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Christadelphian Aged Care A U T U M N N E W S L E T T E R
RIDGEVIEW Address: 95 Daintree Drive, Albion Park NSW 2527
Phone: (02) 4235 7600 Email: admin@chomes.com.au
Managers Message
Welcome to Ridgeview
Look long and hard at people who live lovingly. Notice how beautifully they age. Notice how relevant their wealth or status is. Notice how much other people want to be in their presence. Notice how they smile. nnn
“When I smiled at them, they scarcely believed it; the light of my face was precious to them. Job 29:24
Dear Friends, Working in Aged Care requires a special type of person. I think you would agree that it is not an easy job to care properly for our aged loved ones. As a token of recognition for our staff we have decided to have a monthly award and a gift voucher for a nominated Staff member. I encourage relatives and residents to nominate this person – by comment or in writing is fine. This month, several relatives have come to me and told me how pleased they are that we have Helen Simpson working in our Hostel at night. Helen makes sure everyone in her care is as comfortable and as safe as if they were in her own home. We are all really grateful for the contribution Helen makes to Ridgeview. Just a reminder, whenever a resident is going out of the home, please let the staff on the ward know. We really need you to write in our visitors book at the front door but it is a great help if you can let the staff on the ward know when you are taking anyone out of the home. There’s nothing worse than not knowing where everyone is! A special thankyou to our volunteers. We have some relatives who are volunteers as well and they never seem to go home! Our residents and staff really appreciate the time and effort that is given so freely. Shell Bonner is always looking for more helpers so if you can help us in any way we would love to have you on board. Welcome to our new families. We have admitted quite a few new residents this month. Please feel free to drop in any time and say “Hello”. My door is always open so you know I am up for a chat. With so many residents it can be quite hard to stay up to date with everything but my two colleagues Ciji and Jaina, our NUM’s, brief me at least daily with all sorts of information about your loved ones and I do my best to know what is going on all over our home. Kind regards, Michelle Megson
“Reach out. Share. Smile. Hug. Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself” - Og Mandino
Message from our Senior Manager
I’m very happy and excited to be part of Christadelphian Aged Care. I have a passion for aged care having come from a quality improvement background. I have worked as an aged care quality assessor with the Agency, a facility manager and as a registered nurse in cardiac, triage and aged care. I’m keen to share my industry knowledge and experience gained in having assessed a variety of systems and processes across a number of aged care facilities throughout NSW, ACT and Victoria. My main responsibility is for clinical governance across the homes under Christadelphian Aged Care. Fundamentally, this means achieving the best possible care for residents using a defined approach. This is done by focusing on what’s best for the resident and then building the service or environment around those needs . This will better enable us to approach challenges and continuous improvement activities proactively and confidently. My wife Maria and I have three daughters, all of who play for the State League competition with Netball NSW. Two are currently at university studying physiotherapy and business respectively and the third currently undertaking her HSC exams this year. I coach representative netball for the Under 12s age group for the Hills District Netball Association NSW and I enjoy travel and culture, although I haven’t had much of an opportunity to do so in recent times. I have however travelled extensively throughout the USA with the highlight being at Elvis’ Graceland in Memphis, Tennessee. I’m friendly, approachable and I very much look forward to learning more about each home and meeting members of the Christadelphian care team. - Jose Rigor Senior Manager, Operations
2 Anna
2 Eileen
1 Betty
4 Richard
3 Electra
1 Jessie
6 Jane
6 Joy
3 Leila
10 Vasna
6 Anne
8 Jack
10 Margarete
10 Ethel
9 Kathleen
12 Clarice (Jean)
15 Marjorie
11 Rex
12 Robert (Bob)
17 Miguel
13 June
16 Connie
18 Edith
14 Peggy
20 Noel
19 Christine
14 John
21 Patricia
19 Noel
14 Dulcie
24 Muriel
24 Mary
14 Audrey
24 John
25 Beverley
19 Sultanah
27 Josephine
30 Petar
20 Joyce
8th - Family BBQ 15th-23rd Seniors Week 15th - Sydney Gala Concert Bus Trip 19th - Seniors Luncheon & Concert 21st - Belly Dancers Concert 26th - Irish Cultural Day
APRIL Easter Raffle 9th - Indian Cultural Day 11th - Remembrance Service
MAY 12th - Suzie J Concert 25th - Christadelphian Combined Concert
20 Dinny 22 Barbara 24 Norman 28 Edgar
Activity Reviews
The last 3 months have been very busy for us with Christmas parties, bus trips and concerts.
