Cabrini Health Service and Community Benefit Report 2014-15

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New mother Helen Bird and baby Charlotte (baby) together with Cabrini midwife Jamie Jakubowicz.







Who we are: We are a Catholic healthcare service

Our values form the base of our mission, are built around

inspired by the spirit and vision of Saint Frances Xavier

what we believe and drive how we act. They are drawn

Cabrini and the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart

from Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini’s life and reflect her

of Jesus (the Cabrini Sisters).

heart, her spirit, her conviction and her approach.

What we believe: We are a community of care,

Compassion: Our drive to care is not just a professional

reaching out with compassion, integrity, courage and

duty to provide excellent quality care but is born of a

respect to all we serve.

heartfelt compassion for those in need, motivated by

What we do: We provide excellence in all of our

God’s love for all people.

services and work to identify and meet unmet needs.

Integrity: We believe in the power of hope to transform


people’s lives and remain faithful to the bold healing mission and legacy of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini. Courage: We have the strength, determination, vision and conviction to continue the work of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini and the Cabrini Sisters. Respect: We believe that every person is worthy of the utmost respect and the best possible healthcare. We know that our resources are entrusted to us to use for the benefit of others.

CONTENTS 6 Chairman’s message 8 Chief Executive’s message 10 Your gifts of support 16 Your care and experience 20 Our services 24 Our people 28 Our stewardship 34 Our performance 36 Our board 42 Our executives 45 Our organisation chart 46 Cabrini supporters 50 Our heritage story

This printed report is an abridged version. For a full copy of the 2014-15 report please visit


C H A I R M A N ’ S M E S S AG E



t is my honour to have been appointed Chairman of Cabrini in October 2015. I appreciate and acknowledge the support of the Cabrini Sisters and my fellow Board members in carrying out this role. Cabrini is a wonderful organisation that is committed to improving the health and wellbeing of those that pass through its doors and meeting the unmet need of those in the community who are beset by varying difficulties. Our Board We are extremely fortunate to have a voluntary Board that is focused and committed to Cabrini. It comprises accomplished people in the fields of law, accounting, finance, marketing, healthcare, research, religious orders and business experience. We are proud to note that our Board member Professor Robyn O’Hehir has been appointed an Officer of the Order of Australia. During the past year we farewelled David Curtain QC, who had served the maximum number of years on the

Above: Richard Rogers

Board. His contributions throughout the years have been outstanding and we are pleased to announce that David has accepted the position of Chairman of our forthcoming Capital Appeal. We are extremely pleased to announce the appointment of a consumer representative as an invitee to our Board of Directors, who will commence in 2016.

Olmstead MSC, as well as Sister Barbara Staley MSC, General Superior, for their support and wise counsel. We welcome Sister Arlene Van Dusen MSC and Sister Lucy Panettieri MSC who are new members of the Provincial Council and look forward to welcoming them to Australia. Our divisions

The Cabrini Sisters We are charged with the responsibility of guarding the assets of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and fulfilling their mission in Melbourne. We are a community of care, reaching out with compassion, integrity, courage and respect to all those we serve. We strive to provide excellence in all of our services and work to identify and meet unmet needs. We have regular contact with the Sisters via teleconference, as well as reciprocal visits. I most sincerely thank Sister Pietrina Raccuglia MSC, Provincial Superior, and Provincial Councillors Sister Catherine Garry MSC and Sister Diane

When I joined the Cabrini Board, I did not perhaps appreciate the complexity of the organisation. We are well known for our healthcare however we have other divisions that are significant within our organisation. Cabrini Linen Service is a large and environmentally responsible service. Cabrini Technology, incorporating the recently acquired AWA brand, is well known throughout the healthcare and commercial world for its high quality work and advanced capabilities. We have two fine, skilled and respected rehabilitation facilities in Elsternwick, a renowned palliative care facility in Prahran and a wonderful aged-care facility in Ashwood.

Governance There are eight committees of the Board including Audit and Risk Management, Patient Experience and Clinical Governance, Mission and People, Foundation, Nominations, Cabrini Institute Council, and Human Research and Ethics. Recently we established a new committee: the Major Construction Projects Committee. It oversees all developments costing more than $20 million. All committees have Board members, Cabrini executives and appropriately qualified people external to Cabrini. Furthermore many now have community representatives. We have successfully implemented our strategic plan 2013-15. With extensive consultation, a new corporate strategy is being formed for 2016-2020.

and is committed to delivering excellence across our services and fulfilling the mission of the Cabrini Sisters. He is supported by an expert group of executives whose positive influence flows through the organisation. Due to the care and sincerity of our doctors and nurses, I believe our patients receive the best of healthcare. We could not operate our complex and extensive organisation if it were not for all who work behind the scenes. Whether in our associated businesses, our engineers, our communications team, our food services, our hotel services, our coding team, our finance department or patient services. I sincerely thank them for their contribution on behalf of the Board and the Sisters. Highlights

Our people Cabrini is very fortunate to have an outstanding and committed group of employees. Our Chief Executive Dr Michael Walsh has enormous energy and enthusiasm

In August-September 2015, we undertook an accreditation survey against the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards. Much work was undertaken in 2014-15 in preparation. To quote from the regulations: “the board

of a healthcare organisation has ultimate responsibility for the governance of that organisation.� All of our facilities were successfully re-accredited. At the closing meeting, the surveyors said that all staff and doctors clearly understood their role in the care of the patient. Some other highlights include the development and expansion of AWA, implementation of the electronic medication-management system, commissioning of the new cardiac catheterisation laboratories and opening of two new consulting precincts at Cabrini Malvern and receiving the Victoria Day Award for Public and Community Service by a Good Corporate Citizen. Our social procurement policy has resulted in almost $2m business committed to local retailers and suppliers of services, highlighting our economic role. My sincere thanks go to our Sisters, our Board, staff, volunteers, accredited medical specialists, donors, consumer representatives and suppliers. Without your care and commitment, Cabrini could not do what it does so well. Richard Rogers





coming years. Of the 80 actions initiated as part of the

been formed and funding has been allocated towards

2013-15 strategic plan, 20 had been completed by June

reinvigorating our rewards and recognition program. We

in our strategic plan (2013-15): mission, strategy and

2014. A further 52 had been completed or were anticipated

continued health and wellbeing initiatives to help manage

people; patient experience, safety, quality and compliance

to be completed by the end of June 2015. In 2015-16, we will

the health of our staff more effectively.

with national standards; and stewardship of resources. I

launch our 2016-20 corporate strategy with local strategic

would like to take the opportunity to report against these

plans to follow. In doing so, we will reaffirm our mission

chief priorities.

of helping those in need; this is the guiding principle that

t the beginning of the 2014-15 year, I set 13 chief priorities responding to the following areas of focus

Patient experience, safety, quality and compliance with national standards

galvanises all who work with us. We have made strides

A key commitment was to maintain or improve our patient

towards ensuring we have the right staff in the right jobs at

satisfaction scores across Cabrini. In 2014-15, we adopted

Growing our community benefit program was a key

the right time and continue working to maintain our staff

the hospital consumer assessment of healthcare providers

commitment. In 2014-15, we invested more than $3m on

numbers within budget with gains through productivity and

and systems (or HCAHPS tool) for inpatient surveying. Our

social outreach and community engagement, excluding

technology such as the implementation of our electronic

the value of material aid, pro bono services and volunteer

medication-management system.

Mission, strategy and people

support. Plans are well underway to establish an Asylum and

Brighton and Malvern hospitals maintained or improved their performance, while our residential aged-care home at Ashwood and our rehabilitation hospitals maintained

I committed to responding to the Cabrini staff

their average scores. Patient safety and quality of care is

engagement survey 2014 and to making Cabrini an event

paramount. I committed to improving infection control

Our organisation strategy underpins all we do at Cabrini. I

better place to work. Twenty staff forums were conducted

by achieving a hand hygiene audit score of 80 per cent

committed to completing implementation of the Cabrini

across the organisation, during which I heard the views

across Cabrini. We achieved an average of 79.5 per cent

Strategic Plan 2013-15 and developing a new plan for the

of more than 200 staff. Since then, a working group has

compliance across our acute hospitals (in Brighton,

Refugee Seeker Health Hub in Sydney Road, Brunswick.

Above: Dr Michael Walsh

Malvern and Prahran), our rehabilitation hospitals and our

operating performance across the organisation. We

residential aged-care home.

invested our capital budget allocated for infrastructure

Expert, swift, accessible care in a health emergency is

and equipment, with most of these funds spent by the

vital. I committed Cabrini to providing better community

end of 2014-15.

access to our emergency department (CED) at Malvern by

I committed to managing and decreasing risks to our

decreasing ambulance bypass. We reduced the amount

organisation through the best possible planning and

of time our ED was on bypass from 18 per cent on average

responses to known risks. We maintained our enterprise-

(January 2014) to 6 per cent (January 2015).

wide approach to risk management and updated our

I committed to Cabrini meeting and/or exceeding the

Board regularly.

National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards and other relevant accreditation standards. In 2015, we

Change and stability

achieved accreditation, including 29 ratings of ‘Met with

The 2014-15 year brought some departures – we

Merit’. Similarly, Cabrini Technology achieved ISO9001

farewelled Kris Botha who served on the executive

Quality Accreditation for the group.

committee for several years and Adjunct Professor Sue

Stewardship of resources

O’Neill, who now has a CEO appointment in public health.

