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The Real World By: Hannah O.

My Great Find It sparkles like a crystal in the morning sun But when you look for more, it is the only one

Clear like glass, it almost seems to glow But where it came from, you will never know

I found it on the beach, laying on the sand And when I first beheld it, it didn’t belong on this land

But after the first day, great fortune came to me I now know why, I now know how, now, I can see

It has no value to men, they do not cherish the sight For my great find was a drop of moonlight

Audio link- http://vocaroo.com/i/s17lX0Aj9C9H

Death Hate is a trap made to catch human beings Love is a trick to ensnare their feelings Life is a net keeping us on earth Keeping us in range of its deadly weapons

Death is a stick to spring the trap Death is real unlike love Death is a sword to cut the net Saving us from life’s deadly weapons

Happiness is a lie to keep us unknowing Sorrow is the truth of the lie of happiness Depression is a rock to remind us of life Reminding us of life’s deadly weapons

Those who don’t believe say life is kind They say death is the evil one They think death is horrid and dark When really they describe life

Those who believe say death is sweet The ones who know life’s true form Those who believe try to save the rest They understand life’s deadly weapons

Life is a net to keep us on earth Keeping us in range of its deadly weapons Death is a sword to cut the net Saving us from life’s deadly weapons

Audio link- http://vocaroo.com/i/s1ZBoyZicYl3

The Crows The crows follow us around Always watching, always waiting

The crows go back to their master Full of important information

The crows are spies of the enemy Telling the Star what we are doing

Telling them where our supplies are located Telling them of our every move

But the crows aren’t the only spies Some people have also fallen under the spell

Some people close, some people far But all know who we are

All know what they must do What they must do to stop us

But the crows, not the people Are the true danger

The danger to which we might fall The spies that would sooner let us live than die

The crows, not the people, flock to our doors So many crows, they drive us insane

Audio link- http://vocaroo.com/i/s0TKHVS1qoXC

All Drawings Drawn Using Paint by Hannah O.

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