EnergyWeek 2014

Page 1

In Vaasa 17.-20.3.2014 - A MATTER OF ENERGY

The future is her business and business is good page 4










Energy Week 2014


Event 1


Event 2


Energy and Environment Seminar Biogas Botnia Event 3

The future is her business and business is good


11 Vaasa Wind Exchange Networking Event Event 4

Finnish Energy Industries (ET)/Eeva Kalli

Renewable Efficient Energy IV Event 5

Energy and Buildings Setting the example Big questions require big thinking Catching the opportunities of change


ABB/Heikki Uusitalo


EPV/Frans Liski

Wärtsilä/Stefan Damlin


13 14

Now trending: Biogas Stormossen/Leif Åkers




GOT SOMETHING TO SAY? GO! #energyweek EnergyVaasa -group

FOREWORD Robert Olander It’s almost EnergyWeek o’clock again! In your hands you’re holding a fresh copy of the Vaasa Energy Week magazine. Like the event itself, organized during March 17-20, this magazine will give you tons of insight, inspiration and information about the latest energy solutions. So go ahead, log onto LinkedIn and join the EnergyVaasa community - we’ll give you a flying start for your Vaasa visit. For me, Vaasa EnergyWeek has always been the highlight of the year. It always gets me excited about the possibilities in the field, shifts my thinking outside the box and widens my perspectives. The articles in this magazine offer a good sneak peek of what this year’s event has in store. I know you’ll still be left with many questions, but surely EnergyWeek 2014 will fill in the rest of the blanks. As I’m writing this text, the year 2013 is turning to its end. I can look back with great pleasure: the activity of the EnergyVaasa cluster has been raised to a new level and the companies report excellent figures. The EnergyVaasa team is looking forward to continuing on this path in 2014, providing the companies and organizations a platform for networking and opportunities both in business and technology. See you at EnergyWeek!

ROBERT OLANDER Marketing Director, Technology Centre Oy Merinova Ab

ENERGYWEEK2014 PUBLISHER: EnergyVaasa EDITORS: Suvi Markko, Robert Olander, Hanna Sjöberg (C2 Advertising) PRODUCTION AND LAYOUT: Anu Valkama (C2 Advertising) PHOTOS: Katja Lösönen, Eeva Kalli photos by Imagokuva PRINTING: WaasaGraphics

POWERED BY: City of Vaasa, EnergyVaasa, Ostrobothnia Chamber of Commerce, Ostrobothnia ELY Centre and Southern Ostrobothnia ELY Centre, Pohjanmaan Expo, Technology Centre Merinova, Vaasa Energy Institute, Vaasa Region Development Company VASEK, Stormossen.


The future is her business and business is good

The future is her business and business is good Welcome to Finland, the coldest country in Europe. According to Eeva Kalli, director of Communications and PublicAffairs at the Finnish Energy Industries (ET), this is what makes energy such a hot topic. “Finland is an energy country. Cold, dark winters and a high amount of energy intensive industry place us among the top spenders of electricity – we can’t help that light and heating are an essential part of our Northern lives.” The energy stats also say something about the Finnish society – people can afford to live in well-equipped homes. Still it does seem a bit rash that the typical Finnish family can easily triple the amount of electricity spent by the average EU-household. The way Eeva sees it, there is spending and then there is wise spending. “I like to call the Finns a world record population – we have so much to be proud of, although we don’t usually admit it. Our energy effectiveness is excellent and CHP (combined heat and power), which is common in Finland, is a truly environmentally friendly way to produce electricity and heat.” However, there is one thing that beats the others in terms of awesomeness: smart meters. This clever little tool together with appropriate software allows every household to monitor their own spending in order to adjust their behaviour and consume electricity when it’s cheap. The smart meters also offer spine-tingling opportunities for Finland’s cleantech business. “Remote meter reading is done in other countries too, but not like this. This comprehensive remote metering cannot be found elsewhere. Smart metering makes it possible to increase energy efficiency, create flexible de-

mand and also to put excess electricity produced small-scaled by households back on the market. This is definitely something Finland, as a first mover, could export in the future.” Get your notebooks, decision makers.

Not exactly love at first sight One might think that Eeva has always been excited about energy, but there was a time when she wasn’t all too impressed. “I used to think that the energy industry was mainly chimneys and fossil fuels and stuff…not too dazzling, in other words. But the more you scratch the surface, the more interesting it gets. The entire energy business turned out to be a lot more advanced than I would’ve thought! I’ve grown to admire engineers and their proactive, logical and justifiable way of thinking.” Another apparition for Eeva was the surprisingly high amount of women in the industry – she was prepared to work amongst a bunch of tech savvy guys. “Over half of my colleagues are women, but there could be more! Women have a tendency to carry the world’s problems on their shoulders, but I’ve noticed that they also pay more attention to communication, while men can get stuck on the technical side of things. Things are often complicated, multifaceted and technical – also for me – and that’s why we need to keep it simple.” There’s definitely a communications challenge in the energy business. Lucky for us, there are people like Eeva who are willing to do something about it. Maybe a few more female colleagues wouldn’t hurt?

