Aquaculture Technology | Engineering | Consultancy Progressively Serving the Aquaculture Industry
In Ireland, our team consists of 100 civil and marine engineers, environmental experts, surveyors and technicians at Cork, Galway, Dublin and Belfast.
This team includes some of the industry’s top experts to help you navigate this industry, whether you’re setting up a new site or trying to make an existing farm more efficient and productive. Our engineering-based consulting services provide the know-how, insight and experience for every phase of a project, from concept to harvest.
Under the Fisheries (Amendment) Act 1997, Aquaculture a License is required for engaging in aquaculture activities in Ireland.
We provide services that include licence applications, public notice co-ordination, public submission responses, appeals and responses to the Aquaculture Licensing Appeals Board, and aquaculture and foreshore licence execution.
Our team can provide a range of technical services, including site identification, site surveying, mapping and GIS, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Appropriate Assessment (AA) and Natura Impact Statement (NIS), predictive modelling, dispersion modelling and assessment, and feasibility studies of alternative technologies.
At Ayesa, we partner with our clients from start to finish, and we provide innovative best-in-class solutions.
We combine local presence with global best practice to progressively serve the aquaculture industry in Ireland and the UK.
> Oyster trestles, trestles and long lines
> Cage Farms
Our marine and coastal expertise is valuable to clients for both onshore and offshore projects. Our multi-sectoral experience in aquaculture, environmental, and marine engineering provides innovation, practical experience, and operational excellence for our clients.
We provide dedicated support to our clients, from one-off site applications to large scale aquaculture developments, both on and offshore.
> Site identification
> Concept & Design
> Layout design & mappings
> Landing infrastructure design
> Site surveying & mapping, GIS
> Sediment analysis & modelling
> Predictive, dispersion modelling
> Sustainability & resilience
> Alternative technologies feasibility
> Marine infrastructure
> Navigation Risk & impact assessments
> Alab appeals & responses
> One-off site applications
> New, renewal and review applications
> Aquaculture & foreshore lease licence application
> Appropriate assessment (AA) and natura impact statement (NIS)
> Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
> Project Management
> Construction supervision
Services we provide: keeping your business running smoothly and efficiently.
Multidisciplinary Engineering Consultants
Ayesa has 12,000 employees working on projects in 23 countries producing 649 million euros in turnover in 2022. Ayesa is ranked #44 in the Top 225 engineering firms of the world (ENR 2023). As the international english-speaking hub for Ayesa, with 13 offices across Ireland, the UK and the Middle East, our teams provide engineering and design multidisciplinary services across a variety of sectors including marine and coastal, geoscience, buildings, transportation, energy, environment, water, flooding, waste management, and conservation. In Ireland, we are an employer of choice, we are a platinum Deloitte Best Managed Company and in the UK, a Top 10 Ground engineering consultant (Ground Engineering Magazine 2022).
Local Teams
Our local offices in Ireland are located in Dublin, Galway, Cork and Belfast and we have been working closely with aquacultural businesses and marine and coastal projects over the past two decades.
We provide engineering and design consultancy services across various sectors marine and coastal, geoscience, buildings, transportation, energy, environment, water, flooding, waste management, and conservation.
Supporting the Aquaculture business across the Full lifecycle
We offer a wide range of fisheries consultancy services tailored to the Aquaculture and Commercial Fisheries industry. These include the provision of environmental assessments and compliance monitoring assessments.
The engineering behind aquatic production facilities draws on multi-sectoral expertise including: marine engineering, building design and construction, geoscience, mechanical engineering and environmental engineering.
Through our connected network across the UK, Ireland and the Middle East, we provide high quality, timely and cost-effective engineering, consulting and project management, saving clients considerable amounts of money and time by delivering practical, value-driven solutions.
Aquaculture - a sustainable food source
Aquaculture is a strong, sustainable, strategic asset for development and job creation.** Ireland and the UK has led the world in organically certified farmed fish for over 30 years and the UK is one of the major aquaculture nations in Europe. The Carbon Footprint Report of the Irish Seafood Sector found that carbon emissions for the sector are just under 400,000 tonnes of CO2 – less than 2% of those produced in other key food sectors. This number includes the emissions for both farmed and wildcaught seafood. Farmed mussels (rope-grown), oysters and wild-caught mackerel in particular, have been shown to have very low carbon emissions*
In July 2022, The Irish Government announced approval for a scheme which will provide €20 million in funding for capital investments to accelerate the sustainable growth of the aquaculture sector.
Ireland’s marine farms occupy 0.0004% of Ireland’s 17,500km2 in-shore area, leaving potential for the growth of this sector. Scotland’s aquaculture industry represents a significant industry for the UK, producing over £500 million per annum.
* Carbon Footprint Report of the Irish Seafood Sector 2023 (Bord Iascaigh Mhara BIM)
** Foodwise 2025, National Strategic Plan, Seafood Operational Programme 2020, FAO, European Commission, European Investment Bank, Harvesting Our Ocean Wealth, Silicon Republic, CEDRA.
Talk to our experts:
+(01) 456 4370
Ayesa is a global engineering, technology and consulting services provider with 11,000 employees, 23 locations and 630 million euros in revenues in 2022. Ayesa is ranked #45 in the top 225 engineering firms of the world (ENR:2022). Ayesa provides engineering & consulting services for government, semi-state and
Clients: Quality:
Ayesa is part of Ayesa, a global engineering, technology consulting firm with 6000 employees, 20 locations and 300 million euros in revenues. Ayesa is in the top 50 engineering firms of the world. Ayesa, an Ayesa Company provides engineering & consulting services for government, semi-state and private clients in the following sectors: marine and coastal, geoscience, buildings, transportation, energy, environment, water, flooding, waste management and conservation.
CERTIFICATION EUROPE DIGITAL FIRST to reduce our carbon footprint.