REWORK JASON FRIED INTRODUCTION FIRSTThe new reality TAKEDOWNSIgnore the real worldLearning from mistakes is overratedPlanning is guessingWhy grow?WorkaholismEnough with "entrepreneurs" GOMake a dent in the universeScratch your own itchStart making somethingNo time is no excuseDraw a line in the sandMission statement impossibleOutside money is Plan ZYou need less than you thinkStart a business, not a startupBuilding to flip is building to flopLess mass PROGRESSEmbrace constraintsBuild half a product, not a half-assed productStart at the epicenterIgnore the details early onMaking the call is making progressBe a curatorThrow less at the problemFocus on what won't changeTone is in your fingersSell your by-productsLaunch now PRODUCTIVITYIllusions of agreementReasons to quitInterruption is the enemy of productivityMeetings are toxicGood enough is fineQuick winsDon't be a heroGo to sleepYour estimates suckLong lists don't get doneMake tiny decisions COMPETITORSDon't copyDecommoditize your productPick a fightUnderdo your competitionWho cares what they're doing? EVOLUTIONSay no by defaultLet your customers outgrow youDon't confuse enthusiasm with priorityBe at-home goodDon't write it down PROMOTIONWelcome obscurityBuild an audienceOut-teach your competitionEmulate chefsGo behind the scenesNobody likes plastic flowersPress releases are spamForget about the Wall Street JournalDrug dealers get it rightMarketing is not a departmentThe myth of the overnight sensation HIRINGDo it yourself firstHire when it hurtsPass on great peopleStrangers at a cocktail partyResumes are ridiculousYears of irrelevanceForget about formal educationEverybody worksHire managers of oneHire great writersThe best are everywhereTest-drive employees DAMAGE CONTROLOwn your bad newsSpeed changes everythingHow to say you're sorryPut everyone on the front linesTake a deep breath CULTUREYou don't create a cultureDecisions are temporarySkip the rock starsThey're not thirteenSend people home at 5Don't scar on the first cutSound like youFour-letter wordsASAP is poison CONCLUSION Inspiration is perishable