May 2011 | My C3 Guide

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Realmen [Men’s Focus]

Media/ Design

Everywoman (Women’s Focus]

Welcome / Hosting

Love Is [Young Adults 18-30]


Kidz ConXion


Prime [45+]

Junior / Senior High

Weekend Services Fridays

I would like to serve / volunteer at C3 Church. Please list your area of interest: _____________________________________________

7:30 PM Site Map

Sundays 9:30 AM 11:00 AM

HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT C3 CHURCH? ___________________________________________________________________________ (family/ friend, postcard, magazine, mailer, website, sandwich board signs local/ drove by, other internet, special event, life group etc.)


COMMENTS / QUESTIONS / PRAYER REQUESTS: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

Direction Map

• Encounter Night | MAY 1 • EVERYWOMAN Tapestry | MAY 7 • Mother’s Day | May 8th

• Training Night | MAY 25th • Awakening : Princess Island Park | MAY 28th

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________


You can place this card in the Offering or in the connection box at the Resource Centre. We promise not to annoy you with multiple mailings, phone calls or emails. You can opt out at anytime, and we won’t share your info with any other organizations. We just want to help you connect here. Seriously.

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P 403 686 0608

To Stay In The Loop

and find out what’s new at C3 Calgary

F 403 686 0666 1009 Prominence Way SW Calgary, AB, T3H 2B4





Sign up for our weekly E-Newsletter at


Whatever your mood, whatever your style, whatever your beliefs about God and whatever your thoughts about church – We welcome you with open arms. There’s no pressure, be yourself. We’re not going to bring you up on stage or ask you to shovel our walkway – but you might have to wear a name tag (just kidding).

This month we will explore what it means for us to be good stewards of God’s resources. As we begin to faithfully and generously steward His vision at C3 Church and beyond, God will begin to show himself as your provider in unique and creative ways. Those who honor God in their giving, experience God’s blessings in a variety of ways, our God owns everything, He can be very creative in how He goes about providing for the needs of those advancing His purposes on earth. When we get this principle and act on it, you will be amazed at the outcomes: 1) Our trust in the Lord will deepen. 2) Meeting our obligations will become easier because we approach them out of a spirit of abundance. 3) We become a more creative and wiser manager of resources. 4) We will experience unexpected provisions from unexpected people and places through unexpected opportunities. 5) We become more thankful and generous people in every area of life.

CONNECT CARD If you are a guest with us or need to update your info, please complete this card so that we can get to know you better and help you connect effectively; you can drop it in the offering or at the Resource Centre.

God’s Desire is for Christians to learn to give and steward everything… cheerfully, generously, systematically, reverently, proportionally, joyfully, willingly, regularly, faithfully, expectantly, eternally, extravagantly and thoughtfully.

Date: ________/________/________

I am updating my contact information

Dr. / Mr. / Mrs. / Miss / Ms. Name: __________________________________________________________ Email (please print): _______________________________________________________

Evening of the Arts

MAY 2-6

Silent Auction

Best Contact Phone: (______________ ) _____________________________________

We live in a culture of fast food, instant gratification, and self-centeredness. One of the best ways to get our eyes off of ourselves and back onto the Lord is through fasting.

Address: __________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

For the first six months of the year we invite you to choose the first five days of every month as a period of prayer and fasting.

City, Province: _____________________________________________________________

Our website is updated with resources to help you participate in fasting with us.

Postal Code: _____________________________________ Age: 10-13

INVOLVED is the opportunity for you to find a place to volunteer at C3 Calgary and use your unique gifts, talents and passions.

WED MAY 25th




Birthday [yr/mth/day) ____________/____________/___________ I made a decision to have a relationship with Jesus today.

visit or go to the Resource Centre for more details


First time decision

Sunday May 1st & Sunday June 5th at 7:00 PM


PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: This is my first time visiting C3 Church I am a returning visitor I want to learn more about Jesus Christ What is my next step at C3 Church? I would like to be contacted by someone from the pastoral care ministry The best way to contact me is by _____________________________________ The best time to contact me is ________________________________________ Other: _______________________________________________________________

Ps Lorne & Kelly Tebbutt

We believe in connecting people to God and to each other. C3 Church is a fun and vibrant place where God changes people's lives; a place with a powerful message of faith, hope and love. We have been built on the vision of providing "real hope for real people in a real world". We do this by exposing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and hurting world,


equipping believers to be fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ, and experiencing ministry through the use of individuals' spiritual gifts and talents.

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