www.directshutters.com.au direct.shutters@three.com.au
Roller Shutters for Windows and Doors - FAQs There is a wide range of benefits to be gained from installing roller shutters on the windows and doors in your home, including enhanced security, a reduction in energy use, and added protection against fire. If you are considering installing roller window or door shutters, these FAQs will help you to make the right choice of shutter to suit your home and your lifestyle. How are roller shutters made? Roller shutters are manufactured from high-grade aluminium, and are insulated with high-density polyurethane. They are constructed as a system of interlocking slats, and have a fadeand scratch-resistant baked enamel paint finish. This means that shutters are extremely strong and durable, block up to 90% of the sun’s heat, and are able to stand up to a great deal of force. Are roller shutters made in Australia? A wide range of Australian-designed and -made roller shutters are available from reputable local shutter installers. You should always insist on high-quality Australian-made shutters for windows and doors from a reliable and well-established manufacturer, such as OZRoll and Croci.
What sort of properties suit roller shutters? As roller shutter design and construction is extremely versatile, it means they can be installed in practically any home, so no matter where you are living or the type of property you have, you can benefit from the added home security, reduced energy use and enhanced fire protection that roller shutters on your windows and doors provide. Are roller shutters easy to clean and maintain? Their sturdy construction from highgrade materials means that roller shutters last for many years and require very little maintenance. Surfaces have been finished in a baked enamel paint, meaning that they are extremely durable and can be easily cleaned every few months with a damp cloth or by spraying lightly with water. Do roller shutters allow you to control how much sunlight enters your home? Roller shutters, unlike some security bars and grilles, open fully so that you can control the amount of sunlight or breeze that you let in through your windows and doors at any time, while still maintaining a high degree of privacy when required.