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fresh a nti-aging a nd cosmetic therapy

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25 superfoods Interview:

Jillian Harris The bachelorette Complementary Therapy: Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation

Issue 2 • july/aug 2010 • $5.95

Destination Spa: THE hills health ranch



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fresh Publisher Trent Nellis Editor-In-Chief Shelly Lynn Nellis Editor Liberty Craig Copy Editor Dan Tidsbury Art Director Cindy Hughes National Account Managers Paul Airut 778-222-7775 Darren Franco Phone: 778 222-7774 Leona Popoff Phone: 778-231-4777 Contributors John Austen, Amanda Beisel, Dr. Martin Braun, Christine Awram, Cindy Hughes, Dan Tidsbury, Della Vorshuk, Franco Cavaleri, Jane Dee, Dr. Kimit Rai, Liberty Craig, Lorna Vanderhaeghe, Shannon Mann, Sarah Meanchoff, Shelly Lynn Nellis, Tracy Holly, Dr. Trina Read

Fresh Vancouver publishes bi-monthly issues and is distributed through spas, beauty salons and destination resorts of Metro Vancouver. Send all questions, comments, and inquiries to:

Fresh Vancouver 13256 55A Avenue Surrey, BC CANADA V3X 3B3 Tel 1-866-612-4140 Fax (604) 591-1989 e-mail

Fresh Vancouver assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. Opinions expressed herein are those of the ­authors and advertisers and do not necessarily reflect those of the Fresh Vancouver publisher, editors or staff. Readers are encouraged to consult with their health professional before embarking upon any exercise, medical or nutritional changes. Contents of Fresh Vancouver are copyright 2010, all rights reserved. Fresh Vancouver may not be reproduced in whole or in part by any means without written permission of the publisher.

Beauty in Balance


hen it comes to beauty, there are two camps of thought: natural vs. “assisted,” so to speak. Each side has its benefits and drawbacks, and I, for one, happily straddle the fence between the two. Yes, I am all in when it comes to natural, organic beauty products, foods and lifestyle. Having spent more than 20 years in the health industry, I have an unwavering respect for Mother Nature and what she has given me. I do my best to exercise regularly for my body and mind, and consciously eat healthfully to keep my metabolism running smoothly. But do I sometimes eat non-organic foods? Of course. I’m human, and sometimes I crave a Pop-Tart, or Doritos or something I know is not the best for me. But because I eat and live healthfully most of the time, it’s okay. I don’t beat myself up about it, but rather enjoy what life has to offer me and go with it. On the exterior, I use mostly organic, natural products for my face, skin and hair. Yes, I said mostly because let’s face it: there are some fabulous products and procedures out there that help diminish lines and wrinkles and banish those grey strands from my ponytail that are not remotely organic or natural. But there’s absolutely nothing wrong with taking advantage of technology, and I’m one hundred percent on board with using a little “assistance” to help me look my absolute best. What I am trying to say in a roundabout way is that balance is key in all aspects of life – nutrition, beauty and health. It’s integral to physical anti-aging and mental sanity, if we’re being honest, and a balanced woman is a happy woman. At Fresh Vancouver we do our best to research and write about a vast blend of information, everything from the latest in herbal remedies to the wonders of Botox. Use the magazine as a source and guide in helping you find balance in your own lifestyle, without judgment or negativity. Today, live your life to the fullest in whatever capacity that means for you, and allow others to do the same. Come visit us on Facebook under “Fresh Vancouver Magazine” or send me a note and let me know how we’re doing. Are we giving you balance? Email – I’d love to hear from you!

To subscribe to Fresh Vancouver and receive delivery to your home or office bimonthly, send $39.95 plus GST = $41.95. ­Include your address and we’ll ship you our next issue. Single copies are also available for $5.95 plus GST = $6.25.

Shelly Lynn Nellis Editor-In-Chief



fresh vancouver Issue 2

I s s u e 2 | J U LY / A U G U S T 2 0 1 0

contents 8




Having a Bad Hair Day? The Keys to Healthier Hair By Christine Awram Learn how to achieve healthier hair from the inside out – and the outside in! Lipolaser Body Contouring: The Inside Scoop By Liberty Craig Body contouring without surgery, needles, or any pain. Spider Veins: Treatment and Prevention By Cindy Hughes The latest techniques for dealing with spider veins. Twenty-Five Superfoods for Superior Health By Shelly Lynn Nellis Supercharge your health with these delicious and nutritious foods!


The Cortisol Connection: How to Reduce Stress and Slow Aging By Lorna Vanderhaeghe Lower your stress-induced cortisol levels naturally – and look and feel younger!


Anti-aging Through the Ages: Cosmetic Acupuncture By Amanda Beisel Learn the ancient secrets of anti-aging with cosmetic acupuncture.


Natural Relief for Pain and Trauma By John Austen Experience the healing powers of these homeopathic remedies.

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va n c o u v e r

Feel beautiful. Look beautiful.

Get fresh. W

e’ve got an exciting issue lined up for you this month! For starters, we were fortunate to be able to speak with Jillian Harris, who may be famous for her status as the first Canadian Bachelorette, but is also an inspiration to us all as a successful businesswoman, a dedicated charity worker, and a grounded, healthy woman who is an amazing example of finding balance amidst all the chaos of a busy life. We’re delving into the real truth behind some of those surgeries and treatments you’ve always wondered about but were too embarrassed or afraid to ask – such as breast implants, tummy tucks, and body contouring laser treatments. Plus, are your freckles starting to look a little more... age related? Find out how you can prevent and treat your age spots now and into your later years. Get the low-down on hair treatments from the inside out – and the outside in – and use our tips as a guide to find the right facial treatment for your skin’s specific needs. And of course we’ve got plenty of anti-aging secrets for you, including delicious foods that will help keep you young and fresh, the ancient secrets of cosmetic acupuncture, and a highly effective technique to erase years from your appearance (hint: it has nothing to do with your face!). And have you ever heard about the aging properties of the stress hormone cortisol? Learn how to balance your stress hormones to slow your aging process... and feel a whole lot better overall. And if you’re an active woman who’s beginning to feel less comfortable doing the same sports and activities you’ve done all your life, don’t worry. It’s perfectly natural to want to find gentler activities for your body that will still keep you fit and lean. Check out the article on yoga and pilates for women over forty to learn the benefits of these amazing exercises. Don’t forget to check out our new website. You can now browse our current and back issues online at Check back regularly to view our blog and find out what’s going on around town.


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fresh vancouver Issue 2

Liberty Craig Editor


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Laser Dentistry – Step Away from the Drill By Dan Tidsbury Can the painful dental visit be a thing of the past?

In Your Hands: Youthful Hands By Shelly Lynn Nellis Erase the years with these hand-care techniques.

Destination Ranch Country: The Hills Health Ranch Guest ranch spa and wellness retreat.

Thyroid Gland at the Centre of a Life-changing Debate: Part 1 By Franco Cavaleri New definitions of thyroid disorder change the way we look at health and aging.


Interview with Jillian Harris: The Bachelorette’s Story The first Canadian Bachelorette speaks about charity, beauty, and love.

Grey Hair By Cindy Hughes Scientific breakthrough elicits new understanding of why we go grey.




Wrinkle Erasers: From Botox to Skin Tightening Dr. Martin Braun An Overview of Non-Invasive Cosmetic Treatments Ask the Expert Our medical experts answer your burning questions. Breast Implants: “Q&A” with Dr. Rai By Dr. Kimit Rai Everything you need to know about breast implant surgery.

Shower Power: Hydrotherapy By Tracy Holly How hot and cold water therapy can relax, rejuvenate, and heal your body.


Sex Etiquette By Dr. Trina Read How loud is too loud in the bedroom?


Tummy Tucks: The Fastest Route to Flatter Abs? By Sophia Davidson Are you an ideal candidate for abdominoplasty?



A Radiant Complexion: Facials and Wraps By Liberty Craig Treating your face to the right facial treatment. Foods That Help Fight the Effects of Aging By Jane Dee Which foods will help slow your aging process?


The Perfect Exercise for 40+ Women: Yoga and Pilates By Della Vorshuk Discover the mental and physical benefits of these gentle forms of exercise.


Help for Healthy Hair By John Austen How to Prevent hair loss.


Having a Bad Hair Day?

The Keys to Healthier Hair By Christine Awram


ears ago I had dull, damaged, lifeless hair. It was incredibly frustrating. I’d try different shampoos, conditioners, expensive salon treatments, hot oil packs... you name it, I tried it. Nothing worked. Every day was a bad hair day. Then I discovered the two critical pieces of information that gave me the shiny, healthy hair I have today. First, hair must be mega-nourished from the inside on a cellular level. Second, most hair products contain toxic petrochemicals, alcohol, artificial fragrances, and synthetics that suffocate scalp and hair from the outside, so they ironically create more damage to your hair (and body) in the long run – and even contribute to hair loss. Ouch! No wonder I wasn’t getting anywhere. So I switched gears. After doing further research, I started beautifying myself from the inside out as well as the outside in, and the results surprised even me. Not only did my hair health improve by leaps and bounds, so did my skin and nails. And the bonus was energy levels that went mile-high. Here’s how.

Healthy Hair from the Outside In

We use our hair products every single day – but do we ever stop to consider what’s actually in them? We glop stuff onto our hair, thinking it’s helping when in fact it is suffocating our hair. Who would suspect that innocentlooking bottle of shampoo? Go check the ingredient list on your shampoo bottle right now. See all those hard-to-pronounce ingredients with lots of syllables, dashes, and numbers? Most are synthetics and chemicals, and one of the biggest offenders is sodium lauryl (or laureth) sulfate, which you’ll find in most shampoos. SLS is a cheap detergent that was designed as a garage floor cleaner and engine degreaser. And this is now going on your scalp every day? Yuck! Not only does this affect the structure of your hair, it gets absorbed through your scalp and into your bloodstream. Ironically, SLS has been classified as a skin irritant. Studies show that SLS affects the brain and nervous system; it’s also a proven hormone disruptor. If that’s not enough, it alters your skin structure and allows other chemicals to penetrate deeper through the skin’s layers and into your bloodstream. Over time, this daily chemical onslaught builds up and begins to saturate your cells with a toxic load that progressively steals more and more of your precious health and energy. When companies that use SLS and similar chemicals are questioned, the classic response is: “We use these ingredients in small amounts and



they’re not considered harmful at that dosage.” I’d ask you to consider a drug that’s delivered at a dosage of 35 ppb – that’s 35 parts per billion. It’s not difficult to believe that something administered at 0.000000000035 percent would have zero effect, just like the manufacturers claim. However, consider this: Another example of a drug delivered with the dosage of 35 ppb is Cialis. Zero effect? Hmmmm. Your skin is your largest organ, and what you put on it is going to be absorbed through it. It’s quite simple – if there’s an ingredient you wouldn’t want to eat, then it has no business going on your skin. To demonstrate the absorptive powers of your skin, try the “garlic test” at home. Chop up some garlic very fine, stand on it in your bare feet, and within minutes (if not seconds) you will taste garlic in your mouth. Yes, really. The solution is easy, once you’re aware of this. Read ingredient labels and use products that don’t have chemicals and synthetics in them. Granted, there aren’t many of these high-calibre products on the market, but they do exist. My personal favourite is Curelle, available at most health food stores. Using natural and nurturing products will stop suffocating your scalp and cells and start supporting beautiful, shiny, healthy hair.

Healthy Hair from the Inside Out

Your hair is about 97 percent protein, so its health is in direct proportion to your nutrient levels. Protein provides the building blocks of strong hair. Collagen is the main protein in all connective tissues in your entire body – it keeps your trillions of cells together. Healthy, beautiful hair depends on an abundant supply of blood, oxygen, and nutrients. Without these crucial ingredients, the price you pay is dull, dry, weak hair with excess breakage and fallout. This is absolutely relevant to the radiance of your skin as well. Optimal therapeutic dosages of the following key nutrients are crucial to turbo-charge the trillions of cells in your body, and to provide the foundation for beautiful hair: Buffered vitamin C: This means calcium ascorbate – NOT cheap ascorbic acid. A minimum of 1000mg per day, ideally with citrus bioflavanoids, helps regenerate collagen to support healthy hair and prevent wrinkling. The B-vitamin family: With our faster-paced and higher-stress lifestyles, the 11 vitamins in the B family at optimal dosages become more

fresh vancouver Issue 2

important than ever – not just for healthy hair, but for avoiding senility and memory loss. Vitamins A and E: Natural vitamin A at a minimum of 10,000 IU per day and vitamin E from d-alpha-tocopherol (not dl-) at 800IU per day are key ingredients for lovely locks, skin, and nails as they increase cellular regeneration and repair. Ionic and trace minerals: Your vitamins don’t work without minerals, as minerals help transport vitamins into your cells. Your vitamins are just about useless if you don’t combine them with all your minerals in a form that can be easily absorbed. Omega-3 essential fatty acids: Without Omega-3 (minimum 360mg EPA and 240mg DHA), hair is destined to become dry and dull. Omega-3 fatty acids also keep you smart, and help prevent heart disease and depression. MSM: This is a very versatile nutrient that helps regenerate just about everything, and its benefits are legendary. 2000mg per day will support beautiful hair, ease inflamed joints, and keep you looking and feeling more youthful with soft, supple skin. There was a time in history when getting everything we needed for a healthy and vital life just from our food alone was possible. That time has passed. Nowadays, on the fast-forward fast-track with depleted soils producing nutritionally-exhausted foods, healthy eating is critical but will only take us so far if our goal is fantastic energy, beautiful shiny hair, and radiant skin. The trillions of cells in your body are turning over about every six weeks. When you start beautifying yourself from the inside out with optimal therapeutic nutrition, and from the outside in with natural lifestyle products, you can expect to see changes in just over a month, and the results are cumulative over time.



fresh vancouver Issue 2

Lipolaser Body Contouring:

The Inside Scoop I

’d never actually heard of “lipolaser” before, and truth be told, I was extremely sceptical. After all, if there was a procedure that could reduce the fat on specific parts of your body – without surgery or anything at all invasive – wouldn’t everyone be doing it?