Cabrini Institute and Mary-Anne Gallagher who is our Executive Director, People and Culture. We finished 2014-15 year by accepting the honour of becoming Victoria’s first healthcare provider to receive the prestigious Victoria Day Award for Public and Community Service by a Good Corporate Citizen. This award acknowledged our support and operation of numerous programs for disadvantaged people in our community and particularly recognised the Cabrini Linen Service. My deepest thanks go to the Cabrini Sisters, our Board of Directors particularly our Chairman Richard Rogers, my executive team, our doctors, staff, volunteers, donors and consumer representatives – not to mention our patients, residents and their families who entrust us to provide care for them and their loved ones.

We welcomed two new appointments to the executive

During 2014-2015, we experienced an 11.7 per cent

committee: Associate Professor Lee Boyd who has the

increase in revenue on the previous year and a better

dual role of Executive Director of Nursing and the

Dr Michael Walsh



June and Neville Smith are strong supporters of Cabrini and donors to our work.


A lifelong relationship Neville and June Smith have formed a relationship with Cabrini Hospital that has lasted a lifetime. The Doncaster couple have been involved with Cabrini since the 1940s, when Neville’s father was treated there. Back then, the hospital was known as St Benedict’s. It wasn’t until June was diagnosed with bowel cancer in 1979 that they came to know the walls of Cabrini from the inside. June says she was sent to a specialist at Cabrini and from there underwent a number of major operations under surgeon Mr Alan Cuthbertson before being given the all clear. It was during this time she became a founding member of the Ostomy Association Melbourne, a notfor-profit organisation catering for the appliance needs of ostomates. The Ostomy Association first operated from a small room on the fourth floor at Cabrini Malvern. June was a volunteer until recently, serving more than 37 years. “I’ve been a volunteer, a consultant for helping new patients and a committee member – I’ve been everything,” June said. She says the care she received at Cabrini was “excellent – I’m still here to tell the tale”.

Neville said both their fathers had died at the hospital and although it was a tough time for the families, they knew they were in a “very good hospital and getting the best of care”. This was partly what had prompted them to donate to the hospital. Neville and June are just two of the many generous donors to Cabrini who have also opted to leave a bequest to Cabrini in their will. Neville says Cabrini is “a worthwhile cause” and that he has enjoyed watching the hospital grow and develop. “It’s very positive and worthwhile,” Neville said. “We’ve been involved in visits to see new equipment and the care and dedication of the staff. I hope that others who use this hospital appreciate what it does for them. If you get good service or help, then you should be prepared to put in and help, every dollar counts.” June says Cabrini has played a big part in the couple’s life. “It’s a place of warm feeling and thankfulness of still being alive,” she said.



The Cabrini Foundation helps us to build on our organisation’s solid base and pursue new horizons, in order to deliver on Cabrini’s mission of providing excellence in all our services. When you donate to the Foundation, your generosity is used to directly benefit our patients and it makes a real and tangible difference.


Donors make a difference to Cabrini’s care

Governance and leadership

The contributions of the Cabrini Foundation have an important part in the stewardship of our organisation. Cabrini does not rely on government or church funding. The Cabrini Foundation plays a key role in developing, organising and coordinating fundraising activities to support Cabrini’s work. As well as raising funds to purchase highly advanced technology and equipment and to invest in research, education and the development of innovative services, the Cabrini Foundation connects our institution with the community. Donations to support Cabrini’s work come from a range of valued sources – from members of the local community, groups, corporate partners, trusts, foundations and people who leave a legacy or gift in their will.

for the Cabrini Foundation. All members of the Cabrini

Ron Weinmann is Secretary of Heartbeat Cabrini and a familiar presence at Cabrini Malvern.

In her role as Chair of the Cabrini Foundation Board, Sylvia Falzon continues to provide leadership and vision

We conducted several appeals for which we fortunate to receive strong donor support. They included the following: • A campaign to support acquisition of a new magnetic

Foundation Board Sub-committee provide expertise

resonance imaging (MRI) machine at Cabrini Brighton,

and leadership to the Cabrini Foundation and actively

which will greatly benefit the bayside community. This

assist in raising funds to support the work of Cabrini. In

campaign is ongoing.

2014-15, the Cabrini Foundation team underwent a period of change and renewal. New appointments have been made to help maximise the contribution of the Cabrini

• A campaign to support the development of two new cardiac catheterisation laboratories at Cabrini Malvern • A campaign to support the development of our

Foundation – an operational initiative under the Cabrini

new stroke unit at Cabrini Malvern in response to

Strategic Plan 2013-15 – and create opportunities to

community need

support Cabrini’s work. Fundraising campaigns

We continued our efforts to raise funds to support the implementation of scalp cooling technology in our day oncology units. This technology helps to reduce

Fundraising campaigns conducted in 2014-15 focused

the likelihood of hair loss among patients receiving

on supporting the specific equipment needs of

chemotherapy treatment for cancer and is a valued

our acute hospitals in Brighton and Malvern.

benefit of having care at Cabrini.

LBBC Fundraising Committee Cabrini’s health promotion initiative Let’s Beat Bowel Cancer (LBBC) supports bowel cancer research activities

Associate Professor Gary Richardson would continue to inform the future direction of the initiative with the support of Baker IDI.

and is committed to clinical research and education.

Men make up 49 per cent of Australia’s population,

Each year, the LBBC Fundraising Committee raises more

hence the name Foundation 49: Men’s Health. Each

than $250,000 to support research into bowel cancer

year in Australia, more than four men die every hour

and to develop and promote vital health messages to the

from preventable conditions; a total of 35,000 fatalities

community. Des Jackson and Geoff Stansen are especially

annually. At all ages, men experience higher mortality

acknowledged for their long standing support.

rates than women for cancers, diabetes mellitus and

Foundation 49: Men’s Health

diseases of the circulatory system. Most alcohol related deaths occur in men (74 per cent) and more than two-

At the end of the 2014-15, plans were underway for the

thirds of Australian men are overweight or obese. Also,

transition of Foundation 49: Men’s Health from Cabrini

one in eight men experience anxiety or depression

to Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute (Baker IDI),

during their lifetime. Through the education of men,

an independent, internationally renowned medical

their partners, families, employers, communities and

research facility with research goals of treating, managing

government, there are opportunities to improve the

and preventing disease at any stage. Under the new

health status of men and reduce the prevalence of the

arrangement, the Foundation 49 Council with Chair

major diseases that men experience.

Let’s Beat Bowel Cancer Ambassador Mel Monks and children Finn (left) and Abbey (right).

Since beginning in Melbourne in 2001, Foundation 49: Men’s Health has achieved a great deal in the development of new approaches to men’s health and men’s health promotion. It was integral in the development of the National Male Health Policy 2010 and the Victorian Male Health Strategy 2010-14, which attest to its influence in the public sphere. Cabrini will continue to support Foundation 49: Men’s Health as a major sponsor of events held in its name.



A strong contingent of Cabrini staff and doctors featured in the 2015 Cabrini Cycle Challenge held to raise funds for Cabrini’s cardiac services.

Events 14

Events provide the Cabrini Foundation with opportunities to raise specific funds for new projects and to engage with members of our local communities. In March 2015, we conducted a preview of the new cardiac catheterisation laboratories at Cabrini Malvern for our donors. More than 150 people gave money towards this important development at the hospital. This event was well received by participants who heard from Geoff Fazakerley (Executive Director, Diagnostics, Major Projects and Infrastructure), Dr Simon Woods (Executive Director, Cabrini Malvern) and Anne Zandegu (Director of Nursing, Cabrini Malvern). In April-May 2015, we held our third Cabrini Cycle Challenge, also to raise funds for these facilities. During the eight-day event, riders covered 670 km beginning in Halls Gap and finishing in Malvern. In June 2015, we held our annual men’s health business breakfast. This Foundation 49: Men’s Health event

encourages men to take better care of their health by having an annual health check with their GP, in order to identify any issues early. Held at Melbourne’s RACV Club, more than 210 men and women attended the event, which included an address by the Hon Jill Hennessy MP, Victorian Minister for Health. The event began with an address by keynote speaker Dr Peter Larkins (clinical specialist and former athlete) followed by interviews between MC Ian Goldsmith and panel members: Marcus Padley (stock broker and author), Nik Stirzaker (Melbourne Rebels player and Foundation 49 ambassador), Justin McLean (global partner at PWC and founder of and Dr Steve Ellen (psychiatrist and head of emergency psychiatry at Alfred Health). Proceeds of the event (approximately $11,000) were donated to Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute. The Cabrini Foundation works to support the Cabrini Institute in its education, research and health promotion

activities. Donors attended a number of events associated with the work of the Cabrini Institute, in order to hear first-hand how their donations have developed research opportunities that may not have been possible without their vital support. Beating hearts The Heartbeat Cabrini Committee is part of the fabric of our organisation. Its members are passionate supporters and have a strong presence particularly at Cabrini Malvern, selling raffle tickets and holding stalls throughout the year to raise funds. Over the years, this group of dedicated supporters has raised millions of dollars to support cardiac research and the purchase of new and much needed equipment for the cardiac unit. In 2014-15, Heartbeat Cabrini donated $78,000 towards new cardiac facilities, provided a $5000 scholarship for a cardiac nurse and sponsored the redevelopment of a cardiac patient information video. Also, Heartbeat Cabrini

volunteers visited 117 patients. Of them, more than half were having cardiac operations at Cabrini.


Cabrini Gift Shop In 2014-15, leadership of the Cabrini Gift Shop (located on the ground floor at Cabrini Malvern) came under the Cabrini Foundation. This shop, which is open on weekdays, stocks an eclectic range of merchandise including including flowers, cards, chocolates, jewellery, accessories, sleepwear, some clothing, decorative items and homewares. It is supported by two paid staff and a team of dedicated volunteers. Part of its unique retail therapy experience is the gentle conversations that take place there. The shop, established in 1994, was an initiative of the the late Sister Irma Lunghi MSC (1926-2013), who worked at Cabrini over a period of 25 years. Proceeds from sales in the store support Cabrini’s charitable activities. In 2014-15, the Cabrini Gift Shop contributed $72,000 to these activities.

