CACAOtime #1

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La Mia Africa




Le persone non fanno i viaggi, sono i viaggi a fare le persone


La capanna di foglie


Brand dal mondo








Legno, vetro e profumo di cuoio


Art for kids


The Royal London Children’s Hospital


Tanto di cappello


A scuola


Un altro giorno




Filastrocca: Ninna nanna a tutti i gatti




Come una volta


Fiaba: La clessidra della giustizia


English Version



EDITORS IN CHIEF / CREATIVE DIRECTORS / ART DIRECTORS / Martina Panizzieri, Chiara Radice, Camilla Zani

FOTOGRAFI / STYLIST Martina Panizzieri, Chiara Radice ILLUSTRATRICE Martina Panizzieri

HANNO CUCINATO PER CACAO Elena Muserra De Luca: responsabile dell’Area Moda, Sportswear e Accessori dell’ agenzia Connexia e mamma di Rebecca. Giuliano Gambarini: medico pediatra, Vicepresidente dell’associazione umanitaria Waf Onlus e padre di Andrea e Francesca. Mariachiara Mascarin: studentessa di Linguaggi dei Media presso l’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano. Una grande amica. Maria Stella Ranza: pittrice, scultrice e artista della vita. Mamma di Cristiana, Michelangelo e Simone, nonna di Sebastiano. Riccardo Ranza: fotografo, fotoreporter e poeta. Christel Chabrol: stylist, textile designer, amante del bello, mamma di Luca e Alessandro. Paolo Consaga: fotografo e insegnante presso IED Milano. Moira Castellanza: graphic designer e mamma di Daniel. delle parole. RINGRAZIAMENTI Valentina Tedone, Gabriella Carrubba, Enrico Torboli, Paola Longhini, Sara Cristellini, Graziosa Giussani, Ornella Tiozzo, Sonia Ranza, Simona Hennes, Filippo e Federico Barzaghini, Saverio Leonetti, Claudia Basilico, Daniela Daverio, Emanuela Talamona, Chiara Testa, Vittoria Reghenzani, Caterina e Teresa Novelli, Anna Graglia, Orietta Ballerio, Nadia Croce, Maria Antonietta Moia, Sara Azzone, Studio Zini.

Editoriale questo giornale

Bellagio ieri, oggi e domani testo di Elena Muserra illustrazione Martina Panizzieri

Bellagio Estate 1972, mamma indossa una bellissima camicia bianca e pantaloni a zampa con sandalo a zeppa... ho 4 anni e passo la mia infanzia a giocare con bambole varie, a scorazzare con la bici e a organizzare mercatini dell’usato sotto casa. Già allora mi piacciono i vestiti, mixarli fra loro, ma la tecnologia non so proprio cosa sia...

amiche con le quali sta organizzando un mercatino dell’usato, mio marito Luca più in là controlla le mail tutti possediamo computer, smartphone, I-Pad. Device che se usati con criterio ci aiutano a smarcare i vari

avrei controllato le mail solo al mattino appena sveglia e nel primo pomeriggio. Missione compiuta...e devo ammettere che ne ha giovato anche il mio umore. 40 anni sono passati ormai dalle mie splendide estati I-pad). A lei permetto di utilizzare tutti questi device, ma sempre con regole ben precise, una fra tutte non più di un’ora al giorno. Preferisco che legga, che disegni, che crei liberamente...le insegno che l’I-pad, l’I-pod, l’I-phone sono solo strumenti nelle nostre mani, sono oggetti volti a migliorare la qualità della nostra vita.


la mia africa Africa è odore di pioggia che bagna terre aride

“Muzungu, muzungu ! (uomo bianco) ”

Così alcuni bambini, i meno timorosi, si sono avvicinati scrutandomi con i loro occhioni stupiti. Sono appena arrivata in una scuola sulla costa del Kenya e dopo qualche incertezza si conquistano i primi sorrisi, le prime strette di mano, i primi sguardi divertiamo ballando e cantando dentro le aule accaldate e spoglie. La quotidianità diventa condivisione, uno scambio reciproco, un’ondata di entusiasmo. Consegno le matite colorate: sono increduli, si alzano in piedi, sorridono e urlano. Io mi emoziono per la spontaneità della loro felicità e mi commuovo quando passo tra i banchi e vedo che con grande rispetto e ingenuità ognuno di loro sta colorando il proprio disegno con un unico colore. Ripassiamo le addizioni, le sottrazioni e le moltiplicazioni: quando per fare i conti non bastano le dita delle mani e dei piedi ci sono dei bastoncini di legno all’ angolo di ogni classe pronti per essere utilizzati. Sono molto educati, dietro ai banchi di legno trovano il loro posto cercando di star seduti composti, ma quando escono segno di cedimento o stanchezza, nell’abilità e velocità di piedi nudi e forti. Durante il giorno la pausa pranzo prevista dall’orario scolastico si rivela essere una passeggiata nei dintorni alla ricerca di qualche minuscolo frutto masticabile da cogliere dalle piante, o se si è più fortunati un cocco da spaccare, o un mango talmente piccolo e acerbo da sembrare un limone. Il pasto principale e con le divise dei ragazzi che tornano ai villaggi, in spalla o per mano i fratellini e sotto il braccio il quaderno da custodire come un tesoro. Ad aspettarli potrebbe esserci un piatto di riso e fagioli, o ugali e mchicha, farina di mais cucinata simile alla nostra cocco, tutti piatti tipici della costa kenyota, tutti da assaporare con le mani! 10

Fin da piccoli imparano l’inglese, ma la loro lingua è il kiswhaili e cercano di insegnarmi qualche parola insieme ai balli e ai canti che appartengono alla loro cultura e in cui sono eccellenti maestri. Dentro a quelle divise sporche ci sono bambini con privilegio che hanno nel ricevere un’istruzione, unica possibilità per un futuro migliore. Quando l’incaricato va a suonare la campana per segnare l’inizio della pausa, nessuno scappa fuori dalla classe anzi, mi chiedono di continuare la lezione perché desiderosi di apprendere. Ogni giorno si mostrano motivati a raggiungere gli obiettivi, intenti a studiare in quanto sentono anche il peso di dover superare gli esami, altrimenti dovranno ripetere l’anno e non possono permetterselo. Hanno grandi aspirazioni, alla domanda cosa volete fare da grandi mi rispondono: il dottore, il professore, il Presidente, il calciatore, il pilota! Basta poco per sentirmi a casa, adattarmi ai ritmi lenti, abituarmi al sole e alla sabbia bollenti, all’ombra dell’albero dove riposarsi, ma non ti abitui mai ai sorrisi instancabili che ti aspettano ogni giorno appena entri in classe, all’euforia contagiosa di mettersi in cerchio e ballare insieme, agli abbracci che ti rincorrono, alla luce di sguardi profondi, all’allegria più vera di bambini che nulla hanno fuorché un sole e una capanna. C’è un’Africa dalle mille sfaccettature che costringe alla e sommersi. Africa è profumo di semplicità, colori intensi, paesaggi contrastanti, volti che restano impressi. Africa è odore di pioggia che bagna terre aride. Africa è spogliarci della nostra realtà per essere accolti dal calore, dall’energia e dall’ospitalità di questa terra.

Testo e foto di Mariachiara Mascarin.

abiti, SEEDS foto di Martina Panizzieri e Chiara Radice location negozio SEEDS di Varese


“Le persone non fanno i viaggi, sono i viaggi a fare le persone� (John Steinbeck) Testo e foto di Giuliano Gambarini, medico pediatra.

Il viaggio professionale ed emotivo di un medico pediatra, in India.

Ho fatto il mio primo viaggio in India nel 2005: un

precoce di dislessia che ha visto la collaborazione della Facoltà

collega anestesista che da un pò di anni conosceva e

di Psicologia di Pavia, della Divisione di Neuropsichiatria

frequentava la Missione di Puri in Orissa, stato tra

infantile e di otto pediatri di base di Varese; con una parte dei

i più poveri nell’est dell’India, mi aveva detto che un

fondi raccolti a questo scopo, l’associazione sta inoltre aiutando

pediatra avrebbe potuto essere utile in quel contesto. Circa 15 anni fa l’associazione umanitaria Waf Onlus,, con la quale ho collaborato e di

la dislessia è un esempio) bisognosi di sedute di logopedia.


Al di là delle adozioni, vero fulcro dell’attività della




















Onlus, essa persegue progetti di scolarizzazione per la


cui messa in opera occorre un certo lavoro di fundraising che viene svolto dai circa 40 soci che vi aderiscono.

lebbra (un lebbrosario con circa 1200 “degenti” sorge a

Grazie ai fondi raccolti abbiamo per esempio acquistato

poche decine di metri dall’ostello), orfani e bambini

alcuni pc per l’aula di informatica, e istituito un corso di







mantenerli; lì possono vivere e frequentare una scuola.

che si tiene due volte la settimana alle sei di mattina (perché


più tardi farebbe troppo caldo) nel cortile della scuola.









di base nell’ostello di Puri, dedicandomi anche agli altri

mondo dei donatori e i referenti locali. Complessivamente

bambini che frequentano la Beatrix School, la scuola nel cui




Io dal 2005 per circa tre settimane l’anno faccio il pediatra









Onlus, contatti


l’associazione permette l’adozione di circa 270 bambini in Cambogia, Senegal, Thailandia, e appunto India.

occupo di malattie acute, di bilanci di salute con eventuale invio a specialisti cardiologi, ortopedici e oculisti locali. 30

L’associazione paga le visite quando ciò viene richiesto;

patologia, che poi richiede una conferma istologica, durante

avviene con una certa frequenza infatti che i colleghi indiani, un

nei casi in cui vi sia un invio






da parte di

prima volta che ho diagnosticato un caso di lebbra in realtà fui


alle patologie di comune riscontro anche da noi, laggiù sono

cinque anni e aver interpretato la chiazza di ipopigmentazione

frequenti la malaria, le parassitosi intestinali, le micosi, le

che avevo visto sul suo torace come esiti di dermatite atopica,

infezioni batteriche complicanti le ferite da traumi accidentali e

lui mi invitò a toccare la lesione per sentire al tatto la gommosità

le lesioni da parto; molti di questi eventi sono legati alla scarsa

che presentava dicendomi che era tipica della lebbra.

educazione sanitaria, attività che stiamo cercando di promuovere

La bambina fu inviata al collega leprologo che individuò il bacillo di Hansen al microscopio, venne trattata con una triplice

sono poi un alto numero di casi di malnutrizione, tubercolosi,

terapia antibiotica per nove mesi e guarì perfettamente.

