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Christadelphian Aged Care S U M M E R N E W S L E T T E R
MARANATHA Address: 1582 Anzac Avenue, Kallangur QLD 4503
I bring you the most joyful news ever announced, and it is for everyone! The Saviour - yes the Messiah, the Lord - has been born tonight in Bethlehem!
Luke 2:10-11
Phone: (07) 3482 5333
Email: admin@chomes.com.au
Managers Message
Welcome to Maranatha
From little things big things grow – this does reflect my time at Maranatha. What began as a part time position in 1989 gradually grew over the years until I found myself as Manager from 2000 until the present. I have been proud to lead the team and this has been possible because of the wonderful support network that exists within Maranatha which is made up by various groups of very dedicated people such as: Our Board Members who have always been approachable and open to the needs of the residents and been prepared to listen to staff when making decisions. Committed staff members (too many to mention individually) who are prepared to provide the very best care to our residents and go the extra mile willingly. Wonderful volunteers who give so freely of their time to improve the lives of our residents whether assisting with activities, fundraising, gardening, helping in the cafe or just providing a listening ear and a smile. Maranatha is the product of everyone involved – it is a place of love and care which is palpable in the atmosphere. As Kathy takes over the role of Manager, I know you will all continue to provide this valuable support and Maranatha will continue to exude warmth and caring. I leave this wonderful place with a million happy memories of people past and present that I will treasure for the rest of my life. My sincere thanks and love to you all, Marilyn
“Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all.” 2 Thess 3:16
Message from our CFO
Sustainability is ‘the capacity to endure’. In nature, the word ‘sustainable’ describes how living systems of plants and animals continue on diverse and productive over time, even through many changes in weather and landscape. Ancient, healthy, tropical wetlands like Kakadu or remote, cold climate fern forests in Tasmania are examples of what it means to be sustainable. One day I’d love to visit Kakadu in the Northern Territory to experience its pristine beauty. A sustainable aged care organisation is one that contributes to society’s need for the daily care, nursing support, recreation and accommodation needed by many older people, consistently across the years. One of Christadelphian Aged Care’s eight values is about being Sustainable. We describe this as ‘running CAC as a professional and financially sustainable organisation’. In other words, we want to be able to care for people for a long time ahead, providing care and support for our residents and their families and also providing ongoing employment for our staff and suppliers. Values are the things that people believe are important in the way they live and the way they work. Values direct our decisions, activities and behaviour as a group of people working together to provide care. Over the years, CAC has taken the view that it is very helpful for our organisation to be of a size large enough to weather cycles in economic conditions and government policy, employ enthusiastic and experienced staff, and be able to upgrade and improve the physical facilities we offer – our buildings, equipment, technology, furnishings and fittings. So for a number of years we have been growing in size. In November, we have been delighted to welcome our sister organisation in Queensland, Maranatha, to join with Christadelphian Aged Care in a merger. Maranatha operates as an integrated community combining a retirement village of 52 independent living units and a residential aged care facility able to care for 91 older Australians. They are supported by over 90 staff who are now part of the CAC team. Ongoing changes to regulations and aged care funding continue to impact on smaller residential aged care facilities like Maranatha. Announced changes appear to be framed to fit larger organisations such as CAC that have a corporate support team, economies of scale and extensive systems supporting their six operations. So the Queensland Board and their members agreed that it was in our mutual interest to join together. The merger allows Christadelphian Aged Care to increase its scale of operations and deliver residential aged care services in both Queensland and New South Wales via a single Christadelphian entity. In being sustainable we seek to enrich the quality of life of the people in our care by nurturing them through our compassion, service and comfortable living environment. Best Wishes, Andrew O’Toole
UPCOMING EVENTS DECEMBER 6th - Marilyn’s Farewell 7th - Family Carer’s Group Luncheon 13th - Christmas Bazaar Day & Carols Afternoon
JANUARY 24th - Annual Kid’s Concert 31st - Jan Birthday Party ‘Aussie Theme’ + Concert
FEBRUARY 14th - Valentine’s Day Celebrations 28th - Feb Birthday Party ‘Hawaiian Theme’
2 Shirley L 4 Elma P 4 Nancy S 7 Richard D 8 Heather K 16 Val L 16 Jeff H 17 Bob C 19 Maud O 20 Betty S 20 Susan C 25 Rex B 27 Merle D
1 Cec W 2 Beryl M 5 Audrey W 7 Gertrude B 9 Jean S 13 Rosa B 17 Isobelle B 20 Vera B 20 Beris B
