Fresh Vancouver

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fresh a nti-aging a nd cosmetic therapy

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(Prem iere Iss ue!)

Your Smile:

Cosmetic Dentistry

Are you a candidate for peels or

microderma braision?

Stack the Odds for graceful aging


Seeing the Lig Laser E ye Su

r g e ry

Skincare at 40, 50, 60 & 70!

Issue 1 • may/june 2010 • $5.95

Hormone Connection:

Bioidentical HRT

Transform your smile. Gaps in your smile? Uneven, chipped, broken teeth? Dull or discolored teeth? Come talk to us. We have the training, the experience, and the artistic touch to perform stunning smile transformations. - Dr. Aman Bhullar and Dr. Misty Henne 109 - 18408 - 64th Avenue Surrey / Cloverdale, BC V3S 1E9 (604) 576-8466

fresh Publisher Trent Nellis Editor-In-Chief Shelly Lynn Nellis Editor Liberty Craig Copy Editor Dan Tidsbury Art Director Cindy Hughes National Account Manager Paul Airut 778-222-7775 Contributors Shelly Lynn Nellis, Dr. Misty Henne, Amelie Maldon, Dan Tidsbury, Liberty Craig, Sarah Meanchoff, Dr. Marcia Fleming, Amy White, Dr. Trina Read, Evelyn Fielding, Bob Mills, Gina Broccolo, D. Radcliff, Della Vorshuk, Sherina Jamal, Tracy Holly

Fresh Vancouver publishes bi-monthly issues and is distributed through spas, beauty salons and destination resorts of Metro Vancouver. Send all questions, comments, and inquiries to:

Fresh Vancouver 13256 55A Avenue Surrey, BC CANADA V3X 3B3 Tel 1-866-612-4140 Fax (604) 591-1989 e-mail

Fresh Vancouver assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. Opinions expressed herein are those of the ­authors and advertisers and do not necessarily reflect those of the Fresh Vancouver publisher, editors or staff. Readers are encouraged to consult with their health professional before embarking upon any exercise, medical or nutritional changes. Contents of Fresh Vancouver are copyright 2010, all rights reserved. Fresh Vancouver may not be reproduced in whole or in part by any means without written permission of the publisher. To subscribe to Fresh Vancouver and receive delivery to your home or office bimonthly, send $39.95 plus GST = $41.95. ­Include your address and we’ll ship you our next issue. Single copies are also available for $5.95 plus GST = $6.25.

So just who is the “pretty” for, anyway?


ot long ago, I was out for dinner with a group of girlfriends and we started talking about beauty products. Of course, being a group of savvy, opinionated women, we all favored different brands and had our own opinions as to which products were a waste of money and which ones worked like a dream. But as we got into it, the topic turned more philosophical: did we beautify ourselves for others or for our own satisfaction? Why did we use all these potions, go to the spa, buy trendy jeans, and get our teeth whitened? Some girls in the group admitted doing it for others, dolling themselves up with makeup, chic clothing, and pricey haircuts to impress other people and get compliments. Others insisted they did it to make themselves happy, that feeling good about themselves was all that mattered. I listened intently to both sides hoping to enlighten myself on why I personally make the beauty choices I do: Of course I liked getting compliments from other people, but was that the motivating factor for my beauty regimen? Later that night, I took a moment to think about why I followed my daily rituals - going to the gym, eating organic vegetables and washing my face clean every night. Was it for others or was it for myself? I concluded that my “vanity choices” were solely for me, myself and I. Sure, it’s fantastic to get compliments from my husband or even from a stranger, and that encourages me to continue with my personal upkeep and routine. But when it really comes down to brass tacks, what matters most is how I feel about myself. When I feel strong, have shiny hair and a big toothy smile, I feel happier, more confident, and empowered, and when I feel that way, other things in my life fall into place - I’m more playful with my husband, more outgoing with strangers, more diligent in my work. My external appearance and internal well-being are intimately connected in a positive way, and I aim to keep them in balance for years to come. So today and every day, do something that makes you feel good about yourself, whether it’s taking a Pilates class, coluoring your hair, or reading Fresh Vancouver for unique beauty ideas. So here’s to celebrating the most beautiful life of all–yours. Shelly-Lynn Nellis Editor-In-Chief

I s s u e 1 | M AY / J U N E 2 0 1 0

contents 8

Women’s Skincare Through the Decades: Your 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s By Shelly Lynn Nellis Achieve beautiful skin for life


Improve Your Smile... and Look Years Younger! By Dr. Misty Henne Cosmetic dentistry: The undiscovered fountain of youth!


Botox Treatment: What You Need to Know By Amelie Maldon Will Botox work for you?


Bioidentical HRT: A “Natural” Solution for Menopause? By Liberty Craig What every woman needs to know about hormone replacement therapy.


Ask the Expert Our medical experts answer your burning questions.


Tips to Stack the Odds for Graceful Aging By Dan Tidsbury How to embrace aging with grace and beauty.


Destination Spa Kingfisher: Discover the Jewel of the Comox Valley


Sculpting the Perfect Eyebrow By Liberty Craig Achieve perfect brows with these tools, tricks, and techniques!



fresh vancouver Issue 1

fresh va n c o u v e r

Feel beautiful. Look beautiful.

Get fresh.


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Welcome to the inaugural issue of Fresh Vancouver!


’m so excited to introduce you to this dynamic new magazine that’s designed to give women (and men, if they’re interested!) the best anti-aging and cosmetic therapy information available today. It’s a fresh new perspective on topics relevant to your lifestyle, from skincare innovations to homeopathic breakthroughs; from the pros and cons of botox to the hottest workout trends of the day. Our focus is the total you: mind, body, and energy. After all, what makes you beautiful on the outside truly does come from within (though a few good antiwrinkle creams never hurt!). What makes you healthy, happy, and well? What are the real secrets of aging gracefully, and beautifully? How can you tone up your muscles, your skin, and your sense of well-being? These are the questions we’re delivering answers to. It’s a breath of fresh air: a way to feel great about yourself as you enter the latter half of your life. After all, this is the time when we begin to accumulate the wisdom of our years, settle more comfortably into our skin, and understand our beauty potential. These are our years to really shine. And while we may not have the dewy skin of a twenty-year-old any longer, we have something more: The knowledge of how to live a fulfilling life. The ability to choose from the tools at our disposal to keep us young, healthy, and fresh. The wisdom to discern the difference between the hyped-up treatments designed to prey upon our most private fears and vulnerabilities, and the healing calm of therapeutic remedies. In this first issue of Fresh Vancouver, we’re looking at ways to freshen up your skin. Learn the best ways to take care of your skin in your forties, fifties, sixties, seventies, and beyond. We’re also taking a hard look at microdermabrasion and chemical peels: Will these treatments really do more good than harm? Plus, are there any ingredients in your eye cream that are actually effective? And we’re freshening up your smile as well. Did you know that one of the secrets to looking younger is a brighter, healthier smile? Our experts reveal the fountain of youth that can be found in cosmetic dentistry, plus the proper whitening procedure you need to follow for great results that won’t harm your teeth. You’ll unearth the secrets of runway eyebrows, slimming tricks of the stars, and the little-known powers of plain old water. And for those considering a more serious procedure, get the inside scoop on laser eyelid surgery, Botox treatments, thread facelifts, and even breast lifts! Discover the hottest spa trends for 2010, and learn the benefits of “dry brush massage,” as well as an amazing therapy called the “Bowen Technique” that promises a surprisingly wide-ranging list of healing powers. We’ll also help you pick the perfect stability ball to help take those core workouts to the next level. And here’s something refreshing: an all-natural answer to your menopause woes. It’s called “BHRT” and it’s a topic every woman in her menopausal years should explore. I sincerely hope you enjoy our very first issue of Fresh Vancouver...

To a beautiful you, Send your order to: Fresh Vancouver, 13256 55A Avenue Surrey, BC, Canada V3X 3B3

Liberty Craig, Editor

contents 31

Are You a Candidate for Chemical Peels or Microdermabrasion? By Liberty Craig Considering a chemical peel or microdermabrasion?


Is It Really Mismatched Libidos? By Dr. Trina Read Surprise! Mismatched libidos have nothing to do with sex.



Five Ways to Get Slim in 5 Days By Sarah Meanchoff Look fabulous (fast!) for your big event or special night out.


What’s in YOUR Eye Cream? How to find the eye creams that actually get results.


Is the ‘Lunchtime Facelift’ Right for You? By Sarah Meanchoff Secrets of the thread facelift.


What You Need to Know About Sunscreen By Dr. Marcia Fleming, MD We know we need to wear it, but there’s more...


The “Dos and Don’ts” of Shaving By Amy White How to avoid nicks, rashes, and razor burn!


Got Vitamin D? Sources and Deficiencies By Shelly Lynn Nellis Are we staying out of the sun too much?

The Importance of Water in Staying Beautiful By Evelyn Fielding Add water to your beauty regimen for unexpected results!


Live to be 150: The Emerging Science of Life Extension By Bob Mills Just how far can scientific advancement go?


How Cleansing Can Change Your Life By Gina Broccolo The importance of cleansing


Mastoplexy: Do You Want to “Perk Up” Your Breasts? By D. Radcliff The quest for more youthful breasts


Are You Considering Purchasing a Stability Ball? By Della Vorshuk Find the right stability ball for your body.


Hot Spa Trends for 2010 By Sherina Jamal Hottest spa trends of 2010!


The Magic of Dry and Wet Body Brush Massage By Tracy Holly Tighten aging skin and eliminate toxins with “dry brush massage”!


Get Younger Looking Eyes Without Going ‘Under the Knife’ By D.Radcliff Could laser blepharoplasty be the answer you’re looking for?


Complementary Therapy: Rejuvenate with the Bowen Technique By Liberty Craig Treat an endless list of ailments with the “Bowen Technique”!


Women’s Skincare Through the Decades

Your 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s By Shelly Lynn Nellis Coco Chanel once said that nature gives you the face you have at 20, but at 50 you have the face you deserve. This is probably most true when it comes to your skin. Years of neglect and unhealthy living will take their toll on your skin, quite literally adding years to your appearance.


nd while it may be true that it’s never too early to start caring for your skin, it’s also true that it’s never too late – even if you’re in your 40s and beyond. So what can you do to help your skin survive the ensuing decades and ensure that you have beautiful skin right up to your twilight years?

Your 40s: When skincare becomes a priority

When a woman reaches her 40s, her skin starts to lose elasticity – most noticeably in the skin around the eyes. Most women in this age group also notice “expression lines” appearing on the forehead and around the mouth. Your skin will also be drier than it was in your 30s, and less resilient as a result of the breakdown of elastin and collagen. In addition, loss of elasticity in the skin means it doesn’t have that “bounce back” quality that’s present in younger women’s skin. This can be seen in women who are left with “saggy” skin after losing a significant amount of weight relatively quickly. Skin may also become sensitive as a woman approaches and experiences menopause. So what can you do to combat the effects of aging on your skin at this stage of your life? On reaching your 40s, you will likely need a richer moisturizer than you previously used – even if you have always had oily skin. Women whose skin has always been on the dry side should now start to use a replenishing night cream as well. Regardless of skin type, all 40-something women should wear an eye cream to nourish and protect the delicate skin around the eyes. Also, consider including products with anti-aging benefits in your skincare regimen. If you’re not already in the habit of exfoliating regularly, you should begin to do so now. During this decade of a woman’s life, the outer layer of the epidermis starts to grow thicker as dead skin cells hang around longer. Exfoliating



can help to remove these dead skin cells and keep your skin looking fresh. Most women first consider medical spa (medi spa) treatments during their forties. The most popular treatment for 40-something women is Botox, which is used to treat wrinkles. Botox is most effective on wrinkles when they first appear and before they have become etched into the skin – which is why your 40s are the ideal time to begin this treatment. The areas most commonly treated with Botox are the fine lines around the eyes (“laughter lines”), the lines in the forehead, and the “frown lines” above the eyes. If you’re looking for more natural treatment methods, don’t overlook the role exercise can play in helping keep your skin looking good. Re-energized blood circulation is an immediate effect of exercise and can give the skin a wonderful post-workout glow. In the long run, exercise improves circulation, which in turn helps to improve your skin.


Your 50s: A fragile time for your skin

As a woman advances into her 50s, her skin becomes thinner and more fragile. The thinning of the skin is due to a drop in estrogen levels once a woman becomes post-menopausal. At this time, your skin is less able to retain moisture, and the production of collagen and elastin slows down significantly. The end result: as well as wrinkling, your skin will probably begin to sag and droop. During your 50s, your skin tone will become more uneven with increased age spots (also known as “sun spots” and “liver spots”). It’s imperative that you keep out of the sun if you don’t want to worsen the appearance of age spots; doing so will also help your skin retain what’s left of its resilience. A 50-something woman will also usually notice the appearance of lines around the eyes, on the forehead, and running from the nose to the mouth (nasolabial folds). The eyelids and the skin on the throat and décolletage may also now start to take on a “crepey” appearance. Few women in their 50s have oily skin, although some may have oily patches on the forehead, nose, and chin (the “T-zone”). Skin types for women in their 50s typically range from normal/ combination to dry. A 50-something woman should care for her skin by applying wrinkle-removing cream to specific areas, as well as anti-aging products. However, be sure to avoid products that are so harsh they aggravate sensitive skin. As for medi spa treatments, Botox may not work as well for women in their 50s as it does for younger women. Lines can be softened but not completely erased. However, tissue fillers such as hyaluronic acid (e.g., Restylane) and collagen can help improve the appearance of lines running from the nose to the mouth as well as the natural indentation below the lower lip (labiomental fold), which some women find becomes more pronounced as they age. In addition, chemical peels and photo rejuvenation can be used to treat the progressive worsening of abnormal pigmentation resulting from sun damage that may become increasingly noticeable in your 50s. But what about natural remedies? For starters, don’t skimp on sleep. Skin repair activity occurs at around one o’clock a.m., when we’re in our deepest sleep period. Around this time, cell division, which is responsible for regenerating our skin, rises by up to 300 percent. But don’t rely on grabbing a daytime nap to compensate for having missed out on your beauty



sleep, since during the day the body is programmed to deal with other tasks, such as brain function, rather than skin repair.

Your 60s: When gravity takes over

The effects of gravity, which you may first notice in your 40s, are much more obvious once you reach your 60s – especially on the eyelids, neck, and jaw-line. Normal and normal-to-dry skin types are most common in women in their 60s. But if you’ve suffered with oily skin for decades, this may be the time when you’re thankful for it, as you will notice fewer lines and wrinkles than a woman who has had dry skin for most of her life. However, any wrinkles and lines that you first noticed some years earlier will now appear deeper. In addition, age spots are more noticeable once you reach this time of your life. The major problem for women in their 60s is sagging skin. It’s unlikely that any topical treatments (like creams or serums) can improve the appearance of sagging skin, which is why a number of women who want to treat this problem turn to cosmetic procedures. Effective cosmetic procedures can include disguising sagging skin with the use of dermal fillers, pulling the skin back up using a thread-lift, or skintightening techniques such as Thermage, which uses radio waves to tighten the skin, or Titan, a light-based technique similar to photo rejuvenation. Accent is another treatment for sagging skin, which is based on the same technology as Thermage but also melts fat, making it useful for reducing double chins and jowls. Women in their 60s should increase their intake of foods rich in vitamin A and vitamin E, both of which promote new cell growth in the surface layers of the skin, helping it to appear more radiant. Additionally, as a woman ages, she should ensure that she continues to drink plenty of water. As the years advance, the skin’s fat layer (which helps keep skin firm and plump) begins to shrink and fails to regenerate, leading to a loss of moisture. This, in turn, causes skin to become dry and develop wrinkles. Moisture can be replenished by drinking plenty of water.

Your 70s: A time to enjoy the rewards of your skincare regimen!

Gravity continues to take its toll on the skin of women in their 70s. Your skin continues to age in much the same way as it did during the previous decade: age spots increase in number, skin continues to sag, and lines become deeper. However, if you’ve looked after your skin over the years, you could be enjoying the rewards now. Many women in their 70s with a healthy complexion attribute it to good diet, exercise, and keeping mentally active, which is a great recipe for good skin for women of any age. But if you’re considering cosmetic skincare treatments, be aware that at this age Botox is unlikely to be beneficial because wrinkles and lines are now firmly etched into your skin. Similarly, skin tightening techniques aren’t recommended as they rely on the formation of new collagen, which is not easy for the body to do in this decade. Furthermore, wrinkles and sagging are generally so severe that they’re difficult to treat effectively, which means that aggressive therapies, such as laser skin resurfacing and face lifts, may be the only solution to improving your skin’s appearance. Regardless of a woman’s age, a varied, healthy diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and a positive attitude to life will all contribute to keeping the skin looking good. Complement this with quality skin products designed to treat your personal skin type, plus medi spa treatments as required, and you can have great-looking skin not just for years, but for decades.

fresh vancouver Issue 1


Improve Your Smile... And Look Years Younger!

Cosmetic dentistry has become an increasingly popular topic in the past decade, as more options become available and more people are drawn to the benefits of a brighter smile – including a more youthful appearance and an increase in self-confidence. By Dr. Misty Henne


osmetic dentistry has become an increasingly popular topic in the past decade, as more options become available and more people are drawn to the benefits of a brighter smile – including a more youthful appearance and an increase in self-confidence. It may seem obvious, but a great smile means a healthy smile. Anyone seeking advanced procedures to brighten or straighten their smile needs to be practicing excellent hygiene at home, and following up with routine dental visits.Yes, good oral health will give you a better smile, but it’s also a vital part of your overall health. Gum disease, bone disease, and cavities in people’s teeth have been known to trigger health concerns such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and certain forms of oral cancers. This is because unwanted bacteria in the mouth can get into your bloodstream and affect the health of your entire body. As a family dentist, I urge people to be cautious of dentists who are eager to start advanced dental work without a proper dental evaluation and dental cleaning. For example, a person who hasn’t had a check-up for six years cannot expect to walk into my office and get laser whitening done right away. If you are immediately offered that service, I say run! Once you know your mouth is healthy and free of any cavities, you have endless options when it comes to im-

proving the aesthetics of your teeth and smile. The most popular are whitening, straightening, crowning or veneering, gum augmentation, and botox. Let’s have a look at each of these options...

Teeth whitening: Youthful benefits

It is amazing how brightening teeth can take years off your appearance. Actually, tooth whitening is the most effective on yellowing teeth! Unfortunately, there are no “at home” products, in my opinion, that will give you visible results. I usually recommend starting with takehome bleaching kits with office-strength bleach. The bleaching trays are made from personalized models of individual teeth, enabling the bleach to stick closely to the front surfaces of the teeth. The concentration of office-strength bleach is close to 30 perent as opposed to a 10 percent concentration in store-bought whiteners. Maximum results are usually achieved after two weeks of daily bleaching. If you’re looking for further bleaching results and you do not have a history of sensitivity with take-home bleaching, light-accelerated bleaching, or laser bleaching, can be done in a dental office. The light source actually “excites” the bleach molecules and rapidly bleaches the teeth in a single one-hour appointment. Care must be taken to prepare the teeth for bleaching, as the bleach can cause a chemical burn on the gums.



fresh vancouver Issue 1

On the straight and smiley

Straightening will give you a more beautiful smile by allowing you the confidence to show off straighter teeth when smiling, instead of hiding your teeth behind closed lips. And these days, straightening has become a more practical option for a youthful smile thanks to invisible orthodontic straightening systems. These systems typically involve clear trays that are worn for a certain number of months to straighten the front teeth. Minimal reduction in the width of the teeth is often required to allow room to align the teeth back into the arch. If the invisible orthodontic systems are not an option, conventional braces may be able to be placed on the back side of teeth. This allows a strong force for movement without the bulky brackets showing on the fronts of the teeth.

Your crowning glory

Another alternative to straightening or whitening is to have crowns or veneers placed on the teeth that are in the smile line. When a veneer is done, a shell is cemented onto the facial surface of the tooth with minimal reduction of the natural teeth. In my history as a practitioner, the biggest downfall with a veneer is a short life-span. Usually I see veneers starting to crack and discolour at the borders after three to five years. A

crown or cap is a longer-lasting restoration that is cemented around the entire tooth surface. This requires that the tooth is reduced to a small version of itself for full coverage around the tooth. More sensitivity can occur with a crown versus a veneer, but there are more options with changing shape and colour of the teeth, plus a much longer life-span. I find that well-made crowns can last more than 20 years.

Long in the tooth?

An understated procedure that can drastically improve the appearance of your smile and shave years off your appearance is gum augmentation. People with long teeth often appear older – as the expression “long in the tooth” will attest. By pulling the gums down over the teeth, a smile line can look literally years younger. Patients tend to shy away from this procedure because there is some blood and stitches involved. Likewise, a gummy smile can also make some feel self-conscious about their smile, so an opposite procedure, gingival removal, can be performed. Periodontists are the specialists who usually do these procedures and are able to achieve outstanding results.

Botox in the dentist chair!

Last, but not least, is the well-publicized Botox treatment. Many people aren’t aware that your dentist can actually administer this treatment to help improve your smile. When we smile, the “smile lines” around our eyes and elsewhere may be expressive – but an abundance of them will age the face. Botox is a highly purified protein form of botulism that can smooth the appearance of wrinkles around the face. A healthy mouth is the foundation for a beautiful smile and healthy body. But as you can see, there are many options involving cosmetic dentistry that can greatly contribute to your new and improved smile. Educate yourself on all the options before making a decision. Get your dental check-up every six months and take this opportunity to discuss cosmetic dentistry with your dentist, and have your questions or concerns addressed at that time. That’s what we’re here for, so never hesitate to pick our brains! Misty A Henne, D.M.D. is a family dentist in Cloverdale. She graduated from Temple University in Philadelphia and has been practicing dentistry for almost ten years. She and her husband opened a practice together three years ago and also reside in the area with their two young children. For more dental information, please visit

Botox Treatment: What You Need To Know

Are you considering having Botox injections, but want to know more about what’s involved with the process?

By Amelie Maldon


round the world, Botox has become the most performed cosmetic surgery. The secret to the success of Botox is not just its effectiveness, but also its convenience. It is far less invasive than other procedures that produce similar results, and it has a short recovery time. Yet having Botox injections is not a decision you should make overnight. It’s important to spend some time researching this or any other elective procedure.

tion, you and your doctor will have discussed what your problem areas are and how they will be treated. Your doctor will be able to control the amount of Botox used, and the areas to which Botox is applied. Most people do not find Botox painful, although this will depend on your tolerance to pain. You will likely feel some discomfort. The procedure uses fine needles that most people will barely feel. Some people have compared the needles to those used in acupuncture.

What you need to know before getting a Botox treatment

After the Botox treatment

Botox is a safe procedure that has been used for many years. There are very few side effects. However, it’s best to educate yourself, not only so you are informed about the choices that you make, but so that you feel completely at ease with your decision. The right medical professional is integral in ensuring that you get the best possible results from Botox. Make sure the person you choose is qualified to administer Botox injections. Typically, qualified professionals include doctors, nurses, and sometimes cosmetic dentists. Before your treatment, request a consultation appointment. In most clinics, this will be necessary anyhow. During your consultation, you will discuss with your doctor the results you are looking for and how they can be achieved with Botox. This is a good chance to get to know the doctor and the clinic, and to have any ques-

tions answered. Prepare a list of questions beforehand so you don’t forget anything.

The Botox treatment process

The administration of a Botox treatment takes less than five minutes. During your consulta-



fresh vancouver Issue 1

There are very few side effects from a Botox treatment. While most people feel normal, a small minority will experience nausea and headaches. There is no downtime after the treatment, so you don’t need to take time off for recovery. In fact, you can feel free to continue with your day as planned. Some people even have Botox treatments on their lunch breaks! A few days later you can expect to see the first signs of the treatment. These results will continue to improve. In fact, at 14 days the treatment may feel like it is too much – this is when the Botox will “peak.” A few days later it will decrease once again. The final results are usually close to what you will see in the mirror on day 10. The results of Botox can last anywhere between three and six months. If you are looking for a non-invasive and convenient way to fight the signs of aging, then Botox may be well worth your consideration.

If you are looking for a non-invasive and convenient way to fight the signs of aging, then Botox may be well worth your consideration.

Bioidentical HRT:

A “Natural” Solution for Menopause?? By Liberty Craig

Hot flashes. Night sweats. Mood swings. A failing memory. Hello, menopause – it’s not particularly nice to meet you.


f you are a woman nearing (or rounding) that milestone age of fifty, you’ve probably begun to experience at least some of these common symptoms of menopause. And if you’ve spoken with friends or your doctor about your affliction, you’ve likely heard about Hormone Replacement Therapy, or “HRT.” You may have even heard about what’s known as “Bioidentical HRT” – a popular treatment option that receives a great deal of media attention, even celebrity endorsement, as a “natural” alternative to synthetic hormones. But while you may be ready to try anything at this point to relieve your menopause symptoms, you should be aware that the synthetic-vs.-bioidentical hormone debate is getting hotter than those hot flashes you’ve been sweating through.

