Choosing a Target Market One of the most powerful strategies a business can adopt is to focus on a specific target market. A target market is a specific industry, function, demographic group, geographic area, or group of people sharing common psychographic interests. It is not easy for most entrepreneurs to choose to focus on a niche. There are three reasons for this. First, many business owners have the attitude that they can handle anything that comes their way. They seem to thrive on take taking on any client, and any situation. They would rather be brilliant and heroic than be successful. Second, it is hard, and even scary, to focus. Focusing means you have to go deep into the issues and problems of specific market, and become an expert not just in your specialised field, but also in solving the problems of a specific group of people. It means saying no to work from clients too far outside your market. It means making a commitment! Third, there is something comforting in not focusing. By not focusing, you have an infinite number of potential clients. Everybody's your target market! Unfortunately, as you will soon see, this situation only provides the illusion of comfort. It turns out that, by choosing a target market, you reduce the number of potential clients and increase the number of actual clients.
The Cost of Not Choosing a Target Market 1. Your marketing efforts are shotgun and expensive. If your target market is “everyone�, you need a huge marketing budget to reach them. 2. You have to reinvent the wheel with new projects. Without a clearly defined target market each new client will need a customised solution. Successful businesses develop solutions that are 80% repeatable and 20% customisable to a specific industry or sector. 3. Your positioning in the market is weak. If you are attempting to be all things to all people your marketing message will be vague and diluted. For example what is more memorable: