galas e torneios de desporto, como o golf, com fundos para ajudar pessoas com vidas difíceis. Tive a colaboração de muitos convidados das diferentes partes do mundo para belos momentos de convivência, com pessoas muito simpáticas, senhoras muito elegantes que contribuíram para as nossas festas. Neste momento tenho o gosto de referir uma simpática amiga que durante muitos anos viajou de Lisboa até nós, Paula Bobone e seu marido Vasco Bobone. A Paula ficou-me na memória pela sua imagem especial, um look atraente no qual se notava o gosto pela diferença. A função da roupa tem evoluído e a sua estética valoriza os ambientes. Paula, faço votos que as tuas peças de roupa, que vais pôr num reconhecido leilão, e também legar ao Museu do Traje de Lisboa, constituam um marco na história da moda dos nossos tempos. A moda não pára e é importante que as épocas fiquem bem registadas. Que as minhas palavras e a minha amizade contribuam.
Palavras de
as grandes causas da Associação CONCORDIA, anti-sida, tanto nas suas
Em Marbella, onde vivo há muitos anos, tive a honra de apoiar
Condessa de Shönburg
Em Marbella...
with difficult lives. I had the collaboration of many guests from different parts of the world to beautiful moments of living together, with very nice people, very elegant ladies who contributed to our parties. At this moment I would like to mention a nice friend who for many years traveled from Lisbon to be with us, Paula Bobone and her husband Vasco Bobone. Paula stuck in my memory for her special image, an appealing look through which she showed a taste
Words from
great causes of CONCORDIA Association, anti-AIDS, both in their galas and sports tournaments, such as golf, with funds to help people
In Marbella, where I live for many years, I had the honour to support
Countess of Shönburg
In Marbella...
for difference. The function of clothing has evolved and its aesthetic enhances environments. Paula, I hope that your pieces of clothing, which you are going to put up for a renowned auction, and also bequeath to the Museu do Traje (Museum of Costume) in Lisbon, will be a landmark in the history of fashion in our times. Fashion does not stop and it is important that the seasons are well registered. May my words and my friendship contribute.
Com o passar dos anos tudo vai mudando e uma das coisas que muito evolui é a roupa que vestimos diariamente. Muda pelas estações do ano, pelos diferentes sítios onde vamos, pelo próprio desgaste do seu uso e, por um fenómeno muito estético e curioso que se chama, a MODA, imparável. O mundo feminino influencia um importantíssimo comércio da economia e da estética. Sempre gostei da história da Moda e me identifiquei com o seu potencial: a leitura do estilo de cada uma de nós, desde as mais novas às mais velhas, e até posso citar a icónica Chanel que deixou uma frase marcante: “A moda passa e o estilo fica”. Só conheci esta frase depois de começar o hábito de comprar roupa. O consumismo que sempre me fascinou tinha três preferências: livros, viagens e roupa (e acessórios). Passaram muitas décadas e concretizei uma vastíssima colecção destes produtos, que funcionaram como Memórias. Muito devo às fotografias que também evoluíram. Sou do tempo da Kodak a preto e branco, e hoje, qualquer telefone portátil proporciona estes belos registos. Antigamente eram álbuns. Hoje são milhares de arquivos electrónicos. Viajando nestes registos chegou agora a oportunidade de seleccionar milhares de recordações de actividades que vivi, as mais lúdicas, e que estou a utilizar neste Catálogo. Do muito que viajei e das festas e encontros que tive, nos mais belos sítios, todos eles foram actividades recorrentes no meu “beau monde” e daí as minhas “toilettes” ficarem como registo duma personalidade. Aproveito para referir que tudo devo a grandes amigas, que infelizmente algumas a idade já levou, em Paris, Londres, Genève, Monaco e Puerto Banús e outros locais que me marcaram culturalmente. Coisas boas desta vida. Seria injusto não aproveitar este momento sem agradecer a tantas personalidades icónicas e a meios de comunicação que muito gostaram do meu estilo, provavelmente mais do que mim própria. Com o domínio de sentido estético de Miguel Cabral Moncada e dos amigos que aqui deixam os seus depoimentos, aguardo a Vossa apreciável reação. Obrigada por gostarem de mim. Assim resulta este Catálogo onde se exibem as mais belas fotografias de grandes oportunidades de entre outras coisas, vestir roupa curiosa e muitos acessórios que ficaram registados nas referidas circunstâncias lúdicas, grandes festas em que o meu estilo deu provas de existir. Agradeço as mais variadas reações e que interpretem bem este meu gosto de viver.
Palavras de PAULA BOBONE
Com o passar dos anos...
Over the years, everything changes and one of the things that evolves a lot is the clothes we wear daily. It changes by the seasons of the year, by the different places we go, by the wear and tear of its use and, by a very aesthetic and curious unstoppable phenomenon called FASHIO. The female world influences a very important trade in economics and aesthetics. I always liked the history of Fashion and identified with its potential: reading the style of each one of us, from the youngest to the oldest, and I can even quote the iconic Chanel who left a striking phrase: “Fashion passes and the style remains”. I only knew this phrase after starting the habit of buying clothes. The consumerism that has
Over the years..
always fascinated me had three preferences: books, travel and clothing (and accessories). Many decades have passed and I created a vast collection of these products, which worked as Memories. I owe a lot to the photographs that also evolved over time. I am from Kodak's black and white days, and today, any mobile phone delivers these beautiful records. They used to be albums. Today they are thousands of digital files. By traveling through these records, the opportunity has now come to select thousands of memories of activities thet I have lived, the most entertaining, and which I am using for this Catalogue. From the much I traveled and the parties and meetings I had, in the most beautiful places, all of them were recurrent activities in my “beau monde” and hence my “outfits” remain as a record of a personality. I take this opportunity to mention that I owe everything to my dearest friends, whom unfortunately, age has taken some of them from this world, in Paris, London, Geneva, Monaco and Puerto Banús and other places that have culturally impacted me. Good things in this life. It would be unfair not to take this time without thanking many iconic personalities and the media that much liked my style, probably more than myself. With the aesthetic sense domain of Miguel Cabral Moncada and friends that here leave their testimonials, I look forward to Your much appreciated reaction. Thanks for liking me. That is how this Catalogue results, where the most beautiful photographs of great opportunities are displayed, among other things, wearing curious clothes and many accessories that were registered in the aforementioned playful circumstances, big parties in which my style proved to exist. I appreciate the most varied reactions and that they interpret my taste for life well.
CHRISTIAN DIOR 1 A CHRISTIAN DIOR bAg “LADy DIOR” black silk, application of gilt metallic elements, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 24 x 17,5 x 7,5 cm
€ 500 - 750
green leather, “cannage” sewing
red silk, “cannage” sewing
pink leather, sewing in “cannage”
highlighting, geometric texture
highlighting its stitched texture
highlighting its quilted texture,
decoration and application of
forming geometric decoration and
geometric decoration and application
silver metallic elements, French,
application of silver metallic
of metallic elements, French, 20th C.,
20th C., signs of use, marked
elements, French, 20th C., stained
signs of use, marked
Dim. - 24 x 17,5 x 7,5 cm
handles, signs of use, marked
Dim. - 24 x 17,5 x 7,5 cm
€ 500 - 750
Dim. - 24 x 17,5 x 7,5 cm
€ 500 - 750
€ 500 - 750
white leather, sewing in
gray silk, sewing in “cannage”
black silk, sewing in “cannage”
“cannage” texture forming
highlighting its quilted texture
quilted texture, geometric
geometric decoration and
application of rhinestones
decoration, application of silver
application of metallic
forming geometric decoration
metallic elements with
elements, French, 20th C.,
and application of metallic
rhinestones and transparent
signs of use, marked
elements, French, 20th C., signs
bakelite handles, French, 20th C.,
Dim. - 24 x 17,5 x 7,5 cm
of use, marked
signs of use, marked
Dim. - 24 x 17,5 x 7,5 cm
Dim. - 24 x 17,5 x 7,5 cm
€ 400 - 600
€ 400 - 600
€ 500 - 750
8 A bLAzeR black velvet, application of rhinestones shoulder pads, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - alt. 59 cm; larg. peito 46 cm
€ 70 - 105
9 THRee NeCkLACeS AND fOuR bRACeLeTS silvered metal and application of rhinestones and glass, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (o maior fechado) 103 cm; (pulseira) 20 cm
€ 25 - 37.5
10 TwO SCARveS black and white organza, one gilt embroidered and the other with gilt beads applications, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (écharpe preta e dourada) 78 x 346 cm
€ 20 - 30
11 A bLOuSe silver organza, forming a loop on front, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - alt. 59 x larg. peito 50 cm
€ 20 - 30
12 A DOLCe & gAbbANA bAg silver leather, application of buckles and silver metallic elements, silver plaque with the brand name, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 37 x 40 x 18 cm
€ 100 - 150
13 THRee pAIRS Of eARRINgS AND fOuR RINgS silvered metal, rhinestone and glass decoration, European, 20th C., signs of use
Dim. - (brincos maiores) 7 x 4 cm
€ 30 - 45
silvered metal, rhinestone decoration, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 9 x 23 cm
€ 20 - 30
16 fIve bROOCHeS - “fLOweRS” silvered metal, one brooch in 925/1000 silver, rhinestone and glass decoration, European, 20th C., signs of use, Oporto mark (1985-2020) (Vidal - 4107) Dim. - (o maior) 9 cm; (alfinete em prata) 6,5 cm; Peso - (alfinete) 40,3 g.
€ 25 - 37.5
15 THRee pAIRS Of eARRINgS, TwO RINgS AND THRee CHOkeRS silvered metal, decoration with rhinestones, glass and imitation 1/2 pearls, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (anel maior) med: 15 (17,5 mm); (pulseira maior) 42 cm; (brincos maiores) 26 cm
€ 25 - 37.5
silvered and gilt metal, rhinestone
decoration, one with an imitation pearl
silvered and gilt metal, rhinestone
application, European, 20th C., missing
and glass decoration, European,
rhinestones, signs of use
20th C., signs of use
Dim. - (o maior) 8,5 x 12,5 cm
Dim. - (o maior) 4 x 11 cm
€ 40 - 60
€ 30 - 45 15
yellow and beige silk, polychrome
creame solk, polychrome decoration
decoration “Insects and flowers”,
“White Camellias”, French, 20th C.,
Italian, 20th C., small stains, signs
signs of use, marked
of use, marked
Dim. - 85 x 85 cm
Dim. - 87 x 81 cm
€ 80 - 120
€ 80 - 120
21 A guCCI SCARf beige and blue silk, polychrome decoration “Flowers and fruits”, Italian, 20th C., small stains, signs of use, marked Dim. - 88 x 79 cm
€ 80 - 120
22 A SCARf wool and black silk, fully embroidered with sequins and glass beads forming “Flowers”, application of fringes at the end, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 70,5 x 210 cm
€ 20 - 30
23 fIve bROOCHeS - “fLOweRS” silvered metal, enamelled and polychrome decoration, rhinestone application, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 6,5 cm
€ 15 - 22.5
24 TwO CHRISTIAN DIOR SCARveS pink and green organza, rhinestone application forming flowers, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - (cor de rosa) 52 x 216 cm
€ 100 - 150
25 SIx RINgS “fLOweRS” silvered metal, decoration set with coloured glass, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (o maior) med: 16 (18 mm)
€ 15 - 22.5
28 TwO bROOCHeS - “fLOweRS” silvered and gilt metal, one brooch with coloured rhinestone application, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (o maior) 12 x 13 cm
€ 10 - 15
26 A COAT AND A SCARf green and pink silk velvet, embroidered decoration “Flowers”, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - larg. peito 50 cm
€ 80 - 120
27 A COAT wool knit, embrodery forming “Flowers”, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - alt. 76 cm; larg. peito 50 cm
€ 80 - 120
29 AN eTINCeLLe TOp beige silk, front embroidered with silver, pink, salmon and green sequins forming a “Flower”, trimmed with lace all around the bottom, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - alt. 37 cm; larg. peito 43 cm
€ 20 - 30
30 A jACkeT eTINCeLLe beige silk, front embroidered with silver, pink, salmon and green sequins forming a “Flower”, lace trimming around the bottom, French,
20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - alt. 51 cm; larg.
peito 43 cm
black, silver, gilt and pink sequins,
€ 30 - 45
20th C., signs of use Dim. - (prateada) 11 x 192 cm
€ 40 - 60
32 A TOp embroidered with black sequins, with two straps that cross at the back, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - alt. 27 cm; larg. peito 39 cm
€ 20 - 30
copper cotton knit, front
fully embroidered with black
embroidered with sequins of the
sequins, 20th C., signs of use
same shade, 20th C., signs of use
Dim. - alt. 57 cm; larg. peito 42 cm
Dim. - alt. 67,5 cm; larg. peito 40 cm
€ 20 - 30
€ 20 - 30
A Tube TOp
35 A TOp brown silk tulle, embroidered with gilt and black glass beads, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - alt. 54 cm; larg. peito 44 cm
€ 20 - 30
front embroidered with green
green silk, fully embroidered with
sequins forming a square pattern,
green and black glass beads, 20th
20th C., signs of use
C., signs of use
Dim. - alt. 50 cm; larg. peito 38 cm
Dim. - alt. 49 cm; larg. peito 46 cm
€ 20 - 30
€ 20 - 30
38 A RALpH LAuReN TOp gilt tulle mesh, frills application on the front and side loop, American, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - alt. 54 cm; larg. peito 40 cm
€ 20 - 30
39 A pAIR Of CHANeL eARRINgS gilt metal, with spring, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 3,5 cm
€ 150 - 225
40 A pAIR Of veRSACe HOOkS gilt metal, decoration “Greek meanders” and “medusa head”, Italian, 20th C.,
signs of use
Dim. - 5 cm
silk mesh, front embroidered with gilt
€ 80 - 120
sequins, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - alt. 55 cm; larg. peito 36,5 cm
41 A mINI-SkIRT fully embroidered with black and gilt sequins, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - alt. 31 cm; larg. cintura 74 cm
€ 15 - 22.5
€ 20 - 30
43 A CHANeL beLT gilt metal chain intertwined with leather, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 92,5 cm
€ 250 - 375
44 A veRSACe beLT gilt metal chain, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 104 cm
€ 150 - 225
45 A CHANeL beLT intertwined gilt metal chain, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 100 cm
€ 250 - 375
46 THRee beLT CHAINS AND fOuR CHOkeRS gilt mesh belt chains, one in gilt metal one, gilt metal chokers, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (corrente com pendentes) 105 cm
€ 40 - 60
47 fIve NeCkLACeS, A pAIR Of eARRINgS, fOuR RINgS AND A pAIR Of bRACeLeTS silvered and gilt metal, one ring in 925/1000 gilt silver, one ring set with granates, two rings with coloured glasses and rhinestones, European, 20th C., signs of
use, gilt silver ring with French warranty mark, remarked with Lisbon contrast (post-2021) Dim. - (anel de prata) med: 16 (18 mm); (colar maior) 39,5 cm; (pulseiras) 6 x 5,5 cm; Peso - (anel de prata) 13,2 g.
€ 45 - 67.5
48 A yveS SAINT LAuReNT bRACeLeT gilt metal, initial YSL decoration, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 4,5 x 6 cm
€ 100 - 150
49 A bRACeLeT gilt metal, pierced decoration en relief, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 5 x 5 cm
€ 15 - 22.5
50 A mODeRNIST bRACeLeT gilt metal, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 6 x 6 cm
€ 15 - 22.5
51 A DOLCe gAbbANA HeADbAND “QueeN” black silk and gilt metal “QUEEN”, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 13 x 13 cm
€ 60 - 90
52 A mOSCHINO bAg moire silk, metal clasp with engraved brand logo, brass applications, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 46 x 20,5 x 3 cm
€ 300 - 450
53 A mOSCHINO bRACeLeT gilt metal and black velvet, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 17 cm
€ 100 - 150
54 A mOSCHINO beLT gilt metal chain with pendants “Moschino”, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 84 cm
€ 150 - 225
55 A gIveNCHy NeCkLACe gilt metal, decoration with pendants simulating coins with the brand’s initials, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 39 cm
€ 80 - 120
56 A pAIR Of bOOTS black leather, application of gilt metallic elements on the front, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - (tamanho) 39 cm
€ 20 - 30
57 fIve NeCkLACeS gilt metal and gilt beads, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (o maior) 200 cm
€ 25 - 37.5
58 fIve pAIRS Of eARRINgS AND fOuR RINgS gilt metal, rhinestone and glass decoration, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (anel maior) med: 16 (18 mm); (brincos maiores) 7 cm
€ 20 - 30 33
59 A SAve my bAg bAg blue fabric, handles of the same fabric, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 45,5 x 35 x 19,5 cm
€ 40 - 60
60 A SAve my bAg bAg green fabric, handles of the same fabric, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 45,5 x 33,5 x 19 cm
€ 40 - 60
61 A pAIR Of SAve my bAg bAgS printed fabric, handles of the same fabric, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - (a maior) 45,5 x 35 x 19 cm
€ 65 - 97.5
62 A RALpH LAuReN “bIkeR” jACkeT cotton in dark blue denim, American, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - alt. 49 cm; larg. peito 50 cm
€ 50 - 75
63 A pAIR Of bOOTS DR. mARTeNS blue and purple artificial leather, English, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - (tamanho) 39 cm
€ 20 - 30
64 A mOSCHINO bRACeLeT leather, coloured letters, Italian, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 23 cm
€ 100 - 150
65 A DkNy bLOuSe yellow wool knit, big loop on front, American, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - alt. 116 cm; larg. peito 48 cm
€ 20 - 30
66 A pAIR Of bOOTS DR. mARTeNS yellow artificial leather, English, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - (tamanho) 39 cm
€ 20 - 30 37
67 A jump fOR pApeR bAg polychrome fabric simulating 3D, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 42,5 x 40 cm
€ 30 - 45
68 A gALLIANO bAg fabric, with printed Galliano inscription, English, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 28 x 29 x 10 cm
€ 60 - 90
69 A mINI LOewe bAg “eLepHANT” yellow leather, Elephant-shaped, Spanish, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 73 x 20 x 7,4 cm
€ 200 - 300
70 A LOuIS vuITTON SCARf blue silk, polychrome decoration “Medieval Flags”, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 56 x 52 cm
€ 100 - 150
71 A feNDI bRACeLeT yellow bakelite, decoration set with gilt metal “Brand logo”, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 4 x 6 cm
€ 100 - 150
72 A gIveNCHy SCARf red and black wool knit, drawn decoration with the brand name and logo at the end, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 22 x 164 cm
€ 60 - 90
73 A CHRISTIAN DIOR SCARf blue cotton denim, application of two pockets at the ends, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 30 x 183 cm
€ 40 - 60
74 A mOSCHINO SCARf cotton gray fabric, polychrome print with brand logo, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 50 x 185 cm
€ 80 - 120
75 A mOSCHINO SCARf gray silk mesh with printed brand name, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 130 x 130 cm
€ 80 - 120
76 fIve SCARveS organza and silk, printed and patterned forming various decorations, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 65 x 232 cm
€ 40 - 60
77 AN emILIO puCCI bAg ribbed and polychrome satin fabric “Geometric motifs”, silver metal chain with diamond application on the handle, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 20,5 x 19 x 7 cm
€ 100 - 150
79 AN emILIO puCCI TOTe polychrome fabric “geometric pattern”, leather handles, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 40,5 x 40 x 11 cm
€ 100 - 150
A mINI emILIO puCCI bAg printed silk satin, polychrome decoration “Plant elements”, Italian, 20th C., small stains, signs of use, marked Dim. - 40 x 15,5 x 4 cm
€ 100 - 150
80 A kARL LAgeRfeLD SCARf black and blue silk mesh, forming the brand name in blue, German, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 131 x 131 cm
€ 50 - 75
81 A kARL LAgeRfeLD SCARf silk, black and white decoration “Designer image”, German, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 65 x 68 cm
€ 60 - 90
82 A pRADA TOTe black fabric, metal application with the brand logo, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 44,5 x 32,5 x 12,5 cm
€ 200 - 300
83 THRee pRADA bAgS black satin, metal application with the brand logo, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - (a maior) 34 x 19,5 x 8,5 cm
€ 310 - 465
84 A wAISTCOAT forming a black glass braiding, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - alt. 51 cm; larg. peito 46 cm
€ 15 - 22.5
85 A TOp black tulle, embroidered with black and red sequins on the front and around the cuffs, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - alt. 51 cm; Chest - 47 cm
€ 20 - 30
87 A DOLCe & gAbbANA NeCkLACe silvered metal, pendant with lock, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 53,5 cm
€ 80 - 120
86 THRee NeCkLACeS silvered metal, one in metal mesh, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 46,5 cm
€ 10 - 15
89 THRee NeCkLACeS AND TwO AgATHfA CHOkeRS silvered metal, paste pendant, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (o maior fechado) 61cm
€ 30 - 45
88 pRADA TOTe green fabric, decoration with application of various metallic elements forming a “Dummy”, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 55 x 37 x 8,5 cm
€ 100 - 150
90 A buRbeRRy bLOuSe silver silk chiffon, English, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - alt. 61 cm; larg. peito 49 cm
€ 20 - 30
91 A pACO RAbANNe TOp metal mesh, forming a small grid, Spanish, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 39,5 x 31 cm
€ 50 - 75
92 THRee mINI pOp bAg bAgS red, gilt and silver plastic and white leather, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - (vermelha) 26 x 20 x 6 cm
€ 120 - 180
Credits: Revista Lux
blue “jacquard oblique” fabric, blue leather handle, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 52 x 24 x 9 cm
€ 180 - 270
94 A TOp gray silk mesh, embroidered with silver glass beads, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - alt. 45 cm; larg. chest - 40 cm
€ 20 - 30
95 A keNzO bAg embossed silver nappa, simulating crocodile skin, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 38 x 31 x 11,5 cm
€ 60 - 90
96 A bLAzeR brown silk velvet, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - alt. 51 cm; chest - 48 cm
€ 50 - 75
97 A bROOCH “buTTeRfLy” silvered metal, rhinestone and glass applications, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 11 x 12 cm
€ 5 - 7.5
98 A NeCkLACe silvered metal, chain-wrapped spherical pendant, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 103 cm
€ 5 - 7.5
99 A veRSACe bLOuSe black cotton, application of frills on the sleeves of the same fabric, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - alt. 72 cm; larg. chest 56,5 cm
€ 20 - 30
100 A bLOuSe black silk, grid decoration and a loop on front, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - alt. 60 cm; larg. chest 45 cm
€ 20 - 30
101 TwO ALexANDeR mCQueeN SCARveS organza and silk, beige and black decoration “Skulls”, English, 20th C., some stains on the beige scarf”, signs of use, marked Dim. - 111 x 97,5 cm
€ 70 - 105
102 TwO bROOCHeS - “SkuLL” AND “SkuLL wITH wINgS” silvered metal, rhinestone applications, European, 20th C., faults and signs of use Dim. - (o maior) 12 x 7 cm
€ 15 - 22.5
103 TwO pAIRS Of eARRINgS AND SeveN RINgS silvered and gilt metal, one ring in 833/1000 silver, rhinestone and brilliants decoration, European, 20th C., signs of use, one ring with Oporto mark (1985-2020) and LUIS FERREIRA maker’s mark (Vidal - 4107) Dim. - (silver ring) med: 13 (17 mm); (earrings) 5 x 2 cm; weight - (anel nó) 10,3 g.
