Portfolio 2013

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SHENGJUN.SHI @outlook.com

Master Student INDUSTRIAL & STRATEGIC DESIGN School of Arts, Design and Architecture Aalto University 2011 - now Bachelor of Arts PRODUCT DESIGN School of Arts and Design Beijing University of Technology 2006 - 2010 Byholmsgr채nden 5 D191 00580 HELSINKI Finland +358 44 506 0163

ABOUT ME Dear reader, Thank you for being interested in my portfolio. It is a display of my skills, my interests, what and how I designed, managed and directed through my career and study. I’m a passionate industrial designer, a empathic listener and keen investigator. I work by observing, experiencing, exploring and experimenting. I learn by doing and I believe in the power of visualization. I consider myself a responsible designer, so I aim to develop thoughtful, out-of-box, elegant solutions that fulfill the need of both the users and stakeholders. I love creating things that not only delight people but also resonate with their untold wish. I translate research into actionable design opportunity and strategic innovation, that stimulates business growth. I see the problems yet I cherish life and love. I’m thankful to failure for it brings success sooner. What else, I’m skilled in design process and I’m experienced in multi-disciplinary and cross-cultural teamwork. Here it is. Hope you enjoy my portfolio. Best, Shengjun

CONTENT ENGINE FACTORY REBUILD Rebuilding abandoned factory house into thriving business.

USER EXPERIENCE DESIGN Improving user experience in B2B context of emerging market.

HOIST DESIGN Industrial Design for Konecranes

MEMO - KEEPING MEMORIES ALIVE Strategic Innovation for Elderly Care in Kauniainen

USER-CENTERED DESIGN FOR PSYCHIATRIC PATIENTS Reducing psychiatric patients’ passiveness in inpatient clinics



BACHELOR’S GRADUATION DESIGN The Application of Chinese Lacquer Art in Modern Product Development

URBAN FURNITURE Redesigning Urban Furnitures of North 3rd Ring Road, Beijing

PUBLIC FACILITIES Transportation Bureau of Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province

CONTENT MAGNETEK Sports Glasses Design

USB STICK DESIGN ThinkCards, Capsule, IdeasTriple, The Chip

SOUVENIR Concept Design for the 50th Anniversary of BJUT

GUIDING SYSTEM Free Public Parks in Beijing


WATER PURIFIER Concept Design for Rescue and Relief

VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER An Environment Friendly Concept Design


BASIC SKILLS Material and Color Study Ergonomics Woodwork Metalwork and CNC 2D and 3D Modeling

ENGINE FACTORY REBUILD Rebuilding abandoned factory house into thriving business. Client: Wärtsilä 2013

The interdisciplinary project had a timeframe of 3 weeks. I was working with three business students and one computer engineer student to make proposal of how to reuse the company’s abandoned factory in Turku. We introduced a sustainable farm/restaurant to benefit both the community and the company’s image. A rebuilding plan, as well as a viable business plan was suggested. A scaled prototype was made to better display the concept.


ENGINE FACTORY REBUILD Rebuilding abandoned factory house into thriving business. Client: Wärtsilä 2013

One challenge in this project was how to introduce the idea to the client. After trying CAD modeling, I found it wasn’t the best approach. Then a scaled model was made. It worked well, for both validating and showcasing the design.

1. In-door plants framing area. 2. A overview of the model. 3. The lobby of the restaurant. 4. Sea-view cafe on the roof. 1

2 3



Workshop with trends/ cultural cards

Improving user experience in B2B context of emerging market. Client: Konecranes 2012

I was contributing to a team of three master students. In this project we studied field materials Prototype test

provided by the client, made in depth analysis, and delivered breaking through user experience solutions in B2B context of emerging market. Two sets of co-design tools were designed for this project - trend study cards and cultural study cards. We used the tools in a brainstorming workshop with our client, to define user experience target. A new solution was established to improve user experience. The solution was prototyped and tested with target users. To help the users better express their experience of using the new

User experience test tools

solution, we adopted semantic PrEmo tools. A holistic UX concept

An iterative design, based on the user test, was developed as a final result for the client.