The Lipolaser Experience On a sunny Friday morning that put the fear of bathing suit season into me, I packed up my notebook and my list of questions and headed down to Vancouver’s trendy Yaletown to meet with Ron Zarr of Nu Age Body Care. We spoke for quite some time about the methodology and science behind lipolaser treatments, discussing his business, his clientele, and the success rate of his services. It was a friendly, professional conversation. But then it was time for me to show the man my fat. Now, as I’m sure any woman who has had a couple of children (or perhaps crossed a certain age threshold) can attest to, things become a little... different. The fat sits on our bodies in ways that we’re not accustomed to. And for many (myself included), there is more of it than there used to be! However, Ron assured me that the treatment is suitable for all kinds of people – not just those with residual baby belly. The best candidates for the treatment, he said, are men and women between the ages of 25 and 45 who are in good health. People who eat well, drink enough water, and do some regular exercise will respond better to the treatment than those who don’t, since the success of the procedure relies upon the client having a clean lymphatic system. More on that later. The first thing Ron did was measure my hips and belly in three areas: the top (waist), the middle (belly bulge), and bottom (hips). He marked the locations of each measurement on my skin with a white pencil, and recorded the numbers in the company’s database. He then instructed me to lie on a bed that was set up with support for the knees and a comfortable pillow. Music was playing quietly in the background; magazines, candles and plants lined the window sill. It was a very relaxing, spa-like environment. Ron then took the two paddles from the lipolaser machine and placed them on my belly, securing them with a Velcro strap. He also gave me two smaller paddles and instructed me

to place them myself (which was a nice bit of discretion) below my belly next to the pubic area. I braced myself for him to turn on the machine, thinking I’d feel something strange or unpleasant, but there was nothing. I didn’t feel anything at all, although apparently some patients do report a mild prickling sensation. The paddles were moved to four different positions around my abdomen during the treatment, each for an interval of 10 minutes. The final step was to spend 10 minutes standing on the vibrating machine, a new experience for me that was a little rattling, to say the least, though not really unpleasant. Okay: measurement time. Time for the truth. Does this thing really work? Ron was very careful to measure within the lines he had marked on my abdomen. I watched like a hawk to see if he was pulling the tape tighter or doing anything different from the first measurement – not that I suspected him of being deceitful, but did I mention I’m a sceptic? And the results (drum roll please....): An INCH off my hips. Half an inch off my middle. Three-quarters of an inch off my waist. In my next session a few days later (after a badly behaved weekend involving far too much wine, cheese, and gourmet breads), I was astounded to find that my starting measurements were lower than my after-treatment measurements from the first session. And again, I lost inches in the second session! I was amazed! So how does this thing really work? Let’s have a look. The Science Behind Lipolaser Body Contouring Rather than remove fat cells through surgical liposuction – which is invasive, costly, painful and potentially risky – lipolaser aims to simply shrink the fat cells in your body. The technology has existed in Canada for about three years, though it’s been in Europe for over eight years. It is Health Canada and FDA certified and safe to use. The only reported side effect is that some darker-skinned patients have experienced hyperpigmentation. Lipolaser’s cold laser penetrates only a few millimetres beneath your skin, targeting the subcutaneous fat cells without risking damage to your organs. The laser perforates the adipocytes (or fat cells) temporarily to literally drain them, allowing some of the cells’ contents to drain into



fresh vancouver Issue 2

By Liberty Craig

your lymphatic system in the form of triglycerides. The triglycerides are broken down, metabolized by the body, and eliminated in part through the urinary tract. During the procedure, about 500 calories worth of fat are released into your body from the specific areas treated. That’s step one. The next step is to flush those calories out of your system so as to avoid having them settle elsewhere on your body. That part, says Ron, is up to you. By refraining from eating for two hours before and two hours after each treatment, you will naturally burn up some of these calories. Ron also suggests that you drink plenty of water on the day of your treatment, avoid carbohydrates, and be sure to do some cardiovascular exercise. His mantra: We shrink you down; you keep it that way. Luckily, Ron and his partner, Alicia Macleod, fill the time during your treatment with customized counselling on your diet and exercise habits. Their goal is to help you achieve your goals, and they have a solid knowledge base to help you do so. Customers who purchase four or more treatments at a time will also receive a free cleanse, which Ron says will help clean out your lymphatic system, making the treatment more effective.

Client Results

According to Ron Zarr, upwards of 95 percent of Nu Age Body Care’s clients are thrilled with their results. Most clients complete between four and ten sessions, and most lose about half an inch per session. The cost is about $160 per session when purchased in a package, and the clinic offers a $99 introductory session. Lipolaser can be used to target the belly and hips, thighs, male chest, upper arms – even a double chin! The program is not designed to be a weight loss program; in fact, Ron and Alicia don’t weigh their clients or even ask about weight loss. However, many clients have reported that they found it easier to lose stubborn pounds while undergoing treatment – and while following Ron and Alicia’s diet and exercise guidelines, of course. So is lipolaser the answer to shedding those unwanted inches? It certainly seems to help. And for many of us, it’s the kick-start we need to commit us to the diet and exercise programs we already know we need to follow.



fresh vancouver Issue 2

Spider Veins:

Treatment and Prevention

Spider veins are the lesser form of varicose veins, but they can be nearly as devastating to the appearance. Women who suffer from spider veins are more likely to hide their legs behind long skirts or stockings in order to avoid the embarrassment of showing off their marked veins. This problem is preventable, though. By Cindy Hughes


pider veins are the lesser form of varicose veins, but they can be nearly as devastating to the appearance. Women who suffer from spider veins are more likely to hide their legs behind long skirts or pants in order to avoid the embarrassment of showing off their marked legs. For those of you dealing with or worried about spider veins, you’ll be happy to know that the problem is preventable – and if it’s already too late, there are methods to reverse the appearance of these pesky veins. Spider veins tend to appear mainly on the legs, although technically they can occur on any part of the body. They look like a fine web of dark red, purple or even blue lines under the skin and are not as pronounced as varicose veins. However, they still can cause considerable discomfort. Some women complain that they are extremely painful.

How to prevent spider veins

Keeping up great circulation in your legs is the first step to being able to prevent spider veins. You can do this by avoiding tight clothing on your legs, which can restrict circulation and blood flow to the legs. Boost your circulation with a daily leg massage or some light exercise. Simply walking or jogging a little each day reduces your risk of developing these unsightly veins. Your mother may have told you that crossing your legs would cause varicose veins. She was right. Cutting off the circulation to your lower leg and foot is the perfect way to create a varicose vein problem, since both spider and varicose veins are caused by lack of blood flow. Increasing the blood flow to the areas most at risk will help prevent problems later on. This is good advice to follow even if you are very young, as it can prevent spider veins once you get older. Maintaining your weight at a healthy level is also very important since extra weight puts additional pressure on your legs and may result

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in spider veins. This is particularly true during pregnancy when you are heavier than normal. Keeping the weight gain to the recommended amount during pregnancy helps ensure that you are spider vein free after the baby is born. Avoiding salt in your diet can keep swelling and hypertension to a minimum as well. These conditions often go hand in hand with spider veins and varicose veins. Adding more vitamins C and E to your diet is also a great natural way to reduce swelling in the legs and may work to prevent vein disorders.

Treatment options for spider veins

If you do end up with spider veins despite all your attempts to eat well and keep your circulation healthy, you do have options for dealing with them. Surgery, wherein the veins are actually removed, is the most invasive. This is usually reserved for problem veins that don’t respond to other treatments. Other options include sclerotherapy, which involves the injection of a substance into the veins that makes them shrink and may or may not use ultrasound technology to locate the veins. Another treatment is ambulatory phlebectomy, which removes the veins through very small incisions in the skin. Laser therapies can be used as well. If you wish to prevent or treat spider veins, try the tips above before heading to your doctor. While the preventions given are usually quite effective, it really depends on you and your lifestyle as well as your genetic makeup. Cindy Hughes is a freelance writer based in Vancouver BC with a special interest in health related topics.

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fresh vancouver Issue 2

Twenty-Five Superfoods For

Superior Health It’s a car... it’s a train... it’s a superfood!

By Shelly Lynn Nellis


he term “superfood” refers to foods with extremely high nutritional value. More scientifically, these foods contain a high phytonutrient content, which means they are rich in the chemical compounds occurring naturally in plants. Superfoods provide an extraordinary array of nutrients and antioxidants that help you achieve superior health. It’s easy to supercharge your health with these 25 superfoods:

1. Acai Berry. Native to Central and South America, the acai berry is

a small, round, black-purple fruit that grows on the acai palm tree. It is a rich source of polyunsaturated fats, dietary fibre, and calcium. It contains the antioxidant vitamin E and phytonutrients called anthocyanins. Since the fruit deteriorates rapidly, the acai berry is widely sold in the form of juices, powders, and tablets outside its native region.

2. Goji Berry. The goji berry is a sweet, dark red fruit that has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine. It is packed with vitamins and minerals and antioxidants such as beta carotene, lycopene, and zeaxanthin. The goji berry promotes eye health, improves circulation, boosts immunity, and promotes longevity. It is generally sold in the form of dried berries, juices, and teas. 3. Blueberries. Blueberries are loaded with antioxidants and phyto-

flavinoids. They contain antioxidants such as anthocyanin, flavonols, and resveratrol. Anthocyanins help to protect against cancer, heart disease, and eye diseases. The ellegic acid found in blueberries also prevents carcinogens from locking on to your DNA. Blueberries are also an excellent



source of vitamin C, potassium, manganese, and dietary fibre. They are widely available fresh, frozen, or dried. Add them to cereals, oatmeal, salads, and yogurt for extra flavour. A serving of half a cup of blueberries a day is recommended.

4. Resveratrol in red wine. A major health benefit of red wine is

its resveratrol content. Resveratrol, an antioxidant found largely in the skin of red grapes, offers protection from cell damage and boosts the immune system.

5. Broccoli. Broccoli is an excellent source of vitamins A, C, and K. It is also a good source of folic acid, which helps prevent heart disease. Broccoli is also very good for the eyes. It contains lutein, an antioxidant that can ward off macular degeneration. The phytochemical called sulphoraphane in broccoli possesses anti-cancer properties. 6. Spinach. Of course there’s a great reason Popeye can’t get enough of his spinach! Spinach is a rich source of vitamin C, folic acid, beta-carotene, and magnesium. The carotenoids and folic acid in spinach promote eye health. Spinach is also known for its anti-cancer properties. 7. Yogurt. Yogurt is a useful milk substitute and a rich source of calcium. It

contains a variety of essential nutrients such as vitamin B12, vitamin B5, protein, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, zinc, and molybdenum. The friendly bacteria in yogurt fight harmful bacteria and boost immune response.

fresh vancouver Issue 2

8. Eggs. Eggs are a nutritious and economical way to get much-needed protein. They contain essential vitamins and minerals, including iron, vitamin B12, and biotin. 9. Bananas. Loaded with potassium to help lower blood pressure and vitamin B6 to promote healthy skin and hair, bananas also give you an energy boost before, during, and after exercise. They have also been linked to easing depression symptoms. 10. Oranges. Oranges are loaded with powerful anti-cancer com-

pounds. Studies show that regular intake of oranges lowers the risk of lung and stomach cancers. The vitamin C in oranges also promotes a healthy immune system.

11. Apples. Pectin, a form of soluble fibre in apples, helps lower blood cholesterol levels and regulate the digestive system. Packed with antioxidants including vitamin C, apples promote healthy skin and gums. 12. Pomegranate. Pomegranate is loaded with antioxidants that ward off cardiovascular disease. The ellegic acid and punic alagin in pomegranate combat free radical damage and preserve the collagen in your skin.

13. Beets. Beets contain folate and betaine which help lower your risk of heart disease. The betacyanins in beets are responsible for its anti-cancer properties. 14. Beans. Beans, whether they are garbanzo, black, kidney, pinto, or soy, are a great source of insoluble fibre, which helps reduce cholesterol. They are packed with protein, B-vitamins, carbohydrates, potassium, and magnesium. Research shows that the disease-fighting phytochemicals in beans prevent the risk of heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis and infections. 15. Sweet Potatoes. Sweet potatoes contain 150 percent more antioxidants than blueberries. They are an excellent source of beta-carotene, vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, dietary fibre, potassium, copper, and iron. Their anti-inflammatory properties may be helpful in reducing the severity of internal and external inflammations. 16. Garlic. Garlic is a powerful cancer fighter. Its sulphur compounds

slow tumour growth and neutralize cancer. Garlic is also known for its cardiovascular benefits and anti-bacterial properties.

17. Tomatoes. Tomatoes are well-known for their lycopene content.

Lycopene has been found to protect against prostate, lung, cervical, breast, mouth, pancreatic, and intestinal cancers. Tomatoes are also a good source of vitamin C. Research shows that processed tomatoes offer higher lycopene content than raw tomatoes. So go ahead and lather that plate with ketchup!

18. Swiss Chard. Native to the Mediterranean, Swiss chard is loaded with carotenoids that protect your eyes from shortwave light rays. Due to its high concentrations of many essential nutrients, Swiss chard offers a wide range of benefits, including bone, lung, and heart health.



19. Olive Oil. Olive oil is rich in antioxidants and healthy monounsaturated fats. It lowers bad cholesterol levels and increases good cholesterol levels. 20. Nuts. Nuts are a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids, monounsaturated fats, vitamin E, protein, fibre, selenium and other minerals. Studies show that they can help reduce cholesterol levels, promote weight loss and protect against the ravages of aging. Nuts also boost your brain power and sharpen your memory. Whether you opt for walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachio nuts, pecans, peanuts, cashews, or macadamia nuts, a handful of nuts a day will help fill you up and give you the health benefits you need. 21. Seeds. Like nuts, seeds are rich sources of Omega-3 fatty acids, lignants, and vitamin E, which help protect against heart disease and offer anti-aging benefits. Eat a handful of sesame seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, or sunflower seeds a day. 22. Salmon. Salmon is a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids, protein,

vitamins, and minerals. Studies show that Omega-3 fatty acids promote heart health, protect against the onset of dementia, and help prevent depression. The American Heart Association recommends eating fatty fish like salmon two times per week.

23. Oatmeal. Oats contain soluble fibre, which lowers bad cholesterol. The B-vitamins in oats promote the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which has soothing effects on the brain.

24. Dark Chocolate. Chocolate lovers rejoice! Research shows that dark chocolate is full of antioxidants and can lower blood pressure. It is even good for your skin! The flavanols in dark chocolate improve skin texture and provide sun protection. Choose dark chocolate with 60 percent or higher cocoa content. The darker, the better for your health. 25. Super Greens. Wheat grass, barley grass, and spirulina (a spe-

cies of micro algae) are dubbed “super greens� because of the highly potent and easily absorbable nutrients they contain. Generally sold in the form of powders, juices, teas or tablets, super greens provide an impressive range of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, antioxidants, enzymes, chlorophyll and proteins. With the proliferation and wide consumption of fast food, junk food, soft drinks, and processed foods, most people do not get the essential nutrients they need. A healthy diet that includes a variety of superfoods can work as a preventive measure against illness and diseases. You can boost your energy, sharpen your mind, strengthen your body, and even uplift your mood by making super healthy food choices.

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The Cortisol Connection:

How to Reduce Stress and Slow Aging By Lorna Vanderhaeghe


ily Tomlin got it right when she declared, “For fast-acting relief, try slowing down.” The award-winning actress and comedienne was no doubt talking about the effects of stress. And stress is no friend when it comes to warding off the signs of aging. Excessive or chronic stress has a detrimental effect on the hormones we need to keep us young. A huge variety of stressors affect us daily, from the noise and pollution of crowded cities to work, driving, lack of sun exposure, loneliness, and much more. When these stressors accumulate, they disrupt the delicate hormone balance that affects everything from how slowly we lose weight to how fast our skin wrinkles. The effects of stress are often visibly obvious. It is indeed possible to “age overnight” as impaired cellular processes can transform a person with a glowing complexion and energetic demeanour into someone with wrinkled skin, dull eyes, weight gain, and mood swings. Take the stress test included here to determine your stress level – and what you should do about it.

Cortisol: The Stress Hormone

In stressful situations, the brain orders our adrenal glands to secrete two hormones, adrenaline and cortisol. Of the two, cortisol is most concerning from an anti-aging perspective. Cortisol has a natural rhythm throughout the day. Your body should produce more in the morning than in the evening, giving you the energy to begin your day. In the evening, as you leave your daily stresses behind, cortisol levels should drop by 90 percent. However, a recent study found that women who work outside the home and have family responsibilities tend to have elevated evening cortisol levels.

Not all cortisol is bad; in fact, cortisol is essential for regulating many bodily functions including immune system hormones and the body’s use of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. Yet elevated cortisol levels over the long term have been shown to have a long list of negative effects: blood sugar problems, fat accumulation, compromised immunity, infertility, exhaustion, chronic fatigue, bone loss, high triglyceride levels, and heart disease. The adrenal glands also grow exhausted and stop functioning properly, which leads to depression, digestive problems, headaches, irritability, poor concentration, and recurring infections. When cortisol is high, we also see a drop in the production of the anti-aging hormone known as dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). We have naturally high levels of DHEA when we are young, but experience a steady decline after the age of 20. Low DHEA is associated with loss of muscle mass, strength, and stamina; low sex drive and sleep problems; fatigue, memory decline, and more. If you want to support DHEA production in the body, lowering cortisol is key.

Balance Your Cortisol with Mother Nature

To counteract stress-induced aging, help balance your cortisol levels through a healthy diet that includes nutritional supplements. A cortisolbalancing diet consists of organic fruits and vegetables (7-10 half-cup servings per day), lean proteins, and plenty of unprocessed fats and oils (like olive, coconut, borage, echium, evening primrose, and flax oils). Because it is virtually impossible to obtain all the nutrients we need from the diet alone, you should also supplement with a highquality multivitamin and mineral formula.



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There are certain herbs supported by excellent research indicating their use for cortisol reduction and adrenal fatigue. Adaptogenic herbs that support the adrenal glands and help the body adapt to stress include rhodiola rosea, suma, Siberian ginseng, schizandra berries, and ashwagandha. For best results, look for a herbal formula that contains these in combination. Many people who use adaptogenic herbs report an improved sense of overall wellbeing within a very short time. It is also important to lower the amount of stress in your life and to routinely engage in activities that relax the mind and the body. Your mind and body are one unit, interrelated and highly complex. While the mysteries of this connection will likely be studied for many years to come, we know that a positive attitude, good relationships, and contemplative pastimes like yoga and meditation will help reduce stress and return your cortisol levels to normal. Why wait another day to implement some positive changes in your life? A well-rounded approach to stress and cortisol control will leave you looking younger and feeling healthier and more vibrant.

Lorna Vanderhaeghe, MS, is a women’s health expert who has been researching and writing about nutritional medicine for over 25 years. The author of 10 books, Lorna’s latest is A Smart Woman’s Guide to Weight Loss. Visit her website and sign up for her free monthly newsletter.

Are You Stressed?

The following statements determine your happiness level, how you handle stress, and if you think negatively. Check off the situations that apply to you. Then total the points to determine your stress score and see which category you fall into! I am worried about paying my bills this month. 1 I look at myself in the mirror and think negative thoughts. 3 I am not content with my body. 3 I almost always fake orgasm. 2 I am lonely. 3 I dislike my job. 3 I like my job but have too much work to do. 3 I like my job, but my boss is too demanding. 1 I am always trying to please everyone. 2 I am exhausted but keep going. 3 Sometimes my stomach feels like it has butterflies. 3 I shop to make myself feel better. 1 I have feelings of guilt or anger. 2 I have feelings of inadequacy (not feeling good enough). 3 I am afraid of failure. 2 I have feelings of anxiety or low moods. 2 I feel trapped or that I can’t cope sometimes. 3 I crave sugar. 1 I am a single mother/father. 2 I am a university student. 1 I am in an unhappy marriage. 3 I live with an alcoholic or drug abuser. 2 I work shift work. 1 I work too much and don’t have enough play time. 1 I get angry with myself. 2 I hold resentment toward my partner. 3 I cannot discuss my sexual desires with my partner. 2 I don’t eat regularly (I wait more than four or five hours between meals). 3 I am sick more than three times a year. 1 I lack sexual desire. 1 I smoke. 3 I drink alcohol more than twice a week. 3 I drink too much caffeine. 2 My family and friends are not supportive of the things I do. 2 I am tired all the time. 3 I have friends who take but never give. 2

How Did You Score?



15 or less: The handler – You are handling stress but need to find more balance in your life. 16 to 29: Time for a change – You know you have to make some changes fast. You are at risk of exhaustion. 30 or more: The stress fresh vancouver Issue 2 case – You are highly stressed. You need to adopt strategies to reduce your risk of stress-related disease immediately.

Anti-aging Through the Ages:

Cosmetic Acupuncture By Amanda Beisel


he anti-aging industry is constantly churning out the latest and greatest treatments to help us regain and preserve our youth. Let’s stop for a moment and think back to the days before technology and advanced skin care… What did the empresses of ancient China use to maintain their youthful appearance and vitality?

Secrets of Cosmetic Acupuncture

Cosmetic acupuncture combines the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine with specialized facial acupuncture to help you look and feel healthy and beautiful. It is the truest form of anti-aging medicine because it works internally to optimize your health while simultaneously enhancing the appearance of your skin. A practitioner specializing in cosmetic acupuncture uses the “meridians” that either end or begin in the face to stimulate and balance your energy, while also treating the underlying factors that contribute to the aging process. The results leave your face glowing, with tighter skin and a reduced appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Cosmetic acupuncture is also used to reduce or eliminate puffy eyes, dark circles, dehydrated skin, acne, and rosacea. As an added benefit, cosmetic acupuncture can also increase your own natural energy, or “Chi” force, providing you with a complete sense of relaxation

and rejuvenation. You can also expect such positive side effects as reduced stress, improved sleep and digestion, and a reduction in menopause symptoms.

Going ‘Under the Needle’

The treatment is customized to each client based on an initial health assessment to determine your internal health. Your practitioner then creates a treatment plan using acupuncture and, if needed, Chinese herbal medicine. You will also be given nutritional recommendations. It is important to remember that your face is a measure of your health; if you are healthy and balanced, this will be reflected in your skin. During treatment, the insertion of tiny, painless needles stimulates the flow of blood, lymph, and oxygen, which nourishes the skin from the inside out. At the same time, a process called “positive micro-trauma” stimulates the production of collagen, creating even skin tone, a smooth complexion, and a natural, healthy glow. Cosmetic acupuncture is both preventative and corrective, so you can begin at any age. Beginning these treatments in your late twenties or early thirties can literally slow down the aging process by boosting your collagen and improving the health of your skin and body. If you are in your forties, fifties, or sixties, these treatments will turn back the hands of time by



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reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, resulting in tighter and brighter skin. Be prepared to glow!

The Results Are In…

While you can expect a brighter complexion after just one cosmetic acupuncture treatment, ten to twelve treatments are recommended for optimal results. The treatments should be performed twice a week, or no more than one week apart for the first series of treatments. To maintain the results, it is recommended that you have a treatment every six weeks to keep you looking fresh. Your cosmetic acupuncturist will also educate you on proper skin care using natural but active cosmeceuticals. It is equally important that you feed your skin the same vitamins, minerals, and supplements that you give your internal body. After all, the skin is the largest organ – and the only visible organ – so it needs proper care! Unlike a treatment such as Botox injections, cosmetic acupuncture addresses the entire face. The aim of cosmetic acupuncture is not to eliminate lines and wrinkles immediately, but rather to increase the health of the skin, while tightening and brightening the complexion. Cosmetic acupuncture is a great option for those who are hesitant to undergo Botox injections, but also a great option for those who have targeted Botox

treatments and want to boost the vitality of the rest of the face. Clients have reported a need for fewer Botox injections due to the overall tightening of the skin. Cosmetic acupuncture continues to gain popularity, and there is evidence that it works. A study published in the International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture showed that of 300 people who received facial acupuncture, 90 percent saw marked results after their first course of treatment. One of the most attractive features of cosmetic acupuncture is that there is no downtime; plus, it is covered by most extended health plans.

Cosmetic acupuncture continues to gain popularity, and there is evidence that it works. A study published in

If you are looking to naturally boost the look and health of both your skin and body, than cosmetic acupuncture may be an excellent option for you. But don’t let just anyone touch your face! Do your research as not all practitioners are alike.

the International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture showed that of 300 people who received facial acupuncture, 90 percent saw marked results after their first course of treatment.



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Amanda Beisel R.Ac, is the owner of SKN Holistic Rejuvenation Clinic in Yaletown. SKN is the only Clinic in Vancouver that combines the powers of Eastern medicine, advanced medical esthetics, and cosmeceutical science. Amanda is currently the only Vancouver acupuncturist specializing solely in cosmetic acupuncture.

Natural Relief for Pain and Trauma By John Austen


rnica montana has a long history of use for fast, effective relief from bruising, muscle pain, and soreness due to trauma or overexertion. Arnica montana preparations have been demonstrated to act as an anti-inflammatory agent and assist the normal healing process by facilitating transport of blood and fluid accumulations through a dilating action of subcutaneous blood capillaries. Trainers, coaches, and sports medicine practitioners continue to promote arnica’s benefits, and advise that it should be in the gym bag of every athlete. “Arnica is the most renowned trauma remedy, and is without equal as the primary remedy for injury of any kind whatsoever,” says Asa Hershoff, ND, DC, in the book Homeopathy for Musculoskeletal Healing. Arnica has no side effects, contraindications, or drug interactions. Even medical doctors rely on homeopathy’s natural therapeutic properties, often over pharmaceutical medications. In his article “Homeopathy and Sports Medicine,” A. Dwight Smith, MD, claims, “With a minimum amount of homeopathic instruction, most trainers, coaches, and athletes themselves can successfully treat and cure many of the most common athletic injuries. Their willingness to do so will have two results: quicker and more comfortable healing for the athlete; and thousands of dollars saved for the athletic club.” (American Homeopathy vol.1, No. 6, June 1984) Regarding arnica, Edward Shalts, MD, DHt., states, “Arnica montana is the most important remedy to have for trauma… Arnica is amazing!” (The American Institute of Homeopathy Handbook for Parents.) Arnica montana is the most widely known and widely applied remedy in all of homeopathy, as it reduces bruising and speeds healing of cuts, contusions, joint injuries, and virtually any injury. Arnica is highly recommended for blackened eyes and surgeries. Keep arnica in your first aid kit for bruising, swelling, and soreness associated with: • • • • • • • • • •

accidents and injuries black eyes muscle sprains swollen or sore joints back strain bone fracture wounds with swelling surgery dental procedures overexertion

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How does arnica work?

