2022! 2022!

Jungle JJam ungle Jam Zine Zine

By late afternoon we had over 70 leaves on our ‘Banksiatown’ tree. We had an incredible time meeting all of you and we hope you enjoy leafing through this compilation of your creative contributions!

Special thanks to gardening legend, Costa Georgiadis, for illustrating & adding a leaf to our tree.
Jungle JJam ungle Jam
Outloud was privileged to host a zine workshop at Bankstown Art Centre’s Jungle Jam Festival. So many young artists come along to illustrate & write about the importance of trees to our environment, well-being and communities.
Jungle JJam ungle Jam

Amplifying local voices social impact artworks empowering young people award-winning projects www. .org.au Follow Outloud: @outloudarts Outloud arts Outloud get involved with our projects here: