Cads rule book

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Classical Attraction Dressage Society (CADS) Guidelines 2016 Making Dreams Come True……... One Stride at a Time……… Happy Horses and Happy Riders

Pass it Forward…..

CADS Tel 330-309-0258

Po Box 225, Mt Eaton, OH 44659

Table of Contents

Contents To Our Members _____________________________________________________________ 1 CADS By-Laws ______________________________________________________________ 2 Volunteering ________________________________________________________________ 6 Advertising / Sponsorships _____________________________________________________ 7 USDF Region 2 Local Circuits Year End Awards Program Guidelines ____________________ 8 CADS Year End Awards ______________________________________________________ 11 Show Guidelines ____________________________________________________________ 16 FAQs _____________________________________________________________________ 19 Officers ___________________________________________________________________ 24 Company Information ________________________________________________________ 24

To Our Members

Pg. 01 “Engagement is a personal choice, the rewards are plentiful for both the parties� Anonymous

To Our Members Strategic Highlights The upcoming year is going to be a game changer. We are taking proactive steps to bring our dressage club to a new level. Adding a new look to our communications, offering new opportunities for the community and opening the doors to anyone willing to learn, have fun and progress their knowledge and talent of our sport.

Financial Highlights With a new committee and increased focus on profitability for educational purposes. We hope to increase the budget and keep expenses to a minimum. Advertising, sponsorships, increased memberships are all part of the 2015 plan.

Operating Highlights Our challenges will include the funding of a new arena for our shows. Offering a series of schooling shows per year and having a host stable with storage capabilities allows for less logistical difficulties.

Looking Ahead With a projected increase in membership we hope to offer a host of clinicians, shows, and educational events that will encourage our members to reach new heights.

Our 3 year plan is

to broaden our scope to work more closely with our national organizations and become involved in the region 2 activities either through hosting activities or volunteer activities.

Cathy Suffecool President January 1, 2015

CADS By-Laws

Pg. 02

CADS By-Laws Article 1: Name This organization shall be called the Classical Attraction Dressage Society, Inc. The abbreviation shall be known as CADS

Article 2: Purpose CADS shall be a non-profit organization for the purpose of learning, sharing knowledge and experience in and promoting the classical art of riding. The funds will be limited to but not restricted to, membership dues, clinics, shows, fund raising, demonstrations, sponsorships and community advertising for the purpose of encouraging a high standard of accomplishment in dressage throughout our area.

Article 3: Executive Officers The executive officers shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Each office shall be a one (1) year term which will expire with the December meeting. Nominations of officers will be by a member volunteering or a motion made to nominate a member. Voting will be by a majority ballot vole of the membership present.

Article 4: Duties of Officers The President shall preside over all meetings of the Society. They shall have the general management of the Society business and shall see that all resolutions and orders of the Executive Officers are carried out. The various committees needed by the Society shall be appointed by the President and the President shall be ex-officio member of all committees. The President shall have the general powers and duties normally vested in the office of the President of other corporations. The Vice President shall perform duties as assigned by the President and exercise the powers of the President in the event of his or her absence or inability to perform in a normal manner. .

The Secretary shall attend all meetings. He or she shall be required to keep true minutes of these proceedings for Society records. He or she will be responsible for all Society correspondence.

CADS By-Laws

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The Treasurer shall cause to keep accurate books and records of all Society receipts and disbursements. He or she shall see that all Society, state, and federal government requirements are complied with in so far as money matters are compiled once each year as specified by the President or a petition of membership.

Article 5: Functional Responsibilities of Executive Officers 

Executive officers shall exercise authority for instituting a system of control that enables each activity to function with or without supervision from the officers.

Establish operating policies and procedures

Analyze and anticipate the need for capital to insure adequate funds are available when needed

Plan for provision of funds and make recommendations concerning sources of such funds

Establish systems and procedures for monitoring and handling of cash receipts and disbursements

Establish and maintain efficient banking arrangements necessary for management of bank balance and other funds.

Article 6: Membership 

Membership is open to all persons interested in the purpose of this Society. Changes or modifications to membership may be made from time to time by motions and majority vote at an organization meeting.

Basic membership applies to one (1) person only. Membership entitles that member to one (1) voting right which is not transferable for any reason.