The Finnish Energy Industries (ET) is a sector organization for the industrial and labour market policy of the energy sector. It represents companies that produce, acquire, transmit and sell electricity, district heat and district cooling and offer related services. ET also promotes the competitiveness of Finnish industry, citizens’ well-being and the reputation of the sector by taking part in the development of the energy market and safeguarding the availability of sufficient and disturbance-free energy to households and industry.

The future is her business and business is good

Ten years is nothing While most people are making plans for the year 2014 (or next weekend), Eeva usually has her thoughts fixed somewhere around 2020 or 2050. “2020 is just around the corner! 5 – 10 years is a short time in the energy business. Investments are long-term, so the future is really being shaped as we speak. This is why I find it incredibly important for our decision makers to agree what the future should look like and, more importantly, commit to make the right decisions every day.”

“2020 is just around the corner!” For example, people are already busy working with a carbon neutral vision for 2050. For the record, that’s 36 years from now. “I admit that it’s challenging to work with the future, but it’s also exciting and inspiring. Sometimes things start moving in the wrong direction and then it’s important to have patience – when the time perspective is long, there can be many turns back and forth.”

Outsmarting firewood So, what does the future have in store for us? Back in the day people started each morning by fetching firewood, currently even the doghouse has electrical heating. Eeva doesn’t see an end to this trend. “My generation would probably never spend a lot of their waking hours working for their energy. But although we have higher demands, I hope no one has lost the ability to use common sense.” How about lowering the heat in spaces that are not used every day or shutting off unnecessary lights? We can do that. When it comes to the other parts, technology, automation, and smart systems fill in the gaps so that people won’t have to give up their current lifestyles. “If people have to press buttons and monitor the energy consumption all day long, energy enslaves them in the wrong way. In the future smart systems will make good decisions for us. We will even have so called Smart Cities that operate in a clever way on a larger scale.”

On the road to self-sufficiency According to a recent study ¾ of the Finns would make Finland electrically self-sufficient. Eeva, too, is a believer in the cause. In fact, the Finnish government has set the same goal. “We need consistent politics and predictability. I’m glad that the overall attitude seems to be positive, because this boosts the will to make investments needed.” Further, the same study showed that under 20 % of the Finns are prepared to support small-scale production through increased prices or taxes. “People are in favour of small-scale energy production, but not prepared

Does Energy-Eeva ever switch off and live without electricity? Yes she does! “I can survive without electricity just fine, it can even be sort of therapeutic. I admit that I wouldn’t want to live without it, but at my summer cottage I enjoy not having any unnecessary gadgets around.”


to pay any extra for it. Thus, the small-scale production should and can be increased, but not at any cost. Social justice has to be kept in mind.” The unwillingness to increase one’s electrical bill might have something to do with the fact that, according to the same study, people think they are already paying a lot for their daily power supply. Truth is, Finland has some of the world’s cheapest electricity. “Proof is in the pudding – it’s human to think that the prices are high, considering the fact that we’re living in an extremely energy intensive country. So, whether it’s true or not, the people’s opinion underlines the need to make sure that energy is affordable also in the future.” There was also a highly sensitive sauna question in the study… Eeva explains: “We threw in an icebreaker to get people engaged in the questionnaire. The question was whether the Finns would consider going to joint saunas in order to save electricity. The answer was no! Saunas are a sacred thing in this country.” The intention was never to take away the nations most beloved tradition, but rather test Finns’ limits and challenge the habits. If people choose to enjoy the heat at a time when electricity demand and prices aren’t peaking, there is no reason to worry about the electricity spent in a sauna.

Dismiss the cynics Let’s draw an imaginary map. Use a red crayon for all the countries where total energy demand is growing and a green one for all the countries where total demand is decreasing. Looks kind of red, doesn’t it? ”It’s easy to get frustrated or even heartbroken in the global energy business – that’s why we need a new mindset. Although we can’t solve the environmental challenges on our own, Europe needs to be the pioneer and find solutions that can be used all around the world. We cannot afford to raise our hands and stop caring.” So, is it utopia to think that a small place like the Vaasa region could make a difference? Again, Eeva is optimistic. “The energy cluster in the Vaasa region is really impressive. The companies make each other stronger and together they solve challenges that do make a global difference.” There are also companies that make a difference locally. For example, three Vaasa based companies were awarded the 2012 climate achievement prize (Vuoden ilmastoteko). Although big power plants are impressive projects, Eeva also wants to stress the importance of everyday deeds. The smallest person, place or project can really change the cause of the future. “We absolutely need events like EnergyWeek to pull us away from our calendars and get us brainstorming instead. I’m looking forward to it!”


