“am I too old to see an orthodontist?�
people of any age can look great in braces!
Increasing numbers of Australian adults are seeking orthodontic treatment at a time in life when it was once thought both unnecessary and unfeasible. However, that situation is changing as a greater variety of treatment options become available and public perceptions shift. A healthy jaw and teeth are vital components of wellbeing and, as people increasingly live longer, they are starting to understand that there is no need to be beset by dental problems as a result of ageing. Essentially, this means there is no upper age limit for orthodontic treatment, or for having braces fitted.
Some patients who decide to have orthodontic treatment as an adult may have had a long-standing problem, but for one reason or another were unable to have braces in childhood or the teenage years, and so have made the decision later in life to rectify earlier problems. Alternatively, it is often the case that adults who had straight teeth when they were younger find that, as they get older, their teeth become either more crowded or more spaced. In either case, seeing an orthodontist to address these problems should be seen as a positive, simple step and is one that an increasing number of adults are taking. More often than not, it’s concern about the process of orthodontic treatment—and in particular, wearing braces—that prevents adults from seeking help. For some, it just doesn’t seem right somehow for an adult to have braces, as they’re are most often associated with adolescence (and, possibly, a good deal of teasing at school). Many adults simply feel embarrassed at the prospect of braces and for this reason avoid seeking orthodontic treatment that could Invisalign significantly impact on their quality of life.
aligners are virtually invisible
However, there are now a growing number of adults, some even very senior in years, who are wearing braces. Ironically, part of the reason that some people feel self-conscious about the prospect of braces, thinking that no-one else of their age has them, is that advances in technology now mean that braces are far less cumbersome and significantly less intrusive than ever before, and
now alongside traditional metal braces, we are able to offer hidden (lingual) braces, ceramic braces, and removable, clear Invisalign aligners. These more advanced, wearer-friendly braces are ideal for adults, as they don’t impact on your appearance and go undetected for much of the time.
in many cases are virtually invisible. This means that because they have become so much less noticeable, there’s a far greater number of people currently wearing braces than many of us are aware of. The way braces are made, fitted and worn has moved on significantly in recent years, and
ultimately receives the biggest boost from orthodontic treatment and braces. There is untold benefit to be gained from a healthy, happy smile, and if you have previously found yourself hesitant about smiling, newly straightened and evenly-spaced teeth will undoubtedly enhance your self-confidence. For most of our patients, the pay-off is worth overcoming any initial hesitation or embarrassment about having braces fitted.
lingual braces are fitted to the inside of your teeth
And for most people it is actually their physical appearance that
Another factor that makes some adults reluctant to explore the idea of braces is concern over the perceived discomfort, inconvenience and difficulty of keeping them clean. These may have once been legitimate causes for concern, but braces today are smaller and more compact and so don’t impact on everyday life to the extent that they once ceramic did. Additionally, a l t h o u g h braces are wearing braces popular does require a with adults robust dental
hygiene routine, the fact that they are now far less bulky makes this process simpler. Also, generally speaking, adults do tend to be more rigorous and disciplined when it comes to dental care routines than younger people (perhaps because they are better able to project into the future and see the end result), and so wearing braces shouldn’t present too many difficulties in this regard for most people. There are some physical challenges that adults face when undergoing orthodontic treatment that are not present for teenagers and children. In adults, the bones in the jaw have stopped growing so it could mean that it takes longer for an adult’s teeth to be straightened, but although teeth movement is slower as we get older, it is indeed still possible and so the outcomes are generally just as positive as in a much younger person. In fact, as straightening teeth at any age involves essentially the same processes, the length
of time required for a problem to be corrected depends far more on the patient’s individual condition than it does on age.
Orthodontic Network in Adelaide (ONiA) South Australia’s biggest orthodontic network
3rd Floor Bagot House 198 North Terrace Adelaide SA 5000 Ph: 08 8227 0336 Fax: 08 8227 1626
info@onia.com.au www.onia.com.au
It also needs to be remembered that, improved appearance aside, there can be significant oral health benefits to be gained from orthodontic treatment, irrespective of your age. For instance, correcting a problem with your bite will reduce uneven wear and tear on your teeth and can make eating and drinking much more comfortable as well. Overall therefore, if your teeth and gums are healthy, and the supporting structures are strong, there will generally nothing physically preventing you from having orthodontic treatment. The oral health benefits and boost to your confidence are immeasurable, and the process is far less traumatic than it might have been in your youth. And if you’re one of those people concerned about the effect that braces might have on your appearance, remember that (hopefully!) your adult friends and colleagues are likely to respond in far more positive manner than perhaps more immature friends during your school years might have!
This article was written and distributed by Cadogan and Hall, a team of freelance writers based in Adelaide, South Australia. We specialise in producing online content, websites, blogs, articles and press releases for small- and medium-sized buisnesses.
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