Penny Steele (Manager, Cabrini Gift Shop) puts the finishing touches on a display of accessories.


Simon Glynn and Antonia Mitchell shared their story at the Cabrini Q&A session held in September 2015.


Still born, still loved Baby Shoshana was stillborn. Parents Simon Glynn and

my rib cage was going to snap, that something was wrong

Antonia Mitchell experienced this heartbreak. They have

with me, the pain was almost unbearable, and I realised

spoken out with courage in the hope of breaking the

that this was true heartbreak.”

barriers around stillbirth and helping others in pain.

Through all the pain, Ms Mitchell said she and her

On 4 March 2015, Antonia felt her unborn baby stop

husband felt blessed to be at Cabrini, where they received

moving. She was rushed to Cabrini Malvern where

the care and support to help them through the toughest

doctors confirmed her worst fears, her baby had died in

time of their lives. “We got to cuddle Shosh, love her,

her womb. Ms Mitchell is sadly one of more than 7000

tell her our dreams for her and finally let her go free,

mothers who will experience a stillbirth every day, but

knowing that she was already ahead of us and waiting for

has opened up about losing her daughter in a bid to

us to catch up,” she said. “We could not have done this

encourage others to talk more openly.

though without Penny Rankin and the amazing midwives

Ms Mitchell, 33, of London, says she and her husband wanted to talk about their daughter Shoshana, but felt

at this hospital. We can never thank them enough for what they did.”

they were “rarely allowed to”. She said being asked what

Mr Glynn says the level of, caring, calmness and support

it felt like to lose her baby was a question many people

they received was “immense”. “The systems and the

wondered but few actually asked. “I wish they would. I

processes that Cabrini had in place really made a

wish they would engage around the topic of stillbirth and

strong foundation for us to move forward,” he said.

find out about it, instead of pretending that our loss did

Ms Mitchell said her daughter had taught her that “even

not happen, pretending that our pain is not there or that

in darkness there is light” and that “not everyone needs

our joy over having a child (even if she did not get to live)

to live a lifetime (or at all) to change the world around

is not real,” she said. “So what does it feel like to lose your

them”. She says: “Love comes in all shapes and sizes;

child? To say it hurts does not quite cover it. It feels like

we are lucky to have had the child we did to love her as

you are going to be break in two. I honestly thought that

much as we do.”



The first pillar of our strategic plan for 2013-15 is ‘your care and experience’. It is a promise to provide high quality care for our patients, residents and their families.


Care organised around you

partner with patients and families to identify and satisfy the full range of patient needs and preferences. To succeed, a patient centred approach must also address the experience of staff to ensure they are fully engaged. Patient safety and high quality clinical care are fundamental to a patient-centred approach. Patient centred care does not replace excellent medicine – it both complements clinical excellence and contributes to it through effective partnerships and communication.

Our mission impels us to provide excellence in all our services, to display compassion in the provision of those services and towards one another and to reach out to fulfil unmet needs. We aspire to provide an exceptional patient and family experience and believe all staff at Cabrini have a role in creating a patient and family centred environment.

Dr Michael Walsh, assisting him to appropriately integrate patient, resident and family views into all levels of Cabrini’s operations and to identify and advise on priority areas and issues where consumer participation is required. The committee meets once every two months and its performance is evaluated annually. Activities of this committee in 2014-15 include: • Review of Cabrini’s new patient and family experience training module for staff

Cabrini is committed to partnering with our patients and residents, as well as their families, in order to improve our care and services. The concept of patient experience relates to how patientand family-centred care is delivered. Broadly speaking, this is care organised around the patient and a model whereby providers of healthcare

Patient, Resident and Family Experience Advisory Committee

• Development of a new patient and family experience

Cabrini’s Patient, Resident and Family Experience Advisory Committee, known as PEAC, was established in October 2013. The committee comprises Cabrini staff as well as consumer members and is chaired by the Executive Director, Brighton and Continuing Care who also holds executive responsibility for patient experience. The PEAC acts as an advisory committee to Cabrini’s Chief Executive,

• Participation in a workshop in April 2015 at Cabrini

Monique Peluso has been a member of the Patient and Family Register for five years.

survey for Cabrini’s inpatients

Local initiatives Site based patient and family experience committees have also been established at Cabrini’s Ashwood, Brighton, Elsternwick, Prahran and Malvern campuses. Chaired by the Executive Director/General Manager or the Director

Oncologist Dr Michelle White and Breast Care Service Coordinator Vicki Durston studied the efficacy of scalp cooling technology in preventing hair loss among patients receiving chemotherapy.

of Nursing and Patient Experience of the campus, these committees comprise staff and consumers who give input on changes designed to improve the quality of the experience that patients and residents have at Cabrini. They participate in activities such as:

Real time patient surveying Together with members of the PEAC and Cabrini Institute, Cabrini has developed a new patient experience survey for inpatient services. The survey covers various elements of care including feeling involved in decision making,

• Review of patient feedback, quality and safety data

experience with our staff, meals, the care environment,

• Participation in quality-improvement activities

and spiritual and emotional care. It provides patients

• Participating in the review of staff education packages

and carers the opportunity to provide verbal feedback

or written material for patients, families and carers

about how we can improve or areas where we are

Cabrini has dedicated consumer members who serve

doing well. This real-time survey was trialled at Cabrini

on a range of committees and working groups across

Brighton and Cabrini Rehabilitation hospitals from May

the organisation.

until June 2015. Surveying current inpatients and family members/carers enables staff to attend to concerns or

Quantifying the patient experience

questions and improve their experience while under

At Cabrini, we seek feedback on our care and services, in

Cabrini’s care. Participation is voluntary and feedback

order to continually improve what we do and how we do

may be provided anonymously. Cabrini’s volunteers

it, and we regularly survey patients, residents and families

assist with administering the surveys to ensure patients

for this purpose.

feel comfortable in responding truthfully about their

experiences. In the event there are any issues, with consent from the patient/carer, the nurse/Nurse Unit Manager is informed and follows up the matter. The trial of the new survey questionnaire and method was successful and will continue across all Cabrini campuses quarterly, starting in November 2015. The results will be used to identify areas for improvement. Independent surveys of patient satisfaction Press Ganey Associates, a firm that specialises in healthcare satisfaction measurement, undertakes annual, quantitative surveys on behalf of Cabrini to help us monitor satisfaction among those who receive our care. This firms undertakes patient satisfaction research for healthcare organisations in Australia and overseas, thereby enabling us to benchmark our results against those of our peers.

Read more at: publications/cbr14-15-care.pdf



Jocare volunteers Pam (left) and Margaret (right) together with Jocare client Doreen.


Supporting neighbourly acts of care With her husband of more than 50 years passed away and many friends passed on too, Doreen* felt something was missing but regular visits from two JoCare volunteers have changed her outlook. Doreen* is one of many people involved in JoCare, a partnership between Cabrini and St Joseph’s Catholic Parish, which involves volunteers providing non-professional acts of service to people who live

Doreen* has a large and vibrant family and keeps busy with playing piano, patchwork and her dog Sooty but due to her health, she doesn’t go out often. Since becoming involved with JoCare, Doreen is regularly visited by volunteers Pam* and Margaret* says she loves the program. “Pam and Margaret are a great comfort and I very much look forward to their visits,” Doreen said. “We each have things in common. I can tell them anything and we talk and laugh away our time together.”

independently and are experiencing social isolation. The idea behind the free program, which started in April 2015, was to create a neighbourhood where people know one another and look out for each other. JoCare coordinator Kerri Anne Brussen said JoCare’s focus was to encourage friendship and support within the Malvern neighbourhood. “Volunteers provide support and companionship for people who may be in need of a friendly visit – acts of service include visiting for a chat, sharing a book, taking a walk, having a cup of tea or coffee together, teaching/learning a new skill or perhaps taking a local trip,” she said. “There is also a monthly social gathering held at St Joseph’s Parish Hall where participants can enjoy conversation, morning tea, board games and card games.”

Note: surnames have been omitted on request.

Margaret* said the best part about the JoCare program was that it was open to everybody in the neighbourhood regardless of their background, religion or faith. Pam*, who lives in the local area, said she valued the opportunity the program provided for her to give back to the community. As an organisation that strives to be a community of care, Cabrini is proud to support the JoCare program financially and practically through its social and community engagement program. Since the program’s inception, Cabrini has served on the steering committee of the service, contributed towards program costs, assisted in the recruitment of the volunteer coordinator and shared its experience in volunteer management.



We strive to meet the needs of our community as a modern, responsive health service. This is the second pillar of our strategic plan for 2013-15.


Striving to give the best possible care

community need and where the primary goal is not to

service began in November 2014. In the first seven

bring a direct economic benefit to the organisation.

months of operation, TransAccess provided transport

Our goals include upgrading our healthcare facilities and

which our facilities are located and seek to contribute to

equipment so that we can provide the best possible care,

the development of community networks

exploring new service opportunities and continuing to

and services, and in doing so help to

expand and enhance our community benefit program. To

strengthen those communities. In

provide an exceptional patient experience, our services

February 2015, we launched Vale,

Australia, we work to engage with other Catholic

must be designed in consultation with our patients,

a low-cost, community-based

agencies in carrying out our work. Our missionary

residents and their families, so that we are able to meet

bereavement service in the City of

the priorities and needs most important to them.

