European Forum on AI Law, Safety & Governance - WEB

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Kai Zenner

Head of Office and Digital Policy Adviser for MEP Axel Voss (EPP group) European Parliament

Gain Critical Updates From:

Kilian Gross Head of Unit

Office | EU Commission

Brando Benifei

Member of the European Parliament, Head of the S&D Group's Italian Delegation and Co-Rapporteur on the AI Regulation

Unlike other programmes, you will gain practical insights for weathering the anticipated (and unanticipated) challenges posed by the EU AI Act implementation.

‹ First-Hand Accounts of Operationalizing the EU AI Act: Overcoming hurdles affecting Codes of Practice, Responsible AI Guidelines and more

‹ Global Governance and Policy Harmonisation: Strategies for ensuring complementary and synchronised efforts across AI regulatory bodies

‹ Mitigating Risks of Disinformation and Deep Fakes: How to comply with the provisions against deep fakes and generative AI in the EU AI Act

‹ Analysing the Standards and Safety of AI Models: Concrete examples of model evaluations

‹ The Interplay of the EU AI Act and GDPR: How to manage the legal and compliance overlap

‹ The Rise in IP Risks: Interpreting and applying the copyright provisions in the EU AI Act and more

‹ Smaller-Group Benchmarking During Industry Roundtables



Lokke Moerel

Senior Of Counsel

Morrison & Foerster LLP (Belgium)

Tobias Haar General Counsel Aleph Alpha GmbH (Germany)

Clive Gringras Partner CMS (UK)


Angel Martín

Senior Director Digital Health & Taxation Advocacy EMEA, WWGA&P Johnson & Johnson (Belgium)

Audrey Herblin-Stoop

Head of Global Public Affairs & Communications Mistral AI (France)

Caroline Louveaux

Chief Privacy & Data Responsibility Officer Mastercard (Belgium)

Ivana Bartoletti

Global Chief Privacy and AI Governance Officer Wipro (Germany)

John Buyers Partner Osborne Clarke LLP (UK)

Malte Firlus

Public Policy Manager, AI Lead Amazon (Belgium)

Vishnu Shankar Partner

Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP (UK)

Wouter-Bas van der Vegt

Global Data Protection Officer / Director Global Legal Randstad (The Netherlands)

Günther Leissler Partner

Schönherr Rechtsanwälte gmbh (Austria)

Jakob Mainz, PhD

Senior AI Ethics Lead Novo Nordisk (Denmark)

Dr. Evangelos (Vangelis) Gazis

Chief Architect IoT Security Huawei Technologies (Germany)

Dr. Christoph Werkmeister Partner Freshfields (Germany)

Tibor Szigetvári

Chief Data Privacy Officer

CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA (Germany)

Dr. Morris Schonberg Partner

Herbert Smith Freehills (Belgium)

Francine Cunningham Regulatory & Public Affairs Director Bird & Bird (Belgium)

Emerald De Leeuw-Goggin

Global Head of AI Governance & Privacy Logitech (Ireland)

Andrew Harrison

GenAI Governance Enterprise Data Advisor ABN AMRO Bank N.V. (The Netherlands)

Enrique Capdevila Special Counsel Cooley LLP (Belgium)

Alexander Olbrechts

Director Digital Health MedTech Europe (Belgium)

Scott Cadzow

Chair of the ETSI Technical Committee Securing Artificial Intelligence (SAI) ETSI (UK)

William Malcolm

Senior Director, International Privacy Legal & Consumer Protection

Google (UK)

Sebastiano Toffaletti

Secretary General (CEO), European DIGITAL SME Alliance | Board Member, European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO) (Belgium)

Minesh Tanna Partner, Disputes & Investigations, Global AI Lead Simmons & Simmons LLP (UK)

Tjade Stroband Director AI and Disinformation Policy Microsoft (Belgium)

Heather Domin, PhD

Global Leader, Responsible AI Initiatives IBM (USA)

Julien Levis

Group Head of Data Privacy EFG Bank (Switzerland)


23 October 2024

15:00–16:00 CEST | 14:00–15:00 BST | 09:00–10:00 EDT

New Strategies for Global AI Governance and Policy Harmonisation in the Wake of the EU AI Act

As the European Union takes a significant step forward with the implementation of the EU AI Act, the landscape of AI regulation is set to change dramatically. This webinar will explore new approaches to global AI governance and the harmonization of AI policies across different jurisdictions.