Setting the example

Setting the example Let’s start with the facts. In 2012 the ABB group spent some 1,4 billion USD on R&D. Yes, that’s a lot. Around 15 % (184 M€) of that were put to use by almost 800 R&D experts at ABB Finland. For the record, that’s a lot too. All of these managers, directors and developers have one man supporting them: Heikki Uusitalo, coach extraordinaire, CTO and Division Manager of ABB Finland. What’s his story? “ABB’s R&D has a strong command post in Finland. My task is to coordinate and support the cooperation between different development units. We focus on our core knowledge and keep updated on changing customer requirements – the rest is what we call open innovation”, Heikki explains. Customers get to take part in the development process but there is also constant cooperation with universities in Finland and Europe. Electrical engineering remains an important research subject, but ABB has also defined 35 sub-areas that the universities are looking into, proposing new possibilities. “It’s important to have a good network because ABB cannot possibly know everything. Some 5 – 6 years ago the universities didn’t really have deeper knowledge about solar power in Finland, so we started developing it together.” According to Heikki the only way to remain a technology leader is to attract highly educated professionals who ensure that ABB will always score high in terms of technology, product development and investments.

By the power of the sun ABB’s broad product portfolio is connected by one thing: energy efficiency. In the past years renewable energy has been a hot topic – a trend ABB has been sure not to miss. For example, the first all-electric passenger car in Vaasa, a Nissan Leaf, was introduced in the red and white colours of ABB. “It’s a clear global trend and growing requirement to replace fossil fuels and clean energy offers fuel that is pure. As the leading producer of charging systems it made sense to get an all-electric ABB car.” Besides having one of the largest solar power stations in Finland ABB also leads the market when it comes to producing solar power inverters. “Solar power is exploding at the moment! The sun shines just as much in Finland as it does in Northern Germany. Five years from now it will be cheaper to produce your own solar power than taking that very same electricity out of the wall plug. Now we just need to find a way to store the excess solar energy we get in the summertime so it can be used later on.” Comforting words to read in the middle of a dark Finnish kaamos, don’t you think?

Defenders of the faith Although the global market offers endless possibilities, the challenge is to attract enough young talents to the fields of electricity and automation. According to Heikki 25 % of the world’s electricity gets used in electric motors – no wonder

ABB is passionate about creating new solutions. “Everyone knows that we have a global warming problem. Unless we do something about it, the emissions will keep increasing. ABB is interrupting this development through several different solutions. For example, when we combine an electric motor with a frequency converter we can cut energy costs and emissions in the industry. The technology to decrease CO2 emissions is already available.” ABB is also making an energy statement in projects like INKA and Ilmastokumppanit (Climate Companions), promoting new technology and renewable energy solutions. But is it enough that the big players are truehearted? How could all businesses get equally interested in saving energy? “We want to set a good example – our brand demands it. ABB wants to be a good citizen, a good example. We want everyone, big or small, to understand that everything they do matters. That’s the big thing, that’s the most important thing. By improving the energy efficiency of our own factories we’re proving that it’s possible to work like this.” The energy cluster’s image demands that companies demonstrate how innovations can be integrated into people’s lives. New energy forms need to be pushed forward in the region, accompanied by a good, optimistic discussion focused on the future. “In true clean tech you save the earth while you save costs”, as Heikki puts it. How’s that for a motto for this year’s EnergyWeek?

CHALLENGE: TRY SAVING AS MUCH ELECTRICITY AS POSSIBLE DURING ENERGYWEEK! Here’s a pep talk from Heikki to get you started: ”By making good decisions you can decrease your energy spending by 20 – 30 %. Shut off unnecessary lights, adjust your heating, add smart elements to your home. But most importantly understand that you can be a part of the change. You can make important, energy saving decisions every day, all the time!”