“Arnica promotes healing, controls bleeding, reduces swelling and prevents pus forming, and is therefore an essential ingredient of your firstaid kit. It is the first remedy to think of after an accident,” according to homeopathic physician Miranda Castro, FSHom. (The Complete Homeopathy Handbook) In his book, Homeopathic Treatment of Sports Injuries, Dr. Lyle Morgan explains, “Arnica works quickly to repair damaged blood vessels, to reduce swelling at the site of the injury, and to eliminate pain…,” and he adds, “Arnica should be considered first in all cases of physical injury.” Arnica is available in topical gels and creams that can be applied to the skin, and in pellets that dissolve under the tongue. For minor, local complaints, the topical form is recommended. For more severe general symptoms, the pellet form is more effective. In diluted homeopathic preparations, it is absolutely safe, with no side effects or conflicts with other treatments or medications. (Arnica is very potent and can be toxic if not diluted when taken internally.) Arnica will not interfere with athlete drug testing or other medications. Thus, athletes are becoming loyal and grateful proponents of arnica. Though arnica is as effective as medications for physical trauma, it is a completely natural botanical remedy. It’s an herbal species that grows between rocks and in meadows in harsh mountain climates in Europe, Siberia, and North America, and has been used as a folk medicine since the 16th century. It has earned many different names depending on its country of origin, yet it’s most descriptive moniker is probably “tumbler’s cure all,” reflecting its common medicinal uses.

Other natural remedies for pain and healing

While Arnica montana is the most common treatment used in homeopathy for most injuries, there are other treatments that may be more suitable for some specific injuries. • Bellis per: Bellis per can be used for bruising from deep tissue injuries such as those following a surgery, especially to the breast or abdomen. Any swelling or hematoma that exists long after the initial injury should be treated with bellis per. • Ledum: Ledum is used primarily to promote careful healing of puncture wounds and to clear up bruising when discolouration lingers long after the injury occurred. Use ledum when the injured area feels cold to the touch, especially with black eyes. Homeopathic remedies such as arnica, bellis per, and ledum can be highly effective treatments to help speed healing from various injuries. Consult your doctor, naturopath, or local chemist for preparations that are right for you.

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Recover faster. Feel better. sooner.

You fill in the blank. We’ll help you get back on your feet faster, with Hyland’s Muscle Therapy. Its all natural ingredients relieve muscle pain, swelling and soreness faster without the side effects of other over-the-counter remedies. Hyland’s Muscle Therapy with Arnica. Because pain isn’t an excuse anymore.

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Laser Dentistry: Step Away from the Drill By Dan Tidsbury


visit to the dentist has long been a source of anxiety for many, and certainly for me. The reasons vary: the discomfort of being almost upside down, the inability to see what is going on, and, of course, no small amount of pain associated with many dental procedures. Adding to my anxiety is the array of dental apparatus that has far too much in common with the power tools section of a home improvement store. Good news! Relief has arrived with exciting advances in the use of laser technology in the dental clinic.

The Laser vs. the Drill

It starts with detection and diagnosis. Utilizing low-intensity laser technology enables the dentist to find cavities earlier than was possible with traditional diagnostic methods. A non-invasive laser detects bacterial contaminants beneath the surface of the tooth and measures the decay. The sooner the cavity is detected, the less invasive the remedial procedures will need to be. Smaller fillings performed earlier prevent the problem from developing, reduce the amount of destructive preparation of the tooth, and often require no anaesthetic. Drilling the teeth in the manner we are all too familiar with has a number of negative aspects. Typical drilling produces heat and vibration. The first effect of these is, of course, pain, which necessitates the use of anaesthetics. More than the pain, however, drilling also produces vibrations that can cause microfractures in the tooth being drilled as well as inadvertent damage to adjacent teeth. The unprecedented accuracy of the laser permits precise removal of decay without affecting surrounding healthy tissue. Gone also is the noise produced by the drill that is often enough on its own to generate stress and tension. Lasers used in dental filling procedures are able to kill bacteria located in a cavity by evaporating the moisture content of the germ cells, destroying them in the process. Destruction of natural tooth structure is minimized and the enamel and dentine are conditioned to enhance the bonding of restorative material.

The Many Benefits of the Laser

Other dental procedures also benefit from the use of lasers. Gum disease is likely the most common chronic infection in our body. Incorporating laser gum therapy into a treatment program can reduce the need for costly and uncomfortable gum surgery. It can be used for a wide range of

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hard and soft tissue procedures – decay removal, cavity preparation, root canals, smile design, gum and bone surgical procedures and many others. Laser technology in dental surgery speeds healing. Laser energy cuts gums precisely because it only affects tissue on gums, reducing or completely eliminating bleeding during these procedures, so surgical procedures using a dental laser may not require stitches. Infections are minimal as the laser sanitizes the area being worked on. In periodontal surgery, dental lasers can reshape gum tissue and bone to expose healthier tooth structure. Crown lengthening provides a stronger foundation for the placement of restorations and gum reshaping will improve the appearance of a gummy smile. Dental lasers can even be used for the removal of benign tumors from the oral cavity and the procedure is usually painless and suture free. Other laser therapies include treating sensitivity by sealing tubules on the root of the tooth that are responsible for hot and cold tooth sensitivity. Also, low intensity lasers may be used to speed up the bleaching process associated with teeth whitening. Laser dentistry has a number of corollary benefits. Performing many procedures without anesthetic eliminates the time it takes to give shots and wait for numbing to occur, so the patient can get in and out of the dentist’s chair faster. Giving fewer shots and less local anesthetic also allows the dentist to work on more cavities at once, since dentists usually avoid numbing more than one area of the mouth at one time. Natural teeth are preserved for a longer time and healthy tooth substances are protected. Children and anxious patients are spared the physical and emotional stress commonly experienced with dental care. Something as simple as leaving the dental office without the discomfort and embarrassment of a numb, drooping, still-frozen lip reduces the impact of the dental visit on the rest of the day. Different laser devices are employed for different procedures, and as with any other area of medical care, the tool is only as effective as the hands that wield it. Look for a dental professional with specific training in the use of laser technology combined with experience in its clinical application. Laser dentistry is no cure-all, but it gives your dentist a new range of options in enhancing both the quality of your care and the comfort of the overall experience. On your next visit to a dental professional, discuss the role that laser treatments can play in your treatment program. The answers may change your whole outlook on caring for your teeth.

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Good news! Relief has arrived with exciting advances in the use of laser technology in the dental clinic. 23


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In Your Hands:

Youthful Hands

Erase the years with these hand-care techniques By Shelly Lynn Nellis


ands always give a woman’s age away. That’s because while we spend hours – and many dollars – looking after other areas of our bodies, we typically neglect our hands. And we really shouldn’t, because our hands, like our faces, are on show all the time, leaving them constantly exposed to the elements. Furthermore, our hands do a great deal during the course of a lifetime. That’s why they should be treated with extra care. Doing so will ensure that they stay looking young and feeling soft, which is good news not only for you, but for all those that come into contact with you – literally.

Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize

Be gentle

When washing your hands, always use a mild soap (and a mild dishwashing detergent when doing the dishes). A mild soap that contains glycerine and has gentle exfoliating properties will help rid your hands of any stubborn grime and will be much kinder to your skin than scrubbing away with a brush to loosen up dirt. Washing your hands in lukewarm water as opposed to hot water will also help keep them soft and younger looking. Apply a good moisturizing cream to your hands every night before going to bed. For overnight use, you should apply a heavier type of cream, and if your hands are very dry you can use a pair of “moisturizing gloves” to help your skin absorb the cream.

The mantra of anyone who wants soft and youthful looking hands should be moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. Get in the habit of moisturizing your hands whenever you wash them. This is especially important if your hands come into contact with harsh chemicals, or if you repeatedly wash your hands throughout the day. Always keep a bottle of moisturizing cream with you to apply at regular intervals. During the day, it’s best to use a cream that’s quickly and easily absorbed by your skin as using a heavier cream can make your hands slippery and you’ll be less inclined to use it. Look for moisturizers that contain natural ingredients such as cocoa butter, aloe vera, shea butter, antioxidants such as vitamin E, and emollients such as petroleum jelly and lanolin. If you wear nail polish, use a polish remover with moisturizing properties that won’t dry out the skin around your fingernails and cuticles.

Protect your hands

Wearing rubber gloves around the house – and at work if appropriate – will help protect your hands. But don’t save your gloves just for doing the dishes! Wear them whenever your hands are called on to do jobs that may leave them exposed to damage; for example, if you’re tidying up any areas of the home that are dry and dusty. Some women prefer not to wear gloves when gardening; however, one of the benefits of wearing gloves for this particular activity is that they may help to reduce the number of times you need to wash your hands, as well as how vigorously you have to wash to get them clean.



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If you think your hands are beyond the help of topical creams or any preventative measures, you may be interested to learn that a number of spas now offer cosmetic treatments for hands. Cosmetic therapies

Beware of the elements

While most of us wouldn’t dream of leaving the house without having applied sunscreen during the summer months, very few of us bother applying it to our hands. Yet exposure to the elements takes its heaviest toll on our hands. Sun damage can age hands significantly, leaving them wrinkled and marked with age spots. It’s important, therefore, to apply sunscreen to your hands, especially if you’re going to be spending a considerable time outdoors – or even in the car. Most car windows don’t block out ultraviolet A rays (the type that cause skin damage), so it’s wise to keep a combined hand cream and sunscreen in the car. Likewise, harsh winter weather can leave hands rough, cracked, and sore, (so too can moving from an outside environment to the warm, dry air indoors). Always wear gloves when outside in the cold weather and never go to bed without moisturizing your hands.

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If you think your hands are beyond the help of topical creams or any preventative measures, you may be interested to learn that a number of spas now offer cosmetic treatments for hands. These contain the same ingredients as facial products such as antioxidants, alpha hydroxy, acids, and collagen. Treatments such as chemical peels and laser resurfacing, commonly used on the face, are now being applied to the hands to treat age spots, even out skin tone, and promote the production of collagen. The skin on the hands can also be “plumped up” with dermal fillers, thus helping to reduce the appearance of aging, while sclerotherapy, a procedure used to treat varicose veins on legs, can help to reduce the appearance of veins on the hands. However you decide to look after your hands, make sure you keep them protected and well nourished. The reality is, soft and youthful hands are unlikely to ever give your age away.

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The Hills

Health Ranch

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(Destination Spa)

Destination Ranch Country...A gorgeous guest

ranch spa and wellness retreat.


he Hills Health Ranch destination spa is situated amidst 20,000 acres of ranch lands in the heart of British Columbia’s spectacular Cariboo region. This one-of-a-kind resort spa boasts the largest number of health professionals of any resort in Canada, working alongside cowboys, wranglers, and hiking guides on the vast ranch lands. The destination spa offers a unique blend of traditional spa experiences plus horseback riding, biking, wellness and weight loss programs, fitness instructors, and more.

With over 150 kilometres of well-marked trails for horseback riding and hiking, plus 15,000 acres ready to be explored by horse or mountain bike, not to mention fishing and canoeing on nearby lakes, your wilderness experience is second-to-none in this stunning setting. In the winter, hiking is replaced with snowshoeing and cross-country skiing over miles of groomed Nordic ski, dogsled, and snowmobile trails. The spa features an extensive selection of daily fitness programs , plus 18 consultation, massage, and spa treatment rooms. Choose from yoga, pilates, aerobics, aqua fitness, and a complete fitness centre; work with kinesiologists, nurses, personal trainers, nutritionists, body therapists and comprehensive lifestyle counsellors to meet your total wellness goals. The Hills Health Ranch is a complete spa, fitness and lifestyle learning center in a guest ranch setting, providing the environment, the support, the professionals, the services and the fun you need to refresh your mind and renew your body. At the ranch you can go hiking, biking, horseback riding, or you can be guided, nurtured, educated and enlightened by a full-support staff intent on helping you make healthful changes. From nutritional consultations to stress reduction; fitness assessments to personal training; nutritional symptomology to gourmet, healthy meals, the Hills Health Ranch will work with each person’s very individual lifestyle and needs. Specialty spa treatments include rosehip facials, scrubs and anti-aging treatments using a proprietary cold-pressed Canadian wild rosehip oil derived from organic rosehips that are grown on the ranch lands at an elevation of 3,400 feet to enhance nutrient concentration. The potent vitamin C, bio-flavonoids, minerals, and essential fatty acids of rosehip oil build and strengthen body tissue and enhance the vascular system to facilitate the prevention and healing of broken capillaries. One of the many popular packages, the special “Inches Off ” package, provides a complete fitness and wellness holiday to kick-start your wellness program, enhance your nutrition philosophy, and give you a well deserved break from the day-to-day stresses of your life. The package includes a lodge room or a cozy chalet, a nutritionally and calorically balanced meal plan, plus complete fitness and lifestyle consultations. With full access to all fitness amenities and a daily schedule of exercise classes and guided hikes, you’ll leave trim, refreshed, and re-energized. Just a one-hour drive from the Williams Lake airport, the resort and spa can also be accessed via private or charter plane to a nearby airstrip located two minutes from the lodge. More information on the widely varied programs and services offered by the Hills Health Ranch can be found on the website at Ask about tailoring your own custom package, too, and take part in this luxurious wilderness experience exactly the way you want it.