€ 20 - 30
104 A pAIR Of mIRAI SHOeS black velvet, application of brilliants forming a “Skull”, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (tamanho) 39 cm € 20 - 30
105 A buTLeR & wILSON CHOkeR gilt metal, application of rhinestones and coloured glass, English, 20th C., minor faults, signs of use, marked Dim. - 45 cm
€ 80 - 120
Butler & Wilson is a British jewelry brand founded by Simon Wilson. Wilson, along with his business partner Nicky Butler, began trading in 1969 in antique jewelry at the Antiquarius market, Chelsea, London. Over the past 10 years, they have specialized in creating unique fine jewelry using precious and semi-precious stones including amethyst, sapphires, topaz and rubies, often often paired with cultured pearls.
106 A buTLeR & wILSON bRACeLeT gilt metal, stones application simulating precious stones, English, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 5 x 6 cm
€ 50 - 75
107 A buTLeR & wILSON NeCkLACe wITH “CROSS” peNDANT gilt metal, application of coloured rhinestones, English, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 82,5 cm; (pendent) 17,5 x 12 cm
€ 80 - 120
108 THRee pAIRS Of eARRINgS AND TwO buTLeR & wILSON RINgS silvered and gilt metal, lacquered decoration, applications of coloured rhinestones and glass, European, 20th C., signs of use, two pairs of earrings are marked Dim. - (bigger ring) med: 17 (18 mm); (bigger earrings) 7,5 cm
€ 10 - 15
109 A buTLeR & wILSON RINg - “LIzARD” silvered metal, rhinestone application, English, 20th C., signs of use, marked Med. - 16 (18 mm) cm
€ 10 - 15
110 A buTLeR & wILSON RINg “SpIDeR” silver metal, strass applications, English, 20th C., faults, signs of use, marked Med. - 15 (17,5 mm) cm
€ 10 - 15
111 A buTLeR & wILSON CHOkeR “fLOweRS” silver metal, rhinestone inlaid decoration, English, 20th C., minor faults, signs of use, marked Dim. - 50 cm
€ 100 - 150
112 A buTLeR & wILSON CHOkeR - “bLACkmOOR” two strands of imitation pearls, lacquered centre with application of coloured rhinestones and glass, English, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 48 cm
€ 20 - 30
113 A buTLeR & wILSON bROOCH -”bLACkmOOR” silvered metal, lacquered decoration, application of coloured rhinestones and glasses, English, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 8 x 4 cm
€ 15 - 22.5
114 A pAIR Of buTLeR & wILSON eARRINgS gilt metal and application of imitation half-pearl, English, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 4,5 cm
€ 30 - 45
115 A buTLeR & wILSON CHOkeR - “fLOweRS” gilt metal, lacquered decoration, application of rhinestones and coloured glass, English, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 48 cm
€ 100 - 150
116 A buTLeR & wILSON bROOCH - LOOp silvered metal, rhinestone decoration, English, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 9 x 12 cm
€ 25 - 37.5
117 A buTLeR & wILSON bROOCH - “fLOweRS” silvered metal, application of rhinestones and faceted glasses, English, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 19 x 11 cm
€ 20 - 30
118 SeveN buTLeR & wILSON bROOCHeS “STARS”, “mOON” AND “eyeS” silver metal, rhinestone and brilliants decoration, English, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (lua) 11 x 7,5 cm
€ 25 - 37.5
119 A buTLeR & wILSON CHOkeR “fLOweRS” silver metal, rhinestone inlaid decoration, English, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 40 cm € 80 - 120
120 A buTLeR & wILSON CHOkeR “SkuLLS, CROSSeS AND CROwN” silver metal, rhinestone inlaid decoration, English, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 52,5 cm
€ 80 - 120
121 A buTLeR & wILSON bROOCH “HAND” gilt metal, stones application simulating precious stones, English, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 14 x 9,5 cm
€ 60 - 90
122 A buTLeR & wILSON bROOCH - “HAND” silver metal, decorated with coloured rhinestones, English, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 4 x 7,5 cm
€ 40 - 60
123 A buTLeR & wILSON NeCkLACe “SeRpeNT” silver metal, red coloured rhinestone inlaid decoration, English, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 47 cm
€ 80 - 120
124 A buTLeR & wILSON CHOkeR “CROCODILe” silvered metal, rhinestone inlaid decoration, English, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 41 cm
€ 80 - 120
125 A buTLeR & wILSON bROOCH - “LIzARD” silvered metal, rhinestone decoration and diamond application, English, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 27 cm € 10 - 15
126 A pAIR Of buTLeR & wILSON bROOCHeS “CROwN” AND “DeCORATION” silvered metal, strass applications, English, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - (crown) 9 x 7 cm
€ 10 - 15
127 A pAIR Of buTLeR & wILSON bROOCHeS - fLeuR De LyS NeCkLACe AND DeCORATION silvered and gilt metal, “United Kingdom” coloured rhinestone aplications, English, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - (bigger pin) 8 x 6,5 cm
€ 25 - 37.5
128 AN ORIeNTAL jACkeT red silk satin, Orient, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - alt. 62 cm; width chest 46 cm
€ 40 - 60
129 A SHANgAI TANg bAg printed silk satin, oriental decoration “Fortune symbols and carp”, Hong Kong, China, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 36,5 x 27,5 x 4 cm
€ 50 - 75
130 A bROOCH “ORIeNTAL DeITy” gilt metal, decoration en relief, application of paste, glass and imitation pearls, Orient, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 19,5 cm
€ 5 - 7.5
132 SIx bROOCHeS - LADybug, DRAgONfLIeS AND fLIeS silvered and gilt metal, decoration with rhinestones and brilliants, one with application of imitation pearl and glass, European, 20th C., signs of use, ladybug marked BUTLER & WILSON
Dim. - (ladybug) 6,5 x 5 cm
€ 15 - 22.5
AND A CÉLINe jeANNe bROOCH gilt metal, French, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (pin) 5,5 cm
€ 15 - 22.5
133 A SCARf wool knit, drawn decoration “Oriental figures”, Orient, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 64 x 180 cm
€ 20 - 30
134 A muLbeRRy COAT red silk velvet, application of black silk thread braids, English, 20th C., missing a button, signs of use, marked Dim. - alt. 78 cm; wid. chest 45 cm
€ 100 - 150
135 A keNzO bAg burgundy leather, black cotton fabric interior, braided leather handle in the same shade as the bag, Japanese, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 32 x 21 x 16 cm
€ 70 - 105
136 A pAIR Of mIRAI SHOeS black velvet, ribbed silk ribbon bow application on the front, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (tamanho) 39 cm
€ 20 - 30
137 A kImONO wITH SASH polychrome silk, geometric pattern decoration, Orient, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - alt. 64,5 cm; wid. chest 58 cm
€ 45 - 67.5
138 A CHOkeR gilt metal, clasp with decoration en relief, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 50 cm
€ 20 - 30
139 A guCCI bAg blue silk satin, bamboo handle, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 25 x 18,5 x 3 cm
€ 100 - 150
140 AN yveS SAINT LAuReNT bAg black velvet, silver metal handle en relief “Plant patterns”, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 28 x 27 cm
€ 150 - 225
141 A kImONO blue wool, polychrome silk fabric bar, a plant decoration, Orient, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - alt. 70 cm; wid. chest 61 cm
€ 45 - 67.5
142 TwO SCARveS black wool and orange and green silk, drawn silk forming “Fortune Symbols”, Orient, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 33 x 180 cm
€ 30 - 45
143 TwO SCARveS black silk and velvet, one with embroidered frills and sequins and the other formed by draped, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (velvet scarf) 40 x 163 cm
€ 40 - 60
144 A “mINDSeT” kImONO pleated black silk, It can being worn in different ways, Japanese, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 150 x 112 cm
€ 20 - 30
145 A buRbeRRy RAINCOAT blue cotton, with belt, English, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - height 118 cm; width chest 58,5 cm
€ 300 - 450
146 A bLAzeR blue velvet, neckband and cuffs embroidered with glass beads, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - alt. 61 cm; width chest 48 cm
€ 35 - 52.5
147 A SCARf blue velvet, embroidered decorative beads and glass beads “Flowers”, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 41 x 204 cm
€ 30 - 45
149 A RALpH LAuReN jACkeT red wool knit, military cut, front with gilt buttons, application of embroidered braids on the sleeves, American, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - alt. 61 cm; width chest 47 cm
€ 50 - 75
148 A RALpH LAuReN COAT black wool, application of silver buttons on front, American, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - alt. 97 cm; width chest 49 cm
€ 150 - 225
150 A pAIR Of LONg eARRINgS AND RINg earrings in silvered metal, “United Kingdom Union Flag” rhinestone decoration, ring in 925/1000 silver with sphere application dyed in shades of red, European, 20th C., signs of use, ring with Lisbon contrast (post-2021) Dim. - (ring) med: 16 (18 mm); (earrings) 26 cm; Weight - (ring) 28.3 g.