HOIST DESIGN Improving user experience in B2B context of emerging market. Client: Konecranes 2012

This hoist design is a futuristic concept for Konecranes in the user experience project. The elements I chose for this deisgn, for example, the transparent hood, the shining lights and the vivid color, are aiming to serve the user experience targets.

Service System Map The service system map gives you an overview of the serivce in general.





You have the opportunity to send the book back to us. We will very carefully digitalise all your memories and stories, scanning in the pictures and we will look for your favourite music which we imbed into your website. activated and they can easily read your stories and see everything you left behind. In that way it is easy to share it with other family members. Stories, memories,

2. Step

Just go the posti and send it back to us!

how you can use it. You can keep the instructional manual in your book so you can always go back and get some inspiration. We hope that MEMO will help you to recapture your life. Tell your favourite stories, write about your beloved persons and giving your relatives an impression of your most

Send it back!

1. Step

MEMO gives you the chance and the freedom of leaving your memories, stories and thoughts behind. Every single item you own, can tell a story. Your favourite cup, which is in your family for more than 30 Years. Your white dress you bought on a trip to england. There is so much to be told. Leave something behind. MEMO is an emotional will, which you can use in addition to your legacy or just as your way of leaving your life behind. Something everyone will remember!




Strategic Innovation for Elderly Care in Kauniainen - A “365 Wellbeing” Project 2012

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

Stick one of them on your object you wanto to talk about and the other on suits your object best.

Keeping your memories alive

No matter how you will use it in the future, you can be sure that your moments in life will not be forgotten.

Memo Oy

3. Step Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

Memo will be charged

Helsingintie 20 02700 Helsinki, Finnland

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

Your Address:

memories you want to leave behind.

Digitalising content



Photos Notes


Geo Info



This project was intended to improve elderly people’s wellbeing in Kauniainen.

ing elitr, sed tur sadipsc amet, consete t ut labore et dolore dolor sit et invidun At vero eos Lorem ipsum y eirmod tempor voluptua. kasd Stet clita diam nonum m erat, sed diam sit et ea rebum. ipsum dolor magna aliquya duo dolores est Lorem et justo a sanctus accusam no sea takimat gubergren, ipsum dolor sit amet, amet. Lorem

We were a dedicated team of four. Instead of

Activating product

conservative design approaches towards Scan ... Match! Read memories

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

Filling book with content

By using QR code and a diary book, we tried to help connecting the physical and the virtual, the temporary and the eternity.

Florina Trost, Joakim Eriksson, Shengjun Shi, Tatu Vienamo

elderly care, after qualitative research and cocreate workshop with the elderlies, we chose an “unpleasant” topic - death and last will. We found that most people’s life is forgotten after they physically passed away. Love, care, memories and stories just vanished silently as days go by. Leaving behind some legacy that even their closest family member fails interpret. We came up with the “MEMO” solution, that enables people to “inject” memories into their beloved objects. By using QR code and a carefully planned diary book, we tried to help

Co-creation workshop with elderlies in Kauniainen


connecting the physical and the virtual, the Project Logo

temporary and the eternity. The process is meaningful itself to the elderly people, and their life and memories won’t pass away easily.


Interview and co-creating session with the patients.

“Cultural Probes” were distributed to the patients through nurses.

Reducing psychiatric patients’ passiveness in inpatient clinics - A “365 Wellbeing” Project 2011

In this school project I was working with an multi-cultural team: a Swedish-Finn, an Italian and a Korean. The topic “Reducing psychiatric patients’ passive-



ness in inpatient clinics” is defined by Concept selection with the patients


us through in depth observation and interview in the hospital. To find out what the patients need,


Identified stakeholders


we adopted a various range of service design tools in our work, such as cultural probes, co-creation, stakeholder maps, shadowing, contextual interviews, personas, storyboards and prototyping. We found the patients were usually bored in the wards due to lack of motivation, information and interaction. As a result, we created a visual tool for the patients to set their goal and

One step further: concept development

track their performance with the help of Prototype

nurses, during their days of recovery.

LONG LASTING CELLPHONE What would your phone look like if it would accompany you for 10 years? Wining Concept NOKIA DESIGN SPRINT 2012

NOKIA Design Sprint was an 1week intensive competition. I led a team of three that conducted design research regarding mobile device user behavior in long term. We thoroughly analyzed the requirement for design and human-device

CPU GPU Physically and emotionally enduring material

Breaking through technology


Frequent upgrade

relationship in the next ten years, with the emphasis on endurance, upgradability and emotional attachment. A concept design of mobile phone as an outcome illustrated the


teams’ vision on this topic.

