of the new board was then made official when each immediate past board member had pinned and hugged their successor. A guest appearance was made Immediate Past New York District Governor Daniel Ivan Lin who had given an inspiring speech during LTC. Despite the bittersweet atmosphere in the clubroom, the 2012-2013 Key Club Service year had many successes; successes that the 2013-2014 board hope to emulate and even surpass. I, Katie Xue, along with Irena Chen, Vincent Coliccho, Melissa Lei, and Lisa Liu look forward to leading the club into further success.


On April 20, 2013 the Bronx Science Key Club held a Farewell Dinner at Sentosa Malaysian Cuisine. This event was held to celebrate a successful Key Club year, and was also the farewell celebration for the 2012-2013 board. When I arrived at the restaurant, I was a bit lost at first because I didn’t know where to go. Luckily I went to the dinner with several other members and they were able to direct me upstairs. I arrived at around 5 and there were a fair amount of key clubbers but not everyone was there. While I was waiting for everyone else to arrive, I talked to other people to pass the time. At around 5:15, everyone who was there all decided to start ordering food because we had to leave at 6:30. I ordered the roti canai, the seafood scramble egg chow fun, and Ice Kacang, and I shared this with my friend, Sophia. The food was delicious but what made the experience amazing was the time I spent with all of the other Bronx Science Key Club members. We talked and laughed about anything and everything. Group photos were taken and pictures of food were taken. There was even a journal that was passed around for members to write messages to the seniors. Just like any other key club event, class divisions between the freshman, sophomore, juniors, and seniors were nonexistent. We shared food with one another and if someone couldn’t finish their food, another person was there to finish it. This dinner really resembled one of those Christmas dinners at The Burrow where not everyone was blood-related to the Weasley family, but they all acted like one. Even though the dinner was only an hour long, I loved it because I was able to spend time with all of the members, especially the seniors. However, this event was a bittersweet moment for me because yes, I did get to spend more time with them, but it was also a big reminder to me that they were going to leave soon. Regardless of the unhappiness in the situation, the Farewell Dinner is a significant moment in my Key Club career because it is a reminder of the best Key Club year I had so far.


Bringing a New Energy to the Board Hi guys! As you know I am now your new president for the 2013-2014 year! Being a member of this club since freshmen year has enabled me to see the workings of three presidents. I hope that in this year, more voices will be heard while more members will grow as leaders; leaders that I am proud to represent during my term. I know the club is now going to have a new face because of the new board but I believe that things will improve from here on. I'm quite excited to work with you guys, excited to encounter new ideas, and sometimes even making a fool of myself during the meetings ha-ha :) I guess I can formally say hello to you all as a part of the new board! So...Hey Key Club! How do you feel?! :)