Big questions require big thinking


Big questions require big thinking If we are to believe William Arthur Ward, the pessimist complains about the wind, the optimist expects it to change and the realist adjusts the sails. Frans Liski, CEO of the subsidiary EPV Windpower Ltd., would describe himself as a realist. He is no sailor, but the wind has fascinated him for a very long time. “At EPV we started thinking about wind power in 2005. I bet a lot of people had their doubts at the time, but we strongly believed in this emerging trend”, Frans says. EPV has never been about building a lot of wind farms. Instead low costs and cutting edge technology have been the focus of this regional, industrial scale pioneer. “Ten years ago wind power was research, a hobby. No one thought too highly of it. Someone made a farm that was operational somewhere for some time, but that was it. Big things just can’t be solved by small deeds – that’s why we need to build big, energy producing turbines.” Great technological leaps have already enabled projects that seemed doubtful some three years ago. In order to gain true credibility Frans dreams of a world where wind power could be generated without tax money. “EPV’s production-oriented philosophy has got us far. We’re not working on anyone’s behalf, because we intend to outlive the feedin tariff. We never do anything ‘quick and dirty’. Extensive deals

and long term thinking are important now and in the future.” To use a metaphor one could say that EPV doesn’t build houses that can be sold – they build houses that can be lived in.

A stormy, healthy business At the moment technology is gaining such speed that Frans describes a wind farm built in 2009 as “rather ancient”. However, there is an old watermill, built after the wars, that still runs on the same machinery. Frans is highly inspired by the thought – he would like to build equally durable wind farms. “The Finnish wind conditions are quite ordinary. Our extensive forest cover requires the turbines to be at least 150 m high. The swept area of a turbine can get up to 1,5 times the size of a football field but generate surprisingly good results in mediocre wind conditions.” Although the infrastructure would stand the test of time, fluctuating energy prices will always exist. Wind power, for instance, is available when the wild wind blows – it cannot be summoned by will. However, Frans

DID YOU KNOW? Here are some predictions for the worldwide wind power capacity in 2030: GWEC: 1 129–2 106 GW IEA: 430–538 GW What do you think? Let Frans know!

doesn’t believe in building wind power at any cost. A few can do it, maybe even ten, but after that financially viable ventures are a must. Wind power needs to be a healthy form of business too. “It’s a game of Russian roulette to focus on a single source of energy. A freezing day requires a broad portfolio – power-generating facilities paired with an energy mass utilizing clean options. Our task is to generate energy, not just be present. That should be the case for every energy company.” The goal is to have notable production in 2020. At the moment the EPV wind power program about 20 projects and 80 approved licences. The first one of the projects is already well on its way, so Frans is optimistic. “It’s not always easy to keep pushing forward, but it’s a lot easier with a clear conscience. What really keeps us motivated is a common belief, a vision, a passion.” So, which winds will be blowing at this year’s EnergyWeek? “EnergyWeek is a unique opportunity to get the big picture of what’s going on in the wind power business right now. Lauri Tarasti, Licentiate in Laws, brought some well needed sense to the general discussion in 2013, so I’m looking forward to some interesting talks this year!”


Catching the opportunities of change

Catching the opportunities of change Nothing lasts forever, but the certainty of change – at least if you ask Bruce Dickinson. You may know him as the singer of a British heavy metal band, an airline pilot or a sought-after speaker at business events. The list goes on because Bruce breathes diversity. But let’s talk about Stefan Damlin, Managing Director and local pilot of Wärtsilä Finland. Stefan, too, knows a thing or two about change. Did you know that one of his most endorsed skills on LinkedIn is actually Change Management? “I see change as a possibility. When something changes, a new window of opportunity is opened”, Stefan says. In a big organisation like Wärtsilä it’s hard to imagine that everyone would immediately welcome new views. After all, the human brain enjoys good old routines. How does Stefan tackle change resistance? “You need to lead the change, not just be a part of it. In the energy business new opportunities arise every day and that can be very exhausting but also rewarding. Communication is extremely important. Things run much smoother when people understand what’s changing and why. If you’re comfortable in adjusting your own role, it helps other people change.” A good strategy with clear goals is also a must. Although there are a lot of possibilities up for grabs, the grabbing needs to be more than ad hoc. Wärtsilä has chosen to focus all efforts on three key areas – Smart Power Generation, Gas and Environment – and leave all other opportunities with less importance.

End-to-end, headed for the impossible

experiencing different parts of the organization. Just look at Stefan – since 1991 he’s worked in leading positions at all four divisions of the company!

12-year-old professionals When is a good time to start looking for new energy experts? This year Wärtsilä decided to start at age 12. “We took part in a project called Me & MyCity with the aim to encourage entrepreneurship and make the energy business interesting at an early age. The Managing Director of Me & MyCity, Wärtsilä, told me his job was fun and easy. I don’t know about easy, but I definitely agree on the fun part!” To catch talents closer to work life, Wärtsilä takes part in R&D cooperation projects with universities, in Vaasa and abroad. At the moment there is also an Energy Education Strategy on the drawing board. “The dream scenario would be that students of economy, law and technology would be familiar with each other’s subjects. That way a lawyer would understand some basic technology, an economist would be familiar with energy legislation etc.” At this year’s EnergyWeek Stefan looks forward to meeting new people and discussing current energy issues. Remember, change is always an opportunity and EnergyWeek is packed with new ideas!