DECEMBER December saw us having 3 separate Christmas parties with Santa attending all of them along with Santa’s Elf. All our residents had a wonderful time. We had a Christmas lights trip for each area on the day of there party. A good time was had by all. Mt Terry Preschool and Mt Terry School choirs both came and visited our residents.
JANUARY During January, we celebrating the New Year and Australian Cultural Day. We loved having our Christadelphian Activity Assistants with us - Carly Bonner and Jacqui Errington. A big thank you girls, we had a great time with you and we know our residents did also.
FEBRUARY We had a lovely afternoon tea for Valentine’s Day for our residents, with fresh scones jam and cream and a lovely cup of tea. We played nice soft music and the residents enjoyed a lovely chat and get together. We had a lovely concert with Suzie J and will enjoy a bus trip to Robertson Pie Shop for lunch. Matildas Farm came to visit as did our friend ‘Ice’, the big white German shepherd came and visited our residents they loved it. Pet Therapy does wonders for our residents’ well being.
Activity Programs We now have a Social Program in Sunshine Dining Room every morning from 10 am to 12 pm where residents can come and participate in many different activities such as sing-alongs, table games, massage, quizzes and ball games. Also, twice a week Mt Terry School visits on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 10-10.45am. Our resident and relative meeting will be held the first Monday of every month in the Sunshine Dining Room at 2.30 pm. Our Church services have recommenced - please see notice Board for dates. Also, our residents enjoy our Monthly Birthday Parties, Men’s Group, Happy Hour and weekly Bus Trips. We are now forming a choir with the help of Greg (volunteer) and are hoping by March that it will be in full swing with fortnightly practices. The RAO Department are very proud of our residents winning prizes at the Kiama show. Well done to everyone involved Also, La Belle Nails come on the second Tuesday of every month for all your beauty needs please see RAOs for further information. Our Kiosk is now run by a volunteer every Friday afternoon from 3-4 pm. Thanks Jackie!! Come for a chat come and have a look at our refurbished Kiosk. We look forward to another great 3 months with our lovely residents and don’t forget if there is any ideas or activities you would like to try, let us know!!!! - Kath, Kim & Jean, your awesome RAOS ☺ Our residents love their Bingo and we are getting low on prizes, so any donations would be greatly appreciated!
Port Kembla Stack Our area lost a well known icon on 20th February, 2014 with the demolishing of the Port Kembla Stack. Our region has been well known for this 198m high chimney known as the stack of Port Kembla. It was built in 1965 and could be seen for miles away. Many people flocked to Port Kembla to watch the demolishing of it.
Resident Story - Jessie H Hello, my name is Jessie, I live at Ridgeview Aged Care. I was born in Scotland. I am 1 of 9 children. I attended a Salvation Army Sunday School. I always told my mum I wanted to be a missionary. Growing up was hard, dad worked on a farm and worked on the roads. He was a military man (Drum Major). At the age of 14, I worked as a nurse’s aide in the hospital scrubbing floors. I met my husband in Germany and married him a year later. I had 3 children and we moved to Australia in 1968 and lived in Fairy Meadow in the immigration camp. My husband left me 3 years after we moved to Australia. I worked at the Golden Fleece as a waitress to make ends meet. I now have 7 grandchildren. I worked as a missionary traveling overseas helping others. I always try and help others. I enjoy most activities offered at Ridgeview and attend Knitting Group weekly. Thank you for sharing your story with us Jessie.
Staff Profile - Kim Lillie Hi, my name is Kim Lillie. I have been working at Ridgeview for over 5 years as an Activities Officer (RAO). I was born in Australia. My father is Dutch and my mother is French/ English. I have 3 wonderful sons and 2 daughter in-laws and 3 grandsons that I adore. My husband John is a Mechanic. We love to travel. We mostly go to Bali; we have been 9 times so far but are keen to try a cruise next time. I love spending time with my family. They are my everything!
Staff News -
I like playing my guitar and singing and I also enjoy a good book. I cherish all the residents at Ridgeview and enjoy planning the events for them. I like making the residents smile and enjoy hearing about their lives when they were younger. They make me smile also. That’s just a little about me look forward to being with the residents for a while enjoying there stories and planning events for them. ☺ Thanks Kim
Tash, our Physio RN turned 40 this month.
Happy Birthday Tash! It’s all downhill from here... or up! Hahaha Helen, our high care RN, is getting married in March to the love of her life. Congratulations Helen!
