Learn the Latest Breakthroughs & Technological Advancements within DoD
May 24–25, 2022 • Sheraton Pentagon City, Washington, D.C. ACI’s National Congress on
(DOD – GOVERNMENT – INDUSTRY) Needs – Requirements – Capabilities – Opportunities
Troy Miller Deputy Commissioner U.S. Customs and Border Protection U.S. Department of Homeland Security
The Honorable Nickolas Guertin Director, Operational Test & Evaluation Office of the Secretary of Defense
Nicole Thomas Division Chief for Strategy and Policy Army Joint C-sUAS Office (JCO)
John Vona, SES Deputy Director, Plans, Program and Requirements Directorate Air Combat Command (ACC/A5/8/9)
Dr. Parimal PK Kopardekar (PK) Director NASA Aeronautics Research Institute (NARI)
Dr. Jaret C. Riddick Principal Director for Autonomy Office of the Director of Defense Research and Engineering for Modernization, USD (R&E)
Brandon Youngblood Group Manager, UAS Security and C-UAS Integration (AJR-26) Air Traffic Organization, FAA
Associate Sponsors Executive Sponsor REGISTER NOW
AmericanConference.com/Counter-UAS-Technology • 888 224 2480
Part of American Conference Institute’s DEFENSE SERIES
Why this National Congress on Counter Unmanned Aircraft Technology is a “Must Attend” Event. The escalation of small, increasingly sophisticated UASs being available to nation states, nonstate actors and individuals exposes a growing threat to not only military forces and law enforcement, but to critical infrastructures, and civilians alike. The DoD has recognized this ongoing threat of s-UAS and Large UAS and plans on increasing its budget spend to at least $636 million on C-UAS research and at least $75 million on C-UAS Procurement – which represents a $134 million increase over FY21. ACI’s National Congress on Counter UAS has been created to advance discussions on C-UAS threats well beyond existing intelligence. Guest speakers will take a very deep dive into the core of the constantly evolving drone risks which pose a significant disruptive force not only to the United States but globally.
This unique C-UAS Congress will feature: CHEVRON-DOUBLE-RIGHT
Keynote speakers from: Office of the Secretary of Defense and U.S. Customs & Border Protection
25+ Senior Decision-makers from DoD, U.S. Federal Government, UAS Defense Industry, C-UAS Technologists
Who Should Attend
• CEOs/COOs Unmanned Aircraft & Aviation Defense Systems • Presidents/Vice Presidents Defense & UAS Programs • University R&D Directors Faculty • General Managers, Defense Weapons Programs • Commanding Officers & COCOMs • Directors, Advanced Programs, Aviation • DoD Branch Service Chiefs • Business Development Managers, Autonomous Aircraft Systems • Sr. Marketing Managers, Defense Systems • Sr. Analysts, Defense Weapons & Testing • Sales Directors, Space & Defense Systems
& Engineers, Manufacturers and Researchers
• Principal & Chief Scientists
7 Interactive Panel Sessions on key C-UAS technology issues – including FAA, Army Programs, Defense Science
• Aerospace Mechanical Engineers
Board Task Force, Key Industry Manufacturers, DoD, & Federal Law Enforcement CHEVRON-DOUBLE-RIGHT
4+ hours of networking
• Program & Project Managers • Aviation & Autonomous Systems Engineers • Test & Evaluation Engineers
Join Us as we Present the Latest Insights on:
• Mechanical Science Leads
Angle-Right Emerging DoD & U.S. Government C-UAS Needs, Requirements, Capabilities, Strategies and Opportunities for Industry Angle-Right Latest Breakthroughs & Technological Advancements in Synchronized Solutions (S&T), Test and Evaluation Angle-Right Countering the Threat Roadmaps: FAA Regulatory Rules to Detect, Mitigate and Counter the Growing s-UAS Threat
Angle-Right DHS and Protecting the Infrastructure: Joint Protocols, Interoperability, Law Enforcement, and Way Ahead Angle-Right Understanding the Growing Threats: National Air Space & Beyond: Detection, Avoidance and Countering Capabilities Developments
Angle-Right Cutting-Edge Industry Solutions, Emerging Technologies and Future Opportunities American Conference Institute has designed a comprehensive agenda and interactive opportunity for Delegates to engage with Guest Speakers. All delegates will be provided unparalleled access to C-UAS Experts found in no other setting anywhere. We invite you to register to Attend, Sponsor, or Exhibit. Every delegate will be given the opportunity to obtain invaluable information on the emerging opportunities within DoD, Government and Industry markets found nowhere else and all within a live and intimate conference. Guest Speakers will closely examine emerging technologies and presentations in both 30- and 60-minute sessions while interacting with all delegates with Q&A sessions, at networking and during our networking sit down luncheons. Seats are expected to sell out.
