BYPIAS Sustainability_English

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For us at Bypias, sustainability is an important success factor. Our long term goalis to operate in a sustainablemanner and keep our company’s finances in good shapeto enable us to takeresponsibility of both our society and our environment. We havedefined our company's ethical values and practices and developed a corporate sustainability strategy. In recent years, we have invested heavily in ensuring this strategy is implemented and monitored. We feel that with oursustainability program, we can operateconvincingly and securely as we network and grow at an ever accelerating pace, both domestically and internationally. We haveinvested in embedding our sustainability strategy into the day to dayoperations ofourcompany and aiming to ensurethat oursustainability program genuinely strengthens ourorganization and operations.


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Our “360 Sustainability”strategy respects thewell being of the environment, humans and animals and covers the entire life cycle of a product, from raw materials through production to disposalafter use. According to it, we commit ourselves and demand that our partners respect human rights so that equality for workers is achieved. We also demand respect for animal rights. We demand that our subcontractors respectthe environment and operate ecologically and commit to sustainableproduction practices with us.

Environmental sustainability

At Bypias, we implement our environmentalsustainability plan in all our company's operations and usenatural resources, energy and materials sparingly and efficiently. We monitorthe carbon footprint of our operations.

Through our climate change, we havebeen able to systematically reduce our CO2 emissions, both for our own operations and for our production chain.

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At Bypias, we implement our environmentalsustainability in all our company's operations. Weuse natural resources, energy and materials sparingly and efficiently. In order to meet tighteningenvironmental requirements, we are actively developingnew materials in line with sustainabledevelopment and utilizing new environment friendly technologies so that our requirements for the efficient useof water

Carbon footprint


Packaging and transport materials

To transportourproducts from the manufacturers to the warehouse, we use packagingmaterials that are completely reusableand recyclable. To reduce the amountof waste, we have introduced pallet transports, wherethe products are transported completely without packaging These pallet transports areused, for example, for trade fair transports. In addition, weutilize the useof reusable nonwoven sacks to transport products between warehouseand stores. We pack e commerce deliveries in plastic bags made of renewable or recycled materials. Last year, we added marketingmeasures to encourage our e commercecustomers to order e commercedeliveries to be picked up from our stores. This allows customers to try the clothes on before makinga purchasedecision This has reduced the return percentage of products as well as the carbon footprint of mailing products. In the stores, we pack the products in paperbags madeof renewable or recycled material, in which the products are protected with protectivepaper made of renewable or recycled material. With these measures, we havebeen able to reduce the use of packagingand transport materials while increasing the volumeof our operations.

We actively monitorthe environmentalimpactof ourwaste. Although the volumeof ouroperations is growing rapidly, we aim to continuously reduceour waste and the environmentalimpact it causes. Through our actions, we have been able to effectively reduce the amount of ourwaste and the resultingCO2 emissions. We havechallenged ourselves to develop new waste reduction measures Someactions to mention; Ouraccounting is completely paperless. We reuse all the textile cutting waste for the production of hair donuts and other small products, forcraftsmen to makea living and for kindergartensas craft materials. We direct all defective products and production batches as such for reuse to charity.

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All furniture in our stores and all other furniturein ourcompany's premises are made of recycled materials. All ourcompany's printed products such as catalogs, labels, etc. are domestic. They are made from Finnish raw materials in Finnish printinghouses.

Customer Furnitureresponsibilityandprintedmatter

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We at Bypias make every effort to encourage ourcustomers to be responsibleand to reduce their environmentalimpact. We encourage ourcustomers to extend the life of their clothes by maintaining and washing them in accordance with the care instructions. Ourwebsite has material descriptions and detailed product care instructions. All our clothes are resistantto water washing so that environmentally harmfuldry cleaning is not required. The consumercan also reduce the environmentalimpact of the clothing he or she buys, e.g. usingan eco labeled and phosphate free detergent and avoiding the use of a tumble dryer. We encourageconsumers who shop in our online storeto order the items to ourlocal stores, in which they can try the clothes on they have ordered before makinga final purchasedecision. Thereby, we avoid the back and forth mailing associated with exchanging products, while allowing customers to contributeto reducing the climate footprint associated with packagingand shippingproducts.

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Estonian manufacturers havedeveloped and grown with us. Together with them, we have agreed on rules that are in line with our ethical values and we follow their actions like our own. We monitorthe activities of our Estonian manufacturers by meeting them all at least every other week.

Re-use and return

We maintain the BYPIAS Second Hand Facebook group, a second hand marketplace, where consumers have the opportunity to recycle BYPIAS clothing that they no longer use.

In Italy, we haveconcentrated ourproduction on a smalllimited numberof northern Italian manufacturers, with whom we haveestablished a long standingpartnership and whoseactivities are supervised by our local production manager. All our Italian manufacturers are SMETA 4 Pillar audited and havereceived no remarks in the evaluation of any aspect of ethics. Cooperation with the Italian manufacturers has continued uninterrupted with each manufacturer since its inception.