Stonnington. We believe it to be the

In 2014-15, we continued to implement our community

first service of its kind in Victoria.

engagement strategy and strengthen our relationships

We are supporting Bentleigh

approximately $3m in social outreach and

with local communities. Through our community benefit

Bayside Community Health

community engagement excluding the

program and associated work, we work to make our

in expanding the reach of

commitment to good corporate citizenship visible

its TransAccess community

both internally and externally. This program comprises

transport program in

Importantly, administration

activities we undertake in direct response to an identified

Stonnington. The new

costs related to this program

We understand that we are part of the communities in

and outings for 20 residents of Stonnington. This enabled these people to maintain their independence and added to their overall sense of wellbeing and connectedness to the community. As a healing ministry of the Catholic Church in

identity is reflected in how we reach out to communities of disadvantage in Australia and overseas. During 2014-15, we invested

value of material aid, pro bono services and volunteer support.

New mother Barbara Dixon and baby Isla.

Dr Danielle Wilkins, Director of Maternity Services, pictured in her consulting rooms at the Cabrini Mother and Baby Centre.

have been contained to 5 per cent. We invested 30 per cent of available funds on our three major partnerships

Developments in our clinical care

catheterisation laboratories supported by a dedicated 23

admission and discharge centre. The extra capacity

with Catholic agencies (Cabrini Ministries Swaziland,

Improvements in medical facilities

increases our ability to respond rapidly to cardiac

CatholicCare and Jesuit Social Services) and increased the

In April 2015, two new consulting precincts on level 2 in medical centre 2 at Cabrini Malvern were opened. Featuring contemporary design, these precincts represent a new model of care for outpatients. The Cabrini Mother and Baby Centre brings together obstetricians, paediatricians, specialist obstetric ultrasonographers, lactation consultants, psychologists and other healthcare professionals who can provide for the needs of pregnant women through to the care of the mother and baby after birth. The Cabrini Haematology and Oncology Centre brings together specialist medical and radiation oncologists, haematologists, infectious disease physicians and allied health workers to provide a holistic model of care for patients with blood diseases and cancer. Simultaneously, we opened two advanced cardiac

emergencies and the new imaging systems feature the

proportion of funds donated to Catholic agencies from 40 per cent in 2013-14 to 60 per cent in 2014-15. On 1 July 2015, Cabrini received the Victoria Day Award for Public and Community Service by a Good Corporate Citizen. Cabrini was praised for supporting and operating programs for disadvantaged people in the community. For example, support for an Indigenous tutoring program at Stonnington Primary School, CatholicCare, Very Special Kids (Malvern), Family Life (Brighton) and Sacred Heart Mission (St Kilda), as well as investment in the TransAccess Mobility Support Service, the Malvern emergency food program and a community bereavement service.

latest in low-dose radiation technology. At our Cabrini Brighton hospital, we reviewed utilisation of our operating theatres and have attracted new work during 2014-15. Improvements in day oncology care Cabrini operates busy day oncology services at our Brighton and Malvern hospitals, performing 25,822 treatments in the past year. In 2014-15, treatments increased by 242 and 73 respectively on the previous year. NUMBER OF PATIENT TREATMENTS

Cabrini Brighton

Cabrini Malvern







Read more at: publications/cbr14-15-services.pdf


Nicky Cummins holds the role of Nurse Director and Patient Experience at Cabrini Brighton.


A cut above Nicky Cummins was just two-years-old when she decided she wanted to be a nurse, but not just any nurse – a Cabrini nurse. She got her wish: it’s been six years since she joined the team at Cabrini and it’s been everything she hoped for and more. Now the Nurse Director at Cabrini Brighton, Nicky said her medical career started when she was just a toddler and her uncle, then aged 32, had suffered a heart attack. “My uncle was at Cabrini Malvern and the nurses took such good care of him and I thought ‘I want to do that’,” Nicky said. “They were so kind and caring and they let me sit on the bed with him, it was really special.” Nicky said it was the start of a life-long relationship with Cabrini and 40 years later, after multiple heart attacks, a heart transplant and two open heart surgeries her uncle died in her ward. “We made a promise that when he was ready, he would give me a call. He died peacefully and with respect and with good staff who cared for him.” Nicky said several family members and friends had been involved with Cabrini over the years and that was part of the reason she loved her work. “It’s a place that can do everything, and the care is outstanding – that’s what makes me want to be here. The Cabrini nurses are a cut above the rest. It’s that extra care, that extra smile, it’s the little things they do.”

Prior to her role as Nurse Director, Nicky spent five years as Nurse Manager at Cabrini Malvern in the cardiac medical unit and before that was a critical care nurse at Southern Health. While her current day-to-day role is filled with meetings, checking staffing and liaising with other hospitals and institutes, Nicky said her focus was always on the future. As Nurse Director, Nicky has operational responsibility for three inpatient wards and has helped to implement the patient and family experience committee at Cabrini Brighton. She says her focus is on patient safety and quality of care. Recently she completed undergraduate degrees in biomedical science nursing at Monash University, as well as postgraduate studies in advanced clinical nursing (coronary care research) and organisational leadership. She has also received several Cabrini scholarships and awards. Nicky was appointed Nurse Director at Cabrini Brighton in March 2015 and said she was “ecstatic” about the role. “I love it. I feel like I’ve found the right role. I love Cabrini, it’s a great place to work, but I wouldn’t be able to do my job without the people working on the floor.”



Our goals are to foster a positive, vibrant and high performance work culture and to ensure we have the right staff profile and capability now and in future. This is the third pillar of our strategic plan for 2013-15.


Deep commitment to progress and leadership We value highly engaged, professional and caring staff and doctors, as well as our committed volunteer workforce and the many community members who help us strive to be an even better healthcare service. The people of Cabrini include 4382 staff, 1078 doctors and 198 volunteers, as well as community members who volunteer to provide their input in a range of ways. Leadership of the organisation is provided by a nine-member executive committee led by Chief Executive Dr Michael Walsh and governance is provided by a Board of Directors led by Richard Rogers. Celebrating our heritage As a Cabrinian organisation and one of many institutions

sponsored by the Cabrini Sisters, we are fortunate to draw on a rich heritage begun by Mother Cabrini and her congregation in 1880. Cabrini Week, an annual tradition, was held 10-14 November 2014, providing an opportunity to reconnect with our heritage, focus on our mission and reflect on the role each of us plays in achieving it. The week-long celebration began with a memorial service for past staff and volunteers, and included Mass on the Feast of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini (13 November) and a staff recognition service at each of the campuses.

is designed to support the Board of Directors and senior management to feel confident and competent in leading Cabrini as a healing ministry of the Catholic Church. In September 2014, ten pilgrims from Cabrini in Australia travelled to Codogno in northern Italy to participate in the annual Cabrini pilgrimage. This is where Mother Cabrini (then 30 years of age) founded the Institute of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in 1880. As with previous groups, the Australian pilgrims found staying in the Cabrini Sisters’ convent to be a powerful reminder of the sacredness of the trust they place in lay

Formation of leaders

leaders today. Over seven days, through visits to local areas

Formation – a socialisation and transformational process, which makes familiar the language, rituals and other important religious and cultural aspects of our Catholic and Cabrinian identity – is an important aspect of leadership at Cabrini. Our leadership formation program

Anaesthetist Dr Antonio Grossi is Chair of the Cabrini Medical Staff Executive.

of significance, seminars, reflection and conversation, the pilgrims developed greater confidence and a deeper commitment to their leadership ministry. Following their return, they joined the growing pilgrim alumni. This group meets periodically to reconnect the pilgrims with their experience and share with each other how it is impacting the way in which they undertake their leadership roles.

Three Cabrini Sisters provide the presence of our founders (from left): Sr Theresa Cervasio MSC, Sr Beatriz Santoz MSC and Sr Sharon Casey MSC (Director, Cabrini Board).

Mark Davis of UK-based Shoreline Consultancy, who facilitates conversations held during the pilgrimages, returned to Melbourne in March 2015. Almost 20 senior and middle managers participated in the Cabrini charism conversation series. Many past participants attended a series of occasional conversations, reflecting on the charism expressed by Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini and impacts of this on our work and culture of our organisation. A new book entitled ‘St Frances Cabrini – a passionate life’ was published by Cabrini in electronic format in March 2015. The coffee-table style publication was commissioned to make the life of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini more accessible to staff and other interested people. It is available on the Cabrini website where it can be downloaded free

excellent clinical services and an exceptional experience for our patients, residents and their families. Our medical staff engagement strategy focuses on commitment, collaboration, communication and collegiality. Cabrini is fortunate to employ and collaborate with some of Victoria’s best doctors in the provision of our clinical care. We work towards achieving a high level of medical staff engagement and to attracting and retaining doctors who share Cabrini’s values of compassion, integrity, courage and respect, as well as commitments to excellent care and provision of an excellent patient and family experience. The high quality of Cabrini’s accredited medical practitioners was highlighted in a survey by not-for-profit health insurer HCF in 2014-15. The results were based on the hospital experiences of more than 12,000 people.

Our doctors

Cabrini rated among the top ten highest scoring hospitals

Cabrini has approximately 1300 accredited medical practitioners who are integral to our goals of providing

for its medical team receiving a score of 9.4 for patients’

for them (the average was 9.1). This demonstrates the high regard that patients have for the high quality of medical care they receive at Cabrini. It is the second time that Cabrini’s medical staff have been recognised in this way. In the 2012 HCF survey, Cabrini Malvern was one of only two hospitals in Victoria to be rated in the top ten for medical team satisfaction. These accolades reflect an excellent team effort as medicine is increasingly a multidisciplinary activity. Our nurses Cabrini’s nursing staff are vital to the quality of experience that patients, residents and their families have with us. Cabrini is proud of its nurses who provide this care with distinction. On 11 May 2015, Cabrini celebrated the fifth annual Nursing Excellence Awards supported by AON, HESTA and Maxxia.

likelihood to recommend the medical team that cared Read more at: publications/cbr14-15-people.pdf



Ruth Knight, Community Benefit Program Manager at Cabrini, enjoys Crazy Sports Day in 2014 at the Children First Foundation farm. Children from developing countries are accommodated at the farm during their life-changing treatment in Melbourne.


