Arise, shine, for your light hAs come
and the glory of the lord rises upon you. See, darkneSS coverS the earth and thick darkneSS iS over the peopleS...
but the LORD Rises upOn yOu anD his gLORy appeaRs OveR yOu... yOu nAtions will come to your light
and kingS to the brightneSS of your dawn. Isaiah 60: 1-3 NIV
PAge nยบ foUR
Vision BuilDers one life meets one life
This year we are stepping out once again with great faith for the future. Isaiah tells us to ‘Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the
brightness of your dawn.
(Isaiah 60: 1-3
NIV). From the day we met Jesus Christ our lives have been radically transformed and raised to the highest level possible. We have been raised not for ourselves – but to build the highest cause –
His Church. You have been
a team of absolute champions in the past. I know we will rise even higher as we step into the future, lifting those around us – our families, our friends, our community,
our city and our nation. Our city is powerfully one life meets one life. I see a future full of smiling faces worshipping God
touched by the rising Church as
– servant hearted because they have been transformed by the power of God. Reaching out and helping people who are struggling, bringing hope
and love to nations and
faithfully providing relief in the face of disaster. We have seen thousands and thousands of lives transformed in the past. We will see this happen even more in the future. Looking forward to rising with you as we rise and build. – – Phil and Chris
Vision BuilDers one life meets one life PAge nº siX
Transforming lives in the House of God. We see our future in buildings that glorify God and provide a place for people to experience Jesus and to be trained and equipped in His service. With the continued sacrifice and commitment of C3 Church members we are poised to provide more places where increasing numbers of people can be transformed by Jesus Christ. We dream of places where our children will follow in the footsteps of their predecessors. We can provide places where they will grow and develop their life in Christ. Our campuses are continuing to grow in numbers and diversity. We are responding by planning facilities and resources that meet people’s needs and provide a House to fellowship, worship together and be educated in our service to God. We are not only building facilities, we are building people, lives and ministries to carry on the work of the Church for generations to come. As we join together in sowing the seed God has given us, let’s also lift up our eyes and see the harvest set before us Sydney a City for Christ.
Bev's story.
kicked in. At that stage I really didn’t even know some of
rom the moment I stepped onto C3 Oxfords
them that well at all, but they overwhelmed me with their
Falls in 2010 to this very minute, God has just
love and generosity. The day before I left to drive to the
taken my breath away with His goodness. C3
Gold Coast I had to get the brakes on my car fixed and I
Church is such a place of faith, love and hope. Here I have didn’t have the money. So I booked my car in to get fixed in found unconditional love, acceptance and a home where faith that the money would turn up. Just before I left to take I can do life authentically. God has changed some very
it in, a couple from my connect group turned up and paid
deep issues that I thought were unmovable, and would be
for it all! Someone else gave me petrol money, and another
with me forever, but in Him I have found that wholeness is
person gave me the most amazing food basket. I was so
possible. Since moving here I have found the best connect
blessed. During this time I needed a more permanent place
group on the planet. They have loved me and cared for me,
to live so someone from another connect group that I go
and helped me in so many ways. I hadn’t been a part of to (I know, it took me long enough to get to one and now a connect group until I came here, so when I was invited
I belong to two!) heard from God, took me in, and now I
to join Tony and Sue’s group I was tentative and nervous, have the most amazing home to live in. God keeps taking but I went, and God broke through in my life. It’s the best my breath away. Just when I think I’ve come to the end, He thing that I have ever done in my life. In this safe place I uses my connect group to bless me continually! have learnt to trust in people again.
