Amber Laris - What Does Chiropractic Treat?

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Amber Laris

Chiropractor and Osteopath INFORMATION SHEET


What Injuries and Illnesses Does Chiropractic Treat?

he reasons people seek chiropractic treatment can be many and varied: an injury may have been caused by an accident, repetitive movements or stress. This may in turn then result in pain or discomfort in muscles, joints or bones, or alternatively in tissues such as ligaments, tendons and cartilage.

Chiropractic, which is a non-invasive, drug-free, holistic form of treatment, is designed to address such musculoskeletal problems and focusses on restoring the proper functioning relationship between the nervous system and spine, with the body’s bones, organs, joints, tissues and muscles. It does this through restoring the proper alignment of the spine so that the body’s nervous system is able to function effectively and without irritation, which is achieved through the process of chiropractic alignment. This involves gentle, painless, directed force being applied to a

“Chiropractic is a noninvasive, drug-free form of manual treatment for injury and illness that is efficacious in addressing a wide variety of physical problems”

joint or vertebrae that is suffering from restricted movement, helping it gradually to regain normal motion, and bringing with it improved nervous system function. Therefore, there are particular types of injury or illness for which chiropractic is especially efficacious. Due to the nature of the treatment, back and neck pain are the most common reasons why patients seek chiropractic treatment. Back pain comes in many forms and its causes can likewise be wide and varied. For instance, it may have its roots in a skeletal problem affecting the proper function of the spine. This may be the result of a degenerative condition, such as spondylosis (also known as spinal osteoarthritis), or it may have ben caused by trauma or repetitive motions, as is the case with coccydynia. Alternatively, back pain may be caused by muscular problems as a result of injury, overuse or being used improperly, such as tendonitis or Piriformis Syndrome, conditions often suffered by runners and cyclists. Closely connected to this is facet joint sprain, back pain caused by damage to ligaments and other soft tissue, which may result from extreme physical activity, or activities that involve twisting, bending or lifting. Back pain caused by neurological problems

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