Construction truck

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Using Virtual Reality to Evaluate Construction Truck Accessibility 以互動式虛擬實境驗證卡車在工地動線之安全性

Using Virtual Reality to Evaluate Construction Truck Accessibility 以互動式虛擬實境驗證卡車在工地動線之安全性

Related references

1. P. Rouchon, M. Fliess, J. Levine, P. Martin (1993). “Flatness and motion planning: the car with n trailers,” ECC'93, Groningen, Citeseer. 2. Hung, W.H., Kang, S.C. (2010). “General modeling methods for single and multiple cranes using multibody dynamics,” Automation in Construction. 3. Haytham M. Sanad, Mohammad A. Ammar, Moheeb E. Ibrahim (2008). ”Optimal construction site layout considering safety and environmental aspects,” JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT, 134(7), 536-544.

Using Virtual Reality to Evaluate Construction Truck Accessibility 以互動式虛擬實境驗證卡車在工地動線之安全性 在工程施工階段,臨時設施之空間安排與時間排程為基地規劃之重要考量項目。在過 去研究裡,前人已發展出多種方法來解決基地規劃之困難,但未曾探討過運輸車輛之 動線規劃問題,而該考量因素對於時間成本與工地安全皆有顯著影響。因此,本篇研 究目標即為發展一平台,以互動式虛擬實境技術來測試聯結卡車運輸動線規劃之安全 性。研究中主要分為卡車模型建置與虛擬環境安全性測試:前者整合繪圖引擎Microsoft XNA與物理引擎NVIDIA PhysX來建置虛擬聯結卡車物理模型,並與過去文獻提供 之聯結車數學模型進行比較。後者於虛擬工地場景中,以搖桿操縱聯結卡車路線,並 藉卡車與場景間之碰撞偵測進行狹窄路段測試,過程中經由顏色提醒各路線危險區段 ,並輸出成易於瞭解之圖像。經過測試後發現,預先模擬可幫助工程在設計階段即發 現潛在安全性與車輛可及性問題,以避免規劃缺失造成之成本浪費。

�The mathematical model of tractor-trailer

Using Virtual Reality to Evaluate Construction Truck Accessibility

Construction site layout is concerned with the existence, positioning, and timing of the temporary facilities that are used to carry out a construction project. Previous researchers have developed many approaches to solve these difficult problems. However the accessibility of transportation, which can significantly influence the time cost and safety of the transportation, hasn’t been discussed yet. Therefore, this research aims to develop a virtual testing environment for the accessibility of theoretical site layout. We integrated two program libraries, which are Microsoft XNA and NVIDIA PhysX, to implement the proposed idea. A model for tractor-trailer was built to simulate the physical behaviors of a tractor-trailer. We also compared the mathematical model of the tractor-trailer to our developed model. An example case of construction site was chosen to demonstrate the feasibility of developed method. Through the simulation, we found that the method can find out the potential problem of accessibility earlier in the designing stage to decrease the cost caused by inappropriate site planning.

Result of implementation in 3D environment

Using Virtual Reality to Evaluate Construction Truck Accessibility The physical model of tractor-trailer front

The physical model of tractor-trailer rear

Calculation range of collision detection

Shih-Chung Jessy Kang

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