Ls community mtg 4 summary

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Meeting Summary Lake Stevens Downtown Subarea Plan & EIS Planned Action Ordinance

Stakeholder/Committee Meetings & Community Meeting #4 March 7, 2017


The fourth of the Lake Stevens Downtown Subarea Plan committees/stakeholders meetings and Community Meeting #4 was held on March 7, 2017 in Lake Stevens. During that period, the consultants presided over a total of four group meetings with the Executive Committee, Citizen Advisory Committee, and key stakeholders/property owners at the Community Center located at 1808 Main Street, Lake Stevens, Washington. The Community Meeting #4 was from 2:00 pm-7:30 pm at the Community Center and attended by over 60 community members.

Meetings and Workshop Purpose The purpose of the meetings and workshop was to: Review Study Purpose and Previous Meeting Summaries

Project Process &Schedule

Confirm Project Goals Present Land Use Alternatives (Low-High Range) and Circulation Framework Present Draft Implementation Strategy Review Next Steps Receive Public Comments and Fill Out Public Response Sheets Each meeting began with the consultants presentation of the project purpose process and schedule (shown above right); summar y of Community Meetings 1-3; review of the fundamental concepts and introduction of additional ref inement s for review and comment. Following the presentation, attendees discussed the implementation strategy and additional ref inement elements during a question and answer session and completed individual response sheets. Written response sheets were provided to all with the purpose of identifying individual preferences for the additional refinements.

Schedule - Early Momentum & Game Changing Projects

The following pages include: Response Sheet Tally from the March 7 Meetings Meetings and Response Sheet Comments


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