At Wärtsilä people work with a doer mentality, with the mindset that the impossible just takes a bit longer to complete. According to Stefan the most massive muscles are flexed by a number of sturdy teams. “I’ve realized the strength of teams – the right skills at the right place. During the past two years we’ve tried to make Wärtsilä as customer oriented as possible, both from order to delivery and a product point of view. The best solution was to introduce end-to-end responsibility throughout the entire chain. Now everyone understands what the customer wants and needs.” So yes, Wärtsilä makes engines. But there is also the additional value generated by different energy solutions and effective, organized teams that are allowed to dream.

Skills in rotation Stefan underlines that human know-how will and has always been number one at Wärtsilä. The challenge is to attract skilled doers – especially women, who traditionally are a bit of a rarity in the energy business. “We have strong, internal learning programs for leadership, technology and finance. We’re also engaged in international organizations that shape the future of the energy business and give us valuable knowledge about tomorrow’s topics.” Stefan believes that there’s also much to learn at Wärtsilä. “Job rotation is an important part of the development of our employees. You can either seek for an international position or take on new challenges by switching to a different position in Finland.” The goal is to give the employees an extensive knowledge base by Me & MyCity is a study module on society, working life and entrepreneurship. Me & MyCity offers 6th grade children (12-13 years of age) information and positive experiences of enterprises and different professions.

WHERE CAN YOU FIND THE ENERGY TO WORK WITH ENERGY ISSUES? This keeps Stefan going: 1. Family and friends 2. Outdoor hot tub 3. Jogging 4. The energy industry itself with its endless, inspiring possibilities

EnergyWeek 2014 - A Matter of Energy




Vaasa EnergyWeek offers interesting events and forums for experts in both the public and private sectors. The mix of five different events provides a unique opportunity to update your energy knowledge, concerning business and technical issues. Meet people excited about energy, join the discussions and expand your professional network to the next level. This is the place to be to get connected! Vaasa EnergyWeek is arranged for the third time in March 2014. In 2013 we attracted more than 2000 energy experts. In 2014 the week will once again be filled with interesting topics and inspiring speakers.

March 17, 2014

March 18, 2014

March 18-19, 2014

March 19-20, 2014

March 20, 2014

Energy and Environment Seminar

Biogas Botnia

Vaasa Wind Exchange

Renewable Efficient Energy IV

Energy & Buildings

A seminar about Finlands way towards a low-carbon society and the opportunities trough the Innovative Cities program (INKA).

A roadmap for biogas – collaboration to promote production and utilization in Finland and Sweden.

Work the net and get to know the whole Finnish wind power scene – the markets and its makers.

A deep-dive, two-day conference especially for academic and business professionals.

Near-zero energy building solutions for the Nordic climate presented and discussed by experts during a one-day seminar. – Register Now!

EnergyWeek App EnergyWeek 2014 Vaasa

This app is created exclusively for Vaasa EnergyWeek and contains information about the seminar program, speakers and other event information. To make your visit as effortless as possible, the app also features information about hotels, restaurants, transportations etc. Whenever you have a spare moment you can entertain yourself with the pocket-sized wind power plant, where you are the master of the wind!

Download the app from:

AppStore Windows Marketplace


Event 1: Energy & Environment Seminar


#TEM #Tekes #INKA #ABB #Wärtsilä #SustainableEnergySolutions #EnergyExport #Innovation

The facts

Vaasa City Hall Senaatinkatu 1 17.3.2014 12:00 – 16:30

The talk

The opportunities for Finland through the Innovative Cities program. Presentations in Finnish. No event Translation.

Who’s coming?

Decision-makers, organization representatives and others excited about energy and environmental issues.

The Buzz: INKA

Work the net

Contact information

Program outline

This year’s Energy and Environment Seminar presents the main themes; towards a low carbon society and opportunities through innovative cities program (INKA). INKA is going to guide the development of the Finnish export industry in the coming years, because its blooming growth potential has guaranteed a market with great possibilities. How are the energetic INKA-cities Vaasa, Pori and Lappeenranta taking advantage of this unique opportunity? The Energy and Environment seminar will look at INKA from many perspectives – from setting goals to taking action – and energy technology leaders ABB and Wärtsilä will also tell us their side of the story.

We are expecting over 200 visitors – get that kinetic energy going and see how many hands you can shake during coffee breaks!