Mission at the heart After 14 years with Cabrini, Ruth Knight is still as passionate about her career as the day she started. Ruth started with Cabrini as a critical care educator before taking on a mission integration role. Upon returning from maternity leave in 2013, she accepted the role of Community Benefit Program Manager and hasn’t looked back. “I was very attracted to Cabrini because of its mission and values – that was one of the big drawcards for me,” Ruth said. Ruth’s main focus is on community engagement, a program that was established in its own right in 2012. “This program expresses Cabrini’s desire to be a good corporate citizen by having a positive impact and delivering measurable benefits to the communities of which we are part,” she said. Ruth says there were many different reasons Cabrini engages with the community but this particular program focuses on community transformation and responding to unmet needs. She said there were four main aspects to the community engagement program: • Provision of services in the local community that respond to an identified need and develop the capacity and sustainability of the community • Supporting local community agencies in their efforts to serve marginalised and vulnerable people

• Leveraging Cabrini services and the goodwill of staff for community benefit • Supporting the Cabrini Sisters’ community In her Community Benefit Program Manager role, Ruth works with marginalised and vulnerable groups within the community, which is a passion. She also works as an intensive care nurse on a casual basis and says working two jobs is “fantastic” and the best of both worlds. “I still love having contact with patients and their families – it is personally rewarding but also provides good perspective for working in a leadership role at Cabrini,” said Ruth. “I see firsthand staff working hard to provide an optimum patient experience and going out of their way to live our values.” In 2015, the mother-of-three was one of two recipients of the Sister Irma Jubilee Grant, presented each year to a staff member who has made a significant contribution to furthering Cabrini’s mission and values, has a record of strong operational performance and is a reliable and valued team player. The grant was introduced in 2000 to mark the golden jubilee of religious life reached by the late Sister Irma Lunghi MSC, who worked at Cabrini Health in Australia for many years.



At Cabrini, we use our resources wisely to sustain our future and legacy. This is the fourth pillar of our strategic plan for 2013-15.


Our resources are for the benefit of others It is enshrined in our mission that we are stewards of resources entrusted to us to use for the benefit of others. This requires us to focus on operating effectively and efficiently to maintain our financial viability, thereby enabling continual investment in high quality facilities and services for our communities. Our strategic goals include reinforcement of our

financial management. To create a positive future for our organisation, the people who work with us and all those we serve, we have governance, leadership and operational structures in place, which help us to develop our services and provide responsible stewardship of the resources entrusted to us. In 2014-15, we continued our four main programs of work designed to support understanding of our Catholic identity and carrying out our stewardship role: forming our leaders, ensuring ethical integrity, delivering benefits to our community and celebrating our identity.

which helps us to demonstrate our commitment to being a good corporate citizen beyond the general expectation of a private healthcare service. We work to demonstrate transparency and accountability with respect to the concessions we receive as a charitable institution by annually assessing the value of our activity against this framework. Community benefit activities are those we undertake in direct response to an identified community need (as distinct from a community demand) and/or where the primary goal is not to bring a direct economic

relentless commitment to our mission, sound stewardship of our resources with prudent management of risks,

Delivering benefits to the community

or commercial benefit to the organisation. Our

supporting our healthcare with thriving enterprises

Our mission commits us to reaching out with compassion, integrity, courage and respect to all we serve. As a provider of healthcare and healthcare related services, all of our services and activities are intended to deliver benefits to the community. Beyond this, we have in place a community benefit framework

annual community benefit program report describes

and preserving our strong reputation with our key stakeholders. In pursuing these goals, we have focused on the following areas: effective administration, efficient operations, effective governance, enterprise riskmanagement, enterprise and support services and strong

the activities that are being undertaken across the organisation that meet this definition. Furthermore, it provides a lens through which these activities can be viewed, enabling both the value of relevant activities to be estimated and narrative examples identified.


























Reported program value ($m)

Spend on local traders (Sm)





Actual Actual expenditure expenditure Revenue foregone foregone 12 Revenue



















FY13 FY13

FY14 FY14

FY15 FY15

FY14 FY14


FY15 FY15

Information is gathered under nine domains:

days, in order to gauge the effectiveness of sustainability

Social procurement

mission-driven services, clinical education and research,

investment and interventions. In 2014-15, the value of our

advocacy, health outreach, health promotion, social

community benefit program was $10.1m comprising $8m expenditure and $2.1m in foregone revenue. The value of benefits provided to our staff (which is detailed in the chapter of this report entitled: Our people) was $3.7m, an

Our contributions to community benefit have been enhanced by the endorsement of social procurement policy principles at Cabrini. We have quantified the value of local contracts from local government areas where Cabrini services are located as $4.5m in 2014-15, a significant increase on $2.3m in 2013-14.

outreach, community engagement, environmental stewardship and staff support. Summary of our community benefit performance

increase on $3.6m in 2013-14.

Calculating community benefit ESTIMATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SAVINGS FOR 2014-15

We perform our assessments of community benefit by calculating and reporting actual expenditure and/ or foregone revenue, estimating the value of benefits

Electricity (kilowatt hours)

to our staff and estimating the value of services that provide genuine community benefits without a cost to

Gas (Gj)

the organisation (for example, donated goods, volunteer

Water (kL)

hours and purchasing from local traders). In evaluating

Waste (tonnes) for Malvern

the success of our environmental stewardship approaches

Carbon emissions (tonnes) for utilities

and activities, we monitor utilisation of energy across all our clinical sites against the number of patient bed


Per bed day 2011-12




Savings per bed day


























Adjusted from 2013-14 report due to availability of better data.

Read more at: publications/cbr14-15-stewardship.pdf



Our performance, governance and leadership


Our performance Following is a five-year snapshot of our operational performance across a number of key clinical areas. 90000









More episodes of inpatient care

More babies delivered


During 2014-15, we provided a record of 88,257 70000 of inpatient care at Cabrini, an increase of episodes 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2049 on last year.

Number of emergency attendances


In 2014-15, we helped to deliver 1972 babies in our 1200 maternity service at Cabrini Malvern; this was 91 more 2014-14 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 babies than last year.





In 2014-15, we received 23,311 presentations at our 23000 emergency department located2012-13 at Cabrini Malvern; 2014-15 2010-11 2011-12 2013-14 this was 179 fewer than last year.







1800 23,500

80,000 1600 75,000 70,000 13000


1400 2010-11






1200 2010-11 48000








In 2014-15, we treated 49,152 day-case patients; this 40000 2014-15 2010-11 2011-12 2013-14 was 1574 more than last year and2012-13 a record high.




More day cases

In 2014-15, we provided 47,746 people with surgical 40000 2014-15 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 operations at our acute hospitals; this was 1203 more than last year and a record high.




More 42000surgical operations performed

In 2014-15, the number of patients admitted to 8000 2010-11 2011-12department 2012-13 was 2013-14 Cabrini from our emergency 11,264; this was 157 fewer than last year.




Number of emergency admissions





23,000 2010-11 50000


50,000 48,000



46,000 44,000


44,000 42,000

9000 8000







42,000 2010-11













25000 140000

23000 21000

More day oncology patient treatments

130000 More medical imaging procedures


In 2014-15, we provided 25,822 treatments in our day In 2014-15, a record 147,428 medical imaging 120000 2012-13 oncology2010-11 units; this2011-12 was 345 more than last2013-14 year and a 2014-15 procedures were performed this2013-14 was 7844 2010-11 2011-12at Cabrini; 2012-13 record high. more than last year and a record high.








23,000 21,000


19,000 17,000 2010-11 280000






120,000 24000







240000 20000

Number of pathology episodes 220000

Patient bed days in Cabrini Rehabilitation

In 2014-15, we provided 221,400 pathology episodes; In 2014-15, we provided a combined 23,590 inpatient bed 18000 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 reflecting a change in direction of our pathology operations days at our two Cabrini Rehabilitation hospitals; this was2014-15 with closure of our community collection centres. 567 more than last year and a record high.




260,000 22,000 240,000 20,000

220,000 200,000












Our board A Board of Directors, appointed by the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, governs Cabrini Health Limited. Our Board Directors bring a broad range of experience and skills to our Board’s governance role.


Richard Rogers Appointed July 2010, appointed Chair October 2014

Bruce H Barraclough AO Appointed July 2010, retired October 2014

Richard’s professional experience is in retail, property development and business advisory. Richard was co-owner and joint Managing Director of Roger David. He undertakes property development, is Deputy Chair of Gandel Philanthropy and sits as an advisor on company boards. Richard is a mentor to a number of young people in start-up businesses. He has been heavily involved in community activities and is a former President of a number of Jewish community organisations.

Bruce is a former Dean of Education, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, and Board Chair, Australian E-Health Research Centre. He serves on working parties for the World Health Organization and is Past President of the International Society for Quality in Health Care. He has held senior academic leadership positions at universities in NSW and was Professor/Director of Cancer Services at Northern Sydney Health. He has served as Chair of the Australian Council for Safety and Quality in Health Care and President of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. He was Senior Clinical Advisor to the NSW Health Minister and Director General of Health.