Any expenditure that is not on the CADS budget or that is over the budget must be approved by a 2/3 majority vote of the members in attendance at a regular meeting for disbursement of funds for said expenditures.

Article 7: Petitions Petitions may be filed by membership for any reason by a 2/3 signature count of all members.

CADS By-Laws

Pg. 04 Article 8: Meetings The order of business for all meetings shall be as follows: 

Call to order by President or presiding officer

Proof of notice of the meeting

Reading of the previous meeting’s minutes

Reports from Officers and Committee Chair persons

Old and unfinished business

New business

Motion to close the meeting and adjournment

Article 9: Special Meetings Special meetings may be called by Executive Officers by a majority vote of the membership through a petition of at least 1/10 of the voting members. Notice of said meeting shall be posted at least thirty (30) days prior with announced time, place and purpose of business to be transacted at such meetings. Proxies will not be honored by the club in any matters.

Article 10: Dissolution of Classical Attraction Dressage Society A petition for dissolution of the Society may be presented in writing at a general meeting by a member in good standing. The petition must contain the signatures of 2/3 of the total membership. Upon the receipt of the petition the Society shall act upon the petition at the next meeting. The Classical Attraction Dressage Society shall be considered dissolved if 2/3 of the total membership vote in favor of dissolution. The effective date of dissolution shall be thirty (30) days from the vote, thus allowing for the disposal of assets and liabilities. In the event of dissolution of the Society, all assets of the organization remaining after payment of all obligations shall be distributed within the meaning of section 501 9c) (4) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code. Any remaining funds will be given to The Dressage Foundation 1314 O Street Suite 305, Lincoln, NE 68508, to be placed in a fund of need.

CADS By-Laws

Pg. 05 Article 11: By-Laws

The CADS By-Laws may be amended by a 2/3 majority vote of the membership in attendance at a regular meeting.


Pg. 06

Volunteering CADS is based on a volunteer membership. Members and/or family members are encouraged to get involved. Family members can donate their CADS cash. Each show is run entirely by volunteers and logs up to 84 hours of work from setup to tear down. Special committees are also comprised of volunteers. The benefits of volunteering are endless, not to mention the teamwork and friendships it builds. Each volunteer hour worked = one CADS Cash coupon. Below are a few areas that members can lend their support to. For more examples of duties check out the FAQ section at the end of this book. •

Help set up and tear down arenas at horseshows

Run tests from the judge to the score keepers

Ring Stewards / Warmup areas

Help coordinate events / host a clinic

Offer to video members rides

Be a demo rider

Tabulators / Scribes

Sign up on a committee

Be an official show reader for riders – keep log of rides read for credit

Attend a monthly meeting - $1 CADS per meeting

Write a board approved article for the Corral or web page

And more……..

Other guidelines on obtaining volunteer hours: •

Fellow CADS members can donate earned CADS Cash coupons to another CADS members

Executive Officers are not exempt from obtaining the min 6 volunteer hours when qualifying any yearly awards where volunteerism as a required element.

Hours are worked in 1 hour increments during the day and must be officially logged by Show Manager and posted by Web Master

Official logs will be updated and posted on the website.

Advertising / Sponsorships

Pg. 07

Advertising / Sponsorships Advertising and Sponsorships receive website exposure and newsletter announcements throughout the year. features a special tab Sponsors / Ads / Classifieds for visitors to directly link to businesses and organizations. Sponsors are given special recognition in the CADS Circle of Friends which also includes a link to a business or personal site. The Buy Classes / Show Entry Form / Donate tab is where visitors can submit donations, purchase memberships, purchase show classes, etc via the web.

CADS_sponsorship_ page.docx

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USDF Region 2 Local Circuits Year End Awards Program Guidelines

USDF Region 2 Local Circuits Year End Awards Program Guidelines USDF has a wonderful program specifically designed for USDF Region members who compete at schooling shows. See details below:

1. Purpose Regional and Local Levels a. help provide funds for Region 2 GMO Educational Programs b. provide a standard set of classes throughout the region that will count toward Region 2 Local Circuits Year End Awards c.

Encourage local competition managers to put together a series of schooling dressage competitions that will provide competitors with a standard quality of classes and judges

d. Allow local competitor’s scores to compete on a regional level without leaving their home circuit e. Encourage the competitor to improve their skills, gain show experience and confidence to move up to USDF/USAE rated shows f.

