Chamberlain Gardens Winter Newsletter 2014

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Christadelphian Aged Care W I N T E R N E W S L E T T E R


Address: 53-67 Chamberlain Rd, Wyoming NSW 2250 Phone: (02) 4329 8000 Email:



Managers Message


Welcome to Chamberlain Gardens

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. nnn

Gal 5:22-23

Hello residents and friends of Chamberlain Gardens, As you are all aware, Leonie Talsi has retired and is enjoying her time off. Over the past four weeks I have been attempting to fill her shoes and by the time you are reading this we would have welcomed our new Facility Manager, Ms Beverley Moss, who commences at Chamberlain Gardens on 2 June 2014. A new chapter in the life of Chamberlain Gardens has commenced. There are some exciting new works planned for commencement in Garden at the end of June. All the flooring will be replaced in the main common areas and the bedrooms. This will be a gradual process and may take up to 3 months to complete. We hope we can minimise the disruption and work cooperatively to ensure a new environment for Garden residents and staff. I have been advised by Head Office that the furniture for the two new lounge rooms will be delivered by end of June. In the meantime the RAO staff are happy to take your suggestions for names for these lounges. One suggestion I have heard was “The Horizon Hub” and the “The Coastal Couch”. I am sure you are able to think of something more creative!. On 1st July 2014, new legislation will come into effect relating to Aged Care and funding. This will bring many challenges for Aged Care Providers, but Christadelphian Homes are well positioned to face these challenges and will continue to provide care for the residents of Chamberlain Gardens. The new legislation does not impact on current residents, but if you do have any questions please feel free to contact either myself or Lisa Petersen, Resident Services Officer. Residents, with the cooler weather approaching it is important that you wash your hands frequently, stay in your rooms if you are feeling unwell and ask your visitors to stay at home if they are unwell. We need to ensure that we reduce the risk of spreading those winter germs. Don’t forget to label all clothing and shoes that you wear. We have advertised for a Prince Charming to find the owners of our lost slippers but we have had no responses! If you have any questions, suggestions or concerns, or you just want to touch base, I am always available to meet with you or to take a phone call. Regards, Kelly Davis

“Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others” - Philippians 2:4

Message from our CEO I would like to thank the residents of Southhaven Hostel, Casa Mia and Maranatha for their patience and understanding as the renovations at those sites continue. Whilst our staff do as much as they can to minimise the disruption to our residents, inevitably, given the scale of the refurbishment being undertaken, residents may become unsettled. Please speak to the facility manager if you have any particular concerns or suggestions as our staff continue to deal with day to day practicalities. Due to the nature of the equipment used and constant movement of people, care facilities suffer significant wear and tear and the renovation works at these 3 sites will revitalise the environment and amenity for our residents. In the next few months we will be commencing some painting and re-flooring at Ashburn House, Ridgeview and Chamberlain Gardens. Shortly we will advise residents and families of start dates. This work does not involve major construction so any disturbance to residents should be of a minor nature. 1st July is the implementation date of the new funding arrangements and other provisions of the Living Longer Living Better legislation. The legislation introduced by the former Government brings significant change to the aged care sector with an expansion of Home Care services and funding changes for Residential Care which will impact both consumers/residents and facility operators. Information regarding these changes can be found on the Living Longer Living Better website. Alternatively, specific information relating to Christadelphian Aged Care is available on our website. The existing arrangements for most residents who have entered into care prior to 1st July are "grandfathered" under the legislation. It is a privilege for Christadelphian Aged Care to look after all those who choose to live in our Homes, and I would like to once again acknowledge the dedication of all our staff and volunteers in providing the best possible environment and care for our residents. Regards, Ross Peden


JUNE 4th - The Fantastic Choirs at 2pm

JULY 23rd - Christmas in July Drinks & Nibbles for Residents and Family

AUGUST 20th - RAO’s Thank You Morning Tea for Volunteers

JUNE Horizon 8 Mae J 8 Irene D 11 Yvonne N 16 Joyce T 24 Parlan M Garden 4 Joan R 9 June W 18 Ena W 30 Thelma B Coastal 11 Dot P 12 Gwen H 19 Rita J 28 Melva S 30 Keith C

JULY Horizon 6 Les W 13 Darryl E 17 Beverly T 26 Patsy M 27 Jennifer P 30 Pamela K Garden 1 Doris P 4 Alan S 4 Julia P 6 Barry P 6 Noel C 22 June K 23 Phyllis C 25 Wilbert J Coastal 18 Edith B

AUGUST Horizon 29 Keith H 31 Anastasia U Garden 7 Pamela D Coastal 8 John M 9 Douglas V

Activity Reviews MARCH We started the month with one of our favourite entertainers Jerry Wall, who entertained the residents in Garden. Jerry is a retired policeman and the residents love him as he takes the time to introduce himself and chat away to them.