A brief history of hormone replacement therapy

Hormone replacement therapy has been proven to effectively reduce the discomforts of menopause. With appropriate HRT treatments, you can lessen or even eradicate instances of hot flashes, anxiety, vaginal dryness, and more. Hormone replacement therapy was widely prescribed to perimenopausal women (those in the thick of menopause) until 2002, when an influential new study was published by the Women’s Health Initiative, casting doubts on this once-lauded treatment. The study showed that combination hormone therapy can increase the risk of heart disease, breast cancer, blood clots, and stroke, while estrogenonly hormone therapy was found to increase the risk of blood clots and stroke, but not breast cancer or heart disease. Since then, other studies have been published to refute some of these findings, and still other studies are underway to clarify the question once and for all: Is hormone replacement therapy ultimately beneficial or harmful? It just may be the debate itself that has made room for the prevalence of “bioidentical HRT,” which promises a healthier, more natural solution for the treatment of menopause symptoms.

What makes bioidentical HRT different?

Bioidentical HRT (or BHRT) became a hot topic after mentions on the “Oprah” show and a spotlight in a Suzanne Somers book on aging and menopause. But a great deal of misinformation has come out of these channels – in particular from Somers’ book. The term “bioidentical” means that the hormones have the same molecular composition as hormones created by the female body. The term has also become synonymous with “natural” hormones – i.e., those derived from nature – as opposed to the synthetic hormones produced by



drug companies (which can be patented). Proponents of BHRT say that bioidentical hormones are gentler and easier for your body to process, and produce fewer of the nasty side effects that can result from regular hormone replacement therapy, like headache, upset stomach, and breast tenderness. But the evidence is largely anecdotal. An increasing number of women have reported excellent results using bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. However, there haven’t been any widely accepted medical studies conducted to support the use of BHRT over the traditional, synthetic forms of HRT. In fact, the major drug companies and medical associations (including the North American Menopause Society, the FDA, and the American Medical Association, to name a few) continue to state that BHRT carries the same risks and same benefits as regular HRT. The other concern, they are quick to point out, is that bioidentical hormones are not governed by the same strict regulatory controls that govern the manufacturing of synthetic hormones. But supporters of BHRT argue that drug companies (and the medical communities associated with them) continue to flog synthetic hormones simply because they are unable to patent – and thus profit from – bioidentical hormones.

An expert opinion...

Dr. Alvin Pettle, a world expert on the use of bioidentical hormones, says there are literally hundreds of reputable published studies confirming the safety of using bioidentical hormones. These studies, he says, are simply not being read by medical practitioners who are uninterested in prescribing bioidentical hormones to their patients. Dr. Pettle cites examples of clinical trials that show bioidentical progesterone to have far superior results to the synthetic form of progesterone called progestin – which he says can have negative effects on the body. He says that natural progesterone and transdermal estrogens can have a very positive effect on hot flashes, insomnia, and memory loss in menopausal women. And so the debate continues: Are the FDA and other regulatory bodies simply behind the times – or even actively working to stymie the efforts of natural hormone seekers who could undermine the profitability of the drug companies? And are bioidentical hormones actually safer for women than synthetic hormones, which have been associated with serious health risks like blood clots and even breast cancer? Time will likely tell. In the meantime, you’ll have to weigh the risks and benefits, the knowns and unknowns for yourself.

fresh vancouver Issue 1

ask the expert



Will whitening damage my enamel or weaken my teeth? -Maryanne Wainscott, Coquitlam BC

What are the symptoms of hormone imbalance? - Ada Docante, West Vancouver BC



In the past, enamel damage was indeed a concern because older whitening products were more acidic and caused the enamel to demineralize or weaken very rapidly. This breakdown in the enamel caused extreme sensitivity and made teeth more susceptible to decay. But today’s bleaching products are much

The answer depends on which endocrine gland is out of balance: Ovaries: Ovaries govern the cyclic release of estrogen and progesterone and follicles or eggs. Imbalance is often associated with irregular periods, uterine cramps, bloating, breast tenderness, irritability, hot flashes, migraines, and sleep disturbance.

safer. However, you must follow proper directions when it comes to

Thyroid: The thyroid regulates your metabolism. Symptoms of imbal-

bleaching at home. Although today’s bleaching solutions are relatively

ance are constipation or diarrhea, fatigue, anxiety, weight gain or loss, hair

safe, you can still do damage with over-bleaching.

loss, sleep disturbance, bloating, and headaches.

Some people expect unreasonable results with bleaching, and think

Adrenal: The adrenal glands release cortisol and adrenalin, plus hor-

that if they bleach too often, and for too long, they will have extra-white

mones affecting blood sugar, blood pressure, immune function, and

teeth. Over-exposure to even the safest bleaches can cause the enamel

growth. Imbalance can produce anxiety, sleep disturbance, digestive dis-

to break down. Ensure that your dentist is using low-acidity bleaching

turbance, immune dysfunction, high or low blood pressure, blood sugar

agents and giving you specific directions about frequency and duration

dysregulation, weight gain, fatigue, allergies, and lack of concentration.

of whitening, including recommendations for “touch-ups.” Misty A Henne, D.M.D. is a family dentist in the Cloverdale area of B.C. She graduated from Temple University in Philadelphia and has been practicing dentistry for almost ten years. She and her husband opened a practice together three years ago and also reside in the area with their two young children. For more dental information, visit



Dr. Heidi Rootes is a naturopathic physician in Vancouver, BC. Her practice addresses women’s health, digestive disturbance, sleep disturbance, anxiety, and pain associated conditions.

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Tips to Stack the Odds for

Graceful Aging By Dan Tidsbury


hen people talk about fighting the effects of aging, no one is trying to dismiss the competencies that have been developed through years of accumulated learning and experience or walk away from the extended social networks, family relationships, and freedom that follow the culmination of raising a family and building a career. Instead, the desire is to ward off the ravages of time: loss of strength and energy, declining health, and telltale markers in our appearance. In his book Recipe for Health, Cory Holly discusses in depth some of the fundamental steps we can take to live at an optimal level, regardless of our age. These practical ideas don’t require the intervention of specialists and most won’t even cost you. Rather, they require an exercise of the will; a conscious commitment to living purposefully and savouring every day we are given. Here are some basic tips that will stack the odds in your favour as you embrace the benefits of having lived full years without looking and feeling your age.

Breathe deeply

That slim layer of air surrounding our planet is the foundation of life. Deprived of oxygen, our bodies cease to function, but it isn’t enough to merely breathe. Maximize the intake of oxygen that enriches the blood and fuels every cell in the body. Something as simple as better posture at your desk will free your lungs to draw in more deeply (to say nothing of the benefits for your muscles and bones). Be aware of what you are breathing. Toxins and pollutants can follow the same pathway into your body as the oxygen you need. Walk and run where the air is clean. Avoid breathing in pollutants whenever possible: what do you take into your body standing downwind from your barbecue?

Drink well…and often

Water is a major component of our bodies, and we are in a constant battle to retain it. We lose water through perspiration as our bodies cool themselves, through exhalation every time we breathe, and through elimination as our systems flush out wastes and toxins. To keep yourself well hydrated, drink good clean water throughout the day, more in times of extreme heat or exertion.

Eat wholesomely

It often seems that more thought is given to the quality of the gasoline we put in our car than to the food we put into our bodies. So much on the supermarket shelf has lost most of its nutrient value in processing and unpronounceable compounds have been added to increase shelf life. Build your diet around whole foods, unprocessed as much as possible. Avoid chemical additives, and for the good of both your body and the planet, maximize your use of plant-based protein rather than red meat.



As much as anything else, try to keep in mind that “less is more.” Eating smaller amounts more frequently will allow your body to function more effectively and get the maximum value from the food you eat.

Strike the sunshine balance

Call it the health Catch-22. Our bodies require direct sunlight to produce vitamin D, and more and more studies are finding that many people are seriously deficient in this essential nutrient. On the other hand, evidence continues to pile up that the sun’s UV rays damage the skin, leading to undesirable visible results (such as wrinkling and spotting) and contributing to the development of skin cancers. What are we to do? Dermatologists advocate getting some healthy time in the sun, but limiting exposure to 20 to 30 minutes per day. Additional exposure, they say, contributes little to vitamin-D production and exacerbates the negative effects of UV exposure. So find your balance, guard against excess exposure, and include vitamin D rich foods and supplements in your diet.

Get moving

There are many options in the exercise we choose, but there is no alternative to exercise. The negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle are beyond debate. Making physical activity an integral part of daily life will return benefits in far greater proportion than the time and effort put in. Healthier bones, heightened metabolic rate, better control of weight and blood sugar levels, heart health, enhanced immunity, a more positive outlook …we could go on, but the message is clear. Start small. Walk, take the stairs, go for a swim. Make exercise as much a part of your life as eating and sleeping, something you would not think of doing without. Consult your doctor or a fitness specialist to avoid injury as you ramp up your regimen and ensure that you get the maximum benefit. Don’t use the date on your birth certificate as an excuse! Nobody is too young to need exercise or too old to participate in it.

Restore yourself

Everyone is busy. There are too many demands on our time. There aren’t enough hours in the day. And so on, and so on. The reality is that our bodies use times of rest to rebuild and renew our cells and systems and restore our mental capacities. Depriving ourselves of the rest we need inevitably leads to problems. The immune system is weakened. Soon, we can begin to look and feel our age, or worse. Think of a good night’s sleep as an investment in a more youthful body, inside and out, and a more productive life in your waking hours. Stack the odds and then embrace the passage of time as part of life’s grand adventure.

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Destination Spa Kingfisher: Discover the Jewel of the Comox Valley 18


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(Desination Spa)


A scrumptious and distinctly west coast spa experience awaits.


ocated on the eastern shore of Vancouver Island in the Comox Valley, Kingfisher Oceanside Resort & Spa showcases the essence of west coast vacationing with 64 beachfront and ocean view guest rooms, full service spa, Pacific Mist Hydropath® and award-winning dining room. Celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2009, the resort has gone from a small campground and restaurant by the sea to a world-class oceanfront resort and spa known for its spectacular natural setting, one-of-a-kind spa experiences, exceptional dining and accommodations. Kingfisher Oceanside Resort & Spa is proud of the vacation experience they offer guests and have been delighted to receive recognition for their achievements. In 2007 the resort received the Best Workplaces in Canada Award. This award celebrates Kingfisher Oceanside Resort & Spa’s commitment to providing each and every employee with an exceptional work experience and recognizes innovative employer strategies. WestJet Up! Magazine readers voted Kingfisher Oceanside Resort & Spa an Up! Magazine Value Resort in both 2008 and 2009, recognizing the property’s value as a top destination for WestJet travellers. Kingfisher Oceanside Resort & Spa has been at the forefront of sustainability initiatives since its inception. During initial resort and spa construction, special care was taken to preserve the natural beauty of the property. Stands of old growth trees and natural green spaces were left standing and the beach was left completely untouched with no development. This insightful forethought has resulted in a property that continues to offer guests from around the world a pure representation of the Canadian west coast. Guests can enjoy Anne Marie’s Walking Trail, which winds through the resort gardens and natural spaces and pays tribute to the memory of the resort’s previous owner who took great care to preserve the natural landscape of Kingfisher for future generations. Additional sustainable initiatives are constantly being added for continued environmental sustainability, including increased water conservation methods minimizing potable water consumption and maximizing re-use and recycling. The addition of the Pacific Mist Hydropath® spa experience to the existing spa in 2004 was an innovative leap benefiting both the resort and local area. The Kingfisher Pacific Mist Hydropath® is unique to North America, an hour long hydrotherapy experience moving through eight sandstone sculpted water features that relax, detoxify and remineralize. Over 15,000 visitors from around the world experience the Hydropath annually. Rounding out the west coast experience, Kingfisher’s dining room is known for memorable dishes designed to enhance the resort’s ambience. Specialty dining events take place throughout the year, including wine pairing evenings and exceptional seafood buffets. An extremely successful marketing initiative that remains popular to this day is Kingfisher’s Girlfriend Get-Away packages, launched in 2004. This innovative package has given Kingfisher Oceanside Resort & Spa a lasting reputation as a standout girlfriend getaway destination for over five years. Girlfriend Get-Away package options include accommodation, oceanfront dining, spa treatments and the Pacific Mist Hydropath and are flexible to include alternate choices that address changing trends such as yoga, healthful eating, body treatments and wellness seminars. When a potential tourist looks for a Canadian ‘west coast’ vacation, they typically search for ocean views and picturesque beaches; access to outdoor activities including skiing, kayaking and golf; unique spa treatments and great dining featuring local produce and fresh seafood. Kingfisher Oceanside Resort & Spa brings all these elements together at one resort, providing memorable Vancouver Island vacations to every guest.