Irena Chen, President

Vincent Colicchio, Vice-President

Melissa Lei, Secretary

Lisa Liu, Treasurer

So, it’s a new service year, and it’s time to make new changes! It’s time for us to become more active in service. It’s time for us to become more comfortable around each other. It’s time for us to all come together and break off from our own social groups so that we can become a true family. It’s time for the underclassmen to shine, to get them to have more of a voice in Key Club, so that they one day will run for higher office and take more of an active role. We’ve been locked away from each other for too long, and not all of our voices have been heard. How active we are and how comfortable we feel in this club should not be dictated by our race, age, or even gender. We all like to think that we join this club for the same reason - to help out others from the kindness of our hearts, to build a stronger and better community which will hold a brighter future. Every dedicated member has that reason that will let them want to feel like they should wake up before sunrise to travel two hours to an event still, before the sun rises. But, not all of our reasons for joining are the same. We all know that some of us joined because we wanted the ARISTA credit and the community service hours. We all know that some of us joined because we know that it looks good on college applications. But, the reason for us joining eventually changes into something bigger. It transforms into a reason to stay here, to want to get more involved and passionate. We become bigger, better, people who not only begin to care about ourselves, but begin to care about the world, and those in it. And, once we get up to that point, we realize that we’ve found something that made us say to ourselves, “It’s time to begin, isn’t it? I get a little bit bigger than that; I’ll admit I’m just the same as I was. I hope you’ll understand I’m never changing who I am. Hi y’all beavers! Welcome to the new service year!! I am your secretary from this April to next April! However, I’m not writing to you as a leader, but also as a member! Because guess what? You all are leaders in your own way, and no matter what, we’re all here for the same purpose right? Service! My goal for the year is of course, not falling behind my duties, but sitting on top of them instead (literally, nah just kidding!)! My main job for you all is to satisfy you with points, and I apologize in advance if I do fall behind on the points - I will try my best not to, but with all the new events coming up, I’m not sure how fast I can update you all! But another goal of mine is to inspire you and keep you all interested in what Key Club is all about. Can I get to know all of you? I hope so! Am I scary? I hope not...well, if I come off as one, well, my bad. But I hope I’m really not! Really! When I was a freshman, it was because I opened up to the current leaders then that I’m where I’m at today. They were really fun people, and they’re still people I keep in contact today. This is the same with the seniors of my sophomore, and the seniors this year. They’re all my good friends, and they’re all a family to me. It was a family that I never expected to have when I came into this school, but I’m really glad I have them now. So, I REALLY want to get to know each and every one of you; please come to me! Let’s be the best of friends, whether you’re younger by a year, two years, three years, or whether you’re older! Join the family, and I hope to keep seeing your beautiful faces for the rest of the year, and more! :D Yay! See you soon! Hello guys! I'm Lisa, your incoming treasurer for the new service year! I look forward to working with you all to improve key club and expand our horizons! The past board has done an excellent job and I hope I don't fail any of you for the upcoming year! With that being said, if you have any questions or just want to simply get to know me, feel free to hit me up anytime! After all, we're here to be your friends and serve your needs!


Swimming Beavers in Albany? An article on the Leadership Training Conference in perspective Wendy Zhao, Division 11 Secretary March 22nd to March 24th marked the days of the 65th Annual Leadership Training Conference (LTC) held in Albany. I can honestly say the weekend of LTC was one of the most amazing, if not best, experiences this year (even though I can’t tell what will happen in the future). It changed me as a person, but most importantly, changed me as a Key Club member. On the day of, it still did not feel real that I was going to LTC. There were many obstacles prior to being able to go. I struggled with having enough points and even so, there was a situation with the school in regards to documents and O.B. passes. But, in the end, on March 22nd, 25 of us all boarded onto the bus heading to Albany. Tanvir was there to help us get our luggage and bags into the bus even though he was supposedly “in the bathroom” at that moment. Everyone was all full of excitement, no doubt. I, of course, had no idea what to expect. Thereafter, everything that happened over the next few days went by so quickly: from arriving to the hotel, unpacking our bags, sharing a room and bed (Hi Raina, Christine and Sophia!), going to dinner (which the hotel had delicious, never-ending, constantly-replenishing meals), dressing up for multiple dances (a.k.a. running to Katie and Jasmine’s room to check each other out), going to Playfair (with future faculty advisor Ms. Daly hiding her nametag and blending in as a high-schooler), crying during emotional speeches (including Jae stashing tissues for Amanda but then denying it), and bonding (location being the hallways of the hotel while running to buy ice cream before curfew hit). I loved every single moment of it. As I mentioned before, LTC was a sort of life-changing experience for me. It’s hard to explain because well, it’s just impossible to describe. That’s just how amazing it is, but I can try to put it into words. It allowed me to learn so (SO SO SO) much more about Key Club. LTC allowed me to see how much Key Club has impacted people just in the New York District, let alone all across the world. I attended workshops and gained useful leadership skills. It gave me an opportunity to celebrate a successful service year with not just people who love Key Club, but my best friends and my second family. It allowed me to take pride in being a Key Club member because of our accomplishments. Most importantly, LTC allowed me to meet similar people because we all strive to do good deeds in our communities such as Anna from Staten Island Tech Key Club. The most significant moment during LTC was hearing the immediate past Governor Daniel Ivan Lin give his farewell speech. He mentioned how his 4 years in high school as part of Key Club were his happiest years but that it was short, and so he reminded us to take full advantage of every day. This really inspired and encouraged me to be more than a Key Club member and to try for leadership roles in Key Club such as a role in our Division 11 board. All I can say is, I was and still am so grateful for having had the chance to attend the 65th Annual Leadership Training Conference (thank you Amanda! <3).



