Once upon a time in a land far, far away...
There lived a British club kid who had lost his way.
He travelled far and wide to find where he was destined to belong...
But everywhere he went just felt wrong.
His passion was painting, especially on his face...
But even in the artist’s cavern did he feel out of place.
They mocked his creativity and excluded him from all the parties...
Leaving him to sit inside alone and paint with his tattered barbies.
One day, he met a group of three bears in 100 acre wood...
They welcomed him with open arms and let him paint everywhere he could.
The bears were his family, but only until wintertime, where they all went to sleep wrapped in sheepskin...
During hibernation, the British club kid met a fellow artist called Rumplestiltskin.
The little old man lead him to an artist’s cavern in another town...
The artists there were club kids just like him, none wore a single frown.
They let him paint whatever he wanted, including on his face...
They even let the three bears hibernate safely in their place.
The British club kid finally felt like he belonged, it made him feel warm and fuzzy inside...
He realised it’s okay to be different, and that no one should make him want to hide.
When the bears woke up, he told them the good news and the moral of the story...
Embrace your individuality and be creative without a worry.
The End