Activity Reviews Spring Fair - Many months have passed since our last newsletter
at Maranatha, and it would be impossible to report on all the events and activities that have taken place during that time. The standout event of the year for Maranatha was of course our Spring Fair, which always falls on the second Saturday in September. The Fundraising Committee, with Dawn at the helm, and a very willing band of helpers, worked tirelessly to organise and facilitate a day filled with fun, excitement, companionship and plenty of bargains. Due to the generous donations of time and goods by so many, a grand total of over $18,000 was raised, to help finance the purchase of special items, and projects that will enhance the quality of life of our residents. The entertainment was great, the children’s activities kept the kids occupied long enough for their parents to snap up the bargains, and the food and coffee aromas tempted our appetites. Fair day is always a wonderful opportunity to catch up and socialise with people we might often only see on a yearly basis, as well as the many family and friends of Maranatha who support this event each year. A special thanks to everyone, the various Ecclesias, the musicians, the ILU and Hostel residents, the staff, the local community and particularly the Fundraising Committee, who all contributed their time, their effort, their money and their hearts to support a better way of life for our residents.
Activity Reviews contd Pfizer Community Service Day
Over the past 2 years, the Pfizer Pharmaceutical Company has given their staff one day off each year to volunteer their services in a community environment. On each occasion, Pfizer staff Australia wide have spent the day at Maranatha and the various Christadelphian Aged Care homes in Sydney, mixing and socialising with the residents and supporting them with their activities for the day. On 29th October, Kim, Austin, Rebecca and Anthea from Pfizer’s Marketing team joined our residents for a very competitive games circuit in the Activity room, followed by a BBQ on Sunnyside verandah. The Pfizer team entered into the spirit of the day, engaging with residents and gaining an insight into the day to day lives of our selection of older Australians. What they discovered was an enthusiastic, fun-loving group of residents, who enjoy life, laugh often, and offer their hearts to all who share their days here at Maranatha. As the last resident had left the BBQ to retire for their afternoon routine, the visitors slumped down in exhaustion after their morning’s activities – happy and tired, but exhilarated by the joy, energy and resilience of the residents they encountered here at Maranatha.
High Tea Event
As a final fundraising event for the year, the Fundraising Committee arranged a High Tea for Tuesday November 19th. This took place in the Activity Room, suitably festooned and elegantly laid out with the best china and glassware. The range of food was mind-boggling and truly a feast for the eyes - savouries of every description, chocolate treats, yummy slices and sweets to tempt even the most sluggish appetite. Over 60 residents, family m embers and friends participated in what was a highly successful event, and it was noticed that little plates of goodies were spirited away to share with those who weren’t able to be there. Many thanks are extended to the Fundraising Committee volunteers for their enthusiasm and tireless work in arranging these events. Not only do they raise valuable funds for Maranatha, but provide wonderful opportunities for residents, family members and friends to socialise and enjoy these special activities together.
Garden Club - Our monthly Garden Club had its final meeting in November, with a large
roll-up to see Part 2 of a recent trip made by some of the members to Floriade in Canberra, presented by Bob Collins. The colourful variety of flowers and vistas was a feast for the eyes, especially as these are not common sights in tropical Queensland. The afternoon finished with a very pleasant afternoon tea and chat outside the Café to conclude our Garden Club events for the year. We look forward to some exciting and interesting topics for talks, demonstrations and outings next year. Thankyou to all who have contributed throughout the past year, and please keep those ideas flowing!
Christmas Gift Ideas With Christmas not far away, many of the families must be wondering what to give their loved one as a gift for Christmas. Alzheimer’s Australia suggests giving a gift to connect with the person. The stage of dementia a person is at will influence what kind of gifts is appropriate. Here are some ideas: A photo album with photo’s of significant people, places and times from the person’s life. CDs of music from the person’s youth. Framed photo’s of people and places from the person’s past. Digital photo frame with images of family, friends, special events, times and places. Relaxation CD or DVD. Hobby magazine related to person’s past hobbies and interests. Favorite movies DVD. Fruit basket or flowers. Some simple puzzles, games. Tactile objects such as a patchwork blanket with a variety of textures and patterns. Stuffed toys to cuddle. Pet visits. One of the greatest gifts we can give any one is our time and company.