Key Topics:

Global AI Governance:

• Key updates on international collaboration in AI law and regulation

• Current efforts and frameworks for global AI governance

Policy Harmonisation:

• Benefits of harmonising AI policies across different regions—and the pitfalls to avoid

• Overcoming hurdles to achieving policy harmonisation, including differences in regulatory approaches, ethical standards, and technological advancements

Speaker Include:
Prof. Lokke Moerel Senior Of Counsel Morrison & Foerster LLP



January 2025

09:00–12:30 (Registration opens at 08:30)

A Comprehensive Analysis of the EU AI Act and the Roadblocks to Implementation: Clarifying Key Definitions, Requirements, Grey Areas and Guidance for the Path Forward

Since the groundbreaking EU AI Act came into force on 1st August 2024, a host of expected (and unexpected) nuances, grey areas and compliance challenges have come to the forefront. Now that approximately six months have elapsed, it is a crucial time for all stakeholders involved in the development and deployment of AI technologies to take stock of their organisations’ interpretations and applications of key provisions.

Günther Leissler Partner Schönherr Rechtsanwälte gmbh (Austria)

This workshop provides an in-depth analysis of the EU AI Act, with a particular emphasis on clarifying key definitions, compliance requirements, and how to address the practical challenges associated with implementation.

Key Topics Include:

• Revisiting the scope and objectives of the EU AI Act, including its implications for AI development and deployment within the EU

• Expected (and unexpected) hurdles to interpreting and applying the Act, including technical, legal, and organisational hurdles

• Clarifying essential definitions within the Act, such as “high-risk AI systems”

• Dissecting the critical compliance requirements-and the real-life challenges to implementation

• Identifying and analysing ambiguous areas within the Act that may pose interpretative challenges

• Assessing new, evolving legal and compliance risks

• Reviewing real-world case studies and best practices from early adopters, providing valuable insights into successful implementation and compliance strategies to date

• Critical next steps for the path forward


28 January 2025

13:30–17:00 (Registration opens at 13:00)

GDPR, the Digital Services Act, Data Act—and Their Interplay with the EU AI Act: An In-Depth Review of Core Compliance Requirements in the AI Context

Building on the previous workshop, stakeholders in the AI context are confronting a complex web of legislation and regulations.

This detailed workshop provides a thorough review of the GDPR, the Digital Services Act, and the Data Act, with a focus on their core compliance requirements and overlap, along with the interplay of the EU AI Act.

Whether you are an AI developer, data protection officer, legal expert, compliance professional, or involved in the governance and oversight of AI systems, join us to gain essential insights into navigating this complex legal and regulatory landscape!

Keys Topics Include:

• Analysing the core provisions of GDPR, the Digital Services Act, and the Data Act as they apply to AI development and implementation

• How these laws and regulations interact with the EU AI Act

• Dissecting the essential compliance requirements under each Act and GDPR, and the grey areas that endure

Enrique Capdevila Special Counsel Cooley LLP

Vishnu Shankar Partner

Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP

• Managing the practical implications of these regulations for AI developers and users, including data protection, transparency, and accountability

• Best practices for creating a comprehensive compliance framework for AI systems

• Dovetailing additional (and sometimes conflicting) requirements into comprehensive policies, systems and protocols

• Important takeaways from key, recent enforcement actions and penalties


January 2025

07:15 Networking Breakfast and Registration

08:30 Co-Chairs’ Welcome & Opening Address on EU AI Act Implementation

09:00 Global AI Governance in Action: Practical Strategies for Effective Harmonisation, Collaboration and Policy Integration

This session will delve into the collaborative dynamics between the newly established AI Office and other AI global institutions and regulators, addressing the critical next steps synchronised efforts in AI governance.

