10 de febrero de 2025
1:00 pm–2:00 pm CST
Los principales retos contra el lavado de dinero para las organizaciones en México
Este oportuno webinar proporcionará un resumen de los temas clave de AML para las empresas que trabajan en México. Las áreas clave que se cubrirán incluyen:
• Los mayores obstáculos para cumplir con los requisitos mexicanos-y cómo superarlos
• SAT: Las últimas actividades en materia de regulación y supervisión, límites de transacciones en efectivo y presentación de informes ALD
• Papel de los organismos gubernamentales implicados en el cumplimiento de la normativa ALD
• Implementación de los requisitos CSC para la debida diligencia del cliente
• Actualización de los procedimientos para verificar la identidad de sus clientes
• Estrategias para evaluar el riesgo asociado a sus relaciones comerciales
• Preparación para una auditoría dirigida por las autoridades
• Tendencias en las sanciones por incumplimiento
Diego Marván Partner Chevez, Ruiz, Zamarripa
Norma Panszi
Regulatory and Legal Compliance Manager FEMSA
2:30 pm–3:30 pm CST
El panorama de la FCPA y la anticorrupción en México: Actualizaciones Clave y Riesgos de Cumplimiento a Observar en 2025
Este oportuno webinar proporcionará una visión general de las últimas iniciativas y riesgos de la FCPA y anticorrupción en México.
Los temas que se discutirán incluyen:
• Prioridades actuales de la Administración de Claudia Sheinbaum
• La Administración Trump: Predicciones para la FCPA y el comercio con México
• El nombramiento del Nuevo Secretario de Anticorrupción y Buen Gobierno de México -y el impacto en los esfuerzos anticorrupción
• Prioridades de aplicación de la FCPA en 2025
Roberto Hernandez Partner COMAD, S.C.
Maria Elena Lapetina Member Miller & Chevalier Chartered
• Factores de riesgo nuevos y emergentes que afectan a las organizaciones en México-y las mejores prácticas para abordarlos
The 2025 agenda will focus on the new landscape of geopolitical, compliance and enforcement risks. Join a new faculty of Mexican and U.S. experts for practical discussions on:
ĉ Judicial Reform: Managing the Business and Compliance Implications for Your Organization
ĉ Re-Evaluating Risk: How Companies Are Re-Thinking Risk Amid Political and Regulatory Shifts in Mexico and the U.S.
ĉ Expanding Your Operations in Mexico: What It Now Takes to Mitigate Corruption Risks Affecting New Licenses and Permits
ĉ Post-Election Predictions and the Way Forward: How the U.S.-Mexico Relationship Will Evolve and Affect Your Compliance Strategy
ĉ FCPA Penalties: Lessons Learned from Recent FCPA Enforcement Actions in Mexico and the Region
Network and Benchmark Compliance Best Practices with:
Ê AES México
Ê Aleatica
Ê Audi Mexico
Ê Braskem Idesa
Ê General Motors
Ê International Motors
Ê Mabe Global
Ê Nestlé México
Ê Novartis
Ê Oracle
Ê PepsiCo
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Anti-Money Laundering Compliance & Investigations MEXICO
DAY 1: Wednesday, March 12, 2025
9:00 Opening Remarks from the Co-Chairs
Luz Elena Gomez-Haro Sr. Director, Compliance & Ethics Global Programs PepsiCo
Roberto Hernandez Partner COMAD SC
9:15 Judicial Reform and the Legal Landscape for Mexican Industry: Legal Experts Assess the Impact of Electing Justices and Federal Judges
During this highly anticipated opening session, the esteemed panelists will discuss key issues, including how the Mexican Supreme Court will be reorganized and the timing of these changes. The latter part of the session will focus on the anticipated impact on the legal landscape for industry in Mexico.
Judge Maria Emilia Molina President Mexican Judges Association
Eduardo Bohorquez CEO Transparencia Mexicana
10:00 In-House Panel: How Companies Are Re-Thinking Risk and Compliance Amid Political and Regulatory Shifts in Mexico and the U.S.
Companies in Mexico are revisiting their compliance strategies due to the new political, legal, trade and business landscapes in Mexico. During this panel, learn how legal and compliance experts are evolving their programs in response to changing realities and risk factors.