Resident Story - Ron & Nancy Stibbs A TALE OF TWO RESIDENTS: A LOVE STORY
Ron was born in 1919 into post-WW1 London. These were hard times for his family, but after leaving school, Ron was fortunate to be offered a watchmaking apprenticeship, so becoming a watchmaker by trade. At age 20, Ron joined the army as a non-combatant, initially manning the bofer guns in England, then as an instrument repairer supporting the front line in north Africa and Italy. At the end of the war, Ron returned to work as a watchmaker in Bournemouth UK, where he met and married Doreen Lutman in 1950. Ron, Doreen and son John moved to Durban in South Africa for a few years, returning to London in 1956. Three years later, they migrated to Australia under the 10 pound assisted passage, finally settling at Everton Park. Ron later worked at Wallace Bishops, then as a parking meter repairer for the Brisbane City Council. In 1983, soon after his retirement, Ron and Doreen moved into an ILU in the newly opened Maranatha Retirement Village at Kallangur. They entered into the social life of the village and enjoyed the outings, concerts and other activities. One particular outing they enjoyed every month was the Lifelighters, a senior’s social group based at the local Church of Christ at Kallangur. It was here that Ron and Doreen met and formed a friendship with Nancy Smith. Nancy Smith was born in Herefordshire, UK, in 1928. With her parents and older brother Joseph, the family moved into the hills of Wales when she was 3 years old. During the war years, children were evacuated from the coast, and Nancy's family had 2 children from London come to stay with them. Their farm had 200 poultry and 5 goats which Joe and Nancy milked before school. She had a very happy childhood in the Welsh hills, helping her father in the garden and her mother with housework. Her father was a lay Methodist preacher, and the family were all involved in church activities. Nancy had grown up knowing Ted Smith, a good friend of her brother Joe's. While working in Chepstow, Ted and Nancy became good friends and married in 1946, moving into a farm cottage near Ross-on-Wye in Herefordshire. Nancy, Ted, their two daughters and Nancy’s mother, decided to migrate to Australia, following her brother Joe and his family who had moved to here in 1958. They disembarked from the P&O ship Oriana at Sydney in May 1961, then travelled overnight to Brisbane to set up their new life. Ted, who was a builder, built a house at Stafford with the help of his brother Joe, then years later, a house at Petrie. After Ted’s passing in the late 1980’s, Nancy moved into a townhouse at Lawnton, and through the local Church of Christ became a regular attender at the Lifelighters Group. When Ron’s wife Doreen passed away in 1997, Ron continued his friendship with the seniors at Lifelighters. His friendship with Nancy Smith blossomed, and they travelled back to England and Wales together in 1998 to revisit their UK roots and catch up with family. On their return, they announced their engagement and were married at the Church of Christ in 1999, under the blessing of their respective families and their Lifelighter friends. And so their journeys converged and Nancy moved into the unit at Maranatha with Ron, quickly integrating into village life. Ron and Nancy’s romance and subsequent marriage was not the first bloom of love at Maranatha, with two previous weddings of residents taking place over the years – Bill and Alma Storey and Charles and Norma Steele. Although a retirement village might be viewed as a place to live out one’s final years by some, Maranatha is certainly a place of new beginnings and new life for many. Having moved into the village in 1983, Ron is now the longest-residing member of our Maranatha community. Ron and Nancy both moved into the Hostel 2 years ago, and have now been married 14 years. Here are Nancy’s thoughts about Maranatha: I came to live in the Unit at Banksia Court in the Village when Ron and I were married in May 1999. We enjoyed our life together until our health began to deteriorate and we were unable to care for ourselves. On 15th July 2011, we moved into the Nursing Home and it was such a relief for me. I feel as if I am on a long holiday. Living here is so lovely, with a beautiful room, views of the garden and beyond to the bush and large trees across the creek below. I enjoy watching the various birds visiting the flowering bushes early in the mornings. My room is kept so nice and clean by a very cheerful team of ladies, always smiling and eager to please. It’s a treat to have my laundry done so promptly, returned nicely folded and ironed. The nursing staff and personal carers are always ready to help, a comfort knowing they are there for us. Our meals are enjoyable and always served by such pleasant staff – they are a treat to be with. When I go out with my daughter, I’m always happy to return to my happy life here at Maranatha. I will always be grateful to all the staff for what they do for me. I hope my holiday here will continue for a long time! With God’s blessings and my love to you all, Nancy Stibbs