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The Perfect Eyebrow By Liberty Craig

Eyebrow trends change along with all styles and fashions. The thin, severe brows of a few years ago are no longer all the rage; these days, a more natural or even heavy brow is en vogue. But whether you want your brows to appear natural or fashionably dramatic, you’ll need the right tools and techniques to sculpt that perfect eyebrow. Start with the right tools

The right tools are key to achieving fabulous eyebrows. Before you begin your eyebrow grooming regimen, make sure you have the following: Good tweezers Good tweezers and bad tweezers are worlds apart. The

bad ones are slippery and offer less control. The good ones have precision tips and firm grips on their points allowing you to extract hairs one by one, cleanly and deliberately. Tweezers with a slanted edge will give you better results. Make sure to clean the tips of your tweezers with alcohol to rid them of any oily build-up. Tweezers do get dull over time, and some brands will bend so that the tips no longer come together exactly right. You’ll need to replace your tweezers every so often.

A magnifying mirror A good quality magnifying mirror is the ONLY way to ensure that you’ll locate all those teen, tiny, unwanted eyebrow hairs. When they lie flat against your skin, the finer hairs can be difficult to spot; using a good magnifying mirror will ensure that you see every last hair. Great light Lighting is essential to sculpting your perfect brow. Without

it, you just won’t see many of the hairs, and you won’t be able to achieve that perfectly even, smooth, sculpted final look. The direction of the light counts as well. Use bright light (indirect sunlight is best) to get those brows perfect.

Hair removal techniques

We’ve assumed so far that you are plucking your own brows, but in fact there are plenty of ways to remove hair and create well groomed brows...



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The key to good plucking is to pluck one hair at a time in the direction of hair growth. ily remove the hairs that fall outside the lines. The inside of your eyebrow should line up with the inner corner of your eye. Remove any hairs that appear between your brows. Most brows should have a natural curve, the peak of which should be exactly above the centre of your eye. The outer edge of your eyebrow should be about 45 degrees past the outer edge of your eye. Determine the right spot by holding your eye pencil against your nose and lining it up with the outer eye. The point at which the pencil meets your eyebrow is the correct spot for eyebrow termination. Order movie-star-quality eyebrow kits directly from Beverly Hills! Go to Or for eyebrow expertise in Vancouver, check out the fabulous Bombay Eyebrow Bar at (above: Bombay EyeBrow Bar interior and technician at work)

Waxing You can wax your own eyebrows, but it can be a tricky, messy business. You may want to leave eyebrow waxing to the pros to avoid ripping out big chunks of eyebrow that you actually want! While waxing is certainly an effective hair removal technique, it can irritate the sensitive skin over your eyes, leaving the area red and bumpy for a day or so. More worrisome is that over time, eyebrow waxing can damage this very thin skin and contribute to creping and sagging.

Waxing strips for eyebrows An alternative

to traditional waxing and one that’s easier to do on your own, pre-shaped waxing strips for eyebrows are available at any drugstore. Choose a brand you trust and look for a shape that is closest to the contours of your natural brow. Be very careful not to remove too much hair with your waxing strip – there’s no going back if you do. You can always use tweezers for a final tidy-up. As with regular waxing, the strips can be hard on the sensitive skin around your eyes.

ness and irritation will be much less than with waxing, and there is no damage to the skin. Most beauty salons offer inexpensive threading. Electrolysis near your eyes?!? It may sound a little scary, but there are many hairremoval aestheticians who specialize in facial electrolysis – including eyebrows. The procedure is more expensive, but after a few sessions the results are permanent. The drawback is that you won’t be able to alter your look as trends change.


Plucking The reality is, no matter which hairremoval technique you use, you will likely want to do regular touch-ups with your tweezers. You can have plucking done by a professional (who will professionally shape your brows for you), or simply do it at home. The key to good plucking is to pluck one hair at a time in the direction of hair growth. Hold your skin taught to avoid tweezing your flesh by accident. (Ouch!)

Grooming techniques Threading Threading is a fabulous method

of eyebrow hair removal. The technique originated in India and involves twisting a piece of cotton thread into a double strand, then using the thread to pick up a line of hair and remove it. This creates a very clean, precise hairline. Because only one line of hairs can be removed at a time, the process is repeated a few times before the brow is perfect. However, the red-

So you have your tools and you’ve decided upon a hair-removal technique. Now it’s time to get down to business. Outline your desired eyebrow shape:

Your desired brow shape should be a cleanedup version of your natural eyebrow. Outline your personally desired shape with an eye pencil so you can simply and eas-



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Trimming Eyebrow trimming is not just for old men with those big unruly caterpillars! Almost everybody will look more perfectly groomed with well-trimmed brows. To trim your eyebrows, use a fine-tooth comb to pull brows away from your face, and trim with small scissors. If you find this too tricky, have it done by a professional. Shadows Using an eyebrow shadow is an ex-

cellent way to complete your look, especially if your eyebrow hair is sparse. Choose an eyebrow shadow that matches your hair colour or is just a shade darker. Press or carefully brush the shadow just to fill in gaps between hairs – don’t allow the shadow to extend beyond the edge of your brows or it will look unnatural.

Pencils Most beauty and makeup profession-

als will tell you that eyebrow pencils are much less natural looking than powders. You can probably still get away with a very light pencil that is perfectly matched to your brow colour and well blended into your brow, but nowadays, the old eyebrow pencil is pretty passé.

Bleaching or dying Many people have brows that are darker than their natural hair colour and may wish to consider lightening them slightly with a bleach product. Others will want to darken their brows to match their hair colour or to give more emphasis to the eyes. The dye will colour your skin temporarily, so make sure you don’t have big plans that night. Glosses and sprays A new trend in the world

of eyebrow grooming is to use clear mascara, special glosses, or hair sprays to keep brows perfectly in place and even add some shine, if desired. This is a great way to make your perfect brows truly stand out.

Five Ways To Get Slim in 5 Days By Sarah Meanchoff

Do you have an event or a special day coming up... that you want to look fantastic for? If you’re gearing up to get into that little black dress but you only have a few days to look your best, you need some sage advice on how to get there – fast.

Secret #2: Cut the carbs


Secret #3: Can anyone say “Spanx?”

ecause the reality is, most drastic weight-loss measures will wreak havoc upon your body and result in irritability, terrible skin, bloating, and ultimately, additional weight gain! Worth it? Probably not. So let’s have a look at the five little secrets that actually will work to squeeze you into your favourite dress, and have you feeling confident and gorgeous on your big day and beyond.

Secret #1: Clean up your system

The five-day sexy dress makeover is the perfect time to try a light cleanse. A good cleanse can help you detoxify and re-energize, which will help you look and feel fresh and radiant for your event. More than that, a cleanse can help reduce bloating, flush out water weight, and combat constipation. Most cleanses will help you drop a few pounds, too. But be warned: not all cleanses are created equal. There are some products on the market today that do very little to help flush out your system, while others are so harsh that you will not be able to leave the bathroom for days! Make sure that your cleanse includes quality ingredients. Generally, the best cleanse programs are a little more expensive (upwards of $50) – but the price is worth it to get an effective product that’s not simply a giant laxative or fasting program.



As a general rule of dietary health, you should always try to avoid processed foods, white flour, sugar, and anything fried. These rules should be applied stringently in your 5-day race to fit your favourite dress. The best way to thin out quickly is to avoid eating simple carbohydrates – white breads, crackers, cookies, etc. By eating only small quantities of whole grains with a healthy balance of lean protein and plenty of fruits and vegetables, you can see dramatic results very quickly. Diets like “The Zone” and “South Beach” offer good advice on how to make delicious meals without the extra carbs. Some of these diets are more diehard than others – you’ll need to decide for yourself what you’re comfortable with.

Let’s be honest. Even when we’re feeling slim, there are sometimes a few little lumps and bumps under our clothes that we’d rather not display. And while girdles are now generally considered torture devices relegated to a bygone era (thankfully), we do have some trussing options available to us that are modern, comfortable, and sometimes even sexy! A number of lingerie manufacturers have begun producing tummycontrol underwear; shorts that firm up tummy, bum, and thighs; and many varieties of longer length control wear that can reach from your knees to your bra strap (or even shoulder to ankle!) for a smooth, sleek silhouette. If you get the right fit, you will be amazed at how well the perfect support garment will transform your body.

Secret #4: Glug, glug, glug

It may not be the world’s best-kept secret, but it’s one that far too many of us have trouble following through on: drinking enough water. Drinking at least six to eight glasses of water per day will help ward off the bloating effects of constipation. Increasing your water intake will also flush out any excess sodium in your system – and the resulting bloating caused by water retention. Water will also improve the look of your skin. By drinking plenty of water in the days leading up to your event, you can ensure that you have plump, dewy skin – and a flat, sexy stomach.

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Secret #5: Listen to your mother

What has your mother been telling you all these years? “Stand up straight!” Well, now’s the time to listen. When you throw your shoulders back, stack your vertebrae, draw your chin in, and stick your hips forward, you instantly look taller, leaner, and considerably more confident. Those lumps and bumps will naturally disappear and your clothes will fit you better. This is a great trick to practice every day, but we often forget ourselves as we hunch in front of our computers for hours on end. Practice good posture for poise and elegance, and feel great. So there you have it – five secrets to slimming down in just five days. While some of these tricks can be applied to your daily life as well, sometimes we all need the emergency intervention of a few simple tricks that will have us looking great at that big event and in that special outfit.



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What’s In

Your Eye Cream? W

e collectively spend billions of dollars and countless hours on our beauty products – but do we really know what they are doing for us? Take your eye cream, for example. Did you buy it because it was recommended by a dermatologist? Or did you buy into the media hype surrounding the product? Don’t kick yourself. We all fall prey to media hype, and we all buy products because the packaging is alluring. These systems are elaborately designed to make us do so. But too many of us aren’t aware of what should be in our eye creams: what will actually make them effectively reduce our fine lines, wrinkles, puffy bags, and dark circles. Next time you buy an eye cream, be sure to look for at least some of the following ingredients (and discuss with your dermatologist what the concentration of these ingredients should be):



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• Matrixyl 3000: Matrixyl 3000 is not to be confused with plain old Matrixyl, which contains only one peptide where Matrixyl 3000 contains two peptides (amino acid chains) that address different skincare problems while making each other more powerful. Together, these peptides stimulate the growth of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid to fill wrinkles naturally from within, while also preventing glycation – a process that contributes greatly to aging. • Retinol: Retinol is a vitamin A compound and a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants are extremely important for skincare because they neutralize free radicals, which are unstable oxygen molecules that break down skin cells and cause wrinkles. • Tretinoin: More powerful than Retinol, tretinoin is a vitamin A compound available by prescription only. It is known as an effective antiwrinkle formulation, but must be avoided if you could be pregnant because it is also known to increase the risk of birth defects. • Hyaluronic acid: Traditionally used to promote quicker healing of wounds, hyaluronic acid increases the skin’s retinoic acid, which improves skin hydration. It also promotes collagen creation. It is well known under the name “Restylane” when used as a filler product for antiaging purposes. • Alpha lipoic acid: Alpha lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant, a mild anti-inflammatory, and an inhibitor of a process called “cross-linking,”

which is partially responsible for the hardening of your arteries, wrinkling of your skin, and stiffening of your joints. • Copper peptides: Copper exists in tiny amounts in every skin cell. It is combined with peptides to create a formulation that was originally used to heal wounds. The healing power of copper peptides has been found to be an effective anti-aging remedy. They also stimulate collagen production and may also enhance the effectiveness of antioxidants. • DMAE: DMAE (dimethylethanolamine) is a skin-firming treatment, otherwise known as “the facelift in a jar.” DMAE is more widely known as a “smart drug” than a skin-firming agent. • Caffeine and alcohol: Both caffeine and alcohol are commonly used as firming agents since they temporarily dehydrate your skin and make it appear more taught. • Argireline: Argireline is the trade name for acetyl hexapeptide-3. It’s a synthetic anti-aging formulation that inhibits the contractions of facial muscles. The manufacturer refers to it as “Botox without the hassles.” Long-term effects are unknown. • Haloxyl: Haloxyl is a synthetic ingredient used to treat dark circles under the eyes. The manufacturer published a clinical study wherein 22 females used haloxyl on one eye and a placebo on the other eye for 56 days. About 65 percent of the participants showed an improvement – some significant – on the eye treated with haloxyl.



