information sheet
New Styles in Ceramic Bathroom Tiles
he range, style and colour of ceramic tile that you can choose for your bathroom is rapidly expanding in exciting and dramatic ways. No longer is the choice simply between white, white and off-white. Some of the world’s leading and most innovative international ceramic tile manufacturers are branching out into a ranges and styles that are revitalising bathroom design. New ranges of ceramic bathroom tiles in stunning, luminous colours and decorated in a variety of intricate and sophisticated patterns are now available on the market in Australia, and are turning around the look of homes both old and new. These new luxury ranges of ceramic bathroom tiles by leading international
companies are eye-catching, ingenious and truly inspired. They come in an extensive array of stunning colours, and feature textured designs and shapes that make traditional bathroom tiles pale by comparison. Nevertheless, despite the fact that the design philosophy behind these new top-of-the-range ceramic bathroom tiles is unapologetically contemporary, the choice of colours, textures and imaginative patterning means that they enhance bathrooms in both ultra-modern and more traditionally designed homes. However, as these bathroom tiles are made by well-established and experienced manufacturers, you can rest assured that they also possess all of the qualities that make ceramic bathroom tiles the most effective means of both decorating and protecting your bathroom. As ceramic bathroom tiles are made from clay, fired and then covered with a glaze to make them waterproof, they help to prevent water and structural damage to your home caused by water seepage and damp. They are resistant to scratching and very easy to clean as well, as they