I can’t express in words what being in this incredible
I arrived here in Sydney from New Zealand in obedience
Church means to me. Every Sunday is the best day! The
to God to come. Upon arrival some church members gave worship is the best in the world, and there hasn’t been a me a place to rest my head, and then some other wonderful
Sunday that I haven’t heard from God and left Church
members gave me a car! I couldn’t believe it! Just before
inspired, knowing God better and growing even closer to
Christmas last year my grandchildren were due to arrive Him. It really is possible to live your best life!” from New Zealand to live on the Gold Coast. Unfortunately the company I was working for closed down unexpectedly. I didn’t know what to do. With no income and my family arriving, I was stuck. This is when my connect group
eddie's story.
home, fell on my knees and prayed out loud to God. The
initially I didn’t like it at all. However, for some reason I
nly five years ago our life looked something only word I could get out of my mouth was “HELP!” With
visited a second time. Pastor Simon McIntyre preached a
like this: We were newly married, running tears running down my face, I heard a small voice in my head
sermon, which was basically my whole life story in 45 minutes.
from the Lord saying, “I am a healer and I will look after
Afterwards, I spoke to him telling him how depressed I was
our own very profitable business, healthy,
and owned our house, a boat, 2 cars, a motorcycle and more.
you. I have heard your prayer. Don’t take your pain tablets after separating from my wife. I then realised that he had just
Although everything looked great from the outside, on the
tonight.” By this time I was already taking extremely strong
finished telling everyone that his wife was terminally ill and
inside I felt like something very important was missing and
painkillers and had not slept for about four weeks from the
I started to apologise for being so inconsiderate. He stopped
that life was not fulfilling at all. What happened from there is
pain. I was scared not to take the painkillers, but I had to
me immediately and said, “NO, you’re in a much worse place
this: I lost my wife through separation, my business fell apart,
trust that I had heard from God. The next morning I woke
than I. We are going through this together, my wife and I.
our money disappeared and I couldn’t find work for months on
up, without pain. Praise God!
You have had something torn away from you. Jagged edges
end. Consequently, the toys went, the boat disappeared, and
like that hurt.” At this point I was in disbelief that a person
I got down to my very last $3000 on my credit card. With a
could even think so selflessly. Only through God does this
mortgage to pay and no income, I was broke. In my desperation I turned to God and started arguing with Him about the way I had been treated by my wife, colleagues and basically the whole planet. I felt like God was not listening. But whilst I was in prayer the Lord said the following things to me: 1. Forgive your wife and ask her for forgiveness for all that you have done wrong. “LOVE HER”. 2. Give the last of your money from your credit card to the poor. 3. Find a church and connect with the body of believers. 4. Lean on Me. Trust Me and I will look after you. So I gave in and did what He asked. I gave my
I returned to the neurosurgeon. He asked me why I hadn’t come in for my scheduled surgery and I told him that Jesus had healed me. At first he smiled and then he checked my arm and neck movements and realised that I was no longer constrained in movement or in any pain at all. Within minutes I was out of his office.
happen. He offered to pray for me and I accepted. I started frequenting the services at C3 Church Silverwater and felt the presence of God in the worship, the sermons, and interactions that I had with all of the people there. About this time, I approached my wife after one and a half years of separation and asked for her forgiveness. Her response was filled with anger and disappointment. As I kept trying to reconcile with my wife, we attended C3 a number of times. We attended the Silverwater marriage course, and after a lot of prayer and journeying together, my wife moved back in. She had seen how much I had changed; it was hard to recognise the
last $3000 to the poor. I needed approximately $4000 a month
new me from the man that I was before.
to pay my mortgage and basically survive. I had not been able to find work for over seven months, but within three weeks of
I returned to the neurosurgeon. He asked me why I hadn’t
Since then, our first child was born, we have a new (more
me giving away my last $3000, I found a new job, one which
come in for my scheduled surgery and I told him that Jesus
profitable) business, I have been attending C3 night school
offered a salary of $130,000 a year PLUS a $30,000 bonus for
had healed me. At first he smiled and then he checked my for the past 2 years and we attend both services at C3
signing onto the firm. That bonus alone was ten times what
arm and neck movements and realised that I was no longer
Silverwater on Sundays. I also attend two men’s connect
I gave, praise God. About three weeks after giving all of this
constrained in movement or in any pain at all. Within minutes
groups regularly, and I’ll be starting a new connect group
money I went to bed one night and woke with a broken neck.