RECENT CLUB HSMSE CHARITY FLIX: WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE SUPER HERO? Amanda Tam, Immediate Past Outstanding President On April 5th, 2013, Bronx Science Key Club interclubbed at HSMSE’s Charity Flix! We were able to help raise $375, half of which was donated to the Front Row Foundation, a district project. We traveled to City College of New York and enjoyed the beautiful day while waiting for the event to start. We were able to choose from a range of super-hero movies such as The Avengers, The Dark Knight Rises, and Captain America. It just so ended up that all of the Bronx Science Key Clubbers went to watch the Dark Knight, something I found rather amusing because it just shows how much of a family we are! We were able to communicate without actually saying a word and I found the cohesiveness rather inspiring. We enjoyed popcorn, soda, and some great sound effects by some rowdy members of our club and Stuyvesant Key Club. HSMSE pulled off a great fundraiser and hopefully they will keep the tradition of holding them because not only was it a great way to fundraise money, but it was a great opportunity to meet members from our mighty Division 11.

Concern Spring Run Jasmine Quindala, Dedicated Member The Concern Spring Run took place on April 13, 2013 in Central Park. This run’s focus is to raise funds and awareness for people living in extreme poverty, hunger and disaster in different countries all over the world. This year the Bronx Science Key Club volunteered as course marshals for this event and were mostly congregated around the end of the race. Being early on to the event, I met many different Key Clubbers for the first time. For example, I met key clubbers from Brooklyn Tech Key Club like District Treasurer Alex Mok. Aside from that, I met more people within the club, specifically freshmen. We met these people while being lined up as course marshals. Our job was to cheer on the runners and to show them which way to go. Our club particularly was very loud and we saw a variety of people. In fact, I even saw two teachers from my Middle School at the run.

It was such a nice thing to see people from all ages (even babies) come out and support the cause. Many of them were all so cheerful as well and were grateful that we were there cheering them on. What really struck me was when there would be a runner struggling or looking tired as he/she was finishing up the race. As soon as we cheered, their face would light up, some said thanks, some had the motivation to continue on and even speeding up, and some gave us high fives.. Those moments made my day. It reminded me of why I was there and why a bunch of teenage kids were getting up at 6 AM in the morning on a Saturday--to help other people out and spread smiles.


Can you see me? Then you are very fortunate. Jasmine Quindala, Dedicated Member The annual Vision Walk held in Central Park occurred on April 20, 2013. This walk was to raise funds and awareness for eye diseases such as macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa, and Usher syndrome. There were tents and signs present during the event that provided more information on these diseases. Just like it was last year, this event is by far my favorite. It started off with getting free food and drinks at the food tent for the volunteers (though we had to wake up quite early). Then, we were assigned to our jobs or designated tents. The Bronx Science Key Clubbers worked at the kid’s tents, food tent, registration tent and some were course marshalls. While doing these tasks we had the opportunity to meet and interact with other key clubbers like those from HSMSE and even other clubs like the Stuyvesant Red Cross. I even had the opportunity to meet two lovely old timers who we handed water to. Throughout the event, there was a palpable energy present in not only the walkers but the volunteers as well. This energy was only helped by the variety of things that kept us entertained and hyper during the volunteering event. There were stickers and Vision Walk tattoos, which many of us proudly sported on our faces. We also blew bubbles while cheering walkers on and played mini golf or with hula hoops at the kids tent. While waiting for the walkers to come back to the finish line, some of us played football or frisbee while others danced to the music and had a great time line dancing when the song Cotton Eyed Joe came on. The amount of pizza provided for us was so abundant we probably had more than 3 slices each. When the event started to come to an end, around 12, it felt as if the whole day was spent there because of the multitude of things that had occurred. Because of the laughs, the pizza, the bubbles, the piggyback rides, the pictures, the music, the cheering, the people, and a million other things, this event is one very memorable Key Club experience.