€ 10 - 15
151 A HAT black felt, application of feathers and gilt trimming, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (interior) 57 cm
€ 15 - 22.5
152 A HAT black felt alluding to the uniform of the Middle Ages during the Black Death era”, gilt gallon, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (interior) 57 cm € 10 - 15
153 A HAT black felt, metal application “Venetian Mask” and feathers, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (interior) 57 cm
€ 10 - 15
154 A beTTy bARCLAy wAISTCOAT ribbed cotton fabric, front with application of gilt metal buttons forming military decoration, velvet on the neckband, German, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - height 60 cm; width chest 43 cm
€ 30 - 45
155 A HeRmÈS SCARf dark blue silk, red and gilt decoration “Horse harness and flowers”, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 89 x 87 cm
€ 100 - 150
156 A mOSCHINO wAISTCOAT red, blue and white wool knit, geometric pattern, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - height 55 cm; width chest 49 cm
€ 25 - 37.5
157 A RALpH LAuReN jACkeT red wool, military cut, gilt buttons on the front, black velvet application on the neckline and shoulder pads, American, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - height 60 cm; width chest 48 cm
€ 50 - 75
158 SeveRAL bROOCHeS 800/1000 silver, silvered and gilt metal, pearls and fabric, rhinestone applications, European, 20th C., signs of use, marked, brooch marked with French warranty mark, without Portuguese marks, pursuant to Decreto-Lei 120/2017, of 15 September - art. 2, paragraph 2, letter c) Dim. - (distinction) 11 x 11 cm; (pin) 4 cm; Weight - (crown pin) 7,3 g.
€ 25 - 37.5
159 A mOSCHINO bLAzeR ribbed beige silk, yellow, black, white and red stripes, application of gilt buttons, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - height 62 cm; width chest 47,5 cm
Credits: Revista Lux
€ 80 - 120
Cheguei à fala com Paula Bobone num jantar comemorativo da Restauração da Independência de 1640. Caminhava num estreito corredor de mesas e cadeiras a poucos metros da mesa onde me encontrava. Cumprimentei-a, apresentei-me e, em breves minutos tínhamos trocado números de telemóveis. De volta ao meu lugar muitas perguntas, advindas da minha formação académica em ciências sociais formulavam- se na minha cabeça! Quem é essa
Palavras de JOSÉ FEIO
Paula Bobone... mulher que atrai milhares e milhares de olhares por essas terras fora e sem fronteiras? Nesse momento, decidi que seria bom entender o seu percurso de vida, suas mágoas, alegrias e tristezas. Um peixe vermelho num aquário ou, um tubarão prateado em oceano? Dias depois voltamos a falar, desta vez, por telefone. Seguiram-se
outras conversas por vezes em visitas a casa da Paula. As conversas
Originalidade e excentricidade são das principais características da
sucediam-se sem algum tipo de fio condutor, apenas a
Paula, reconhecidamente. Cobras, lagartos caveiras e, esqueletos
espontaneidade dos dois. Alternávamos assuntos do quotidiano,
humanos, adornam o seu vestuário com frequência. De notar também
noticias das televisões ou opiniões dos mestres da literatura.
o humor que põe nas posições que assume ao ser fotografada.
Paula fala da sua infância. Dos pais e irmãs já falecidos. Do curso de
Não é um simples manequim em passerelle, mas alguém que rompe
letras que concluíra em Itália onde conhecera o marido, tendo depois
com um passado não muito distante, normativo, e que cria a sua
rumado a Luanda onde o Vasco se ocupava do edifício da
própria imagem em tempos de reinvenção e mudança
Universidade. De regresso a Lisboa tivera funções de chefia
Na sua casa no Chiado, é uma mulher saudosa dos amigos.
no Ministério da. Cultura. Recordava, ainda, a participação no mundo
Já morreram, ou se mudaram, diz ao telefone com amargura. Olha
do Cinema.
em redor um Chiado apinhado de estrangeiros de gangas rotas
O Socialmente Correto, livro que fala das relações humanas,
puxando tróleis, que inocentemente lhe invadem o pátio da velha
projetam-na na fama nacional e internacional. São centenas de
casa que habita.
milhares, em várias edições, os exemplares vendidos. Fenómeno
Os seus trajes atravessaram as últimas décadas do século vinte
curioso no pequeno mercado português.
e as primeiras do vinte e um.
Paula, tem sempre um projeto em curso. Reparte o seu quotidiano no
“Não sigo ninguém nem ninguém me segue”, diz com alguma
apoio às obras do seu marido e, na educação das netas. Não se
frequência. Cultiva uma imagem original e singular. Ao seu redor,
mantém fora do seu tempo.
pelas praças e avenidas o trajar se pluraliza. São t-shirts coloridos
O Socialmente Correto foi publicado no ano 2000. O quotidiano
com frases jocosas ou humorísticas. São as gangas rotas e
social inventa-se e reinventa-se a cada momento. As praias do
desbotadas. Cada um ostenta as peças de vestuário que prefere.
mediterrâneo, pelo clima ameno, atraem as classes médias e os
Paula, fiel aos seus princípios de pertença, participa ativamente na
aristocratas das finanças, políticas e artes. Os poderes aquisitivos e
reinvenção de um novo trajar. Não assume apenas um estilista ou uma
exclusivos manifestam-se em Marbella, Puerto Banús e, de uma forma
marca famosa, dentro da variedade oferecida pelos muitos mercados.
mais ou menos numérica pelo mediterrâneo norte.
Compra e usa as peças que adquiriu.
Paula é chamada a participar.
Na interpretação do percurso de vida de Paula Bobone, o catálogo
Anos mais tarde, ao telefone lamenta-se. Era a única portuguesa
agora publicado, para o anunciado leilão dos seus trajes e adereços,
no meio daquilo tudo. Em Paris havia portuguesas, mas, só no
podemos ter uma valiosa ferramenta de entendimento de uma época
pessoal doméstico.
que ainda não deu mostras de terminar.
of Independence of 1640. I was walking in a narrow corridor of tables and chairs a few meters from the table where I was standing. I greeted her, introduced myself, and within minutes we had exchanged mobile numbers. Back in my seat, many questions, arising from my academic training in social sciences, were formulated in my head! Who is this woman who attracts thousands and thousands of
Words from JOSÉ FEIO
I met Paula at a dinner commemorating the Restoration
Paula Bobone... eyes across these lands beyond and without borders? At that moment, I decided it would be good to understand her life course, her sorrows, joys and sorrows. A red fish in an aquarium or a silver shark in the ocean? Days later we started talking again, this time by phone. Other conversations followed, sometimes on visits to Paula's house. The conversations followed without some kind of common thread, spontaneity in both. We alternated everyday issues, news from
Originality and eccentricity are recognized as one of Paula's main
television or opinions from the masters of literature.
characteristics. Snakes, skull lizards, and human skeletons often adorn
Paula talks about her childhood. Of the deceased parents and sisters.
her clothing. Also note the humor she puts on the poses she takes
From the Literature course she had completed in Italy where she had
when photographed. She is not a simple runway mannequin, but
met her husband, and then headed to Luanda where Vasco took care
someone who breaks with a not-too-far, normative past, and who
of the University building. Back in Lisbon, she had been in charge of
creates her own image in times of reinvention and change.
the Ministry of. Culture. She also remembered her participation in the
She is a woman who misses her friends in her house in Chiado. They
world of Cinema.
have died or moved away, she says bitterly into the phone. She looks
O Socialmente Correcto, a book that talks about human relations,
around, a Chiado full of foreigners in ragged jeans pulling trolleys,
projects her into national and international fame. There are hundreds
who innocently invade the courtyard of the old house she lives in.
of thousands of copies sold in various editions. Curious phenomenon
Her costumes spanned the last decades of the twentieth century and
in the small Portuguese market.
the first few decades of the twenty-first.
Paula has always had an ongoing project. She shares her daily life
“I don't follow anyone or no one follows me,” she says most
in supporting her husband's works, in educating her granddaughters.
frequently. She cultivates an original and unique image. Around the
She does not keep out of her time.
squares and boulevards, the clothes that become more diverse are
O Socialmente Correcto was published in 2000. Everyday social life is
colourful t-shirts with playful or humorous phrases, the torn and
invented and reinvented at every moment. Mediterranean beaches,
faded denim jeans. Each one wears the garments they like the most.
due to their mild climate, attract the middle classes and the
Paula, faithful to her principles of belonging, actively participates in
aristocrats of finance, politics and the arts. Purchasing and exclusive
the reinvention of a new way of dressing. She does not just assume
powers are manifested in Marbella, Puerto Banús and, in a more or
a designer or a famous brand, within the variety offered by many
less numerical form, in the northern Mediterranean. Paula is invited
markets, she buys and uses the many pieces she has purchased.
to participate.
By interpreting Paula Bobone's life course, the catalogue now
Years later, she complains on the phone. She was the only Portuguese
published, for the announced auction of her costumes and
in the middle of it all. In Paris there were Portuguese women, but only
accessories, we can have a valuable tool for understanding an era
in the domestic staff.
that has yet to show signs of ending.
160 A bLOuSe polychrome fabric “Camouflage pattern”, transparent sequin application, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - height 56,5 cm; width chest 48 cm
€ 15 - 22.5
161 A keNzO SCARf wool knit, polychrome decoration “Stripes”, Japanese, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 80 x 180 cm
€ 60 - 90
162 A guCCI bAg original “GG canvas fabric” forming the two intertwined “G”, leather handles, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 50 x 42 x 16 cm
€ 200 - 300
163 A guCCI bAg original “GG canvas fabric” forming the two intertwined “G”, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 24 x 21 x 6,5 cm
€ 100 - 150
164 A pRADA bAg dark green fabric, metal application with the brand logo engraved, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 25,5 x 23 x 5,5 cm
€ 100 - 150
165 A feNDI bAg napa, metal application with the brand logo engraved, brass chain, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 27,5 x 19 x 3,5 cm
€ 200 - 300 94
166 A CHANeL 2.55 bAg brown leather, padded forming geometric decoration, gilt metal clasp with two intertwined “C”, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 40 x 26 x 9 cm
€ 600 - 900
167 A STOLe dark brown mink, European, 20th C. Dim. - 77 x 67 cm
€ 150 - 225
168 A STOLe light brown mink, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 47 x 202 cm
€ 100 - 150
169 A buRbeRRyS SCARf beige silk, polychrome decoration “Female figure, male figure and checkered pattern of the brand”, English, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 70,5 x 72 cm
€ 50 - 75
170 fIve bROOCHeS - CAmeOS AND CHOkeR gilt metal, decoration with rhinestones, application of coloured glasses; choker with pearls simulating crystals, gilt metal pendants, imitation pearls, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (gargantilha) 51 cm
€ 20 - 30
171 SIx NeCkLACeS strands of imitation pearls, a strand of freshwater pearls meshed with 835/1000 silver, European, 20th C., some with wear on decoration, signs of use, Oporto mark (1985-2020) (Vidal - 4109) Dim. - (bigger) 210 cm; Peso - (silver necklace) 175 g.