Aids, e annualmente purtroppo c’è il riscontro costante di per


l’instaurarsi mio







sensibilizzazione che i sanitari locali attuano. Non è ancora


scomparso infatti l’atteggiamento culturale delle famiglie che


tendono a nascondere la sintomatologia d’esordio della lebbra,

lebbra tra i bambini dell’Ostello; è di conforto il fatto

le “white spots”, macchie bianche sulla cute, nel timore che si

che in questo caso la diagnosi sui piccoli pazienti era

leghi a questa diagnosi un atavico giudizio morale negativo su

stata posta prima del mio arrivo, a conferma che il








febbraio casi


programma di screening che il personale paramedico casi, ed è avvenuto costantemente per tutti gli anni in cui mi sono recato laggiù, che sia io a porre il sospetto clinico della

della missione e gli insegnanti della scuola portano avanti

Ho trovato di fondamentale importanza, per poter svolgere

stimolante è l’attività di sensibilizzazione e divulgazione avviata

la mia attività di pediatra, il rapporto di collaborazione con le insegnanti: in assenza dei genitori sono infatti loro ad

da un’amica psicologa, animata da un amico attore dilettante

accompagnare gli alunni nel piccolo ambulatorio di fortuna,

e dalla proiezione di immagini che rappresentano scene di vita

ex aula di scienze, e sono sempre loro a presentare una breve

quotidiana in India, permette ai bambini di entrare in una realtà

anamnesi che tiene conto anche della performance scolastica; a

profondamente diversa dalla loro e di avvicinarsi al tema della

loro spetta di impartire i principi minimi di educazione igienico-

solidarietà attraverso una modalità ludico-simbolica. Si coglie

sanitaria e il compito di cogliere se qualcosa non va nella salute e

nei bambini la curiosità di conoscere usi, giochi, abitudini

nell’acquisizione degli apprendimenti da parte dei bambini. Lo

dei loro coetanei che abitano in un’altra parte del mondo.

scambio di conoscenze con alcune di loro ha permesso di fruire

Le insegnanti chiedono ai piccoli alunni di fare un disegno

reciprocamente di un’esperienza motivante e incoraggiante. Alcune ricevono un salario dallo Stato, altre direttamente dalla missione; lo stipendio medio è di 40 euro al mese, che nel contesto

una certa preoccupazione una macchia bianca presente sulla propria cute: è bastata in questo caso una puntuale spiegazione per rassicurarli sull’estrema rarità della lebbra nella parte del mondo in cui viviamo, legata ad abitudini igienico-sanitarie più

alla donna, che assume sulle proprie spalle anche la funzione

evolute. Tra tre giorni partirò di nuovo, sarà l’ottava volta. L’ho

sfoghi relativi a problemi in famiglia e nella scuola, e d’altra parte io ho spesso tratto energia dal contatto con loro. Altrettanto

perché in fondo la maggior parte di esso si compie dentro di me.

La capanna di foglie


foto e styling: Chiara Radice e Martina Panizzieri abiti: H&M galosce: Gioseppo scarpe: archivio personale modelle: Chiara Testa e Vittoria Reghenzani

BRAND DAL MONDo cinque paesi, cinque concetti


cercare due cittĂ , quattro destinazioni

TOKYO claska hotel

1-3-18, Meguro-ku, Chuo-cho, 152-0001, Tokyo, Giappone Claska è una boutique hotel in cui con-

Dall’ingresso realizzato dallo studio inglese Tomato, alle DIY Rooms: tre stanze create da tre diversi designer

si presta a varie funzioni come mostre, struttura comprende anche una galleria d’arte, una boutique, un cafè ristorante e una meravigliosa terrazza sul tetto

TOKYO today’s special

Shibuya, Tokyo, Giappone

Today’s Special è stato realizzato da Jo Nagasaka dello studio Schemata Architects con lo scopo di creare l’esperienza di una





Sixteen hotel




tranquilla nel quartiere di South Kensington e apprezzato per il suo comfort e il suo ambiente intimo fonde



con l’arte moderna e i suoi colori

breve distanza si trova Hyde Park, i grandi magazzini Harrods e i negozi di Knightsbridge, oltre ai musei di Storia Naturale e il

foto: Number Sixteen

LONDRA labour and wait

legno, vetro e profumo di cuoio.


abiti: BON TON scarpe: Filament foto di Chiara Radice e Martina Panizzieri

ArT FOr KidS ARTFORKIDS nasce nel maggio 2012 con lo scopo di avvicinare i bambini all’arte contemporanea. Crescere con un’opera d’arte, osservarla ogni giorno, farla diventare parte integrante della propria vita, sviluppa nei piccoli la curiosità di conoscere, il piacere di capire e il desiderio di comunicare. Le opere presentate da ARTFORKIDS non vengono realizzate appositamente dagli artisti, ma vengono scelte tra la loro produzione. Testi e foto di

Aura Zecchini nata a Peschiera del Garda, Verona, nel 1983 Vive e lavora a Milano “Le opere di Aura Zecchini si inseriscono nella grande tradizione della natura morta, che in realtà sottende sempre un trionfo della vita.” - Alberto Zanchetta

Alice Colombo nata a Cassano d’Adda, Milano nel 1981 Vive e lavora a Melzo. “Un bizzarro magazzino sospeso tra alberi colossali, una foresta fantastica dove ogni apparizione rimanda ad una realtà ulteriore.” - Ivan Quaroni

Dany Vescovi nato nel 1969 a Milano Vive e lavora a Milano

fotogrammi in sequenza rapida. Sulla tela dĂ vita a un cortocircuito visivo attraverso continue interferenze, una trasforma-


Luciano Civettini nato a Trento nel 1967 Vive a lavora a Rovereto, Trento “La comunicazione visiva contemporanea è piena di ritmi, ingorghi, vuoti, gli assetti dell’immaginario che irrompe attraverso gli apparati tecnologici della produzione e del consumo. “ - Francesca Piersanti

Giovanni Motta nato a Verona nel 1971 Vive e lavora a Verona “I suoi dipinti sono il frutto di un’elaborata e complessa tecnica dove lo studio del colore e della forma sono protagonisti indiscussi. Le sue opere, dal forte impatto visivo e al limite del fantastico, partono dalla ricerca e dallo sviluppo del ricordo di momenti legati all’infanzia. “

Federico Guida nato a Milano nel 1969 Vive e lavora a Milano “Si ispirano alle favole di Fedro i ritratti animali di Federico Guida, che sviluppa un percorso individuale attraverso una mirabile tecnica pittorica. “ - Vittoria Coen

Davide Nido nato a Milano nel 1966 Vive e lavora a Milano “Immagini totalmente astratte giocate sul contrappunto tra orizzontali e verticali, pieni e vuoti, in cui convivono i colori accesi di gusto pop con una struttura geometrica che, in alcuni casi, richiama le ricerche dell’arte optical. “ - Catalogo 15esima Quadriennale d’arte di Roma, 2008, Marsilio

Ilaria del Monte nata a Taranto nel 1985 Vive e lavora a Milano “L’arte di questa artista si stabilisce in una dimensione incantata nella visione complessiva della tela e assolutamente disincantata nello sforzo di andare dentro ciò che è stato descritto per cogliere un universo emozionale in costante bilico tra malinconia e scherno.“ -Martina Cavallarin

Vanni Cuoghi nato a Genova nel 1966 Vive e lavora a Milano

e allusioni alla pittura del Rinascimento, ai paesaggisti dell’Arcadia, agli abiti e costumi di epoca

- Ivan Quaroni

Fulvia Mendini nata a Milano nel 1966 Vive e lavora a Milano

dal graphic design, dall’illustrazione per l’infanzia e dalla tradizione artigianale dell’Arts and Crafts.” - Ivan Quaroni

Marco Grassi nato a Milano nel 1966 Vive e lavora a Mariano Comense, Como

bellezza può trascendere la forma e il corpo cui si lega. La pittura non la rende eterna, ma fragilmente umana e in questo può dichiararsi veramente pura. “ - Matteo Galbiati

Marina Giannobi nata a Monza Vive e lavora a Seregno, Milano

permette di completare un’immagine e ricostituire una realtà presente dentro ognuno di noi, una realtà personale, che dall’osservazione arriva ad una percezione del proprio sentire che va al di là della rappresentazione del reale stereotipato e statico.“

Roberta Savelli nata a Giussano, Milano, nel 1969 Vive e lavora a Milano “Le bambine e le adolescenti ritratte da Roberta Savelli incarnano l’ideale nostalgico di un tempo perduto, dominato da sentimenti puri, non ancora corrotti dal cinismo dell’età adulta. ” - Ivan Quaroni

Marco M. Verzasconi nato a Locarno (Svizzera) nel 1960 Vive e lavora a Cugnasco, Locarno “La pittura di Verzasconi rivela il prendere corpo delle vibrazioni e dei fantasmi del cuore dell’artista, attraverso esplosioni liriche della materia del col’immaginazione capace di generare un nuovo mondo.(…) Un’arte che allude alle cose, quelle stesse che nascono dalla coscienza mentre accadono nella memoria, che Verzasconi trascrive con il pennello, ovattate di azzurri, verdi, rossi.” - Rudy Chiappini

Massimo dalla Pola nato a Milano nel 1971 Vive e lavora a Milano “Come in un erbario medievale, Massimo Dalla Pola mette in mostra alcune piante velenose, essenze rintracciabili nei nostri giardini, presenze vicine e in apparenza consolatorie. Ma ecco che la grande dimensione, il disegno levigato, il supporto che diventa materia stessa delle opere, crea un disagio emozionale, uno spaesamento e un crollo delle certezze.”

The Royal London Children’s Hospital Un ospedale a misura di bambino.







a scuola La scuola Steineriana e la scuola Montessori si raccontano in un’ intervista doppia. Risposte di: Elisabbetta Colicchia per la scuola Steiner ed Elisabetta Bellini per la scuola Montessori.