Peter Black Appointed October 2012 Peter Black has a broad range of corporate experience, having held senior roles at the international company Amcor Ltd including ten years as Group General Manager Internal Audit. During this time, the audit department expanded to five international countries. For more than a decade, he has served as a member of the Province Finance Advisory Committee for the IBVM Loreto Sisters’ Australian Province, providing commercial advice to the Sisters, covering oversight of their schools across Australia and their Australian and international community projects. Peter holds a degree in commerce from Canterbury University in New Zealand and is a Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand.

Sister Sharon Casey MSC Appointed July 2010

David Curtain QC Appointed March 2007

Sylvia Falzon Appointed July 2010

Born in USA, Sister Sharon is a Missionary Sister of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Cabrini Sister) and has served two terms as a Provincial Councilor for the Stella Maris Province prior to being missioned to Cabrini Health in Australia. Her background is in education and she holds a Master Degree in Religion and Spirituality from New York’s Fordham University. Sister Sharon has served as Executive Board Committee Member for Cabrini High School in New Orleans and the Cabrini Centre for Nursing and Rehabilitation in New York.

David is a barrister who practises in a wide variety of areas including medical and other professional negligence, commercial litigation, civil juries and personal injuries. He was appointed Queen’s Counsel in 1993. David is a former Chairman of the Victorian Bar Council, a former President of the Australian Bar Association and the former President of the Medico-Legal Society of Victoria.

An experienced non-executive director of ASX listed companies, not-for-profit and government organisations, Sylvia has worked in the financial services industry for almost three decades. She has held senior executive positions responsible for institutional and retail funds management businesses both domestically and internationally. Her roles have included Head of Business Development at AVIVA Investors Australia, an equity partner at Alpha Investment Management, and Chief Manager International Sales and Service at National Mutual Funds Management/AXA. Sylvia serves on the boards of Perpetual Limited, SAI Global Limited, Regis Healthcare Limited and Museums Board of Victoria.


Our board continued


Peter Mahon Appointed 1 July 2010 Peter is CEO of corporate advisory firm Royce. He has extensive communications experience in the corporate, government and not-for-profit sectors. Peter’s healthcare experience includes the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing, Therapeutic Goods Administration, Victorian and Commonwealth Departments of Human Services, Medicare Australia, GMHBA, Royal Children’s Hospital, Mercy Hospital for Women, St Vincent’s Health, Affinity Health, Villa Maria Society, Freemasons Hospital and the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne. Peter holds a Bachelor of Economics degree from Monash University. He is a former member of the Xavier College School Council, Chairman of the Xavier Foundation and the Sacre Coeur Foundation. Peter is a member of the Salvation Army Board of Advice.

Peter Matthey Member since 2005, appointed Chair September 2010, retired October 2014 Peter is a retired chartered accountant with 38 years of experience in public accounting. He was previously a partner at KPMG and a Director of KPMG Transaction Services. His primary industry focus was financial services with significant sector experience in health, energy and natural resources, infrastructure, transportation and market-traded products. He worked extensively throughout the Asia Pacific region. Peter is a director of Church Resources and Catholic Network Australia Limited and contracts privately in his areas of specialisation. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia and a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Father Laurence McNamara CM Appointed October 2012 Fr McNamara is a Vincentian priest and moral theologian. He is parish priest of St Joseph’s Malvern and Senior Lecturer in the Department of Moral and Practical Theology at Catholic Theological College, MCD University of Divinity, Melbourne. He has lectured at St Francis Xavier Seminary, Adelaide College of Divinity, Flinders University and the Catholic Institute of Sydney. Fr McNamara is a graduate of the Gregorian University, Rome, and Oxford University. He received his doctorate from the University of Adelaide. He has been Deputy President of the Catholic Institute of Sydney and President of the Catholic Moral Theology Association of Australia and New Zealand and a member of human research ethics committees for health and public sector organisations.

Sister Helen Monkivitch RSM AO Appointed July 2008, retired October 2014 Sister Helen is a member of Mercy Health’s executive team. She was CEO and Sister Administrator of the Mercy Hospital for Women 1984-95 and CEO 1986-88. She holds a Master of Health Planning from the University of New South Wales, a Bachelor of Arts from Swinburne Institute of Technology and a Diploma of Nursing Administration from Lincoln Institute of Health Sciences. Sister Helen was a member of the congregational leadership team of the Sisters of Mercy Melbourne 1994-2000 and a member of several Boards of Governance. She was awarded the 2012 Catholic Health Australia Maria Cunningham Award for Outstanding Service.

Dr Paul Nisselle AM Appointed October 2014

Professor Robyn O’Hehir Appointed September 2010

Paul is a general medical practitioner (GP) who has extensive experience in medical indemnity insurance, as well as medico-legal and clinical risk management. He works as a sessional GP and is a consultant with MDA National and the Cognitive Institute. He is a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, a Foundation Fellow of the Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine, Royal College of Physicians (England) and holds a Master of Health and Medical Law. He was made a Member of the General Division of the Order of Australia (AM) in 2013 “for service to medicine and the medical profession through contributions to a range of government and professional organisations and to the community through youth welfare and cultural groups”.

Robyn is Professor/Director of Allergy, Immunology and Respiratory Medicine, Alfred Hospital and Central Clinical School, Monash University, Deputy Head, Central Clinical School, Monash University and Deputy Head Research, Alfred Health. She is a consultant physician, educator and internationally renowned researcher in allergy and anti-inflammatory therapies. Robyn was elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences and a Fellow of the Thoracic Society of Australasia in 2015 and is an editor of the international journal Clinical and Experimental Allergy. Robyn is a Life Governor of Asthma Victoria and a member of Council of the Sir Robert Menzies Memorial Foundation.


Our board continued


Sneza Pelusi Appointed October 2014 Sneza has worked with Deloitte Australia for 22 years including 12 years’ experience as an audit partner. She holds a Bachelor of Commerce, is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia and is a registered company auditor. She has worked in Perth, Melbourne and Jakarta. Since October 2008, Sneza has led the Deloitte Victorian Assurance and Advisory practice and has been a member of the Victorian Executive and National A&A Executive. Since 2011, Sneza has co-led the firm’s leadership development program for talented partners under 40 years of age. Also, she leads the Deloitte Audit Committee Program in Victoria for Non-Executive Directors.

Robert Zahara Appointed July 2005, retired October 2014 Robert has had wide experience in manufacturing and provides mentoring support to a number of CEOs of national manufacturing businesses. He has been the CEO of both publicly and privately owned businesses with strong links to the building industry. Robert is Treasurer of Melbourne University Boat Club. He holds degrees in chemical engineering and arts, as well as a Master of Business Administration. Robert is a Fellow of the Institute of Engineers

Dr Michael Walsh Company Secretary since December 2008 Michael is Chief Executive of Cabrini Health. He has a distinguished career in hospital and health administration in Victoria, Western Australia, the UK and the Middle East. He is a medical graduate of Monash University and holds a Master in Public Administration from the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. Michael is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators and the Australasian College of Health Service Managers.

Board committees The Board of Directors was supported by seven Board Committees during 2014-15. Following is a description of the work undertaken by each of them.

Cabrini Audit and Risk Management Committee Chair: Peter Black The Audit and Risk Management Committee is appointed by the Board to assist it in fulfilling its governance responsibilities in relation to the financial management of Cabrini. Cabrini Foundation Board Chair: Sylvia Falzon The Cabrini Foundation Board is appointed by the Board to assist it in fulfilling its governance and oversight responsibilities relating to fundraising. This Board oversees and guides all fundraising activities for, on behalf of, or under the auspices of Cabrini.

are being conducted at Cabrini. It ensures that the research affirms the mission and values of Cabrini and the Catholic Church. It also ensures that ethical standards are maintained in research projects to protect the interests of the research participants, the investigator and Cabrini. Cabrini Institute Council Chair: Professor Peter Fuller The purpose of the Institute Council is to develop, support and promote the clinical education and research activities of Cabrini. It acts as the principal advisor on Cabrini’s education, research and health promotion strategies and governs/oversees the conduct of the Cabrini Institute.

the Board and is responsible for reviewing and approving

Cabrini Mission and People Committee Chair: Sr Sharon Casey MSC The Mission and People Committee is appointed by the Board to assist it in fulfilling its governance and oversight responsibilities relating to Cabrini’s identity and purpose including organisation culture, ethical practice,

research projects that involve human participants and

community benefit and community partnerships.

Cabrini Human Research Ethics Committee Chair: Dr Margaret Staples The Cabrini Human Research Ethics Committee reports to

Cabrini Nominations Committee Chair: Richard Rogers The Nominations Committee is appointed by the Board to assist the Board fulfil its governance and oversight responsibilities relating to the Board and Board Committee composition, performance and succession planning. Cabrini Patient Experience and Clinical Governance Committee Chair: Dr Paul Nisselle AM The Patient Experience and Clinical Governance Committee is appointed by the Board to assist it in fulfilling its governance and oversight responsibilities relating to the key principles of clinical governance and to ensure governance systems are in place that maintain and improve the reliability and quality of patient care, as well as improve patient outcomes.


Our executives Cabrini has an Executive Committee which supports the Chief Executive in performing his duties, including leadership of our mission and implementation of our strategic plan.


Dr Michael Walsh Chief Executive

Associate Professor Leanne Boyd Executive Director, Nursing and the Cabrini Institute

Michael has been Chief Executive of Cabrini Health since 2008. He has a distinguished career in hospital and health administration in Victoria, Western Australia, the UK and the Middle East. He is a medical graduate of Monash University and holds a Master in Public Administration from the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. Michael is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators and the Australasian College of Health Service Managers.

