the angry minotaur that went boom because it could not tell time and because it lost its balloon By: Cedric T.
Mighty Minotaur Audio for Poem
It doesn't think, feel, or love. The only thoughts that go through its mind are Kill, trample, and destroy. Brute doesn't even begin to describe it. Bones are glass to the beast, glass that it will break. Flesh is soft clay to a minotaur, clay that it will pull apart. Boulders are pistachios to the minotaur, pistachios that it will crack open. With one swing of its colossal hammer, even diamonds are not hard enough to withstand its cataclysmic power. Who has the power to destroy the Mighty Minotaur? The destructive beast shall crack the very foundation of the earth and it shall create a fissure on the core of this planet. Try to kill the beast, if you dare. But I warn you, it has the earth-shattering power to destroy the very basis of this universe. With its calamitous cudgel, it will destroy this planet. May good fortune be upon you as you face the Mighty Minotaur.
Hot-Air Balloon Audio for Poem
Floating high above the tallest trees and the Largest mountain, hovering to who knows where. Could it be rising to heaven, or to the moon and the Stars? Could it be going to Jupiter, Saturn, or Neptune? Where will it go? People watch from below as this strange Floating balloon-like object rises higher and higher. What is it? It can't be a bird, or a plane, and it is definitely Not Superman. Or is it? Is there a person in that thing? Where could They be going in something like that? Come back! Come back! Getting higher and higher above the sea and the clouds, will it Ever stop? Will it ever deflate? Who is in that contraption? What is that monstrosity? I have never seen such a thing? Who or what could have made that strange floating object? Are they Okay? What is- ‌.. The never ending questions were cut off by the disappearing of the strange object into the ominous, pale clouds, With little chance of return. Soaring through the heavens, the giant, mysterious bubble grazed the universe with its soft hide, tickling the toes of gods and goddesses, deities and demons, immortals and idols. Will its flame ever burn out? I wish that I knew the answer to that, my friend. I was there, watching it fly past the moon and the stars. I was there, watching it ascend, so high and far. I was there, watching the helium beast reach new heights, never to be seen again.
Time’s ‘A Wastin’ Audio for Poem
It runs as fast as a cheetah, It is more valuable than diamonds, It is as savory as a sweet, tantalizing plum, It is as slippery as oil, It is as short as a midget, It is as priceless as a golden ring, It flies like a falcon, It is as quiet as a butterflies' wing-beat, It is longed for like an iPhone 5s, It is used up like a roll of tissue paper, It is wasted like money, It cannot be replaced, And you cannot replenish it like your Everlasting food pantry. So use your time wisely, foolish one.
Boom! Audio for Poem With an electronic, robotic voice, the countdown Begins: 10….scientists wait in anticipation….9….. The government is ecstatic…..8….countries worldwide Tremble with fear……7….children cower below their beds…. 6….every mother cradles their child…..5….. Moles create holes in the earthen soil to hide……4….ants Descend into their mounds… lock their petals ….2….Every door, opening, or fissure is closed firmly….1…. The heavens brace themselves…..BOOM! The warhead roars to life, Causing the earth to quiver. Vehement, furious flames blast out of the Bottom of the mighty missile, causing every ear in the cosmos to shatter. The tremendous force of this disastrous, destructive, and ruinous explosive Knocks every living creature off of its feet. The deadly, unholy, and demonic Flames scorch anything that is near to a crisp. The colossal rumble like thunder shatters every car window, forces every tree upward by its roots, and obliterates every standing structure. Slowly, the rocket begins to rise from the surface of the earth, getting faster, and faster, and faster. It shoots upward at the speed of light, blasting through the oceanblue sky. It whizzes through the heavens, creating a sonic-boom that causes every brain to crumble. The weapon of ultimate devastation shoots toward the surface, Getting ready to show the world its power. Countries around the world pray to their Deities, begging for protection, but it is futile. The destruction of the universe Is inevitable. 5….what shall we do?....4….are we going to die?....3…. Save us!....2….It was nice knowing you…..1….BOOM!
Citations: Picture of animated minotaur: Picture of very angry, realistic minotaur: Picture of many hot-air balloons: Picture of clock:,29307,16264 81_1373607,00.html Picture of nuclear explosion: eration_Upshot-Knothole_-_Badger_001.jpg