Resident’s Meeting

Our resident meeting was also held on the 10th March; these are held a Wednesday of every second month starting at 9.30am and are open to both residents and their families. There is always a notice put up on the resident’s notice board, and also put on the notice board at the front of the facility. These meetings are an important sounding board for residents to voice their concerns, pay a compliment or make an enquiry, and we would love to see more residents and their families attending. The position of chairperson is still open to anyone wishing to take the position.

Entertainment - Evan Haswell entertained the residents in Coastal on 14th March and Gary from

T.J.Andrews entertained the residents in Horizon. “Loss Bonkers” are a new band of middle aged men who we now have on our books and they came to the facility on Thursday 27th March and entertained all areas with many a resident tapping their foot along to the music with big smiles on their faces.

Combined Men’s BBQ - March 26th was our last Combined

Combined Men’s BBQ for the summer. These are held in the courtyard with all areas attending, the men enjoying a beer with their BBQ lunch and a chat.

“Knit and Chat” Penguin Jumpers

In March, our “Knit and Chat” group that meet on Friday mornings, forwarded a number of lifesaving penguin jumpers to the Philip Island Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre in Victoria. The ladies got a lot of pleasure out of making these jumpers and were pleased to receive a framed photo of the penguins in their jumper which is now taking pride of place in the Horizon activity room.



Combined Concert - We had a bus load of school children from Heritage College Cooranbong

for a Combined Concert. This is an annual event enjoyed by both residents and students. The children sang and played instruments, then enjoyed a drink with the residents.

Feet Fitters

Roseanne from Feet Fitters visited us again. This is popular with the residents and their families, as they are able to have their shoes fitted and do not have to leave the facility. Feet Fitters cater for Aged Care Facility Residents, and a number of our staff also bought shoes as they are reasonably priced and comfortable. We will be having Feet Fitters back later in the year with their summer range.

Activity Reviews contd APRIL

Art Show & Drinks Evening

On Wednesday 2nd April our Art Show and Drinks evening was held. This was an extremely successful evening, with art works on display which residents had painted, cross-stitched, carved, sculpted, and knitted or patch-worked in their younger years. We also had photos on display which our very talented chef Michael, and nurse Sarah had taken. Entry was a gold coin donation, and we also sold raffle tickets for our Easter Raffle. We raised a total of $996 which goes towards our chosen charity Camp Breakaway. The raffle was won by staff member Lisa Petersen, and 2nd prize went to resident Rita Lane, the raffle was drawn by resident Keith Jordan. We had lots of positive feedback about the art show from residents, staff and families, and many of us were amazed at the amount of talent our residents and staff have. The display boards were kindly lent to us by St Edwards Boys College, and I would like to thank Damien and Hilton Mesic for delivering the boards. A special thank you must go to Jillian Ryder who helped me display the paintings and to Robbie Duck for helping me number the art pieces and organise the program. Many thanks to the volunteers who gave up their time to help on the night: Doug, Cyndi, Marcia, Brenda, Jill, to Hilton and Aaron for manning the bar, the fantastic crew from the kitchen who provided the supper, Lisa for selling raffle tickets and to Gail, Sarah and Sherine for all their hard work as always. We could not hold successful nights with out this team, so many thanks Sharon.

Activity Reviews contd APRIL CONTD

Legacy - Monday 14th April, our Legacy ladies were visited by the Legacy Welfare Officer Sharon Groom, who checks everyone is being looked after and to see if Legacy is able to help them.

Entertainment - On Thursday 17th April, we had Mark Wheatly entertain our residents

outside under the pergola. Mark sings and plays Country Music, it was a beautiful day and we had a record crowd listening to Mark.


Tuesday 29th April we were entertained by a group called The Gals, a group of senior ladies who sing and dance, wear amazing costumes which they make themselves, dancing the Can Can, showing some amazing legs much to the delight of our many male residents and I am sure, to the envy of many a lady w a t c h i n g. The Gals have been coming to the facility for five years and are a popular source of entertainment.