€ 10 - 15
172 TwO NeCkLACeS imitation pearls and gilt metal, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 53,5cm
€ 15 - 22.5
173 THRee NeCkLACeS paste beads, faceted beads and imitation pearls, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (necklace larger pearls) 173 cm
€ 10 - 15
174 A STOLe brown mink, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 32 x 132 cm
€ 120 - 180
175 A LOuIS vuITTO bAg waterproof fabric embossed with the brand logo, leather handles, French, 20th C., wear on the handles, signs of use, marked Dim. - 20 x 15 x 7 cm
€ 100 - 150
176 TwO pAIRS Of eARRINgS, TwO RINgS AND TwO NeCkLACeS gilt metal, decoration with application of rhinestones, glass and imitation pearls, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (bigger ring) med: 18 (18,5 mm); (bigger necklace) 151 cm
€ 20 - 30
177 TwO pAIRS Of eARRINgS, TwO RINgS AND TwO pAIRS Of bRACeLeTS silvered and gilt metal, imitation pearls “Flowers”, one ring decorated with rhinestones and another with enamelled decoration, elastic bracelets with imitation pearls, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (bigger ring) med: 16 (18 mm); (bigger bracelet) 5,5 cm €
€ 30 - 45
178 A CApe black fox, black silk satin ribbo to fasten in a bow, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 36 x 70 cm
€ 80 - 120
179 A HAT AND A TOQue black straw, European, 20th C., signs of use, one with label Lachaize Création and another
with label PETER Bettley
Dim. - (interior) 57 cm
black fur, European, 20th C.,
€ 20 - 30
signs of use Dim. - 27,5 x 77 cm
€ 60 - 90
181 fIve NeCkLACeS plastic simulating turtoiseshell and two paste simulating ivory, one with pierced flower intervals, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (bigger closed) 42 cm
€ 20 - 30
182 fOuR NeCkLACeS imitation pearls, gilt metal, rhinestones and white beads, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (bigger) 242 cm
€ 25 - 37.5
183 A bLIuSe beige silk, grid decoration and loop in front, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - height 60 cm; width chest 45 cm
€ 15 - 22.5
184 A wAISTCOAT mesh with pearls and green beads, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - height 56 cm; width chest 40 cm
€ 15 - 22.5
185 SeveN NeCkLACeS, TwO CHOkeRS AND THRee bRACeLeTS imitation pearls, faceted glass and beads, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (black choker) 36 cm; (bracelet) 5 cm 110
€ 35 - 52.5
186 SIx CHOkeRS imitation pearls, metal clasps with rhinestones, one 835/1000 silver clasp, European, 20th C., signs of use, silver clasp with Lisbon mark (post-2021) Dim. - (choker with cameo) 17 x 14 cm
€ 15 - 22.5
Soube agora e com muito gosto que Paula Bobone mandou para leilão a sua interessante coleção de roupa e dos mais diversos acessórios. Conhecemo-nos há muitos anos no Ministério da Cultura, onde fomos colegas quando eu trabalhava no Instituto Português do Património Cultural, donde saí para Diretora do Museu Nacional do foi imediata. No decurso da minha vida e, muito especialmente, na minha carreira, passei a ser particularmente atraída pelo perfil da imagem e do look de diferentes mulheres e, de alguns homens, porque sou curiosa e porque se vai aprendendo muito com o visual de certas pessoas e com o caminho que vão fazendo nesse sentido, sobretudo porque temos as nossas contingências e a roupa da mulher é sempre mais interessante e ousada que a do homem. A época contemporânea projeta uma moda que, como sempre, muda, e vai revelando e apelando para diversas tendências que têm que ser interpretadas e de se ir identificando os motivos e até as causas sociais da sua mudança. A roupa de Paula Bobone merece esse estudo, talvez num livro, mas desta vez, será apenas uma simples apresentação para o catálogo de leilão de algumas e variadas peças, escolhidas de modo a que se possa caracterizar e entender o percurso do seu olhar e o seu sentido de viver a moda, de acordo com os seus parâmetros culturais e mesmo, do seu modo de ser. A história foi-nos revelando casos de mulheres famosas, tanto como criadoras como personagens especiais que foram ditando modas e marcaram épocas, como a princesa Diana que fez da roupa, o seu aliado visual, universalmente aclamado. Tanto os sociólogos como os psicólogos interpretam estes casos de originalidade, em que a Paula está incluída e merece esta pequena mas sentida observação. Ela afirma que nunca imita ninguém e que por ninguém é imitada. É autónoma e muito independente. Vibra como um instrumento musical com as tendências culturais das várias épocas de moda que
Ex-Directora do Museu do Traje
Traje e, nesse contexto nos conhecemos e, devo dizer que a empatia
Soube agora...
foi vivendo. A Paula diz-se fora dos contextos das revistas, dos filmes ou das televisões. Será uma maneira de sentir as roupas informais e, principalmente, as formais e festivas. Tem uma certa graça nas suas observações, que revelam a sua curiosidade estética, sem maldade
ou desprezo pelas mulheres que não reconhecem o sentido da moda,
destes inexplicáveis impulsos que valorizam a sua época, que dão
como impulsos de vitalidade e de modernidade. Tem um sentido
a ganhar à sua própria história – necessariamente ao comércio,
de humor especial e trata-se a si própria como se fosse uma boneca,
à indústria, à arte de viver lúdica e também à boa apresentação
uma personagem que gosta de se inventar e re-inventar, o que a
das mulheres da sociedade que trabalham ou, simplesmente para
torna simpática, estética e com a consciência cultural do tempo
as que circulam e que vivem e convivem rodeadas de amigos.
e da sociedade em que vive.
A vida sem moda não era nada do que é, e do que vai acontecendo.
Certamente que tem poder de compra para adquirir peças das mais
O Museu que dirigi com imenso prazer e trabalho, devo confessar
variadas marcas e os originais que refletem um forte sentido estético.
agora que gosto das exposições que fiz e dos catálogos e livros que
A sua maneira de ser indicia o desejo de investir na própria imagem.
publiquei. O que vou escrevendo, tem-me levado a conhecer este
Pelas fotos que conheço, inserida em diversificadas atividades lúdicas
trajeto cultural e histórico da ROUPA. Creio que a Paula nos legou
internacionais para que foi convidada, apresenta-se rodeada das mais
também a pedagogia que produziu, visto que também deu aulas
exóticas e deslumbrantes decorações, pois sei bem quanto isso lhe
de consultoria de imagem, gesto ou gosto que respira a cultura
agrada, pois me revelou um dia que: estar na moda é estar fora
da moda. Convergimos por isso e muito também pela boa amizade.
de moda
Parabéns Paula, a que chamei femme exquise e não te esqueças
Não sei se acredite mas, na realidade, a história da moda não conta
do pretexto de ir ao nosso Museu que tantas vezes visitaste e onde
com muitas pessoas como ela. A moda precisa destes fetichismos,
sempre foste bem recebida.
interesting collection of clothing and various accessories for auction. We have known each other for many years at the Ministry of Culture, where we were colleagues when I worked at the Portuguese Institute of Cultural Heritage, from which I left as Director of the Museu Nacional do Traje and, in this context, we met and, I must say, the empathy was immediate. In the course of my life, and especially in my career, I have become particularly attracted by the profile of the image and look of different women and, of some men, because I am curious and because you learn a lot from the look of certain people. and with the path they take in that direction, especially because we have our contingencies and women's clothes are always more interesting and daring than men's. The contemporary period projects a fashion that, as always, changes, revealing and appealing to various trends that have to be interpreted and the reasons and even the social causes for its change being identified. Paula Bobone's clothes deserve this study, perhaps in a book, but this time, it will be just a simple presentation for the auction catalogue of some and varied pieces, chosen so that we can characterize and understand the path of her gaze and her sense of living fashion, according to her cultural parameters and even her way of being. History has revealed to us cases of famous women, both as creators and special characters who have been dictating fashions and marking times, such as Princess Diana who made clothes, her visual ally, universally acclaimed. Both sociologists and psychologists interpret these cases of originality, in which Paula is included and deserves this small but heartfelt observation. She claims that she never imitates anyone and is imitated by no one. She is autonomous and very independent. She vibrates like a musical instrument with the cultural trends of the various fashion eras she has been living. Paula sees herself outside of the contexts of magazines, movies or television. It will be a way to feel the informal clothes and,
I now learned and with great pleasure that Paula Bobone has sent her
Former Director of the Museu do Traje (Museum of Costume)
I now learned...
mainly, the formal and festive ones. She has a certain grace in her remarks, which reveal her aesthetic curiosity, without malice or contempt for women who don't recognize the sense of fashion, as impulses of vitality and modernity. She has a special sense of humor and treats herself like a doll, a character who likes to invent and reinvent herself, which makes her friendly, aesthetic and culturally aware of the time and society in that she lives.
simply for those who circulate and live and socialize surrounded
She certainly has the purchasing power to purchase pieces from the
by friends.
most varied brands and originals that reflect a strong aesthetic sense.
Life without fashion was nothing like what it is and what is
Her way of being indicates the desire to invest in her own image.
happening. The Museum that I managed with immense pleasure
From the photos I know, inserted in diversified international
and work, I must confess now that I like the exhibitions I made and
recreational activities to which she was invited, she presents herself
the catalogues and books I published. What I am writing has taken
surrounded by the most exotic and dazzling decorations, because
me to know this cultural and historical trajectory of CLOTHES.
I know how much she likes it, as she revealed to me one day that:
I believe that Paula also bequeathed us the pedagogy she produced,
being in fashion is being out of fashion
as she also taught image, gesture or taste consulting classes that
I don't know if I believe it but, in reality, fashion history does not have
breathe the culture of fashion. We converge for this and a lot also
many people like her. Fashion needs these fetishisms, these
for the good friendship.
inexplicable impulses that value its time, that give gain to its own
Congratulations Paula, whom I called femme exquise and do not
history - necessarily to commerce, industry, the playful art of living
forget the pretext of going to our Museum that you have visited
and also the good presentation of women in society who work or
so many times and where you have always been well received.