Provide a venue to educate and train a base of show volunteers: scribes, gatekeepers, scorers, bit checkers; etc for local and the USDF/USEF recognized shows

g. Encourage local competition managers to provide a series of dressage competitions that will coordinate dates, judges and have a standard set of classes which may be used toward Region 2 Local Circuit Year End Awards. h. Encourage riders to join a local GMO (Group Member Organization of the USDF)

2. Horse and Rider Eligibility Requirements a. Competitor must be a current or new member of a local GMO to compete for Region 2 Local Circuit Year End Awards b. Competitor is responsible for following the rules and completing the requirements of the local shows c.

If competing in Musical Freestyle, competitor must sent to Point Person a copy of a score of 60% or above of the highest test in the level they wish to compete.

d. Competitor may compete in two adjacent levels on the same horse

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USDF Region 2 Local Circuits Year End Awards Program Guidelines e. Competitor may show more than one horse. EACH horse/rider combination MUST compete the registration form and send to the Region 2 Points Person. f.

A horse may be shown by up to two competitors. EACH horse/rider combination MUST complete the registration form and send to the Region 2 Points Person.

g. Competitor must send a COMPLETED Region 2 Local Circuit Registration Form for each horse/rider combination to the Region 2 Point Person with a check for $25.00 for each LEVEL or $45.00 for TWO LEVELS before they are eligible to receive points. h. Rider MUST fill out a Region 2 Year End High Point Awards Show Form for each competition i.

Rider must include a readable front copy of each test to be used for Year-end Awards.


To qualify for Year End Awards a Minimum of four (4) tests scores per level are needed


Horse/Rider combinations that have shown at USDFUSEF recognized competitions Second Level and above are NOT eligible to compete in Intro and Training Level for Region 2 Local Circuit Year End Awards.

3. Class Eligibility a. Standard set of Classes i. USDF Intro A, B,& C ii. Training Level Tests 1 – 3 iii. First Level Tests 1 – 3 iv. Second Level Tests 1 – 3 v. Dressage Horse in Hand (3yrs and Under) vi. Dressage Horse in Hand (4 yrs and Over) vii. Musical Freestyles (state level) b. Musical Rides include Freestyles, Pas de Deux, Quadrilles. (Musical rides may be divided, if warranted) c.

Any restrictive classes are NOT eligible for Region 2 local Circuit Year End Awards.

d. Competition Managers may provide Junior (18 & under), Senior (19 & over), Open and Adult Amateur Division if the entries warrant. Points will follow the competitor in Open or combined classes.

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USDF Region 2 Local Circuits Year End Awards Program Guidelines e. Dressage Horse in Hand is OPEN to all horses to be shown individually on the Triangle in the appropriate headstall (Weanlings and Yearlings are shown in a halter. Two year old and up are shown in a bridle). The competition managers reserve the right to accept / decline an entry that may present an unsafe situation for competitors and horses. f.

USDF/USEF recognized classes are NOT eligible for this awards program.

g. The competitions are required to have a minimum of an L graduate Judge. h. A summary of Region 2 Local Circuit Year End Awards Guidelines and a copy of the Registration form may be reprinted. i.

A complete Region 2 Local Circuit year End Awards Regulations will be emmailed upon request.

4. YEAR END AWARDS a. Awards will be given to the top 10 riders in each Level for Junior (18 & under), Senior (19-49), Open, Adult-Amateur and Vintage (A/A or Open 50 yrs and over). Divisions based on their Averaged Percentage Score if entrants warrant. Divisions may be combined if entries warrant. b. Awards will be given to the top 10 dressage horses in hand in each of the two levels (3 yrs & under and 4 yrs & over) based on their Averaged Percentage Score if entrants warrant c.

Three (3) scores per Level are needed to qualify for Year End Awards

d. Award results will be published on the Region 2 Website and may be print in local GMO newsletters e. Awards will be mailed to the recipient f.