Anzac Day - On Wednesday 23rd April, we held our ANZAC DAY Service, outside in

front of the flag pole. It was a beautiful sunny morning and the service was attended by residents and families. This is a very important day for all Australians, and our service is well attended. Returned Serviceman, Don Fromhuller (son in law of a resident) and his two beautiful grandsons did us the honour of laying the wreath, volunteer John opened and closed the ceremony with two classic Australian Songs and the kitchen supplied the ANZAC biscuits after the ceremony.

Easter - The Easter Bunny delivered Easter eggs to all residents on Sunday morning. Staff Farewell - On Wednesday 30th April, the staff held a farewell for our facility manager

Leonie Talsi, who has retired and will be taking some much needed R&R. Leonie is going to be sorely missed, she was a very popular manager who always had an open door policy. We wish Leonie lots of love and luck for her future adventures, and look forward to the arrival of our new Manager Beverley Moss.

Fun Photos from Activities

Activity Reviews contd MAY

Memorial Service - On Wednesday 7th May, we remembered 22 of our residents who have

passed since December 2013. This was well attended by family members, staff and residents, and was conducted by Pastor Stan who conducts our Non-Denominational Church Services. At previous services we have given the families a flower to honor their loved one, but it was decided that we buy a native plant (a Grevillea) and this has now been planted on the creek bank. This Grevillea will be a living memory, and will flower and attract the birds for everyone’s enjoyment.

Joel Howlett’s Magic Show - On Wednesday 14th May, Joel Howlett’s Magic Show

came to the facility. This is an annual show we have to entertain the residents and their grandchildren and is very popular.

Poem - Two Mothers Remembered I had two mothers – two mothers I claim Two different people, yet with the same name. Two separate women, diverse by design, But you loved them both because they were mine. The first was the mother who carried me here, She was the one whose features I bare, Complete with the facial expressions I wear. She gave her love, which follows me yet, Along with the examples in life she set. As I got older, she somehow younger grew, And we’d laugh as just mothers and daughters do. But then came the time that her mind clouded so, And I sensed that the mother I knew would soon go. So quickly she changed and turned into the other, A stranger who dressed in the clothes of my mother. Oh, she looked the same, at least at arm’s length, But now she was the child, and I was her strength. We’d come full circle, we women three, My mother the first, the second and me. And if my own children should come to a day When a new mother comes and the old goes away, I’d ask of them nothing that I didn’t doLove both of your mothers as both have loved you. -Anon

Thank You to Frances Small and Family I would like to say a very big thank you to resident Frances Small and her daughter Lauren for purchasing an iPad for the in Garden. Staff and Volunteers are going to use the iPad for 1:1’s and to help reduce behaviours. We are loading music; easy games, funny animal clips and photos onto the iPad and this will engage the residents, distract from behaviours and reduce boredom. The iPad is light and easy for them to hold, and can be updated periodically. Once again a very big thank you for this very generous donation that will be used daily to improve our resident’s lives.

Resident Story - Mervyn

Mervyn was born at Five Dock; he was the eldest of four children, one sister and two brothers. Mervyn spent his earlier years living in Tenterfield, before moving to Hornsby where he attended Primary School, and attended Ultimo High for his secondary education. Upon leaving school in 1938/39, Mervyn started an apprenticeship as a Fitter with State Rail where he remained for the next five years. After completing his apprenticeship Mervyn and a friend decided they would ride around the coastline of Australia on racing push bikes which they had adapted for the trip. Mervyn said they went through a few sets of tyres, fell off numerous times into dry creek beds, on the sand, but had many laughs. Mervyn said on reflection that it was a good experience, and they picked up some casual work along the way. Arriving back from his trip, Merv met and married his wife Bobbie, honeymooning in Bundaberg (this was one of the places Merv fell in love with on his trip). Merv and Bobbie went on to have five children of their own, and 6 grandchildren. Sadly, Bobbie died in 2008 after a long and happy marriage. Merv had worked for various firms before taking a position working for the Department of Defence, as a Senior Work Study Officer, improving work conditions within the Navy and Defence Force. Mervyn flew to New Zealand, Canberra, Melbourne, and worked on Garden Island as part of his position. Mervyn retired in 1991, he received a Bronze Medal for Achievement which was presented to Merv by the Admiral. Mervyn and his wife moved to Port Macquarie where he became involved with the Port Macquarie Camera Club, and also was involved with the Boy Scouts as District Secretary for a number of years. Mervyn also started painting on retirement, belonging to the Port Macquarie Art Society and he recently allowed us to display some of his paintings at our recent Art Show. Mervyn and his wife had many a caravan and did trips around southern Australia. Merv and Bobbie did a trip to China for a month; they walked the Great Wall, went the Tiananmen Square and had a fabulous time. When Mervyn had a fall, broke his hip and spent time in numerous hospitals recuperating, it was decided he should move to the coast and into Chamberlain Gardens. Since being at Chamberlain Gardens Merv has continued his love of playing his keyboard, he is typing his life story on a laptop from diaries he has kept over his life and also dabbles with his art work. Mervyn loves to take his camera on the bus outings and capture the sights we travel to, and then print off the photos to give to the staff and residents.