Credits: Revista Lux
187 A LAuRA ASHLey COAT, SCARf AND bAg SeT black velvet embroidered with silk thread forming “Flowers”, English, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (coat) alt. 98 cm; width chest 49 cm
€ 45 - 67.5
188 THRee HeADbANDS black silk and tulle, application of tulle and fabric bows, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 14 x 13 cm
€ 10 - 15
190 A CHANeL NeCkLACe gilt metal, application of imitation pearls, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 96 cm
€ 150 - 225
189 A CHOkeR consisting of seven strands of imitation pearls, silver metal clasp with rhinestone application, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 42 cm
€ 10 - 15
191 A CHANeL NeCkLACe gilt metal, French, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 130,5 cm
€ 150 - 225
192 A CHANeL NeCkLACe gilt metal, imitation pearls and enamel-decorated pendants, French, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (closed) 56,5 cm
€ 150 - 225
Credits: Revista Lux
193 A mOSCHINO COAT wool, “Leopard” pattern, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - alt. 95 cm; width chest 55 cm
€ 200 - 300
194 A CHANeL NeCkLACe gilt metal, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 80 cm
€ 150 - 225
195 A gIuSI SLAvIeRO SweATeR black knit, application of gilt trimming on cuffs and neckline, gilt “Circles” on the chest, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - height 57,5 cm; width chest 43 cm
Créditos: Revista Lux
€ 20 - 30
196 A mOSCHINO eveNINg bAg heart-shaped black silk satin, application of three strings of pearls forming a heart, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 34 x 19 x 2,5 cm
€ 40 - 60
197 A CHANeL bROOCH silvered and gilt metal, lacquered decoration, application of rhinestones and imitation 1/2 pearls, French, 20th C., restoration Dim. - 5 x 5 cm
€ 225 - 337.5
198 TwO pAIRS Of veRSACe eARRINgS gilt metal, a pair with enamel application, Italian, 20th C., a pair of earrings without springs, signs of use, marked Dim. - (os maiores) 4,5 cm
€ 80 - 120 119
199 fIve NeCkLACeS imitation pearls, metal thread, gilt and silvered metal, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (o maior) 192 cm
€ 20 - 30
200 fOuR pAIRS Of eARRINgS, THRee RINgS AND TwO NeCkLACeS gilt metal, paste and glass application, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (anel maior) med: 17 (18,5 mm); (bigger necklace) 53,5 cm; (bigger earrings) 10 cm
€ 20 - 30 121
201 A buRbeRRy bLOuSe gilt silk chiffon, English, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - height 60 cm; width chest 48 cm
€ 20 - 30
202 AN ICebeRg SweATeR gilt ribbed knit, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - height 50,5 cm; width chest 48 cm
€ 30 - 45
203 fOuR bROOCHeS - “fLOweRS”, “gRApe vINe” AND “LeAf” silvered metal, rhinestones, glass and green agates decoration, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (bigger) 9,5 x 4,5 cm
€ 25 - 37.5 122
204 A bALeNCIAgA bAg embossed beige leather, brass various applications, Spanish, 20th C., marked Dim. - 53 x 36 cm
€ 180 - 270
205 TwO SCARveS knitted wool, one black and beige and another gilt and beige, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (gold) 33 x 185 cm
€ 30 - 45
206 TwO HATS black and red felt, black and red tulle application, English, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (interior) 57 cm
€ 20 - 30
207 A DIOR SCARf wool and black organza, embroidery application “Dior”, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 18 x 180 cm
€ 40 - 60
208 A pONCHO dark blue wool, white wool tassels application at the bottom, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - width. 43,5 cm
€ 30 - 45
209 A bRACeLeT gilt metal and black lacquered, decoration set with rhinestones and imitation pearl, European, 20th C., signs of use, marked KENNETH LANE Dim. - 5 x 5,5 cm
€ 10 - 15
A CHANeL bROOCH silvered metal, rhinestone application, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 4 x 5 cm
€ 225 - 337.5
211 A CHANeL bRACeLeT gilt metal and black lacquered, decoration set with rhinestones and imitation pearl, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 5 x 6 cm
€ 100 - 150
212 A jACkeT black mesk, application at the neckline of transparent glass beads, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - height 46,5 cm;
213 A geORgeS ReCH SweATeR black wool knit, embroidered on the front with white and black sequins forming a “Tweed” motif, French, 20th C., signs of use
width chest 43 cm
Dim. - height 54 cm;
€ 20 - 30
width chest 48 cm
€ 20 - 30
214 TwO pAIRS Of eARRINgS AND fOuR RINgS 835/1000 silver and gilt metal, application of freshwater, imitation and rhinestone pearls, European, 20th C., signs of use, Oporto mark (1985-2020), LUIS FERREIRA mark (Vidal - 4109) Dim. - (silver ring) med: 11 (16 mm); (bigger earrings) 8,5 cm; Peso - (silver ring) 10,7 g.
€ 10 - 15
215 fIve pAIRS Of eARRINgS AND TwO RINgS silvered metal, application of rhinestones and imitation pearls, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (bigger ring) med: 11 (16,5 mm); (bigger earrings) 7 cm
€ 10 - 15
216 A SCARf beige silk, polychrome decoration “Coronation ceremony of Queen Victoria of England”, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 90 x 92 cm
€ 40 - 60
217 A HeRmÈS SCARf beige silk, blue and gilt decoration “Vatican keys and tassels”, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 86 x 86 cm
€ 100 - 150
218 A HeRmÈS SCARf beige silk, polychrome decoration “Figures, carriages and horses”, with inscription “La Promenade Longchamps”, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 88 x 84,5 cm
€ 100 - 150
219 A veRSACe SCARf cream silk, polychrome decoration “Scene of the harvest” with inscription “Paro adisparo”, Italian, 20th C., some stains, signs of use, marked Dim. - 85 x 85 cm
€ 50 - 75
220 A pOmIkAkI bAg printed fabric, burgundy decoration simulating padding, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 41,5 x 27 x 6 cm
€ 30 - 45
222 A CHANeL bAg brown leather, brass
clasp with the two “CC” of the brand, gilt
metal strap
black satin silk, strap-shaped
intertwined with
brass application with diamond
leather, French,
application, Italian, 20th C.,
20th C., signs of use,
signs of use, marked
Dim. - 17,5 x 15 x 6,5 cm
Dim. - 18 x 8 x 3,5 cm
€ 250 - 375
€ 200 - 300
223 A guCCI bAg black leather, bamboo and leather handle, clasp and tassels, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 27,5 x 22 x 6,5 cm
€ 250 - 375
224 A guCCI bAg original gray leather, “GG canvas” decoration, bamboo handle, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 49 x 46,5 cm € 300 - 450
225 A guCCI SmALL bACkpACk black leather, bamboo handle and clasp, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 26,5 x 20 x 7 cm
€ 180 - 270
226 A bAzAR CHRISTIAN LACROIx TOp AND jACkeT black wool knit, polychrome wool crochet trimming all around, front and straps, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - (coat) height 53 cm; width chest 42,5 cm
€ 30 - 45
227 A kAReN mILLeN bLOuSe black organza, embroidered with silk thread “Flowers and birds”, English, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - height 57 cm; width chest 43 cm
€ 20 - 30
228 fOuR RINgS silvered and gilt metal, decoration set with coloured glass, imitation pearls and paste simulating coral, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (bigger) med: 19 (19 mm) cm
€ 5 - 7.5
229 A bAzAR CHRISTIAN LACROIx TOp AND jACkeT polychrome wool “Stripes”, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - (coat) alt. 55 cm; width chest 48,5 cm
€ 30 - 45
230 AN emILIO puCCI TOTe polychrome fabric “Stripes and geometric motifs”, leather handles, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 57 x 37,5 x 12 cm
€ 100 - 150
231 TwO HINgeD RINgS silvered metal painted black, decoration set with stones, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - med: 19 (18,5 mm) cm
€ 5 - 7.5
232 A lArge CHANel sCArf pink knit, printed forming the two inverted “C” of the brand, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 120 x 120 cm
€ 100 - 150
233 A lOUIs vUITTON sCArf purple silk, printed decoration “Brand logo”, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 93 x 83 cm
€ 80 - 120
234 THree lOeWe sCArves cotton and wool, blue drawn decoration “Geometric decoration” and brand logo at the end, Spanish, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - (cream scarf) 64 x 180 cm
€ 180 - 270
235 A TUNIC black organza, on the neckline and at the bottom application of gilt, blue and purple sequins, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - height 91 cm; chest 86 cm
€ 20 - 30
236 AN eveNINg seqUIN jACkeT fully lined with blue sequins, forms a loop in front, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - height 50 cm; chest 40 cm
€ 25 - 37.5
237 A rINg - “sIgNeT” paste simulating ivory, decoration inlaid with blue paste “Cameo”, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - med: 19 (19 mm)
€ 5 - 7.5
238 A CArdIgAN black wool knit embroidered with black sequins, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - height 43 cm; larg. peito 47 cm
€ 20 - 30
239 A TOp embroidered with black sequins, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - height 49 cm; chest - 41 cm
€ 20 - 30
240 A gUess blAzer
black silk, embroidered with sequins, American, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - alt. 66 cm; shoulder - 45 cm
€ 40 - 60
241 AN eveNINg dress embroidered with large black sequins, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - height 66 cm; chest - 43 cm
€ 25 - 37.5
242 A CApe ANd sCArf
black silk and velvet, cape with frills application of the same fabric, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (cape) 39 x 94 cm
€ 40 - 60
243 sIx HeAdbANds gilt metal, two lined with pearls, another with glass beads and another with gilt metal “Leaves”, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 14 x 14,5 cm
€ 20 - 30
244 AN eMpOrIO ArMANI sCArf white organza, black piping on the edge of the frills, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 28 x 164 cm
€ 50 - 75
245 fOUr HeAdbANds black silk lined, application of glass beaded crown, tulle flower and pearls, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 13 x 13 cm
€ 20 - 30
246 fOUr HeAdbANds black and beige silk, application of bows: one in velvet and one in silk and application of rhinestones, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 14 x 12 cm
€ 20 - 30
247 A lA perlA bOdICe burgundy silk and lace in the same shade and black lace, embroidered with beads and silk thread forming “Flowers”, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - height 37 cm; lchest 36 cm
Credits: Lux Magazine
€ 15 - 22.5
