Summit on Anti-Corruption & Compliance Programs MEXICO - AAAG / ESP

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8:00 Registro y sesión para entablar vínculos


Charla de apertura de los copresidentes

microphone-alt Monica Orozco Guerreo, Head of Anti-Bribery & Corruption LAM & MX, HSBC Mexico Diego Sierra, Partner, Von Wobeser y Sierra SC


Entrevista: Tendencias y prioridades de la aplicación de la FCPA en México y en la región

microphone-alt David Last, Chief, FCPA Unit, US Department of Justice

Katherine Sawyer, Counsel, Latham & Watkins

• Updated priorities and DOJ collaboration with local and regional prosecutors

• Important takeaways from 2022 and an outlook for 2023

• Update on the implementation of the newly revised Corporate Enforcement Policy

• Updates on compliance program and internal control expectations

• Practical implications of the increased focus of FCPA enforcement in Mexico and the region


El resurgimiento de los riesgos en viajes, obsequios y entretenimiento: las mejores prácticas más novedosas para reforzar la conciencia sobre el cumplimiento entre sus empleados y externos

microphone-alt Luis Reynoso Belmonte, Global Compliance Officer, Truper

Diego Sierra, Partner, Von Wobeser y Sierra SC

Through a series of hypothetical scenarios covering the biggest dilemmas at the forefront, this session will walk you through the “how to” aspects of addressing high stakes challenges, including:

• Status update on enforcement risks posed by gifts and entertainment

• How to handle business interactions with corporate entities, as well as local, federal and foreign officials

• Determining who is involved in the approval of gifts, hospitality and other requests

• Clarifying the grey areas of the law, and how the law is being applied to public vs private officials

• Special considerations for marketing and business development-related activities

10:30 Receso para entablar vínculos


Los cinco obstáculos más nuevos para la investigación y la supervisión de terceros y cadenas de suministro: cuestiones especiales para la industria en México

microphone-alt Luz Elena Gomez-Haro, Director, Corporate Global Compliance Counsel, Pepsico

This session will focus on specific, heightened challenges, including:

• Developing contract terms for third party monitoring and audits

• When and how to re-evaluate risk for third party vendors, suppliers, contractors, brokers-and determining whether or not to terminate the relationship

• How to establish a program that allows for ongoing due diligence and monitoring for an existing third party relationship


Perspectivas sobre la aplicación de la FCPA, expectativas de cumplimiento y supervisiones externas por parte de exfuncionarios del DOJ y consejeros de defensa: qué hay en el horizonte de la industria en México

microphone-alt Maria Beguiristain, Partner, White & Case LLP, Former AUSA for Southern District of Florida

James Koukios, Partner, Morrison & Forrester LLP, Former Senior Deputy Chief, Fraud Section, U.S. Department of Justice

Former US Government officials will share concrete examples and past experiences to help identify the key areas of risk to address and the anticipated shift in enforcement. This session will provide unique insight on what it now takes to satisfy DOJ compliance expectations, if and when to self-disclose and what can yield cooperation credit. The discussion will also focus on both corporate and individual liability risks in the wake of recent DOJ announcements.

12:15 Almuerzo para entablar vínculos | #ACIFCPA twitter: @ACI_Conferences linkedin: ACI: Anti-Corruption / FCPA – Legal, Regulatory and Compliance Professionals Part of C5 Group’s ANTI-CORRUPTION GLOBAL SERIES 1


Las realidades del panorama anticorrupción en México: perspectivas de los aspectos políticos, legales y de cumplimiento y su impacto en la práctica

microphone-alt Adriana Peralta Ramos, CEO & Founder, Ethics & Compliance Bureau


This session will focus on the current priorities of the Mexican Government and perspectives on the path forward:

• Current Enforcement outlook

• Potential future compliance challenges


Adaptación de su programa de cumplimiento ante los riesgos cambiantes a los que se enfrenta la industria en México: mejorar sus políticas, la capacitación, los controles internos y más en medio de las crecientes expectativas del DOJ

microphone-alt Karla Medina, Senior Compliance Professional, Sempra Energy

Andres Gomez-Chico Spamer, Ethics and Compliance Officer, AES

Join us in this interactive session as we discuss:

• How to implement an effective training regime: What are the most critical areas to cover

• Data Privacy: How to manage the impact of data privacy laws and avoid violations

• The unique considerations in Mexico: Tailoring your compliance program to the realities of the market, while maintaining a global compliance regime

• How to contend with Individual Liability risks: Cross-Industry examples of roles and responsibilities to have continued success in the job

• How to properly manage a compliance program to incorporate the FCPA and local laws and regulations

• How to measure the effectiveness of your compliance program

3:15 Receso para entablar vínculos


Enfoque especial en Colombia: lecciones aprendidas al gestionar realidades únicas “en el terreno”

microphone-alt Maria Gonzalez Calvet, Partner, Ropes & Gray LLP

• Examining the lessons learned from operating an anti-corruption program in Colombia

• Navigating local laws, regulations and customs

• Examining how enforcement of both the bribery and political contributions laws are changing anti-corruption compliance in Colombia

• Lessons that can be applied to the Mexican context


Investigar y abordar las conductas indebidas de empleados y terceros: las funciones en evolución y los riesgos de responsabilidad que afectan a los profesionales de las áreas legal y de cumplimiento y a los miembros del consejo

microphone-alt Juan Ilich Perez Garcia, General Counsel, SAMSUNG

Oscar Rodrigo Gonzalez, Legal Counsel & Local Compliance Officer, Sandvik

Adriano Mucelli, Managing Director Legal Monitorships and Investigations, BDO

• Understanding the rising Individual liability risk for compliance professionals

• How to monitor and detect actual or suspected misconduct

• Determining whenhen should you self-disclose

• Special considerations for industry in Mexico


Recepción y coctel para entablar vínculos | #ACIFCPA twitter: @ACI_Conferences linkedin: ACI: Anti-Corruption / FCPA – Legal, Regulatory and Compliance Professionals 2 Part of C5 Group’s ANTI-CORRUPTION GLOBAL SERIES
de marzo de
Hyatt Regency, Ciudad de México



Charla de apertura de los copresidentes


Mesa redonda sobre cumplimiento interno

microphone-alt Angel De Leon Zamora, Head of Legal & Compliance, Ontex

Livis Jaquez, Executive Compliance Director, Joyson Safety Systems

This boardroom style benchmarking session with gather in-house legal and compliance professionals. This is designed as an exclusive smaller-group discussion on complex challenges and emerging issues that are affecting industry in Mexico. Participants will benefit from stories from the field and best practices learned.

10:00 Receso para entablar vínculos


La última intersección entre las investigaciones ALD y anticorrupción y los riesgos de cumplimiento

microphone-alt Tania Alejandra Reyes Motes, VP LATAM, & Chief Anti-Bribery Officer, Citibanamex

Ruti Smithline, Partner, Morrison & Foerster LLP

• How AML and anti-corruption agencies are coordinating enforcement efforts and providing the others with case referrals

• Practical implications of the intersection of money laundering and corruption investigations

• How the use of on- and offshore shell corporations and other money laundering fronts are being investigated

• Measures to improve AML mechanisms to mitigate bribery



los riesgos de corrupción en aumento en el contexto de la contratación pública: consideraciones especiales que afectan las licitaciones, las concesiones y los protocolos de cumplimiento

microphone-alt Carlos Benjamin Silva Hernandez, Deputy Legal Compliance Officer, PEMEX

Carlos Chavez, Partner, Galicia Abogados SC

During the COVID outbreak, the awarding of contracts in Mexico became more challenging and created areas for risk. This session will examine the current landscape and emerging risks, including:

• Unique, heightened risks posed by public bidding process

• Understanding the current climate of the bidding process and how to successfully navigate it without committing wrongdoing

