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Twists and Turns of Memory
Memory is such a tricky thing. It’s the powerhouse of our brain which allows us to make connections to our world, our people, our society, and yet it is so fickle. I like to think of memory in terms of a computer because it is easier that way, but the truth is, this visualization is a tool of memory too. Our brains have multiple memory banks and storage strategies that we have yet to completely unlock and understand. But we do have a basic knowledge of how memories are formed and stored which we use in AI and this is quite incredible. The work on memory is ongoing but through the years, memory training has become more efficient as we understand more of how the brain works. Synaptic thoughts are the connections we make when something is triggered in BY DONESA WALKER our brain. The more connectivity that one thought has, the longer it stays and begins to link to others which then forms a memory synapse or connection which can be used, stored, retrieved, or discarded. Like a computer, what is deleted or trashed is truly rarely deleted or trashed but rather minimized and left unstimulated until another connected thought stimulates it… bringing it back to life, so to speak. Most memory is visually stored or connected. Even people who are completely blind create mental imagery to store memory, which makes those who struggle with visual imagery at a larger disadvantage to store memory. With all the visual input in today’s society, we are harming this creative

imagery maker in our brain which is impacting our memory connections. When our imagination is not triggered constantly and consistently, this skill of creating visual imagery retards and doesn’t develop as it should, which can cause memory issues which impact connectedness. Let’s imagine for a minute that we have never seen a squirrel in person, but as a child we saw the movie UP where the dog freezes and has attention issues every time that the word “squirrel” is mentioned. A child who has not pictured the word squirrel creatively now thinks that “squirrel” is a freezing motion when it is said. So, one day a squirrel runs across the ground and someone says “squirrel” then the child suddenly freezes and starts turning their head side to side distractedly. Immediately the other person thinks something is wrong with the child while the child is only imitating what they think the meaning of the word “squirrel” is. This is a true story, by the way. This happened to a teacher friend who was noticeably startled by the young child’s behavior. The visual memory was triggered but in the wrong manner because of miscues in the visual processing which affected memory. Memory stimulation comes from connecting to experiences and from imagination. So building memory is just that easy! It is a deliberate exercise of imagination and connection! Remember the “I’m going on a bear hunt and taking a [fill-in-the-blank]” game? This game actually is a way to train long term memory, just like how listing things that start with “P” triggers Retrieval Fluency. The “I SPY” game trains visual skills and imagery which leads to a boost in memory also. Picture-it games like Pictionary trigger the imagination, just like charades and other games of this type. Making connections is truly the key to boosting memory and the more you connect, the more places your mind can go in memory!

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