For more information, please contact: Mia Brännbacka +358 (0)50 309 2331

Towards carbon neutral solutions Pekka Haavisto, Minister for international Development Mari Pantsar-Kallio, SITRA The opportunities for Finland trough the Innovative Cities program Mika Pikkarainen, TEKES Anna-Kaisa Valkama, Technology Centre Merinova Vaasa Jarmo Partanen, LUT Energy Lappeenranta Marko Lehtimäki, Prizztech, Pori

>> Check out for more details!

Event 2: Biogas Botnia



The facts

#Biogas #BiogasBotnia #FutureFuel #RegionalProduction #GasCars

Sokos Hotel Vaakuna, Rewell Center (3rd floor) 18.3.2014 13:00 – 17:00

The talk

Using biogas as a vehicle fuel.

Follow the signs in front of the hotel or ask the receptionist

Presentations in English.

Who’s coming?

The Buzz: Biogas as a vehicle fuel

Researchers, politicians, plant operators, citizens looking for a modern car

Work the net

Contact information

Program outline

Southern Sweden is already 10 years ahead of us when it comes to using gas as a vehicle fuel. However, there are also local success stories to tell. At Biogas Botnia you will get to know the key actors in the biogas puzzle and discover the regional potential in production of renewable methane gas (biogas).

Share knowledge and experiences, ask tough questions or take the opportunity to join the dialogue meeting for biogas stakeholders. Jump right in and get excited about regionally produced biogas!

Johan Saarela Ab Stormossen Oy Tel. +358 (0)50 376 5054 E-mail.

Anders Mathiasson / Energigas Sverige - introductory lecture about world usage and development of gas

Julia Pettersson BioFuel Region AB Mobil: +46 70 302 02 19

Production Potential in the Botnia Region / The Biogas Botnia Project - presentation of the one year EUfinanced project (existing plants, plans in progress).

One of the seminar’s lectures will be dedicated to the final consumers of gas. Yes, vehicle users, that’s you! Learn how to lower your oil dependence and explore the many economical and environmental benefits of a biogas driven car.

Are you eager to learn about biofuel? Scan the QR-code to see the process from waste to fuel as being sketched by Big Steve.

Get in the mood

>> Check out for more details!

On-site visit / Ab Stormossen’s biogas plant - take the tour at our local biogas plant. Gas cars on display!


Event 3: Vaasa Wind Exchange


The facts

Vaasa City Hall Senaatinkatu 1 18. – 19.3.2014

#WindPower #Ostrobothnia #Networking #RenewableEnergy

Tue 10:00-16:00 / Wed 10:00-15:00

The talk

Finnish wind power scene. Presentations in English. Event translation (ENG to FI) on Tuesday.

Who’s coming?

Wind power professionals, investors, authorities, landowners, developers and builders of wind power plants.

The Buzz: Wind Power

Work the net

Program outline

When will wind power settle in Finland for good? It’s only a matter of time. The Ostrobothnia region is a growing and developing centre of wind power business and its ambitious breeze attracts skilled international and domestic experts to Vaasa each year.

With over 70 exhibitors in the wind power business and 715 visitors (spring 2013) Vaasa Wind exchange is the biggest event of its kind. Grab the opportunity to chat with a motley crew of professionals rarely found at the same place at the same time.

Tuesday 18 March 2014 10:00 – 16:00 Vaasa Wind Exchange exhibition open

If wind power is your interest, this is the time to stack up on information and begin networking within the field. How would you take advantage of our renewable sources of energy? Join the discussion at Vaasa Wind Exchange and share your views on the future!

Contact information Want to know more? Contact: Hanna Nyholm at Pohjanmaan Expo Oy +358 (0)6 318 5100 +358 (0)400 691 681

11:30 – 16:00 The future of Finnish wind power seminar with speakers as Minister of the Environment Ville Niinistö, Chief Executive Officer Thomas Becker from EWEA - The European Wind Energy Association, CEO Johan Ihrfelt from the O2 Group, Chairman of the Finnish Wind Power association, Jari Suominen. (translation to FI) 10:30 – 15:30 Exhibitor’s briefings 19:00- EnergyVaasa Evening Wednesday 19 March 2014 10:00 – 15:00 Vaasa Wind Exchange exhibition open 09:30 – 14:00 Offshore wind power and arctic technology seminar in a co-operation with the Finnish Wind Power Association with speakers as hallitusneuvos Anja Liukko, Executive Director Kaj Morlock, Project manager Ari Sundelin, Dr Esa Eranti, Chief Technical Officer Patrik Holm.

>> Check out for more details!

Event 4: Renewable Efficient Energy IV



The facts

The University of Vaasa Wolffintie 34 19. – 20.3.2014 09:00 - 16:00

The talk

(Wednesday) Connecting wind power to the grid and (Thursday) renewable energy systems & smart grids.