Thyroid Gland

At the Centre of a Life-changing Debate Part 1

The thyroid gland is at the centre of a medical debate, the outcome of which can change the way we view and treat our most common epidemics. By Franco Cavaleri


he thyroid is responsible for controlling the pace of the metabolism. A faltering thyroid means the cells of the body lose their biological rhythm and a unique function the rest of the body might depend on. Hypothyroidism is a common cause of North American obesity and an underlying driver of many other related syndromes including depression, unexplained body aches, joint pain, gastrointestinal insufficiency and more. Most of us don’t know we’re thyroxin deficient, even if we’ve been tested and shown to be within a healthy range, so we continue just slugging through life, dragging our heavy feet every step of the day. The declining activity of the thyroid as we age can be a cause of those age-related health challenges, including hair loss and failing vision. But what was once determined to be normal thyroid function is now being reviewed and re-evaluated. And if it’s found to need redefining, many linked diseases and their treatments may change. Endocrinologists at the centre of this thyroid debate are in conflict today over what is believed to be “normal” healthy thyroid or thyroxin levels, or more accurately, the reference range for the thyroid marker, TSH. If this reference range changes based on the new research, a larger group of the North American population will fall into the hypothyroid category. Even marginal shortfalls of thyroxin will cause monumental psychological and physical shifts that many of us just accept as factors of aging. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Age is not a function of time. We have to break away from this attachment of health status to chronological age; and adjustment of this thyroid function to the level it should be for normal healthy adults might just be the factor that shifts age-bound restrictions one more decade. In other words, yesteryear’s 50 might just be today’s 60. If energy and biological pace are reset to new standards based on these findings, our biological clocks might just be in for a masspopulation refurbishing! Resetting the pace of our cells sets in motion a monumental shift in biological age because it sets the stage for more physical activity, improved mental state, and more efficient metabolism. The result of this new state is improved cardiovascular health and better recovery from day-to-day wear and tear. At the foundation of all this, the improved state of mind will navigate improved lifestyle from multiple dimensions – mind, body and spirit.

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There are more of us suffering from untreated thyroid insufficiency than ever before for three main compounding reasons: 1) The vast portion of our North American population is aging beyond the fifty-year mark. 2) The diagnostic methodology is inappropriate, though about to change based on more recent research. 3) Our environmental toxins and manipulation of a staple food and water supply.

Fluoride, chloride and iodine

Research has demonstrated for the longest time that fluoride can actually diminish thyroid activity. We’ve used fluoride overload in the laboratory to induce hypothyroidism for clinical research. Fluoride supplementation can be, and is, actually used effectively to lower the activity of the thyroid as an alternative therapy for hyperthyroidism. Thyroxin production is highly dependent on iodine. Fluoride competes with iodine, reducing its availability. Fluoridation is more a US concern than a Canadian issue but recent research has revealed that chlorine can compete with iodine as well – and Canadians’ drinking water is chlorine loaded. Today’s fluoridation of water to support tooth and bone health might be a major factor impeding thyroid activity in our first world populations. Chlorination is much needed to circumvent microbial contamination, but the consequences are proving to be just as bad, only slower to develop and harder to correlate. Bromine is an alternative to chlorine and is finding its way into our food systems for the same reason chlorine is, but it too is analogous to chlorine and fluorine in atomic valence and activity and will likely impose similar antagonism on thyroid function. Each of us has to be vigilant to monitor our own health. Thyroid efficiency will soon become recognized by mainstream health care as a pivotal factor in that initiative. Our clinical testing protocol and determination of what is considered normal thyroid activity has been thrown off by fluoridation and chlorination.

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In other words, not only are we influenced by these thyroid crashers individually, we have been moulded as a North American population by this thyroid interference and it may very well be the driving force that has crafted our signature as the obese nations. As our third world neighbours adopt our North American ways it appears they too are adopting our North American health risks and the cause is not just the processed food. The manipulated water supply plays a huge role, too. Thyroid efficiency is typically tested through serum thyroid stimulating hormone levels (blood TSH concentration). TSH is produced by our pituitary gland in response to low thyroxin activity in the body. Low thyroxin hormone activity results in higher TSH. If your TSH test results in a high (greater than 5) measure, you are in a hypothyroid state. However, the controversy in the medical community over the healthy reference range has now thrown a huge wrench in this guideline. And there’s a lot more to thyroid activity than mere TSH levels as well. Considering these recently discovered facts, it might very well be that more than 20 percent of the North American population over the age of forty are affected by varying degrees of hypothyroidism. It’s no coincidence that the rate of obesity in the North American population (25 to 30 percent) is close to this rate of thyroid insufficiency. When we also review the frequency with which hypothyroidism occurs in our pets that are exposed to the same thyroid interruptions, we have to take note of what is evolving to be a pretty clear picture. If you feel like you’re aging faster and growing rounder in these middle years than ever before and you’ve chalked it all up to aging, think again. If your feet are getting heavier to run and climb stairs with, and your days just harder to get through, get in gear and do something about it. Your chronological age is not the culprit. There’s a safe and effective treatment that can change your life and bring back the energy and vitality you had in your youth. If thyroid insufficiency is at clinical stages, treatment can literally turn back the clock mentally and physically to break you away from your chronological age. Part two of this article will discuss what you can do from a natural and complementary (drug and nutraceutical therapy) standpoint. First and foremost, get tested to determine your TSH status. By the time your results are in at the doctor’s office, you’ll have part two of the article to evaluate by the new standards with your health care practitioner. Franco Cavaleri is a graduate of UBC, majored in Nutritional Science and Biochemistry. His postgraduate research efforts continue today on the latest gene-related (Nutrigenomics)and insulin-related nutraceutical research. His post graduate efforts in scientific research and development have led to the accumulation of several awards in the Canadian Health Industry including nine formulation awards and bestseller status for his recent book. Today Franco is the CEO, president, and research director of Biologic Publishing Inc. and Biologic Nutrigenomics Health Research Corp.; is an adviser to industry companies involved in human and animal nutrition; and regularly presents his findings in lectures to University level pharmacy, practicing medical and layman audiences. In April of 2004, Franco was inducted into the CHFA’s Sports Nutrition Hall of Fame for his efforts and contributions to the health care and sports nutrition industries.



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Jillian Harris is probably best known as the first Canadian Bachelorette, but she also has a successful career as an interior designer. Recently she returned to her one-time hometown of Vancouver for an event with Delta Laser & Skin Care Centre to raise money and awareness for Big Brothers of Greater Vancouver. We caught up with Jillian to ask her a few questions... Fresh Vancouver (FV): Big Brothers appears to be an important charity for you! Can you tell us a little about your work with this organization? Jillian: I have been involved with Big Brothers of Greater Vancouver for a long time. I started as an in-school mentor and now continue to work on the board and get involved with fundraisers. I originally joined out of selfish reasons, to be honest... I missed my small town, I missed being around children, I missed light-hearted atmospheres. It wasn’t until my first little buddy and I bonded that I realized I was making a huge difference. FV: What about your relationship with Delta Laser & Skin Care Centre ... Is skincare something you are passionate about? Jillian: Oh yes! Honestly, I will not see anyone else! The girls at Delta Laser & Skin Care Centre are just incredible, and so fun and funny. They are so down to earth and they look out for me, always making sure I am on the right skin care regimen, I am using sunscreen, etc. My all-time favourite treatment is the Derma Sweep (this is like microdermabrasion but so gentle!); it leaves my face feeling like a baby’s bum! FV: Tell us about your own beauty routines... Jillian: Even though I consider myself a bit of a tomboy and I’m really low maintenance, I am pretty strict on my beauty routines. I take supplements for nail and hair health (Phyto brand nail and hair), and I believe in weekly exfoliation. I LOVE the sun but am slowly weaning myself off it and opting for self tanners instead. I use rose water after I cleanse and drink as much water as I can. Getting eight hours of sleep is a huge bonus too!

FV: You’re obviously very fit and healthy. What do you do for exercise? Jillian: Um, I’m a little embarrassed to say! I love natural and healthy foods but if I want a burger, I’ll get a burger. I eat really balanced meals and I love foods that are full of antioxidants, like broccoli and blueberries. I don’t eat candy bars or pastries – not for health reasons, I just don’t like them. For exercise, I would say I am a busy bee and very active, but I’m pretty flaky when it comes to the gym. I try my best to get on a routine but I just can’t. I’ll work my butt off till I get what I want... but then drop it like a hot potato. Don’t do what I do! FV: Any woman who has rounded 30 knows that skincare becomes more important with each passing year... What do you do to keep yourself looking so young and fresh? Jillian: Enough sleep and enough water will go a long way. Love yourself and have a positive attitude in life – a cranky person is never pretty. FV: Tell us about your business... How long have you been doing interior design? What kinds of projects are you working on right now? Jillian: I’ve been in restaurant design for about eight years. I am still trying to fit it in my life, but my recent job as a designer with Extreme Makeover Home Edition keeps me pretty busy so I am doing mostly that now, travelling lots, and spending lots of time with friends and family. FV: How do you balance your busy career, your family, and your active lifestyle... all while staying healthy?



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“It gives you so much more power and beauty to love and forgive, and to rise above any hardships or negativity with a smile.”

Jillian: I don’t! (Laughs) Everyone has their breaking point and any woman who attempts to do it all will probably say it’s not easy. I say, take it easy on yourself... If you want to try to do it all, go for it! But if you crash, don’t be too hard on yourself. Lean on friends and family for love and support and try to tell yourself that you can’t always “do it all.” Love yourself and learn that it’s okay to say “No” sometimes. FV: Any final words of wisdom for our readers as they continue on their mission to stay healthy and look and feel beautiful now and into the future? Jillian: Have a great attitude. Never ever waste time on hate, regret, anger, or jealously (easier said than done, I know)... It gives you so much more power and beauty to love and forgive, and to rise above any hardships or negativity with a smile. Kill with kindness (without being a pushover). That is what will keep you young and beautiful!

Grey Hair By Cindy Hughes

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Scientific breakthrough elicits new understanding of why we go grey.


e can all expect to see a little silver at the temples by the time we’re in our thirties or forties – or if we’re lucky (and rare), our fifties and beyond. For some of us it can be a serious shock , but be warned, because psychological shock or trauma can actually contribute to greying hair! Rest assured, though, that two grey hairs will not actually replace one plucked grey hair. Pure fiction. But what causes grey hair? Is it an inescapable reality of age and genetics, or is there something we can do about it... other than getting a dye job? Maybe. While it is true that grey hair is a result of how many decades you have under your belt, and is certainly influenced by your genetic makeup, there are other factors at play here as well. All hair begins as white hair, and is given colour by the cells in our hair follicles called “melanocytes,” which generate the pigments (including melanin) that give our hair its specific colour. Those with more melanin tend to have darker hair; less melanin typically means lighter hair. Over time, according to Harvard scientists, our melanocyte stem cells begin to fail as we age, producing fewer melanocytes, which in turn results in less melanin. And that’s why we get grey hair. Sounds perfectly plausible. However, new research is taking another look at the science behind our failing follicles, and our knowledge of going grey is no longer so black and white.

A new look at the old grey

A recent study conducted by British scientists concluded that grey hair is actually caused by hydrogen peroxide. Yes, the same substance we used to bleach ourselves blonde! Our skin cells naturally produce tiny amounts of hydrogen peroxide as a safeguard against bacteria. Meanwhile, our bodies also produce an enzyme called catalase, which breaks down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. But as we age, we produce lesser amounts of catalase, which results in increased levels of hydrogen peroxide in our bodies. And this is now thought to be the real reason we go grey. It’s an exciting scientific breakthrough that is sure to be followed by further studies into techniques that can counteract or reverse this excess hydrogen peroxide in our bodies. Stay tuned for a variety of products to start cropping up within the next few years – the race is on! In the meantime, there are other factors you can try to see if they affect the rate at which your hair loses its signature hue. Grey hair can be the result of a medical condition, so if you notice that you are greying quickly, see a doctor to make sure you don’t have a vitamin B12 deficiency or a thyroid imbalance. Also, smokers are four times more likely to have grey hair than non-smokers, so butt out! An added incentive is that smoking has also been linked to hair loss. And erectile dysfunction in men. And cancer! While grey hair is caused generally by your age and your genetic composition, the health tips in this article can give you a fighting chance while you await the flurry of colour-rescuing products that are sure to follow the latest scientific advancements in grey hair!

