The Mystery of Life Life itself is a mystery, confusing, and yet sweet, We may never uncover the answer, no matter how much we try. Sure it has its ups and downs, but the ups you need to cherish, Because life has so much potential, so there is no need to perish. There’s so much you can do in life that can only be accomplished once: Watch sunsets, surf on waves Or perhaps spend time with friends, Like nature on our green earth, Chances lie everywhere! You just need to grasp for answers, But for life’s secrets, you must stop trying. We can never know those secrets, To think there’s light in that darkness, to yourself you must be lying. But don’t ignore life’s chances, Go ahead, pick a big one. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, They only make us more human!
Nature At Its Fullest Nature, oh nature, it’s full of hope and dreams, No not dreams, because if they were, they’d be bursting at the seams. More like an infinite happiness, where you can rediscover, Like Eden, peaceful and quiet, this place is like no other. What can you find with your eager eyes and valiant spirit, you ask? Well, I am about to tell you, for it is not a difficult task. Trees that block the rain from your head, strong and tall and proud, Butterflies with curious minds, the opposite of loud. Lakes, calm and relaxing, nature’s ocean to swim, Or perhaps the tiny beaches, along the water’s rim. Nature’s creatures, loud and mysterious, with many different sizes, Still not interested, well climb higher and find bigger prizes. Sunsets and sunrises, beautiful and sweet, Or perhaps what lies before or after, for this you must find yourself. Yes this is nature, its safe haven self, in all of its great glory. Tell your friends, take pictures, create a profound story.
The Maze and It’s Exit You may feel like you’re in a maze sometimes, Which way should I go? Well, don’t give up, and feel fear, And never let it show. All you need to do is put your hand to your ear, Try to hear the sounds of peace, and not the sounds of loss. Put your ear to the path to the left, what do you hear? Some potential and some loss, but no sounds of peace. It’s okay, turn around, and try to do it again. Put your ear to the path to the right, what do you hear? Fear and chaos, no peace at all, Turn around immediately. Put your ear to the path to the front, what do you hear? No sound at all, blank and dull, no sounds of peace. It’s okay, turn around, go back to where you started. You might think there is no way, out of this shadowy dungeon, Don’t cry, think outside the box, what can you do? Build a ladder, climb to the top, and put your ear to its sound, What do you find, more peace than you can possibly comprehend.