Activity Assistant Program I had the wonderful privilege of working at the Ridgeview nursing home in December during my summer holidays. I thoroughly enjoyed my time there, learning many new things as an activity assistant. I was able to assist in morning walks, exercise and Thai chi as well as helping with puzzles, games, sing-a-longs, Christmas parties and arts and craft. I learnt about helping others, whether it be nurses or residents, as well as learning what happens within a nursing home. - Jacqui Errington
I really enjoyed working at Ri dg eview Ag e d Care th is summer and getting to know the residents and staff. I loved being able to put a smile on s o m e o n e ' s face e v e r y d a y, whether in Tai Chi, playing a game of dominoes with someone in morning program, helping out with bus outings or even simply by saying hello. One of the h i g h li g ht s o f m y t i m e at Ridgeview was assisting on an outing to the Kiama Show. The joy on the faces of the Knitting and Gardening groups who won first and second prizes for their blankets and herbs was priceless. I gained so m u c h i n s i g ht into working in Aged Care and look forward to participating in t h e p r o g ra m again. - Carly Bonner
Pastoral Care CAN GOD HEAL A BROKEN HEART? It was a comedian who said, "If broken hearts were commercials, we'd all be on TV." In some strange way he was saying we each have a broken heart, not physically I hope, but inside, where no-one else can see. One of the most popular groups of the 1970s was the Bee Gees. They sang a song that asked five questions and added one plea: "How can you mend a broken heart? How can you stop the rain from falling down? How can you stop the sun from shining? What makes the world go round? How can you mend this broken man? How can a loser ever win? Please help me mend my broken heart and let me live again." You might recall the song. The Bee Gees never answered that question. But we know many people have broken hearts because of all sorts of reasons, death of a loved one, divorce, loss of a job, loss of status, loss of health, betrayal by a friend, loss of a child and, yes, loss of your childhood. All of these reasons can leave you a broken man or woman. What is a wound? If you have ever had an injury or a deep cut, you know how painful it is and how it hurts to be touched. Often, sorrow and loss are like deep wounds. They can be so painful that it seems no one or nothing can make the pain go away. Sometimes our heart is so broken that we can't even express the words and nothing seems to take the pain away. Is there hope for healing a broken heart? Something or someone has just broken your heart. You were caught off-guard by a betrayal, a shocking behaviour, or loss of a loved one. Suddenly you are feeling like you've lost all hope. You can feel a physical aching in your chest that leaves you wounded and scarred. How can you ever hope to recover or discover what steps will end this suffering? We know that emotions are a vital part of the way we are made. Yet we can't understand why it takes so long to heal from emotional injuries and others try to help. Many times, our wounded heart is the result of someone else's actions toward us, and other times it's because of actions we took. Sometimes too, it's a combination of both. But in trying to encourage us, they can't seem to say the right thing. Like a deep wound, a broken heart will not heal overnight. Like some medicines that burn when you apply them to a skin wound, so can a well-meaning friend who says the wrong thing at the wrong time. Who wants to pour rubbing alcohol on an open wound? We search the stores to find an ointment that we can apply to our skin wound that will not burn and then cover it gently with a Band-Aid. It's the same way with our broken heart. We need the right ointment to bring about healing. They say time heals all wounds. But what about the wounds that people can't see? We can't go to the doctors and say "I have a broken heart, can you fix it!" So who can we go to when we have a broken heart, is there anyone who cares? Who are those with the broken heart? They say time heals all wounds. But what about the wounds that people can't see? The pain of past hurts rules many lives. It simmers, it stifles, and sometimes it shuts a person completely down. However, God heals hurts. He is waiting and ready to touch our deepest pain if we will let Him. In a sense, His healing is another divine exchange, in which we offer to Him our hurt and He offers to us His healing. Psalm 147:3 states, "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds (or sorrows)" "Brokenhearted" refers to the wounds in the innermost portion of ourselves. Most of us do not know how to go about receiving Our deepest sympathies have this wonderful healing gift of God. Some of us have not been aware gone out to the families who that this level of deep healing was available. I like what Max Lucardo have lost their loved ones over says in his marvellous book "He still moves Stones". Why did God leave the Autmun period. us one tale after another of wounded lives being restored? So we could be grateful for the past? So we could look back with amazement at what Jesus did? No. The purpose of these stories is not to tell us what Jesus did. Their purpose is to tell us what Jesus does. 'Everything that was written in the past was written to teach us.' Paul penned. 'The Scriptures give us patience and encouragement so that we can have hope.' (Romans 15:4) These are not just Sunday school stories. Not romantic fables. Not somewhere-over-the-rainbow illusions. They are historic moments in which a real God met real pain so we could answer nnn the question, 'Where is God when I hurt?' He's not just doing it just for them. He is doing it for me. He's doing it for you." - By Chris Witts
Alzheimer’s Disesase Outside of a cure, the most vital need of people with Alzheimer’s disease and their loved ones is real emotional connection. How do we continue to communicate with someone with AD who doesn’t talk or remember me? How can we be with people with AD so they are not left feeling the pain of isolation, abandonment, and loneliness? How do we overcome our own feelings of selfconsciousness, awkwardness, and fear of AD to be fully present with someone with dementia? Some pointers: try to remember how it is to feel safe while vulnerable, how to let go of judgment, to offer empathy, to see the humanity and vulnerability in every person, to remember that everyone matters, how to communicate joy, understanding, and love without words or memories - through body language, emotional connection, and the willingness to be fully present in front of another human being.