1 steiner


montessori 1 La caratteristica principale della visione di Maria Montessori si basa sul fatto che fosse un medico, per cui l’approccio

psicogrammatica e psicoaritmetica. Questi materiali si susseguono con una tassonomia molto precisa e rispondono ai bisogni

materiali che a prima vista sembrano molto semplici: lettere e numeri smerigliati. Le lettere, disposte su tavole rigide, in rilievo su carta smeriglia e scritte in corsivo, contrastano con il ripiano liscio delle tavole. Questo perchÊ l’apprendimento parte sempre

2 steiner

possibile gli ostacoli e gli impedimenti che il bambino può trovare sul suo percorso. Non si può essere buoni educatori se si

materie scolastiche possono divenire un vero strumento dell’anima così che al processo evolutivo del bambino corrisponda il complesso unitario ed artistico delle singole discipline accordate come veri strumenti di un’orchestra. Il piano di studi Waldorf

montessori 2

abbia al suo interno un progetto personale, cosÏ che, se attorniato dagli strumenti necessari e inserito nell’ambiente adatto, possa

3 steiner

montessori 3

i bambini sono liberi di disegnare ciò che vogliono, i loro disegni vengono raccolti e conservati all’interno della scuola, per poi


4 steiner cognitiva ma si cerca di far vivere il bambino in un mondo ricco di immagini, di fantasia e di devota meraviglia. In un’atmosfera

montessori 4

invece settimanale. I pomeriggi sono dedicati all’apprendimento con gli specialisti che lavorano in maniera omogenea sul gruppo

5 steiner

6 steiner

montessori 5

accompagnandoli e permettendo loro di scegliere liberamente e con autonomia.

montessori 6 e poi condivisi coi genitori, liberi di mostrare o meno la pagella al proprio bambino. Il fatto che i bambini non vengano messi

Un altro giorno


foto: Davide Vaccani abiti: BONTON styling: Christel Chabrol modelli: Daniel Leonetti, Claudia Basilico











1.Norsu 2.Nordic Designers Blafre 3.Best Years 4.Miller Goodman 5. Rice DK 6.Woodland Doll 7.My name is simone 8.Smallable 9. Le Pingouin de l’espace 155










10.Lucky Boy Sunday 11.Moulin Roty 12.Danish Crafts 13.Oeuf Be Good 14.Sebra 15.Vilac 16.Sebra 17.Sonny Angels 18.Paperpod










19.Oeuf NYC 20.Kenana 21.Omy 22.Oeuf NYC 23.Close-Up 24.Baghera 25.Selecta 26.Smallable 27.Donkey Product










28.Bobo Choses 29.Anne-Claire Petit 30.Olivelse 31.Doudou 32.Schylling 33.Globe 34.Kidsen 35.Vilac 36.Kidsen










37.Esthex 38.Dwell Studio 39.Egmont 40.Blueboxtree 41.Smallable 42.Muuto 43.Suck UK 44.Zu 45.Kidsonroof

IL CUORE livello facile


IL papillon livello difficile

C ome u n a volta...













g n




















c i











LA CLESSIDRA DELLA GIUSTIZIA fiaba di Anna Maria Testoni Crippa

C’era una volta, molti anni fa, una fatina che, come tutte le fate, voleva aiutare gli uomini a vivere e voleva rendere loro la vita felice. Questa fatina però desiderava aiutare tutti gli uomini e non solo i pochi che avrebbe potuto incontrare. Ella perciò si crucciava molto e non si decideva mai ad agire in favore soltanto di qualcuno perchè, secondo lei, questa era una cosa ingiusta. Lei pensava: “Se una mamma ha tanti bambini e una sola pagnotta, la dividerà tra i suoi figli e non la darà a uno solo, lasciando gli altri senza nulla; così io devo fare con il mio potere magico. Gli uomini sono molti; sono innumerevoli e io non esiterò a dividere tra tutti la mia facoltà di proteggerli”. Ella, presa da queste preoccupazioni, non si muoveva mai dal regno delle fate e sembrava fosse una fatina inoperosa e siccome anche le fate hanno una Regina e anche loro hanno il dovere di lavorare, una volta fu chiamata dalla Regina: “perchè tu rimani sempre qua? Non vedi le tue sorelle che girano il mondo? Non sai che esse sono quasi sempre giù sulla terra e ognuna, a modo suo, compie buone azioni e combatte le streghe e i loro malefici?


Tu pure hai le loro facoltà di magia, tu pure hai la possibilità di renderti invisibile, hai la bacchetta magica e il cappello fatato, non rendermi ragione di questa tua pigrizia e se continuerai così, ti toglierò ogni potere per darlo a qualche altra che sappia usarlo meglio“. “Regina, tu dovresti ben conoscere il mio cuore”, rispose la fatina “...e sapere perchè io rimango inoperosa, e allora forse mi loderesti, anzichè rimproverarmi”. La fatina spiegò quello che ella provava nel non poter far del bene a tutta l’umanità. Allora la regina le consigliò: “Nobile è il tuo pensiero ma, mentre tu rimani qua, perchè non puoi fare un bene grande, perdi anche la possibilità di fare quel piccolo bene spicciolo che rallegrerebbe molti se non tutti gli uomini, e nel compiere le piccole magie poi tu avresti l’occasione di conoscere meglio i bisogni terreni e forse, così soltanto, potresti scoprire qualcosa di utile a tutta l’umanità, quel qualcosa che ora non riesci a trovare”. Come illuminata da un pensiero felice la fatina ringraziò. Era vero: “È necessario conoscere per sapere”. Ella pertanto decise di osservare gli uomini. La fatina si diede da fare, si rese invisibile per poter entrare agevolmente nell’intimità della vita degli uomini e scese sulla terra. Era bella la terra, come era caldo il sole e che bella luce irradiava su tutte le cose. Come erano belli i fiori: gli uni tanto diversi dagli altri, come era dolce il suono degli uccelli che volano sugli alberi, che cinguettano al vento, che cantano. La fatina fu grata alla Regina per averla mandata in questo mondo così variato e mutevole, così diverso dal magico regno delle fate in cui tutto è incorruttibile e perfetto, perciò così monotono e sempre uguale.

La fata capì che come la natura è diversa e mutevole, così anche gli uomini sono diversi tra loro e anche che, come esiste il giorno e la notte, così esistono due grandi forze: fate e streghe che governano contendendosi il primato sul cuore degli uomini. Allora, per la prima volta, fu lieta perchè anche lei si preparava alla lotta in difesa del bene. Dopo aver osservato tutto, la fatina entrò in una casa. Rimase sorpresa e ammirata di ciò che c’è in una casa, ma fu soprattutto divertita per come vivono gli uomini: si alzano quando è chiaro, mangiano a metà giornata, mangiano ancora quando comincia ad imbrunire e poi dormono la notte. Si chiese cosa fosse il tempo. Si accorse che tanti minuti fanno un’ora, che tante ore fanno un giorno, che tanti giorni fanno una settimana, che tante settimane fanno un mese, che tanti mesi fanno un anno e che in un anno succedono tante cose. Ma diverso e molto più grande può essere il valore del tempo. La fata, ben presto, se ne rese conto. Nella casa in cui era entrata c’erano due fratelli, due giovanotti: uno era buono, l’altro era cattivo. Quello cattivo era anche furbo e falso e sapeva fingere a tal punto che i genitori giudicavano sempre lui il migliore e la colpa di tutte le sue malefatte ricadeva sempre su quello buono finchè un giorno i genitori, ingiustamente, mandarono via di casa il figlio buono. Passò un po’ di tempo ed essi capirono che quello rimasto a casa era veramente il peggiore dei figli: sperperava denaro e li faceva disperare. Si resero conto, troppo tardi, che l’altro - quello che era stato allontanato - era il migliore. Oltretutto, da solo, utilizzando la sua buona volontà e lavorando, era diventato molto ricco.

“Ecco il vero valore del tempo”, pensò la fata, “ il tempo rende giustizia”. La fatina cambiò casa. Entrò questa volta in un palazzo dove abitava un re prepotente che, chiuso in prigione l’antico re, ne aveva usurpato il trono. Il popolo era all’oscuro di tutto, era stato detto che il buon re era morto. Tuttavia tale era la prepotenza e la cattiveria del nuovo sovrano che il popolo, stufo delle continue angherie, un bel giorno si ribellò e fece una rivoluzione. Assalì il palazzo, invase ogni camera e in una buia cantina in catene fu trovato il vero re. Ella pensò: “il tempo fa giustizia”. Nella terza casa in cui giunse la fata, c’erano due cameriere: una onesta e l’altra ladra. La ladra aveva rubato una collana preziosa alla padrona e voleva fuggire col bottino, ma quando si accorse che stavano per scoprirla, nascose nel letto della compagna la refurtiva e fece cadere su di lei la colpa. La poverina proclamò inutilmente la sua innocenza, non fu creduta Rimase ugualmente al servizio dei signori che non ebbero il coraggio di licenziarla. Dopo qualche tempo la cameriera ladra fuggì rubando un sacchetto pieno di monete d’oro, allora si scoprì la verità anche per la collana. Col tempo, anche in questo caso, aveva trionfato la giustizia. La fatina, quando se ne andò, aveva imparato che il tempo è la cura più preziosa che ci sia al mondo. Aveva deciso di donare agli uomini un mezzo per misurarlo, perchè tutti potessero usarlo bene, senza spreco, come del resto tutti sapevano fare con le cose preziose. Per rendere meno astratto il tempo occorreva che l’uomo lo potesse misurare. La fata per riflettere su cosa donare voleva essere sola, perciò camminando camminando era arrivata in riva al