I was out of his office. I started looking for a church where I
this year. God is great and we are grateful. We love being
I had no idea how this could have happened, as it certainly
could connect with a body of believers. So I visited five or six
active in Church and have made many new and dear friends
wasn’t broken when I went to bed. After an MRI, a CT scan different churches, which all left me dry and thinking that in Christ. I have one last thing to add: the story will not end here. I know that God will use what he has done for us to
and an X-ray, two separate neurosurgeons recommended
church was a waste of time.
that I needed life endangering surgery ‘immediately.’ I went
The next church I visited was C3 Church Silverwater and bless others, through us and in many other ways.”
PAge nยบ eight
Vision BuilDers one life meets one life
Vision BuilDers one life meets one life PAge nº ten
“Beyond inspires us to look outside the walls of our personal needs and extend our reach to the needs of others” Chris Pringle.
Through Beyond we go together into other nations, into our nation, and into our own backyards, touching people’s lives with the love of Jesus Christ through practical help. As we band together, each supplying their part, we can experience the power of community and realise our potential to help a hurting world. together, through Beyond and Missions, we have given over $700,000 this past 12 months. • Men of Honour event – 600 year 10 male students empowered and equipped to make great choices. • Church planting and development in Asia/Africa – conferences, training intensives, and ministry visits to connect, equip and build over 700 church leaders representing almost 100 churches. • Love Bali – Over 3000 attended, 200 salvations and $12,000 invested to provide fresh water for a local community in Bali. • Christmas Ministry – connect, help and celebrate Christmas with those in our local community experiencing challenges. Last Christmas we blessed over 1,000 families through presents, hampers and celebrations. • Christians Against Poverty – helping people struggling financially through debt counselling & management and empowering them through training.
Local community: • Supporting Sunny Field • Youth work • Silverwater Food Bank • Independent initiatives by church members Love Sydney Offerings - $101,000: • Mona Vale Hospital – purchase new essential equipment • NSW Ambulance – ‘Peer Support Program’ helping paramedics • Alicia Martin – ‘Food Within’ helping low income families
Beyond – Transforming Lives... Transforming Families... Transforming Communities
Josie's story.
first met Nicole at a mums group in the Dee Why community in 2010. After hearing about her situation I committed to provide her with support and practical
help. The first thing I did was connect her to the Christians Against Poverty (CAP) service which also helped pave the way for her to come along to C3 Church Oxford Falls. Eventually Nicole came to church one cold winter morning but was reluctant because she was still trying to make her own way with God. During this service Nicole went forward on the Altar Call and connected with Christ for
Disaster relief – Partnering with ‘Feed the Hungry’ we recently assisted communities affected by: • Flooding in Queensland - $90,000 • Earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand - $30,000
the first time. Nicole said, “When I made that connection with Christ I realised that this is what had been missing my whole life.” Nicole and her family are amazed by the support they’ve received from the C3 Church community. Once Nicole’s finances were taken care of with the help of CAP, I
School Scripture classes – teaching over 1000 primary then worked with her on her housing situation. We prayed together school kids each week about Jesus Christ. asking God for relocation to better accommodation and a miracle
Child advocacy: • Helping street kids in Sri Lanka – food, healthcare education. • Nias, Indonesia orphanage. • Child sponsorship through ‘Compassion’ • Every Woman Pader – a centre for single mums in Pader, Uganda providing shelter, food, and vocational training.
occurred. She was given the opportunity to move from a 2-bedroom unit into a 3 bedroom house. I was then able to call upon our amazing members that volunteer, and they were available to assist her move, mow the lawns and to even fill her cupboard with food. Many paths have opened for Nicole since coming to Christ. She has completed the Christian Essentials Course, been water baptised, and currently attends a Connect Group.” The
greatest end to Nicole’s story is she is now serving by helping me to deliver bread to other mums in need in our community.
