Wellbeing IMPROVE YOUR GUT HEALTH with Louise Plant Your digestive system houses about 85 percent of your immune system and when your GI tract is not working well, a wide range of health problems can appear, including allergies and autoimmune diseases. Balancing the menagerie of microorganisms that occupy your GI tract is a key part of maintaining your immune health. This course will give you the practical components to learn to make, heal and repair the gut with the power of food and ferments. 2 Fri, 18 - 25 June | 10 am - 4 pm Mullum Concession: $160 Full Fee: $178
LAST AID - CARING FOR THE DYING AT HOME with Amitayus Home Hospice Service Participants will learn how to be of genuine service to others, who may be family or friends, who are dying and who have chosen to die at home. Any person can attend this course and it can, if you wish, lead on to full training as a volunteer carer for Amitayus Home Hospice Service. 7 Thu, 6 May - 17 June 6:30 - 8:30 pm Mullum Concession: $170 Full Fee: $189
PELVIC FLOOR HEALTH with Elle Laureau NEW A strong & healthy pelvic
floor has a huge influence on your overall health, especially your back and body stability. Get the best tips and simple techniques for a healthy body posture as you learn how to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles with simple & practical daily exercises! This course is available for all levels. Open to everyone. 4 Mon, 10 - 31 May | 10 am - 12 pm Mullum Concession: $97 Full Fee: $108
AYURVEDA AN INTRODUCTION with Christina Covington This course will plant the roots for understanding and deeply connecting with this ancient tradition of ayurveda and its alchemy with the elements. We journey with the elements to find an ease of understanding, learning how to simply integrate this into your daily life, for health and wellbeing. 4 Mon, 10 - 31 May | 6 - 9 pm Mullum Concession: $151 Full Fee: $168
COMMUNICATION FOR CLARITY AND CONNECTION with Paulette Bray-Narai Most of us long for harmony in our relationships, yet often the way we express ourselves and listen to each other leads to misunderstanding, frustration and disconnection. Learn ways of communicating and listening based on “Nonviolent Communication”. This practical, learnable process can contribute to greater understanding, connection and harmony in any relationship - whether with family, friends, colleagues or partner, and of course – yourself. Wed, 12 May - 10 am - 2 pm Byron Concession: $76 Full Fee: $84
FACE YOGA with Vanamala Mayr-Reisch Face Yoga. Lift your Face! Lift your Spirit! Face Yoga uses muscle exercises, conscious breathing and body poses to tighten, tone and lift your face naturally. During the course, you will learn a set of exercises to smooth wrinkles, lift droopy eyelids, improve your eyesight, reduce double chins and define your jawline, which you can practice at home and easily integrate into your daily life. 4 Thu, 13 May - 3 June 10 am - 12 pm Mullum Concession: $101 Full Fee: $112