mare. Ella, mentre passeggiava sulla spiaggia che costeggia il mare e unisce l’acqua alla terra, si mise ad osservare la sabbia e i suoi granelli resi impalpabili dal flusso continuo dell’onda che la lambisce, piccoli e impercettibili da poter sembrare quasi una superficie compatta. Mentre ragionava tra sé prese in mano un po’ di quella sabbia sottile, ma per quanto la tenesse chiusa nel pugno essa fuggiva via. Rimase con la mano di nuovo vuota. La sabbia sfuggiva dalla sua mano proprio come fosse stata acqua, ma con più lentezza: sfuggiva proprio come corre il tempo per l’uomo. Ecco l’idea: ”La sabbia poteva servire per misurare il tempo!”. Fu un’intuizione stupenda. La fatina con la sua magia realizzò subito un recipiente con un piccolo foro e lo riempì di granelli di sabbia; il tempo impiegato dalla sabbia per uscire dal recipiente sarebbe stato esattamente un’ora. Ella poi fece sì che la sabbia non si disperdesse ma entrasse in un altro recipiente esattamente uguale al primo. Infine li congiunse cosicchè, rovesciando tutto il recipiente, la parte piena risultasse ancora sopra a quella vuota e si potesse misurare un’altra ora. Un’ora e poi un’altra, e poi un’altra ancora. La fatina aveva inventato un nuovo orologio, il primo rudimentale misuratore del tempo, questo orologio si chiamò clessidra - e sapete perchè? Perchè prese il nome da una fanciulla: Clessidra. Ella era una giovane principessina, era rimasta orfana con quattro fratelli. Il padre morendo aveva distribuito tutte le sue ricchezze tra i quattro maschi, lasciando loro l’obbligo di mantenere degnamente la sorella. Clessidra era convinta di aver subito un’ingiustizia e non poteva rassegnarsi a quell’idea. Una notte fece un sogno strano, alla fanciulla

sembrò di vedere il maggiore dei fratelli, quello divenuto re, tanto occupato nel suo compito di governare da non aver neppure il tempo di mangiare e pertanto continuava a dimagrire, dimagrire. Poi vide il secondo diventare capo dell’esercito, obbligato a lunghe marce tanto estenuanti da non avere mai il tempo di riposare e invecchiava, invecchiava velocemente. Il terzo divenuto padrone delle terre, tanto oberato di lavoro da non avere il tempo di lavarsi si consumava, si consumava a vista d’occhio. Il quarto infine, divenuto padrone di tutte le gemme paterne, era tanto preso dalla cura di esse da non avere neppure il tempo di uscire di casa e deperiva, deperiva sempre più. Finalmente nel sogno le apparve una fata, la nostra fata, le disse: ” Clessidra ora sai che tuo padre ha lasciato a te il più grande patrimonio, la più grande ricchezza, la libertà del tuo tempo. Tu puoi farne ciò che vuoi. Egli non è stato ingiusto, ma perchè tu sappia usare bene il tuo tempo senza sciuparlo e perchè tu possa sempre ricordare della giustizia paterna, ecco ti lascio in dono questo misuratore del tempo: un orologio a sabbia”. Quando la principessina si svegliò la fata era sparita, ma vicino a lei c’era veramente il dono promesso in sogno. Ecco come agli uomini fu fatta conoscere la clessidra. La “clessidra della giustizia” per chi conosce la storia della principessina e della fata.


English Version

EDITORIAL - this magazine

The three girls realized only at the end

Rebecca is playing with her Nintendo

(page 5)

that he had not yet submitted, when

consolle and my husband Luca checks

asked his name his bright eyes looked

the email on his ipad. Sad, you’ll think,

It was a September afternoon, air cooled

happy: “Try to guess: it is an ingredient

but no. It’s just technology which perva-

down and leaves changed color. Mar-

of the cake you are eating, childrens

des our daily life. We all have computers,

tina, Camilla and Chiara were seated

love to eat it and it always brings good

smart phones & tablets. Devices that if

in a secluded area of a bar, in front of a

mood.” The story could go on, but surely

big slice of chocolate cake. The word

you all have already solved the riddle.


“thesis” hovered threateningly in the air. a “technology-addicted”. But I’m proud

Trying to escape her the girls began to talk about something else. Suddenly a


of me, last December I promised my

(page 7)

daughter Rebecca that I would have checked emails only in the morning and

without looking for it the idea presented itself. It had the form of a magazine but

Bellagio, Summer 1972. Mom is wearing

plished and I must admit that it has also

his build was more robust, it seemed aland elegant but his voice was deep and

in the early afternoon. Mission accom-

wedge sandals... I’m four years old and I

helped my mood. 40 years have passed

spend my days playing with dolls, riding

by from my wonderful summers spent in Bellagio playing like crazy. Now is my

establish if it was a boy or a girl. The

the garden. I like clothes, I love the way

daughter Rebecca’s turn. I allow her use

gaze was curious and optimistic, slightly

I can mix them together, but I do not

all of those devices but with strict rules,

naive, just like that of a child. He spoke

know what technology is... Sometimes

one among all? Never more than an hour

Italian and did not stop to tell incredi-

my cicciobello cries and it stops only if I

per day. I want her to spend her days by reading, drawing or creating freely... I

ble stories about travel, photography, fashion, design and cuisine. It also spoke

Bellagio, Summer 2012. I’m wearing

have taught her since the day of her birth that these miracle tools are just tools in

of his twin: said that they could not see it but that it existed for real, it came from

sandals. In my hand a blackberry and

our hands. They are useful items that im-

another world: the digital one.

an iphone in my pocket. My daughter

prove the quality of our lives.



oked in coconut milk). These typical dyshes must be strictly eaten with hands!

fellow anesthesiologist who for some

(page 9)

During their childhood they lear english,

years knew and attended the Mission of

but their language is the kiswhaili and try

Puri in Orissa (one of the poorest state in

Less fearful children approach and peer

to teach me a few words. They are very

the east of India) told me that a pediatri-

through their eyes in astonishment. I

polite, aware of the privilege they have in

cian might have been useful in that con-

have just arrived at a school on the coast

getting an education, the only way for a

of Kenya and after some uncertainty be-

better future.

humanitarian association Waf - www.

Inside those dirty uniforms or broken - with whom I worked and

clothes there are children who have a

which subsequently became Vice Presi-

under the tropical sun. Among lessons of

dent, has built and maintained a hostel

mathematics, science and social studies, we learn to trust each other and have fun

maybe they are sick, but every day they

which annually hosts between 60 and 70

dancing and singing in the decadent and

show me how much they want to learn.

childrens. They have from 3 to 14 years


When the bell rings no one runs out of

and are the sons of leprosy patients (a

dents appreciate our presence, we wel-

the classroom. They ask me to keep re-

leper colony with about 1200 “patients”

come and our proposals are always gre-

ading, because soon there will be exams

is located few dozen meters from the

eted with enthusiasm. I deliver colored

and everyone wants to pass them other-

hostel), orphans, children abandoned by

pencils: they are incredulous, they stand

wise they’ll have to repeat the year. They

parents too poor to keep them; them can

up, smile and scream. I feel emotionally

have great hopes, when asked what they

live and attend a school. They are sup-

involved by the spontaneity of their hap-

want to do when they grow they answer:

ported by a project sponsorships, run by

piness and I am touched when I pass in

President, doctor, teacher, football pla-

the classroom and I see that with great

yer, pilot! Takes very little and I feel at

to facilitate contacts between the world

respect and ingenuity each one of them

home, I get used to slow rhythms, to the

of donors and local contacts. Overall, the

is drawing with a single color. We pass

sun and to the hot sand. But I never get

partnership allows the adoption of ap-

the additions, subtractions and multipli-

tired of tireless smiles waiting me every

proximately 270 children in Cambodia,

cations. When to make the calculations

day I enter the classroom. Africa is a pla-

Senegal, Thailand, and India. In Italy

are wooden sticks on the corner of each

attention, teaches us to rediscover the

study on the diagnosis of dyslexia that

class ready to be used. During the day

beauty of waiting, to slow the frenzy.

has seen the collaboration of the Faculty

the lunch break turns out to be a walk

Africa is scent of simplicity, rich colors,

of Psychology of Pavia, The Division of

around looking for some tiny fruit che-

contrasting landscapes, faces that remain

Child Neuropsychiatry and eight pae-

wable pick by plants. The main meal is

impressed. Africa is the smell of rain that

diatricians from Varese. Part of the funds

the supper. After the prayer at the end

wets the drylands. Africa is to escape our

collected for this purpose is also helping

of the day before the sun sets, the streets

reality to be greeted by the warmth, ener-

are stained with the uniforms of the guys

gy and hospitality of this land.

who come back to the villages,holding hands with the little brothers who keep

dyslexia) in need of speech therapy ses-

PEOPLE DON’T TAKE them there might be a plate of rice and TRIPS, TRIPS TAKE PEObeans, or ugali and mchica (dish similar PLE to our local polenta with spinach cooked The professional and emotional in coconut milk), or the chapati (bread journey of a pediatrician in India.

sions. Beyond the adoptions, the true

the notebook as a treasure. Waiting for


(page 29)

zation, it pursues projects of education for the implementation of which requires a certain fundraising work that is being done by the 40 members who

participate. Thanks to funds raised we

time I diagnosed a case of leprosy in rea-

teur actor and the projection of images

bought some pc for the computer lab

lity was led by Rabi - an Indian factotum

representing scenes of everyday life in In-

and set a course in Taekwondo - in India

of the mission - after a routine visit to a

dia, allow children to enter into a reality

is the most popular martial arts - which


is held twice a week at six in the morning

patch of hypopigmentation I had seen on

proach the theme of solidarity through

(because later would be too hot) in the

his chest as outcomes of atopic dermati-

a play-symbolic mode (see on You tube

courtyard of the school. Since 2005 for

tis, He invited me to touch the wound

“Pasu e il re del silenzio”). It captures

about three weeks a year I do the pedia-

to feel rubbery to the touch then he had

the curiosity of children to learn about

trician in the hostel of Puri, dedicating

told me that was typical of leprosy. The

customs, games, habits of their peers

myself to the children who attends Bea-

child was sent to the doctor who took

inhabitants in another part of the world.

trix School, the school of the orphanage.

care of leprosy which saw the Hansen

In the days following the representation

They are altogether about 600, I deal

bacillus under the microscope, she was

Teachers ask students to do a small de-

with acute illnesses, and I relate with

treated with a triple antibiotic therapy

other specialists. The association pays

for nine months and healed perfectly.

visits when that is required, is a frequent

The early diagnosis and is a decisive way

I remember that one of them showed

fact that Indian colleagues in cases whe-

to prevent the onset of disabling injuries

me with some concern a white spot on

re there is a posting by a doctor who

and irreversible. On my last trip in Fe-

his skin... is enough in this case a detai-

works for an humanitarian organization

bruary 2012 I unfortunately found twelve

led explanation to reassure the extreme

conduct their own pro bono performan-

new cases of leprosy among children of

rarity of leprosy in the world in which we

ce. In addition to the diseases commonly

the hostel. But in such cases, the diagno-

live. In three days I’ll leave again, it will

found us too, over there are frequent

sis was made on young patients prior to

be the eighth time. I’m the one to bene-

malaria, intestinal parasites, fungal infections, bacterial infections complicating

end most of it takes place inside of me.