ash's story. Vision BuilDers one life meets one life
s a young girl growing up in Ipswich, I was quite confused about life. I was living in an unhappy situation and feeling as though there was little to
look forward to in life. One day I was flicking through the channels on TV. I stumbled across the Australian Christian Channel and started watching "Your Best Life" with Ps Phil Pringle. The man I was watching instantly struck me – I kept thinking he was a bit too excited about something. I had never heard of C3 Church before and didn't really have an opinion on God or whether or not He was
PAge nº tWelVe
real at the time. As I continued to watch, I was intrigued by what Ps Phil was saying. At the end of the show he asked if anybody
Television is just that, it’s
a complete upgrade of the control room, incorporating a Full
would like to accept Christ and begin a new life - an exciting life,
HD Panasonic Vision mixer, 4 x Sony Full HD Broadcast one with a future and a hope. Not really aware of what I was doing
‘Tel-EVERYONE- YOUR VISION’. As technology becomes more affordable, our capacity to reach millions of households with the message of Faith, Hope & Love is forever increasing.
Cameras, and substantial upgrades to our audio facilities I said the prayer of Salvation, inviting Christ into my heart. I didn’t
‘C3 Media’ produces "Your Best Life with Phil Pringle",
streamed live to our internet campus, enabling people from in this "God thing". When I got there I instantly felt the Presence
and facility infrastructure. One of the advantages of the new really think much of it at the time. About two years later I decided equipment is the ability to create different TV “cuts” for our to make the move to Sydney to find something new. On my very auditorium, internet campus, and broadcast record, all at
first night here I was invited by a good friend to attend a women's
the same time, to better meet the individual needs of these
night at her church. This just so happened to be C3 Church City
different communities.
Campus, previously known as God In The City. So I went along,
For the first time ever, our Presence 2012 conference was
partly to be polite and partly because I was still a little interested
which is broadcast weekly throughout Australia, Asia, Europe across the globe to experience Presence even if they were
of God, and somehow I knew it was the Presence of God. I ended
and the United Kingdom. Media teams also film our weekend
unable to attend physically. Over 20,000 people, plus several
up having a great night, met some amazing people and decided
services, making way for our ever-growing Internet Campus,
entire churches, tuned in to watch Presence online, allowing
yes, I would be coming along on Sunday. After attending for three
with up to 7000 viewers per week. Over the last 12 months,
us to reach thousands of people who would otherwise have
months and nervously ignoring the altar call at the end of every
the Vision Builders program has enabled us to implement
been unable to attend.
meeting, I decided that if I was going to believe for real then I
an extensive upgrade to our C3 Media facilities. Enhanced
People are watching more TV than ever before and we want to
would have to say the prayer again, this time understanding what
equipment will enable C3 Media to provide broadcast content reach them with the message of Jesus Christ and point them
it meant and who I was really praying too. It has now been five
to TV networks across the globe. The upgraded equipment
towards their local C3 Church. Every week around the world
years since making that decision and hearing about God on "Your
will also enable our C3 College students to be trained on
people come to Christ in our services after seeing our church Best Life". I have become a member of C3 Church City Campus,
professional broadcast grade equipment, so that the students on television. Through broadcasting a church that is alive and
served on the welcome team, run a connect group, and have been
can take what they learn at C3 College back to their home bright, we show believers and unbelievers worldwide that God
P.A to Ps Tim Lowe. I currently lead at Imagine Nation Kids and I
churches and impact their communities, through media, is alive, the Church is alive and that He desires us to live our
have just started studying full time C3 College. I'm so grateful
wherever they are in the world. $428,410 was invested into the C3 Media facility, including
best life for His glory.
that God used the TV show to get my attention and draw me into His house.
But how shAll they Ask him to sAVe them unless they BelieVe in him?
and how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? and how can they hear about him unleSS Someone tellS them? Rom 10:14-15 The Message
Vision BuilDers one life meets one life PAge nº foURteen
Every year we jointly commit to the task of resourcing the vision that God has given us. When we work together in unity we can build something that enables God to reach the world and be reconciled to Him. We are convinced that giving to God through Vision Builders secures a strong and exciting future for our church.