Staff Profile - Amanda Chappell Amanda joined our Maranatha staff in February this year as a Registered Nurse, then accepted the role of Clinical Nurse Consultant. With Marilyn’s retirement, and Kathy’s move to Manager, Amanda is to step into Kathy’s shoes as our new Care Manager. I was born and bred in a small country town in western Queensland called Tara in 1971. Surrounded by a very loving family, I enjoyed a very happy and carefree childhood with both my older and younger sisters. As a child, I loved to help my Mum cook and sew, and still enjoy these activities now. We also spent countless hours yabbying and bike riding, and enjoyed our annual trip to the beach. I finished Year 12 in 1988, and as my Pop would say, “moved to the big smoke” to start my General Nursing course at the Royal Brisbane Hospital. It was a very steep learning curve and I managed to fight off the homesickness, make new friends, and have lots of fun while I completed my three year course. A few months after successfully graduating in 1992, I married my childhood sweetheart Barry, and we only recently celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary. I started work as a Registered Nurse in the vascular surgical ward at RBH, which I enjoyed immensely. Our son Tom was born in 1994, and then daughter Sophie in 1997 and words can’t explain the joy they have brought to our lives. In 2000, we decided to move back to Tara, where I worked in the local 15-bed hospital. Working in a rural/remote setting was a big change for me and I was lucky to be mentored by some amazing nurses and learnt so much from them all. It has definitely been the biggest professional challenge I have faced, and rewarded me with a huge range of skills from delivering babies, to road accidents, drug overdoses and farming accidents. You never quite knew what was going to come through the door!! In 2005, our family moved to Toowoomba, where I enjoyed 4 years of being a mum and housewife, before going back to work at the Toowoomba Base Hospital in January 2010. I began as an RN in the Day Infusion Clinic, then as a Clinical Nurse in the Hospital in the Home Programme which had just started in Toowoomba. This was very enjoyable work, involving visiting patients in their homes or nursing homes and administering acute care such as IV antibiotics. I am a huge advocate for hospital avoidance, and believe that people recover quickly when in their own environment. In January this year, my family moved back to the “big smoke”, and I was very pleased to gain employment at Maranatha, firstly as an RN on the floor, then in the Clinical Nurse Consultant role. I appreciate very much the support and kindness that all of the staff have shown me, and am now enthusiastic about the opportunity to take on the role of Care Manager. Maranatha is a wonderful place to work!
Pastoral Care A WOUNDED SPIRIT Many people today are walking around with a wounded spirit. What am I talking about? I’m referring to those individuals who have been badly hurt by experiences in life, from which they have big difficulties overcoming. Maybe that’s you today. We all carry some kind of internal wound or scar, and some have deep emotional wounds. Maybe you’ve been rejected by a family member and never found resolution. It’s not sensible to ignore how you feel, for you are an emotional being, and emotional hurts can take a long time to heal - it can be a long process. Physical wounds usually come from without and are easy to understand and cope with, but there are no simple bandages for a wounded spirit. Wounds to the spirit are sudden blows, and most of the time we don't see them coming, for they usually come from those whom we love and trust the most. And that is what is so disturbing about this. A broken arm or leg is obvious - a broken heart is not easily seen. A bruise is an inner hurt or injury, and we ask “where did this come from? Why do I react like this?” It can be serious. One writer describes it “the impairment of our past can bridle our present and detour our future”. No wonder the writer of Proverbs in the Old Testament says “the human spirit can endure a sick body, but who can bear a crushed spirit?” (Proverbs 18:14). You can’t bury emotional pain or try to forget all about it; it will come to the surface eventually. I guess that’s why we tend to forget the bad and only remember the good. I’m sure no-one wants to stay in this hurtful place, instead we look for help, and getting professional help is always a good thing, indeed sometimes essential. You can sometimes feel violated by others, by negative words, events, actions. It’s a reaction that knocks you down and you just can’t get up again. Each day is a nightmare, and