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FRIDAY (VALENTINE’S DAY) MAY BE AN intense day and relationships that are already on rocky ground or infused by doubt rather than trust, may disintegrate further. Any bubble of hopeful expectation can burst quickly! You fare best if you are upfront and absolutely honest with yourself and others, while delivering your message in the kindest way possible. This is much easier before midday while la Luna is in Libra, whereas once she moves into Scorpio she may choose to withhold and conceal how she really feels. On Sunday Mars, the planet for straightforward action, moves into goal-oriented Capricorn, where Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are long-term residents. During the next two months monumental efforts may or may not lead to the desired results; be prepared for quite a bit of frustration! Now is also the time to prepare for Mercury’s first three week retrograde stint through Pisces and into Aquarius (18th of February to 11th of March). Back up your electronic gadgets and make sure that your car is in good working order. Take extra care to communicate clearly in order to avoid misunderstandings and if you travel, allow more time for possible delays. This period is perfect to revise a creative project. On Wednesday the Sun moves into visionary and compassionate Pisces. The combination of four planets in Capricorn and three in Pisces helps to ground and structure your artistic venture. For the bigger picture read your Sun, Moon and Rising signs. A Tarot card is drawn for each astrological sign.
Astrology and Tarot Forecast consultations by Gisela FOR AN APPOINTMENT: giselasunshine@gmail.com.au or text 0431 894 408
g ARIES The Queen of Disks is the archetype of a mature, feminine earth-spirit. As such she is not very compatible with the fire and urgency that the Ram displays. Nevertheless if you find a way to funnel your passion into practical, hard work, combined with a healthy, sensible diet, much can be achieved.
h TAURUS When the Tower Tarot card appears you are faced with sudden challenges and change that may turn your daily routine into chaos. It may upset your need for stability and security. Your plans could be disrupted and you most likely react with resentment. The sooner you adapt to the new circumstances the less distress you experience.
i GEMINI The Hanged Man portrays an inner struggle and you may feel stuck in an undesirable situation. It may also remind you of other times when certain restrictions and limitations made you very aware of your own ‘hangups’. Since we all have them, it is best to allow humbling realisations to show you a bigger, better and brighter perspective.
j CANCER The Prince of Disks affirms your right and need to feel secure. With him by your side you excel in your determination and capacity to do the hard yakka that is needed. You prefer to stick to tried and true methods, but a bit of innovation may save you from too much drudgery.
k LEO The Queen of Wands symbolises the archetype of compassion and care. She is aware of her power, but she is also wholehearted and sincere. With her by your side you are able to put yourself into others’ shoes and positive, nurturing relationships can bring much joy and fulfilment.
l VIRGO The Judgement Tarot card reflects on self-evaluation and your true inner calling, which must come from an open-hearted and unconditionally loving place to be constructive. If you appoint your hyper-critical, fault-finding ego as judge, you won’t be able to make a truthful appraisal of your abilities and you can’t awaken to new possibilities.
a LIBRA Recent events might have caused some internal discord and with the 5 of Swords drawn you may feel trapped in negative thinking. Friday in particular may be a difficult day for you. You might be able to soothe your mind if you consider how you would counsel your best friend if they would feel like you do now. Then just adhere to your advice.
b SCORPIO The 6 of Swords values team-work and cooperation. Imagine what would happen if you start thinking about what you have in common with the people around you, rather than dwelling painfully on the points where you differ. This different way of thinking provides a pathway for moving away from who you used to be towards who you want to be.
c SAGITTARIUS The Emperor Tarot card focuses on fulfilling your vision in a structured, practical way. Therefore you may have to step into a leadership role, even though you may feel reluctant because you despise hierarchies. Ponder how you could manifest benevolent leadership which serves and empowers everyone involved.
d CAPRICORN The aim of the Temperance Tarot card is to integrate and balance all the little paradoxes and polar opposites of your wants and needs. As such it is the quest for fulfilment as an individual. Your willingness to conform is falling away in favour of expressing your personal uniqueness.
e AQUARIUS With the Queen of Cups drawn you may experience moments of deep peace and oneness as you immerse yourself in nature. These encounters nurture your overall acceptance of what is, and herald the gift of great compassion for the human condition, including your own. From this place you have so much to give…
f PISCES When the Devil Tarot card appears the time is ripe to investigate how you make yourself a prisoner of your own choices. Therefore check out which of your habits are counter-productive and keep you stuck in unwanted situations. Take stock, consider your options and then take concentrated action on the road to real satisfaction.