Batt. Infrequent upgrade

Upgrade through Cloud Computing

With this concept we won the competition against seven other teams. The feature to enhance emotional attachment between the phone and the user was patented by NOKIA.

USER INTERFACE DESIGN Karaoke UI @ Thunderstone Inc. 2010

An interface concept

Thunderstone Technology (S) Pte Ltd is the biggest VOD (Video-OnDemand) system provider in China. The company holds the largest market share in China mainland, and the sales goes to Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia. I worked for Thunderstone’s inhouse R&D team as User Interface Designer, directly under the CEO, Chuan WANG’s supervision. Mr.

One iteration of the UI

WANG is very keen on users’ need, and is a visionary entrepreneur. Soon after my join, he founded Duokan, a now renowned eReader experience provider in China, with Mr. Lei Jun’s (the founder of Xiaomi) investment. The UI displayed here are a few of the touch screen interfaces that I designed during my stay.

Latest version

USER INTERFACE DESIGN eReader UI @ Thunderstone Inc. Client: Duokan 2010

Duokan is a eReader experience Media player UI

provide. Even though Amazon Kindle was never introduced to China mainland, there was a large number of Kindle device users, most of which cannot read English very well. So instead of producing its own device, Duokan started with releasing free testing firmwares on weekly basis for hacked Kindle devices. Since it was the only localized solution for Kindle, the users were more than happy to give feedback. I was responsible for the first

Main user interface

version UI design, which was the Duokan OS for Kindle

foundation of the Duokan user interface today.



A BRIEF INTRODUCTION (1 of 2): 1. Chinese lacquer has a history of almost seven thousands years, it was widely used in ancient Chinese’s everyday life. 2. Yet its popularity is getting lower in 3


modern life. My subject is to explore a way to apply this unique handicraft art to modern design. 3. I started a long journey searching for

The Application of

the origin of Chinese Lacquer Art.

Chinese Lacquer Art

4. I learnt how lacquer was collected from

in Modern Product Development

growing trees, and features about the natural crude lacquer.




5. It took a month to finish a lacquer plate. Since the lacquer can cause allergy to 80% of human-being, craftsmen has to carefully paint lacquer on the plate once a day. It takes 24hrs to become solid and ready for next round. 6. A girl is carving on the surface of a lacquer vase. The vase has been painted for more than 100 times so the surface was thick enough to be carved. 7. After polishing, the lacquer implement shines astonishing eastern glamour.



BACHELOR’S G R A D U AT I O N DESIGN A BRIEF INTRODUCTION (2 of 2): 8. Chinese lacquer is completely ecofriendly, yet the trees and juice are mildly toxic. An exposure by accident can make human itch for a week. That’s a good



reason to wait till the paint dries and becomes solid naturally. 9. Hanyin, a beautiful place where the best Chinese lacquer trees grow.

The Application of

10. A 70-year-old lacquer craftsmen was

Chinese Lacquer Art

more than happy to share his valuable

in Modern Product Development

experience with us. 11. It was never easy to get first hand




information. Mountains in southwestern China is a nightmare for cars. 12. Human labor was nowhere matching the need of mass production. A factory was trying out automated technology to produce the base for lacquer implements. 13. Computer guided laser machines are newcomers to the lacquer art industry. 14. Mass production is on its way, though there is a lot to be improved. Only low quality lacquer arts can be produced in this way.

BACHELOR’S G R A D U AT I O N DESIGN Chinese lacquer can be painted on almost any surface. Inspired by traditional stools found from the lacquer origin, I designed a series of chairs. The wood to be used is mainly from 20-year old lacquer trees, which are too aged to produce lacquer. The surface is brushed with natural lacquer using traditional techniques, yet the patterns are relatively modern. The aim is to make lacquer furniture fit into modern home environment and lifestyle.