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Wrinkle Erasers:

From Botox to Skin Tightening By Dr. Martin Braun


hat do women want? Sigmund Freud wrestled with this question over his entire psychoanalytical career without ever giving us an answer. However, for cosmetic treatments, women seem to share a common desire: non-invasive, low risk procedures with no downtime that give results and are cost effective. Cosmetic physicians continue to search for innovative ways to maintain a natural, youthful appearance. Technological advancements have created the option of small treatments on a regular basis. The new paradigm: maintenance, maintenance, maintenance! Start as early as possible and continue throughout life. As the years go marching by, skin shows wear and tear characterized by blotchy pigmentation, broken capillaries, and an overall sallow complexion. Skin texture deteriorates with enlarged pores intersected with fine lines and wrinkles. It has been estimated that we lose one percent of our dermal collagen each year after age twenty, and this rate of loss doubles in sun-exposed areas, like the face. Virtually all women with aging skin would like to improve four areas: colour, tone, texture, and tightening of their skin. Problems with skin colour are termed dyschromia: benign brown spots (lentigo) secondary to sun exposure and broken capillaries (telengectasia) visible on photodamaged skin. These brown and red spots can be faded with pulsed light, which has emerged over the past ten years as the primary light therapy. This no-downtime procedure has been named photorejuvenation or the Fotofacial. Virtually every laser company has a pulsed light device for sale; however, not all devices are equivalent. The power must be sufficient to effect a change and the spot size large enough that the light can penetrate deep into the dermis. Problems with skin tone can be defined as a loss of radiance or uniformly glowing skin. Pulsed light will also improve overall skin tone, restoring radiance, more uniform skin color, and a healthy glow. However, skin tone is also affected by enlarged pores and fine lines, which trap light, as well as the ravages of acne scarring. As we age, our pores appear larger. No woman ever complains that her pores are “too small.” Unfortunately, pulsed light usually does not reduce the appearance of fine lines or pores satisfactorily. For these textural abnormalities, I use a fractional resurfacing technique that treats only a portion of the skin’s surface with the laser, leaving small “bridges” of untouched skin. The tiny treated areas rapidly heal in 1-2 days as epidermal cells migrate from the small, untreated bridges. The client can disguise any redness following treatment with makeup. Furthermore, unlike with chemical peels or conventional laser resurfacing, fractional resurfacing does not cause any diffuse peeling of skin. The redness fades in 3-5 days with no adverse effect on the client’s normal lifestyle. Our facility uses a laser called the Pixel, applying treatments to the entire face in 30-minute appointments. As with pulsed light, most clientele do not require any topical anesthetic prior to treatment, in contrast to most fractional resurfacing procedures, which require application of topical numbing creams for 30-60 minutes prior to treatment.

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(left) Before (right) After Skin tightening was once the exclusive realm of the cosmetic surgeon who would surgically pull up flaps of sagging skin. Now patients can receive subtle skin tightening with no downtime using radiofrequency devices such as the Accent, the Pelleve, or Thermage. Today’s light-based therapy produces amazing results. However, the other hallmark of the aging process is volume loss. As pads of fat that sit under the dermis and create facial contours deflate with age, deep folds and wrinkles appear. In addition, facial muscles fold our skin over and over again, creating deep, scarred wrinkles. Two aesthetic treatments will restore a youthful, full face: Botox and fillers. Botox is the number one cosmetic treatment in North America. It is also the most misunderstood, evoking the most vitriolic comments from detractors, who, quite frankly, do not comprehend its numerous benefits. Botox decreases the movements that cause deep facial wrinkles like the vertical “#11” between the eyebrows that makes one appear angry. People wish to “age gracefully.” I tell them that with Botox they will age gracefully; they will simply age. However, Botox will not inflate the apple of the cheek, or restore thinning lips. Some people have too much Botox and filler injected in their face, and they appear immobile or have huge sausage lips, an unfortunate occurrence that gives the entire cosmetic industry a bad name. When natural fillers like Juvederm are used properly, the results are amazing, leading to the terms Softlift or liquid facelift to describe the change. My regular patients only have to see me twice a year for Botox, Juvederm, and a laser treatment. They all appear about 15 years younger than their chronological age. Never feel guilty about investing some money in your face – you have only one of them! After receiving his M.D. from the University of British Columbia (UBC) in 1984, Dr. Braun completed his core surgical training at Vancouver General Hospital. As a pioneer in laser medicine, Dr. Braun has the distinction of being the first doctor in Canada to perform laser hair removal over 13 years ago. He currently injects more Botox® than any other practitioner in Canada. Dr. Braun has devoted his practice exclusively to cosmetic rejuvenation procedures at his private medical clinic, the Vancouver Laser and Skin Care Centre.

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ask the expert


My chiropractor says that spinal adjustments can help lower my blood pressure. Is this true? Marisa Sansalone, Delta, BC


High blood pressure, or hypertension, affects one in five Canadians, and is the number-one risk factor for stroke and a major risk factor for heart disease. Common methods for lowering blood pressure include dietary modification, decreasing salt intake, quitting smoking, exercising regularly, and lowering alcohol consumption. However, a trip to your chiropractor can help, too! A recent study tested the effects of chiropractic adjustments to the upper neck on blood pressure. Those receiving treatment showed a significant decrease in blood pressure, verified by medical researchers. So, yes: if you have high blood pressure and a neck misalignment, a trip to your local chiropractor may help solve both problems.


What kind of liquid eyeliner do you use? I love how you do eyes on your clients; they stand out so much! Every eyeliner I buy always looks “not black enough” almost like it is faded. Also, eyeshadow sometimes gets on the eyeliner when I blink, looks so shiny, and creases after a few hours. Can you help? Navi, Vancouver, BC


Here are a few tips for getting the best results with eye makeup: First, use a primer under your eyeshadow. This creates an even neutral base allowing the true colour of the eyeshadow to come through. Also, it will prevent your eyeshadow from creasing in your eyelid. Try “Stay Don’t Stray” by benefit. You can find it at Sephora, and it gives you an even colour lid and helps the shadow stick. After that, use “Fluidline” liner by MAC. It comes in a small pot, and is applied with an angle brush. It’s smudge resistant and waterproof, and the colour is super black. You can smudge it before it dries for a softer pencil look, or you can use the angle brush for a strong black line. Finally, curl your lashes and coat with black mascara.

As a chiropractic doctor and certified life coach, Dr. Christian Guenette calls himself an alignment specialist – for body, mind, and spirit. Check out his approach to health and healing at: and www. His clinic is located at 2184 West Broadway in Vancouver, BC. Call for a consultation today: 604-742-0111.

Shannon Mann is a partner and cofounder of Pink Orchid Studio in Vancouver, BC. Pink Orchid Studio specializes in hair, makeup, and stylist services for weddings, graduations, or any occasion where you need to stand out from the crowd. They have extensive experience with media, fashion, and bridal clientele in the Greater Vancouver Area. For more information please visit, or email them at

Breast Implants: “Q&A” with Dr. Rai By Dr. Kimit Rai


re you considering breast implant surgery, but need some questions answered? You are not alone. Many women feel nervous or even embarrassed to approach the subject of breast implants – yet many are curious about the procedure and interested in considering it. The following question and answer session with leading plastic surgeon Dr. Kimit Rai provides information about the most commonly asked questions women have on the topic of breast implant surgery, from the logistics of the procedure to the aesthetics of the result. Fresh Vancouver (FV): What type of breast implants should one choose: saline or gel? Dr. Rai: It depends on the firmness and thickness of the skin of the breast. If the breast is thick and firm with some fatty tissue present, and is not droopy, saline breast implants would be very satisfactory. If the breast is thin and atrophic, and has very little breast substance, then it would be better to have a gel implant to minimize the rippling of the implants both visually and when the breast is palpated.

frame is narrow and the breast is smaller, then quite likely the implant size should be smaller. It could range from 240 to 400ccs. FV: What types of gel implants are available? Dr. Rai: You can choose between a soft gel, which feels very natural, and a cohesive gel, which is a firmer implant. FV: Can you do a breast lift and augmentation at the same time? Dr. Rai: Yes, you can do both procedures at the same time. FV: I’ve heard there are different types of procedures with different incisions. Can you explain what they are? Dr. Rai: The type of breast lift procedure is dependent on the shape of the breast. If the breast is very droopy, then quite likely the patient will need an anchor-shaped scar. If the breast is less droopy the patient may need a lollipop scar. If the droopiness is minimal, the scar can be just around the nipple.

FV: What size of implants should one choose?

FV: Are the implants placed in front of or behind the muscle?

Dr. Rai: The size of the implant depends on the body frame, the width of the chest, the height of the patient, and the consistency of the breast. If the chest is wide and the breast is also wide, then most likely a larger implant can be accommodated. Large implants range anywhere from 400 to 600ccs. If the chest

Dr. Rai: The implants should be placed behind the muscle to give a more natural result. This also gives you the teardrop shape plus some fullness in the upper pole of the breast. Implants that are placed in front of the muscle have a rounder appearance.

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FV: What shape of implant should one choose? Dr. Rai: You can choose from low-profile implants, moderate-profile implants, high-profile implants, and anatomical implants. After consultation, your plastic surgeon will recommend the appropriate type of implant. The anatomical implants are usually used for patients who have a very flat breast with very little breast tissue so that the upper pole fullness is reduced. The moderate-profile implants are used for patients who have a relatively full breast with very little ptosis (drooping) so that the projection is concentrated in the central component of the breast and below. The high-profile implants are preferable in patients who have deflation of the breast to give forward projection and create the desired fullness in the upper pole. In my practice I prefer the high-profile implants to give the desired projection of the nipple and fullness in the upper pole where needed. Once you have become knowledgeable about the processes and options available as part of a breast implant surgery, your next step is to have a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon. Dr. Kimit Rai is a graduate of the University of British Columbia and has been B.C. Board Certified in Plastic Surgery since 1975. He has also been American Board Certified in Plastic Surgery since 1977. From 1989 to 1999, Dr. Rai was Chief of Surgery for the Simon Fraser Health Region, as well as the Chief of the Department of Plastic Surgery from 1983 to 1999. He is also the past president of the Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons and the Northwest Society of Plastic Surgeons. For more information visit

Fountain of Osmosis Pür Medical Skincare

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A plant-based cosmeceutical line that uses more active ingredients per serum than any other line in the world. Osmosis Pür Medical Skincare is used not only for anti-aging, but also to treat skin conditions such as acne and rosacea. The ingredients in Osmosis will restore dermal thickness, correct photo damage, increase skin’s nutrients and immune support, clear acne and rosacea, protect the skin from UV rays, hydrate, normalize oil, and shrink the pores. Available at SKN Holistic Rejuvenation Clinic, located at #150 - 1152 Mainland Street, Vancouver, BC. Phone 604.568.6333 for more information or to book your consultation today.

Brazilian Blowout is finally in Vancouver! A Brazilian Blowout will literally condition and fortify your hair, giving you a strong, shiny, manageable mane. While this is a straightening product, you can still wear your hair curly or wavy, or straighten it. Curly hair will appear natural and wavy after treatment, while wavy hair will appear naturally straight.Consult the professionals at Aru Spa and Salon, located in White Rock, BC, to find out how the Brazilian blowout can address your specific hair needs. Go to for more information today.

Canadian Hills’ Organic Rosehip Oil Rosehips are one of nature’s most potent sources of vitamin C, bio-flavonoids, minerals and essential fatty acids, and they can play a vital role in building and strengthening body tissue. Research has demonstrated wild rosehip oil’s efficacy for sensitive skin, weakthread veins, and its effectiveness in promoting tissue regeneration. It is used on scars, burns, wrinkles, and callouses and is helpful for many other skin abnormalities. For more information about Canadian Hills products including wild rosehip oil, visit

Shower Power:

Hydrotherapy By Tracy Holly


rinking sufficient water is crucial to good health, but water also plays an important role in external sanitation and personal hygiene. Moreover, water seems to have special powers in stress management and body rejuvenation.

• Stimulates the glandular system • Stimulates circulation, increasing muscle tone and nerve force • Improves digestion and speeds up metabolism • Increases the immune system and builds resistance to illness • Increases blood count • Stimulates the brain and central nervous system • Has an electro-magnetic effect on the body, stimulating the flow of life energies (ki, chi, pranayama, etc.) • Increases oxygen uptake to the tissues

Perhaps that’s because like light from the sun, there’s absolutely no life without water. Water affects the skin and muscles. It calms the lungs, heart, stomach and endocrine system by stimulating nerve reflexes on the spinal cord. Water therapy has been with us for centuries. The ancient Greeks took therapeutic baths. During the Roman Empire bath houses were health and healing centres for Caesar, the Senate and Generals of the Roman army. For centuries, water has been an important ingredient in traditional Chinese, Ayurvedic and Native American healing systems. Hydrotherapy, formerly called hydropathy, involves the use of water for pain relief and treating illness. The term hydrotherapy itself is synonymous with the term “water cure,” under which it was originally marketed by practitioners and promoters in the 1800s.

The nerve cells carry impulses felt on the skin deeper into the body, where they are instrumental in stimulating the immune system, modifying the production of stress hormones, invigorating circulation and digestion, encouraging blood flow, and reducing pain sensitivity. Generally, heat quiets and soothes the body, slowing down the activity of internal organs. Cold, in contrast, stimulates and invigorates, increasing internal activity. If you’re experiencing tense muscles and anxiety caused by stress, a hot shower or bath is in order. If you’re feeling tired or “strung-out,” consider a warm shower or bath followed by a short, invigorating cold shower to help stimulate your body and mind.