Please reserve your registration today!
AmericanConference.com/Counter-UAS-Technology • 888 224 2480
For nearly 40 years, C5 Group companies including American Conference Institute, have developed and hosted conferences, summits and executive briefings providing the business intelligence that decision makers need to react decisively and effectively to challenges and opportunities in the marketplace. C5 Group and American Conference Institute offer over one hundred conferences, forums, and summits each year around the globe. Over 15,000 senior business and public sector executives, lawyers and other professionals from the United States, Canada and Europe, will attend an American Conference Institute and a C5 Group event this year. American Conference Institute Producers have decades of experience producing innovative National Defense & Aerospace events. ACI Aerospace & Defense forums offer a careful blend of networking experiences found nowhere else while offering superb content at the unclassified level.
COUNTER-UAS TECHNOLOGY CONGRESS SPEAKER FACULTY KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Troy Miller Deputy Commissioner, U.S. Customs and Border Protection U.S. Department of Homeland Security The Honorable Nickolas Guertin Director, Operational Test & Evaluation Office of the Secretary of Defense
SENIOR MILITARY AND GOVERNMENT SPEAKERS: Lieutenant General Michael Groen, USMC Director Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC) John Vona, SES Deputy Director, Plans, Program and Requirements Directorate Air Combat Command (ACC/A5/8/9) Headquarters Air Combat Command, Joint Base Langley-Eustis Nicole Thomas Division Chief for Strategy and Policy Army Joint C-sUAS Office (JCO) Tarun Gupta Deputy for the Directed Energy Project Office (DEPO) Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO) Dr. Jaret C. Riddick Principal Director for Autonomy Office of the Director of Defense Research and Engineering for Modernization, USD (R&E) Phil Mattson Senior Standards Advisor, DHS Standards Executive, Systems Engineering & Standards Division, Science and Technology Directorate U.S. Department of Homeland Security Brandon Youngblood Group Manager, UAS Security and C-UAS Integration (AJR-26) Air Traffic Organization Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) REGISTER NOW
Lieutenant General Michael Nagata, (USA-ret) Corporate Strategic Advisor and Senior Vice President CACI, International, Inc.
Thomas Adams Supervisory Special Agent, CUAS Program Manager Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), U.S. Department of Justice
William Darne Director, Short to Medium Range Ground Based Air Defense and Enterprise Counter-UAS Raytheon Missiles and Defense
Ryan Berry Manager, UAS Security Division (AXE-U00) Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Dr. Mark Maybury Chief Technology Officer Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. (Former USAF Chief Scientist)
Dr. Jeffrey Boulware Techncial Director Joint Integrated Air and Missile Defense Organization (JIAMDO)
Major General Kent Savre, (USA-ret) Senior Director Northrop Grumman Defense Systems
Colonel Nathan Diller, USAF Director Air Force Start Up Acceleration (AFWERX)
Ron Dauk Program Manager Boeing Laser & Electro-Optical Systems
Dr. Parimal PK Kopardekar Director NASA Aeronautics Research Institute (NARI)
Christopher J. Pehrson Vice President, Special Programs Parry Labs, LLC.
Dr. Steve ‘Cap’ Rogers Senior Scientist for Autonomy Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)
Colonel Rob Menti, (USA-ret) Business Development, Armament Systems Northrop Grumman Defense Systems
Colonel Tony Behrens, USA Deputy Director Joint Integrated Air & Missile Defense Organization (JIAMDO), Joint Staff (J8), Pentagon
John Knag Vice-President Defense Technology Dedrone
Matt Way Program Manager, Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Autonomy Portfolio, Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) Department of Defense Jim Patterson Manager, Airport Safety R&D Section Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Captain Jim Bamberger Public Area Security Infrastructure Protection (PASIP) Branch Chief, Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Counter-UAS Capability Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Mr. Tracy Sheppard Chief, Weapons Sciences Division, Competency Lead, Weapons Sciences Weapons and Materials Research Directorate
AmericanConference.com/Counter-UAS-Technology • 888 224 2480
Mark McKinnon Partner Fox Rothschild LLP Patrick “Mike” Shortsleeve Sector Vice President General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. Andy Lowery Chief Product Officer Epirus Jeffrey Starr Chief Marketing Officer D-FEND Solutions Linda Ziemba CEO & Founder AeroDefense Part of American Conference Institute’s DEFENSE SERIES
Opening Remarks from Congress Co-Chairs Dr. Jaret C. Riddick Principal Director for Autonomy Office of the Director of Defense Research and Engineering for Modernization, USD (R&E) 9:15
Patrick “Mike” Shortsleeve Sector Vice President General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc.