injuries from accidental trauma, birth

mission and school teachers carry out

injuries, many of these events are rela-


trying to promote. There are also a high

my business to the pediatrician working

LOOKING FOR - two cities, four destinations

number of cases of malnutrition, tuber-

i strict relationship with the teachers in

(page 47)

culosis, AIDS, and every year there un-

the absence of the parents. They are in

fortunately the constant feedback of 3-4

fact there to accompany the pupils in the

Tokyo - claska hotel 1-3-18, Meguro-ku,

new cases of leprosy, despite widespre-

small clinic of luck and they are always

Chuo-cho, 152-0001, Tokyo, Giappone

ad awareness campaign that the local

present. The exchange of knowledge

Claska is a boutique hotel in which coe-

health implement. Not yet disappeared

with several of them has allowed us to

and the cultural attitude of the families

enjoy each experience motivating and

A place of cutting-edge design. The en-

that tend to hide the symptoms of onset

encouraging. Their salary is ¤ 40 per

trance was designed by the English stu-

of leprosy, in fear that binds to this dia-

month, which in the local socio-econo-

dio Tomato. The three diy rooms were

gnosis a negative judgment about who

mic context is just enough to maintain a

ted to poor health, activities that we are


Japanese designers.

takes place in some cases that I should

Equally challenging is the activities of

put the clinical suspicion of pathology,

awareness and dissemination underta-

itself to various functions such as exhibi-


ken by our association in kindergartens:

tions, workshops, musical performances,

mation, during the brief period when I

a fairy tale written by a friend psycholo-

and the property also includes an art gal-

gist, animated by a friend who is an ama-

lery, a boutique, a cafe restaurant and a

wonderful roof terrace.

(page 54)

living. In the recipes of Oma & Bella can

Illustrator and art director, David

relive the novels and the stories of the

Tokyo - Today’s Special Shibuya, Tok-

Schwen, has brought the way we con-


yo, Giappone

ceptualize food to a whole new level. He

Today’s Special, located in Jiyuugaoka

has cleverly taken classic food pairings

(a neighborhood in southern Tokyo),

and shaped them into Pantone color

PLUMCAKE - lemon, vanilla extract and poppy seeds.


(page 58)

urban concrete setting. The store was

Sauces, fruit, spaghetti and much more:

designed by Jo Nagasaka of Schemata

nothing is mixed. Food and color are the

powder and mix with poppy seeds. Take

Architects, whose intentions were to

protagonists, it remains the original con-

a second bowl and beat the eggs with

create a jungle experience among trees

cept from which arise the Pantone, but,

the sugar until they foaming. Add yo-

and moss covered pots. We could easily

in addition to tint, we must also consider

gurt, oil seeds, the extract of vanilla and

see ourselves get lost in this perfectly set

shape and texture without forgetting the

the grated rind of the lemon. Pour into


the dry ingredients and stir quickly. Pour

me creative and graphic elements to be

the mixture into a baking pan lined with

matched as if they were color samples,

parchment paper, previously moistened,

we are talking about real culinary art.

and bake for about 35 ‘in a preheated

shop in Tokyo. Londra - Number Sixteen 16 Sumner Place, London SW7 3EG

oven at 180 degrees.

Number Sixteen is an intimate London


boutique hotel located in a quiet street in

(page 56)

the district of South Kensington. Appre-

Regina Karolinski, called Oma, and her

ciated by guests for its comfort and its

best friend Bella Katz, are two octoge-

peaceful environment. The decor blen-

narians who like to cook together Jewish


ds antiques with modern art and con-

recipes. Two brave women two cooks,

(page 66)

temporary colors, the result is elegant

two girlfriends very related and a past

but not excessive. A short drive away is

they have in common. Now they live to-

In Rome in 1992, the city where I was

Hyde Park, Harrods and the shops of

gether in Berlin. Perhaps you have alre-

born and raised until 20 years ago.

Knightsbridge, in addition to the Natu-

ady heard their names at the Berlin Film

ral History Museum and the Victoria &

Festival, watching the documentary that

Your favorite place?

Albert Museum.

inspired the book, whose director as well

...the sea.


as writer, Alexa Karolinski, is the grandLondra - Labour and Wait

daughter of Oma. In the eyes of the two

Professional photographer, do you enjoy

85 Redchurch St, London E2 7DJ

old ladies you can catch a glimpse of a

taking pictures of your family?

A slice of heaven appears to be crystalli-

If it’s for private I do love it, but profes-

zed over time. Labour and Wait opened

fear and pain for people that were not

in 2000 in the ‘East London with one

lucky as them. Dishes that contain the



meless, functional products for everyday

mories of a past that you can not forget.

worked together?


Recipes never written down, but imprin-

We started working together but after

ted in memory, and so they tell their sto-

the birth of our children we had to stop

ry, by cooking. Stoves and tales of life are

because of trouble with the organization.


mixed, the smiling faces and bright eyes


of the two women come on to the joy of

Your wife Eva is a stylist, have you ever

The perfect song for the perfect shot?

Fashion - David Bowie

which is the one you loved the most?

Your daughter’s ambition, when she

I love to travel. The journey I enjoyed the

grows up she’d love to become...?

The song that reminds you your family?

most is undoubtedly India, where I’ve

A biologist or a teacher. I’m a supporter

Actually I do not have a particular song,

been four times, the last with Eva and

I’d rather say that “our song” are all the

my parents. I try to convey this passion

animated series soundtracks!

also to Eva, who has already seen a lot

Sunday at di Palma’s house

of places.

We do our homework and put in order,

Three words to describe yourself as a

sometimes we play.


A place where you’ve never been to and

Modern, fresh, British.

you’ve marked in the to do list?

Your daughter in a word.

Costa Rica

ENERGY, pure state.

Is there something in your past that ma-


kes you laugh?

(page 74)

And as a father?

Where did you meet Eva?

The journey from Aurangabad to Ellora.

In Milan, during a dinner.

At 5 am a picked-up-at-the-station driver

On a beach in Chicago during a storm,

drove a broken-down car!

with a Pentax. I remember it very well.

The song that makes you think about

Your favorite place?

your daughter?

There are plenty, but certainly some of

Fee performed by Zaz.

Milan’s buildings at night.

And the place?

Professional photographer, do you enjoy

The library of the Red Church.

taking pictures of your family?

SEA! Is there something in your past that makes you laugh? All the shit I’ve done.

A lot. Especially to my daughter Anna. Sunday?

Is there something that liks you and your -

She’s so spontaneous.


meone even homework!

Have you ever photographed your wife as a professional photographer?

How about working with children? Do

Yes, so many times.

you prefer to work with them or do you

You Are the Special Projects Manager

prefer to work with adults?

at IED Research Centre, tell us about

The perfect song for the perfect shot?

While working with adults I fell power-

the project you loved the most?

I do not really listen to music on the set

full because it’s up me, when I work with

Maybe the one I did for Rinascente, but

because I think that it distracts me, but

children everything is up to them!

every project I supported at IED is spe-

no matter what song perfomed by Joy

cial to me.

Division sometimes helps.

Nina (7 years) Dreamer - Viola (4 years)

Has your daughter ever said “mom, you

The song that reminds you your family?

witty, her twin Nicola rogue.

work too much!”?

There are many because both Anna and

Sure, she always says that, but then she

Loredana love listening to music, but I


would say Bad Romance by Lady Gaga,

A word that describes your children


We know about your passion for travel,

der pressure working students.

it was the only song that calmed the newborn Anna.

Three words to describe yourself as a

It seems to me that the road is marked.

band Noguru, has he managed to con-


Printed newspaper are to become a ni-

vey the passion for music even to your

Fast, accurate and immediate.

che product, and most of the people will

child Rocco? When Rocco was Andrea tried with

And as a father? ful.

fact web sections of newspapers tend to

rock, but now he discovered rap. When

be more and more autonomous compa-

we put some music in the car I see in

red to printed newspaper.

the mirror that Rocco moves his head following the beat. Now we gave him a

Where did you meet Loredana?

The last book you read?

In Milan, while clubbing at Plastic.

Flo: The particular sadness of Lemon

Pamparana’s family, sea or mountain?

mini dj console, let’s see how it ends.

Cake (Aimee Bender).

Describe your child in a word

Andrea: Roger Federer as Religious Ex-


perience (David Foster Wallace). SARA AZZONE Is there something in your past that ma-

The song you listen while working?

(page 82)

kes you laugh?

Wyclef Jean - Gone till november.

Director of IED Moda in Milan, two

Anna dancing in front of the television.

children & super busy, how do you make The song that reminds you of your fa-

everything coincide? Is there a diploma-


tic answer to this question? I don’t think


Perhaps one taken from the album Lon-

so, in fact nothing coincide... I’d like to

We stay together, maybe somewhere in

don Calling by The Clash.

quote Emma Bonino: “women have to

a park.

do anything twice better to be judged Three word to describe you as a stylist?

A word that describes your daughter.

good half “, thankfully everything is not

Geometric, sharp, colorful.


And as a mother?

You are always surrounded by many

Open, present, running.

young students have you ever thought of your children, have you ever thought

(page 78)

Where do you meet Andrea?

about not spend enough time with them?

I remember when I was a child, I liked to

When we were young we shared many

Of course work does not allow me to

dress up paper dolls, the ones that were

mutual friends, we knew each other for

spend enough time with them, but I

cut out with clothes. I had to color them

years. Then we (re) known at the Yar.

think that this is the common condition

and then to stick it with the tabs. Which is your favourite set?

of all working moms, right? I think that Scaglia’s family, sea or mountain?

the frustration of not seeing my children


grow up is balanced by the fact that I

I really like to create in studio, working

have the daily chance to do a job that I

with the photographer on poses and on

Sunday at Scaglia’s house?

sets makes me feel good.

Friends or grandparents, cinema or

love, which helps me to be a serene and

exhibitions, but never (unfortunately?) Your husband Andrea Scaglia writes

an afternoon of relax. And in the evening

Something that no one knows about

for the newspaper Libero and you work

Rocco’s homeworks.

your family?

for Io Donna, how do you see the relationship between print and web?