it seems you can’t heal yourself. Negative, critical words are a common assault. Someone says something so nasty and horrible that you feel devastated, and the words have penetrated into your spirit. Marriages can, and often do, be destroyed by critical words spoken between a husband and wife. How often have we seen that happen? I don’t think we realise how harmful our words can be. And gossip is another harmful action. The Bible says in Proverbs 18:8 “The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to a man’s inmost parts”. It’s important to remember our limitations. Sometimes we try to do everything and get stuck somewhere, trying to please everybody. We are not perfect. We do want to be loved and respected by everyone, but the reality is others will hurt us. Even betray us. That is a deep wound and a very hurtful thing to work through, a betrayal of confidence. To be betrayed actually means “to disclose a secret or confidence treacherously; to break a promise, to be disloyal to a person’s trust”. Guard against it as much as possible. Don’t inflict pain in the lives of your friends – keep confidences and be loyal. Jesus knows and understands all that you are going through. He understands how you can be wounded by rejection because many rejected Him and His own disciples abandoned Him in the time of His greatest need. He knew the tears of pain and sorrow as He grieved for His friend, Lazarus. He understood how it felt to be misunderstood because His own mother and brothers did not understand Him, and even declared that He was mad. He was also wounded and hurt by the same people that He ministered to and gave His life for. Someone has said “God does not waste an oun ce of our pain or a drop of our tears. Suffering does not come our way for no reason. He seems especially efficient at using what we endure to mould our character. If we are willing to allow Him into our lives, He takes our bumps and bruises, and shapes them into something beautiful”. Source: Chris Witts
Our deepest sympathies have gone out to the families who have lost their loved ones over the Summer period.
Dental Care
IMPORTANCE OF ORAL HEALTH It is a fact that more and more older Australians are retaining their teeth as they age, thanks to improved dental care throughout life, fluoride and better nutrition. However as we age, natural fatigue and depletion of the salivary flow means that it becomes increasingly more difficult to keep disease and decay in check - Bacteria builds up on teeth making gums prone to infection and tooth decay. The body is then constantly ingesting this bacteria and gums remain inflamed until the infection is brought under control. Did you know that a build up of bacteria in the mouth can be linked to many other systemic diseases? There are multiple studies that have found links between many systemic diseases and the constant ingestion of oral bacteria. Years ago, a physician who suspected heart disease would probably not refer the patient to a dentist. The same went for diabetes, chronic chest infections, or just about any other medical condition. Times have changed. The past 5 to 10 years have seen ballooning interest in possible links between mouth health and body health, and for good reason. In one recent study, people with serious gum disease were 40% more likely to have a chronic condition on top of it.* Optimal Oral Health Practices Best ways to maintain a healthy mouth as we age: 1. Twice Daily Brushing of teeth, tongue and gums 2. High Fluoride Toothpaste 3. Antibacterial Product after Lunch (such as Curacept Gel) 4. Keep the mouth moist (using products such as Biotene if needed) 5. Moderate Sugar Intake 6. Regular Dental Cleans (3-6 monthly) Regular Dentist Visits promotes better overall health By eliminating bacteria and infection and maintaining oral function (and hence vitamin intake), regular dental examinations of the teeth and gums is the best way to maintain better overall health within the Aged Care Environment. Mobile Dental Services have regular visits to Christadelphian Aged Care facilities and offer our residents the opportunity to visit a dental professional highly experienced in the dental care of the elderly, with the convenience of not leaving the Facility. Please ask Facility Manager/Care Manager for more information on this service. *Source – American Dental Association