• Exploring how the AI Office can effectively cooperate with international institutions and regulators

» Understanding the role of the newly established International Network of AI Safety Institutes

• Highlighting the unique position of the AI Office as a regulator and how it should interact with non-regulatory safety institutes

• Evaluating how Europe's AI governance strategies compare with those in the US, Canada, and other jurisdictions

• Reviewing the latest on harmonised international AI initiatives and the benefits of a unified global approach to AI regulation

• Looking at how various EU member states are delegating AI authority to various offices, such as delegation to data protection or cybersecurity agencies

Kai Zenner

Head of Office and Digital Policy Adviser for MEP Axel Voss (EPP group)

European Parliament

Heather Domin, PhD

Global Leader, Responsible AI Initiatives

Audrey Herblin-Stoop

Head of Global Public Affairs & Communications

Mistral AI

Lokke Moerel
Tobias Haar
Clive Gringras Partner

10:30 Safety and Standardisation of AI Models: Overcoming Effective Implementation Challenges and Lessons Learned

As the EU AI Act implementation phase unfolds, this session will explore the development and implications of AI model standards and safety provisions under the Act.

We will analyse the standards and safety measures shaping AI model regulations under the EU AI Act, fostering dialogue on effective implementation strategies, for safer and more reliable AI technologies.

• Updates on the efforts by organisations such as CEN, CENELEC, ISO, ETSI and IEEE to establish harmonised standards under the EU AI Act

» Highlighting the role of these standards in guiding industry compliance and accountability

• Examining how technical standards defined under the EU AI Act apply to industry stakeholders accountable for the safety and reliability of AI models

» Understanding how adherence to these standards impact market access and consumer trust

• Anticipating the evolution of AI standards and safety regulations, particularly in response to technological advancements and emerging AI applications

Dr. Evangelos (Vangelis) Gazis Chief Architect IoT Security Huawei Technologies
Scott Cadzow Chair of the ETSI Technical Committee Securing Artificial Intelligence (SAI) ETSI
Caroline Louveaux Chief Privacy & Data Responsibility Officer Mastercard


How to Manage the Interplay between the EU AI Act, GDPR, Digital Services Act and the Data Act: Concrete, Real-World Examples

Building on the pre-conference workshop, this panel will take the audience through the real-life lessons learned for aligning the EU AI Act compliance with GDPR, the Data Act, and the Digital Services Act (DSA). The speakers will discuss how to create synergies, address conflicts and mitigate a complex web of intensifying risk factors.

• Applying the transparency requirements under GDPR amid the intersection with similar obligations in the EU AI Act

• Satisfying impact assessment obligations for high-risk processing of sensitive data

• Understanding the role of the European Data Protection Board in providing guidance for harmonised implementation

• The present and future of legal disputes

William Malcolm

Senior Director, International Privacy Legal & Consumer Protection


Dr. Christoph Werkmeister Partner


• Insights into the enforcement mechanisms and governance structures underpinning the EU AI Act in relation to GDPR, the Digital Services Act, and other similar legislation

14:15 Guardians of Creativity: Balancing AI Innovation with IP and Copyright

Join us for an insightful panel discussion focusing on the critical intersection of AI technology and intellectual property (IP) rights. This session will explore the evolving landscape of copyright law in the context of AI, highlighting the balance between innovation and IP protection.

• The impact of the upcoming EU Commission proposal addressing copyright issues related to AI training datasets

• Understanding AI's transformative impact on the creative industries and the implications for copyright protection

• Considering how AI technologies are increasingly used for creation, raising new challenges for IP preservation and rights management

• Special considerations for liability management, contracting practices, and strategies for protecting IP rights in AI-driven environments

• Addressing legal frameworks and best practices for safeguarding IP in AI applications

• Exploring collaborative efforts between technology providers, legal experts, and policymakers to navigate complex IP issues in AI

Malte Firlus

Public Policy Manager, AI Lead


Francine Cunningham

Regulatory & Public Affairs Director Bird & Bird

15:00 Networking Break

15:15 Minimising Liability Risks Posed by Contracting in the AI Supply Chain: Best Practices for Contractual Safeguards and Risk Allocation

This panel discussion will delve into the complexities of contracting within AI supply chains amid the latest legal updates and directives.

