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Compilation of Poetry Nathan Mitten

Colors Vocaroo

What if my red Isn't your red? What if your red is my blue Maybe my red is your purple Maybe lighter colors to me Are darker to you Well, we may never know

Ultimate sandwich Vocaroo

Soft, white bread Ooey, gooey, chocolaty Nutella Mushy, flavorful, yellow banana A thin layer of runny, sticky honey Another piece of bread

Sounds Vocaroo

Clip clop The girl skips down the sidewalk On the way to school Vrrrrrrmmm The engine of the school bus hums BONK! The horn of a man's car Goes off as he is stuck behind the bus Late for work Vrrrooom He changes lanes And accelerates vigorously Weee-oooo The siren of a police car pulls him over For speeding Sigh As he pulls over To get a ticket

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