Staff Profile - Gail O’Cass

Gail was born at Carinya, Concord in 1959 and grew up in Carlingford, being one of three children. Gail attended Carlingford High School and upon leaving school worked for the Rolling Stones Magazine as a receptionist. At the age of 17 Gail started her training to be a nurse, on the job at Royal Ryde Homes. Gail then moved on to Aged Care working for the Baptist Homes Trust at Carlingford, followed by Hillmont Nursing Home, Thornleigh. Gail left nursing to have her children, twin girls, Kailah and Kirra who are now 28, but has been back in Aged Care and is the proud Nanny of a granddaughter, Melia. In 1990, Gail’s 4 year old daughter Kirra was involved in a horrific car accident, which left her a paraplegic, so Gail gave up work to look after her daughter.

In 1991, Gail and her family moved to the Central Coast to settle in Kincumber and she started work at Avoca Beach Nursing Home, which became Tarragel House when sold and the license moved. Gail started at Chamberlain Gardens when it first opened in 2006 as a Recreational Activities Officer. In 2008 Gail was diagnosed with breast cancer and left Chamberlain Gardens to receive treatment, returning in January 2011. Gail spends her time off Dragon Boat racing, and is going to America in September to compete, and spoiling her much loved granddaughter. When asked about Aged Care and what would be the biggest changes Gail has seen over the years she said the resident’s needs are being much better met these days as apposed to when she started in the industry.

Pastoral Care BRINGING COMFORT Life has a habit of causing disruptions and we face difficult times. And then we need to face up to loneliness, being weary in mind or body, separation from friends or family, and the loss of someone close to us, sickness and pain. And the list goes on. Sorrow is a universal emotion common to all people. For example - an old man in his mid 80's said one day to his son "What good am I now? Why does God leave me here? I feel so useless". Or a lady who just lost her husband after 45 years of marriage. She wrote in a note "I miss him so much after all these wonderful years. I cry a lot. Is it wrong to weep and feel such sorrow?" These are real issues, and maybe you can relate to them personally today. These are examples of real life experiences. In these times, we need someone who can bring help and comfort. There are times in all of our lives when we experience loss and need to be comforted. We may lose our job, or a relationship, or a dream, or a loved one. During any season of loss and grief we may feel afraid, powerless and alone. What we need most during these times is to be comforted. We need the strength and hope that come from knowing deeply that we are not alone - from knowing that the God of all comfort has promised to be present with us in times of loss. God's very name is Comforter, or ‘paraclatos’. God stands beside us, with us, listening to our complaints in the middle of the night. Listening to our quiet rage and frustration and despair, God speaks softly and says, "I am with you. I will help you. Is my arm too short that I cannot reach down to earth and help you up? Is my arm too short that I cannot help you stand again?" Our God is a God of comfort. God stands beside us and pulls us up when we are down.
 Psalm 34:18 says "The Lord is there to rescue all who are discouraged and have given up hope." 
 Life begins and ends with comfort. A tiny little baby is born and this new born baby is startled by the newness of life, and the new born baby cries out. That baby is then comforted and cuddled by an attending nurse, trying to calm that baby down. The years fly by far too quickly, and that little baby becomes a dying grandma or grandpa, and at that point, that elderly baby needs to be comforted as he or she prepares to die. And so life begins and ends with comfort. And every day and every month and every year in between, human beings are designed in such a way that we need to be comforted and also give comfort to others. Our God is a God who comforts. Our God is a God who stretches his hand from heaven to pull us up when we are down. God comes to us when we are down and out, washed out, tired out, worn out. God comes down to us and comforts us just by listening to us; just by listening to the howling of our aching hearts.
 A favourite author Henri Nouwen once wrote about the need to have a friend who understands and helps us and brings comfort to our lives. This is what he says: 
 When we honestly ask ourselves which people in our lives mean the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving much advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a gentle and tender hand. The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not-knowing, not-curing, not-healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is the friend who cares (book Out of Solitude).
 Our deepest sympathies have According to the Bible, God is the "Father of compassion and the God gone out to the families who of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles" (II Corinthians 1:3-4). have lost their loved ones over God is a God of comfort who actively seeks to comfort us. To receive the Autmun period. comfort from God is to let God be present with us during our times of distress. It is to let God sit next to us and listen to whatever we need to say; it is to let God hold us and remind us that we are loved, we are valued and we are not alone. "Letting God be God" means letting God give himself to us as our Comfort in times of loss and distress.
 Sometime read Matthew 11:28-30. Allow yourself to hear this direct invitation from Jesus to come with your burdens. "If you are tired from carrying heavy burdens, come to me and I will give you rest. Take the yoke I give you. Put it on your shoulders and learn from me. I am gentle nnn and humble, and you will find rest. This yoke is easy and this burden is light”. - By Chris Witts

