Numbers 33:53 Take possession of the land and settle in it, because I have given it to you to occupy.
rise & build The PLAN & The PURPOSE
We are asking all those who call C3 Church Calgary West home to Pray and Ask God what they should give, over and above their tithe. This will be done in faith commitments, which will be fulfilled by May 31st, 2011. The aim of the 2010 Rise & Build: OCCUPY Campaign is to raise $400,000. Rise & Build Giving can be done: Weekly, Bi-weekly, Monthly, or as a One Time Offering.
Debit - Payable at the Church * Cheque - Payable to C3 Church Calgary * Pre-Authorized Giving - Fill out a pre authorized giving card at the Church Credit Card - Please provide credit card details on a Rise & Build offering envelope. Online Giving - Go to and indicate the desired amount under ‘Rise & Build’ * Please place the debit receipt or cheque in a Rise & Build envelope. WEEKLY $1,923 $962 $481 $192 $154 $115 $77 $48 $38 $29 $19 $15 $12 $10
BI-MONTHLY $4,167 $2,083 $1,042 $417 $333 $250 $167 $104 $83 $63 $42 $33 $25 $21
MONTHLY $8,333 $4,167 $2,083 $833 $667 $500 $333 $208 $167 $125 $83 $37 $50 $42
ANNUALLY $100,000 $50,000 $25,000 $10,000 $8,000 $6,000 $4,000 $2,500 $2,000 $1,500 $1,000 $800 $600 $500
Should your circumstances change during this campaign, feel free to contact the church to change your commitment
Rise & Build :: OCCUPY to be fulfilled by May 31st 2011
My Name is ____________________________________________________________________, I would like to partner with C3 Church Calgary and the Rise & Build :: OCCUPY Campaign by giving the following amount over and above my regular tithes and offering over the next year (June 2010 to May 2011). $ _____________________