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• Vitamin K: Used in eye creams that target dark under-eye circles or bags, vitamin K has been shown to counteract dark shadows caused by too much blood flow and minor bruising under the eyes. • Kojic Acid and hydroquinone: Kojic acid and hydroquinone are skin-lightening agents, often found in bleaching and age-spot creams – and also in eye creams that target dark circles under the eyes. • Vitamin C products: Eye creams that include the three vitamin C products – L-ascorbic acid, vitamin C ester, and ascorbyl palmitate – combat fine lines and wrinkles, promote collagen production, and promote healing. L-ascorbic acid also allows hyaluronic acid to be more effectively absorbed by your skin. Note that vitamin C products should NOT be used together with copper peptides, as they will cancel each other out! • Vitamin E: Most effective in its natural alcohol form (rather than the acetate form), vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that combats the free radicals that are part of our aging process. Using topical vitamin E is more effective than taking the vitamin orally. • Allantoin: This natural plant extract is an antiinflammatory, anti-irritant, and astringent that is used in a wide variety of personal hygiene products, from deodorants to shampoos and aftershaves. Also used to heal minor abrasions, allantoin is a useful anti-aging skin remedy.

Is the “Lunchtime Facelift”

Right for You?

If you’re beginning to see the signs of aging on your face – as we all do – you may be wondering about options that are less dramatic than a full-fledged surgical facelift. By Sarah Meanchoff


therwise known as the “one-hour facelift” or the “lunchtime facelift,” the thread facelift is a relatively new phenomenon that was developed in Paris and has been vastly improved over time. The procedure promises a quick, inexpensive option that is much less invasive, and expensive, than surgical facelifts – but gets results. At roughly half the cost of a traditional facelift, the thread facelift is of increasing interest to women who are beginning to experience the common signs of aging.

How a thread facelift works

A thread facelift uses special “barbed” threads to literally pull up drooping skin. The technique is used to reduce sagging around the cheeks, jaw line, and neck. The results are typically noticeable right after the procedure, which usually takes about an hour. Techniques differ slightly, but in a standard thread facelift the cosmetic surgeon makes tiny incisions in the targeted area, into which he or she inserts thin threads. The threads are barbed so that they attach to the skin tissue. They are then pulled back to smooth the face, knotted, and hidden within the skin itself. There should be no visible evidence that a thread lift has been performed. A variation on this technique is to insert the threads using needles, making no incisions in the skin.

The pros

What’s great about a thread facelift is that the procedure is much less invasive than the more aggressive surgical facelift. You don’t have to go under general anaesthesia or have large incisions made in your face. The process takes only about an hour, produces almost immediate results, and your recovery time is quick – unlike the severe bruising and swelling of a standard facelift. After the procedure, you should be scar-free with none of those tell-tale scars behind the ears. Plus, because you are usually awake during the procedure, you can actually approve the look of the thread lift while the surgeon is performing it. Imagine being able to direct your own plastic surgery!



The cons

The real drawback of a thread facelift is that it is meant to be only a minor intervention. It does not have the same result as a traditional facelift surgery. In fact, the procedure is generally recommended for women between the ages of 35 and 45 who are only beginning to experience the signs of aging, but don’t have the loose or drooping skin of an older woman. For women with these more advanced signs of aging, a traditional facelift will likely be recommended. As with any surgical procedure, there are risks inherent in doing a thread facelift – though again, these are not as great as with a more aggressive facelift. Risks include infection, numbness, and occasionally, breakage of the thread or an uneven result. In the case of the latter, the procedure can be re-done to correct any imbalances or breakages. Some patients have reported threads that become visible a few days after surgery. Most surgeons will say this means the procedure was not performed properly. But the main risk of a thread facelift is that it just may not work. Results vary greatly among patients, although the practice of thread facelifts has continued to improve since its inception.

Ensuring you get a great lift

If you’ve decided to find out more about whether or not a thread facelift is right for you, ask your doctor to refer you to a top-notch cosmetic surgeon (or do your own research to find one for yourself). You most certainly do not want to have an amateur performing this delicate procedure. Be aware, though, that some cosmetic surgeons are still on the fence about thread facelifts, and are asking for longer term studies so that the results can be evaluated over at least a two-year period. A number of studies are currently underway on the long-term efficacy of thread facelifts. If you’re considering a thread facelift, find a cosmetic surgeon who will be totally honest with you. Is your aging process too far advanced for the procedure to work well? Will you get the results you want? Is the surgeon practiced and adept at performing thread facelifts? Once you’ve answered these questions you can decide for yourself if it’s time for a little tug in the right direction.

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At roughly half the cost of a traditional facelift, the thread facelift is of increasing interest to women who are beginning to experience the common signs of aging. 27


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What You Need to Know

About Sunscreen By Dr. Marcia Fleming, MD


unscreen: we know we need to wear it. We know it protects our skin from the harmful rays of the sun. But do we really understand why? The fact is, sunscreen is the cornerstone of skincare. This is because sunscreen protects against UV radiation. But what does this really mean?

Protection from only SOME of the sun’s UV rays

There are two types of ultraviolet (UV) rays that affect our skin: UVA and UVB. A third type, UVC, does not reach the earth’s surface – so we’re safe from that one! Ninety-six percent of the radiation that hits our skin is in the form of UVA, while UVB makes up only four percent. But listen to this: the sun protection factor (SPF) included in most bottles of sunscreen protects only against UVB– that little four percent of ultraviolet rays that reach our skin. That’s because UVB rays are the ones that cause redness (i.e., sunburn). However, while UVA rays don’t actually burn us, they DO cause damage and premature aging of the skin. UVA is responsible for the formation of free radicals, which are the damaging particles to skin cells. UVA can pass through glass windows and clouds, and is just as potent in the morning as in the heat of the afternoon.

How to protect your skin from harmful UVA

Unfortunately, there is no perfect measure for protection against UVA. While there are some chemicals that offer a partial line of defence – including Parsol 1789, benzophenones, and Mexoyl SX – they are only moderately effective. Plus, Parson 1789 can be rendered ineffective in some formulations and by moisturizers. Physical agents such as zinc or titanium oxide offer a physical block to UVA and UVB and are therefore an excellent option to protect your skin. The best way to protect your skin is to apply sunscreen liberally – very liberally. Studies show that most people use only one-quarter to one-half of the recommended amount of sunscreen. Find a sunscreen that offers UVA as well as UVB protection; your best option is to use a sunscreen with a physical block such as zinc or titanium oxide. Remember that sunscreens with zinc or titanium must be applied 20 minutes prior to sun exposure for maximum effectiveness. There is no sunscreen that can completely block UVA – which means that any sun exposure leaves you vulnerable to those skin-damaging free radicals. Another line of defence is to nourish your skin with plenty of antioxidants, which help to protect against the production of free radicals. Powerful antioxidants include vitamin C, vitamin E, green tea, and coenzyme Q10.

Dr. Marcia Fleming is one of the most accomplished and respected physicians in the field of cosmetic rejuvenation and has been practicing in the Vancouver area for over nine years. Her goal is to help everyone achieve beautiful skin for life, beginning at any age. She can be reached at Delta Laser & Skin Care Centre, call 604-543-8965.



fresh vancouver Issue 1

The “Dos and Don’ts” of Shaving By Amy White


uring her lifetime, a woman will stick hundreds of bandages over nicks on her legs. She will endure countless incidents of razor burn. And she will curse her disposable razor thousands of times. Fortunately, shaving doesn’t need to be this painful. Follow these “dos and don’ts” for shaving and keep those stinging razor cuts at bay! DO - use a good quality razor. Three- and four-blade razors provide the closest shave. DO NOT - shave your bare skin. You need a barrier between the sharp razor and your sensitive skin. Apply a thick shaving cream to your legs before shaving. DO - shave in the opposite direction of hair growth. This gives you the smoothest shave possible. DO NOT - keep a razor past its expiration date. Using a dull blade can lead to nicks and unsightly scratches, resulting in legs you’ll want to keep hidden. Smooth skin should be worth the few extra dollars a new razor blade costs. DO - shave in long, even strokes, applying a gentle pressure. Rinse the blade with water after each stroke to wash away any hairs clogging the blade. DO NOT - shave over an area more than once. This can irritate the skin, leading to redness and itchiness. DO - exfoliate your skin before shaving. This not only rids your legs of dead skin cells, it helps raise those little hairs hiding beneath the surface of the skin. DO NOT - shave dry skin. Razors can catch and drag on dry skin, causing nicks and scratches. The best time to shave is right after a hot bath or shower, when your skin is still damp and full of moisture. The hotter the water, the better, since hot water helps weaken hair strands. DO - apply a moisturizer one hour after shaving. It helps soothe your skin and ward off itchy red bumps and irritation. Waiting one hour gives pores time to close, preventing the risk of infection entering the body through the skin. If your skin feels tight or irritated after shaving, apply an alcohol-free aftershave. DO NOT - shave in the morning. Shaving exfoliates by removing the topmost layer of skin, leaving your skin vulnerable to external elements. Shaving at night gives your skin time to heal before you head out into the pollution and heat of an early city morning. No one wants to deal with unwanted body hair, yet it is an inescapable reality: hair will grow where you don’t want it. By following the tips above, you will learn to peacefully coexist with your razor blade. And – best of all – you will achieve smooth and touchable legs. So throw away the bandages and reach for those skirts!

Got Vitamin D?

Sources and Deficiencies

For years, many of us – especially those of us living in sunnier climates – have been told to keep out of the sun. Apart from the aging effect upon our skin, harsh sun can also produce melanoma and other skin cancers. While this is true, it is also known that we require a daily dose of sunshine to keep us strong and healthy. Moderate sun exposure provides proven health benefits, the most important of which is the production of vitamin D. In these sun-safe days, we just may be missing out on our daily quota of vitamin D. By Shelly Lynn Nellis

ties of vitamin D. Your best bet is to speak with your family doctor or naturopath, or conduct an online search of reputable medical organizations to help determine the right levels of vitamin D for you. The good news is that if you believe you are suffering from a vitamin D deficiency, sunlight exposure is the solution. The amount depends upon the strength of the sun (i.e. the time of the year and where you live). If natural sunlight is not an option, there are various foods that can provide vitamin D. Some fish, such as tuna and salmon, provide a certain amount of vitamin D. However, because it is difficult to get the required levels of vitamin D from diet alone, there is a wide selection of foods fortified with vitamin D that are extremely good sources of this essential nutrient. Supplements are also recommended. Vitamin D is an essential vitamin required for good health and well-being. Deficiencies are often associated with those who can’t obtain enough sunlight; however, we are all at risk. Your diet, sunlight exposure, and the use of supplements are all important sources of vitamin D.

If You Have Low Levels of Vitamin D

Sunlight on our skin produces the vitamin D that is essential to good health. Scientists have found that approximately one billion people around the world are deficient in vitamin D. There are certain types of people who are at greater risk of not getting enough of this vitamin, such as nursing home residents and people who live in cold climates. Because vitamin D assists with the body’s ability to absorb calcium and phosphorus, low levels can be disastrous for our well-being. Calcium and phosphorus are both vitally important for bone development and strength, and vitamin D in the body has also been proven to suppress infection and subdue the growth of cancer. Although not scientifically proven as yet, there are some suggestions that a lack of exposure to sunlight – that is, low levels of vitamin D – may be associated with the prevalence of influenza and type 1 diabetes.

Sources of Vitamin D

So how do you get enough vitamin D? Recommendations differ; however, it is suggested that various ages and groups require different quanti-



fresh vancouver Issue 1

Are You a Candidate for

Chemical Peels or Microdermabrasion? By Liberty Craig


s our population grows older, there is greater demand for anti-aging solutions that actually work. This demand both fuels and funds ever more research into the science of new technologies to thwart the aging process. Well, that elusive fountain of youth hasn’t been discovered just yet, but an increasing number of anti-aging treatments, potions, and remedies claim to be getting there. Two of the most popular options available today are chemical peels and microdermabrasion. Both options can offer good results without invasive surgeries or longlasting side effects. But will these relatively mild treatments give you the results you’re looking for? Let’s take a closer look at each.

many women find that the milder chemical peels achieve good results in producing more youthful, glowing skin.