Topics will include:
• Weathering uncertainty: Real-world examples of how companies are preparing for what's next
• How industry is thinking about the anti-corruption and ESG landscapes of risk
• Impact of potential tariffs and more regulatory changes in the US
• Evolving corruption risks and adapting your policies and processes accordingly
• Anticipating the USMCA 2026 negotiations-and updating your contingency planning
• Minimizing risks posed by criminal organizations and other bad actors
• How will companies detect potential corruption schemes before it's too late
10:45 Extended Networking Break
Karla Chavez Mireles General Counsel Mexico 3M
Loreto Ramos Head of Ethics, Risk & Compliance Novartis Mexico
11:15 FCPA Enforcement in Mexico: New Priorities, Activity and Compliance Expectations
Gain a deeper understanding of the increased scrutiny from the DOJ and SEC FCPA Units. Several high-profile cases have emerged recently. Learn more about:
• Status report on DOJ and SEC enforcement in Mexico and the region
• Examples of what has yielded a DPA or NPA vs. a prosecution or settlement
• Lessons learned from recent monitorships
• Extent of DOJ and SEC cooperation with Mexican and other authorities across the region
• Rethinking when to disclose actual or suspected violations
• DOJ efforts to stop the global fentanyl supply chain — from China to Mexico to the United States-and the interplay with FCPA enforcement
• Implication of Ex-Mexican Secretary of Public Security Genaro Garcia Luna sentenced to 38 years for bribes
• Has there been more focus on individual liability?
Expansion and Nearshoring: What It Takes to Mitigate Corruption Risks Affecting New Licenses and Permits
There are increased risks when companies are expanding, building new facilities or sourcing a new supply chain. As a result, it is critical to strengthen due diligence protocols to detect red flags. During this session, gain practical insights on key issues, including:
• Warning signs that require follow-up questions to third parties
• When to rethink possible expansion plans due to the level of risk exposure
» Interacting with local government officials and mitigating potential bribery risks
• Refining contractual language and incorporating third party audit clauses
» Monitoring third party compliance
» Deciding when to terminate a third party relationship
12:45 Networking Luncheon
2:00 Special Interview
Maria Elisa Vera Madrigal Office of Specialized Prosecutor for Combatting Corruption Fiscalía General del la República
2:30 The
Wendy Alcala Vice President, Legal, Compliance Public Affairs and ESG Nestlé México
Akira Ano Junior Chief Compliance and Risk Officer Braskem Idesa
Jonathan Edward Adams Partner Baker McKenzie, S.C.
Luis Danton Martinez Corres Partner LEC Litigio Estrategico y Compliance SC
Aftermath of Recent U.S. DOJ Guidance and Pilot Programs: New Considerations for Strengthening Policies, Internal Controls and Employee Training
This session will delve into recent U.S. DOJ guidance and pilot programs affecting compliance, risk assessments, whistleblower policies and your disclosure calculus. Key topics will include:
• Voluntary self-disclosure policy
• Rollout of whistleblower rewards program
• Updates to Corporate Criminal Enforcement policies
• Updates to evaluating Corporate Compliance Programs
Marco Antonio Padilla Mérigo Global Chief Compliance and Risk Officer Aleatica
3:15 Networking Break
3:30 Mexico's Anti-Corruption Developments: Key Trends Changing the Transparency Landscape
Under President Claudia Sheinbaum’s administration, Mexico has seen the elimination of several autonomous regulatory and oversight agencies. This move was communicated as a cost-saving measure to streamline government functions. During this session, our distinguished speakers will discuss the present and future of anti-corruption and transparency in Mexico. Topics will include:
General Global Counsel & Compliance Officer (Mexico) International Motors
• The specific agencies that were eliminated and the impact on the legal and regulatory environment
• Will we see an increase or decrease in transparency?
• Possible impact on the international community's perception of Mexico
• Effect of the Anti-Corruption Clause in the USMCA and its future post-2026 renegotiation
» How these recent developments have affected legal, compliance and business in Mexico
4:15 Compliance Across Borders: Transnational Challenges of Implementing a Compliance Management System
• Implementation of CMS at Audi México
• Effectiveness Review and Risk Assessment of the Compliance Program
• Challenges of Implementing the German Human Rights Due Diligence Act among Entities in Audi Group
• Promoting a accurate Speak-up Culture
5:00 Networking Reception
6:00 End of Day One
Global Sponsorship Opportunities
Dr Farrokh Boroomand
Head of Integrity, Compliance, Policy & Risk Management Audi Mexico
Don’t miss the opportunity to maximize
For more information please contact us at:
DAY 2: Thursday, March 13, 2025
8:55 Opening Remarks from the Co-Chairs
9:00 Keynote Address
9:30 Trump & Sheinbaum: Analyzing the Recent Elections, U.S.-Mexico Cooperation and the Impact on Business and Compliance
During this session, benefit from bigger picture insights on the cross-border political dynamics—and the broader impact on Mexico's economy, anti-corruption efforts, and opportunities to position compliance as a central pillar for innovation and growth.