InMotion Photography Auction Benefit Kevin Chen, Dedicated Member After having gone through the school day, we met up outside only to collectively confess that all of us did not consent to our parents about today’s activity. Here we were on our mobile cellular devices saying we would arrive home late, but not specifying today’s plans. How interesting it was, but we have good intentions. InMotion is an organization that provides services and aid to struggling low-income women through its use of donations and human resources. In the past, we have volunteered for their Story by Story climb in which we cheered on participants as they climbed at least fifty flights. However, this time we were deemed with the task of packaging framed photographs worth several thousand dollars each. With white cotton gloves, razors, packaging tape, bubble wrap, plastic wrap, and cardboard delivery boxes; we proceeded professionally with the packaging process. It was like a team exercise, in which one person would handle the photograph gently, while his or her partner set up the box and safety wrap. In the end, we had at least packaged forty valuable items whose revenue would be used to aid and educate low income women. We also moved dozens of photographs from the auction area to our packaging station. Aside from working, we were given the benefits of exploring The Sheraton Hotel on 53rd Street and enjoying its food. Prior to starting work and during our breaks, we walked around the area and fooled around safely. The Secreepertary pretended to be Solid Snake by inverting a cardboard box and hiding underneath it. Herman on the other hand hid under the table in hopes of avoiding the Secreepertary. Thinking they were cute and cool, Betty and friends mistaken their gloves as “jazz hands”. But with all enjoyment aside, we were rewarded for our hard work and dedication for staying up to 9:30pm to help out. The food was prepared by The Sheraton Hotel staff and they spared no expense. Perhaps it was their cheapest course, but the food was plentiful, balanced, delicious, and totally worth it.



SERVICE EVENTS Fun at the Family Fun Festival Terrell Merritt, Dedicated Member On April 27, 2013, 12 Bronx Science Key Clubbers met up in Park Slope, Brooklyn to assist with Puppetry Arts' Fifth Avenue Family Festival. Puppetry Arts is a non-profit organization showcasing the visual and performing arts throughout New York City. This festival was meant for the little kids of the surrounding community to be able to come out and enjoy themselves with various booths, activities, and live performances. Arriving around 8:00 am, we started setting up the booths under the direction of Immediate Past President Amanda Tam. Key Clubbers organized the prizes and game setups, while I carried the four pieces that made up the stage up a set of stairs from the Old Stone House and out to the street with some college students. To my amusement, we literally discussed the Math behind getting the stage out of the door. When the event actually started, freshman Kenji Yeoh and I were assigned to trash duty. This allowed Kenji and me to see the entire festival and all it had to offer. The second shift started and I took over the golf set-up, perhaps one of the most difficult games to win. Very few kids actually won this game, although there was one who came to my station at least 7 additional times after failing his first time. I noticed that while I was told to put the ball in the middle of the strip to make it easier for them, the aforementioned kid and many others playing purposely made it more challenging by moving the ball as far back as possible. It made my heart warm to see kids willing to take on a harder challenge and not be discouraged by a loss. The volunteer at the basketball set-up next to mine noted this, saying, “It’s a beautiful thing, when you’re so young that winning is the least important part of a game.” I left that event with the 3 freshmen who stayed until 5:00 pm feeling really good that I spent 9 hours assisting in an event that truly brought smiles to kids’ faces, and it wasn’t just the free huge bags of popcorn that Wendy Wang, Kelly Wu, and I took home with us that made me feel that way.

Food brings the Family together Timmy Zhu, Dedicated Member After helping to set up tents and volunteering at the 5th Ave Family Festival, many of our Key Club members decided to join others at a Hotpot fundraiser. With many different options like beef, lettuce, and udon, and the help of a special member, Helen Ho, the fundraiser was truly a success. However, what is a Key Club without it being unique? This event wasn't just a bunch of members sitting at different tables eating food. It was a time for socializing and for some people, exercising. With the music playing from the radio, some thought that it would be a perfect time to do some push-ups and running. Others thought going in and out of the bathroom was a good idea. Now that is pretty unique. Overall, the Hotpot fundraiser was a great replacement for the sleep that many could've gotten on that special Saturday. A fun event is a memorable event and that is exactly what this fundraiser was. Hopefully, more events like this, or even better, will be held in the future.


