6 minute read
IMPROVE YOUR GUT HEALTH with Louise Plant Your digestive system houses about 85 percent of your immune system and when your GI tract is not working well, a wide range of health problems can appear, including allergies and autoimmune diseases. Balancing the menagerie of microorganisms that occupy your GI tract is a key part of maintaining your immune health. This course will give you the practical components to learn to make, heal and repair the gut with the power of food and ferments. 2 Fri, 18 - 25 June | 10 am - 4 pm Mullum Concession: $160 Full Fee: $178
LAST AID - CARING FOR THE DYING AT HOME with Amitayus Home Hospice Service Participants will learn how to be of genuine service to others, who may be family or friends, who are dying and who have chosen to die at home. Any person can attend this course and it can, if you wish, lead on to full training as a volunteer carer for Amitayus Home Hospice Service. 7 Thu, 6 May - 17 June 6:30 - 8:30 pm Mullum Concession: $170 Full Fee: $189
PELVIC FLOOR HEALTH with Elle Laureau NEW A strong & healthy pelvic floor has a huge influence on your overall health, especially your back and body stability. Get the best tips and simple techniques for a healthy body posture as you learn how to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles with simple & practical daily exercises! This course is available for all levels. Open to everyone. 4 Mon, 10 - 31 May | 10 am - 12 pm Mullum Concession: $97 Full Fee: $108 AYURVEDA AN INTRODUCTION with Christina Covington This course will plant the roots for understanding and deeply connecting with this ancient tradition of ayurveda and its alchemy with the elements. We journey with the elements to find an ease of understanding, learning how to simply integrate this into your daily life, for health and wellbeing. 4 Mon, 10 - 31 May | 6 - 9 pm Mullum Concession: $151 Full Fee: $168
COMMUNICATION FOR CLARITY AND CONNECTION with Paulette Bray-Narai Most of us long for harmony in our relationships, yet often the way we express ourselves and listen to each other leads to misunderstanding, frustration and disconnection. Learn ways of communicating and listening based on “Nonviolent Communication”. This practical, learnable process can contribute to greater understanding, connection and harmony in any relationship - whether with family, friends, colleagues or partner, and of course – yourself. Wed, 12 May - 10 am - 2 pm Byron Concession: $76 Full Fee: $84
FACE YOGA with Vanamala Mayr-Reisch Face Yoga. Lift your Face! Lift your Spirit! Face Yoga uses muscle exercises, conscious breathing and body poses to tighten, tone and lift your face naturally. During the course, you will learn a set of exercises to smooth wrinkles, lift droopy eyelids, improve your eyesight, reduce double chins and define your jawline, which you can practice at home and easily integrate into your daily life. 4 Thu, 13 May - 3 June 10 am - 12 pm Mullum Concession: $101 Full Fee: $112
FARMACY with Louise Plant NEW There are so many home remedies that have been used for centuries and it is time for these to come back into the limelight. This course explores the main basic conditions that people suffer with and provides home remedies that help to heal these conditions easily and effectively. 6 Tue, 18 May - 22 June 10 am - 12 pm Online Concession: $146 Full Fee: $162
REIKI LEVEL 1 with Catherine Harrison Reiki is a gentle Japanese method of hands-on energy healing that works on all levels of a person and is simple to use and easy to learn. You will learn how to Reiki yourself, children, pets and plants. You will receive an attunement into Reiki Level 1, an ancient healing symbol of protection and a certificate on completion. Empower yourself today and bring this ancient healing art into your life. Sat & Sun, 15 - 16 May 10 am - 4 pm Mullum Concession: $151 Full Fee: $168
REIKI LEVEL II with Catherine Harrison Continue your Reiki journey as we explore the power of distance healing, house and space clearings and hands on healing’s. We dive into the chakras and the energy bodies, learning how to balance, cleanse and clear any blocks preventing you from moving forward in your life. Deepen your healing journey through expanding your healing abilities. Pre-requisite - Reiki Level I. Fri, Sat & Sun 12 - 14 June 10 am - 4 pm Mullum Concession: $227 Full Fee: $252 LOMI LOMI MASSAGE TRAINING with Tina Featherheart In this hands-on practical massage training tied with clear-mind focus you will learn Hawaiian philosophy, intention and flow resulting in the ability to give and receive a one and a half hour massage. Create a sacred and professional work space and share from your heart. Suitable for newbies and experienced therapists. 3 Sun, 16 - 30 May | 10 am - 5 pm Byron Concession: $260 Full Fee: $289
HERBAL LOTIONS AND POTIONS with Louise Plant Making your own herbal lotions and potions is a great way to know what you’re putting onto your skin. Learn to make a selection of body care products that are sure to get your skin glowing whilst gaining the benefits and healing properties of herbs. Let’s share the herbal love as we revitalize and nourish our skin. 2 Thu, 10 - 17 June | 10 am - 4 pm Mullum Concession: $179 Full Fee: $199
AND HEALING with Ri Fraser The energy body holds the underlying blueprint for the physical body. Being able to read energy fields of oneself and others and the environment around you helps enormously to make good choices for daily life, relationships and health. Learn the basic anatomy and qualities of the subtle energy body as we increase intuition and sensitivity through meditations, visualisations, exercises and self-healing practices. 4 Mon, 17 May to 7 June 10:30 am - 12:30 pm Online Concession: $101 Full Fee: $112
AVOIDING BURNOUT - SELF CARE FOR WORKPLACE WELLBEING with Paulette Bray-Narai NEW In this half day course, participants will learn signs of burnout, to identify their own needs and how to meet them effectively, how setting boundaries and realistic limits can help them to thrive in the workplace and feel healthy, productive and engaged. Wed, 19 May | 10 am - 2 pm Byron Concession: $76 Full Fee: $84 A MODERN APPROACH TO GRIEF CARE with Kimberly Sowers NEW This course is an exploration for those experiencing, facing or supporting someone else through loss. It is also for professional and community workers or anyone else who wants to be more fluent in grief, loss and bereavement. We will discuss practical, applicable tools, tactics and techniques utilised to navigate bereavement. 5 Thu, 27 May - 24 June | 6 - 8 pm Byron Concession: $125 Full Fee: $139
GOLF FOR BEGINNERS with Chris Graham These classes are for golfers of all levels from the beginner to the regular club golfer and offer a relaxed and friendly learning environment at the Ocean Shores Golf Club with Chris Graham, a Certified PGA Professional. Classes are scheduled over 5 weeks covering all of the basics including short game, long game and on-course play. 5 Tue, 4 May - 1 June 12:15 pm - 2:15 pm Ocean Shores OR 5 Fri, 21 May - 18 June 9:30 am - 11:30 am Ocean Shores Concession: $140 Full Fee: $155