A vast array of hydrotherapy techniques

A number of techniques are available under the general heading of hydrotherapy. I lived in various countries in Europe, including England, Germany, Switzerland, France and Holland, for five years and personally experienced many forms of hydrotherapy. They include such proven techniques as therapeutic baths and showers, neutral baths, sitz baths, contrast sitz baths, foot baths, cold mitten friction rub, steam inhalation, hot compresses, cold compresses, alternating hot and cold compresses, heating compresses, body wrap, wet sheet pack and salt glow. This eclectic array of natural water treatments are based on the therapies first espoused by Father Sebastian Kneipp, a German priest who healed himself of tuberculosis by bathing in the waters of the Danube river.

The benefits of hydrotherapy

A Finnish naturopath by the name of Dr. Paavo Airola immigrated to Canada after World War II. He extolled the virtues of cold baths and showers in several books that he wrote, including the best-selling classic How to Get Well. (He also mentored my husband, Dr. Cory Holly.) Cold water treatments have a special tonic-like magic that exerts a rejuvenating and natural healing effect on the entire system. According to Dr. Airola’s book, cold water treatment offers the following benefits:

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Improve your circulation with a daily “shower of power”

Circulation produces cures. Life is in the blood. Hot and cold water therapy improves total body circulation: hot water stimulates blood flow to the surface of the body, whereas cold water drives the blood to the core of the body, bringing fresh, nutrient-rich blood to the organs, glands, muscle and bones. In other words: oxygen and micronutrients IN; toxins and pathogens OUT. The following simple technique is a great way to incorporate the power of hydrotherapy into your daily routine: Step 1: Have your morning shower as usual, washing hair, shaving legs, wet brush massage. Step 2: While doing this, slowly increase the temperature of the water to the hottest temperature you can tolerate. This should be approximately two minutes in duration. Step 3: Now turn on the cold water and immerse your face, underarms and back to the point of gasping for air. Remember to always end with cold water. Step 4: Turn off the water, dry off with a towel and “air bathe” for 5 to 10 minutes if possible. Nothing gets you more pumped up and energized than a slap in the face with a cold shower. You’ll feel rejuvenated and ready to take on the world. This technique is literally a “shower of power”! Tracy Holly is a health and fitness activist and a great believer in alternative and natural medicine. In addition to being a full-time mom, Tracy works as a public relations officer and professional emcee, and coordinates national health and fitness symposiums. Tracy also teaches Latin and ballroom dancing and competes at Masters’ level as well as in fitness competitions, natural bodybuilding, and track and field. For more information, please visit

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Nothing gets you more pumped up and energized than a slap in the face with a cold shower.



By Dr. Trina Read



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Have you ever noticed that there is no Miss Manner’s etiquette regarding the appropriate level of sex noise? What is suitable conduct for both the listener and the maker of noise while there are sexual relations going on? Respect thy neighbour?

A couple of months ago I was staying overnight in a hotel. About 1:00 a.m. I woke up to a couple having zealous sex in the next room. It then happened again at 1:45, and then again at 3:10. As thrilled as I am about people overtly enjoying their sexuality, I do not believe it should infringe on my sleep time. That said, the rules garnering hot and loud sex are fuzzy in a hotel setting. It is expected for couples to let loose at a hotel, hoping the people in the next room are heavy sleepers. Outside of this setting, what does the average person feel about making sex noises with other people in close proximity? My observations show two camps: the first camp is too terrified to have sex because they might make the slightest noise and everyone would know. The second camp is turned on by the adventure.There was a group of couples who went skiing. Their rented chalet had only one bedroom and so all slept on the living room floor in sleeping bags. Jokingly, one couple started to make sex noises just as everyone was drifting to sleep. The group laughed and then went to sleep, at which point the couple followed through with silent sex. When I asked if they woke anyone up, they just smiled at me. They would be the adventuresome type.

When YOU are the neighbour

The question remains, how does one approach someone else on keeping their screaming to a minimum? The first person I ever confronted was my university roommate, who would often

bring loud girls home to sleep over. Between me being a light sleeper and our apartment’s thin walls, I would have my very own front row seat to his goings-on. After enough sleepless nights I challenged him: “Would you mind keeping it down when you bring guests over?” “Huh?” was his initial response, followed by wholehearted laughter and, “You’re joking right?” There was no way my 22-year-old roommate was going to quiet down an enthusiastic bedtime partner. I bought a pair of earplugs. The next phase of my life came with having houseguests. Granted, most of my guests have been discreet. A few have not. This is especially awkward when the guest bedroom is directly below the master bedroom, with a heating vent connecting the two rooms. Last summer at about 2:00 a.m. I was awoken by my guests’ loud sex noises. Said couple went about their business for about an hour, during which time I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to go back to sleep. It did not work. In fact, it took a few more hours for me to drift back to sleep. As a side note, I was both annoyed and nevertheless in admiration of this couple, as they have been married for over 30 years! The next morning as I dragged my butt into the kitchen to make some blessed coffee, the couple in question came bouncing up the stairs. They were laughing, slapping, and teasing one another. I thought the black rings under my eyes and thoroughly tired demeanour would tip them off to my sleepless night. Nope. They were still in their sex-induced love haze.



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Having slept through the entire performance, my husband could not understand why I was miffed. He said, “You’re the sex expert. Shouldn’t you of all people be open to folks having loud sex?” “Of course,” I stated for the record, “I am totally in favour of people having loud sex, just not when I am trying to sleep.” I then came up with this analogy: “It is the same as them going into our living room in the middle of the night and turning our TV on full blast, waking up the entire house. You just don’t do it.”

A neighbourly conclusion

If this couple were to come and visit again, would I mention before bedtime to keep the noise level to a minimum? I would rather stick my hand in a tank full of piranhas. I have come to the conclusion that there is no tactful way to ask rambunctious couples to keep it down while having sex. If this should happen to you, go directly to the bathroom, roll up a wad of toilet paper, and stick it in your ears. Or, even better, start having loud sex (even if you are by yourself) to drown out their noise. At least you will have fun while you’re waiting for your guests to finish.

Get your monthly sex advice delivered to your inbox at:; or read an excerpt from Dr. Trina’s book Till Sex Do Us Part at Sexologist, Dr. Trina Read is a best-selling author, sex coach and international speaker. Go to to find out more.

Tummy Tucks:

The Fastest Route to Flatter Abs? By Sophia Davidson

Have you ever seen photos of people who have lost significant amounts of weight, resulting in loose, hanging folds of skin? Or women who have had multiple pregnancies and had the skin on their bellies stretched so badly that it just hangs in stretch-marked folds over the tops of their jeans?


re YOU one of these people? If so, then you are the ideal candidate for a tummy tuck. A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a highly effective surgery to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen, creating a flat belly and tightening the muscle and fascia of the abdominal wall. It can also be used for spot reduction of excess fat where loosening of the skin is not present, though it is not a recommended weight-loss procedure. The best candidates for abdominoplasty are healthy individuals who have a problem area that cannot be reduced through diet and exercise alone, and who will not become pregnant anytime in the future.

The inside scoop...

In fact, the insides are scooped – or liposuctioned – in the majority of tummy tuck procedures. But there is more to the process than just this. Depending on the type and the scope of the tummy tuck you are receiving, the

procedure will go something like this: 1. General anaesthesia is administered. 2. An incision is made above the pubic area. 3. The navel is removed for relocation later. 4. The skin is detached from the abdominal wall and often the muscle fascia is tightened with sutures. 5. Excess fat is removed. 6. Excess skin is removed. 7. The belly button is recreated. 8. The wound is closed and dressed. There are a variety of different types of tummy tucks, from the complete abdominoplasty (involving a hip-to-hip incision) to the partial or “mini” abdominoplasty, which targets the lower belly bulge below the belly button. An extended abdominoplasty takes care of the outer thigh area as well, while a circumferential abdominoplasty adds in a buttock lift. Then there are the combination surgeries, which can cover a wide spectrum of procedures. A popular variation on the conventional abdominoplasty is to do a breast enhancement at the same time – this combination has been dubbed the “Mommy Makeover.” The time it will take to perform the procedure will again depend on the type of tummy tuck you are having. Typical surgeries range from one to five hours or more. You will be out of commission for at least a week following your surgery and able to perform sedentary work after two weeks. After three months, the swelling will be gone and you will be able to accurately judge the results of your surgery, though you will still have redness along the incision lines (which may actually worsen until the six-month mark). Only after six or more months will you be completely healed, though in most cases scarring is permanent. On average (and depending again on the extent of your procedure), you can expect to pay between $4,000 and $20,000 for an abdominoplasty.



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The results of a tummy tuck

Abdominoplasty can make a dramatic difference to your belly, resulting in a smooth stomach and a nicely contoured waistline. Patients must avoid any weight gain or pregnancies and lead a healthy lifestyle in order to maintain the effects of their tummy tucks. The scarring will likely be permanent, so you may wish to take some measures to address your scars, whether that means wearing higher-cut garments or having laser therapy to treat the scarring. Typically the scars will be restricted to the area just above the pubic bone, so they will be easily concealed in most clothing. A tummy tuck is major surgery, and as such there are inherent risks. Those with underlying medical conditions or poor circulation are not good candidates for the procedure. If you smoke, have a cold, or have recently had another surgery, you will need to delay the abdominoplasty until these factors have been eradicated. There are risks in any surgery, but a tummy tuck carries with it particular risk factors such as numbness, skin discoloration, nerve damage, delayed wound healing, and asymmetry of the wound. Another somewhat common problem associated with abdominoplasty is called fat necrosis, which results when some of the remaining fat tissues die (due to the aggressive nature of liposuction) and form a cyst, which creates a hard lump in one area of the body. The lump may be painful and may swell from time to time, and could harbour an infection. Usually these will resolve themselves over time. The majority of tummy tuck patients are satisfied with their results – providing they go into the surgery with realistic expectations. Tummy tucks target a very specific area or areas of your body. They will leave scarring. They may take a very long time to heal. There could be complications. But they also result in a perfectly flat stomach, in most cases, with some contouring through the waistline as well... plus whatever other procedure you have chosen to do!

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a highly effective surgery to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen, creating a flat belly and tightening the muscle and fascia of the abdominal wall.

A Radiant Complexion:

Facials and Wraps By Liberty Craig


ome facials, spa facials, photo facials; wraps and peels and microdermabrasion. When is a facial just a facial? Not often. There is a great deal to know about facials before deciding upon the routine that will work best for you. First consider your skin type: Do you have sensitive skin? Rosacea? Fine lines and wrinkles? Also consider what you are looking to accomplish with your facial: Do you want to look younger? Treat a skin condition?

The Basic Facial

Most spas and aestheticians will offer a full menu of facials, from the soothing to the exfoliating; however, most facials will follow the same basic format (you can also try many of these steps at home): Cleansing: A gentle cleanser is usually applied to begin the facial. Typically, a soft cloth is used with warm water and a mild cleansing solution to wipe the face clean. Sometimes steam is incorporated into this step to open up the pores, moisturize the skin, and allow for greater purification in the next steps. Exfoliation: The next step is exfoliation or microdermabrasion, during which dead skin cells and impurities are literally scrubbed away using a grainy scrub, or sometimes a rough cloth or wand. A more advanced technique uses a diamond-tipped wand to remove the surface layer of skin and promote cell regeneration. Extraction: This step involves the extraction of whiteheads and blackheads from the pores. Unless done properly, it can be a painful process and can irritate your skin. Those with sensitive or thinning skin may wish to skip this step. Massage: There are a variety of techniques for facial massage, but the most commonly used technique during facials is called “effleurage,” which uses a light, soothing touch to stimulate the skin and relax the facial muscles. Masks and wraps: A facial mask or wrap may be applied as part of your facial treatment. The aim is to hydrate and moisturize the skin, typically using skin-nourishing products such as seaweed, grape seed, green tea, eucalyptus, allantoin, or aloe vera. Moisturizers: The final step is usually to apply a hydrating moisturizer to the skin, using the right moisturizer for your skin type. You will typically receive advice at this point on how to care for your skin until your next facial (which should be one to three months).

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Anti-Aging Variations

Many facial packages offered by spas and aestheticians are tailored to the needs of aging skin. The main difference with anti-aging facials is the products used. Hydrating products like evening primrose oil help to rehydrate dry, aging skin, while various vitamins, enzymes, minerals, and amino acids are used to provide nutrients to the skin. Antioxidants such as vitamin C or copper peptides are common topical agents in anti-aging facials, as are hyaluronic acid, retinol, DMAE, and alpha lipoic acid, which are typically applied as part of an anti-aging moisturizer. Other anti-aging variations on the standard facial include the following: The collagen facial: Collagen facials involve placing special collagen sheets or wraps directly on the skin. While studies show that topical collagen is not as effective as stimulating your body to increase its own collagen levels, the employers of these techniques state that the collagen particles in this form of treatment are soluble and small enough to penetrate the epidermis. Some collagen wrap facials promise instant results in the elasticity and youthfulness of your skin. The “pure oxygen” facial: Pure oxygen facials are becoming increasingly popular as an anti-aging mechanism that is meant to reverse skin damage caused by sun exposure and free radicals. During the procedure, pure oxygen is forced below the first layer of skin through a compression device. Though it seems to have a plumping effect in the short term (i.e., the first 48 hours), the long-term efficacy of this procedure is disputed. Yet its popularity remains high in part through celebrity endorsements from such megastars as Madonna, who has her own oxygen “facialist” on staff at all times! The photo facial: While other facials tend to be variations on pretty much the same theme, photo facials are altogether different. Photo facials use a light-based technology to treat the skin. There are two main types of photo facials: LED (light-emitting diode), which is a gentle treatment used to boost collagen, and IPL (intense-pulsed light), which is a more intense and sometimes painful treatment for broken capillaries, facial redness, and brown spots. Next time you go for a facial, look a little more closely at your options and make sure you are doing what’s best for your skin.