Volunteer Corner 2013 has brought with it some major changes for Maranatha and by extension the worker, both within the payroll structure and the volunteer group. Within this newsletter, we would like to acknowledge the work and generous spirit not only of our volunteers but also of Ruth Stibbs who has with tireless dedication and love assisted not only the emotional and spiritual lives of the residents of Maranatha in the role of Diversional Therapist Coordinator but also the lives of the volunteers that she has supported in her extended role as Volunteer and Pastoral Care Coordinator for over 17 years. It was with a saddened but graceful spirit that Ruth passed on some of her role to the new Volunteer and Pastoral Care Coordinator, Anne Forster. By all accounts (and the oxford dictionary) a volunteer is a “person who freely offers to take part in an enterprise or undertake a task” - but we all know that they are so much more, they are an important and essential part of Maranatha and the lives of the residents that call this home. They are like smiles personified, they are without cost, but they give in abundance. They enrich the lives of the residents they support, without diminishing their own value. No one they support is left poorer for the experience. They create happiness within Maranatha, they promote goodwill and represent friendship. They also bring rest to the weary soul, cheer to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad and are a natural cure for trouble. Their tasks are varied, from fund raising, one on one visits, café assistance, group assistance, activity preparation, shopping trolley sales, gentle bus trips to simple hand holding and silent supports in times of trouble, lawn bowls, croquet assistance to name but a few. Each newsletter we hope to show a different aspect both in word and in picture – and this time it falls to the Back (L-R): Gerry & Alisa, Helen, Margaret, ladies (and gentlemen) who weekly supply our residents Jane, Susan and Bob. with the essentials of life, soap, toothpaste, chocolates and Front: Teresita, Rosemary, Naomi & Marjorie wafers not to mention an active participation of retail therapy. They do all this with good cheer and laughter and without them the wheels of commerce would grind to a halt. So we thank them with open hearts and with gratitude for their consistent and invaluable help. We would also like to make special mention of the beautiful Naomi who for many years gave of her time freely, bringing the trolley to all those within the Hostel, she now resides in the hostel herself and enjoys being helped by those who have followed her shining example.
“Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves” - James Barrie
Anne Forster, Volunteer & Pastoral Care Coordinator aforster@chomes.com.au
Read, Rest & Relax!
In our day-to-day living, most people don't know what it truly means to relax. This very word brings images of some kind of discipline or "shut-down" mode, but the fact is that relaxation can be made up of simple little things you do as you go about your normal daily routine. Simple things like breathing deeply and stretching outside in nature for 10 minutes before you start your day, reading a book before you go to bed with a candle flickering by your side, taking a relaxing walk along the beach or writing down all the things you are grateful for. Another favourite is laying out in the sun for 15-20 minutes a few times a week with cold-pressed coconut oil rubbed on your skin. All of these rituals are great ways to bring balance into your life, to de-stress and to keep you in the present moment.These simple little rituals can provide a peaceful chance to breathe, unwind and renew ourselves. Christmas Jokes Q. What never eats at Christmas time? A. The turkey - it's usually STUFFED! Q. What goes “oh, oh, oh”? A. Santa walking backwards!
Time for a belly laugh... I'm not 80 - I'm merely 28 with 52 years' experience! Growing old is like being penalised for a crime you haven't committed. 'I don't drink anymore, I can get the same feeling from standing up quickly.'
Q. What did the cow say on Christmas morning? A. Mooooey Christmas!
Fruit Mince Brownies
Makes 12
• 200g good-quality dark chocolate (70% cocoa solids), chopped • 300g brown sugar • 250g unsalted butter, choppe d
• 4 eggs, lightly beaten
• 1 1/3 cups (200g) plain flour • 1/4 tsp baking powder • 1/3 cup (35g) cocoa, plus ext ra to dust • 1/3 cup (85g) fruit mince • 1 tsp mixed spice • 1 cup (100g) toasted walnuts, chopped
1. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Grease a 22cm square cake or brownie pan and line the base with baking paper. 2. Place chocolate, sugar and but ter in a saucepan over low heat, stirring until melted and well combined. Rem ove from heat, cool slightly, then stir in egg s until well combined. Add flour, baking powder, cocoa, fruit mince, mixed spice and nuts, stirring to combine. Spread into the pan and bake for 25 minutes or until just set. 3. Cool in pan, then dust with coc oa. Cut into 12 squares and serve. Brown ies will keep in an airtight container for 2-3 days.
Word Scramble Unscramble each of these famous Christmas Carols. To find the hidden phrase, copy the letters in the numbered cells to other cells with the same number.
Hidden Phrase: Spring Newsletter Puzzle Answer 9 letter word: Dimension
Disclaimer: All photos and stories have been published with consent of relatives and residents involved. Thank you for your submissions.