Bypias'production is sustainableand responsiblethroughout theline. This means that manufacturers do not use chemicals that are harmful to the environment and that the working conditions of manufacturers are safe, and the rights of their employees are respected. We have long and lasting cooperativerelationships with every manufacturer. BYPIAS garments are largely manufactured domestically and in the surrounding areain small factories. We have been cooperatingwith the manufacturers of Estoniasince their establishment. Wehave been involved in setting up the manufacturers for ourlinen products in Estonia, with which we have been cooperating since their establishment and this cooperation has continued uninterrupted ever since. Our knitted and tricot products are also sewn by an Estonian manufacturer, which we havebeen involved in setting up and with which our cooperation has continued ever since.

Sustainable production chain

The raw material of the BYPIAS Bamboo collection is 93% bamboo, 7% elastane. Bamboo knitwearis a sustainablematerialthat is made from yarn into a finished product in Estonia. Bamboo is a fast growing and organic reed plant. It regenerates naturally and does not require irrigation, fertilizers or pesticides. The bamboo plant binds carbon dioxide very efficiently and at the same time produces a lot of oxygen. Bamboo fiber decomposes and lands quickly. We use OEKO TEX Standard minimum 100 class 1 certified materials in the manufactureof ourBYPIAS products. This ensures that the products do not contain harmful chemicals and are safe to useon clothingintended to come in direct contact with the skin.

The merino wool, mohair, cashmereand alpaca fibers of our knitwear come mainly from New Zealand, where legislation on the treatment of all animals producing animal fibers, such as merino sheep and mohairand cashmeregoats and alpacas, is strict. The painful mulesing procedure is prohibited. In addition, the production of merino wool, mohair, cashmere and alpaca yarn manufacturers meets the requirements of OEKO TEX Standard 100.



We know and monitorthe origin of the raw materials used in our products, theircultivation and production processes to ensure that our products are produced in accordance with our ecological and ethical principles. We aim for the smallest possiblecarbon footprint in our production and use certified materials.

The core product of our BYPIAS brand is linen, which is made from raw material into yarn in France, a low risk country. Ourflax fiber comes from the EU and is European Flax certified. The yarn manufacturerbelongs to the Masters of Linen organization, which guarantees e.g. the fact that the flax fiber in ourproducts is GMO free has not been produced using irrigation or chemicals that are harmful to the environment orhealth. It is completely degradableto nature. The producersinvolved in the manufactureof our linen products each comply with the legislation of their own country. To ensure this, the entire production chain complies with the European Chemicals Regulation, REACH. It ensures that no harmful chemicals are used at any stage of production. BYPIAS linen is madefrom yarn into fabric and from there into finished products in the nearby Baltic region Bohemiana linen garments and Essentials linen knitwear are made in Italy

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Animal fibers


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Products of our own interiorbrand and other companies’ brands

In addition to linen, the materials of Bohemiana and Perfect Jeans are mohair, silk, viscose, cotton, and their mixtures with each other and with syntheticfibers such as elastane and polyamide. You can find out detailed information of the materials used in our products, as well as the care instructions for each material.

Interiorproducts haverecently joined our sales range as we were looking for products to furnish and decorate our stores. Our homefurnishings range includes old vintage items, wood, rattan and bamboo products and furniture, as well as linen, wool and jute textiles, which are handcrafted by two smallfamiliar family owned companies, textile products at one company and other homefurnishings products at anothercompany in India. Our interior range also includes products from othercompanies'brands, which are handcrafted smallinterior decoration products madein Indonesiaand cotton textile products made in Greece. Oursales range also includes a few carefully selected and thoughtfully selected products, shoes and accessories from other companies. They are made in Italy and, with the interior products, they complement our relaxed harmonious hygge styleproductrange.

Other clothingmaterials

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At Bypias, social sustainability covers ourown staff, as well as all the people we affect during the life cycle of our products, from raw materials to finished products all the way to their sale and use. We carefully select the manufacturers of our products so that the workingconditions in their production facilities are human and safe and that the rights of their employees are respected. We encourageour manufacturersand other subcontractors to price their products so that they receive such a good price for their products that they can guaranteetheir employees a living wage and other workingconditions in accordancewith ourethical guidelines. We havezero tolerance for child laborand forced labor, we do not accept illegal overtimeand we do not compromiseon safe workingconditions. All our products are manufactured in production facilities with which we have been cooperating for a long time. Thanks to a long lastingrelationship with each manufacturer, it is easy for us to regularly monitorthatthe manufacturers comply with the mutually agreed regulations in accordance with our values. We focus our manufacturingon a limited number of subcontractors and demand similar activities in line with ourvalues from all parties involved in the manufactureof our

Corporate social sustainability


open work atmospherewhere every member can makean impact. Our operations are overseen by AVI and we guarantee that our employees are legally protected, well compensated for the work they do and have safe and healthy workingconditions. We treat our employees equally and thanks to our light hierarchy, communicating with ouremployees is easy and effortless.

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