Exactly, no one... Ok. if I must admit it, Your husband is the frontman of the

is the smallest that rules the house!

- Conversations between Alexander and which ones?

eps me company ...

his maternal grandmother: (28 July 2012) A: you know that people who die then

The song that reminds you of your fa-

(Federico, 17, and Alessandro, 7 years)

live again?


but the same interests: AC Milan, ba-

N: I do not know, but who said that?

There are so many songs that reminds

sketball, music, snowboarding, windsur-

A: I know ..

me my family, we hear a lot of music to-

N: Who told you that?

gether. High -Lighthouse Family.

A: God told me before I was born. An unforgettable journey.

N: And what did he say?

And the place?

Paris, early November 2012, a long car

A: He said: Good luck and try not to die

Stintino (Sardinia), there we spend all


that soon!

our summers.

- Conversation between me and AlexanThe last book you read

der during an unexpected blackout

How do you spent leisure time?


M: light’s gone.

Leisure time... I don’t think so!

BLUE PIMPLES Geronimo Stilton

A: where’s gone, to another mom?

and almost simultaneously “CHEC-

- Conversation between the maternal

A typical Sunday in Azzone’s house

KLIST, how to make things better” by

grandmother (nicknamed Ucci) and

Let’s say that there are no traditional

Atul Gawande, a surgeon in India who

Federico (when he was younger) at

Sundays! For our family Sunday is the

explains how to save lives through the

grandparents’ house in the country, af-

pajamas day. We wake up late and have

checklists. The same steps can be adop-

ter having rummaged through the desk

a Sunday brunch. We’re all pretty lazy...

ted in daily life or work life in order to

drawers of his grandfather who had

we have a 5 meters sofa in the living room

solve from more complex problems to

died. Then they got into the car and the

and often we are all there in order to chat,

the more simple. The last attempt to try

dialogue between the two was more or

watch a movie, doing homework, read a

to make order into my life, do not ask if it

less like this.

book, listen to music, cuddle and so on...

was successful.

F: Even children die? God told me not. N: Do you talk to God?

Sea or Mountain?

Is there something in your past that ma-

F: Oh yes.


kes you laugh?

N: Can you ask if I’ll be happy?

- Alessandro’s conversations while we

F: Why, aren’t you happy grandma?

are on the bus, he is extremely cheeky.

N: No I’m not, ‘cause Aunt Vanessa


One day he stared at a young lady a bit

and aunt Babettli (his daughters) are far

The truth? “Nanny” for both, unfortuna-

(too) much curvy and said: “you know

away. So, can you ask for an answer?


you look really bad wearing this skirt?”

F: Wait, I just can’t get an answer... ah,

- When Alessandro saw his paternal

wrong address, I’ll try again with the

Your kids in a word

grandmother without makeup and

right one now:


asked: “Grandma why when you don’t

- Conversation between me and Alessan-

put makeup on you stay the same and

do the day of my birthday (March 19)


instead my mom becomes beautiful?” ...

“Mom, why do you accomplish the years

(pag 86)

Mother’s pride!

on the Feast of St. Dad?”

- Orio al Serio Airport, Federico (not yet

- Conversation between me and Alessan-

big at that time) literally falls on escala-


ris for Costume National, I was twenty-

tors because of not having found the

A: Mom, do you know why I like the rain

four, so many emotions.

right position in order to carry suitcases.

that much? Because when I sleep it ke-


Your favorite place?

And as a mom?

work of art, observe it every day, make

I have so many favorite places, they are

I asked my children to answer and they

it an integral part of their lives, develop

said: fun, loving, ‘with the phone in her

in children the curiosity to know, to un-


derstand the pleasure and the desire to


communicate. Two children: Arianna and Zeno. Which

Where did you meet Daniele?

are their favorite cartoons?

We worked together for Romeo Gigli,

Ari has now passed the cartoons stage,

Works presented by ARTFORKIDS -

now she sees only the show for pre-teens

but they are selected between their production.

like ‘Violetta’. Zeno loves Star Wars, The Spectacular Spiderman and all the nat-

Patruno’s family, sea or mountain?

AURA ZECCHINI (born in Peschie-

Sea for ever!

ra del Garda, Verona, in 1983 Lives and

managed to show them some adult movies that they can appreciate!

works in Milan) Is there something in your past that ma-

“The works of Aura Zecchini are inser-

kes you laugh?

ted in the great tradition of the still life,

The song that reminds you of your fa-

which actually implies always a triumph


swing: bloody head we take him to the

of life.”

All and nothing. Zeno loves to play gui-

emergency room. The same day Ari in

ALICE COLOMBO (born in Cassano

tar and drums so he had a kind of Ra-

order to make him laugh tryied to play

d’Adda, Milan in 1981 Lives and works

mones period! Ari ‘s always singing and

like a ghost so she pulled up her dress

in Melzo.)

I love the way she learn languagesfrom

and tumbles down in front of the hospi-

“A bizarre warehouse suspended betwe-

the songs.

tal. Two in one single stroke! (luckily no

en colossal trees, a great forest where


every appearance refers to a further rea-

The last book you read


‘Just Kids’, a beautiful story of love and

Sunday at Pratuno’s

DANY VESCOVI (born in Milan in

friendship between Patti Smith and Ro-

We adopt spanish time: wake up and

1969 Lives and works in Milan)

bert Mapplethorpe.

late breakfast. In winter we spend the day on the couch watching documen-


taries or movies, or maybe cinema and

tical partitions of the painting, as if they

of Zeno?


In spring we take trips

were frames in rapid sequence. On the

Ari was a kind of super eater as a child

with friends, barbecues, sea or no matter

canvas of life in a visual short-circuit

and we did not know if she said “papà”

which water course.

through constant interference, a tran-

or “pappa”! (dad and food in Italian have


the same sound)

Your kids described in a word

stract shapes and volumes”.

Zeno just said mom.



In order to have fun we asked them to

Trento in 1967 Lives and works in Ro-

repeat words like ‘dodecahedron’ or ‘una-

vereto, Trento)



“The visual communication is full of

(page 99)

Three words to describe yourself as a communicator.

ARTFORKIDS was founded in May

imagination that breaks through tech-

Curious, attentive, empathetic.

2012 with the aim of introducing children

nical apparatus of production and con-

to contemporary art. Growing up with a

sumption. “

GIOVANNI MOTTA( born in Verona

MARCO GRASSI (born in Milan in

the large size, the design honed, the sup-

in 1971 Lives and works in Verona)

1966 Lives and works in Mariano Co-

port, which becomes part of the works,

“His paintings are the result of an elabo-

mense, Como)

creates an emotional distress, disorienta-

rate and complex technique where the

tion and a collapse of certainties. “

study of color and form are the undisti-

transcend the form and the body to

puted protagonists. His works, with a

which it binds. The painting does not

strong visual impact start from research

make it eternal, but fragilely human and

and development of the memory of mo-

this can really declare itself pure. “


ments of his childhood. “


(page 109)

FEDERICO GUIDA (born in Milan

Monza Lives and works in Seregno, Mi-

in 1969 Lives and works in Milan)


Artist Chris O’Shea has collaborated

“His works are inspired by the tales of

“In his photographic works, the artist

with digital production company Nexus

Phaedrus, which develops an individual

creates an atmosphere that allows you to

Interactive Arts to create Woodland

path through a wonderful technique. “

complete an image and rebuild a present

Wiggle - an interactive game for children

DAVIDE NIDO (born in Milan in

reality within each of us, a personal reali-

displayed on an enormous telly in a new

1966 Lives and works in Milan)

ty, which comes from the observation to

indoor play area at The Royal London

“Totally abstract images played on the

a perception of one’s feelings that goes

Hospital’s dedicated Children’s Hospi-

counterpoint between horizontal and

beyond the representation of reality. “


vertical, full and empty, as it combines



the bright colors of pop taste with a geo-

Giussano, Milan, in 1969 Lives and wor-

ling Space, the new indoor play area has

metric structure that recalls the research

ks in Milan)

been designed by architects Cottrell &

of optical art. “

“The girls and teenagers portrayed by

Vermeulen and graphic designer Morag


Roberta Savelli embody the ideal nostal-

Myerscoughand takes the form of an

ranto in 1985 Lives and works in Milan)

gic for a lost time, dominated by pure fe-

“The art of this artist settled in a magical

elings, not yet corrupted by the cynicism

Wonderland-scale objects for children to

dimension in the overall vision of the can-

of adulthood. “

explore and interact with.


“The architects [Cottrell & Vermeulen]

to go in what has been described to seize

in Locarno (Switzerland) in 1960 Lives

had won a RIBA competition to design

an emotional universe in constant balan-

and works in Cugnasco, Locarno)

the space and had the concept of the lar-

ce between melancholy and mockery.”

“The painting reveals the catch body

ge living room,” explains Myerscough

VANNI CUOGHI (born in Genoa in

vibration and the ghosts of the heart of

of the project. “I was then brought in

1966 Lives and works in Milan)

the artist, through explosions of lyrical

by Vital Arts [who commissioned the

“In his paintings emerge quotations and

project] to introduce another layer of

allusions to Renaissance painting, to

through the imagination is capable of

narrative in the space,” she continues.“

landscape of Arcadia, to clothing and cu-

generating a new world. (...) An art that

The living room was to appear as a fa-

stoms of the Baroque period and even to

alludes to things, those that arise from

miliar calm space but super sized and

certain Victorian fairy-tale atmosphere. “

the same consciousness as they occur in

I introduced the playful disorder with

FULVIA MENDINI (born in Milan in

the memory. “

giant characters, stories, puzzle seating,

1966 Lives and works in Milan)


wooden tops and a wallpaper patterned

Milan in 1971 Lives and works in Milan)

with a menagerie of animals.” “Once we

graphic design, by illustrations for

“As in a medieval herbarium, Massimo

we struck on the idea of the animals who

child-hood and by the traditional crafts-

Dalla Pola showcases some poisonous

better to ask than my Mum, Betty Fraser

manship of the Arts and Crafts.”