#WindPower #SmartGrids #Res #Se #Grids #Communication #Automation #Technology

Presentations in English.

Who’s coming?

Wind power developing companies, grid owners, companies providing technology solutions

The Buzz: Wind Energy, Smart Grids & RES

Contact information

Program outline

Day one of the seminar (19.3) deals with the Finnish grid requirements – a hot topic in reference to the massive wind turbine projects being planned for the Ostrobothnia region. Apart from comparing different technical solutions from a grid perspective the seminar also provides plenty of interesting know-how, answering contemporary questions regarding.

For any enquiries on this event please contact: Teemu Närvä at Vaasa Energy Institute +358 (0)400 817 006

March 19 WIND ENERGY, Theme: Grid Connection, Chairman Mr. Jouko Putkonen, Merinova

As customers demand high quality power supply, future power systems need to apply a wide variety of modern information, communication and automation technology. This is why day two (20.3) of the seminar is dedicated to different aspects of the technologies, solutions and visions related to Smart Grids. An important topic is also how renewable energy sources can be used to reform the energy sector.

Work the net How do you feel about +100 % RES Systems and SE? At the REE Seminar there is no need to spare the jargon – go ahead and make some professional acquaintances whilst discussing wind power grid connections!

>> Check out for more details!

March 20 RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS, Chairman Mr. Erkki Hiltunen, Vaasa Energy Institute March 20 SMART GRIDS, Chairman Mr. Kimmo Kauhaniemi, Vaasa Energy Institute The presentations will feature local energy cluster representatives as well as invited international & national speakers.


Event 5: Energy & Buildings


The facts

#Architecture #Construction #RenewableEnergy #Buildings #Materials #CityPlanning #2020

The University of Vaasa Tritonia academic library, Nissi auditorium 20.3.2014 9:30 – 16:00

The talk

Near-zero energy building standards. Presentations in English. Questions can be asked in Finnish and Swedish.

Who’s coming?

The Buzz: Near-zero energy building standard Can we really bring the energy standard in all houses close to zero before 2020? You bet! This event will give you a better and deeper understanding of what affects the energy consumption and production of houses. You will also learn new things about how city planning, architecture, materials, solutions, technology and automation affect the energy effectiveness of buildings. So, what does a near-zero energy building require? If you’re completely unfamiliar with the concept, our highly regarded experts will tell you everything you ever wanted to know (and more)!

People involved in the building industry, people interested in construction, architecture or renewable energy for houses.

>> Check out for more details!

Work the net

We’ve invited great guys like

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- Jarek Kurnitski, Professor at Tallinn University of Technology, Adjunct Professor at Aalto University School of Engineering and Vice-president REHVA of Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Airconditioning Associations.

Contact information For any enquiries on this event please contact: Mauritz Knuts, Project Manager Vaasa Regional Development Company VASEK +358 50 306 8419

Get in the mood! Why not start thinking about the future of buildings right away? Scan the QR-codes on the right to spark your thoughts into a creative blizzard of ideas.

- Åsa Wahlström, Coordinator at the Swedish energy efficient project LÅGAN and Project Manager at CIT Energy management AB. - Ville Reinikainen, Head of the Energy and Environment Department at Granlund Oy. - Leif Östman, Principal Lecturer at Novia University of Applied Sciences - Jyrki Jaskari, Development Director at Skaala Oy. - Mika Luoranen, Dr. Tech., Associate professor, Sustainable community; Institute of Energy Technology; Environmental Technology; Lappeenranta University of Technology. - Sara Kunkel, Project manager, Building Performance Institute Europe, BPIE - Harri Liukku, Sales Director, ABB

TEDx Matt Grocoff: Shelter: How to Destroy the Planet from the Comfort of Home

The House That Teaches: Derek Ouyang at TEDxStanford

Now trending: Biogas


Now trending: Biogas Would you be surprised to hear that there were gas driven vehicles in Finland in the 40’s? That’s right, the technology was up and running already in 1941 – 1947. Then petrol came along and gas was forgotten. According to Leif Åkers, Managing Director at Stormossen, gas has remained a bit of a stranger although this old friend began making its comeback in 2001. “Oil can never be replaced by one single fuel, so everyone needs to find a winning, locally based combination”, Leif says. Although gas is not new, it is one of many important parts in the power puzzle.

Soccer players running on gas It all began in the 1980’s when Stormossen decided to build a bioreactor, decomposing food and waste to biogas. A bold decision, considering that there was only one similar reactor in France at the time. The trailblazing project started well but came to a blunt halt when the supplier suffered bankruptcy. Stormossen was left with two choices: to throw in the towel or keep going. “It was good that we chose the second option. Citec could quickly offer the knowledge we needed right here in Vaasa, so the reactor didn’t have to be put on hold. Together we created a bunch of patented solutions that we’ve sold e.g. to Japan.” So, a happy ending after all. But what happened once the reactor was working?

