Poems by Heart, Delaney Tallett.
My B.F.F.F. Vocaroo: http://bitylink.info/SSwp
For the last four years, You have been there, To jump on me when I come in the door To eat my vegetables To dry my tears To take over my bed To listen to my most cherished secrets To make me
Laugh Smile Frown Sing Love And to make me cry, Once you left my life. But I know it’s for the best You are forever in my heart, Callie My Best Forever Furry Friend
Life as a Stray
Vocaroo: http://bitylink.info/WLHs Image: http://bitylink.info/AZ7K You may see us as mutts and rejects But we have meaning in this world Many of us will die on the streets Never knowing the love and warmth of a home We are infested with flees
Covered in dirt from nose to tail We eat once a week Mostly from the garbage Every once in a while a friendly stranger Will donate a piece of a burger to us You may not know who we are
Underneath our unappealing appearances If you were to look at us What would you see? A dog with mangled fur And fear in our eyes
You would not see us No.
Hot Cocoa Vocaroo: http://bitylink.info/uovW Image: http://bitylink.info/Sw1p Hey Fellow Beverages, Cocoa here, In case you are wondering things are pretty sweet for me I have plenty of friends who make me who I am There’s She really likes to stick but she is still sweet And Whipped Cream, so light and fluffy he is simply beautiful Not to mention Candy Cane, she is refreshing and minty! Hope you are doing well, Hot Coca