Myerscough, a textile artist, who went

to work creating various animals and we

with just a wave of the hands,” he con-

took [toy-size versions, shown below]

tinues. Here’s a look at the installation

is to focus on the task of our time and

to the hospital to see how the patients

being put to good use:

place as an ideal to be pursued through

would react and they loved them,” Myer-

Other features in the space include huge

a sound education of the younger gene-

scough continues. “The main characters

colourful spinning tops (they don’t spin,

in the space are Eddie the Tiger and

for obvious safety reasons) designed by

Twoo the Wise Owl. We did not stop

Morag Myerscough, an interactive pat-

there - Luke Morgan has written a sto-

terned projection underneath a huge

passes through various stages of deve-

ry about all the friends who live in Cozy

lampshade, and two enormous animal

lopment from birth to death and beyond

Wood and can hear it narrated under the

characters designed by Myerscough se-

... as there is a prenatal and postmortem.

story telling chair in the space.”

nior - here’s Twoo awaiting departure

in essence the concept of man by anthro-

It is Betty Fraser Myerscough’s animal

from the factory it was made in.

posophy or spiritual science founded by

character creations which have been

Architects Cottrell & Vermeulen have

R. Steiner, exceeds that reductive mate-

brought to life in the interactive game

also designed a garden area in the hospi-

rialism on which the dominant culture,

devised by O’Shea that plays out on the

tal but photos aren’t available at the time

and education also underlying it. The

huge TV in the space. Myerscough’s

of posting this story - we’ll add images as

characters were illustrated and animated

soon as we have them.

of body, soul and spirit, namely physi-

by Felix Massie and can be interacted

Both the indoor and outdoor play are-

cal, psychic and I to use a more modern

with onscreen by moving around in front

as were ommissioned by Vital Arts, the

psychological language. Education has

of the screen.

arts organisation for Barts Health NHS

the task of harmonizing the elements of

Entitled Wiggle Wood, the installation

Trust. Funded entirely by charitable do-

this triad, from the moment when the

allows children to enter into a storybook-

nations from underwriters OdysseyRe,

child enters into the physical world, and

style illustrated world, enabling them to

construction group Skanska, and Barts

the opportunities that an individual has

paint, play music (with sound design and

and The London Charity.

to draw on its inner sources depend on

tasks to perform. On the other hand, also

music byBrains & Hunch), and trigger

the care that has been given in his youth

sun, rain, snow and rainbows with ani-

by his teachers and educators, who have the primary task of stimulating the indi-

“Working in close consultation with cli-

AT SCHOOL - The Steiner school and the Montessori school narrated in a double interview.

nical teams at the hospital, and following

(page 125)

M: The main characteristic of the vision

mated animal characters across a number of woodland scenes.

a series of workshops with physiothera-

vidual qualities making them fruitful for the company. of Maria Montessori is based on the fact

pists and occupational therapists, I was

1 - What led the founder of your school to

able to determine a range of movements

see under a new light the role of children?

that would give children the best health

that he was a doctor, so the approach is In fact, almost 100 years ago, through a

S: In an attempt to renew the cultural format and design of the games crea-

phases through which the psychic child

ted,” explains artist Chirs O’Shea of the

the centrality of education as a “segment

goes through its stages of growth, steps


of the huge and pressing spiritual pro-


“The installation had to work with a

blem of the present.” In this he stands

logical studies. For this reason, when it

wide range of abilities, from wheelchair

as the basis of the concept of evolution

comes to materials or Italian it comes to

users, visually impaired, to bed bound

that regards the individual but also the

math and psicogrammatica psicoaritme-

whole of humanity. Both man, and hu-

tica. These materials are followed with

allows for triggering of music and paint

a taxonomy very precise and answer the

needs child has in certain stages of evo-

sensory experiences he may try. For envi-

together so that they can move in total

lution. It all began when Maria Mon-

ronment we means clothing, toys, colors

freedom. The pedagogy includes self-

tessori founded the “Children’s House”

of rooms, shapes of the objects which

education, it is assumed that every child

dedicated to a range of children oligo-

can interact with the spaces dedicated to

has within it a personal project that can


him and so on. Environment is also ge-

develop his own path. The child is the

ning, providing them with materials that

stures and thoughts educator. The child

protagonist of his own learning through

is not something to be molded, an emp-

an experiential journey that leads him to

and numbers frosted. The letters are

abstraction through memorization. This

arranged on rigid boards, embossed on

that gradually accumulate, so it is not the

type of course allows the child to learn

sand paper and written in italics, in con-

sum of experiences, but rather the result

the concept of which has already expe-

trast to the smooth shelf boards. This

of continuous transformations, periodic

rienced. Another key point is the inter-

is because learning always starts with

metamorphosis. The child through edu-

disciplinarity that try to create relations


cation can acquire skills that allow him

among the study subjects. Montessori

tion that Montessori gave the baby was

to undertake the tasks that his fate and

speaks of cosmic education: the child is

his time require. The Waldorf Peda-

at the center of the universe and all that

then the sound and then asked the child

gogy is not a science of education, but

surrounds him becomes a subject of stu-

to give, for example, “a”.

an art education, a permanent search of

dy and at the same time a link with other

the most suited way to make students

disciplines. Finally, child’s educational

2 - How does your education helps the child in the school career?

path must always start from the pleasure, subjects can become a true instrument of

the study shall not be used to vote, or to

the soul so that the evolutionary process

the satisfaction of third parties but must

S: Starting from a thorough knowledge

of the child matches the whole unit of the

be a source of pleasure for the child.

of the human being the educator tries

individual disciplines and artistic gran-

to give the child what they need at that

ted as true instruments of an orchestra.

3 - What is the role and the educational

time respecting what is in every child in

The Waldorf curriculum is presented to

objective of the many arts and crafts ac-

its early stages of evolution, what is cal-

teachers as an artistic tool, living com-


led the universally human and what that

munity to act in a given school and in a

the individual must be able to be accom-

given class because you can not teach in

S: In the Waldorf school of art and the

plished, if you remove the obstacles and

the same way in an industrial area or in a

role of the manual activity is decisive.

rural village.

The painting, drawing, modeling, mu-

path. No one can be a good teacher if he

M: The pedagogy of Maria Montesso-

sic, acting, math and grammar are the

look only at what he do and not what he

ri helps children by providing an envi-

foundations on which born all subjects

is. The entire curriculum of the Waldorf

ronment that has prepared the inside

of study. Art involves the whole person,

or Steiner pedagogy is structured on

of the work proposals that are practical

and daily exercise and artistic elabo-

the basis of this knowledge because we

response to the need. The adult always

ration train the will. The art means to

can not know when and how to propo-

starts from the observation detailed in

subject to child. Our pedagogy also has

the group of children. He does not try

attitudes. Artistic tutorial involves the


use of all sensory and volitional faculties,

much to care about the environment in

requires the active participation of body

which the child lives that is not an ele-

that is in line with their needs and abi-

and soul. Even manual labor has a very


lities. Children are free to experiment.

important role and is the same for males


They can do whatever they want but

and females. Rudolf Steiner tells us that

rounds the child, where it moves and the

our intellect is not formed directly by in-

sisting on education intellectual, but ra-

of warmth and through stories, songs, roundabouts, artistic activities educates

each classroom is equipped inside for a

to be joyful laboriousness. During the

the other. This allows to create interac-

corresponds to being too clumsy and too craft activate the will in thought. M: Crafts is the basis of pedagogy,

the teacher acts as window to the world. Trust in this role makes the teacher beco-

gets their own personal schedule. For

called the hand the organ of intelligence:

mes a popular authority and this promo-

the child who has used his hands in any

tes a healthy development. In addition to


the curriculum subjects and the study of

job in Italian, one in mathematics and a


foreign languages the arts subjects have

third choice, which can be either a repe-

ly the gestures that gradually become

equal dignity that awaken the creative

tition or a work of cosmic education. In

more purposes, in order to prepare the

forces. The ages of the main subjects

the second cycle the program is weekly.

hand to writing. For this purpose, the

in teaching allows students to focus in-

The afternoons are dedicated to learning

teachers have always the materials from

tensely in a discipline allowing a healthy

with specialists who work in a homoge-

left to right, the sense of writing. Among

learning. Most of the Steiner schools in

neous group on the class as provided by

the manual artistic activities are planned

Italy comes to the eighth class, so many

the ministry and teach English, music,

such as weaving and sewing, which con-

of them are approved, then child can ac-

religion, physical education and art.

tribute to the development of skills that

cess to any high school. The schools also

will help the child in writing. The pain-

have the upper classes, here teachers

ting studio Stern, whose philosophy is

5 - The role of the teacher: what about the relationship with the children?

very similar to that of Maria Montessori,

way in autonomy. In the waldorf high

hosts children from 4 years (as a matter


S: Teacher organizes the work but must

of height and not of capacity) in hetero-

ring the second to last and last class the

also he has to prepare inwardly so that

geneous groups of eight. Welcomed and

works are performed individually chosen

the teaching is done in a healthy way. To

followed by praticienne, children are free

between creation of an art project or a

make alive the lessons the teacher has to

to draw what they want, their designs

work on himself and on his own tempe-

are collected and stored in the school,

the last year of the program the school

only to be returned after a few years of

provides subjects such as eurythmy, dra-

task, but every teacher try to change at

the end of their training. The drawings

ma, painting, drawing, sculpture, crafts

least a little his own nature in order to

is accompanied by a letter addressed to

which constitute a counterweight to the

be trying to overcome a passive attitude.

parents that tells to show the child his works only when it reaches adulthood.

“It is up to the educator to act with the literature, history and dramatic arts.

utmost self-denial,� says Steiner, in order

M: The Montessori school is divi4 . Which are the age brackets which di-

ded into: kindergarten (12-36 months),

individuality of students.

vides the school?