• Key misconceptions around the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders within the AI supply chain as defined by the EU AI Act

• How liability can be shared and allocated across different partners across the AI supply chain

• Highlighting best practices for creating robust contracts that clearly delineate accountability, risk mitigation and compliance obligations

Minesh Tanna

Partner, Disputes & Investigations, Global AI Lead Simmons & Simmons LLP

John Buyers


Osborne Clarke LLP

16:15 The Evolving Impact of AI on Competitive Market Dynamics, Risk and Innovation: Perspectives on the Real-Life Pros and Cons

• How AI investments by major players can impact market competition and exploring strategies to ensure that AI does not hinder competition

» Understanding how the EU AI Act and the Digital Markets Act (DMA) intersect to regulate the competitive landscape

• Discussing Europe's position as a hub for AI innovation and what can be done beyond policy and regulation to support this

• Enhancing training, skills and digitalisation to support AI innovation

Morris Schonberg


Herbert Smith Freehills

17:00 Industry Roundtables Select your table of choice to benefit from smaller-group benchmarking and discussion. Compare notes with your industry peers on the latest best practices and expand your network.



08:15 Networking Breakfast and Registration

08:45 Co-Chairs’ Opening Remarks

09:00 First-Hand

Accounts of Operationalizing the EU AI Act: Overcoming Implementation Hurdles Affecting Codes of Practice, Responsible AI Guidelines and More

Join us for an in-depth panel session on the Implementation of the EU AI Act, where we will continue to dissect the practical challenges at the forefront. With the AI Office officially open, a major focus will be on the development of codes of practice for AI model providers and creating additional guidelines.

Key topics will include:

• Development of the Codes of Practice, establishing rules covering risk assessments, risk management, and model evaluation

• Driving responsible AI through best practices and guidelines, and emphasising proactive compliance

• Translating the EU AI Act's requirements into operational practices, including collaboration with technical teams to ensure effective AI governance

• Showcasing real-life experiences from early adopters, sharing valuable takeaways on implementing the Act

Kilian Gross Head of Unit AI Office, EU Commission

Tobias Haar General Counsel Aleph Alpha GmbH

Emerald De Leeuw-Goggin

Global Head of AI Governance & Privacy Logitech

• Anticipating any secondary legislation required to fully implement the Act over the next two years, and the steps needed to prepare for new regulatory oversight

10:00 Assessing and Mitigating the Risks of Disinformation and "Deep Fakes" under the EU AI Act: Concrete Examples of Putting Theory into Practice

This panel will focus on the emerging challenges of disinformation and deep fakes in light of the new EU AI Act and the European Commission highlighting the urgency of addressing disinformation campaigns. We will review real-world strategies and safeguards against the ‘deepfakes crisis’.

• Interpreting the specific provisions within the EU AI Act designed to mitigate the risks posed by deep fakes and generative AI technologies

• Discussing the broader regulatory landscape, including the ‘EU Artificial Intelligence Liability Directive’ and other potential new legislation

• Examining the technical complexities and advancements in generative AI that contribute to the proliferation of deep fakes

• Assessing international approaches to combating disinformation and how they compare with the EU's regulatory framework

10:45 Extended Networking Break

11:15 Cybersecurity Threats and AI: New, Emerging Threats Posted by AI Technologies — and How Organisations are Reassessing Risks, and Upgrading Security and Training Frameworks

This session will explore the critical intersection of AI and cybersecurity, focusing on the urgent challenges and evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats in Europe

• Examining the complex and sophisticated cybersecurity threats posed by AI technologies and their potential impact on European businesses and public infrastructure