DID YOU KNOW? VW, Volvo, Peugeot and Mercedes already have biogas cars. In fact, the USA will require that every car model being imported must have a gas version available.

“The gas is used to generate electricity and heat. We are pioneers in producing biogas from bio waste on a big scale. For example, Finland’s largest sports hall Botniahalli and its outdoors football field have been heated with our locally produced biogas since day one. The football field is a bit challenging at times because it quickly requires a lot of energy, but the teams have never had to miss a game.” Currently there are 9 facilities of the same calibre as Stormossen’s and several in the planning phase. There are also some small-scale producers, like farms putting their waste material to better use.

Nifty neighbours and cleantech cars Finland might beat Sweden in ice hockey once in a while, but when it comes to using biogas as a vehicle fuel, the Vikings are far ahead. “At the moment there are around 40 000 biogas driven cars in Sweden and 1 500 in Finland. I guess we’re faced with the chicken-egg dilemma – no one wants to buy biogas vehicles if no one offers biogas, and the other way around.” According to Leif the greatest blessing for biogas would be a so-called critical mass. In order to generate it, the city of Vaasa is planning to use biogas for public transport. If all goes well, the gas buses will be taking passengers in 2015. “It would be a very tangible thing for Vaasa to showcase. Biogas is one of the purest fuels you can find so it’s perfect for buses that are running idle a lot, especially in the winter. We produced 2,4 million m3 biogas last year. The buses in Vaasa would require 30 % of that biogas and the rest could be sold on the free market – the many commuters in the region could surely be interested.” Biogas is an almost CO2 neutral fuel with positive benefits on air quality. It also lacks a fuel tax and is about 20 % cheaper than e.g. diesel, so this environmentally friendly investment is worth making. In fact every gasoline driven car can be transformed to a biogas car for just around two grand. But how does it work? “You will always have petrol as backup. If the biogas runs out, the petrol kicks in. You’ll barely notice, you won’t have to stop or anything. The real big difference is that there are two fill spouts and two fuel gauges – one for petrol and one for gas.” According to Leif airplanes or ships could also run on biogas in the future. “It’s a long process with many conservative minds to convince. People are always a bit careful to test new things, but the good news is that there is a big interest for biogas right now.” When it comes to EnergyWeek, Leif is most excited about the Biogas Botnia event. “Biogas is perfect for the image of the Vaasa region. It’s regionally produced, renewable high quality fuel.”

EnergyWeek 2014 program 9:00




MONDAY March 17, 2014

TUESDAY March 18, 2014









“The opportunities for Finland through Innovative Cities program (INKA)”

“Networking with cocktails” Evening reception

Energy and Environment seminar 12:00 – 16:30 Vaasa City Hall

City of Vaasa 18:00 – 20:00 Vaasa City Hall



“Field trip to Stormossen, how biogas is produced” BioGas Botnia 10:45 - 11:45 Vaasa City Hall “Work the net and get to know the whole Finnish wind power scene” Vaasa Wind Exchange exhibition 10:00 - 16:00 Vaasa City Hall “The future of Finnish wind power” Vaasa Wind Exchange Seminar 11:30 - 16:00 Vaasa City Hall

WEDNESDAY March 19, 2014

“Using gas as a vehicle fuel“

“Meet the people, dinner and music “

BioGas Botnia 13:00-17:00 Hotel Vaakuna

EnergyVaasa evening 19:00 – 22:00 Night Club Fontana

“The Finnish grid requirements and technical solutions provide plenty of interesting know-how for wind power developing” Renewable Efficient Energy IV 09:00 – 16:00 University of Vaasa “Offshore wind power and arctic technology” Vaasa Wind Exchange Seminar 09:30 - 14:00 Vaasa City Hall “A visit to 3 EnergyVaasa companies by energy tour guide” Technical Visit 09:00 - 14:00 Vaasa City Hall “Work the net and get to know the whole Finnish wind power scene” Vaasa Wind Exchange exhibition 10:00 - 15:00 Vaasa City Hall

THURSDAY March 20, 2014

“Future smart power systems, towards a 100% de-centralized renewable energy systems” Renewable Efficient Energy IV 09:00 – 16:00 University of Vaasa “Facts and current news on how to achieve near-zero energy building standard in all houses before the year 2020” Energy & Buildings seminar 09:30 – 16:00 University of Vaasa - REGISTER NOW!

University of Vaasa Vaasa City Hall Hotel Vaakuna Night Club Fontana

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