Microdermabrasion: A milder option

The “A-Z” of chemical peels

Chemical peels are typically performed by dermatologists or plastic surgeons. The process involves applying a chemical solution to your face to facilitate the removal of dead skin. Chemical peels are used to promote smoother, healthier, younger-looking skin and a better complexion. They are known to reduce blemishes, some skin pigmentations, fine lines, and some wrinkles. There are a few different types of chemical peel. The most common – and the gentlest – is the alphahydroxy acid (AHA) chemical peel. The entire procedure takes about 10 minutes and the recovery process is easy, though there may be some reddening. The drawback to going the gentler route is that you may have to repeat the process multiple times to achieve the desired effect. More intense is the trichloroacetic acid (TCA) chemical peel. A TCA peel is a little deeper (though the depth of the peel can be controlled) and requires a longer recovery period. You may experience swelling, redness, and discomfort for about a week after your peel. This type of peel is often recommended for darkerskinned patients. As with the AHA treatment, repeated treatments may be necessary. The deepest and most invasive chemical peel is the phenol peel. The procedure typically takes over an hour, followed by multiple months of recovery before your skin looks normal. A phenol peel is painful and you will require pain medication. Your face will be swollen after treatment; your eyes may even be swollen shut. You

will likely need to stick to a liquid diet and very little talking for the first few days! Obviously, this more drastic procedure has more dramatic results, getting at those deeper wrinkles and more pronounced discolourations. Good post-procedure care is vital, though – for example, your skin may turn blotchy during the healing process if you don’t avoid the sun and use sunscreen. The best candidates for chemical peels are typically light-haired people with fair complexions. However, TCA peels can be performed on darker-skinned patients with good results. While the results of a chemical peel are in no way comparable to more drastic surgeries,



fresh vancouver Issue 1

A milder option that is effective for resurfacing your skin and producing that youthful glow is microdermabrasion. This process is similar to a chemical peel in that it removes dead surface skin cells and impurities from your skin – sometimes it’s even referred to as a “mechanical peel.” Though it doesn’t go as deep as even a light chemical peel, microdermabrasion has similar results and a quicker recovery period. It takes about 30 minutes, is painless, and any redness will disappear within about 48 hours of the treatment. Microdermabrasion uses a stream of crystals or a diamond-tipped wand plus a suction device to exfoliate the skin and remove the surface layer of dead cells. The process can be used to treat acne or scarring, or as an anti-aging treatment. Typically performed at a spa or dermatologist’s office, microdermabrasion treatments must be repeated for best results, and each treatment usually consists of between four and 10 sessions. There are also home kits on the market for do-it-yourself microdermabrasion; however, the skill level required in removing the desired amount of skin, plus the need for immaculate sterility, mean that you must be careful when using them. Microdermabrasion is not be confused with dermabrasion, which is a much more severe surgical procedure. Dermabrasion is performed by a dermatologic surgeon, who anaesthetizes the patient, then uses a specialized instrument to essentially “sand” the skin. Like a phenol peel, dermabrasion requires a 10-day recovery period for the re-growth of new skin, followed by six to eight weeks of healing before your skin returns to normal. This procedure is most often used for acne scarring or other deep imperfections. If you decide to try any of these procedures, remember that even the gentlest have associated risks. Always seek a trained professional for any procedure. Asking your doctor for a recommendation is a good way to find a well-respected specialist in your area.

Is It Really

Mismatched Libidos? Trouble in the bedroom? You need to ask yourself: Is it really a matter of different libidos, or is “mismatched libidos” a convenient excuse that masks an unresolved relationship issue? By Dr. Trina Read


ccording to Michele Weiner Davis’ book The Sex Starved Marriage, one in every three married couples struggles with problems associated with mismatched libidos. This statistic piqued my interest and I began exploring it further. Interestingly, while doing my research, a common thread became apparent: most of the time, mismatched libidos have little or nothing to do with sex. I’ve put together a list of nine typical libido-dampeners. See if you fit into any of these categories.

1: Body issues

One partner does not like his or her body and feels uncomfortable being touched by the other partner – and so avoids sex. Conversely, one partner may no longer find the other desirable after a significant weight gain.

usually pretty limited. Once that bag of tricks gets used up, the sex is like eating the same meal for supper every night. Missionary style again? Yawn.

6. The natural ebb and flow of life

In the wise words of John Grey’s Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, sometimes men and women go into caves or become rubber bands and just want some time alone. Over time it gets tricky and often discouraging to align two peoples’ natural ebbs and flows. That is why long-term relationships relying solely on libido and spontaneous sex never work.

7. Different priorities

The stress of daily life takes the focus off the relationship and puts it onto other things. Then, once every couple of weeks, the couple feebly tries to reconnect with fifteen minutes of rushed sex. After time, the sex becomes less and less appealing, and the other priorities become more fulfilling.

2: Prolonged unresolved issues or arguments

There is nothing that can throw a big wet blanket over a sizzling sex-drive faster than bottled up anger. If you and your partner have ongoing unresolved issues, or arguments that never get settled, it will likely affect your sex life.

8. The birth control pill

Too many women lose their libido from being on the pill. In fact, there is a new study being conducted to find out if longterm use of the pill negatively affects a women’s libido for the rest of her life. Scary stuff!

3: Power struggles that result in passiveaggressive tendencies

This is a big one. Money and sex can bring out raw feelings of lack of control that translate to unspoken power struggles. When one person feels they do not have any control or power, he or she may show power in other ways. For example, the more one woman gave into her husband’s demand for sex, the more mess she would intentionally create in their house. Or the more one partner “bugged” the other to have sex, the more the other silently shut down.

4: Major change or unrest

A couple undergoing major changes like job promotions, having a baby, or moving to a new home may experience a disrupted sex life. It makes sense that with change comes disruption to what was once an orderly routine. Couples often then struggle to form new habits around their sexual practices. Unfortunately, because the disruption in the bedroom is typically not discussed, the couple feels disconnected and this creates mismatched libido habits.

5. Boring sex

Are you and your partner stuck in a rut and unwilling to try new things? The repertoire of sexual tricks a person brings into a new relationship is



9. Health and wellness problems

When going through problems like depression, medical issues, or surgery, the body is compromised and often medication must be taken. Understandably, sex is not even on the radar at a time like this. Every couple faces hard life issues. During these tough times, some couples may flounder, feel helpless, and naturally want to give their situation a diagnosis.The libido diagnosis is easy and convenient, while proactively dealing with the hard life issues is difficult. Too many couples focus on the bedroom dilemmas instead of the deeper issues. Yet when a couple deals with the tough situations, they form a stronger bond which translates into greater intimacy. Perhaps, in your relationship, one partner really does have a very high or very low libido. Chances are, though, that a mismatched libido is no more than a disparity in your relationship that needs to be worked through. Get monthly sex advice delivered to your inbox at; or read an excerpt from Dr. Trina’s book Till Sex Do Us Part at Sexologist Dr. Trina Read is a best selling author, sex coach, and international speaker. Go to to find out more.

fresh vancouver Issue 1


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The Importance of Water in

Staying Beautiful By Evelyn Fielding


ater is a powerful substance for the human body. About two thirds of our body weight is water, and every cell and organ in the human body needs it to function properly. From your face to your intestines, water is absolutely necessary for survival.

What does that mean to your beauty regimen?

A lot, actually. Let’s have a closer look at the many ways in which drinking enough water helps keep us beautiful.

Be more kissable:

It’s also a fact that dehydration, especially when combined with hunger, causes bad breath. Drinking enough water every day and eating small meals throughout your waking hours eliminates both of these problems. Quitting smoking and eliminating garlic and onions are also helpful for controlling bad breath.

Promote regularity:

Reduce fine lines and wrinkles:

If you don’t give your body enough water, you will suffer from constipation. That isn’t even remotely beautiful. Changing your diet to lose weight is great, but adding water is important, especially if you cut out soda and juice. Hydration has to come from somewhere, and your body will rob water from your intestines if you’re dehydrated.

Have fewer headaches:

Metabolize nutrients better:

Drinking enough water every day keeps your skin hydrated, reducing the thousands of fine lines and small wrinkles that appear on even a young person’s skin. Your skin will lose elasticity and can begin to sag if you are dehydrated. It’s hard to feel beautiful when you’ve got a doozy of a headache. Keep yourself well hydrated and you will suffer fewer headaches. If you are used to popping your aspirin or ibuprofen dry, swallow them with a large glass of water instead. The combined effect will help eliminate your headache in no time.

Eradicate dark circles:

Severely dehydrated people have pronounced sunken eyes. Mildly dehydrated people suffer from dark circles and their natural smile lines turn into crow’s feet. You may be able to cut back on the concealer just by drinking enough water every day.



Your body can’t use the nutrition from your food or supplements properly if you don’t drink enough water. Most vitamins are water-soluble, meaning they dissolve in water. Your body may not be able to metabolize nutrients fully if it doesn’t have enough water to do the job. Many people live their lives slightly dehydrated, and this has long-term effects on your skin, hair, and insides. All the creams and potions in the world will fall short if you don’t take care of your beauty from the inside out. Eat right, get enough exercise, take in lots of fresh air, and drink plenty of pure, unadulterated water. You are beautiful!

fresh vancouver Issue 1



fresh vancouver Issue 1

Live to be 150: The Emerging Science of

Life Extension By Bob Mills



fresh vancouver Issue 1

How long do you expect to last on this good earth? It may be longer than you think.


he average life expectancy in the United States increased from 48 to 77 between the years 1900 and 2000. That’s a whopping increase of over 50 percent in the span of one hundred years. Now, suppose that same pattern were to continue... A similar increase in the 21st century would bring the average life expectancy of babies born in to 2100 to about 125. On average, we’d be living to be 125 years old!

An aging debate

The science of life extension is of increasing interest as baby boomers age and the anti-aging industry explodes with ever-more remedies and potions, to the tune of $50 billion in annual revenue in the US. Life extension is also known as anti-aging medicine, experimental gerontology, or biomedical gerontology. Scientists and believers maintain that we can slow down our aging processes via stem cell technology, molecular repair, organ replacement, and other scientific advancements – most of which are yet to actually exist. Of course, there is a moral argument behind this field of scientific study: Can we really “play God” to the extent of doubling our life expectancy by manipulating our tissues and organs? But the real question is, is this kind of life extension truly possible?

The rapid pace of scientific advancement

It’s not just crazed speculation: The pace of advancement in biology is accelerating. A handful of scientists and visionaries even go so far as to claim that the very first human immortals might be living among us today. Their reasoning is that incremental advances in biology might allow us to live another thirty years or so, during which time we could take advantage of further scientific advances, while awaiting still further advances that would extend our lives indefinitely. Of course, much of the increase in life expectancy during the 20th cen-

tury can be attributed to reduction in the infant mortality rate. Since the infant mortality rate can never be reduced below zero, there is a limit to how much this will ultimately affect our longevity. Nevertheless, biologists are already pioneering new approaches that hold promise.

The promise of a very old worm

Does all this sound a little too “X-Files” to you? Then listen to this: Researchers have already discovered a way to increase the life expectancy of a certain species of roundworm by 500 percent. That’s the equivalent of extending a human lifespan by 350 to 400 years! Clinical trials are now being conducted on a pill for human consumption (based on a chemical contained in wine) that may be able to suspend or even reverse the aging process. Some of the more hopeful advocates of life extension therapy point out that the 20th century increase in life expectancy of about 29 years represents almost three months of increased life expectancy per year. If this figure could be increased to twelve months per year, the human race would enter a golden age. By the time you lived to be 80, the average life expectancy would have increased to 160, and by the time you lived to be 160, it would have increased to 320. Even the inherent limitations of the human body could be transcended if an exact copy of your consciousness could be uploaded into a virtual computer world. (Okay – that may be a little X-Files!)

Waiting for immortality

No one can say for certain if or when these advances will occur. Even if you are a member of humanity’s first immortal generation, you probably won’t be able to confirm that fact for several hundred more years. Until then, quit smoking, get plenty of sleep, and hope you last long enough for the first life extension pill to be developed.

