North Somerset Employment Development

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North Somerset Employment Development Karuna Tharmananthar Deputy Director Development and Environment Wednesday 19th October 2011

Overview •

Strong emphasis on „employment-led growth‟ in Weston.

Target of 10,000 new jobs and 6,000 new homes.

Key locations inc. Weston Enterprise Area plus revival of town centre.

Focus on “Business and Professional services”, but not exclusive.

Employment development also opportunities include Clevedon and Portishead.

Rural locations include Backwell, Congresbury and Yatton.

J21 Enterprise Area •

72ha „ready to go‟ with planning permission & access, incl. 17ha Business Park at Weston Airfield.

Excellent transport links.

Highly skilled workforce – significant proportion out-commute.

“Business and Professional services”, plus “campus” style setting at Locking Parklands promoting innovation and enterprise.

Approx. 2000 new jobs in the next five years.

Knightstone Housing Association regional HQ: 40,000sqm, 230 staff.

In the pipeline Opening Spring 2013 •

Weston Gateway:

Second biggest new office development in SW

Enquiries on all other plots

Leisuredome: ÂŁ50m, 33,100sqm, 583 direct + 380 indirect jobs.

Planning decision in eight weeks. Opening Spring 2013.

North Somerset Enterprise Agency, Weston Airfield

Managed Workspace full permission + pub, hotel & other office applications for 17ha business park

Locking Parklands – first homes available October 2011, first speculative office space & sites from Spring 2012

Making it happen With landowners & agents: •

„Super-serviced‟ sites

Joint marketing & promotions

Local employment & skills

Local supply chains

Simplified planning, including Local Economic Development Protocol

Targeted infrastructure

Support from West of England LEP

Interest in the area ? •

More than 180 enquiries for land and premises in last 12 months. •

18 retail related

93 industrial (workspace)

34 office

9 land

20 from outside area

„In north somerset‟ business website

+1,800 unique (new) visitors a month

What‟s on, news, locate pages 6,000 hits Sept

Interest in the area ? •

Twitter 128 followers

Commercial property pages •

290 viewings July (Leisuredome affect)

155 viewings Sept

Most UK hits – Bristol, Taunton and London

Hits from 82 countries world wide most from USA, Germany and India

Not forgetting the Town Centre public investment to encourage private investment

Dolphin Square

Portishead – Kestrel Court


Draft National Planning Policy Framework Consultation •

Presumption in favour of “sustainable development”.

Local Plans should be prepared on the basis that “objectively assessed development needs” should be met, with flexibility built in, and plan-compliant development should be approved without delay.

A significant implication is the cancellation of all the existing Planning Policy Guidance and Planning Policy Statements and related practice notes which give detailed guidance on a wide range of issues such Green Belts (PPG2), housing (PPS3), transport (PPG13) development in the countryside (PPS7), managing flood risk (PPS25), conservation and listed building control (PPS5), planning enforcement (PPG18), advert control (PPG19), telecommunications (PPG8).

dNPPF - details •

Removal of the priority for housing to be located on previously developed („brownfield‟) sites, ahead of greenfield sites;

Removal of the requirement for offices to be located in town centres whenever suitable sites are available there (the „Town Centre First‟ policy, which will still apply to retail and leisure);

Removal of the remaining national maximum parking standards;

A new requirement for 20% over-provision of land for housing as measured against the minimum 5-year requirement;

Relaxation of the rules on affordable housing, including allowing councils to permit some market housing on rural exception sites;

Removal of the requirement for replacement provision where open space that is not surplus is developed;

Removal of any requirement to protect the countryside as such, outside of designated areas such as Green Belts and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty;

Relaxation of the specific Green Belt rules on redevelopment of sites and extensions to buildings, and on provision of local transport infrastructure and community-led development;

Provision for new local designations to protect local green space and tranquil areas and to identify suitable areas for renewable and low-carbon energy sources.

Messages •

Be positive about the area and the opportunities that exist for business growth and investment

Dolphin Square has started (400 jobs)

Investment in public realm

Leisuredome £50m investment approved in 8 weeks (600 jobs), Spring 2012 start

Knightstone Housing 2nd largest office development in South West (230 jobs) Early 2012 start

Strong interest in the area now sites available – not just allocated

Working with developers and end users to secure jobs for local people inc. Westonworks and Job Centre Plus

Links with EDF for job opportunities at Hinkley C

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