BACHELOR’S G R A D U AT I O N DESIGN ◀ From sketches to prototype. ▼ A logo designed for the lacquer chair series. “Ki” is the pronunciation for lacquer in Chinese. The pattern is an old character for lacquer from 2000 years ago. The “⽉⽊木” shape stands for wood, the “⼈人“ shape stands for the cutting shape on lacquer trees, and the “⽔水” shape means the liquid of crude lacquer. The character itself is a noun, but the writing implies the process of cutting lacquer.

BACHELOR’S G R A D U AT I O N DESIGN To experience the traditional way of making a Chinese Lacquer Art, I spent two weeks building the structure of the chair, and a month brushing, polishing lacquer on its surface. The difficult part is, to ensure that the surface is smooth as a mirror, after each time the lacquer dries, the whole surface has to be polished.

BACHELOR’S G R A D U AT I O N DESIGN On the left: The chair after the last lacquer applied. On the right: Me, the chairs I made, at the exhibition booth Next page: The design of the full series of Ki Furniture

BACHELOR’S G R A D U AT I O N DESIGN To experience the traditional way of making a Chinese Lacquer Art, I spent two weeks building the structure of the chair, and a month brushing and polishing lacquer on its surface. The difficult part is, to ensure that the surface is smooth as a mirror, after each time the lacquer dries, the whole surface has to be polished.

URBAN FURNITURE Pedestrian Flow Chart

Redesigning Urban Furnitures of North 3rd Ring Road, Beijing 2007

In 2007, I worked on this renovation project as a student leader, a year before the Olympic Games. Due to poor initial planing and rapid development in the beginning of Architecture Functionality Chart

the 21st century, the existing urban furnitures can no longer fulfill the need of modern citizen. The goal of this project is to design a series of new urban furnitures to improve both the citizen’s wellbeing and the city’s image for the upcoming Olympic Games.

Sidewalk Distribution Chart

The student team has a workforce of 20-people. We collected massive amount of data at the field to ensure the validity of the design. By the end of the research, a long list of faults and errors of the existing plan were identified.

Existing Urban Furniture Distribution Chart

URBAN FURNITURE Redesigning Urban Furnitures of North 3rd Ring Road, Beijing 2007

The pictures shown were taken on the pedestrian way along North 3rd Ring in Beijing. These are a small part of the whole database. We marked/sketched on the pictures t h e o b v i o u s p ro b l e m s a n d suggestions of improvement.




URBAN FURNITURE Redesigning Urban Furnitures of North 3rd Ring Road, Beijing 2007 4


Based on the research, some design proposals of the new urban furniture


plan were suggested: 1. Dust bin with ash tray 2. Public phone stand 3. Bus shelter 5

4. Road block 5. Bicycle rack 6. Larger bus shelter




Client: Transportation Bureau Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province @ KUBOS DESIGN, BEIJING 2008

This project was assigned to me when I was working part-time at 1


Kubos Design, Beijing. The client was demanding a solution that is neat and modern. And above all, maximizing advertising income without sabotaging the city image. 1. Bus shelter 2. Road sign 3. Advertising stand 4. News board




Megnetek Sports Glasses is a concept design. The big idea is its major parts are connected by magnetic force. By doing so, when collision occurs during intense sports activity, the frame would break into pieces to absorb energy, hence the user is protected from harm. Exhibited at Visual Art Museum, College of Art and Design, BJUT


Think Card is an USB storage device of the size of an identity card. It can be easily unfolded and fit into a regular wallet. Cheap, durable, and easy to use. With its printable surface, the Think Card is an idea promotional gift. Designed for Lenovo Cup USB Storage Device Design Competition


Capsule is an USB storage device of the shape of a capsule. With antivirus coating, it is designed for medical environment. The cap is much heavier than the other parts of the device, so it tends to stand on flat surface like a tumbler. With its notable shape and standing-out color, it can be easily found when is needed.