! Bereavements

Volunteer Corner

Volunteers and Staff celebrated the 25th Anniversary of National Volunteer Week in May with a beautiful lunch at San Souci, combined with some volunteers from Casa Mia, Southaven, Ridgeview and Ashburn House. The Thank You Lunch unch is a small token of our appreciation of the time and effort, passion and commitment that our volunteers extend to our residents, their families and our staff by their selfless acts of kindness. “Volunteers are not paid, not because they are worthless but because they are priceless!” A new Volunteer and Pastoral Care News display board is mounted on the wall outside my office. This board gives me the opportunity to advertise upcoming education and other volunteer events and information as well as displaying a copy of our monthly roster. This board is for the information of residents, their families and volunteers. Come and browse the noticeboard next time you’re in. Spotlight on a volunteer is an initiative I started in the last newsletter. I will continue this theme of getting to know the individual volunteers by featuring one of our regular volunteers each month both in the newsletter and on the new notice board. I will give a little background into what they do and what drives them to keep coming back. This will hopefully help people to recognise the volunteers and also inform and educate people about the great volunteer roles available and who is fulfilling them every week. Chamberlain Gardens is now the proud owner of a “Broadband for Seniors” computer station which is located in our Horizon sitting room, just to the left as you get out of the lift. Broadband for Seniors is a government initiative, whose aim is to provide free broadband internet access and training to older Australians. I am currently seeking 2 volunteers with an interest in computers to train to be “Broadband for Seniors” tutors. I have some more detailed information for anyone who is interested. You do not have to be a computer whizz, just patient and willing to help the residents navigate their way around applications, email and Internet explorer. It can be for as little as 1 hour per week. As always there are plenty of positions available. The tutoring positions mentioned above as well as someone to help run some large floor games like snakes and ladders with the Garden residents on a Friday afternoon. I am looking for people willing to spend time talking to residents and anyone interested in helping with various resident activities throughout the week.


Please contact me for any enquiries.


Liz McKay, Volunteer & Pastoral Care Coordinator 4329 8000 or 0435 785 244

“Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves” - James Barrie

Volunteer Photos Thank You Lunch

SPOTLIGHT ON A VOLUNTEER - Marcia Dawkings Marcia has been volunteering at Chamberlain since June 2013. She started off doing one day a week and has increased to coming Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Marcia was actually a volunteer and friend of mine at my previous job at Volunteering Central Coast. She used to interview prospective volunteers and refer them to community organisations such as Chamberlain Gardens. When Marcia was looking for a change in her volunteering role, she contacted me and the rest is history. Marcia loves photography, sewing, craft and travel. Her favourite holiday so far was to Antarctica although Kenya, Borneo, Thailand and the British Isles weren’t too hard to take either. Marcia loves hearing the resident’s stories and talking and listening with them. She has formed some warm friendships and has recruited another friend to come along as an art assistant by her enthusiasm when talking to others about her volunteering. Marcia completed the Pastoral Care course run by Christadelphian Aged Care last year and is active in helping our small group of Pastoral Carer’s to meet and greet new residents as well as look after the many spiritual needs of our existing residents. When I asked Marcia what keeps her coming back here each week, she replied “The happy feeling you have when helping others and making a difference and adding something to someone else’s life.” Knowing and working with Marcia has certainly made a positive difference in my life and the lives of the residents she cares for.