In August 2014, Leanne joined the Executive Committee. She has a clinical background in critical care and began working at Cabrini in 2012, appointed Director of Education and Staff Development. Leanne has more than 20 years’ experience in health professional education. Prior to Cabrini, she worked at Monash University as Director of Academic Programs (Middle East) and Head of Department Community Emergency Health and Paramedic Practice. Leanne holds postgraduate qualifications in education and critical care from Monash University and a Master of Tertiary Education Management from the University of Melbourne.

Judith Day Executive Director, Commercial Services and Business Systems and Deputy Chief Executive Judith has worked at Cabrini for nine years. She is a Certified Practising Accountant and completed a Master of Business Administration from the University of Adelaide. Judith has almost 20 years’ experience in the health sector. Previously, she was Director of Finance and Administration at St Andrew’s Hospital in Adelaide. Prior to that, she worked in various roles at Faulding Healthcare, Flinders Medical Centre and Ashford Community Hospital. Her responsibilities include finance, payroll, information technology, health information services and health fund contracts.

Geoff Fazakerley Executive Director, Diagnostics, Major Projects and Infrastructure Geoff began working for Cabrini in 1985 and in 1990 became Director of Support Services until 1997, when he was made Director of Building and Business Development. In 2009, Geoff was appointed to the position of Executive Director, Diagnostic Services and Infrastructure. Geoff has played an integral part in overseeing the development and expansion of Cabrini Health, including our premises at Ashwood, Brighton, Elsternwick, Hawthorn, Malvern and Prahran.

Mary-Anne Gallagher Executive Director, People and Culture

Cath Garner Executive Director, Mission and Strategy

Mary-Anne has been with Cabrini since 2010 and has worked in the role of Principal Consultant, Organisation Development reporting to the Chief Executive. In August 2014, she was appointed to her current role. Mary-Anne is a registered psychologist who has worked in human resources for more than 25 years in private and public sector organisations including finance, corporate rehabilitation, environmental management, public and private health and tertiary education. She has held roles as director of organisation development and human resources at a global level in complex, dispersed organisations. Mary-Anne holds a Bachelor of Science, a Graduate Diploma in Applied Psychology and a Master of Science in Positive Organisation Development.

Cath has a background in nursing and education and in 2002, she was appointed as Mission Integration Officer, joining the Executive Committee in 2007. She has worked in Australian healthcare for almost three decades in a wide range of key clinical, staff development and management roles. She holds postgraduate degrees in education, information systems, innovation/service management and theology. She oversees Cabrini Health’s social outreach and community engagement programs.


Our executives continued


Dr Peter Lowthian Executive Director, Medical Services

Natalie Sullivan Executive Director of Brighton and Continuing Care

Dr Simon Woods Executive Director, Malvern

Since 2002, Peter was Executive Director of the Cabrini Institute and in 2013 he also gained executive responsibility for clinical governance at Cabrini. In August 2014, Peter was appointed to his current role. He is a rheumatologist and a graduate of Monash University. Peter is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, of the Australian Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine, of the Royal College of Physicians London and of the Royal Australian College of Medical Administrators.

Natalie joined Cabrini in 2010 and oversees services at Ashwood, Brighton, Elsternwick and Prahran. She is responsible for service development in the areas of allied health and community integration. In 2012, Natalie took on executive leadership and responsibility for implementation of Cabrini’s patient and family experience strategy. Her background is in allied health as a prosthetist/orthotist and she holds a Master of Health Administration. Previously, Natalie worked at Eastern Health where she was Chief Allied Health Officer and General Manager of Angliss Hospital, Healesville and District Hospital, Yarra Ranges Health and Yarra Valley Community Health.

Simon has worked at Cabrini Malvern since 1988 as a general surgeon specialising in upper gastrointestinal surgery. He was elected Chair of Medical Staff from 2006-07. In 2007, he was appointed Cabrini Health’s Medical Director. He has presided over significant changes in the accreditation of medical practitioners. In August 2014, he was appointed Executive Director of Cabrini Malvern, creating a single point of executive accountability for the hospital.

Our organisation chart Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Provincial Superior, Stella Maris Province Cabrini Board of Directors

Dr Michael Walsh Chief Executive CORPORATE EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF CHIEF EXECUTIVE Foundation: Sue James, Director (until April 2015) Marketing & Community Relations: Christine Elmer, Director Board Admin Support: Judy Nancarrow, Board and Administration Support

Judith Day Executive Director, Commercial Services & Business Systems (Deputy Chief Executive) Geoff Fazakerley Executive Director, Diagnostics, Major Projects & Infrastructure

Legal: Neil Christensen, Legal

Cath Garner Executive Director, Mission and Strategy

Tim Staker Cabrini Technology

Mary-Anne Gallagher Executive Director, People and Culture

Ralf Pelz Cabrini Linen Kris Botha Human Resources & Employee Relations

Note: current at 30 June 2015

CLINICAL EXECUTIVE Associate Professor Lee Boyd Executive Director, Nursing and Cabrini Institute Dr Peter Lowthian Executive Director, Medical Services Natalie Sullivan Executive Director, Brighton and Continuing Care Dr Simon Woods Executive Director, Malvern


Our supporters


Founding Institute Donors Cabrini Hospital Cabrini Hospital Medical Staff Cabrini Pharmacy Construction Engineering (Aust) Pty Ltd Corrs Chambers Westgarth CWB Australia Ltd The Gandel Charitable Trust Dr Romayne Holmes The Lording Family Melbourne Pathology Dr Frank Panetta Mr Denzil & Mrs Sylvia Pinto The Polglase Family Radclin Medical Imaging Safetell International Schering Australia Pty Ltd Tattersall’s, The Estate of the Late George Adams Drs Victor & Karen Wayne In Memory of Sir Edward Hughes In Memory of Mavis Lord In Memory of Esther Barouh The Judy Reddoch Breast Cancer Fund Companions Aventis Pharma Pty Ltd Mr John Gandel AO & Mrs Pauline Gandel Mr Ian & Mrs Linda Gandel Ms Michelle Gandel Mr Tony & Mrs Helen Gandel Heartbeat Cabrini Inc. Mr Alan Jackson AO & Mrs Esme Jackson Alan Jackson Nursing Research Fellow Mr John Laidlaw OAM & Mrs Betty Laidlaw

Mr David Mandie AM OBE Pfizer Australia Pty Ltd The Sambor Family The Moniek Sambor Family Memorial Research Fund The Simonds Family The Stewardson Charitable Trusts Mr George & Mrs Mira Szalmuk Szalmuk Family Department of Medical Oncology Mrs Anne Wollach-Szalmuk Mr Geoff Szalmuk Mrs Simone Szalmuk-Singer Dr David & Mrs Lisa Thurin Mr & Mrs Joseph & Helena Fröhlich West Fröhlich West Chair of Surgery Partners The Michael & Andrew Buxton Foundation Bensons Group of Companies Cabrini Medical Staff Construction Engineering (Aust) Pty Ltd Marc & Bev Fookes Charles Holckner & Family − In Memory Of Lily HD & KM Johnston Jreissati Foundation Peter Meese Cancer Nursing Fund Mr David & Mrs Barbara MacDonald Mr Angus Mackay Mr Louis Mangan AO & Cecile Mangan The McMurrick Family Mr & Mrs Mark Newman Richard & Dorothea Nossbaum Ostomy Association of Melbourne Inc Nigel Peck AM & Patricia Peck Alan, Ahda & Evi Selwyn Family Richard Smith

Fellows Associated Retailers Limited The Bachrach Charitable Trust In Memory of Jan Bucknall Charter Security Group The Alfred & Jean Dickson Foundation Equity Trustees Limited The Fryer Family Brian H Gillies Travel Scholarship for Palliative Care Nurses Prue Gillies Geoff and Helen Handbury Foundation Mr & Mrs Higgins Mrs Kerrie Hunter & Family Susan Kavals Memorial Mrs Dinah Krongold & Family Dr Laurence LeWinn Foundation Kylie Minogue OBE Richard & Susan Mizgala Frank O’Shea OAM Mayer Page Research Fellow The Family of Duncan Powers In Memory of Marlene Regan The Sasse Family Mr & Mrs P Selzer & Family Signorino Family Victor Smorgon Charitable Fund David & Chasya Tamir Tomaino Family Michael & Donna Tricarico & Family Cheryl M Windsor Benefactors Amgen Australia Pty Ltd AMP Foundation