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Foods That Help Fight the Effects of Aging Taking care of our health is important at all stages of life, but as we age we need to pay particular attention to how we’re treating our bodies. An older body simply isn’t as well equipped to deal with the same abuses that a younger body can cope with. By Jane Dee



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moking, drinking to excess, and neglecting regular exercise can all take their toll on the body as the years roll by. So too can a poor diet. A healthy diet is important as we age, not necessarily because it may help us to live longer, but because it can enable us to continue to live the way we want to–without illness or adverse health conditions that could rob us of our independence and the enjoyment we get from our simple day-to-day activities. And while we can’t actually delay the aging process, we can certainly help fight its effects by eating the right foods.

Rage Against Age with Antioxidants

Look at any list of foods that purport to help fight the effects of aging and most will include a number of items high in antioxidants. That’s because antioxidants play an important role in the prevention of cell damage, which is common not only as part of the aging process, but also in diseases such as cancer. Antioxidants are the body’s defence system against free radicals. They safely interact with free radicals, preventing any damage that these atoms might inflict upon the body’s cellular components. Research has shown that people whose diets are rich in fruits and vegetables have lower cancer rates than those whose diets lack these foods, leading to the theory that antioxidants may protect against the development of cancer. It’s also believed that antioxidants help slow the aging process and help prevent heart disease and stroke.

The Best Anti-Aging Foods – For Any Age

The best dietary advice for combating the effects of aging is to eat plenty of whole grain foods, fruits, and vegetables; and to limit your intake of saturated fats, salt, sugar, and processed foods. Making antioxidant-rich choices will give you the best chance of continued health during the aging process. The following foods are all high in the essential nutrients the body needs as it ages: Cruciferous vegetables: Rich in antioxidants and sulphur, vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts can all help to combat the effects of aging. These vegetables are also high in vitamin C, helping with the formation of elastin and collagen, which provide the body’s tissues with firmness and strength (think skin elasticity). The production rate of both of these proteins slows as we age, which is why a diet rich in cruciferous vegetables has a number of health benefits. Berries: Berries such as blueberries, blackberries, and cranberries are rich in anthocyanins, an antioxidant compound believed to slow the growth of certain cancers as well as im-

The Mediterranean diet has long been hailed as the healthiest way to eat, with studies showing that Mediterranean people suffer less heart disease than individuals from northern Europe. prove brain function, muscle tone, and balance. Nuts: Although rich in fat, nuts contain healthy polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, making them a relatively healthy snack choice. Studies have found that people who include nuts in their diet have reduced levels of low-density lipoprotein or “bad” cholesterol in the blood, which may help to prevent heart disease. Fish: Oily fish such as mackerel, sardines, and salmon contain omega-3 fatty acids, which can help combat inflammation in the body. They can also help reduce the risk of developing cancer. The anti-aging health benefits of eating oily fish also include an improved immune system and enhanced mental health, as well as a decreased risk of developing osteoporosis, a condition in which bones become fragile and susceptible to breaking. Tomatoes: Tomatoes are one of the richest sources of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant (it’s also found in carrots, watermelon, and other red vegetables and fruits). Studies suggest that lycopene may help to prevent some types of cancer, including breast, colon, and lung cancers. Lycopene can also increase the skin’s ability to protect itself against harmful ultraviolet rays, thus helping to combat the effects of sun-induced skin aging. Green tea: The catechins found naturally in green tea are believed to have a number of antiaging benefits, one of which is a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease. The antioxidants found in green tea called polyphenols (which are similar to lycopene) can help combat skin



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damage caused by ultraviolet rays. White tea also has anti-aging properties and is beneficial to your health. Olive oil: The Mediterranean diet has long been hailed as the healthiest way to eat, with studies showing that Mediterranean people suffer less heart disease than individuals from northern Europe. One of the integral ingredients in the Mediterranean diet is olive oil, which is naturally rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and polyphenols. Whole grains: Whole grains, such as oats, brown rice, and quinoa, are a lot healthier than refined grains as they haven’t been stripped of their nutrient-rich germ and bran layers in the way refined grains have. Whole grains are a good source of vitamin B as well as antioxidants, and provide magnesium, iron, and fibre. Whole grains can also help with weight control, lower the risk of diabetes, and improve heart health. The healthy eating rules change very little as we age. The sooner we adopt a healthy eating plan that includes foods rich in essential nutrients and vitamins, the fewer changes we’ll have to make to ensure we continue to enjoy good health well into our later years.

Originally from London, England, Jane Dee is a freelance writer who has written a number of health articles, most of which focus on diet and nutrition. Jane currently resides in Alberta, where she’ll bespending this summer growing vegetables in her back yard!

The Perfect Exercise for 40+ Women:

Yoga & Pilates Does it hurt when you run, jump or kick? Hate the gym? Are you looking for a fun way to get healthy and fit? As we age, whether we are extremely athletic or sedentary, the cells of our bodies will experience changes that will require modifications or alternatives to our present lifestyle .......... By Della Vorshuk


ccording to the World Health Organization, it is a well-accepted fact that physical activity has important positive effects on our muscles, bones, heart, lungs and more. However, as we age, many individuals can no longer participate in sports that involve impact or agility such as running or soccer, while others need to get more active. This article provides two powerful, popular, fun and safe alternatives: yoga and Pilates. The term “yoga” comes from a Sanskrit word meaning “union.” It is an ancient system of physical and mental exercises to help achieve a stronger bond between the mindful “self ” and the “universal spirit” or soul. Pilates is a more recent exercise system developed by German-born fitness innovator Joseph H. Pilates in the 1920s. His interest in physical fitness stemmed from a determination to strengthen his own body and improve his health after a sickly childhood. With a background in yoga, Zen meditation, martial arts and other ancient fitness techniques, plus some success as a gymnast, diver and boxer, Joseph Pilates devised a unique sequence of movements that worked the mind, muscle and spirit in harmony to improve flexibility, muscular tone, firmness and strength, and mental relaxation.

Benefits of Yoga and Pilates

Since yoga and Pilates are similar in principle and application, they also share many of the same benefits. The physical benefits of yoga and Pilates include the ability to: • Tone and firm long, lean muscles without bulking-up • Restore postural alignment and joint range of motion • Create a stronger, more flexible spine and core • Heighten neuromuscular coordination • Relieve back pain and joint stress • Reduce the risks of stress and injury • Enhance mobility, agility and stamina • Burn calories

While the physical benefits of these exercise systems are laudable, both yoga and Pilates also offer mental benefits, including the power to: • Calm, clarify and discipline the mind • Enhance stress coping abilities • Reduce stress, relieve tension, and boost energy • Improve self-esteem and self-confidence • Improve feelings of wellbeing • Enhance self-image

Potential Risks and Considerations

As with any type of exercise, potential risks exist. Depending on your physical capabilities, one person’s pose is another person’s trauma. Always ensure that your instructors are well trained – don’t be afraid to ask about their credentials and teaching experience. Be aware that you will need to learn your physical boundaries when you’re starting out; so be patient and don’t push too hard. Pace yourself until you understand how your body responds to these new movements. Also avoid putting too much weight on the neck or knees, and as a general rule, avoid any exercise that provokes pain. Do not force your spine beyond your capable range of motion, and beware of overusing your hipflexors as this can cause poor alignment of the pelvis. Yoga and Pilates are not competitive sports; they are a life practice for holistic balance, healthier living and wellbeing. Take the time to learn from a qualified instructor and receive hands-on corrections. This strategy will help you develop a sound understanding of your personal limitations and potential.

Yoga and Pilates for Weight Loss?

It’s true – you can lose weight with yoga! The type of yoga you need to do is called Vinyasa or flow yoga. This style of yoga is based on the performance of a series of poses called sun salutations. Vinyasa includes many popular, athletic and sweat-drenched yoga styles. For weight loss purposes, try the following: Ashtanga yoga is a very vigorous style of

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practice with a few distinct advantages for those who want to lose weight. Ashtanga practitioners are among the most dedicated of yogis, and beginners are often encouraged to sign up for a series of classes, which will help with motivation. Another advantage is that once you learn the poses, Ashtanga Yoga is ideal for home practitioners. Power yoga is extremely popular, because it provides a very vigorous cardiovascular workout. Hot yoga, or Vinyasa yoga done in a hot room, ups the ante by guaranteeing you’ll sweat buckets. Pilates classes are organized from basic to advanced and usually the more advanced the class, the greater the caloric expenditure. Depending on your body weight, metabolic rate and fitness level, the volume of calories burned during the same 60- to 90-minute workout will be different (heavier, fitter people can expect to burn more calories). The average 150-pound person can expect the following caloric expenditure: 180 calories - meditative yoga or beginner Pilates class 300-400 calories - moderately active (e.g. vinyasa, intermediate Pilates) 500-600 calories - very strenuous (e.g. ashtanga, bikram, advanced Pilates) During a 90-minute hot power yoga class, I measured both my husband’s and my caloric expenditures. I expended 630 calories and my husband 800 calories! Keep in mind that if you are just starting yoga or Pilates, or if you are very overweight or deconditioned, always choose a beginnerlevel class and progress gradually. Again, this is not a race! Get active, be safe and be good to your body.

Della Vorshuk is the General Manager of INFOFIT Educators, North America’s Health and Fitness Training Solution for over 20 years. For more information or help with your routine, please contact Della at 604-683-0785 or via email



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Help for Healthy Hair If you’re balding, keep positive — look at your head as half full of hair rather than half empty of hair! Though there have been hundreds of jokes about baldness, it isn’t humorous when you start to notice that your own crowning glory is disappearing. By John Austen


alled androgenic alopecia (AGA), male pattern baldness affects over half of men by age 50. If you want healthy hair, you may have to give it more than just a basic shampoo and conditioning. Like all other areas of your body, your hair needs specific vitamins and minerals. If certain nutrients are missing from your diet, dull, damaged hair or hair loss can result. Some natural shampoos and hair supplements have been shown to remedy the signs and symptoms of neglect, stress, malnutrition and effects of the environment.

Ingredients in your pantry?

Helpful ingredients include stimulating cayenne, nettle, ginger, fenugreek, aloe vera, and calming essential oils of peppermint, rosemary, sandalwood, wheat germ oil and horsetail. Stimulating ingredients work to increase blood flow to the small capillaries that feed hair roots, aiding growth and revitalizing your scalp. Precious oils and moisturizing agents protect the hair shaft while building volume, and can add manageability, shine and strength. Hair-specific supplements have been shown to be effective to reduce hair loss, too. Riboflavin (vitamin B2) deficiencies are associated with increased sebum (oil produced by hair follicles). Increased sebum production may result in weaker hair shafts. Vitamin B2 can help reduce sebum production and also supports proper cell growth. Niacinamide (vitamin B3) is important for proper blood flow to the scalp and the hair follicle and for metabolic activities in cells. Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) is particularly important for the health of the adrenal glands. Weak adrenal glands, leading to hormonal imbalances, may increase DHT levels. Pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6) may help with hair growth. Folic acid is vital for cellular activity and proper hair growth.

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Hormonal balance is also related to hair strength. Those who have decreased hair-shaft thickness or hair strength have been found to have higher-than-normal concentrations of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in hair follicles. Natural plant steroids are compounds that help eliminate extra cholesterol and hormones in the body. When excess cholesterol is eliminated, it has been shown that less DHT is made. Some plant sterols (steroids) may also work to block DHT from binding to receptor sites in hair follicles. Natural plant flavonoids are known to improve the health of blood vessels. This can lead to an improved supply of blood to all parts of the body, including the scalp. If you’re concerned about hair loss, reevaluate your diet. Add green vegetables, whole grains, essential fatty acids, and other foods rich in minerals such as zinc and selenium. For women, hormonal shifts (like perimenopause), medications (over 290 drugs cause or contribute to hair loss including antidepressants, blood-thinning agents, amphetamines, birth control pills, and hypertension drugs), stress, high doses of vitamin A, and illness are culprits. Even a severe flu can trigger it. Hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, iron deficiency, diabetes and cancer can also trigger hair loss.

What is a natural hair product?

Use of ingredients derived from plants is all that companies need to call products “natural.” Many manufacturers still add harmful petrochemicals such as sodium laurel or laureth sulfate. Look for formulas that don’t contain these ingredients and avoid artificial fragrance, colouring, transfats and animal products. The most used chemicals are preservatives; without them products only last a few weeks. Contact the company to see what the preservative is derived from.

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BIO-FEN for everybody!

BIO-FEN PLUS aids in the treatment of hereditary androgenic alopecia (pattern baldness.) This patent-pending formula contains specific ratios of fenugreek, saw palmetto and flax lignans extracts. These ingredients are known to possess inhibitors of the enzyme responsible for causing male or female pattern baldness. It also contains a mixture of B vitamins, folate and biotin to help suppport new hair growth.

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