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How Cleansing

Can Change Your Life By Gina Broccolo


leansing is an essential part of any truly effective weight loss program. Research suggests that many of the chemicals we ingest daily through food, water and air can become deposited in fat cells in our bodies. A diet lacking in certain nutrients may also impair our natural ability to detoxify chemicals, which leads to their further build-up in the body. The cumulative load, called the “body burden,” is thought to lead to illness and has been linked to hormonal imbalance, impaired immune function, nutritional deficiency, and an inefficient metabolism. Symptoms of accumulation include indigestion, bad breath, fatigue, poor skin, and muscle pain. As intestinal waste accumulates, peristaltic action (which is a sequence of muscle contractions that progressively squeeze one small section of the digestive tract to the next to push food along the tract) becomes less effective, and transit of material passing through the intestinal tract slows down. This can contribute to constipation and weight gain. This buildup in the intestines can also interfere with nutrient absorption, which takes place in the small intestine. Resulting buildup of toxic waste and undigested substances may pass through the colon wall and enter the bloodstream and lymph, where they are carried throughout the body. This can result in fatigue, headaches, irritability, nervousness, depression and protruding of the abdomen due to bloating. Cleansing the entire intestinal tract is an important measure to enable efficient nutrient absorption into the bloodstream, and decrease waste toxins that enter the bloodstream. After a “detox diet,” people often report improved energy, clearer skin, regular bowel movements, improved digestion, and increased concentration and clarity.

Cleansing and your diet

Cleansing begins with a fibre-rich diet and plenty of water! The goal is to cleanse your body of the toxins and waste that have accumulated over the years, clogging your system. Remember that the basic purpose of eating is to get nutrients into the blood so that we can build new cells to replace the ones that are constantly dying. As important as it is to cleanse, it is just as important to rebuild new cells. Proper digestion is also vital: when food is not properly digested, nutrients are not released and it takes extra energy to remove undigested waste. Undigested food becomes fermented and decaying food gets held up in your stomach, which can cause gas, bloating and discomfort. Begin by adding to your diet an array of vegetables, which are high in water content and relatively easy to digest. The enzymes in vegetables help to digest the protein that you eat. The fibre in vegetables also helps to move non-fibre protein foods through the intestines. Fruit is a great detoxifier. It has the highest water content of all foods, and travels through the body very quickly. Besides the nutrients that fruit provides, the fibre acts like a scrub brush to help keep the intestinal wall clear.

s Top 5 R ea s o n s t o C lea n


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to overall better health. Your external body is a mirror image of your internal world; take care of what matters on the inside and see results on the outside.

Why cleanse?

A lean body is attained through diet, exercise, and the proper attitude. By including an all-natural cleanse in any diet and exercise program, you have taken the first step to changing your life and beginning the journey



Gina Broccolo is an expert in cleansing and weight loss and has dedicated her life and work to helping others achieve their diet and weight loss goals in a healthy, safe and natural way.

fresh vancouver Issue 1


Do YOU Want to “Perk Up” Your Breasts? The truth is, you’re just not 18 anymore. As the years have passed, your skin has slackened a little, and gravity has begun to take its toll. Maybe you’ve breastfed your babies. Maybe you’re a runner who has subjected “the girls” to a great deal of vigorous bouncing. Whatever the case, your breasts are probably not as perky as they were in your younger years. But does that mean you need to have a breast lift? By D. Radcliff

Reshaping your breasts

Also called mastoplexy, a breast lift is a plastic surgery procedure that lifts and restructures the breast. The end result is a more youthful appearance of the breasts.The procedure is an increasingly common one. The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery cites approximately 312,000 breast surgeries in the USA in 2009. Most of the women receiving these surgeries were between the ages of 35 and 50. So if you’re considering a breast lift, you’re in good company. However, there is a great deal you should know about this particular procedure before deciding whether or not it’s right for you. Below is the average woman’s experience of receiving a mastoplexy plastic surgery.

Before the surgery

Prior to your procedure being scheduled, you will be evaluated to determine if a breast lift is right for you. Ideal candidates are in good health. The surgeon will discuss in detail your medical history, any medications you are taking, and your expectations for the surgery. An examination and measurement of your breasts will also be done. If the surgeon determines you are a good candidate for mastoplexy, the procedure will be scheduled. You may be instructed to temporarily stop taking

any medications you may be on. It’s very important to let your doctor know about all medications you take (this includes any over-the-counter or herbal preparations) because these may affect the surgery.

The details of surgery

When you check in, you will be given a gown to change into. Your vital signs – temperature, blood pressure, pulse, etc. – will be taken to make sure you are healthy enough to undergo surgery. The breast lift will be performed under anaesthetic. This may include intravenous sedatives or general anaesthesia. Once the anaesthesia has been administered, the surgeon will make an incision. The type of incision will depend on your breasts and the surgeon’s preference. Typically, there are three options for incision: • An incision can be made around the areola. If scarring is an issue, this is the best option as the scars will be less noticeable. • The incision can circle the areola and go down vertically until it reaches the natural breast crease. • The incision can circle the areola, go vertically to the breast crease, and then horizontally along the breast crease. The second and third methods may end with a more visible scar. However, they may be necessary for your particular case. After the incision is made, the surgeon will raise the breast tissue and reshape it.



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If the areola is large, it may be reduced by cutting excess away from the edges. The areola and nipple are moved. Excess skin is removed to give the breasts a tight appearance. Internal sutures will be put in to help support the breasts. The incisions are then closed with sutures, surgical tape, or skin adhesives. In some cases, a combination of closures may be used. Some surgeons opt to place a drainage tube in the incision to aid in removal of excess blood and body fluid. The breasts will be bandaged and you will be sent to recovery. From start to finish, the procedure typically takes between one and four hours.

What you can expect after surgery

After surgery, you will experience some pain and swelling. The surgeon may prescribe pain medication or recommend overthe-counter anti-inflammatories. You will need to provide support to your breasts with a surgical bra or sports bra. Most patients are able to resume work duties within one week, but it may take up to a month before full activity can be resumed. It is important not to lift, bend, or strain in the initial weeks after a breast lift as these movements can cause swelling or bleeding. If a drain was inserted, it will be removed a few days after surgery. Sutures are removed beginning one week after

surgery. Decreased sensation in the breast and nipple is normal. Sensation typically returns gradually.

What are the risks?

As with any surgery, there are risks. While rare, there have been reports of adverse reactions to anaesthesia. The incisions may become infected. In some cases, breasts may be misshapen and require additional surgery to correct problems. And while sensation loss is generally temporary, in rare cases it is permanent. There will be scars from the incision. Depending on the type of incision made, these may or may not be hidden. Scars will fade over time, becoming less noticeable.

How much does it cost?

The cost of a breast lift can vary widely between surgeons. Insurance rarely covers breast lift procedures because they are cosmetic. However, in rare cases, the procedure may be covered. If cost is a concern, there are also companies that finance health procedures. Take some time to decide whether or not mastoplexy is right for you. Then, consult with your plastic surgeon to determine the results you can expect, as well as costs and any other concerns. Things just may be looking up before you know it!

Are You Considering Purchasing a Stability Ball? By Della Vorshuk


f you’ve entered a gym in recent years, you’ve likely seen people using stability balls as part of their fitness routines. You may have seen people doing crunches on top of a stability ball... doing leg lifts with the ball between their feet... even standing on a stability ball! It can look a little silly. Certainly it looks hard to balance. But are stability balls something that you should consider incorporating into your fitness routine?

A brief history of stability balls

Developed in 1963 by Aquilino Cosani, an Italian plastics manufacturer, the stability ball has become a favourite of personal trainers and exercise enthusiasts worldwide. Originally called the “Pezzi Ball” by its inventor, it is also known as a Body Ball, Physio Ball, Flex-Ball, and Swiss Ball. The stability ball was initially used as a rehabilitative tool for physiotherapists and was popularized by Susanne Klein-Vogelbach, who was the director at the Physical Therapy School in Basel, Switzerland. Based on the concept of “functional kinetics” (observing, analyzing, and teaching human movement), Klein-Vogelbach promoted the use of specifically designed exercises and techniques to treat adults with orthopedic injury, neurological problems, and other medical conditions. The term “Swiss Ball” was created when American physical therapists visited Switzerland to learn about the use of ball and its associated treatment applications. It has taken over three decades for the stability ball to make its transition from the clinical setting into the gyms and homes of fitness professionals and exercise enthusiasts around the world.

How to choose the right stability ball for you

The stability ball is constructed of a specialized soft rubber compound and comes in many sizes. Selecting the correct ball size can be done in one of two ways. The first method is simply to sit on a fully inflated ball. Your hips and knees should be bent to approximately 90 degrees. If your knees are higher than your hips, you need a larger ball; if they are lower than your hips, you need a smaller ball. The second method of finding the right size stability ball is a simple height measurement. Look for your height in the list below to find out what size ball is right for you: • Height: 5’ to 5’7” = Stability ball should be 55 cm • Height: 5’7”-6’2” = Stability ball should be 65 cm • Height 6’3”-6’9” = Stability ball should be 75 cm

A note on safety

There are a few key points you should be aware of when you purchase a new stability ball, and before starting a new routine: • Avoid leaving your ball in direct sunlight or near a heat source. Your ball could explode! • Pay a little more for an “anti-burst” stability ball. The last thing you want is an explosion in the middle of your set of crunches. • Make sure you get some initial instruction on the proper use of the ball. I recommend or The Great Body Ball Handbook and DVD. • Always make sure that you start out slowly with introductory exercises, and work your way up to more advanced techniques. The stability ball can be difficult.

The benefits of the stability ball

The main benefit of the stability ball stems from its inherent instability. When sitting, lying, or kneeling on the ball, the body is thrown off balance and must reflexively respond to “right itself.” This instinctive “action, reaction” counterbalancing effect stimulates the nervous system and many muscles in a manner often not found with conventional exercise. When used appropriately, the stability ball quickly improves balance, coordination, reaction time, and muscles. Most frequently, the spinal support musculature known as the “core” muscles (the abdominal, pelvic floor, and back muscles) are a key focus of many stability ball sports and fitness conditioning programs. Weak core muscles can lead to poor spinal support, lower back pain, and injury.



Above all, enjoy the variety and challenge the stability ball brings to your fitness routine. Watch your core strength, balance, and coordination improve rapidly!

Della Vorshuk is the General Manager of INFOFIT Educators, North America’s Health and Fitness Training Solution for over 20 years. For more information or help with your Body Ball routine, please contact Della at 604-683-0785 or via email at

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Hot Spa Trends For 2010

Whether you’re an avid spa goer or spa professional, keeping up-to-date on what’s hot in the industry allows you to experience the latest and best treatments, ingredients, and spa products. But it’s important to distinguish between trends that are based on fact and those based on marketing gimmicks and misleading hype. By Sherina Jamal


he majority of spa trends are ruled by one factor: the economy. These days, both spa goers and spa business owners want services that enhance well-being, but are cost-effective. The following spa treatments top the list for hottest trends of 2010 and will appeal to both spa owners and their clients.

The “green” trend: revisited

Consumers and spa pros alike continue to seek out “green” and “eco-friendly” products that include natural ingredients, organics, recyclable packaging, and more. However, as budgets tighten, people are becoming increasingly wary as to the authenticity and value of exactly what they are buying. Many skin care companies continue to use false marketing gimmicks to sell their products. Do what you can to validate a product’s “natural,

green, and eco-friendly” claims to be sure that you are getting your money’s worth. Also, be aware that a more natural product doesn’t always produce better results. For 2010, the focus is on products that are safe for you and the environment, but will also address skin concerns effectively. Savvy buyers will question claims made by skin care companies such as “preservative free” and “100% organic,” and become more educated on what makes a highquality, natural, and authentic product.

Express services & mini-packages

As people continue to cut back on their spending, there is a tendency to reduce regular visits to their local spa. One trend that will keep you coming back is express services. Spas are now beginning to implement a wider range of express services and mini-packages to provide options



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for clients on a tighter budget. These services are more affordable than full treatments and provide the spa goer incentive to continue regular visits without compromising quality. So if you are in spa withdrawal because you are watching your wallet, contact your local spa to see what express services they have to offer that will fit your budget.

Prevention and whole-body healing

The focus on prevention and whole-body healing became trendy a few years ago, and continues to grow in popularity as the general public embraces age-old philosophies and healing techniques to fight aging and illness. Recent trends in whole-body healing include “stress corrective” treatments using methods such as light therapy and energy healing. As stress plays a direct role

in triggering many illnesses and imbalances in the body, reduction of stress through mind-body techniques is the gateway to the whole-body healing process. Those seeking wellness-oriented treatments are also seeking more education. It’s not unusual for spas to offer guest speakers and consulting sessions on a range of subjects relating to natural health alternatives. Part and parcel of a complete wellness program in a spa will be nutrition. The nutrition trend in spas already exists; however, we will see the introduction of expanded spa cuisine, not just in resorts but also in day spas.

Recent trends in whole-body healing include “stress corrective” treatments using methods such as light therapy and energy healing.