248 A brOOCH silvered metal, application of coloured rhinestones and glasses, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 13 x 8,5 cm
€ 30 - 45
249 A bOdICe black velvet, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - height 36 cm; chest 38 cm
€ 15 - 22.5
250 A jAeger CApe black wool knit, embroidered with black sequins, English, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - height 45 cm; width 87 cm
€ 20 - 30
251 TWO brOOCHes gilt and silvered metal, application of plastic, coloured pastes, rhinestones and glasses, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (the largest) 6 x 14,5 cm
€ 20 - 30
252 A CHOker metal, application of faceted beads and black ones, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 41 cm
€ 10 - 15
253 A CHOker gilt metal, application of two pearls, European, 20th C., signs of use, narked Dim. - 11,5 cm
€ 150 - 225
254 A bAg silk satin, sequins and black beads applications, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 30,5 x 22 x 2 cm
€ 30 - 45
255 THree AgATHA CHOkers metal, rhinestone application, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - (black choker) 37 cm
€ 20 - 30
Créditos: Revista Lux
256 THree AgATHA CHOkers metal, rhinestone application, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - (red choker) 36,5 cm
€ 20 - 30
257 TWO CHOkers silvered metal, application of rhinestones and glass, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (the largest) 38 cm
€ 20 - 30
258 A prAdA HeAdbANd salmon silk, application of glass beads and gilt metallic elements, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 13 x 13,5 cm
€ 60 - 90
259 A brOOCH, A pAIr Of eArrINgs ANd sIx rINgs silvered metal, beads and black beads decoration, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (ring with blac beads) med: 11 (16,5 mm); (earrings) 12 cm
€ 30 - 45
260 A brOOCH - “sTAr” silvered metal, rhinestone decoration, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 12,5 cm
€ 15 - 22.5
261 A jACkeT black cotton lace “Flowers”, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - height 4 0 cm; chest 50,5 cm
€ 40 - 60
262 A lOeWe sCArf organza and brown velvet, drawn decoration “Brand logo”, Spanish, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 50 x 180 cm
€ 70 - 105
263 THree pAIrs Of eArrINgs, “sNAke” rINg ANd brACeleT gilt metal, rhinestone application, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (ring) med: 15 (17,5 mm); (bracelet) 19 cm; (largest earrings) 8 cm
€ 25 - 37.5
264 fIve HeAdbANds black velvet and black and white silk, flower and bow application, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 12 x 12 cm
€ 20 - 30
Credits: Lux Magazine
265 A MANTóN black silk, embroidered decoration “Animals and flowers”, application fringes on the edge all the way around, Spanish, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 52 x 216 cm
€ 100 - 150
267 A MANTóN black silk, embroidered decoration “Birds and flowers” the polychrome silk thread, application fringes on the edge all the way around, Spanish, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 52 x 216 cm
€ 100 - 150
266 A MANTóN white silk, embroidered decoration “Birds and Flowers”, applied fringes on the edge all the way around, Spanish, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 226 x 262 cm € 100 - 150
268 fOUr HeAdbANds headband with black silk structure, flower application on fabric, 20th C., signs of use, two marked CAMOMILLA Dim. - 14 x 12 cm
€ 20 - 30
269 A jIlI bAg satin silk with rhinestone application, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 24,5 x 13 x 12 cm
€ 25 - 37.5
270 A MOsCHINNO bAg padded and stitched orange silk forming geometric decoration, gilt metal clasp, gilt metal chain strap with silk in the same shade as the bag, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 37 x 28 x 6 cm
€ 450 - 675
271 A bAg WITH sTrAp yellow leather, round shape with “Flower” leather application, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 74,5 x 18 x 1 cm
€ 25 - 37.5
272 TWO sHAWls black and green suede, fringe application at the end, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (black) 74 x 175 cm
€ 40 - 60
273 TWO sCArves wool knit, one with red, black, blue and salmon decoration “Stripes”, another with blue wool decoration with fringes at the end, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (scarf with stripes) 42 X 172 cm
€ 25 - 37.5
274 THree HATs green and red felt and synthetic fur, one feathered hat, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - (interior) 57 cm
€ 35 - 52.5
275 fOUr HeAdbANds black silk, feather and flower application, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (the largest) 13,5 x 12,5 cm
€ 20 - 30
276 A sONIA rYkIel sCArf red and black knit, red, black and white decoration forming stripes, flower application embroidered with sequins, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 35,5 x 183 cm
€ 15 - 22.5
277 A HAT ANd A TOqUe beige straw, application of velvet formed “Leaves” on the toque, English, 20th C., signs of use, hat with label LAURA ASHLEY Dim. - (hat interior) 57 cm
€ 20 - 30
278 A dOlCe gAbANNA bAg white skin and straw, strap composed of bakelite and metallic rings, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 53 x 30 x 3 cm
€ 100 - 150
279 A pAIr Of vIvIeNNe WesTWOOd “sNAIls” eArrINgs silvered metal, naturalist decoration, English, signs of use, marked Dim. - 4,5 cm
€ 20 - 30
280 A sTOle dark brown mink, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 47 x 202 cm
€ 100 - 150
Credits: Lux Magazine
281 A COAT brown suede, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - height 100 cm; chest 54,5 cm
€ 120 - 180
282 A COAT brown suede, incorporating a scarf, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - height 83 cm; chest 55 cm
€ 120 - 180 170
283 A CHANel NeCklACe gilt metal, “Flower” pendant set with red glass, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 74 cm
€ 150 - 225
284 NeCklACe ANd brACeleT metal bracelet with glass application and ring necklace with beads, European, 20th C., signs of us Dim. - (closed necklace) 47,5 cm; (diam. bracelet) 5 cm
€ 25 - 37.5
286 A jUsT CAvAllI blOUse black silk, embroidered on the front with glass and beads forming a geometric pattern, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - height 64 cm; chest 44 cm
€ 20 - 30
285 A kellY.b TOp black wool knit, application of beads in shades of gilt and silvered, English, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - height 53,5 cm; chest 40 cm
€ 20 - 30
287 A COAT blue wool knit, “Geometric patterns” decoration, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - height 83 cm; chest 59 cm
€ 35 - 52.5
288 fIve brOOCHes silvered metal, decoration with application of imitation stones and pearls, application of glasses imitating rubies and citrine, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (the largest) 8,5 cm
€ 20 - 30
289 A rOberTA dI CAMerINO TUNIC WITH sCArf organza in shades of green and red, “Geometric pattern”decoration, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked
Dim. - (tunic) height. 91 cm;
AN eveNINg bAg
chest 61 cm
green silk thread crochet,
€ 20 - 30
application of green feathers and flower formed with beads, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 37 x 20 cm
Credits: Lux Magazine
€ 20 - 30
291 A HerMÈs sCArf beige silk, polychrome decoration “Torso, cotton flowers and leaves”, French, 20th C., small stains, signs of use, marked Dim. - 89 x 87 cm
€ 80 - 120
Credits: Lux Magazine
292 A CHOker silk yarn, glass application, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 50 cm
€ 10 - 15
293 THree CHOkers gilt metal, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (the largest) 12 cm
€ 10 - 15
294 A HerMÈs sCArf beige silk, red and yellow decoration “Roosters”, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 87 x 85 cm
€ 80 - 120
296 TWO pAIrs Of eArrINgs, fIve rINgs ANd brACeleT gilt metal, application of coloured pastes, rhinestones and a pair of
mother-of-pearl earrings, European, 20th C., signs of use
A sCArf
Dim. - (largest ring) med: 14 (17 mm);
wool knit, drawn decoration
(bracelet) 5,5 x 6 cm;
“Floral motifs and cornucopias”,
(largets earrings) 7 cm
20th C., signs of use
€ 25 - 37.5
Dim. - 65 x 214 cm
€ 20 - 30
297 THree pAIrs Of eArrINgs ANd fOUr rINgs silvered and gilt metal, two rings in 925/1000, decoration with rhinestones, coloured glass, zirconia and citrine, European, 20th C., signs of use, two silver rings with Lisbon contrast (post-2021) Dim. - (ring) med: 14 (17mm); (ring) 12 (16,5 mm); (largest errings) 3,5 cm; Weight - (anel) 5 grs.; (ring) 2.1 g.
€ 10 - 15
298 A MOsCHINO TOTe black silk satin, application of gilt metal rings, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 60 x 35 x 14 cm
€ 250 - 375
299 A CHOker silvered metal, application of imitation pearls and glass, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 40,5 cm
€ 20 - 30
300 A sTOle white fox, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 30 x 167 cm
€ 80 - 120
301 fOUr sCArves cotton knit, one with black and white decoration forming a “Zebra” print, two plain in black and another in black and white, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (patterned) 73 x 170 cm
€ 50 - 75
302 A MAx MArA TOTe simulating cowskin, brown leather handles and base, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 57 x 26,5 x 14 cm
€ 80 - 120
303 AN Yves sAINT lAUreNT bAg black cotton yarn, braided cotton thread, handle imitating tusk, French, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 47,5 x 32 cm
€ 120 - 180
304 fOUr brOOCHes - “pANTHers” ANd “lIzArds” silvered and gilt metal, enamelled decoration with rhinestones and application of glass, European, 20th C., signs of use, “Panther” brooch marked Swarovski Dim. - (panther) 4 x 18,5 cm
€ 25 - 37.5
305 THree brOOCHes - “spIders” silvered and gilt metal, decoration with rhinestones, imitation pearl and coloured glass, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (the largests) 8,5 x 10 cm
€ 10 - 15
306 TWO rINgs silvered metal, decoration set with stones and glass, one in the shape of a “Ladybug” and another in resin with application of coloured glass simulating amethyst, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (resin ring) med: 16 (17,5 mm)
€ 10 - 15
307 fOUr pAIrs Of eArrINgs, TWO rINgs, TWO NeCklACes ANd A CHOker silvered and gilt metal, one ring in 925/1000 silver, decoration with application of imitation pearls, glass, moon stones and a pair of earrings with imitation coral, European, 20th C., signs of use, silver ring with Lisbon contrast (post-2021) Dim. - (silver ring) med: 10 (16 mm); (choker) 40 cm; Weight (silver ring) 10,9 g.