Show year will be from November 1 to October 31

g. CONTACT: Catherine B Jacob 7230 Cincinnati-Brookville Rd, Okeana, OH 45053 513.738.2746

5. FORMS a. See addendums at end of guidebook or call /email Cathy for updated forms.

CADS Year End Awards

Pg. 11

CADS Year End Awards General Guidelines – please refer to a specific year end award for further details •

Awards are presented at the annual CADS Banquet

Must be a CADS member at the time scores are attained to be able to submit scores

Members must have 6 CADS Cash coupons documented during competition year

Scores/Test Fronts must be submitted / scanned to October 15

Any show judged by a L-Card or above judge may be considered; including Championship Shows and Regional Scores unless notated otherwise in the specific award criteria

Ties will be broken by the highest individual test score of the tied parties

If scores are from a panel of judges, the combined average will be used as a single score submission

Award submissions must be submitted by the competitor seeking the award

Champion/Reserve/Third through Tenth: Ribbons /Gifts included for Champion and Reserve honors •

Highest Average score at a single level

Competitor may qualify at various levels for year end awards

Only CADS show scores qualify, including the Championship Show

5 test scores

3 different judges

If a panel of judges scored a test, the average score will be submitted

Judges must hold an L-Card or above with USDF/USEF

3 divisions represented: •

Young Rider, Adult Amateur and Open

CADS Year End Awards

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Horse of the Year: Ribbon/Plaque •

Highest Average score at a single level

Minimum of 3 CADS show scores

Recognized Shows accepted

Championship Show scores accepted

5 total test scores

3 different judges

If 2 judges scored a test the average of the two will be submitted

Judges must hold an L-Card or above with USDF/USEF

3 divisions represented: •

Young Rider, Adult Amateur and Open

Same horse/rider combination may only win award twice •

After second win – horse/rider are retired to the “Hall of Fame”

Vintage Rider Award: Plaque – date of birth required •

Highest Average score at a single level

Rider must be minimum 50 yrs of age

Minimum of 3 CADS show scores

Recognized Shows accepted

Championship Show scores accepted

5 total test scores

2 different judges •

If 2 judges scored a test, the average of the two will be submitted

Judges must hold an L-Card or above with USDF/USEF

Equestrian Education Award: $100 Scholarship •

Score improvement

Minimum 6 hours volunteer time, non CADS related

Reading material

Clinic attendance


CADS Year End Awards

Pg. 13

Recognized Show Award: Gift – Single Award •

Highest Average score at a single level

Recognized show scores only

5 test scores

3 different judges •

If 2 judges scored a test, the average of the two will be submitted

Judges must hold an L-Card or above with USDF/USEF

Young Rider, Adult Amateur and Open riders are eligible

Adult Amateur Owner/Trainer Award: Trophy Donated by Jeanne Fashempour •

Highest Average score at a single level

Any schooling or recognized show scores accepted •

Attending one CADS show mandatory (score not mandatory)

2 test scores •

If 2 judges scored a test the average of the two will be submitted

Judges must hold an L-Card or above with USDF/USEF

Owner is primary trainer and primary rider of horse

High Point Arab/Arab Cross Award: Revolving Trophy Donated by Halle Clause •

Highest Average score at a single level, Training Level or above

Any schooling or recognized show scores accepted

4 test scores

4 different judges •

If 2 judges scored a test the average of the two will be submitted

Judges must hold an L-Card or above with USDF/USEF

Horse must be registered Arab or ½ registered Arab with proper registration papers

This is a revolving award and must be returned to CADS in good presentable condition

CADS Year End Awards

Pg. 14

Ridgewood Stable Competitor High Point Award: Display Trophy Donated by CADS – displayed at Ridgewood Stables •

Highest average score at a CADS Schooling Show

Youth Rider – up to 21 yrs of age

Adult Amateur

4 test scores from CADS Schooling shows

4 different judges


If 2 judges scored a test the average of the two will be submitted

Board at Ridgewood Stables

Board at Ridgewood Stables

Take lessons on owned horse or schooling horse at Ridgewood Stables


CADS Level Achievement Pin Awards Donated by CADS and DC Equestrian Imports Level Achievements are based on obtaining a designated number of scores at either schooling shows or recognized shows. This is a personal achievement award. A Lapel pin is awarded with a Certificate of Achievement to the CADS member for each level obtained. The award is presented when enough scores are turned in to the award committee. Pins can be received during a show if requested. All honorees will be mentioned and presented with their Certificates at the Year End CADS banquet, it is up to the Rider when they want to turn in their scores. A picture of the Rider will be posted on the website in the Awards section. Requirements to obtain a CADS “SILVER” Lapel Pin include: •