TWO MOTHER’S REMEMBERED I had two mothers – two mothers I claim Two different people, yet with the same name. Two separate women, diverse by design, But you loved them both because they were mine. The first was the mother who carried me here, Gave birth and nurtured and launched my career. She was the one whose features I bear, Complete with the facial expressions I wear. She gave her love, which follows me yet, Along with the examples in life she set. As I got older, she somehow younger grew, And we’d laugh as just mothers and daughters do. But then came the time that her mind clouded so, And I sensed that the mother I knew would soon go. So quickly she changed and turned into the other, A stranger who dressed in the clothes of my mother. Oh, she looked the same, at least at arm’s length, But now she was the child and I was her strength. We’d come full circle, we women three, My mother the first, the second and me. And if my own children should come to a day, youcomes smile at someone, is anaway, action of When“Every a new time mother and the olditgoes love,of athem gift tonothing that person, beautiful I’d ask that Iadidn’t do -thing” Love both of your mothers both loved you. - MotherasTeresa - Anonymous
Difficulty remembering recent events
Poor judgement and decision making
Inability to manage a budget
Losing track of the date or the season
Difficulty having a conversation. Repeating the same stories over and over again.
Misplacing things and being unable to retrace steps to find them
Changes in mood and personality, inappropriate social behaviour
Withdrawal from work or social activities
New problems with spoken and written words
Trouble understanding visual images
Difficulty completing familiar tasks at home, at work or at leisure
Physio Corner
Here at Ridgeview the Physio team aim to address the physical and emotional needs of our residents, through exercise (group and individual programs), relaxation and pain management (tai chi, deep breathing and massage) and walking programs. Our program is structured to provide a variety of choices to meet resident’s individual needs. We also encourage family members to participate in our programs when visiting, to support residents and experience the many benefits for themselves. Daily exercises, (approx. 40 min sessions) are conducted by the Physio team, with Tai Chi held on Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays and active exercises on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Our exercise classes are conducted seated, commencing and ending with deep breathing exercises, for complete wellness. The relaxing atmosphere of the courtyard, backed by the tranquil sound of water from the Lilly pond is our favourite area for exercising. Daily walks are attended most mornings, as the weather permits, with the focus on distance for the more mobile and enthusiastic of our residents. The RAO's assist with the walking activity, enabling us to have a short and long route and wheelchair participants. One on one exercise sessions are scheduled for those residents who need more assistance to remain active and stimulated with high care and dementia residents, bed and air chair residents receiving specific programs for balance, ROM and circulation. There is a focus on regular repositioning of non mobile residents, to assist with PAC and relieving cramping. Within our weekly program we have three pain clinic sessions for residents who experience chronic pain (as identified through regular pain assessments). Numbers attending can be between 10 and 18 at a time at each clinic. During pain clinic, emphasis is placed on treating pain through the application of heat packs and gentle massage. Using light long strokes (effleurage) to relax and settle. Treatment is individualised to ensure optimum benefits. Relaxation music and soft lighting is used to enhance the ambience, with pain clinic also having a settling effect on the agitated, restless and wondering residents. Heat and massage therapy is available to all residents as required out side of the pain clinic schedule. As part of a falls prevention program with the RAO team we are involved in the facilities after noon activity program. Residents who are assessed as high falls risk (history of re-occurring falls) or display behaviours which may increase their chance of falling i.e.: dementia, sun downing, non compliance with walking aids, restless, unsettled and wanderers, participate in structured activities to deter behaviours which result in falls. Activities are chosen to decrease agitation, distract from risky behaviours, settle and relax. Modified ball and balloon games, soft music and lighting, hand and foot massage provide effective tools for assisting with this valuable program. On the whole the Physio team at Ridgeview strive to enhance the quality of our resident’s day to day life through a holistic program for both physical and emotional benefits. In providing regular exercise programs, incorporated with effective pain management we work towards our residents remaining pain free, actively engaged in daily activities, with decreased risk of falls. - Vikki and the Physio team at Ridgeview