Counter sUAS Needs & Requirements at the Border
John Vona, SES Deputy Director, Plans, Program and Requirements Directorate Air Combat Command (ACC/A5/8/9) Headquarters Air Combat Command, Joint Base Langley-Eustis 12:45
Networking Luncheon
Fortem C-UAS Capabilities Matt Quinn Fortem Technologies
Troy Miller Deputy Commissioner, U.S. Customs and Border Protection U.S. Department of Homeland Security 9:45
Defense Science Board Task Force on Counter Autonomy
Dr. Jaret C. Riddick Principal Director for Autonomy Office of the Director of Defense Research and Engineering for Modernization, USD (R&E)
DOT&E Advancements in Counter UAS Capabilities The Honorable Nickolas Guertin Director, Operational Test & Evaluation Office of the Secretary of Defense 10:15
Agile Combat Employment
JCO Program Strategies for the Homeland, Host Nation and Contingency Locations
Networking Break
Ron Dauk Program Manager Boeing Laser & ElectroOptical Systems
Phil Mattson Senior Standards Advisor, DHS Standards Executive, Systems Engineering & Standards Division, Science and Technology Directorate U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Advancements in Army Directed Energy Weapons Capabilities Andy Lowery Chief Product Officer Epirus
Networking Break
Dr. Steve ‘Cap’ Rogers Senior Scientist for Autonomy Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)
The Development of Standardized Test Methods for UAS, and Applications for Cybersecurity and C-UAS
Nicole Thomas Division Chief for Strategy and Policy Army Joint C-sUAS Office (JCO) 10:45
Dr. Mark Maybury Chief Technology Officer. Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. (Former USAF Chief Scientist)
Tarun Gupta Deputy for the Directed Energy Project Office (DEPO) Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO)
Closing the Gap: C-sUAS Capability Development Colonel Tony Behrens, USA Deputy Director Joint Integrated Air & Missile Defense Organization (JIAMDO), Joint Staff (J8), Pentagon 4:30
Counter UAS Science & Technology at DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory Mr. Tracy Sheppard Chief, Weapons Sciences Division, Competency Lead, Weapons Sciences Weapons and Materials Research Directorate 5:00
Adjournment Day One
Matt Way Program Manager, Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems Autonomy Portfolio, Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) Department of Defense
Opening Remarks from Congress Co-Chairs Jeffrey Starr Chief Marketing Officer D-FEND Solutions
Patrick “Mike” Shortsleeve Sector Vice President General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc.
A.I. C-UAS R&D Potential Capabilities for Joint All domain C2 Lieutenant General Michael Groen, USMC Director Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC) 9:25
Networking Break
Future C-UAS Capabilities, Needs and Requirements for Safety in the NAS Dr. Parimal Kopardekar Director NASA Aeronautics Research Institute (NARI)
A.I. C-UAS R&D Potential Capabilities for Joint All domain C2 Ha McNeill CEO, Pangiam Strategic Consulting, Former Chief of Staff Transportation Security Administration Lt Gen Michael Groen Deputy Director Joint Integrated Air & Missile Defense Organization (JIAMDO), Joint Staff (J8), Pentagon
Captain Jim Bamberger Public Area Security Infrastructure Protection (PASIP) Branch Chief, Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Counter-UAS Capability Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
Ryan Berry Manager, UAS Security Division (AXE-U00) Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Networking Break
C-UAS Capabilities to Defeat our Adversaries and Challenges Ahead William Darne Director, Short to Medium Range Ground Based Air Defense and Enterprise Counter-UAS Raytheon Missiles and Defense
Air Force Start Up Acceleration C-UAS Opportunities for Industry Colonel Nathan Diller, USAF Director Air Force Start Up Acceleration (AFWERX) Networking Break
Dual-Use CUAS Technologies for the Warfighter and Homeland Major General Kent Savre, (USA-ret) Senior Director Northrop Grumman Defense Systems
Challenges and Threats of sUAS in an Urban Environment Thomas Adams Supervisory Special Agent, CUAS Program Manager Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), U.S. Department of Justice
Jim Patterson Manager, Airport Safety R&D Section Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) William J. Hughes Technical Center
Patrick “Mike” Shortsleeve Sector Vice President General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc.
