By: Addie E.
American Light Oppressed figures grope for freedom, Fingers stretching towards a seemingly unattainable aspiration. Thick shadows drag the figures away, Farther from the light of liberty. Callused hands smother the screams, Muscled arms deflect the attempts of escape. The figures are dragged down deeper, Heels digging into the ground. Signs of struggle develop, Scarring the walls of the tunnel. Suddenly lights illuminate the atmosphere, Eating the darkness. Warm hands reach for the oppressed, Lifting them out of the pit. The figures emerge, American promises melting their struggles away.
Poem Audio
Lilies Delicate blossoms, Tinge of pink If you saw them, With their beautiful ink
You’d take a pause, ‘Cause the view is quite nice Very little flaws, Not a bit of vice
Flowers rest on green plates, Silky green leaves The frog croaks and waits, Watching the bees
Water bubbles under, The noise quite silly But is overshadowed, By each blossoming lily
Poem Audio
Wave I roll and heave, Spitting salty spray I plunge my nose into the glass of the sea, Only to resurface
Swelling and tumbling, White-capped and sapphire, I grace the lip of the horizon Before surging towards the shore.
I kiss the sand with my salty lips Sea foam froths, Coating the shells with a bubbly sleeve. Fish flit beneath me as I recede
Back to the horizon, The sky a brilliant watercolor Reflecting off my shiny skin. The surf sparkling,
Diamonds on a shadowed sheet, A sheet of chill water Churning and tumbling, Kissing the shore.
Poem Audio
Photo Sources:
Flourish: http://bit.ly/1qanxbe Red ballet: http://bit.ly/1s8foe0 Lily flower: http://bit.ly/1vKErCL Wave: http://bit.ly/1CRR2r0