Physio Corner SHARING WITH OTHERS We are regularly reminded of the benefits from exercise and activity to improve our daily life and especially as we age, it becomes increasingly more important for us to keep our bodies moving. But our mobility levels may change suddenly and we may have feelings of uncertainty or our desire to remain socially interactive may decrease. These changes are common to many people and finding the courage to overcome this may seem impossible at times. Participating in a regular exercise group or activity enables us to adjust to changes of ourselves and others whilst receiving the rich rewards physically, socially and emotionally. Since commencing Tai Chi at Ridgeview, the coming together of our residents has created feelings of wellbing, involvement, participation, acceptance and a sense of belonging to all those who attend. The Tai Chi group is an “all inclusive” seated program, we are all positioned together in a circle joining us as equally one group. Each resident brings something unique to the group “themselves”. Judith Forst, a regular attendee, told me today she remembered her first time coming along to Tai Chi: “I felt safe, warm and comfortable to be with a group of caring people who all accepted each other and shared each others company. The interaction between the group was so special. Yes, there have been many physical benefits, but the emotional and social acceptance builds you with strength.” Other residents report to our Physio Team daily of their own personal rewards to attending Tai Chi. There are many social and active groups available to all our residents and families looking for new friends too, so come along and experience the wonderful enjoyment of sharing with others. - Megan Higgins, Physio Assistant at Ridgeview
Volunteer Corner
Our volunteer program is continuing to grow at Ridgeview. We are so blessed to welcome our new volunteers Arturo (bus driver); Shae (activities school holidays); Angela & ‘Ice’ (pet therapy); Greg (choir); Kristie (activities school holidays) and Patrick & Bernadette Roberts (communion). We send a big THANK YOU to all our wonderful volunteers who give up their time each week to assist at Ridgeview in so many ways. Congratulations to the Knitting and Gardening Groups who entered the Kiama Show and won 1st and 2nd place in their categories. The Ridgeview Knitting Group commenced in July 2013, run by our Vo l u n t e e r s Ja n a n d Jeanette. Since that time our residents have completed 14 blankets for the charity ‘Wrapped with Love’. That’s 392 squares each knitted by our residents and sewn together by the tireless efforts of our volunteers!! Our blankets won 1st and 2nd place in their category. Well done Maureen, Elsie, Daphne, Joan, Frances, Barbara, Sarah, Jesse, and volunteers Jan and Jeanette. The Gardening Group entered an impressive display of 6 different Herbs and placed 2nd in the Herb category. Our herb garden continues to thrive in the Sunshine courtyard, the produce being used by the kitchen. A group of eager Year 10 St Joseph’s High School students did a day of service at Ridgeview during the last week of the school year. Battling the summer heat these wonderful students assisted with various activities including gardening, painting outdoor furniture, washing courtyard furniture, assisting in activities and games and organising activity trolleys and cupboards in all areas. We thank St Joseph’s for their continued partnership with Ridgeview and look forward to another wonderful year. continued on next page
If you are interested in joining the Volunteer program at Ridgeview, please do not hesitate to contact me: Shell Bonner on 4235 7600, 0434 421617 or mbonner@chomes.com.au Volunteer/Pastoral Care Coordinator
Volunteer Corner contd
The Kiosk in Hostel has had quite a facelift and is open every Friday between 3-4pm to residents, family and staff. A Lolly Trolley will also be available on Tuesday mornings between 11-11.30am. The Kiosk stocks a variety of items including: chocolates, lollies, chips, biscuits, cold drinks, stationary, stamps, wool, tissues, batteries, personal items (combs, toothbrushes), gifts, wrapping paper and a wide variety of cards. FREE puzzles/find-a-words will also be available here each week. The Kiosk is run by Volunteers and we would like to thank Jacalyn who is now coordinating the running and stocking of the Kiosk, and Rhonda for doing the Lolly Trolley. Michelle and Sheila are really enjoying getting to know the residents, as they do some ironing in the Hostel lounge