• Tips, tricks, and practical lessons learned

• The differences between public bid, restricted invitation and direct award

• Progress of the electronic system and its effect on public bidding

• The process of "non-conformity", when to declare a contract null and void


Combatir la corrupción en el sector financiero: lecciones clave y orientación para las partes interesadas

microphone-alt Monica Orozco Guerreo, Head of Anti-Bribery & Corruption LAM & MX, HSBC Mexico

Juan Salvador Nito Irigoyen, Head of Legal and Compliance Latin America, Vanguard

• Measures to improve your AML risk management and shield against potential bribery concerns

• How money is flowing through the financial system in Mexico

• How to identify the heightened risks and types of corruption in the financial sector

• Identifying the most common ways funds are being transferred illegally—and implementing controls to flag suspicious payments before it's too late

12:00 Almuerzo para entablar vínculos | #ACIFCPA twitter: @ACI_Conferences linkedin: ACI: Anti-Corruption / FCPA – Legal, Regulatory and Compliance Professionals Part of C5 Group’s ANTI-CORRUPTION GLOBAL SERIES 3


El foco en Brasil: el rostro del cumplimiento de las normas anticorrupción después de las elecciones y los desafíos emergentes que ahora deben señalarse

microphone-alt Daniel Sibille, Regional Senior Compliance Director and Deputy Compliance Officer, Oracle (Brazil)

Salim Neto, Partner , Saud Advagados

• Key regulatory and enforcement developments in Brazil and across the region—and their impact

• What recent developments reveal about the cooperation between U.S. and enforcement authorities in Latin America—and compliance program expectations

• Lessons learned for mitigating risks amid a new DOJ enforcement posture and new government in Brazil


Los riesgos y desafíos menos conocidos al expandir su negocio: los puntos más sutiles de la interacción con los funcionarios del gobierno local y la evolución de su programa de cumplimiento

microphone-alt Hugo Lopez Coll, Partner, Sainz Abogados

Alejandro Galvan Illnes, Head of Legal Regulatory & Government Affairs Mexico, Petco

Jose Antonio Chavez Vargas, Partner, Chavez, Vargas, Minutti Abogados, S.C.

This session will examine the various risks associated with expanding your operations and business into different regions in Mexico.

• Regional-specific risks to be aware of and how to mitigate them

• How to navigate anti-corruption risks while attempting to quickly expand your business

• Shared experiences and challenges that are unique to different regions in Mexico

• Best practices to maintain the integrity of your business and compliance program

2:45 Receso para entablar vínculos


Prioridades de ASG y cumplimiento en México: perspectivas de distintos sectores sobre las prácticas recomendadas más novedosas y lecciones aprendidas

microphone-alt Daniel Linsker, Partner, Control Risks

Luciano Perez, Partner, Nader, Hayaux y Goebel

• How to update your compliance program to addresses new ESG developments, conduct risk assessments, compliance testing and monitoring

• How ESG regulations impact your compliance program and resource allocation

• Merging ESG into your compliance program and corporate culture

• Understanding the ESG risks alongside corruption risks—and how to integrate both into your training program



El camino hacia el futuro para la lucha anticorrupción: cómo el sector privado de México está reforzando las iniciativas de cumplimiento y de gobierno corporativo para 2023 y más allá

With little enforcement in Mexico, industry has taken the lead in strengthening compliance protocols and adapting their programs in response to heightened FCPA and global enforcement risks.

• Concrete examples of changes that companies have implemented

• Perspectives on the present and future of the anti-corruption landscape in Mexico—and preparing for the next phase of compliance

• Intensified corruption risks that have resulted from the lack of local enforcement and anti-corruption priorities


Charla de cierre por parte de los copresidentes | Fin de la conferencia | #ACIFCPA twitter: @ACI_Conferences linkedin: ACI: Anti-Corruption / FCPA – Legal, Regulatory and Compliance Professionals 4 Part of C5 Group’s ANTI-CORRUPTION GLOBAL SERIES
MÉXICO 22 y 23 de marzo de 2023 Hyatt Regency, Ciudad de México

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