€ 25 - 37.5
308 A brACeleT “COrAl ANd sTArfIsH” silvered metal, enamel and rhinestone decoration, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - 5,5 x 7 cm
€ 20 - 30
309 A “CAT eArs” HAT black felt, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (interior) 57 cm
€ 10 - 15
310 A bAlO COlOC HAT damask drawn silk , gilt decoration “Plant motifs”, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, label BALO COLOC - VENEZIA Dim. - (interior) 57 cm
€ 15 - 22.5
311 fIve brOOCHes - “sNAke”, “lIzArd”, “lObsTer”, “fIsH” ANd “pAlM” silvered and gilt metal, rhinestone and coloured brilliants decoration, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (snake) 7,5 x 15 cm
€ 15 - 22.5
312 THree pAIrs Of eArrINgs ANd TWO rINgs silvered and gilt metal, rhinestone and glass decoration, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (largest ring) med: 15 (17,5 mm); (largest earrings) 4 cm
€ 10 - 15
313 A lOT Of 10 lOUIs pION WrIsTWATCHes metal and leather cases and bracelets, rhinestone application, quartz motion, French, 20th C., signs of use, mechanism requiring maintenance Dim. - (black bracelet watch) 2,5 cm
€ 25 - 37.5
314 lOT Of TeN lOUIs pION WrIsTWATCHes metal and leather cases and bracelets, rhinestones application, quartz motion, French, 20th C., signs of use, mechanism requiring maintenance, marked Dim. - (caixa maior) 2,5 cm
€ 25 - 37.5
315 THree pAIrs Of eArrINgs ANd TWO rINgs gilt and silvered metal, decoration with rhinestones and application of imitation pearls, European, 20th C., signs of use Dim. - (largest ring) med: 12 (16,5 mm); (largest earrings with rhinestones) 4,5 x 3,5 cm
€ 10 - 15
316 TWO seIkO ANd CITIzeN WrIsTWATCHes silvered and gilt metal, quartz motion, 20th C., signs of use, mechanism requiring maintenance, marked Dim. - (case) 2 cm
€ 20 - 30
317 AN eMpOrIO ArMANI sCArf gray cotton fabric printed with the brand name and logo, Italian, 20th C., signs of use, marked Dim. - 106 x 106 cm
€ 50 - 75
se disponibilizou e mobilizou para a realização do Leilão de Moda – Colecção Paula Bobone. Gosto e entusiasmo pela figura e personalidade da Coleccionadora e pela diversidade, criatividade e exotismo dos bens que integram a sua colecção. Uma decisão com antecedentes na Cabral Moncada Leilões que, desde 2017, tem vindo a realizar ciclicamente leilões de Moda, tendo para isso incorporado nos seus quadros uma especialista na matéria – Alexandra Gameiro –, Mestra em 2017 pela Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa com a tese intitulada “A moda e as modistas em Portugal durante o Estado Novo: as mudanças do pós-guerra (1945-1974)”. O contributo da Moda para as Artes em geral sempre foi importante ao longo dos tempos, havendo uma relação, frequentemente directa, entre coleccionadores de Arte e aqueles que mais exuberantemente utilizaram a Moda como elemento fundamental da sua imagem. Por outro lado, a possibilidade de produzir um catálogo integralmente dedicado à Moda, integrando exclusivamente os bens utilizados por uma personalidade destacada do mundo social português do último quartel do século XX e dos primeiros anos do século actual, constitui um momento único de consagrar, para a posteridade, toda uma parafernália de peças de vestuário e de objectos criteriosamente seleccionados por Paula Bobone ao longo das décadas, para com eles «construir» a sua imagem. Desta forma, todas estes bens ficarão registados, uma vez que a sua dispersão é uma inevitabilidade. A Cabral Moncada Leilões não pode deixar de agradecer ao Doutor António Filipe Pimentel o facto de ter aconselhado a Coleccionadora a realizar este leilão e de ter sugerido a Cabral Moncada Leilões e, claro, a Paula Bobone o facto de ter seguido os referidos conselho e sugestão.
Foi com gosto e entusiasmo que a Cabral Moncada Leilões
Managing Partner - Cabral Moncada Leilões
Foi com gosto...
itself available and mobilized for the realization of the Fashion Auction – Paula Bobone Collection. Sympathy and enthusiasm for the Collector's figure and personality and for the diversity, creativity and exoticism of the pieces that make up her collection. A decision with precedents at Cabral Moncada Leilões which, since 2017, has been carrying out cyclical fashion auctions, having incorporated in its staff an expert in the field – Alexandra Gameiro –, Master in 2017 from the Faculty of Letters and Humanities of the University of Lisbon with the thesis entitled “A moda e as modistas em Portugal durante o Estado Novo: as mudanças do pós-guerra (1945-1974)”. The contribution of Fashion to the Arts in general has always been important over time with an often direct relationship between Art collectors and those who most exuberantly used Fashion as a fundamental element of their image. On the other hand, the possibility of producing a catalogue entirely
It was with pleasure and enthusiasm that Cabral Moncada Leilões made
Managing Partner - Cabral Moncada Leilões
It was with pleasure...
dedicated to Fashion, exclusively integrating the pieces used by an outstanding personality of the Portuguese social world of the last quarter of the 20th century and the first years of the current century, is a unique moment to consecrate, for posterity, a whole paraphernalia of garments and objects carefully selected by Paula Bobone over the decades, with which to «build» her image. In this way, all pieces will be recorded, since their dispersion is inevitable. Cabral Moncada Leilões cannot fail to thank Dr. António Filipe Pimentel for having advised the Collector to hold this auction and for having suggested it to Cabral Moncada Leilões and, of course, to Paula Bobone for having followed the aforementioned advice and suggestion.
gerÊNCIA - MANAgINg pArTNers Miguel de Barros Serra Cabral de Moncada - Jur. Pedro Maria de Saldanha e Sousa Mello e Alvim - Jur. dIreCÇÃO Filipe Costa Luís Costa Brandão Leonor de Alvim
leIlÕes ONlINe Head of department Luís Costa Brandão Inês Branco Susana Isidro Rita Reynolds de Souza Carolina Medeiros (Estagiária) fotografia Luís Sousa
seCreTArIA gerAl | reCUrsOs HUMANOs Head of department Pedro Maria de Alvim - Jur. Luísa Castelo Branco - Jur.
leIlÕes ONlINe de MObIlIÁrIO| espAÇO AlAMedA Pedro Mendes Daniel Ferreira Pinto
CUsTOMer CAre Head of department Leonor de Alvim Carlos Correia de Carvalho Luísa Perry Vidal Mafalda Cabral de Moncada Maria Luísa de Lucena
AvAlIAÇÕes Head of department Miguel Cabral de Moncada Luís Costa Brandão Isabel Maria Mónica Carolina Pelletier Fontes (Estagiária) Nuno Prisal (Estagiário)
TesOUrArIA | veNdedOres e fOrNeCedOres Head of department Dulce Quaresma Diogo Wagner de Alvim Maria Guimarães da Silva
CONservAÇÃO & MANUTeNÇÃO Elizabete Pereira Cátia Monteiro Ana Afonso Edite Castro
TesOUrArIA | COMprAdOres Rosário Azevedo Helena Bairrão Oleiro Alexandra Gameiro Maria Guimarães da Silva
perITOs Head of department Filipe Costa Armas Antigas Eduardo Nobre Arte lusíada e Colonial Hugo Miguel Crespo Arte Oriental Artur Ângelo livros e Manuscritos Pedro de Azevedo Moedas e Artes decorativas Luís Castelo Lopes pintura portuguesa Gabriel Laranjeira Lopes pratas e jóias Henrique Correia Braga/Sofia Ruival Ferreira relógios Cte. Luís Couto Soares/Pêndulo Real
sHIppINg sUppOrT Clara Ferraz Pedro Brum da Silveira COMUNICAÇÃO e IMAgeM | desIgN grÁfICO & redes sOCIAIs Head of department Filipe Costa Joana Ramos de Magalhães Susana Isidro seT desIgN | lOgÍsTICA Head of department Carlos Correia de Carvalho Miguel Jerónimo António Jerónimo Cátia Monteiro leIlÕes preseNCIAIs Head of department Mariana Soares Mendes Isabel Maria Mónica Teresa Almeida Garrett fotografia Vasco Cunha Monteiro Tradução Paulo Fernandes
CONsUlTOres Artes plásticas Frederico Ramires Arte Tribal Fernando Moncada brinquedos Frederico da Cunha Mobiliário Pedro Madureira pintura estrangeira Carlos Ramires Uniformes Militares Pedro Soares Branco vinhos Francisco Peres fOrNeCedOres Head of department Filipe Costa Logística & Transportes - TRANSPORTES JERÓNIMO, Lda. Gestão de Sistemas Informáticos - PROCOORDENA - Sistemas de Informação, Lda. Website e Aplicações Informáticas - ACL - Serviços de Informática, Lda. Produção de Catálogos - SCRIBE - Produções Culturais, Lda. Pré-Impressão & Impressão de Catálogos - AGIR depósITO legAl 477448/20
Rua Miguel Lupi, 12 A/D • 1200-725 Lisboa • Portugal Tel [+351] 213 954 781| Fax [+351] 213 955 115955 115 Fax [+351] 213 | i
115 gArgANTIlHA bUTler & WIlsON
Miguel Cabral de Moncada
Pedro Maria de Alvim
Filipe Costa
Luís Costa Brandão
Leonor de Alvim
Luísa Castelo Branco
Carlos Correia de Carvalho
Luísa Perry Vidal
Mafalda Cabral de Moncada
Maria Luísa de Lucena
seCreTArIA gerAl reCUrsOs HUMANOs
seT desIgN & CUsTOMer CAre
Dulce Quaresma
Diogo Wagner de Alvim
Maria Guimarães da Silva
Rosário Azevedo
Helena Bairrão Oleiro
TesOUrArIA | veNdedOres e fOrNeCedOres Head of department
TesOUrArIA | veNdedOres e fOrNeCedOres
TesOUrArIA | veNdedOres fOrNeCedOres | COMprAdOres
TesOUrArIA | COMprAdOres
TesOUrArIA | COMprAdOres
Alexandra Gameiro
Clara Ferraz
Pedro Brum da Silveira
Mariana Soares Mendes
Isabel Maria Mónica
TesOUrArIA | COMprAdOres
sHIppINg sUppOrT
sHIppINg sUppOrT
leIlÕes preseNCIAIs Head of department
leIlÕes preseNCIAIs & AvAlIAÇÕes
Teresa Almeida Garrett
Joana Ramos de Magalhães
Inês Branco
Susana Isidro
Rita Reynolds de Souza
leIlÕes preseNCIAIs
desIgN grÁfICO & redes sOCIAIs
leIlÕes ONlINe
leIlÕes ONlINe & redes sOCIAIs
leIlÕes ONlINe
Pedro Mendes
Daniel Ferreira Pinto
Vasco Cunha Monteiro
Luís Sousa
Miguel Jerónimo
leIlÕes ONlINe de MObIlIÁrIO
leIlÕes ONlINe de MObIlIÁrIO
leIlÕes preseNCIAIs fotografia
leIlÕes ONlINe fotografia
lOgÍsTICA & TrANspOrTes Transportes jerónimo, lda.
espAÇO AlAMedA
espAÇO AlAMedA
António Jerónimo
Cátia Monteiro
Elizabete Pereira
Ana Afonso
Edite Castro
lOgÍsTICA & TrANspOrTes Transportes jerónimo, lda.