room. This Volunteer activity runs on Mondays and Thursdays between 10.30am to 11.30am (depending on demand). Residents can bring 1-2 items for ironing whilst relaxing and having a chat with our volunteers. The halls are now alive with the sound of the Ridgeview Choir! We welcome new volunteer Greg who is working with the RAO team to coordinate our very own Choir. Our first choir practice had 7 eager residents attending. How lovely it is to have residents enjoying making melody, having a laugh and enjoy the gift of music. We were very excited to have our first visit from Volunteer Angela with her Volunteer dog ‘Ice’. Angela and Ice visited during February and won the hearts of many residents and staff. It is wonderful to see our less mobile residents enjoy interacting with Ice’s friendly and gentle nature and look forward to their future visits. Hi my name is Michelle and I have been a Volunteer at Ridgeview since November 2013. I go in for 3hrs every morning Monday to Friday helping out the RAO girls by assisting residents on their morning walks, playing games such as dominoes and cards, jigsaw puzzles, sing-a-longs, setting up for special occasions or just sitting with the residents and having a good old chin wag. My 11 year old daughter is also a Volunteer and helps out during school holidays. Shae enjoys playing games with the residents having a chat with them. The residents love it when Shae comes in and is often greeted with a kiss on the cheek and a little cuddle. They always have a big smile when they see her. In January, Shae competed in the National Showcase Dance Championships in Queensland and came home with two gold medals and three trophies. The residents love to watch her dance videos and look at her dance photos. Both Shae and I love putting a smile on the faces of the residents. - Michelle & Shae, Volunteers at Ridgeview Aged Care
Read, Rest & Relax! WHAT’S YOUR NAME AGAIN?
Two elderly ladies had been friends for many decades. Over the years they had shared all kinds of activities and adventures. Lately, their activities had been limited to playing cards a few times a week. One day when playing cards, one looked at the other and said, "Now don't get mad at me. I know we've been friends a long time, but I just can't think of your name. I've thought and thought, but I can't remember it. Please tell me what your name is." Her friend glared at her. For at least three minutes she just stared and glared. Finally she said, "How soon do you need to know?
QUIZ: HOW OLD ARE YOU REALLY? From the following list of 25 items, count all the ones that you remember -- not the ones you were told about! How to score yourself is at the end. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Blackjack chewing gum Wax Coke-shaped bottles with colored sugar-water Candy cigarettes Soda-pop machines that dispensed bottles Coffee shops with tableside jukeboxes Home milk delivery in glass bottles with cardboard stoppers 7. Party lines 8. Newsreels before the movie 9. P. F. Flyers 10. Butch wax 11. Telephone numbers with a word prefix
Super-simple Peach & Raspberry Tart
• 1/2 cup almond meal (ground almonds) • 1 tablespoon caster sugar
• 1 egg separated
• 2sheets frozen butter puff pas try, partially thawed • 2 medium peaches, halved, stones removed, cut into thick wedges • 1/4 cup frozen raspberries
• 1 tablespoon apricot jam, warmed, strained
• Vanilla ice-cream, to serve Serves 4
(e.g., Olive - 6933) 12. Peashooters 13. Howdy Doody 14. 45-RPM records ... and 78-RPM records 15. S&H Green Stamps 16. Hi-fi systems 17. Metal ice trays with lever 18. Mimeograph paper 19. Blue flashbulb If you remembered: 20. Packards 21. Rollerskate keys 0-5 = You're still young 6-10 = You are getting older 22. Cork popguns 23. Drive-in theaters 11-15 = Don't tell your age 24. Studebakers 16-25 = You're older than 25. Washtub wringers you think! 1. Preheat oven to 220°C/ 200°C fan-forced. Grease a large baking tray. Line with baking paper. 2. Combine almond meal, sugar and egg white.
3. Place pastry sheets on top of each other. Gently press to secure. Cut a 22c m round from pastry. Place round on prepared baking tray. Score a 19cm round in centre of larger round. Prick 19cm round all over with a fork. 4. Spread almond meal mixture over 19cm round. Top with peaches and raspberries . Brush pastry border with egg yolk. Bak e for 20 to 25 minutes or until pastry is golden and puffed and peaches are tender. Brush pea ches and raspberries with jam. Serve with ice-cream.
Word Search Find and circle all of the old TV shows that are hidden in the grid. The remaining letters spell the name of an additional old TV show.
Summer Newsletter Puzzle Answer Scrambled Christmas Carol: Merry Christmas
Disclaimer: All photos and stories have been published with consent of relatives and residents involved. Thank you for your submissions.