CADS Meeting Minutes 2016
January 17, 2016
CADS meeting held at Fox Field Equestrian Center 5313 Ave NW, Canal Fulton OH
The President
The meeting was called to order by President Cathy Suffecool at 1 PM on 1-17-16.
Roll Call
Cathy Suffecool, Claudia Grimes Lois Henson, Brooke Provance, Cindy Provance, Seana Fortune, Lori Moore, Vicky Ridge, Beverly Van Nieuwal, Brenda Rogers, Nicolette and Brielle Hemming
Treasurers Report
Old Business
$7857.84 current balance
2015 budgeted Fox Village Show software has been purchased on Jan. 17 2016, total cost $388.95 plus $75 access fee.
New Business The use or non use of plastic chains for indoor arena markers. Points made: Our chains are old and the cones holding them are even older. We can get new cones, however, we either have to buy in large lots, think 100, or smaller lots with a bigger price. Plus, the new cones do not come with split tops to put the chains into. That means we have to use duct tape to hold the chains in place. Use ground poles laid out, we would need to buy and paint those; or use PVC pipe, however VERY easily broken if stepped on Place large letters in a straight line out from the wall; however concern was raised that riders could possibly swerve around the letters. The down side to not using anything to line the arena is that the arena is slightly wider than standard, 1.35 meters wider. The concern was raised that riders could have trouble with circles. Resolution:
We are going to announce the width and encourage riders to be sure that they know how to do proper circles. The motion passed unanimously. We will have more announcements regarding ring size up to and including show season.
Qualifiers for the championship show. Proposed 3 scores to qualify for the Championship show! Intro thru level 1 - need 3 scores of 60%, from 3 different judges Second Level and up - need 3 scores of 58%, from 3 different judges. Resolution: Motion passed unanimously. Rules will be updated and announcements sent out with Q1 2016 before May show. USDF/USEF vaccine regulation incorporated into CADS Show series requirements. See link for more info.
New Logo style for polo shirts proposed. Shirts will be listed on website for purchase. Final cost and style to be determined – samples will be brought to Feb 13th meeting at Ridgewood Stables. Retail cost proposed to be $30 and under. Volunteer Alert – committees need help – sign up on web or contact Show themes: May – pet shelter donations, June – no theme, July – veterans organization donation, August – Cancer Pink, September – no theme Calendar Events updated on web: Noel Williams Jan 31, Foxfield Equestrian Center, April 2, Colleen Kelly Biomechanics, Foxfield Equestrian Center – riders are listed, Feb 13 – Musical Freestyle Tutorial 4 pm Ridgewood Stables, Susan Huffman Peacock Biomechanics – Summer date tbd. Challenges
TRAILER RAFFLE! Frontier Trailer and Dressage Foundation Fund Raiser. Ticket sellers needed. 10% of 300 tickets are sold. Website has PDF for printout and posting and distribution. There is no cash option to this raffle. Shadowing a board or committee meeting counts as volunteer hours and grooms a potential candidate for future positions. All positions can be shadowed from show organization, volunteer coordination, fund raising, marketing, journalism/networking, leadership, web creation.
Cathy has gotten a lot of positive feedback from judges about our shows and our club in general. The overall consensus is that CADS is very much liked and respected which is reflected in our continued growth in membership and show/event participation. It has been and continues to be stated how friendly and helpful everyone always is and well run the shows are.
Next meeting
Feb 13, 2016 combined with the Musical Tutorial event, Nickers, Nibbles and Notes�. Meeting is at 4 pm at Ridgewood Stables. Contact for info on the Musical portion of the meeting. (Riders, musical freestyle editing, etc)
Meeting Adjourned: Motion to adjourn was made, seconded and passed, the meeting adjourned at 2:15.