GOING GREEN Green Festival Sabrina Law, Dedicated Member On April 21, 2013, we went to an event called the Green Festival held at Jacob K. Javits Center. This two-day event, produced by Green America and Global Exchange, had goals to move towards a socially-just and sustainable economy. We had to be at the event by 9:45. Inside the Green Festival, there were many stalls and tents set up which resembled very much like a marketplace in the streets. Many of these stalls are related to living healthier and to help create an eco-friendly environment. There were stalls that sold healthy bars, or tools such as a blender that could make dishes from soups to smoothies to ice cream. In addition there were also stalls that sold healthy drinks, popcorn, jewelry and clothing made from eco-friendly materials. During the festival, there were also speakers who gave presentations on different stages. In the middle of the festival, Con-Edison and Ford had their own area where they talked about their own hybrid cars and gave out flyers that gave people a chance to win one of their cars. Our job was to make sure visitors threw out their garbage in the right trash can and to teach them how to properly sort out their garbage. There were 3 trash cans marked as compost, recycled, and landfill. In the compost trash can, everything that people ate or had little cups were thrown into this can or anything that had the number 1 or 7 surrounded by a recycle image on it. Paper, some plastic, utensils or objects that said compostable were also thrown into this trash can. In the recycled trash can, regular water or any other plastic bottles or cartons without the caps were thrown into this can. In the landfill can, items that couldn't be broken down or anything that could tear were thrown in there. After the event we all took a break in the volunteer lounge where they had coffee, apple juice, toast and fruits. We also went to Yaya's where we met some of the Chinatown BID volunteers for a late lunch meal.

Chinatown BID Earth Day Amanda Tam, Immediate Past Outstanding President On Sunday, April 21, 2013, Bronx Science Key Club volunteered at the Chinatown BID Earth Day, an event geared towards making Chinatown a more environmentally friendly and clean place. It started in Columbus Park, a gathering place for the Chinese community of all ages, and spread to the streets of Chinatown. We started off the morning with volleyball, fried ice cream, and a picture with volunteers from Forest Hills High School, Baruch College, and many other institutions. We cleaned up the streets, led by someone from the Chinatown Local Development Corporation, with brooms, dust pans, and gloves. The lady was asked questions by strangers and she replied, quite proudly, saying that yes, we are volunteers and we are cleaning the streets. She was not afraid of pulling some really gross litter from the murky waters that fill up the infamous potholes in Chinatown or attacking sewer grates for bundles of paper and trash bags. While we cleaned the streets, other volunteers were back at Columbus Park either planting flowers to brighten up the environment or leading activities that taught subjects about the environment. The message that we sent to the community was that teenagers of the current generation still care about the cleanliness of the worn streets of Chinatown and are eager to commit their time to making Chinatown greener and less stinky.



DIVISION 11 PANDAS April Divisional Aaron Cheung, Executive Assistant Divison 11

Letter from Immediate Past LTG Hello Bronx Science Key Club! For those who do not know me I am your immediate past Lieutenant Governor for Division 11 Key Club, past Division 11 Executive Assistant, and past Projects Committee Head. Division 11 is comprised of all the Key Clubs in Manhattan and Bronx; this includes our neighbor Dewitt Clinton High School and Stuyvesant High School. Instead of a farewell message I decided to make this for those members whether you’re very active or not. In every club there are members, these members are the sole reason why the club is where it’s at. I’m sure most of you are aware that the members are the most important part of a club, but I want to inspire you. If you feel like you’re qualified to be at a certain position in office then go for it. Even if you’re just a member going against a Secretary, there are only new possibilities to explore. I want to make this short and sweet so moral of the story don’t let anyone prevent you from reaching new heights, as Nike has said over and over again “Just do it” you got nothing to lose if you do try. If you don’t succeed the 1st time, make yourself an even more worthy of a candidate next time by doing more service or taking part more. You’re always welcomed to share your ideas, because in Key Club you’re not just any other member, you’re pretty much family. If anyone needs any help I’m still a junior so I got another year. Yours in Service, Herman Li

