The seven versions of death

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The seven

versions of death by (c) merry


ENGLISH ORIGINAL ((c) merry, 13. 3. 2012 14.09)

dead computer is laying on the ground give me some information about your tacit dream my keyboard is singing that dying song every time I touch – it tickling exposure of breath please write before you fall dead your head on the table breaking the computer screen

electronic scream of un-realized projects of your future, not-existent and not-happening

facebook killer electronic soul eater :|| that was an intermezzo -/

joy of the spring is speaking from the darkness of circuits build for your pleasure by your blood with your hands

please love love love me gently since my days are galloping to the end of every written pixel

you can make a song from it I am sure nobody will listen to it anymore.

Die first so I don’t have to be alone says the black screen of my computer

hypnotic mesmerization of woken dreams kill it


CZECH TRANSLATION PROVIDED BY GOOGLE TRANSLATOR ((c) merry, 13. 3. 2012, 14.10) Počítač je mrtvý, kterým se na zemi mi dát nějaké informace o vašem snu tichého moje klávesnice zpívá, že umírající píseň Pokaždé, když dotek - to lechtání expozice dechu napište před padat mrtví vaše hlava na stůl vypínací obrazovku počítače elektronický výkřik un-realizované projekty o své budoucnosti, ne-existující a ne-děje facebook vrah elektronická duše jedlík: | | to bylo intermezzo - / Radost z jara mluví z temnoty obvodů vybudovat pro vaše potěšení v krvi, s rukama prosím, láska láska láska mě něžně protože mé dny jsou tryskem na konec každého pixelu písemného si můžete udělat z ní písničku Jsem si jistý, nikdo nebude poslouchat na to už ne. Die první, takže nemám být sám říká, že černá obrazovka počítače hypnotické fascinace z probudil snů zabít


ENGLISH TRANSLATION PROVIDED BY GOOGLE TRANSLATOR OF THE CZECH TRANSLATION OF THE ENGLISH ORIGINAL PROVIDED BY GOOGLE TRANSLATOR ((c) merry, 13. 3. 2012, 14.11) The computer is dead, laying on the ground give me some information about your dream silent my keyboard is singing the song of the dying Every time you touch - it exposure breath tickling write before falling dead your head on the table trip computer screen electronic shout un-realized projects about their future, not existing, not-going facebook killer electronic soul Eater: | | it was the intermezzo - / Joy of Spring speaks from the darkness of circuits build for your pleasure in the blood, with his hands Please, love love love me tender because my days are mad at the end each pixel written You can make it a song I'm sure no one will listen it is not. Die first, so I do not have to be alone says that a black computer screen hypnotic fascination of waking dreams kill


ANOTHER TURN (14.12) The computer is dead, laying on the ground give me some information about your dream silent my keyboard is singing a song of death Every time you touch - it exposure breath tickling write before falling dead your head on the table guidance screen electronic shout un-realized projects about their future and existing, non-happening facebook killer electronic soul Eater: | | the intermezzo - / Joy of Spring speaks from the darkness of circuits build for your pleasure in the blood, with his hands Please, love, love Love me tender because my days are mad at the end Each pixel is written You can do this song I'm sure no one will listen it is not. Die first, so I did not have to be alone says that a black computer screen hypnotic fascination with dreams after waking kill


AND ANOTHER (14.14) The computer is dead, laying on the ground give me some information about your dream silent my keyboard is singing a song of death Every time you touch - it exposure breath tickling write before falling dead your head on the table screen instructions electronic shout un-realized projects about their future and existing, non-happening facebook killer electronic soul Eater: | | interlude - / Joy of Spring speaks from the darkness of circuits build for your pleasure in the blood, with his hands Please, Love, Love Love Me Tender because my days are mad at the end Each pixel is written You can do this song I'm sure no one will listen it is not. Die first, so I did not have to be alone says that a black computer screen hypnotic fascination with dreams after waking up kill


AND ANOTHER (14.15) The computer is dead, laying on the ground give me some information about your dream silent my keyboard is singing a song of death Every time you touch - it exposure breath tickling write before falling dead your head on the table Follow the instructions on the screen electronic shout un-realized projects about their future and existing, non-happening facebook killer electronic soul Eater: | | Interlude - / Joy of Spring speaks from the darkness of circuits build for your pleasure in the blood, with his hands Please, Love, Love Love Me Tender because my days are mad at the end Each pixel is written You can do this song I'm sure no one will listen it is not. Die first, so I did not have to be alone says that a black computer screen hypnotic fascination with dreams after waking up kill


AND THE LAST ONE (gotta go to school and it also happen to be drawn to perfection) (14.16) The computer is dead, laying on the ground give me some information about your dream silent my keyboard is singing a song of death Every time you touch - it exposure breath tickling write before falling dead your head on the table Follow the instructions on the screen electronic shout un-realized projects about their future and existing, non-happening facebook killer electronic soul Eater: | | Interlude - / Joy of Spring speaks from the darkness of circuits build for your pleasure in the blood, with his hands Please, Love, Love Love Me Tender because my days are mad at the end Each pixel is written You can do this song I'm sure no one will listen it is not. Die first, so I did not have to be alone says that a black computer screen hypnotic fascination with dreams after waking up kill

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