Larry Rubin President American Society of Mexico
10:30 Networking Break
10:45 In-House Panel: The Newest Anti-Corruption, ESG and Enhanced Due Diligence Initiatives
Companies doing Business in Mexico are strengthening due diligence. Find the latest tools and techniques that are being implemented today, including:
• Strengthening supply chain due diligence in accordance with ESG rules
• Upgrading ABC due diligence on third parties
• Rolling out updated training for employees and third parties
• Conducting third party audits
Diana Monraz Chief Compliance Officer
Mabe Global
Andrés Gómez Chico Spamer Ethics & Compliance Officer
AES México
11:30 Data Analytics and AI to Strengthen Your Compliance Process and Internal Controls: Real-World Examples of Successful Integration
Artificial intelligence and data analytics are revolutionizing anti-corruption compliance programs by enhancing the ability to detect and prevent corrupt activities. Join this session to discuss key questions, including:
• The lengths and limits of data analytics: New lessons learned
• How to know if your data is "clean" and to what extent can it inform your compliance decision-making
• How AI can make you more efficient—and its limitations
• KPIs when implementing automated data analytics monitoring
• Challenges that companies face at the implementation stage
Luz Elena Gomez-Haro
Sr. Director, Compliance & Ethics Global Programs
Diego Sierra Partner Von Wobeser y Sierra SC
Darío Martínez Compliance Officer Ericsson
12:15 Networking Luncheon
1:30 Oil, Gas and Power in Mexico: New Vision, Initiative and Compliance Challenges— and the Cross-Industry Lessons
Carlos Benjamin Silva Hernandez Deputy Legal Compliance, Ethics and Integrity Officer Pemex
2:00 The Bigger Picture in Latin America: The Perception and Reality of Corruption Trends Across the Region
Corruption remains a significant challenge in Latin America despite ongoing efforts to combat it. This interactive panel will focus on the following topics:
• Expansion of autocratic regimes and policies-and the potential impact across the region
• Current challenges in Venezuela—and how they are affecting the energy sector in Mexico
• The unraveling of Lava Jato in Brazil
• Corruption issues in public contracts and misuses of public resources in Columbia
• Implications when a supplier has been involved in misconduct
Aura Castro Corporate Counsel for LAD Oracle
Daniel Maldonado Partner Sanchez DeVanny Eseverri SC
2:45 Networking Break
3:00 The New U.S. Foreign Extortion Protection Act (FEPA): and the Impact on Corruption Enforcement in Mexico
FEPA was introduced to combat corruption by allowing U.S. Authorities to prosecute foreign officials who demand or accept bribes. This new regulation is expected to have a significant impact on corruption in Mexico.
• Increased scrutiny on both supply-side and demand-side corruption
Roberto Hernandez Partner COMAD SC
• Government officials will be responsible both in the jurisdiction where they perform their functions and, in the U.S.
• Certain industries like commodities trading, technology and infrastructure are expected to see more investigations
• Utilizing advanced technologies to mitigate risk
3:30 The Hidden Corruption Risks in the Public Procurement Context: Strategies for Adapting to Governmental Changes and New Risk Factors
The public procurement context presents a myriad of unique risk factors—from the centralization of procurement functions, to nearshoring and more. As the business, compliance and enforcement environments continue to evolve, it is critical to take a second look at how best to navigate public procurement.
Key topics during this session will include:
• How procurement is evolving—and bringing new risk factors
• Warning signs to watch out for
• What to do if a potential problem arises
• When to walk away: Clarifying your organization's risk tolerance
Hotlines and Preventing Retaliation: Companies Share New Initiatives
Many companies have implemented anonymous reporting channels including hotlines and web-based systems to encourage employees to report illegal activities without the risk of retaliation. While there is not a comprehensive national law yet, general labor laws and corporate compliance programs provide some structure.
• How laws are evolving and affecting corporate whistleblower policies
• Incorporating protection against retaliation
• Implementing internal hotlines for employees
• External channels to report concerns to the government
5:00 End of Conference