Read, Rest & Relax!

TOP 4 RELAXATION TECHNIQUES FOR ELDERLY 1. Muscle Relaxation - In this technique, participants are encouraged to focus on tensing up and then releasing and relaxing the muscles in their main muscle groups, including their shoulders, arms, fingers, legs and toes. 2. Visualisation - This technique involves participants imagining partaking in their favourite activity in a beautiful place, such as relaxing on a sandy beach in the Mediterranean, standing on the top of a mountain in the Alps or swimming in a crystal clear lake in the Caribbean. 3. Gentle Exercise - Non-strenuous exercises, such as Yoga, Pilates and Tai Chi, are popular amongst the elderly, allowing them to gently stretch and strengthen their bodies while focusing on their breathing techniques. 4. Listening To Calming Music - Soothing music can help to ease fear and anxiety in the elderly.

FUNNIES - The Importance of Walking • • • • •

• My grandpa started walking 5 miles a day when he was 60. Now he's 97 years old and we have no idea where the heck he is! • I like long walks, especially when they’re taken by people who annoy me. The only reason I would take up walking is so that I could hear heavy breathing again. I have to walk early in the morning, before my brain figures out what I'm doing. Every time I hear the dirty word ‘exercise', I wash my mouth out with chocolate. I do have flabby thighs, but fortunately my stomach covers them. We all get heavier as we get older, because there's a lot more information in our heads. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Lemon Delicious

• 100g unsalted butter, extra to grease • 1 cup caster sugar • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract • Grated zest of 2 large lemons, plus juice of 3 large lemons • 4 eggs, separated • 1/2 cup self-raising flour • 2 cups milk • Icing sugar, to dust • Blueberry compote, to serve

! !

Serves 8

1. Preheat oven to 180C. Grease a 28cm x 20cm baking dish.

2. Place the butter, caster sugar, vanilla and lemon zest in an electric

mixer, and beat until thick and pale. Add the egg yolks, one at a time, beating well after each addition.

3.Fold in half the flour, then fold in the milk. Fold in the remaining 1/4 cup flour, then fold in the lemon juice (don’t worry if the mixture looks curdled at this stage). Set aside.

4. Beat the egg whites in a clean bowl until stiff peaks form. Gently fold into the lemon mixture, then pour into a prepared dish.

5. Place the dish in a large roasting pan and add boiling water so it comes halfway up the sides. Bake for 40 minutes until golden and set on top. Dust with icing sugar and serve with blueberry compote.

Winter W e ather 1




5 6





11 12 13 14


16 17



ACROSS 3 The process by which snow or ice changes to water. 7 A period of very cold winter we ather that damages 8 11 12 14 16 17 18

plants. Intensely cold temperature. The temperature felt by the human body when wind makes it fe el colder than the actual temperature. Mildly cold fe eling. Bright with sunshine. Snowfall that is so he avy one can se e little or nothing on the horizon. Ice crystals on a froz en surface; " Old Jack _______." A large mass of snow that slides down a mountain.

1 A standardiz ed me asure of how hot or cold it is

outside. 2 R ain that fre e z es as it falls. 4 A tool used to me asure the temperature. 5 W ater that falls to the e arth in the form of rain, hail,

mist, sle et, or snow. 6 Pieces of ice falling from the sky. 9 A solid form of froz en water. 10 A storm with he avy snow, strong winds, and severe

cold. 13 C overed with snow. 14 A mixture of snow and water. 15 Precipitation in the form of small white ice crystals

that form inside clouds. 17 Thick water vapor that makes it hard to se e.

W O R D B A N K : Avalanche, bliz z ard, cool, fog, fre e z e, frigid, frost, hail, ice, melt, precipitation, sle et, slush, snow, snowy, sunny, temperature, thermometer, whiteout, windchill.

Autumn Newsletter Word Search Solution:

The hidden TV show is: THE MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW

Disclaimer: All photos and stories have been published with consent of relatives and residents involved. Thank you for your submissions.

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