Members of Bronx Science Key Club attended the April Divisional Meeting at Hunter High School. Divisional meetings are hosted by our Lt. Governor, Lillian Xie. All clubs within the Manhattan and Bronx area congregate every month to discuss past events and future activities. Key Clubbers have the opportunity to learn more about Key Club. The best part about a divisional is that it provides an opportunity to meet Key Clubbers from other schools and to build new friendships and bonds. I had been anticipating the April divisional for several weeks. I, among many others, awaited the presentation of the Distinguished Key Clubber award (DKC). The DKC is given to members who have gone above-and-beyond their duties as a member. In addition to greatly serving their home, school, and community, they also inspired others to do the same. I recall the tedious amount of work to fill out the 5-page application for the award. However, as many would agree, it was definitely worth it in the end. Congratulations to Bronx Science members that received the award: Jessica Chan, Thomas Chan, Amanda Tam, Irena Chen, Lawrence Chen, Aaron Cheung, Kenny Eng, Tanvir Islam, Jaewhi Kwon, Melissa Lei, Christine Lim, Qin Lin, Lisa Liu, Roman Mondal and Jasmine Quindala. There was a second reason why I have been looking forward to the April Divisional. I applied to become the Executive Assistant of the new board. When it was time to announce the new divisional board, my heart started racing as I became anxious for the results. I started thinking about all of the conceivable reasons that could have precluded me. I thought about my application. Did I poorly word a statement? Would my lack of anterior leadership positions be a limiting factor? How about my interview? These thoughts raced through my head as Lt. Gov. Lillian Xie began announcing the new divisional board. She presented the new Historian, Morad Hassan from Nest+M.She announced the new secretary, Wendy Zhao. When it came time for Lillian to present the Executive Assistant, I became frightened. As soon as she said, "As annoying as he might be, this person goes out of his way for Key Club," I knew that I had won. I took a deep breath and a wide smile shined on my face. Why did you apply for EA? I did not apply for EA to improve my resume or impress colleges, but to help serve my home, school and community. I was heavily inspired by our immediate past club board. Whether it was by example or encouragement, each one of them have impacted me in some way. Without their guidance, I would not be who I am today. What is the job of the EA? The EA, in simple terms, provides assistant to the executive officer. However, he/she is also assigned other jobs as well, such as developing and regularly maintaining the divisional website. More importantly, the Executive Assistant is the chair of the Divisional Events Committee, which is responsible for creating division-wide events.

Let’s March for Babies!: walking for March of Dimes Kenji Yeoh, Dedicated Member It was a fine and sunny Sunday. I had first arrived to a meeting point in front of a Starbucks Cafe in the middle of Manhattan. I brought with me a poster with my club’s name on it. It read “Bronx Science Key Club.” Once everyone was present, the whole club walked towards the area where the starting point of the March of Dimes Walk was. When we arrived, there were people everywhere. The stage in front showcased some amazing talented people such as singers and cheerleaders. At this point, we were waiting for the entire Division 11 of Key Club. When the division arrived, we took a group picture. In some of the pictures, some cheerleaders actually posed and were included in the picture. There were so many people from Division 11, I was surprised we were able to get the whole group picture quickly. Soon, after the picture, we headed towards the crowd and got our bibs on. Then, we walked. The place was crowded and we managed to get some nice gifts such as a cool collapsible water bottle, which became my companion for the walk. Two Key Club members, one from Bronx Science, and another from Stuyvesant by the name of Hyeok, had balloons tied to their back and held up the sign I had mentioned before. It was hilarious and amazing at the same time. In the middle of the walk, I developed a new form of walking where it was like a crouching duck walk. Only until later did I realized that I was followed by the vice president Vincent, and my friend who is also in key Club, Timmy! We walked for around four miles until we reached the finish line. From there on, a group of us went to Chipotle for lunch.


FUN & GAMES  Which Key Clubber are you most like? Take the quiz to find out! Roman Mondal, Immediate Past Treasurer Choose one answer for each question. Keep tabs on the letters that correspond with the answer you chose, then in the end tally them up to see which letter you chose the most. The Key Clubber that corresponds with that letter is who you are most like. Letter Key on last page of newletter.

1. What is your favorite food? Vegetables Ice Cream Clementines and fruit Computer Chips Meat and MSG Halal food

[A,K] [G] [B] [F,H] [C,D,E,J] [L,I]

5. Favorite Pokemon?

9. Favorite Event? [D,E] [A,FK,] [B,C] [G,J] [I,L] [H]

Charizard Pikachu Squirtle Mudkip Pidgeot What’s a Pokemon? O_O

Vision Walk JCC Wrap It Up Jumpstart Kids Walk for Kids with Cancer EVERY EVENT!