Children’s House (3-6 years) where the-

M: Teacher is a guide that is not there

S: According to Steiner pedagogy the-

re are heterogeneous groups, then the

fom reviews, the most important work

re are three septennia education, from

Primary School (6-12 years) divided into

for the teacher is the preparation of the environment. He always has a low voice so as to become an example for children.

dominates the principle of imitation. In

children and the second is for the big

The ready to use materials in the spaces

seekers we try to make the child live in

kids. Sometimes the smallest one can go

contain in theirself the principle of self

a world full of images. In an atmosphere

to work upstairs in anticipation of the fu-

correction sin order to make child more

independent. The teacher corrects the

to act only in favor of someone because

down to earth. Earth was beautiful, the

children accompanying them and al-

according to her acting like this was an

sun was warm and the light shone over

lowing them to choose freely and inde-

injustice. She thought: “If a mother has



many children and just one loaf of bread, she will divide between her children

trees was sweet. The fairy was grateful

6 - Ratings and homework?

and she won’t give it to one, leaving the

to the Queen for sending her into this

S: In Waldorf schools, there are no vo-

other with nothing, so I have to do with

tes, especially in the early grades. There

my magic power. People are numerous

kingdom so boring and always the same

can be somee assessments designed to

and I will not hesitate to share between

where everything is perfect and incor-

stimulate an improvement when the-

all my faculties to protect them”. Taken

ruptible. The little fairy understand that

se student is aware of its possibilities.

by these worries she never moved from

But there aren’t votes that measure the

the realm of the fairies. Since the fairies

that there are two forces that seek to rule

amount of knowledge, teachers try to

also have a Queen and they also have

their hearts: fairies and witches. The she

make suggestions suited to promote the

to work, once was called by the Queen:

was happy because she was getting rea-

growth of each student. Of course there

“Why do you stay always here? Don’t you

is no need of ‘reject’. Homework usually

see your sisters who travel the world?

observing everything the fairy walk into

appear after the second year.

Don’t you know that every day they are

a home. She was surprised and admired

M: Montessori school is required to give


about what there is in a house, but she

a report card at the end of each year. This

ting witches and their spells? You also

was especially amused by seeing how pe-

have their magical powers: you have the

ople live: they get up whit the sun, they

the child without any judgment. Ra-

chance to become invisible, you have the

eat when it begins to get dark and then

tings are not mentioned to children but

magic wand and also the magic hat. If

they sleep at night. She wondered about

remain on the register and then shared

you’ll continue to act like this, I’ll take

what was the time. She noticed that: so

with parents. Parents are free to show

away all of your power in order to give

many minutes make an hour, many hours

or hide the report card to child. The

to someone else who knows how to use

make a day, so many days make a week,

fact that children are not in competition

them”. “My Queen, you should know my

so many weeks mkae a month, many

allows them to develop a sense of social

heart,” replied the fairy “and you should

months make a year and che noticed also

cohesion, self-help and collaboration.

know the reason why I stay inactive, and

that so many things happen in a year. In

Every child sees the other as a resource

then maybe you would praise, rather

the house in which she had entered lived

and not an antagonist.

than reproach.” The fairy explain what

two brothers: one was good, the other

she felt in not being able to do good to

was bad. The villain one was also cun-

all mankind. Then the queen said, “your

ning and false and he acted the good one

THE HOURGLASS OF JU- thinking is noble but by staying here part that well that parents always judged STICE - a tale by Anna Maria you lose the chance to do something him the best and the guilt of all his miTestoni Crippa good. While making those little spells sdeeds always fell on the good one until then you would have the opportunity

one day the parents unjustly sent away

to know better the needs of humanity.”

from home their good son. After some

Once upon a time there was a fairy who

Enlightened by a happy thought the lit-

time they realized that the one remained

wanted to help people to live better and

tle fairy thanked the queen. It was true:

home wae the worst of the two children:

wanted to make their lives happy. This

“It is necessary to experience in order to

he squandered money and madethem to

fairy wanted to help all people of the

know.” Therefore she decided to observe

despair. They realized that the other son

earth and not just the few she met. She

men. She got busy, she became invisible

was the best. Moreover he had become

fretted a lot and could not decide never

in order to enter smoothly and she came

very rich using its good will and working

(page 176)

The fairy tought: “Here is the true value

on the beach along the sea, she began

he grows old fast. The third one became

of time: it does justice.” The fairy chen-

to observe the sand grains and its im-

a master of the land, so overworked he

ged house in order to experience more. This time she chose a building where li-

do not have time to wash himself and he of the waves. While she reasoned she

consumed down. The fourth one beca-

ved a bully king who after having locked

me the master of all the gems of his fa-

in prison the ancient king had usurped

ther, he was so taken by the care of them

his throne. Citizen were in

away. She stood with his hands empty.

that he do not even have the time to go

the dark about everything, they was told

The sand slipped from his hand just as

out and he wasted away. In the dream a

that the good king had died. However

if it was water, but more slowly. It runs

fairy appeared to her, our fairy and said

such was the arrogance and the evil of

just as the time runs for the man. Here’s

to Clessidra: “Now you know that your

the new king that the people, tired of the

the idea: “The sand could be used to me-

father has left you the greatest heritage,

constant harassment, one day rebelled

asure time.” It was a wonderful insight.

the largest wealth, the freedom of your

and made a revolution. They attacked

With her magic she immediately realized

time. You can make what you want. Your

the palace and invaded every room and

father was not wrong, and in order to let

in a dark cellar they found the true king.

it with gravel. The time it takes for the

you know how to use your time well wi-

The fairy tought: “time does justice.” In

sand to exit the vessel would have been

thout wasting I leave you this gift: it’s an

the third house where the fairy came,

exactly an hour. Then she madethat the

hourglass.” When she woke up the fairy

there were two maids: one was honest

sand might not be caught but went into

was gone, but close to her bed there was

and the other one was a thief. The thief

the gift that the fairy gave her in the dre-

had stolen a precious necklace to her

She joined the two sides so while spil-

am. This is the story of how men came to

mistress and she wanted to escape with

ling all over the vessel the full one results

know the hourglass, the tale of the little

the loot, but when she realized that they

still above the empty one so that one

princess and the little fairy.

were about to discover everything, she

could measure another hour. An hour

hid the stolen goods in the bed of her

and then another, and then another. The

companion and she dropped on her the


guilt. The poor woman unnecessarily

watch and the name chosen was “Cles-

proclaim hes innocence but she was not

sidra” (hourglass) guess why? She chose


believed. She remained serving the lords

the name of a young princess with four

‘Udder’ was created by artist/designer


orphaned siblings. Her father while

Fliss Dodd.

ter some time the thief-maid escaped af-

dying had distributed all his wealth

Gaining recognition on the local scene

ter stealing a bag full of gold coins, then

among the four males, leaving them the

for making sculptural and functional ce-

the lords discovered the truth about the

obligation to properly maintaining his

ramics, it was not until the birth of her

necklace. Even in this case over time ju-


stice had triumphed. The fairy had lear-

red an injustice and she could not resign

making soft toys when she felt frustra-

ned that time is the most valuable care in

herself to that idea. One night Clessidra

ted with the saturated synthetic kids’ toy

the world. So she decided to give men a

had a strange dream, she seemed to see

market. She yearned to be able to give

way to measure times, so that everyone

the eldest brother, the one became king,

her child a ‘handmade friend’ made with

could use it well without wasting it. It

so busy in his task of governing that he

love from fabric not plastic.

was needed an object with which man

have even no time to eat and therefore he

Years on and now 3 children inspiring

could measure time in order to make it

continued to lose weight. Then he saw

the brand even more, ‘Udder’ has slowly

less abstract. To think about what to

the second brother become chief of the

grown with the introduction of ‘small’

give the fairy wanted to be alone, so she

army, he was forced to long marches so

collections of Children’s Clothing, ac-

came walking by the sea. While walking

exhausting to never have time to rest and

cessories and still the usual suspects, the

‘handmade friends’. Without compro-


by Laia Aguilar (creative manager & de-

mising the integrity of the business and

ton, wool and jersey soy treated with the

signer) and Adriana Esperalba (general


manager). Some years earlier, they had

husband and business partner Hal have

founded the design and communication

established a close relationship with a

The colors that dominate the collections

small scale boutique manufacturer in

are soft and dusty moved by graphic fan-

Bali to create beautiful and unique sea-


and graphic design, they created BOBO

sonal collections.

Maurizia and Francesca personally take


Each piece from the collections are made

care of every detail completing the col-

From this perspective, ACTBYBOBO.

lection with fanciful accessories such as


printed utilizing traditional Indonesian

necklaces, small handbags, scarves, etc.

ly assist various projects such as, a wo-

antique techniques - processes such as

to make image always fresh and very in-

men’s school in the north of Bangladesh,

Batik, Tie and Dye, Silk Screens with


and Aytimoun Yo, an NGO that runs an

a manual brushing and airbrush as well

The inspiration comes from the same

orphanage in Haiti, which was set up af-

as wood block print. These techniques

world of children, the nature and the

ter the earthquake in 2010.

small details that make everyday a spe-

A normal day in BOBO CHOSES’ life

original, a quality which in a world of

cial day.

is divided between two cities: In Giro-

mass automated production is beco-

The production is made in Italy which

na, Laia Aguilar designs the collections

ming rare and a quality which ‘Udder’

guarantees a particular care for every

and brings to life the BOBO CHOSES

strives to maintain. Importantly at the

piece of the collection.

world. In Mataró, Adriana Esperalba

same time, these garment artists are

studio OTTO&OLAF. As their curio-

manages a team, which makes possible

preserving their unique value crafts and


for BOBO CHOSES to currently be in

a revival of this art is conceived through

boy+girl. designed in venice beach,

the wardrobes and dreams of children

new applications, utilizing the fabric for

made locally in downtown los angeles.

from around the world.

a contemporary need.

crafted from natural fabrics of the highest

We ensure each creation is made ethical-

quality sourced from japanese, european


ly and responsibly with a conscious ap-

and american mills. clothes to live, play

Indikidual is a unisex capsule collection

proach to production in Asia.

and grow in. founder. after years of expe-

for all kids aged 3 months to 7 years. The

As part of future plan, ‘Udder’ will be

rience at ralph lauren, abc home, hurley

range allows for layering and encourages

looking at putting back into the Bali

and nike, christine chang was inspired

mixing and matching to create indivi-

community by supporting an Indone-

to create a children’s line with a distinct

dual looks and styles. All garments are

point of view. while boy is rooted in cali-

made using organic cotton and are desi-

fornia’s surf and skate culture, girl stems

gned to be practical and comfy as well as

from a simple, european sensibility. her

fashionable and expressive. All the pie-

to helping the environment of Bali. CAFFè D’ORZO

ces in the collection are nicknamed after

Orzo is a collection of dresses and pi-

little indikiduals that provided inspira-

nafores, completed by t-shirts, leggings

tion for the range. Say hello to Nodgers,

and cardigans suitable to be worn in


their daily lives and in special days.

Minty, Wriggles, Dogga Dogga and many others.

The forms are comfortable, simple but


at the same time unusual. The fabrics

BOBO CHOSES was created in 2008




nordic designers blafre




























































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