AON Risk Services Australia

John Allison Monkhouse Palliative Care Scholarship

Anthony & May Barry

Mr Hugh Morgan AC & Mrs Elizabeth Morgan

Beaconsfield & de Winter Families

Mr Patrick Nalty

W & G Bradshaw Trust

The O’Donohue Family

Chris Chadwick

Pharmacia Australia Pty Limited

Collier Charitable Fund

Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia

Commonwealth Bank of Australia − Corporate Financial

Elinor Rabinov

Services Vic & Tas

Gary Richardson

Maureen Coomber

Roche Products Pty Ltd

The De Luca Family

Irvin Rockman CBE

David & Kristene Deague

Rotary Club of Brighton

Mr Andrew C Facey

Rotary Club of Malvern

Mr Geoff & Mrs Lesley Freeman

The Sanford Partnership

Brian Goddard

Sanofi-Sythelabo Australia Pty Ltd

Mr John Grossi

The Late John Saunders AO

Herschel Asset Management Limited

Margaret Savill

Mr Russell Hutchinson

Mr Richard John Savill

IM & SK Families Fund

Alexander Slade

Des & Cheri Jackson

The Brian Smith Endowment

Jack & Sheila Jenner

June F.M. Smith

Kay & Burton Pty Ltd

Smith & Nephew Pty Limited

Eleanor Keamy & George Tate

Margery E Snowball

Mrs Judith Lang & The Gideon Lang Foundation

Sotheby’s Australia

Helen Macpherson Smith Trust

Spooner Family

Mr Colin & Mrs Jannene Madden

G & K Stansen

The Matthey Family

Bib Stillwell BMW

Alison McElroy

Mr Brian J Sutton FRCNA

Ron & Valerie McLaughlan

Tattersall’s, The Estate of The Late George Adams

Men of Malvern

Quentin Wallace

Merrin Foundation

Mr Stewart & Mrs Ingrid Webster

MIA Victoria

Dr Charles William (Bill) Edgar Wilson

Doris Mohl OAM

Windemere Foundation

John Allison Monkhouse

Yarra Valley Travel

Patrons Aquanita Racing Pat & Sheril Aughterson Mr Nick & Miss Angela Baldi Bagot Gjerja Foundation Theodore (Ted) & Miriam Berman Ron Bunker & Evelyn Abaya Reginald & Audrey Campbell Caravan Industry Australia Victoria Trades Division John Christopherson Estate of Mrs Margaret Cochrane OAM Naja David & Family In Memory of Nereo Dizane Downie Family Mr & Mrs Wal Edgar & Family Eric Ormond Baker Charitable Fund The Marian & E H Flack Trust Fried & Sable Families Mr Michael & Mrs Helen Gannon Mrs Jenny Gold and Family In Memory of Dr Norman Gold Eli & Kerry Goldfinger Grenda Foundation Ken & Margaret Grenda Dorothy Haines The Hall Family P & M Harbig (Holdings) Pty Ltd The George Hicks Foundation In Memory of Jade Howell In Memory of Kerrie Hunter The Irvine Club Inc Jacobs Thomas & Associates Dr Sharon Keeling Mr Doug Kefford AO In Memory of Dorothy Keyte



The Valda Klaric Foundation Greg Lamanna Langton’s Pty Ltd Geraldine Lazarus Lynette & Kevin Lee Mrs Barbara J Lewis The Lochtenberg Family Jeff Loewenstein Lord Mayor’s Charitable Fund Joan Loton The Lowthian Family Andy Lyas In Memory of Dr Ann Marks Christopher Marriott Men of Malvern Medtronic Australasia Pty Ltd The Mezo Family Sarah Miskin Palliative Care Nursing Scholarship Barry & Beatrice Moignard Charitable Trust Montague Group Moore Stephens Melbourne Pty Ltd R M Morgan AM Paul Mullaly QC Mr John & Mrs Pamela Murphy In Memory of Mary Nesbitt In memory of Mr Chor-Kim Ng Novartis Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd Richard (Frederick) O’Brien Bruce Parncutt & Robin Campbell Paulusz Family Foundation Proclaim Management Solutions Pty Ltd Ramler Family Mr & Mrs Anthony Reeves John Reeves Mr Benedict J Roche Denis Roche Drs Sue & Phil Ronaldson

Rotary Club of Chadstone/East Malvern Rotary Club of Brighton Charitable Foundation Peter & Barbara Shearer Mrs Maggie Christin Shipp Mr John Sircom & Mrs Helen Sircom In Memory of Marjorie Smith Mr Daryl Somers OAM & Mrs Julie Somers OAM In Memory of Margaret Roff Sutton Mrs Valma Truin Barbara Tucker In Memory of Suzanne Vass The Wallis Family Marie & John Warnock Drs Victor & Karen Wayne The Werled Foundation Associates John & Ruth Adamson Georgina Barraclough John & Liz Bate Mr & Mrs Jack & Meg Bowen Brighton Grammar School Foundation David Brookman The Sir Wilfred Brookes Charitable Foundation Mr & Mrs G & J Brown Carter Family Foundation The Hon Stephen Charles QC Nelson & Julie Cheung In memory of Ignatius Paul Cini Cobram Barooga Golf Club Veterans Club In Memory of Graham Coningsby Mrs Margaret Coningsby In Memory of Ron & Joan Davies Brian Davis Barbara Dicker Dromana Football & Netball Club In Memory of Cyril Doraisamy

Mary Drenen The Duggan Foundation Mrs Susie Edwards & Family Sylvia Falzon John Graham Mr & Mrs Geoffrey A Grant Edward Hauser OBE Jean & Ern Ireland − Sea Bee Pty Ltd In memory of George Karpathiou Jack & Karen Joel & Family The Jonson Family Annie Rose & Andrew Lazar Foundation Mr Andrew Lindsay Mr & Mrs Simon & June Lubansky The Luscombe Family Foundation Douglas Mackenzie Ron & Fay Malouf In Memory Of Leigh Masel In Memory of Stewart Maxted Allan McNicol Desmond W Milner Modern Drive Engineering P/L Gordon Moffatt AM In Memory of Judith Moir Richard Mole E. Morris David Oppenheim Vincenzo Paoletta Pellicano Group Mrs Christine Potts Reeves Endowment Mrs Irene Reich Ralph & Ruth Renard Richard & Ros Rogers The Russell Foundation William Sexton

Yvonne Spencer The Springwaters Foundation Jean St Leger Educational Scholarship Mr & Mrs Frank & Heather Stewart The Strachan Family Mr Bernard Sweeney In Memory of Mrs Pamela Tax Geoffrey H Thomas Joan & Roderick Thomson Leonie Thompson Yvonne Thompson Dinah Tobias Cornelis Van Ek B & A Wain Peter Wain & Family Mr Max Walters Mr Choo Keng Wee & Mrs Beverley Anne Wee In Memory of Mr John Whitbread Bequests In Memory of Claire Abrahams Estate of Ellen M Balderstone Estate of Carmel Mary Blanton Mrs Ann Brewer Estate of Rosina Violet Brown Estate of Nance Nevasa Buchanan Estate of Agnes Ferguson Clark Estate of Annie Marjorie May Clarke Roger John Cleary Estate of Joyce Mena Coxall The Estate of David Roy Cross Rino Della Bosca Estate of John Robert Edwards Estate of Barbara Feil In Memory of Hubert Frances & Margaret Mary McCarthy Estate of Harold Francis Estate of U M Frawley

Estate of Dorothy Cecelia Garbutt Estate of John Sutherland Hamling Estate of Pamela Mary Harper Estate of Noel Arthur Hatherly Estate of Mary Kathleen Hauser Estate of Doris Mary Hawkless Estate of Rita Mae Hunt Estate of Doreen Johnson Estate of Valda Irene Keil Estate of Irene Kozica Estate of Dr Betty Laidlaw Estate of Robert Mackey In Memory of Mrs Katherine Jane Mactier Rita Anversa Magris Estate of Katherine Mander Estate of Brian Charles Mander Estate of June Masson Estate of Marita Therese Mulcahy Estate of Marjorie May Murdoch Estate of Rex Oxnam Estate of Leslie Charles Parkinson Estate of Russell Pitt Estate AV Powers Estate of Lindsay G Quinn Estate of William Clifford (Peter) Rawlins Estate of Alexander Graeme Robertson The Estate of Anthony Carmel Saccasan Estate of Grace Saunders Mrs E C Seccull Estate of Leslie Alfred Shapland Estate of Maria (Lina) Concetta Sinelli Bella Taft Estate of Hugh L Wallace Estate of Wilma Elsa White Estate of Betty Geddes Wood The Estate of Vica Vitea Yavitch

In Memoriam Mr Christopher Bedelis Patricia Boxall John William Clapham In Memory of Cyril Doraisamy Kevin Elias Walter Lyle Fish Amelia Fuller Margaret Goddard Mrs Jenny Gold and Family In Memory of Dr Norman Gold The Tom Hafey Memorial Fund Jade Howell Kerrie Hunter Patricia Janes Mr Stephen Kelly In Memory of Dorothy Keyte In memory of Tuen Yee Lucy Lao In Memory of Mrs Patsy Littlejohn In Memory of Dr Ann Marks In Memory of Stewart Maxted Mr Brian O’Sullivan In Memory of Maxwell Charles Parsons Mrs Christine Potts Mr Harry M Ramler Joyce Reed In Memory of Mrs Bella Rogers In Memory of Timothy Russell In Memory of Ann Ryan In Memory of Mr Richard John Savill Kevin & Patricia Speer In Memory of Diane Spielvogel In Memory of George & Mira Szalmuk – The Szalmuk Family Miss Charlotte Tait Mrs Pamela Tan Dr Charles William (Bill) Edgar Wilson Geoffrey Robin Westacott




Francesca Cabrini was born in northern Italy in 1850.

She was the first citizen of the USA to be canonised a

hospital but unfortunately, this was not so. Without losing

Inspired by her deep faith in Jesus Christ, she was a

saint. At age 30, she founded the Missionary Sisters of

spirit, they worked hard to equip and make the place

woman of great compassion and courage. She saw

the Sacred Heart of Jesus to show God’s love for people

presentable so that they could re-open the facility. At

her life as a mission to relieve suffering and serve

through their compassionate action in the world. Today

the time, Melbourne was not the multicultural city that

those in need – particularly the poor and excluded.

their mission reaches around the world, and includes

we know today. People were cautious of these Italian

She established health, education and care centres in

Cabrini Health in Australia.

sisters who dressed and spoke differently to the Australian

the USA and Latin America, in Europe and in England, becoming an inspiration to all whose lives she touched.

religious of the time. Despite their best efforts, in the Our Cabrini story started in 1948, when ten Cabrini Sisters

first few months there were many complaints about their

arrived in Melbourne to take over St Benedict’s, a small

strange ways. However, the Sisters recognised there were

hospital in Malvern. The journey from Italy took ten days

people in need and, with courage and determination; they

as the plane could only fly during daylight hours. The

laid the foundation for the comprehensive healthcare

Sisters thought they were taking over a fully functioning

serve we have become today.


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