Poetry Perfection By Jessica J
Painting Audio for Poem Blue paint splashes against the canvas. The prickly bristled brush, Smooths it all around. As the brush moves; A beautiful scene is created. The sun in the painting radiated. Slap, splash, smooth! Slap, splash, smooth! The brush works its art. It rests down on the table top. Its work has been completed. A painting has been born.
The Forest Behind the Fence Audio For Poem What lies behind the towering fence, Is a mystery. I'd hardly been back there, In the days of my history. A lush green plane, Of scraggly, high forest. Walking slowly inside; I felt like such a tourist. The crackle of little critters, Creeping across the pine. Those little scampering beasts; They are no friends of mine. My eyes landed on a tree; sturdy and strong. I couldn't hold myself back for long. The bark scratched my skin as I climbed. A crazy thought had crossed my mind. How had I never escaped here before? It felt I'd stepped into a new world, Through an open door. Or an open fence.
Audio For Poem
Halloween Audio For Poem Creeping around the block with friends, Wearing ghoulish, ghostly, ghastly costumes Snatching tricks and treats, Halloween. Carving morbid designs into the faces of pumpkins, Adorning the yards with graves and ghosts, This is the holiday I love the most. Halloween. Bone-chilling haunted houses, To give you nightmares for weeks, With horrifying decorations to make you scream eek! Halloween. A hauntingly fun night of terrors and laughter, I feel so exhausted the day after. Halloween.
Citations Outer Space: http://bit.ly/18TVJ3T Halloween: http://bit.ly/TbsaVW Black: http://bit.ly/11d4q5q Stars: http://bit.ly/19d5ZEB Paint: http://bit.ly/157DbOi All other pictures from Clip Art Flower: http://bit.ly/19x1Pv8