Education-based services and customization

Better and more detailed consulting services are being offered by spas to address not only topical care, but also internal care. Providing education to clients is the key to supporting their wellness goals. Customized programs that combine treatments, products, and educational sessions will provide the guidance many clients are looking for. You will see an increase in spas utilizing naturopathic doctors, nutritionists, and holistic practitioners either as guest speakers or as an integral part of the spa’s consulting and treatment services.

The tech-savvy spa

More and more spas are embracing technology as a way to create awareness and improve service to clients. Social media will continue to be a great tool for spa owners and also spa goers looking for discounts and education. Social media tools such as Facebook can be used to provide special discounts and promotional offers,



and to launch new treatments and products. Clients can even book online through Facebook. Blogs are another easy tool spas can use to keep clients educated and inspired. A blog can be used to offer tips and information about the benefits of specific spa treatments, and encourage clients to post comments or questions. This interaction and sharing of knowledge is a win-win for both spa owners and spa goers. Sherina Jamal is the Founder of Ancient Secrets Inc. and developer of the Beauty Through Balance spa line. Sherina is an established educator in the spa industry and has written many articles over the years for popular health, beauty, and spa magazines. To reach Sherina directly for any questions or advice please email info@ancientsecrets. ca or visit her web site:

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The Magic of

Dry and Wet Body Brush Massage I have wet and dry brush massaged for 35 years, since the age of seventeen. At that young and tender age, I had no idea how beneficial brushing actually was, but I knew that my skin felt like silk and that regular brushing gave me a sense of invigoration and well-being. It was, and still is, truly magical!

By Tracy Holly of body brushing is that it helps the lymphatic drainage system remove toxins. The skin is the largest eliminative organ and plays an important role in body detoxification; by dry brushing the skin you can clean out the lymphatic system. Lymph, the fluid transported by the lymphatic system, is a component of the immune system. Lymph consists of white blood cells (lymphocytes) and a special fluid that bathes our cells. This fluid works to nourish cells and remove their waste. All detoxification occurs first and foremost through the lymph; in fact, the blood that runs through our veins depends greatly on the lymphatic system for quality and life support.

Body brushing techniques


ody brushing the skin is an ancient therapeutic practice. The little-known benefits of body brushing are innumerable. Brushing exfoliates and tones the skin, slows down the process of aging, increases circulation, and alleviates muscle tension. The action will tighten the skin, making it less prone to wrinkles. It’s a simple, reliable practice that keeps skin healthy and vital, and leaves you feeling healthy and strong. This proven practice is also known to prevent and reduce the formation of cellulite in the thighs and bottom area, where peroxidized lipids (fats), proteins, and waste products tend to accumulate. One of the greatest stress-relieving benefits

The tool used in dry brushing is typically a longhandled bath brush with soft, natural-fibre bristles. Other options include exfoliating gloves, a loofah sponge, or gloves made from raw silk. The advantage of the long-handled brush is that it allows you to scrub those hard-to-reach body parts. For wet brushing, specialized brushes allow you to scrub in the shower with a gentle cleanser. For women this is useful after shaving legs, underarms, and bikini area, to help avoid ingrown hairs. Whether dry or wet, brush massage is preferable first thing in the morning. A thorough skin brushing takes between five and seven minutes. You can brush head-to-toe or toe-to-head. What matters most for best results is brushing the entire body consistently. Here’s your morning dry brush routine: 1. Remove your clothing and perform a fullbody dry brush massage. Using long or circular strokes, massage the skin and extremities towards your heart from the feet up and the neck and arms down. Your skin may redden and start tingling as the body brushing increases the cir-



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culation in areas of greatest fat concentration. How firmly you press depends on how toned your skin and body are. Brush gently and easily at first. Your skin will soon become fitter and more toned. Soon you can brush more vigorously with even better results. 2. After dry brushing your entire body, enter a lukewarm to warm shower. Wash yourself as usual, then slowly increase the temperature of the water to very warm or hot. Maintain the heat for several minutes. 3. Next, turn the water to freezing cold and twist your body around slowly under the shower head. Try and stay under the water for around 30 seconds until you’re almost gasping for air. 4. Dry off with a towel, preferably in an open area with direct natural light. This is called air bathing! 5. Apply a natural moisturizer or your favourite natural plant oil such as almond, avocado, sesame, or a special mix. Note: Avoid body brushing if you have eczema, psoriasis, broken or infected skin, or varicose veins. Don’t do a dry or wet brush massage on skin that has a rash, infection, or wound. The magic of dry or wet body brush massage will make you feel wonderful, completely refreshed, and ready to start your day! You’ll notice a difference the first time you incorporate this marvellous wellness habit into your morning routine. Give it a couple of weeks and your friends and family will notice the difference, too.

Tracy is the Executive Director of the Cory Holly Institute and a CSNA (Certified Sports Nutrition Advisor) Master. She is the author of several books including The Athlete’s Cookbook and Sports Nutrition for Kids, and writes for several national health magazines.

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OxyLift™ Banishes wrinkles, saggy skin, puffy eyes, and acne in minutes a day.OxyLift™ is a hand-held device that uses high frequency technology, which up until recently, was used only in spas. This highly advanced device has been condensed in size, but not in results. OxyLift stimulates the skin cells to produce collagen and restores vitality to your skin. 1-866-612-4145



VISTA Magazine Issue 70

Get Younger-Looking Eyes Without Going ‘Under the Knife’

You roll out of bed in the morning and catch a glimpse of yourself in the bedroom mirror. Something stops you, and you look closer... With a defeated sigh, you poke at those increasingly puffy under-eye areas and wonder if it’s time to consider going under the knife to get rid of them. By D.Radcliff


he procedure to do so is called “blepharoplasty,” a cosmetic surgery most commonly done to create double-lidded eyelids in Asian populations. However, it is also a very common treatment for aging eyes, to eradicate those drooping eyelids, puffy under-eye areas, and wrinkles that happen inescapably to all of us as we age. Well, the good news is, now you can treat these pesky problems without resorting to the scalpel. Laser blepharoplasty promises precision results with a shorter recovery time – and no knife.

What is “laser blepharoplasty”?

Laser blepharoplasty, or laser eyelid surgery in layman’s terms, is a plastic surgery procedure that corrects drooping eyelids and under-eye bags, which typically occur as part of the aging process when the skin loses its elasticity. A drooping eyelid can also occur as a result of a condition called ptosis, in which nerve damage or inadequate muscle tone leads to sagging of the eyelid, in some cases obscuring vision. Laser blepharoplasty uses a carbon dioxide laser rather than the tra-



ditional scalpel to address the problem. There are several reasons why the laser is preferable including better visibility for the surgeon and less bleeding for the patient during the procedure. It also has the benefit of reducing both bruising and swelling after the procedure.

How is the procedure done?

At the initial consultation, the doctor will evaluate the patient to ensure he or she is healthy enough to undergo the procedure. If the patient and doctor are in agreement, the procedure will be scheduled. It may be necessary to discontinue certain medications or alter dosing. As with most surgeries, food and drinks are discouraged for at least eight hours prior as these can interfere with anaesthesia and increase the risk of surgical complications. Depending on patient and surgeon preference, the patient is anaesthetized. Typically, either sedation or general anaesthesia is used. Once the patient is under, a metal plate is placed over the eye itself to protect it from the laser. To remove under-eye bags, a small incision is made with the laser on

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Laser Eye article

the inside of the lower eyelid. Through this incision, excess fat deposits are removed. In some cases, laser resurfacing may also be done at this time in order to remove sunspots and wrinkles. An incision is then made in the normal crease of the eye to correct the drooping eyelid. The surgeon will work through the incision to remove muscle, skin, and fat deposits. The incisions are generally closed with fastdissolving stitches and the patient is moved to recovery.

The after-effects of surgery

After laser blepharoplasty, compresses can be used to reduce swelling. Eye drops containing antibiotics are usually prescribed to prevent infection. While laser blepharoplasty is performed as an outpatient procedure in most cases, care will still need to be taken once the patient returns home. In order to give the eyes time to heal, exercise, bending, and lifting are not recommended for a minimum of one week. Most patients are able to return to work at that point.



Laser blepharoplasty, or laser eyelid surgery in layman’s terms, is a plastic surgery procedure that corrects drooping eyelids and under-eye bags, which typically occur as part of the aging process when the skin loses its elasticity. How well does it work?

There are many variables that can affect how long the laser blepharoplasty lasts. Naturally, as the aging process continues, the area will begin to lose elasticity again. Other factors such as lifestyle can also play a role. In most cases, the results are lasting. So if you’re considering eyelid or under-eye surgery, factor the laser into your options. It just may be the easiest route to younger-looking eyes.

fresh vancouver Issue 1

Complementary Therapy:

Rejuvenate with the Bowen Technique by Liberty Craig


thirty-five year old British man named Simon Thomas had been severely asthmatic his entire life, and never went anywhere without his inhaler. He suffered mild asthma attacks daily, and more severe attacks about twice a week. Then he tried a new treatment. It’s a treatment that has been known to provide relief for everything from respiratory problems to digestive disorders, chronic muscle pain, gynaecological problems, and more. It’s a gentle, non-invasive therapy that stimulates the body to heal itself. What’s more, it’s a technique espoused by western medical practitioners and holistic healers alike. It’s called the “Bowen Technique,” and it worked wonders for Simon Thomas. “It’s pleasant,” he says, “and afterwards you feel relaxed.” Following his course of treatment, Simon experienced a significant decrease in his asthma attacks, plus a reduction in his usual hay fever duration from two months to one week.

Heal thyself with the Bowen Technique

The Bowen Technique was created by Australian osteopath Tom Bowen, and was introduced to other countries beginning in the mid-eighties. Though it is a form of muscle and connective tissue therapy, the Bowen Technique is very different from all forms of massage. Bowen uses a highly controlled “rolling” motion to very lightly manipulate muscles and connective tissues and thereby stimulate physiological changes and energy flow, and re-balance the body. This in turn allows the body to heal itself. The procedure is typically done in 45-minute sessions and the usual course of treatment is three to five sessions. Each session consists of a series of specific “moves” over key areas of the body. Regular two- to three-minute rest intervals are incorporated to allow the body to respond to the treatment. The Bowen practitioner leaves the room during these intervals to let you really relax. Bowen is known as a “complementary” treatment, meaning that it is an alternative medicine that is meant to be used in conjunction with conventional medicine. However, as Bowen practitioners will warn you, you must be sure to avoid other procedures like massage or chiropractics for at least seven days following a Bowen treatment. Bowen treatments are meant to be gentle and soothing, enjoyable and relaxing. But they are also meant to effectively provide almost instant relief for chronic aches and pains. The benefits of Bowen will also continue beyond the treatment session; you should continue to feel the healing effects of your treatment for multiple days afterwards as your body continues to heal itself.



Treating an endless list of ailments

The list of aches, pains, and ailments that the Bowen Technique claims to remedy is extensive. This gentle technique can be used on infants, postoperative patients, the elderly – even pets! It is purported to aid in surgery recovery, treatment of long-term ailments, and in disease prevention. It can also be used in conjunction with medical treatments, and is beginning to be used more widely in hospitals and hospices around the world. Documented studies have shown that the Bowen Technique has a significant impact on shoulder flexibility and pain, and may help those medically diagnosed with fibromyalgia. But a vast array of physical ailments are said to be ameliorated by use of the Bowen Technique, including muscular pain of all kinds, tennis elbow, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica, migraine, and more. The Bowen Technique also targets respiratory problems such as asthma and bronchitis, plus issues such as mastitis, infertility, and premenstrual syndrome. Chronic fatigue syndrome, inner ear problems, and even haemorrhoids are said to be alleviated by the Bowen Technique. And Bells Palsy! PMS! Prostate problems! The list goes on... But the Bowen Technique isn’t simply a blanket cure-all. The practice involves specific movements that are designed to target specific areas of the body, or specific ailments. Yet all of them ultimately affect the autonomic nervous system, which is what allows the healing process to continue beyond the time of treatment.

A stunning success rate

By all accounts, this gentle, relaxing therapy developed by a quiet Australian man carries with it untold powers of healing. Dr. Robert Jay Rowen of the “Second Opinion Newsletter” agrees. “Bowen therapy is brilliant!” he says. “It’s quick, painless and is easy on the patient and the practitioner as well. Usually only a few sessions are needed, with sessions scheduled one week apart. Indeed, Tom Bowen was documented as seeing over 13,000 patients per year and claimed an 88 percent success rate. That’s a whopping number of visits by any standards for any single therapist! And to have a success rate that high is absolutely unheard of in any practice.” Many healthcare practitioners are now trained in the Bowen Technique. Ask your doctor or naturopath to recommend a Bowen Technique practitioner in your area.

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