Federal Aviation Administration – National Air Space Plans & Airport Safety Program Updates
Lieutenant General Michael Nagata, (USA-ret) Corporate Strategic Advisor and Senior Vice President CACI, International, Inc.
Attacks on the U.S critical infrastructure aimed at significantly disrupting or permanently wiping out the functioning of Government and business alike, would produce cascading effects far beyond the targeted sector and physical location of the incident. This panel session will take a deep dive into the DoD, Government, and Industry efforts to defend our critical infrastructure with emerging C-UAS capabilities and needed requirements to defend and protect our resiliency not only homeland but global critical infrastructure. 10:25
Christopher J. Pehrson Vice President, Special Programs Parry Labs, LLC.
Linda Ziemba CEO & Founder AeroDefense Jeffrey Starr Chief Marketing Officer D-FEND Solutions
Patrick “Mike” Shortsleeve Sector Vice President General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. 4:45
Nicholl Glasco Senior Principal, Business Development, Armament Systems, C-UAS Northrop Grumman Defense Systems MODERATOR:
John Knag Vice-President Defense Technology Dedrone
Co-Chairs Closing Remarks and Conference Ends
Planning Ahead for Live Conferences: ACI’s All Secure Safety Plan As American Conference Institute and our partners plan for in-person events, we are committed to building and enhancing the planning and preparation with a view to offering our guests a safe place for live conference delivery. In addition, to ensure your safety, our event staff is fully vaccinated. All our events will adhere to official government and local authority guidance in addition to venue or location-specific regulations, and will follow the commitments below.
Attendance Screening All attendees will need to assert that at the time that they first attend the conference and for the 14 days prior: y They are not experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. y Have not traveled from an area under a travel health advisory. y Have not provided care for or had close contact with any person with or reasonably suspected of having COVID-19, or with any person who traveled outside of your home country or to an area under a travel health advisory. y Have not been advised by any health authority, government agency or regulation to selfisolate due to possible exposure to COVID-19.
All Secure
Enhanced Communication y Advance communication to all attendees on what to expect and prepare for at the conference: from registration to conference materials to room layout to food and beverage options and more. y Education and training for the team to ensure we provide a safe and secure conference experience. y Distribution of local health-resource information in advance of the event. y Ongoing communication and advance planning with the venue regarding enhanced cleaning and sanitizing measures, response strategies and other onsite protocols.
Link to COVID-19 symptoms: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms-testing/symptoms.html We are closely monitoring industry best practices and will be evaluating further additional measures pertaining to vaccinations and on-site screening based on the advice of health authorities.
Increased Cleaning and Sanitation y Placement of hygiene stations throughout the conference including the registration area, meeting spaces and high frequency areas. y Availability of personal hygiene and safety products including facial coverings where available.
Safety and Physical Distancing y Physical distancing protocols such as limiting attendance, directional signage and markers throughout the conference. y A conference room layout with planned seating for appropriate physical distancing. y We continue to work closely with our venue partners to ensure the safety of our attendees. Please check back frequently as we monitor and evolve our plan in the weeks ahead.
Reduced Touchpoints y Reduction of the physical distribution of onsite materials. y Food and beverage options that ensure minimal handling and exposure.
AmericanConference.com/Counter-UAS-Technology • 888 224 2480
The American Conference Institute is pleased to offer our delegates a limited number of hotel rooms at a negotiated rate. To take advantage of these rates, please contact the hotel directly and quote “ACI’s Counter UAS”.
Register and pay to lock in your early rate and be eligible for a full refund until May 20, 2022. If you are unable to attend for any reason, you will have the following options: y A full credit note for you, or a colleague to attend another event. y A full refund. All cancellations and changes must be submitted to customerservice@americanconference.com by May 20, 2022. GUARANTEE
Hotel: Sheraton Pentagon City Hotel Address: 900 South Orme Street, Arlington, VA, 22204 Reservations: 1-800-325-3535 Please note that the guest room block cut-off date is May 4, 2022. After that date OR when the room block fills, guestroom availability and rate can no longer be guaranteed.
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