Choose your method of fulfillment Regular payment: This is one of the most successful ways to fulfil your commitment by making a regular weekly or monthly contribution. Regular giving is rewarding and quickly builds
Online donation: This is a popular way of giving. Please visit our website at Then use the ‘Online Giving’ link, complete the information required, select the ‘Vision Builders’ field and continue with ‘Next’.
as illustrated in the table below: Bank details: for use with salary sacrifice and direct transfers Weekly
Name of Account: C3 Vision Builders
BSB: 062127, Acc: 10189658
Taxation benefits: All donations in excess of $2 given to C3
Vision Builders ABN 95 002 558 134 are tax deductible. The
real cost of your contribution can therefore be significantly
less than the amount donated, however, please seek advice
• Prayerfully consider the level of giving that you feel is 500
from your financial advisor. A Tax Receipt will be issued after
the end of the Financial Year.
how you can you be a part of vision Builders 2011? appropriate for you. Your decision should be based on
wisdom, prayer and faith. Remember, the philosophy of Vision Builders is equal sacrifice, not equal giving.
Salary sacrifice:You can arrange with your employer to make a
Trust Funds: Two Trust Funds that do not have tax deductibility
• Make a formal commitment to give on a Vision Builders
deduction from your salary each pay before tax.
status have been set up for those who do not need or wish to take
commitment card throughout June 2011. Alternatively,
advantage of the taxation benefits. Money given to these trusts
you can obtain a commitment card at any time from the
Direct transfer: This can be arranged through your employer can be used for expenditure beyond the purposes approved by
information desk in the church foyer.
or bank. Your bank can arrange regular transfers to occur the Australian Tax Office but within the Trust Deed. automatically. You can also arrange regular payments via
The Trust Fund details are as follows:
Internet banking. Alternatively, you can choose to make a
• Oxford Falls and Silverwater Campuses:
payment from money currently available or when you receive a work bonus, tax refund or via an asset sale.
‘C3 Church Building Trust’ • City Campus: ‘God in the City Rise and Build General’
Frequently Asked Questions
A / If you are in ‘out of control debt’, after your tithe the debt should be your next priority. Reducing the debt to a
Q / What is the Vision Builders program?
manageable amount (or even clearing it completely) should
A / The Vision Builders program is the overarching banner be attempted as you also make a manageable gift to Vision for our Rise & Build, Beyond, and Media and Television
Builders. Remember no amount is insignificant.
initiatives. Vision Builders is responsible for raising the finance needed to facilitate all of these areas of our Church life.
Q / Do you need my details? I wish to remain anonymous. A / You may remain anonymous if you wish, and all details
Q / Are my Vision Builders contributions tax-deductible?
of your giving will be kept confidential, however you will not
A / Contributions of $2 or more are tax deductible.
be able to claim tax deductibility for your giving as we will be unable to give you a record of your giving which you will need
Q / Can I give to Vision Builders instead of Tithing?
to submit to the Australian Tax Office.
A / Vision Builders giving should be seen as giving ‘over and above’ the tithe.
Q / How do we know where the money goes? A / Funds are spent in accordance with the initiatives
Q / What if I can’t fulfil my pledge?
presented in this brochure and as updated during the year.
A / Firstly, we encourage people to make realistic pledges.
All our accounts are independently audited annually to
Having done that, we understand that sometimes unexpected
ensure compliance and lodged with ASIC. Q / How should I determine how much to give to Vision Builders?
events happen and for whatever reason people find difficulty in fulfilling their pledge within the timeframe. We suggest
Q / I am only new to church, should I be giving to Vision Builders?
that you may still want to fulfil your pledge by breaking it If so, why?
A / A combination of wisdom, prayer and faith should be used in determining how much to give. Proverbs 24:3 (TLB)
A / There is no pressure for anyone, new or old to give to
says, “Any enterprise is built by wise planning, becomes
Vision Builders, nor is there any minimum requirement. New
strong through common sense, and profits wonderfully
Q / I am in significant debt, should I pay off my debts or give to
people who would like to give are most welcome, as is anyone
by keeping abreast of the facts.” If in doubt, please seek
Vision Builders?
who resonates with the vision we have for The Church.
counsel from your pastor.
down into smaller amounts over a longer period of time.
Oxford Falls|Silverwater|City Locked Bag 8, Dee Why NSW 2099 P +61 2 9972 8688 F +61 2 9975 6223 E