• Sharing best practices for implementing proactive cybersecurity measures in the context of AI

» Providing guidance on developing robust security frameworks, conducting regular risk assessments, and fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness within organizations

• Understanding how training programs for cybersecurity, data security, compliance and privacy professionals need to adapt rapidly to keep pace with AI advancements

• Analysing the role of European policies and regulations in shaping the cybersecurity and AI landscape

Tjade Stroband

Director AI and Disinformation Policy


» Insights into how current and upcoming regulations can support effective cybersecurity strategies and protect against AI-driven threats

Ivana Bartoletti

Global Chief Privacy and AI Governance Officer Wipro

Tibor Szigetvári

Chief Data Privacy Officer

CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA

Sebastiano Toffaletti

Secretary General (CEO), European DIGITAL

SME Alliance | Board Member, European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO)

12:00 Networking Luncheon

13:15 Keynote Address


AI, HR and High-Risk Use: Ensuring Ethical Practices and Transparency for Effective Compliance

Join us for an in-depth panel discussion on the critical role of AI in employment and workforce transparency, particularly in the context of high-risk applications and compliance with the EU AI Act. This session will explore how organisations are ensuring ethical and transparent use of AI technologies in their employment practices.

• Examining the unique challenges faced by the HR industry, classified as high-risk under the EU AI Act

Global Data Protection Officer / Director Global Legal Randstad

• Understanding transparency requirements and how companies can ensure that their AI practices are fair, transparent, and compliant with regulations

• Delving into specific high-risk use cases in HR, such as AI-driven hiring processes and employee evaluations

» How to manage these applications responsibly and in compliance with the EU AI Act

• Providing insights into the legal frameworks and ethical considerations surrounding the use of AI in employment

Wouter-Bas van der Vegt


Industry-Specific Case Studies and Their Cross-Industry Lessons for EU AI Act Implementation

Part I: Financial Services and Insurance

• Exploring the specific high-risk AI applications within the financial, banking, and insurance industries

» The lengths and limits of AI technologies being used, such as predictive analytics, risk assessment tools, and automated decision-making systems

• Sharing insights into the preparation work undertaken by financial institutions to comply with the EU AI Act

» Best practices for assessing and managing AI-related risks, ensuring transparency, and aligning with regulatory requirements

• Analysing how the EU AI Act will influence operational practices such as data handling, customer interactions, and the implementation of other AI-driven services

• Addressing the industry-specific regulatory challenges faced by the financial and insurance industries, and the impact on EU AI Act compliance

• Examining the future of AI innovation in banking and insurance under the new regulatory framework

15:30 Part II: Technology

This session will examine how AI technologies are reshaping business models, operational strategies, and regulatory compliance within tech companies.

• Examining the specific requirements and guidelines laid out by the EU AI Act and their specific impact on tech organisations

• Navigating the legal and ethical implications of AI deployment, aligned with regulatory standards

• Insights from industry leaders on real-world implementations of AI technologies in compliance with the EU AI Act

16:15 Part III: Life Sciences and Healthcare

Delve into the evolving role of AI in the Life Sciences and Healthcare sectors under the EU AI Act. This session will delve into the profound implications for AI adoption and innovation within the life sciences space.

• Assessing how the EU AI Act is reshaping life sciences, including diagnostics, patient care, and operational efficiency

• How life sciences companies are managing the interplay of the EU AI Act, privacy and industry-specific laws and regulations

• Analysing the ethical and legal frameworks governing AI applications in life sciences, focusing on patient privacy, data protection, and algorithm transparency

• Reviewing case studies illustrating real-world applications of AI in life sciences and lessons learned from early adopters

Angel Martín

Senior Director Digital Health & Taxation Advocacy


Johnson & Johnson

Jakob Mainz, PhD

Senior AI Ethics Lead

Novo Nordisk

Alexander Olbrechts

Director Digital Health

MedTech Europe

17:00 Co-Chairs’ Closing Remarks and Conference Concludes

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