Designed for Lenovo Cup USB Storage Device Design Competition


Ideas Triple is an expandable USB storage device. The main reason for its unique shape is the two extra USB ports, which allows instant data share possible. This is absolutely useful when files are required to be distributed to different U-Disk. Ideas Triple can save a lot time by delivering files at one time. Designed for Lenovo Cup USB Storage Device Design Competition


Capsule is an USB storage device of the shape of a capsule. With antivirus coating, it is designed for medical environment. The cap is much heavier than the other parts of the device, so it tends to stand on flat surface like a tumbler. With its notable shape and standing-out color, it can be easily found when is needed. Designed for Lenovo Cup USB Storage Device Design Competition

S O U V E N I R This concept, created in 2009, is a souvenir for BJUT, my university’s 50th anniversary celebration. The university was collecting design ideas for its pop-up souvenir stores. The design was a alarm clock with radio and audio input. It is cheap to produce, and meaningful to keep, and fulfills students’ daily needs.

GUIDING SYSTEM Client: Free Public Parks in Beijing @ KUBOS DESIGN, BEIJING 2008

These signs are designed for eight free public parks in Beijing. Each park had its own theme and special requirements, thus the design differs dramatically from each other. The guiding system includes: maps, road signs, direction signs, safety advices, warning signs, and information boards for certain places of interests.

R A D I AT I O N DETECTOR Client: Dadi Telecom @ AERO DESIGN, BEIJING 2008

This device is a Electromagnetic Radiation Detector. It was part of a reshaping product identity project for the client. This design was manufactured by the client as model TPT-8010a.

W AT E R PURIFIER Concept Design 2009 In early 2008, a terrifying earthquake took place in southwest China. A lot of people lost their home. Communication and transportation were long paralyzed. The shortage of drinking water was a serious problem for victims of such natural disasters. This cup provides an effortless way to self-rescue. With activated carbon, it purifies dirty water and makes it drinkable. It can be easily disassembled to replace activated carbon or to be disinfected through boiling.

V O LTA G E TRANSFORMER Concept Design 2009 EcoTransformer is a station of all chargers/voltage transformers. The idea was to integrate all of them together. EcoTransformer intelligently manages users’ need for charging, saves energy, lessens the hassle of matching charger for devices, and reduces greenhouse gas emission. The output wire can be replaced to adapt any device. The output voltage for each port can be adjusted effortlessly through the slider interface.


This Project was a pitch proposal for Aigo Inc. - a dominant 3C product manufacturer like Lenovo. This particular design was a flash memory media player for young generation. A rack on the back of the device can be replaced into an optional GPS module, or a TV antenna.


This 2D rendering was a pitch proposal for Aigo Inc. - a dominant 3C product manufacturer like Lenovo. This particular design was a flash memory media player, with the capability of TV and GPS receiving.

M AT E R I A L S AND COLORS Materials and colors are the letters and words of the language of industrial design. These colorful cubes are not functional in anyway, but a good reference of material and color for industrial designer. The cube were designed to abstract most products’ components into different parts that take 10%, 30% and 60% of the cube. Then materials and colors were applied to the cubes, create a discreet story of its function, and evokes feelings of the observer. For example, there are 5 product styles in the picture: A. Industry, tough B. Medical, hygiene C. Kids, mild D. Sports, young E. Feminine, gentle

ERGONOMICS Ergonomics is the most essential of human-centric design. It deals with the metrics of human body, and serves as a baseline of humanmachine interaction. The figures here are 3D and 2D tools I created based on Henry Dreyfuss’s Ergonomics data. They were tuned as statistically average sized man and woman, which can be place into 3D or 2D spaces to visually test usability of design.

WOODWORK This school project requires a wooden structure design that is centrosymmetric hexahedron, and must not exceed the limitation of 0.2 cubic-meter wood. The design that balances aesthetics, structure and least waste of material wins. Calculation and visualization were made through SolidWorks first. Hands on machinery operation was mandatory in this project. My winning concept is shown on the left. This project developed my interest and skills in woodwork, and was a reason that I chose making a chair as graduation design.

M E TA LW O R K AND CNC Metalwork Project: Getting hands on operating of lathing machine and milling machine. As an out come, a hammer was made from metal stick according to a provided blueprint. CNC Modeling: Learning practical knowledge of prototyping the design. As an outcome, a replica was made, with metallic finishing and screen-printed label.

2D & 3D RENDERING These were practices of high detail rendering skills. The software used were CorelDRAW, Photoshop and Rhinoceros.

T H A N K S A L O T F O R Y O U R T I M E A N D AT T E N T I O N . T O C O N TA C T M E : S H E N G J U N . S H I @ O U T L O O K . C O M

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