The Meaning of Life
The meaning of life, The unsolved question of the world, Geniuses and Mathematicians Writing equations on the board. Psychiatrists and Philosophers, Writing thoughts in their books. Authors and thinkers, Writing quietly in their nooks. But the answer to this question, Comes to those who aren't looking, The normal people you pass by, On the sidewalk every morning. But one thing I believe, Is that life isn't just an experience, It's not a race, battle or journey, In fact, it's not even that serious. But what life really is, Is not something you can answer With one word, or one paragraph, And not with one poem. But what I can say, Is that life is what you make of it, It's whatever you want it to be, And you are the only one who controls it.
If Grey Clouds hide Blue Moons
I open the window, And wait for the sun to go down. I hope that the stars, Will tonight come around, And maybe tonight, The clouds will blow away. And the skies will recover, From today's rain. But just like every night, The stars will stay hidden, And the skies will stay grey, And the words of good days unwritten, But somewhere I hope, That maybe things changed, That tonight I could cope, From this week's rainy days, But you left me alone, To wait every night, Alone by my windowsill, Searching for any stars in sight.
When you say autumn, Many thoughts come to mind, Some think of Halloween, The scariest night of mankind, Some think of beautiful leaves, And the crunching sound of your feet on the ground, While other people grieve, Over the raking coming around. Some think of pumpkins, Pumpkin candles and pies, Some think of cleaning, Cleaning the orange mess left behind, Some think of cool winds, Snaking around corners and into houses, Some think of frozen limbs, Rejuvenated by thoughts of snowy skies clouded. But whether we like it or not, Autumn is near, So you better get ready, For this part of the year.
Citations: "NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 9, 2013: Manhattan Skyline on Beautiful Night with Empire State Building and East River in NYC, New York, USA. Manhattan Is Smallest New York City Borough; Most Densely Populated.Stock Video:." NEW YORK. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2014. "Moon Hanging over Clouds Wallpaper." Free Wallpapers. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2014. "Fellowship Community Church - VA (North)." Fellowship