Direct Shutters - Roller Shutters Can Help to Protect Your Home from Bushfires

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Roller Shutters Can Help to Protect Your Home from Bushfires South Australia is a region of the country that is particularly prone to bushfires, and as a long hot summer approaches the risk will, unfortunately, only increase. However, there are steps that you can take that will help to protect your home in the event of a bushfire.

window shutters have a baked enamel paint finish and are injected with polyurethane foam, which means they are also resistant to flames, so as well as protecting your glass they can protect the fabric and structure of your home and form an additional line of defence.

Leading Australian manufacturers, such as OZRoll, have now produced a range of extruded aluminium roller window shutters Roller window shutters can provide that have been designed specifia valuable line of defence against cally for areas that are prone to bushfire risk. In November 2010, the dangers of fire. In extreme heat, windows will frequently crack the OZRoll AE401 range of shutters was tested by Australia’s or explode, meaning the glass will fall out of the frame, and so “Installing roller window flying sparks and burning embers shutters in your home can enter your home through the now-unprotected space. However, can go a long way bushfire resistant shutters have towards helping you to been shown to be able to withstand extreme radiant heat and protect your property if so prevent your window glass you live in a bushfirefrom breaking, thus providing a prone region of South stronger barrier against encroaching fire. In addition, aluminium Australia”

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