7 scores at or above 62%

The average score from tests scored by more than one judge will be used

Schooling, Recognized and/or Championship show test scores are submitted

Riders must be a member of CADS to receive an achievement lapel pin

All USDF, USEF, FEI and WDAA levels are applicable

Various horses may be ridden but the rider must always be the same

More than one level can be ridden throughout the year

CADS Year End Awards

Pg. 15 •

Each pin represents completion of one level

Date on scores can be retroactive up to 1 year

Requirements to obtain a CADS “GOLDEN” Lapel Pin include: •

7 scores at or above 70%

The average score from tests scored by more than one judge will be used

Schooling, Recognized and/or Championship show test scores are submitted

Riders must be a member of CADS to receive an achievement lapel pin

All USDF, USEF, FEI and WDAA levels are applicable

Various horses may be ridden but the rider must always be the same

More than one level can be ridden throughout the year

Each pin represents completion of one level

Date on scores can be retroactive up to 1 year

Special note: 70% Scores used to obtain a SILVER lapel pin may be re-submitted for a “GOLDEN” lapel pin if the dates are within the two year range when submitted.


Musical Freestyle Champion/Reserve/Third through Sixth: Ribbons included for Champion and Reserve honors •

Highest Average score at a single level with same horse / rider combination

Competitor may qualify at various levels for year end awards

Schooling, Recognized and/or Championship show test scores are submitted

3 freestyle test scores

Horse/rider combo must have 2 non-freestyle scores in the same level of 60% and above to qualify for a freestyle award

3 different judges

If a panel of judges scored a test, the average score will be submitted

Judges must hold an L-Card or above with USDF/USEF

3 divisions represented: •

Young Rider, Adult Amateur and Open

Show Guidelines

Pg. 16

Show Guidelines Mandatory Proof of Negative Coggins Test (EIA) Required with Show Entry

USEF rule GR907.3 has

been updated to include the following statement: “For Dressage Competitions, any documentation such as negative EIA certification that is required for entry to a competition must list the same horse name and description as is listed on the entry blank and on the USEF horse identification or recording documents.” Be sure the horse's registered USEF name is clearly marked. Do not use your horse’s "barn name." Show Numbers Competitors’ horses must have show number on at ALL times when out of stall Safety Helmets Required ALL MOUNTED riders (competitors and non-competitors) must wear protective headgear. USEF Rule DR120.5 and in compliance with GR801. ( ALL riders 18 years of age or under, must wear ASTM/ SEI Helmets regardless of competition level ridden. ALL adult riders must wear ASTM/SEI Helmets. Schooling Shows require ALL MOUNTED RIDERS to wear approved ASTM/SEI Helmets regardless of competition level. Liability Release ALL Competitors must physically sign the Liability Release before each show entered. Website submissions do not include final signature and need to be signed at show registration or before.

Competitors 

CADS schooling shows are open to all members and non-members.

Only CADS Members may qualify for the Championship shows at the end of the year o


Active membership required at time qualifying scores are earned

Open to all aged competitors.

CADS members will be given a coupon discount code to be applied to any class entry purchases submitted through the STORE on the website

Show Guidelines

Pg. 17 Show Awards 

Each class will be awarded up to 6 places with ribbons

(1) High Point score per horseshow will be awarded

Scores being submitted for Year End Awards must be earned as a member in good standing – membership application and show application may be submitted at the same time to be considered

Ride Times The ride times will be posted on the website the Tues/Wed before the Show Date. Check Always check the ride times before the show and upon arriving at the show to ensure your class times have not been changed. Show arenas will be available for schooling the evening before the show as well as up to 30 minutes before the first ride time on show day.

Volunteers The volunteer duties will be assigned and communicated by Wed/Thurs before the Show Date and will be updated with any additions up to the show date as possible. A document will house a running total of all volunteer hours and duties attained throughout the year and be available for public view. The document will be posted on the website and updated accordingly. See Volunteer section for more info.