[B,C,I,J] [D,E,K] [A] [L] [F,G,H]

8. Hobby? 2. Where would you want to live?

6. Favorite Type of Movie?

Forest Hills Elmhurst Flushing Morris Park East Queens Astoria

Sci-Fi Romantic Comedy Action Comedy

[A,F,K] [C,J,K] [E,L] [G] [B,D] [I]

[F,H] [A,B,E,K] [C,DI,L] [G,J]

7. Favorite Subject? 3. Are you a girl or a boy? Boy Girl Man *_* 70% Boy 30% Female None of the Above Brown

[F,J] [A,E,K] [B,C] [D,G] [L] [I,H]

4. What kind of hair do you have? Loreal Model Hair Anime Hair Spiky Asian Hair Normal Human Hair (y) Dat Afro


[A,E,K] [L] [B,J] [C,F,G,H] [D,I]

AP Environmental Science AP Citrus Studies AP GYM HONORS SLEEPING BED Photography AP Ice Cream AP Computer Science &Java Bollywood Appreciation Free AP Phineas and Ferb Lunch

[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L]

Walking Barefoot Eating Celementines LoL Playing Pokemon Studying Sadly Photography Ice Cream (y) Computer Tech Playing Mariokart Being a Happy Panda Crocheting Being Skinny

[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L]

10. Favorite Club? Key Club (y)


[A,B,C, D,E,F, G,H,I,J ,K,L]

< Bronx Science Key Club

MEMBER SPOTLIGHT monthly recognition to Key Club Extraordinaires

In a club as large as our own, it is important to recognize those who are dedicated, and those who go above and beyond the call and role of a member. That is why it is vital we recognize a familiar face in the crowd during various Key Club meetings and events. For the Month of April 2013:

Bronx Science Key Club Board

ROXANNE CHU Dedicated member since 2009

Amanda Tam, IP President

Roxanne is my twin in key club. Without key club, I would have never met her or built such a great friendship with her. We are backwards hats, tuck-in-shirt, loud-as-heck buddies; eager to excite members to serve. I am so grateful for her hard work with the traditional scrapbook and she did a really amazing job. Only a keyclubber with the best heart could have portrayed the ideals of kc perfectly. Roxanne is a super slug keyclubber role model. Roxanne is one of the friendliest people I know. She is such an easy person to talk to about anything and is always up for a hug. Her bright smile and cheerful personality can always make your day and I'm honestly going to miss her so much.

Thomas Chan, Dedicated Member

Roxanne is a mother to us yet also a bro. She always goes out of her way, lending her helping hand out towards us does whatever she can to make our lives easier, all while maintaining the bro ideology. Roxanne is an amazing person who works really hard. She's such a motherly figure, nice, understanding, and caring. I really like how she's always willing to help people. She's a great friend, person, and someone I truly respect!

Kevin Chen, Dedicated Member

Connie Liang, IP PR Co-Head

Box has always been a supporting friend and member. It was great being part of the Scrapbook project with her and Melissa at the lead, as well as telling her about all the ridiculous whims I had to say." (: For all the time I've been in Key Club, Roxanne has been a mom to me. I can think of no better member that was inspiring ď Š


Jasmine Quindala, Dedicated Member

Write your experience with Roxanne

William Yu, Dedicated Member



April Overview

Key Clubber Letter Key:

Sophia Yu, Dedicated Member

A: Amanda B: Jae C: Lawrence D: Roman E: Jessica F: Kevin

G: William H: Mahamitra I: Tanvir J: Thomas K: Roxanne L: Wilson

Mini Letter from the Editor: Hi all and thanks for reading. The newsletter was more work than I first expected, but putting it together was a lot of fun. I enjoyed reading each article and gained nostalgia if I had went to that event as well. I hope more articles keep on coming it. It really shows the amazing experience and feelings we get serving our community and spending time together. Until the next newsletter!

The Newsletter Staff Katie Xue Editor Connie Liang Immediate Past Public Relations Committee Chair Qing Lin Immediate Past Public Relations Committee Chair Valued Contributors: Kenji Yeoh, Amanda Tam, Jasmine Quindala, Raina Wong, Sabrina Law, Terrell Merritt, Aaron Cheung, Herman Li, Wendy Zhao, Timmy Zhu, Kevin Chen, Roman Mondal, Sophia Yu Thank you so much for submitting to the newsletter. Do not think I did not appreciate your work if it did not appear in this issue. All other articles have been submitted to the divisional or district newsletter. It has gone on, so look out for when those are released! ď Š

Email us @ bxsciencekeyclub@gmail.com

Visit us!: bxscikeyclub.weebly.com

BOARD 2013-2014 IRENA CHEN Club President VINCENT COLICCHIO Vice President MELISSA LEI Secretary LISA LIU Treasurer KATIE XUE Editor

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