Location CADS will list all show locations and dates on the website prior to Feb 1 of each calendar year. Go to www.cadsdressage,org

Championship Shows 

All divisions represented; Young Rider, Adult Amateur and Open

All qualifying scores must be earned as a CADS member in good standing

Qualifying scores are: o

3 tests of 60% or better in a level


2 different judges


CADS show scores only 

Qualifying shows are May, June, July, August, Sep

Show Guidelines

Pg. 18 

Horse/Rider combination must be unique, no substitute rider scores permitted

Same horse with different riders at different levels may qualify

Consecutive levels can be qualified for i.e. Intro / Training or Training / First etc

Tests may or may not be memorized

Formal attire and braiding are required

The highest level test of each level will be ridden at the Show for each division:


Intro – Test C


Training – Test 3


First – Test 3


Second – Test 3


Third – Test 3


WDAA Intro – Test 4


WDAA Basic – Test 4


WDAA Level 1 – Test 4


WDAA Level 2 – Test 4


WDAA Level 3 – Test 4


Musical Freestyle – Each Level Represented

Ten ribbon placings for each division and level. Ribbons are given out at the Championship Show with pictures taken of class winners, individual and group if possible. Special Recognition at the CADS Year End Banquet also given.


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FAQs Can I ride more than one horse to qualify for awards? You can ride more than one horse for certain awards, please refer to the Year End Awards section to choose the award you desire and review the requirements.

I am disabled can I ride a Para-Dressage Test? Yes, please email the show committee at with the test selection(s) you would like to ride and we will obtain the correct score sheet for our judges. The Para Dressage Tests are not listed on the show form or website at this time but CADS will be happy to offer them to any riders.

Do I have to wear a helmet if I am in the warmup ring? Yes, all mounted riders must wear an approved helmet. For details please refer to the USEF helmet guidelines at

What kind of meetings do you hold? We hold a variety of meetings. Open meetings are open to all members and are held either at a members house or stable. At specific stable meetings you may be able to bring your horse (for a small ring fee $10 and negative Coggins) and enjoy riding with other members, this could be a trail ride, cross country event, arena time, etc. Special committees hold their own meetings to meet their project deadlines. Executive members and assigned staff will also hold separate budget meetings.

I just joined CADS, what do I do now? Bookmark our web page in your favorites and make sure your email address is up to date with us. We are eco-friendly and try to stay as green as possible. The majority of club information can be found on the web/social media/email. Connect with us on Facebook. This is a fast way of getting information out in the event of a time change for an event. Check your email, we send newsletters to our members to keep them informed. Next look at our show calendar and mark, not only the show days, but the opening and closing dates. You need to send in the show entry form with payment via snail mail or purchase online. Check that your entry is post-marked by the closing date or purchased online by midnight. Online purchasing is convenient if you are


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getting close to the closing date. Purchase your classes, office fee and stall reservations on line (use MYCADS coupon code if you are a member), fill out the show entry form with your horse information and click submit. You will be asked to physically sign the form before the show for liability insurance. We accept all credit cards and paypal. Your ride times will be posted and/or sent via email the Wed before the show.

How do I know what level to enter? And what do I need to enter? Your best bet is to ask your trainer or coach. If you’ve never shown at a dressage show before, you may want to start with either Intro or Training levels. Please check out the current dressage tests using the link on our webpage. Try out the tests and see where YOU feel the most comfortable.

Go to the web page and click on the forms. You can either fill it out and mail it in to the address on the bottom of form or email the form to us. We do need to have a negative Coggins form with your first entry. The show Mgr will keep it on file, however, it is your responsibility to ensure it is up to date during the show season. If we see it is expired when you submit a show entry we will let you know and a current copy will need to be presented before you can show. You can pay for your classes by either check or credit card using the printable form or you may pay online with a credit card and scan the completed form to the email contact. We do try and make it easy for you! Please remember the actual entry form and Coggins must be submitted either by snail mail or email by the closing date or you will be on the waiting list.

Payment alone does not

reserve a spot in the show.

I need a stall who do I pay? How do I reserve one? You can also reserve a stall when you send in your entry. Bedding will provided, but you may want to make sure you have a bucket for water. You can pay for your stall when you send in your entry, but be aware, there are a limited number of stalls. Payable process is still being worked out, either through CADS or direct pay. Please check the website show purchasing selections for up to date information or contact the show manager direct.

I can’t come to the show what do I do? If you need to scratch BEFORE the closing date, just call us and we will return your entry. If you need to scratch after the show closes, we will need a vet excuse for your horse or doctor’s


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excuse if it is for you. We need to have this NO LATER than 3 days after the show to refund your money.

It’s show day, what do I do? Park in the designated trailer area for the show and come into the show office to complete any necessary paperwork, receive your competitor number, compliance tags and check for your stall #, if you reserved one. The Stable manager will have a chart available showing where your stall is located. There will be numerous volunteers available to answer any questions you may have. 2015 New Procedure: Bring your bridle, bit and whip that you will be using that day to the show office. This is when you get your bridle and whip tag (Classical or Western) to ensure compliance to the USDF/USEF regulations. One-handed / two-handed Western requirements will also be notated. Important: If you entered online and did not scan your negative Coggins copy to the show secretary or did not have your copy back from the vet yet, PLEASE bring your negative Coggins to the office BEFORE you unload your horse.

What if I need help with my horse or I need a reader last minute? Just Ask! There is always someone to give you a hand! We all want to make sure that both you and your horse have the best time possible. If your reader is tied up or you decide at the last minute you would like a reader, let us know in the office or ask the ring steward. There is someone available to read that has done it before, we just need to know you would like a reader.

Where do I get my test scores? Tests are tabulated and posted on the score sheets in the lounge of the host stable. Ribbons, and score sheets for each class are laid out on the results tables

Do I need to stay until the end of the show? No. Unless you are volunteering and are scheduled for show closing activities you do not have to stay after you have received your class results and ribbons. If you have to leave early and would like us to send your ribbons and scores to you we will be happy to, we understand timing is not always the best. The concession stand will stay open until the end of the show.


Pg. 22 Why do I need to volunteer? How many do I need?

For Year End award qualification members need to fulfill 6 volunteer hours. Volunteer hours must be in place and submitted with show form or award forms.

What kind of activities are considered for volunteering? There are a number of volunteer jobs that need to be covered throughout the year. See below for some examples and refer to the Volunteer section of this book for more info. Ring steward: check in the rider at the entrance to the ring, make sure they have their bridle tag, open the gate as one rider finishes and the next one is getting ready to start. You can also let the riders know if the judge is running ahead or behind schedule and help prohibit delays by keeping riders on deck ready for the rides. Runner: After 2 rides, collect the score sheets from the scribe, and take them to the tabulator. You may also be asked to have a judge look at tied rides and determine which one is the winner. Scribe: Sit next to the judge and record her comments and scores for each movement. While this a very interesting job, it is also the most technical. If you are interested in doing this, we would recommend that you do some practice scribing with your trainer, followed by doing some shadow scribing by sitting behind the judge and scribe to see if you can keep up. This is also if the judge permits the practice. Tabulator: If you like numbers, this is your job! You tabulate the score for each rider, rank each class at it closes, post the scores and set the comment sheet and correct ribbon for each rider.

Do I need a fancy coat or anything special to wear? What is the difference between casual and formal attire? You don’t need fancy clothes to show with us!! At our regular shows, you’ll see riders wearing jackets or just a shirt and breeches, however, ALL RIDERS MUST WEAR APPROVED ASTM HELMETS WHEN MOUNTED AND ALL RIDERS MUST WEAR BOOTS WHEN MOUNTED. As far as coats or not, that is up to you, a solid colored shirt with a collar and breeches is suggested. Breeches can range in colors from white to beige to tan to black. While you don’t need to wear a jacket, if you would like to wear one, the suggested colors are black or dark navy.


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For our championship show, we like formal attire. This is white or light colored breeches, a dark jacket, and a stock necktie. If you’ve been riding hunt seat, you probably have tan breeches and a dark coat. If you would like to borrow a dark jacket, please check with the show manger, some of us have extra jackets for the lending. A black vest with either a necktie, for men, or stock tie, is also appropriate. Western riders are required to wear boots appropriate to your discipline and an ASTM approved helmet while mounted. A collared Western shirt and pants are also fine. For the Championship show, you can dress up your shirt and pants. If you would like to wear an equitation suit, it must have a collar. You may also use a neckerchief, bolo tie, or pin. Horses: Formal attire includes braids.

The show year is over what’s next? It’s Year End Banquet time. Gather all your score sheets, CADS Cash and get ready to have some fun! If you are applying for Year End Awards, check out the requirements and follow the instructions/forms for each award and Good Luck. You can also renew your membership for next year!


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Officers Cathy Suffecool President

Marty Jo Harris Vice President

Serina Yoder Treasurer

Barb Tuskas Secretary

Company Information CADS Po Box 225, Mt Eaton, OH 44659 Tel 330-309-0258

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Company Information

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